Instances *ThresholdCurve::getCurve(std::vector<Prediction*> predictions) { if (predictions.size() == 0) { return nullptr; } return getCurve(predictions, (static_cast<NominalPrediction*>(predictions[0]))->distribution().size() - 1); }
void KnobGui::setInterpolationForDimensions(QAction* action, KeyframeTypeEnum interp) { if (!action) { return; } int dimension = action->data().toInt(); KnobPtr knob = getKnob(); for (int i = 0; i < knob->getDimension(); ++i) { if ( (dimension == -1) || (dimension == i) ) { boost::shared_ptr<Curve> c = knob->getCurve(ViewIdx(0), i); if (c) { int kfCount = c->getKeyFramesCount(); for (int j = 0; j < kfCount; ++j) { c->setKeyFrameInterpolation(interp, j); } boost::shared_ptr<Curve> guiCurve = getCurve(ViewIdx(0), i); if (guiCurve) { guiCurve->clone(*c); } } } } if ( knob->getHolder() ) { knob->getHolder()->incrHashAndEvaluate(knob->getEvaluateOnChange(), false); } Q_EMIT keyInterpolationChanged(); }
void KRAnimationAttribute::deleteCurve() { KRAnimationCurve *curve = getCurve(); if(curve) { getContext().getAnimationCurveManager()->deleteAnimationCurve(curve); m_curve = NULL; } }
/** * Return duplicate of edittable curve which is _curve_before_lpe if it exists or * shape->curve if not. */ SPCurve* SPPath::get_curve_for_edit () const { if (_curve_before_lpe && sp_lpe_item_has_path_effect_recursive(SP_LPE_ITEM(this))) { return get_original_curve(); } else { return getCurve(); } }
/** Return area of curve segments * @return area. */ double OGRCompoundCurve::get_AreaOfCurveSegments() const { double dfArea = 0; for( int i = 0; i < getNumCurves(); i++ ) { const OGRCurve* poPart = getCurve(i); dfArea += poPart->get_AreaOfCurveSegments(); } return dfArea; }
OGRBoolean OGRCurveCollection::Equals( OGRCurveCollection *poOCC ) const { if( getNumCurves() != poOCC->getNumCurves() ) return FALSE; // we should eventually test the SRS. for( int iGeom = 0; iGeom < nCurveCount; iGeom++ ) { if( !getCurve(iGeom)->Equals(poOCC->getCurve(iGeom)) ) return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
void KnobGui::onShowInCurveEditorActionTriggered() { KnobPtr knob = getKnob(); assert( knob->getHolder()->getApp() ); getGui()->setCurveEditorOnTop(); std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<Curve> > curves; for (int i = 0; i < knob->getDimension(); ++i) { boost::shared_ptr<Curve> c = getCurve(ViewIdx(0), i); if ( c->isAnimated() ) { curves.push_back(c); } } if ( !curves.empty() ) { getGui()->getCurveEditor()->centerOn(curves); } }
void LazyGraph::removeCurve(CurveId id) { CurvePtr c = getCurve(id); if (c != NULL) { NodePtr start = c->getStart(); NodePtr end = c->getEnd(); NodeId nId; = NULL_ID; c->addVertex(nId, 0); c->addVertex(nId, 1); if (start != end && start != NULL) { start->removeCurve(id); if (start->getCurveCount() == 0) { NodeId sid = start->getId(); start = NULL; removeNode(sid); } else { nodeCache->add(start.get(), true); } } if (end != NULL) { end->removeCurve(id); if (end->getCurveCount() == 0) { NodeId eid = end->getId(); end = NULL; removeNode(eid); } else { nodeCache->add(end.get(), true); } } } curveCache->changedResources.erase(c.get()); map<CurveId, long int>::iterator k = curveOffsets.find(id); if (k != curveOffsets.end()) { curveOffsets.erase(k); } }
