Esempio n. 1
// update text entry values for RGB/HSL (can't be done in ::draw () since this overwrites input
void LLFloaterColorPicker::updateTextEntry ()
	// set values in spinners
	getChild<LLUICtrl>("rspin")->setValue(( getCurR () * 255.0f ) );
	getChild<LLUICtrl>("gspin")->setValue(( getCurG () * 255.0f ) );
	getChild<LLUICtrl>("bspin")->setValue(( getCurB () * 255.0f ) );
	getChild<LLUICtrl>("hspin")->setValue(( getCurH () * 360.0f ) );
	getChild<LLUICtrl>("sspin")->setValue(( getCurS () * 100.0f ) );
	getChild<LLUICtrl>("lspin")->setValue(( getCurL () * 100.0f ) );
	getChild<LLUICtrl>("hexval")->setValue(RGBToHex(getCurR() * 255, getCurG() * 255, getCurB() * 255));
// update text entry values for RGB/HSL (can't be done in ::draw () since this overwrites input
void LLFloaterColorPicker::updateTextEntry ()
	// set values in spinners
	getChild<LLUICtrl>("rspin")->setValue(( getCurR () * 255.0f ) );
	getChild<LLUICtrl>("gspin")->setValue(( getCurG () * 255.0f ) );
	getChild<LLUICtrl>("bspin")->setValue(( getCurB () * 255.0f ) );
	getChild<LLUICtrl>("hspin")->setValue(( getCurH () * 360.0f ) );
	getChild<LLUICtrl>("sspin")->setValue(( getCurS () * 100.0f ) );
	getChild<LLUICtrl>("lspin")->setValue(( getCurL () * 100.0f ) );

	// <FS:Zi> Add float LSL color entry widgets
	getChild<LLUICtrl>("rspin_lsl")->setValue(( getCurR () ) );
	getChild<LLUICtrl>("gspin_lsl")->setValue(( getCurG () ) );
	getChild<LLUICtrl>("bspin_lsl")->setValue(( getCurB () ) );

	getChild<LLUICtrl>("hex_value")->setValue(llformat("%02x%02x%02x",(S32) (getCurR()*255.0),(S32) (getCurG()*255.0),(S32) (getCurB()*255.0)));
	// </FS:Zi>
// update text entry values for RGB/HSL (can't be done in ::draw () since this overwrites input
updateTextEntry ()
	// set values in spinners
	childSetValue("rspin", ( getCurR () * 255.0f ) );
	childSetValue("gspin", ( getCurG () * 255.0f ) );
	childSetValue("bspin", ( getCurB () * 255.0f ) );
	childSetValue("hspin", ( getCurH () * 360.0f ) );
	childSetValue("sspin", ( getCurS () * 100.0f ) );
	childSetValue("lspin", ( getCurL () * 100.0f ) );
// reverts state once mouse button is released
BOOL LLFloaterColorPicker::handleMouseUp ( S32 x, S32 y, MASK mask )
	getWindow()->setCursor ( UI_CURSOR_ARROW );

	if (getMouseDownInHueRegion() || getMouseDownInLumRegion())
		if (mApplyImmediateCheck->get())
			LLColorSwatchCtrl::onColorChanged ( getSwatch (), LLColorSwatchCtrl::COLOR_CHANGE );

	// rect containing palette area
	LLRect paletteRect ( mPaletteRegionLeft,
							mPaletteRegionLeft + mPaletteRegionWidth,
							mPaletteRegionTop - mPaletteRegionHeight );

	if ( paletteRect.pointInRect ( x, y ) )
		if ( mMouseDownInSwatch )
			S32 curEntry = 0;
			for ( S32 row = 0; row < numPaletteRows; ++row )
				for ( S32 column = 0; column < numPaletteColumns; ++column )
					S32 left = mPaletteRegionLeft + ( mPaletteRegionWidth * column ) / numPaletteColumns;
					S32 top = mPaletteRegionTop - ( mPaletteRegionHeight * row ) / numPaletteRows;
					S32 right = ( mPaletteRegionLeft + ( mPaletteRegionWidth * ( column + 1 ) ) / numPaletteColumns );
					S32 bottom = ( mPaletteRegionTop - ( mPaletteRegionHeight * ( row + 1 ) ) / numPaletteRows );

