Esempio n. 1
// Class				:	CObject
// Method				:	makeBound
// Description			:
/// \brief					Make sure we do not have empty bounding box
// Return Value			:
// Comments				:
void		CObject::makeBound(float *bmin,float *bmax) const {
	vector	D;
	float	maxD;
	float	maxDisp = attributes->maxDisplacement;

	maxD	=	D[0];
	maxD	=	max(D[1],maxD);
	maxD	=	max(D[2],maxD);
	maxD	*=	attributes->bexpand;

	// Add the displacement amount of the surface
	if (attributes->maxDisplacementSpace != NULL) {
		const float			*from,*to;
		ECoordinateSystem	sys;

		if (CRenderer::findCoordinateSystem(attributes->maxDisplacementSpace,from,to,sys)) {
			maxDisp	=	attributes->maxDisplacement	* getDisp(from,attributes->maxDisplacement);

		attributes->maxDisplacementSpace	=	NULL;

	maxD	+=	maxDisp;

	// Expand the bound accordingly
Esempio n. 2
void printInstruction(const INSTRUCTION * const i) 
	d.Address = (DWORD)(i->data);
	DWORD ilen = 0;
	Decode(&d, (char *)(i->data), &ilen);	

	printf("[%2d] ", i->index);

	printf("size:\t\t%d\n", i->totalSize);
	if (i->regReads)
		for (BYTE reg = 0; reg < 8; reg++) {
			if (GET_READS(i, reg))
				printf ("%s ", REG[2][reg]);

	if (i->regWrites)
		for (BYTE reg = 0; reg < 8; reg++) {
			if (GET_WRITES(i, reg))
				printf ("%s ", REG[2][reg]);

	if (i->freeRegs)
		for (BYTE reg = 0; reg < 8; reg++) {
			if (IS_FREE_REG(i,reg))
				printf ("%s ", REG[2][reg]);

	if (i->flags)
		printf("flags:\t\t0x%08X\n", i->flags);

	printf("offsets:\tOPCODE:%d, MODRM:%d, SIB:%d, DISP:%d:0x%08X, IMM:%d:0x%08X\n",
		OFFSET_TO_DISP(i), getDisp(i),
		OFFSET_TO_IMM(i), getImm(i));

	if (i->jmp)
		printf("jumps to:\t%d\n", i->jmp->index);

	if (i->directVA)
		printf("refers to:\t0x%08X\n", *((DWORD *)(i->data + i->directVA)));
Esempio n. 3
// compute C8 sensitivities at all gauss points
void CHak3DCont_8::shpSens(int numDual, int numCase, double **disp_prim, double **disp_dual,
                  double *wgt_fact, double *wgt_case, double *gSens, int pNum, double *Nf, double alpha)
    int i,j,p,l,d,ind;
    double const_fact, ftemp;
    Coord3D np[8], gp;
	double B[144];	// Strain displacement matrix
    double Ba[54];  // Strain displacement matrix for internal dof
    double ud[24];  // Primary element displacement array
    double dd[24];  // Dual element displacement array
    double stn[6];  // strain tensor
    double strs[6];  // stress tensor
    double sens; // variable to keep running total of a sensitivity value
    double /*ux[8], uy[8],*/ uz[8];
    double /*px[8], py[8],*/ pz[8];
    double sw_fact;

	// get element nodal coords

    // compute material property matrix
    double *Em = Mat->getD();

    // for each gauss point
        gp.x = gauss2 * c8_pos[p].x;
		gp.y = gauss2 * c8_pos[p].y;
		gp.z = gauss2 * c8_pos[p].z; // non-dim gauss point coords

        // compute isoparametric B matrix (6 x 24) & Ba (6 x 9)
        C8_isoBMat(gp, np, B); // NB: gp should be in non-dim coordinates (i.e center = 0,0,0)
        C8M_isoBMat(gp, np, Ba);

        // for each load case
            // compute the constant sensitivty factor for the element
            const_fact = wgt_fact[l] * Mat->getDens(); // DO NOT multiply by the volume ratio

            // get the primary element displacements
            getDisp(ud, disp_prim[l]);

                //ux[i] = ud[j];
                //uy[i] = ud[j+1];
                uz[i] = ud[j+2];

            // compute self weight factor fg * u
            ftemp = Mat->getDens() * Nf[l] * -9.81 * alpha; // mass times acceleration (in +ve z direction)
            sw_fact = ftemp * C8_interpolate(gp,uz); //( C8_interpolate(gp,ux) + C8_interpolate(gp,uy) + C8_interpolate(gp,uz) );;

            // compute stress tensor Ee(u) = strs
            // multiply: strain = B x u
            cblas_dgemv(CblasRowMajor, CblasNoTrans, 6, 24, 1.0, B, 24, ud, 1, 0.0, stn, 1);

