void ZoneEntityItem::setFilterURL(QString url) { withWriteLock([&] { _filterURL = url; }); if (DependencyManager::isSet<EntityEditFilters>()) { auto entityEditFilters = DependencyManager::get<EntityEditFilters>(); qCDebug(entities) << "adding filter " << url << "for zone" << getEntityItemID(); entityEditFilters->addFilter(getEntityItemID(), url); } }
void PolyVoxEntityItem::debugDump() const { quint64 now = usecTimestampNow(); qCDebug(entities) << " POLYVOX EntityItem id:" << getEntityItemID() << "---------------------------------------------"; qCDebug(entities) << " position:" << debugTreeVector(getPosition()); qCDebug(entities) << " dimensions:" << debugTreeVector(getDimensions()); qCDebug(entities) << " getLastEdited:" << debugTime(getLastEdited(), now); }
void LineEntityItem::debugDump() const { quint64 now = usecTimestampNow(); qCDebug(entities) << " LINE EntityItem id:" << getEntityItemID() << "---------------------------------------------"; qCDebug(entities) << " color:" << _color; qCDebug(entities) << " position:" << debugTreeVector(getWorldPosition()); qCDebug(entities) << " dimensions:" << debugTreeVector(getScaledDimensions()); qCDebug(entities) << " getLastEdited:" << debugTime(getLastEdited(), now); }
void BoxEntityItem::debugDump() const { quint64 now = usecTimestampNow(); qCDebug(entities) << " BOX EntityItem id:" << getEntityItemID() << "---------------------------------------------"; qCDebug(entities) << " color:" << _color[0] << "," << _color[1] << "," << _color[2]; qCDebug(entities) << " position:" << debugTreeVector(_position); qCDebug(entities) << " dimensions:" << debugTreeVector(_dimensions); qCDebug(entities) << " getLastEdited:" << debugTime(getLastEdited(), now); }
void ModelEntityItem::debugDump() const { qCDebug(entities) << "ModelEntityItem id:" << getEntityItemID(); qCDebug(entities) << " edited ago:" << getEditedAgo(); qCDebug(entities) << " position:" << getPosition(); qCDebug(entities) << " dimensions:" << getDimensions(); qCDebug(entities) << " model URL:" << getModelURL(); qCDebug(entities) << " compound shape URL:" << getCompoundShapeURL(); }
void ParticleEffectEntityItem::debugDump() const { quint64 now = usecTimestampNow(); qCDebug(entities) << "PA EFFECT EntityItem id:" << getEntityItemID() << "---------------------------------------------"; qCDebug(entities) << " color:" << _color[0] << "," << _color[1] << "," << _color[2]; qCDebug(entities) << " position:" << debugTreeVector(getPosition()); qCDebug(entities) << " dimensions:" << debugTreeVector(getDimensions()); qCDebug(entities) << " getLastEdited:" << debugTime(getLastEdited(), now); }
void ShapeEntityItem::debugDump() const { quint64 now = usecTimestampNow(); qCDebug(entities) << "SHAPE EntityItem id:" << getEntityItemID() << "---------------------------------------------"; qCDebug(entities) << " shape:" << stringFromShape(_shape); qCDebug(entities) << " color:" << _color[0] << "," << _color[1] << "," << _color[2]; qCDebug(entities) << " position:" << debugTreeVector(getPosition()); qCDebug(entities) << " dimensions:" << debugTreeVector(getDimensions()); qCDebug(entities) << " getLastEdited:" << debugTime(getLastEdited(), now); }
void ZoneEntityItem::debugDump() const { quint64 now = usecTimestampNow(); qCDebug(entities) << " ZoneEntityItem id:" << getEntityItemID() << "---------------------------------------------"; qCDebug(entities) << " position:" << debugTreeVector(getPosition()); qCDebug(entities) << " dimensions:" << debugTreeVector(getDimensions()); qCDebug(entities) << " getLastEdited:" << debugTime(getLastEdited(), now); qCDebug(entities) << " _backgroundMode:" << EntityItemProperties::getBackgroundModeString(_backgroundMode); _keyLightProperties.debugDump(); _stageProperties.debugDump(); _skyboxProperties.debugDump(); }
void ShapeEntityItem::debugDump() const { quint64 now = usecTimestampNow(); qCDebug(entities) << "SHAPE EntityItem id:" << getEntityItemID() << "---------------------------------------------"; qCDebug(entities) << " name:" << _name; qCDebug(entities) << " shape:" << stringFromShape(_shape) << " (EnumId: " << _shape << " )"; qCDebug(entities) << " collisionShapeType:" << ShapeInfo::getNameForShapeType(getShapeType()); qCDebug(entities) << " color:" << _color[0] << "," << _color[1] << "," << _color[2]; qCDebug(entities) << " position:" << debugTreeVector(getWorldPosition()); qCDebug(entities) << " dimensions:" << debugTreeVector(getScaledDimensions()); qCDebug(entities) << " getLastEdited:" << debugTime(getLastEdited(), now); qCDebug(entities) << "SHAPE EntityItem Ptr:" << this; }