					// rect is flipped vertically when testing here
					LLRect dropRect ( left, top, right, bottom );

					if ( dropRect.pointInRect ( x, y ) )
						if ( mPalette [ curEntry ] )
							delete mPalette [ curEntry ];

							mPalette [ curEntry ] = new LLColor4 ( getCurR (), getCurG (), getCurB (), 1.0f );

							// save off color
							std::ostringstream codec;
							codec << "ColorPaletteEntry" << std::setfill ( '0' ) << std::setw ( 2 ) << curEntry + 1;
							const std::string s ( codec.str () );
							LLUIColorTable::instance().setColor(s, *mPalette [ curEntry ] );


	// mouse button not down anymore
	setMouseDownInHueRegion ( FALSE );
	setMouseDownInLumRegion ( FALSE );

	// mouse button not down in color swatch anymore
	mMouseDownInSwatch = false;

	if (hasMouseCapture())

	// dispatch to base class for the rest of things
	return LLFloater::handleMouseUp ( x, y, mask );
void LLFloaterColorPicker::draw()
	LLRect swatch_rect;
	mSwatch->localRectToOtherView(mSwatch->getLocalRect(), &swatch_rect, this);
	// draw context cone connecting color picker with color swatch in parent floater
	LLRect local_rect = getLocalRect();
	if (gFocusMgr.childHasKeyboardFocus(this) && mSwatch->isInVisibleChain() && mContextConeOpacity > 0.001f)
			gGL.color4f(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, CONTEXT_CONE_IN_ALPHA * mContextConeOpacity);
			gGL.vertex2i(swatch_rect.mLeft, swatch_rect.mTop);
			gGL.vertex2i(swatch_rect.mRight, swatch_rect.mTop);
			gGL.color4f(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, CONTEXT_CONE_OUT_ALPHA * mContextConeOpacity);
			gGL.vertex2i(local_rect.mRight, local_rect.mTop);
			gGL.vertex2i(local_rect.mLeft, local_rect.mTop);

			gGL.color4f(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, CONTEXT_CONE_OUT_ALPHA * mContextConeOpacity);
			gGL.vertex2i(local_rect.mLeft, local_rect.mTop);
			gGL.vertex2i(local_rect.mLeft, local_rect.mBottom);
			gGL.color4f(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, CONTEXT_CONE_IN_ALPHA * mContextConeOpacity);
			gGL.vertex2i(swatch_rect.mLeft, swatch_rect.mBottom);
			gGL.vertex2i(swatch_rect.mLeft, swatch_rect.mTop);

			gGL.color4f(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, CONTEXT_CONE_OUT_ALPHA * mContextConeOpacity);
			gGL.vertex2i(local_rect.mRight, local_rect.mBottom);
			gGL.vertex2i(local_rect.mRight, local_rect.mTop);
			gGL.color4f(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, CONTEXT_CONE_IN_ALPHA * mContextConeOpacity);
			gGL.vertex2i(swatch_rect.mRight, swatch_rect.mTop);
			gGL.vertex2i(swatch_rect.mRight, swatch_rect.mBottom);

			gGL.color4f(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, CONTEXT_CONE_OUT_ALPHA * mContextConeOpacity);
			gGL.vertex2i(local_rect.mLeft, local_rect.mBottom);
			gGL.vertex2i(local_rect.mRight, local_rect.mBottom);
			gGL.color4f(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, CONTEXT_CONE_IN_ALPHA * mContextConeOpacity);
			gGL.vertex2i(swatch_rect.mRight, swatch_rect.mBottom);
			gGL.vertex2i(swatch_rect.mLeft, swatch_rect.mBottom);

	if (gFocusMgr.childHasMouseCapture(getDragHandle()))
		mContextConeOpacity = lerp(mContextConeOpacity, gSavedSettings.getF32("PickerContextOpacity"), LLCriticalDamp::getInterpolant(CONTEXT_FADE_TIME));
		mContextConeOpacity = lerp(mContextConeOpacity, 0.f, LLCriticalDamp::getInterpolant(CONTEXT_FADE_TIME));

	mPipetteBtn->setToggleState(LLToolMgr::getInstance()->getCurrentTool() == LLToolPipette::getInstance());
	mApplyImmediateCheck->setEnabled(mActive && mCanApplyImmediately);