CurvePtr LazyGraph::get(CurveId id) { return getCurve(id); }
FractalGenerator::NoiseFunction FractalGenerator::getGradientNoise() { auto curve = getCurve(); return std::move(mm::gradient_noise(engine_, curve)); }
FractalGenerator::NoiseFunction FractalGenerator::getValueNoise() { auto curve = getCurve(); return std::move(mm::value_noise(engine_, curve)); }
QwtArray<long> LegendWidget::itemsHeight(int symbolLineLength, int &width, int &height, int &textWidth, int &textHeight) { QString text = d_text->text(); QStringList titles = text.split("\n", QString::KeepEmptyParts); int n = (int)titles.count(); QwtArray<long> heights(n); width = 0; height = 0; int maxL = 0; int h = top_margin + d_frame_pen.width(); for (int i=0; i<n; i++){ QString s = titles[i]; int textL = 0; bool curveSymbol = false; while (s.contains("\\l(") || s.contains("\\p{")){ int pos = s.indexOf("\\l(", 0); curveSymbol = true; if (pos >= 0){ QwtText aux(parse(s.left(pos))); aux.setFont(d_text->font()); QSize size = aux.textSize(); textL += size.width(); int pos1 = s.indexOf("(", pos); int pos2 = s.indexOf(")", pos1); int point = -1; PlotCurve *curve = getCurve(s.mid(pos1+1, pos2-pos1-1), point); if (!curve){ s = s.right(s.length() - pos2 - 1); continue; } textL += symbolLineLength + h_space; s = s.right(s.length() - s.indexOf(")", pos) - 1); } else { pos = s.indexOf("\\p{", 0); if (pos >= 0){ QwtText aux(parse(s.left(pos))); aux.setFont(d_text->font()); QSize size = aux.textSize(); textL += size.width(); textL += symbolLineLength; s = s.right(s.length() - s.indexOf("}", pos) - 1); } } } QwtText aux(parse(s)); aux.setFont(d_text->font()); QSize size = aux.textSize(); textL += size.width(); if (curveSymbol) textL += h_space; if (textL > maxL) maxL = textL; int textH = size.height(); height += textH; heights[i] = h + textH/2; h += textH; } height += 2*top_margin; width = 2*left_margin + maxL; int fw = 2*d_frame_pen.width(); height += fw; width += fw; textHeight = height; textWidth = width; int aux_a = d_angle; if (aux_a > 270) aux_a -= 270; if (aux_a >= 180) aux_a -= 180; if (aux_a > 90) aux_a -= 90; double angle = aux_a*M_PI/180.0; if ((d_angle >= 0 && d_angle <= 90) || (d_angle >= 180 && d_angle <= 270)){ height = int(textWidth*sin(angle) + textHeight*cos(angle)); width = int(textWidth*cos(angle) + textHeight*sin(angle)); } else { height = int(textWidth*cos(angle) + textHeight*sin(angle)); width = int(textWidth*sin(angle) + textHeight*cos(angle)); } if (d_frame == Shadow){ width += d_shadow_width; height += d_shadow_width; } return heights; }
void LegendWidget::drawText(QPainter *p, const QRect& rect, QwtArray<long> height, int symbolLineLength) { p->save(); if (d_plot->antialiasing()) p->setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing); p->setRenderHint(QPainter::TextAntialiasing); p->translate(rect.x(), rect.y()); int aux_a = d_angle; if (aux_a >= 270){ aux_a -= 270; p->translate(rect.height()*cos(aux_a*M_PI/180.0), 0.0); } else if (aux_a >= 180){ aux_a -= 180; p->translate(this->width(), rect.height()*cos(aux_a*M_PI/180.0)); } else if (aux_a > 90){ aux_a -= 