void RenderableModelEntityItem::update(const quint64& now) { if (!_dimensionsInitialized && _model && _model->isActive()) { EntityItemProperties properties; auto extents = _model->getMeshExtents(); properties.setDimensions(extents.maximum - extents.minimum); qCDebug(entitiesrenderer) << "Autoresizing:" << (!getName().isEmpty() ? getName() : getModelURL()); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(DependencyManager::get<EntityScriptingInterface>().data(), "editEntity", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(QUuid, getEntityItemID()), Q_ARG(EntityItemProperties, properties)); } ModelEntityItem::update(now); }
void MaterialEntityItem::debugDump() const { quint64 now = usecTimestampNow(); qCDebug(entities) << " MATERIAL EntityItem id:" << getEntityItemID() << "---------------------------------------------"; qCDebug(entities) << " name:" << _name; qCDebug(entities) << " material url:" << _materialURL; qCDebug(entities) << " current material name:" << _currentMaterialName.c_str(); qCDebug(entities) << " material mapping mode:" << _materialMappingMode; qCDebug(entities) << " priority:" << _priority; qCDebug(entities) << " parent material name:" << _parentMaterialName; qCDebug(entities) << " material mapping pos:" << _materialMappingPos; qCDebug(entities) << " material mapping scale:" << _materialMappingRot; qCDebug(entities) << " material mapping rot:" << _materialMappingScale; qCDebug(entities) << " position:" << debugTreeVector(getWorldPosition()); qCDebug(entities) << " dimensions:" << debugTreeVector(getScaledDimensions()); qCDebug(entities) << " getLastEdited:" << debugTime(getLastEdited(), now); qCDebug(entities) << "MATERIAL EntityItem Ptr:" << this; }
void ZoneEntityItem::debugDump() const { quint64 now = usecTimestampNow(); qCDebug(entities) << " ZoneEntityItem id:" << getEntityItemID() << "---------------------------------------------"; qCDebug(entities) << " keyLightColor:" << _keyLightColor[0] << "," << _keyLightColor[1] << "," << _keyLightColor[2]; qCDebug(entities) << " position:" << debugTreeVector(_position); qCDebug(entities) << " dimensions:" << debugTreeVector(_dimensions); qCDebug(entities) << " getLastEdited:" << debugTime(getLastEdited(), now); qCDebug(entities) << " _keyLightIntensity:" << _keyLightIntensity; qCDebug(entities) << " _keyLightAmbientIntensity:" << _keyLightAmbientIntensity; qCDebug(entities) << " _keyLightDirection:" << _keyLightDirection; qCDebug(entities) << " _stageSunModelEnabled:" << _stageSunModelEnabled; qCDebug(entities) << " _stageLatitude:" << _stageLatitude; qCDebug(entities) << " _stageLongitude:" << _stageLongitude; qCDebug(entities) << " _stageAltitude:" << _stageAltitude; qCDebug(entities) << " _stageDay:" << _stageDay; qCDebug(entities) << " _stageHour:" << _stageHour; }
void ZoneEntityItem::debugDump() const { quint64 now = usecTimestampNow(); qCDebug(entities) << " ZoneEntityItem id:" << getEntityItemID() << "---------------------------------------------"; qCDebug(entities) << " position:" << debugTreeVector(getWorldPosition()); qCDebug(entities) << " dimensions:" << debugTreeVector(getScaledDimensions()); qCDebug(entities) << " getLastEdited:" << debugTime(getLastEdited(), now); qCDebug(entities) << " _hazeMode:" << EntityItemProperties::getComponentModeAsString(_hazeMode); qCDebug(entities) << " _keyLightMode:" << EntityItemProperties::getComponentModeAsString(_keyLightMode); qCDebug(entities) << " _ambientLightMode:" << EntityItemProperties::getComponentModeAsString(_ambientLightMode); qCDebug(entities) << " _skyboxMode:" << EntityItemProperties::getComponentModeAsString(_skyboxMode); qCDebug(entities) << " _bloomMode:" << EntityItemProperties::getComponentModeAsString(_bloomMode); qCDebug(entities) << " _avatarPriority:" << getAvatarPriority(); _keyLightProperties.debugDump(); _ambientLightProperties.debugDump(); _skyboxProperties.debugDump(); _hazeProperties.debugDump(); _bloomProperties.debugDump(); }