            // Finally multiply: stress = material matrix x strain
            cblas_dgemv(CblasRowMajor, CblasNoTrans, 6, 6, 1.0, Em, 6, stn, 1, 0.0, strs, 1);

            // for each dual response p
                // add the 3 componnents (multipled by the load case weight)
                // Ee(u)e(p) - fg(u+p) - const_fact

                // get the dual element displacements
                getDisp(dd, disp_dual[index2(l,d,numDual)]);

                // compute dual strain tensor e(p) = stn
                // multiply: strain = B x u
                cblas_dgemv(CblasRowMajor, CblasNoTrans, 6, 24, 1.0, B, 24, dd, 1, 0.0, stn, 1);

                // compute stress(u) x strain(p)
                sens = 0.0; // reset to zero
                    sens += strs[i]*stn[i];
                sens *= alpha ; // need to multiply by the volume ratio (account for modified modulus)

                // interpolate, then multiply
                // need to extract u, v, w disp and forces in seperate vectors
                    //px[i] = dd[j];
                    //py[i] = dd[j+1];
                    pz[i] = dd[j+2];

                // now interpolate and add to sens
                sens -= sw_fact;
                sens -= ftemp * C8_interpolate(gp,pz); //( C8_interpolate(gp,px) + C8_interpolate(gp,py) + C8_interpolate(gp,pz) );
                sens -= const_fact;
                sens *= wgt_case[l]; // multiply by load case weight

                // add to overall sensitivity
                gSens[index2(ind,d,numDual)] += sens; // add value for this load case
Esempio n. 4
// compute C8 sensitivities at all gauss points, for eigenvalue problems
void CHak3DCont_8::shpSens_Eig(int numDual, int numEig, double **disp_prim, double **disp_dual,
                      double *eig, double *wgt_case, double *gSens, int pNum, double alpha)
    int i,j,p,l,d,ind;
    double ftemp;
    Coord3D np[8], gp;
	double B[144];	// Strain displacement matrix
    double ud[24];  // Primary element displacement array
    double dd[24];  // Dual element displacement array
    double stn[6];  // strain tensor
    double strs[6];  // stress tensor
    double sens; // variable to keep running total of a sensitivity value
    double ux[8], uy[8], uz[8];
    double px[8], py[8], pz[8];
    double ug[3];

	// get element nodal coords

    // get material property matrix
    double *Em = Mat->getD();
    double rho = Mat->getDens();

    // for each gauss point
        gp.x = gauss2 * c8_pos[p].x;
		gp.y = gauss2 * c8_pos[p].y;
		gp.z = gauss2 * c8_pos[p].z; // non-dim gauss point coords

        // compute isoparametric B matrix (6 x 24) & Ba (6 x 9)
        C8_isoBMat(gp, np, B); // NB: gp should be in non-dim coordinates (i.e center = 0,0,0)

        // for each eigenvalue
            // get the primary element displacements
            getDisp(ud, disp_prim[l]);

                ux[i] = ud[j];
                uy[i] = ud[j+1];
                uz[i] = ud[j+2];
            ug[0] = C8_interpolate(gp,ux); // x disp at Gauss point
            ug[1] = C8_interpolate(gp,uy); // x disp at Gauss point
            ug[2] = C8_interpolate(gp,uz); // x disp at Gauss point

            // compute stress tensor Ee(u) = strs
            // multiply: strain = B x u
            cblas_dgemv(CblasRowMajor, CblasNoTrans, 6, 24, 1.0, B, 24, ud, 1, 0.0, stn, 1);

            // Finally multiply: stress = material matrix x strain
            cblas_dgemv(CblasRowMajor, CblasNoTrans, 6, 6, 1.0, Em, 6, stn, 1, 0.0, strs, 1);

            // for each dual response p
                // add the 3 componnents (multipled by the load case weight)
                // Ee(u)e(p) - fg(u+p) - const_fact

                // get the dual element displacements
                getDisp(dd, disp_dual[index2(l,d,numDual)]);

                // compute dual strain tensor e(p) = stn
                // multiply: strain = B x u
                cblas_dgemv(CblasRowMajor, CblasNoTrans, 6, 24, 1.0, B, 24, dd, 1, 0.0, stn, 1);

                // compute stress(u) x strain(p)
                sens = 0.0; // reset to zero
                    sens += strs[i]*stn[i];
                sens *= alpha ; // need to multiply by the volume ratio (account for modified modulus)

                // interpolate, then multiply
                // need to extract u, v, w disp and forces in seperate vectors
                    px[i] = dd[j];
                    py[i] = dd[j+1];
                    pz[i] = dd[j+2];

                // now interpolate and add to sens
                ftemp =  ug[0]*C8_interpolate(gp,px) + ug[1]*C8_interpolate(gp,py) + ug[2]*C8_interpolate(gp,pz);
                sens -= eig[l]*ftemp*rho*alpha;

                // add to overall sensitivity
                gSens[index2(ind,d,numDual)] += sens*wgt_case[l]; // add value for this load case