90; p->translate(rect.width()*sin(aux_a*M_PI/180.0), this->height()); } else p->translate(0.0, rect.width()*sin(d_angle*M_PI/180.0)); p->rotate(-d_angle); int l = symbolLineLength; QString text = d_text->text(); QStringList titles = text.split("\n", QString::KeepEmptyParts); for (int i=0; i<(int)titles.count(); i++){ int w = left_margin + d_frame_pen.width(); bool curveSymbol = false; QString s = titles[i]; while (s.contains("\\l(") || s.contains("\\p{")){ curveSymbol = true; int pos = s.indexOf("\\l(", 0); if (pos >= 0){ QwtText aux(parse(s.left(pos))); aux.setFont(d_text->font()); aux.setColor(d_text->color()); QSize size = aux.textSize(); QRect tr = QRect(QPoint(w, height[i] - size.height()/2), size); aux.draw(p, tr); w += size.width(); int pos1 = s.indexOf("(", pos); int pos2 = s.indexOf(")", pos1); int point = -1; PlotCurve *curve = getCurve(s.mid(pos1+1, pos2-pos1-1), point); if (!curve){ s = s.right(s.length() - pos2 - 1); continue; } drawSymbol(curve, point, p, w, height[i], l); w += l + h_space; s = s.right(s.length() - pos2 - 1); } else { pos = s.indexOf("\\p{", 0); if (pos >= 0){ QwtText aux(parse(s.left(pos))); aux.setFont(d_text->font()); aux.setColor(d_text->color()); QSize size = aux.textSize(); QRect tr = QRect(QPoint(w, height[i] - size.height()/2), size); aux.draw(p, tr); w += size.width(); int pos1 = s.indexOf("{", pos); int pos2 = s.indexOf("}", pos1); int point = s.mid(pos1 + 1, pos2 - pos1 - 1).toInt() - 1; drawSymbol((PlotCurve*)d_plot->curve(0), point, p, w, height[i], l); w += l; s = s.right(s.length() - pos2 - 1); } } } if (!s.isEmpty()){ if (curveSymbol) w += h_space; QwtText aux(parse(s)); aux.setFont(d_text->font()); aux.setColor(d_text->color()); QSize size = aux.textSize(); QRect tr = QRect(QPoint(w, height[i] - size.height()/2), size); aux.draw(p, tr); } } p->restore(); }
int LegendWidget::symbolsMaxWidth() { QList<int> cvs = d_plot->curveKeys(); int curves = cvs.count(); if (!curves) return 0; // RJT (22/09/09): For rest of method, copied in code from current // QtiPlot (rev. 1373) to fix infinite loop if closing bracket missing int maxL = 0; QString text = d_text->text(); QStringList titles = text.split("\n", QString::KeepEmptyParts); for (int i=0; i<(int)titles.count(); i++){ QString s = titles[i]; while (s.contains("\\l(",Qt::CaseInsensitive)){ int pos = s.indexOf("\\l(", 0,Qt::CaseInsensitive); int pos1 = s.indexOf("(", pos); int pos2 = s.indexOf(")", pos1); int pos3 = s.indexOf(",",pos1); if (pos3 != -1 && pos3 < pos2 ) pos2=pos3; // for pi charts get dataset number if (pos2 == -1){ s = s.right(s.length() - pos1 - 1); continue; } int point = 0; PlotCurve* c = getCurve(s.mid(pos1 + 1, pos2 - pos1 - 1), point); if (c && c->type() == Graph::Pie){ maxL = 2*d_text->font().pointSize();//10; line_length = 0; s = s.right(s.length() - pos2 - 1); continue; } if (c && c->rtti() != QwtPlotItem::Rtti_PlotSpectrogram) { if (c->type() == Graph::Pie || c->type() == Graph::VerticalBars || c->type() == Graph::HorizontalBars || c->type() == Graph::Histogram || c->type() == Graph::Box){ maxL = 2*d_text->font().pointSize();//10; line_length = 0; } else { int l = c->symbol().size().width(); if (l < 3) l = 3; else if (l > 15) l = 15; if (l>maxL && c->symbol().style() != QwtSymbol::NoSymbol) maxL = l; } } s = s.right(s.length() - pos2 - 1); } if (titles[i].contains("\\p{")){ // old syntax for pie charts maxL = 2*d_text->font().pointSize();//10; line_length = 0; } } return maxL; }