	// base floater stuff
	LLFloater::draw ();

	// draw image for RGB area (not really RGB but you'll see what I mean...
	gl_draw_image ( mRGBViewerImageLeft, mRGBViewerImageTop - mRGBViewerImageHeight, mRGBImage, LLColor4::white );

	// update 'cursor' into RGB Section
	S32 xPos = ( S32 ) ( ( F32 )mRGBViewerImageWidth * getCurH () ) - 8;
	S32 yPos = ( S32 ) ( ( F32 )mRGBViewerImageHeight * getCurS () ) - 8;
	gl_line_2d ( mRGBViewerImageLeft + xPos,
				 mRGBViewerImageTop - mRGBViewerImageHeight + yPos + 8,
				 mRGBViewerImageLeft + xPos + 16,
				 mRGBViewerImageTop - mRGBViewerImageHeight + yPos + 8,
				 LLColor4 ( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ) );

	gl_line_2d ( mRGBViewerImageLeft + xPos + 8,
				 mRGBViewerImageTop - mRGBViewerImageHeight + yPos,
				 mRGBViewerImageLeft + xPos + 8,
				 mRGBViewerImageTop - mRGBViewerImageHeight + yPos + 16,
				 LLColor4 ( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ) );

	// create rgb area outline
	gl_rect_2d ( mRGBViewerImageLeft,
				 mRGBViewerImageTop - mRGBViewerImageHeight,
				 mRGBViewerImageLeft + mRGBViewerImageWidth + 1,
				 LLColor4 ( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ),
				 FALSE );

	// draw luminance slider
	for ( S32 y = 0; y < mLumRegionHeight; ++y )
		F32 rValSlider, gValSlider, bValSlider;
		hslToRgb ( getCurH (), getCurS (), ( F32 )y / ( F32 )mLumRegionHeight, rValSlider, gValSlider, bValSlider );

		gl_rect_2d( mLumRegionLeft, 
			mLumRegionTop - mLumRegionHeight + y, 
				mLumRegionLeft + mLumRegionWidth, 
					mLumRegionTop - mLumRegionHeight + y - 1, 
						LLColor4 ( rValSlider, gValSlider, bValSlider, 1.0f ) );

	// draw luninance marker
	S32 startX = mLumRegionLeft + mLumRegionWidth;
	S32 startY = mLumRegionTop - mLumRegionHeight + ( S32 ) ( mLumRegionHeight * getCurL () );
	gl_triangle_2d ( startX, startY,
			startX + mLumMarkerSize, startY - mLumMarkerSize,
				startX + mLumMarkerSize, startY + mLumMarkerSize,
					LLColor4 ( 0.75f, 0.75f, 0.75f, 1.0f ), TRUE );

	// draw luminance slider outline
	gl_rect_2d ( mLumRegionLeft,
				 mLumRegionTop - mLumRegionHeight,
				 mLumRegionLeft + mLumRegionWidth + 1,
				 LLColor4 ( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ),
				 FALSE );

	// draw selected color swatch
	gl_rect_2d ( mSwatchRegionLeft,
				 mSwatchRegionTop - mSwatchRegionHeight,
				 mSwatchRegionLeft + mSwatchRegionWidth,
				 LLColor4 ( getCurR (), getCurG (), getCurB (), 1.0f ),
				 TRUE );

	// draw selected color swatch outline
	gl_rect_2d ( mSwatchRegionLeft,
				 mSwatchRegionTop - mSwatchRegionHeight,
				 mSwatchRegionLeft + mSwatchRegionWidth + 1,
				 LLColor4 ( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ),
				 FALSE );

	// color palette code is a little more involved so break it out into its' own method
	drawPalette ();