QwtArray<int> LegendWidget::itemsHeight(int y, int symbolLineLength, int &width, int &height) { // RJT (22/09/09): For most of method, copied in code from current // QtiPlot (rev. 1373) to fix infinite loop if closing bracket missing QString text = d_text->text(); QStringList titles = text.split("\n", QString::KeepEmptyParts); int n = (int)titles.count(); QwtArray<int> heights(n); width = 0; height = 0; int maxL = 0; int h = top_margin; // In QtiPlot rev 1373: + d_frame_pen.width(); for (int i=0; i<n; i++){ QString s = titles[i]; int textL = 0; //bool curveSymbol = false; while (s.contains("\\l(",Qt::CaseInsensitive) || s.contains("\\p{",Qt::CaseInsensitive)){ int pos = s.indexOf("\\l(", 0,Qt::CaseInsensitive); int pos2 = s.indexOf(",",pos); // two arguments in case if pie chart int pos3 = s.indexOf(")",pos); //curveSymbol = true; if (pos >= 0 && (pos2==-1 || pos2>pos3)){ QwtText aux(parse(s.left(pos))); //not a pie chart aux.setFont(d_text->font()); QSize size = aux.textSize(); // In QtiPlot rev 1373: textSize(p, aux); textL += size.width(); int pos1 = s.indexOf("(", pos); int pos2 = s.indexOf(")", pos1); if (pos2 == -1){ s = s.right(s.length() - pos1 - 1); continue; } int point = -1; PlotCurve *curve = getCurve(s.mid(pos1+1, pos2-pos1-1), point); if (!curve){ s = s.right(s.length() - pos2 - 1); continue; } textL += symbolLineLength + h_space; s = s.right(s.length() - s.indexOf(")", pos) - 1); } else { //Pie chart? pos = s.indexOf("\\p{", 0,Qt::CaseInsensitive); //look for old syntax if (pos >= 0){ QwtText aux(parse(s.left(pos))); aux.setFont(d_text->font()); QSize size = aux.textSize(); // In QtiPlot rev 1373: textSize(p, aux); textL += size.width(); textL += symbolLineLength; int pos2=s.indexOf("}", pos); if (pos2==-1) pos2=pos+3; s = s.right(s.length() - pos2 - 1); } else { pos = s.indexOf("\\l(", 0,Qt::CaseInsensitive); // new syntax if (pos >= 0){ QwtText aux(parse(s.left(pos))); aux.setFont(d_text->font()); QSize size = aux.textSize(); // In QtiPlot rev 1373: textSize(p, aux); textL += size.width(); textL += symbolLineLength; int pos2=s.indexOf(")", pos); if (pos2==-1) pos2=pos+3; s = s.right(s.length() - pos2 - 1); } } } } // RJT (22/09/09): End copied in code from rev. 1373 QwtText aux(parse(s)); aux.setFont(d_text->font()); QSize size = aux.textSize(); textL += size.width(); if (textL > maxL) maxL = textL; int textH = size.height(); height += textH; heights[i] = y + h + textH/2; h += textH; } height += 2*top_margin; width = 2*left_margin + maxL + h_space; return heights; }
void LegendWidget::drawText(QPainter *p, const QRect& rect, QwtArray<int> height, int symbolLineLength) { p->save(); if ((dynamic_cast<Graph *>(d_plot->parent()))->antialiasing()) p->setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing); // RJT (22/09/09): For remainder of method, copied in code from current // QtiPlot (rev. 1373) to fix infinite loop if closing bracket missing int l = symbolLineLength; QString text = d_text->text(); QStringList titles = text.split("\n", QString::KeepEmptyParts); for (int i=0; i<(int)titles.count(); i++){ int w = left_margin + rect.x(); // QtiPlot Rev 1373 has this as 2nd arg: d_frame_pen.width(); bool curveSymbol = false; QString s = titles[i]; while (s.contains("\\l(",Qt::CaseInsensitive) || s.contains("\\p{",Qt::CaseInsensitive)){ curveSymbol = true; int pos = s.indexOf("\\l(", 0,Qt::CaseInsensitive); int pos2 = s.indexOf(",",pos); // two arguments in case if pie chart int pos3 = s.indexOf(")",pos); if (pos >= 0 && (pos2 == -1 || pos2 > pos3)){ QwtText aux(parse(s.left(pos))); //not a pie chart aux.setFont(d_text->font()); aux.setColor(d_text->color()); aux.setRenderFlags (Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter); QSize size = aux.textSize(); // In QtiPlot rev 1373: textSize(p, aux); QRect tr = QRect(QPoint(w, height[i] - size.height()/2), size); aux.draw(p, tr); w += size.width(); int pos1 = s.indexOf("(", pos); int pos2 = s.indexOf(")", pos1); if (pos2 == -1){ s = s.right(s.length() - pos1 - 1); continue; } int point = -1; PlotCurve *curve = getCurve(s.mid(pos1+1, pos2-pos1-1), point); if (!curve){ s = s.right(s.length() - pos2 - 1); continue; } drawSymbol(curve, point, p, w, height[i], l); w += l + h_space; s = s.right(s.length() - pos2 - 1); } else { // pie chart? pos = s.indexOf("\\p{", 0); if (pos >= 0){ // old syntax QwtText aux(parse(s.left(pos))); aux.setFont(d_text->font()); aux.setColor(d_text->color()); aux.setRenderFlags (Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter); QSize size = aux.textSize(); // In QtiPlot rev 1373: textSize(p, aux); QRect tr = QRect(QPoint(w, height[i] - size.height()/2), size); aux.draw(p, tr); w += size.width(); int pos1 = s.indexOf("{", pos); int pos2 = s.indexOf("}", pos1); if (pos2 == -1){ s = s.right(s.length() - pos1 - 1); continue; } int point = s.mid(pos1 + 1, pos2 - pos1 - 1).toInt() - 1; drawSymbol(dynamic_cast<PlotCurve*>(d_plot->curve(0)), point, p, w, height[i], l); w += l; s = s.right(s.length() - pos2 - 1); } else { pos = s.indexOf("\\l(", 0,Qt::CaseInsensitive); if (pos >= 0 && pos2 != -1){ //new syntax QwtText aux(parse(s.left(pos))); aux.setFont(d_text->font()); aux.setColor(d_text->color()); aux.setRenderFlags (Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter); QSize size = aux.textSize(); // In QtiPlot rev 1373: textSize(p, aux); QRect tr = QRect(QPoint(w, height[i] - size.height()/2), size); aux.draw(p, tr); w += size.width(); int pos1 = s.indexOf(",", pos); int pos3 = s.indexOf(")", pos1); if (pos3 == -1){ s = s.right(s.length() - pos1 - 1); continue; } int point = s.mid(pos1 + 1, pos3 - pos1 - 1).toInt() - 1; drawSymbol(dynamic_cast<PlotCurve*>(d_plot->curve(0)), point, p, w, height[i], l); w += l; s = s.right(s.length() - pos3 - 1); } } } } if (!s.isEmpty()){ if (curveSymbol) w += h_space; QwtText aux(parse(s)); aux.setFont(d_text->font()); aux.setColor(d_text->color()); aux.setRenderFlags (Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter); QSize size = aux.textSize(); // In QtiPlot rev 1373: textSize(p, aux); QRect tr = QRect(QPoint(w, height[i] - size.height()/2), size); aux.draw(p, tr); } } p->restore(); }