void EntityItem::update(const quint64& updateTime) { bool wantDebug = false; if (_lastUpdated == 0) { _lastUpdated = updateTime; } float timeElapsed = (float)(updateTime - _lastUpdated) / (float)(USECS_PER_SECOND); if (wantDebug) { qDebug() << "********** EntityItem::update()"; qDebug() << " entity ID=" << getEntityItemID(); qDebug() << " updateTime=" << updateTime; qDebug() << " _lastUpdated=" << _lastUpdated; qDebug() << " timeElapsed=" << timeElapsed; qDebug() << " hasVelocity=" << hasVelocity(); qDebug() << " hasGravity=" << hasGravity(); qDebug() << " isRestingOnSurface=" << isRestingOnSurface(); qDebug() << " hasAngularVelocity=" << hasAngularVelocity(); qDebug() << " getAngularVelocity=" << getAngularVelocity(); qDebug() << " isMortal=" << isMortal(); qDebug() << " getAge()=" << getAge(); qDebug() << " getLifetime()=" << getLifetime(); if (hasVelocity() || (hasGravity() && !isRestingOnSurface())) { qDebug() << " MOVING...="; qDebug() << " hasVelocity=" << hasVelocity(); qDebug() << " hasGravity=" << hasGravity(); qDebug() << " isRestingOnSurface=" << isRestingOnSurface(); qDebug() << " hasAngularVelocity=" << hasAngularVelocity(); qDebug() << " getAngularVelocity=" << getAngularVelocity(); } if (hasAngularVelocity()) { qDebug() << " CHANGING...="; qDebug() << " hasAngularVelocity=" << hasAngularVelocity(); qDebug() << " getAngularVelocity=" << getAngularVelocity(); } if (isMortal()) { qDebug() << " MORTAL...="; qDebug() << " isMortal=" << isMortal(); qDebug() << " getAge()=" << getAge(); qDebug() << " getLifetime()=" << getLifetime(); } } _lastUpdated = updateTime; if (wantDebug) { qDebug() << " ********** EntityItem::update() .... SETTING _lastUpdated=" << _lastUpdated; } if (hasAngularVelocity()) { glm::quat rotation = getRotation(); glm::vec3 angularVelocity = glm::radians(getAngularVelocity()); float angularSpeed = glm::length(angularVelocity); if (angularSpeed < EPSILON_VELOCITY_LENGTH) { setAngularVelocity(NO_ANGULAR_VELOCITY); } else { float angle = timeElapsed * angularSpeed; glm::quat dQ = glm::angleAxis(angle, glm::normalize(angularVelocity)); rotation = dQ * rotation; setRotation(rotation); // handle damping for angular velocity if (getAngularDamping() > 0.0f) { glm::vec3 dampingResistance = getAngularVelocity() * getAngularDamping(); glm::vec3 newAngularVelocity = getAngularVelocity() - (dampingResistance * timeElapsed); setAngularVelocity(newAngularVelocity); if (wantDebug) { qDebug() << " getDamping():" << getDamping(); qDebug() << " dampingResistance:" << dampingResistance; qDebug() << " newAngularVelocity:" << newAngularVelocity; } } } } if (hasVelocity() || hasGravity()) { glm::vec3 position = getPosition(); glm::vec3 velocity = getVelocity(); glm::vec3 newPosition = position + (velocity * timeElapsed); if (wantDebug) { qDebug() << " EntityItem::update()...."; qDebug() << " timeElapsed:" << timeElapsed; qDebug() << " old AACube:" << getMaximumAACube(); qDebug() << " old position:" << position; qDebug() << " old velocity:" << velocity; qDebug() << " old getAABox:" << getAABox(); qDebug() << " getDistanceToBottomOfEntity():" << getDistanceToBottomOfEntity() * (float)TREE_SCALE << " in meters"; qDebug() << " newPosition:" << newPosition; qDebug() << " glm::distance(newPosition, position):" << glm::distance(newPosition, position); } position = newPosition; // handle bounces off the ground... We bounce at the distance to the bottom of our entity if (position.y <= getDistanceToBottomOfEntity()) { velocity = velocity * glm::vec3(1,-1,1); // if we've slowed considerably, then just stop moving if (glm::length(velocity) <= EPSILON_VELOCITY_LENGTH) { velocity = NO_VELOCITY; } position.y = getDistanceToBottomOfEntity(); } // handle gravity.... if (hasGravity() && !isRestingOnSurface()) { velocity += getGravity() * timeElapsed; } // handle resting on surface case, this is definitely a bit of a hack, and it only works on the // "ground" plane of the domain, but for now it if (hasGravity() && isRestingOnSurface()) { velocity.y = 0.0f; position.y = getDistanceToBottomOfEntity(); } // handle damping for velocity glm::vec3 dampingResistance = velocity * getDamping(); if (wantDebug) { qDebug() << " getDamping():" << getDamping(); qDebug() << " dampingResistance:" << dampingResistance; qDebug() << " dampingResistance * timeElapsed:" << dampingResistance * timeElapsed; } velocity -= dampingResistance * timeElapsed; if (wantDebug) { qDebug() << " velocity AFTER dampingResistance:" << velocity; qDebug() << " glm::length(velocity):" << glm::length(velocity); qDebug() << " EPSILON_VELOCITY_LENGTH:" << EPSILON_VELOCITY_LENGTH; } // round velocity to zero if it's close enough... if (glm::length(velocity) <= EPSILON_VELOCITY_LENGTH) { velocity = NO_VELOCITY; } setPosition(position); // this will automatically recalculate our collision shape setVelocity(velocity); if (wantDebug) { qDebug() << " new position:" << position; qDebug() << " new velocity:" << velocity; qDebug() << " new AACube:" << getMaximumAACube(); qDebug() << " old getAABox:" << getAABox(); } } }
OctreeElement::AppendState EntityItem::appendEntityData(OctreePacketData* packetData, EncodeBitstreamParams& params, EntityTreeElementExtraEncodeData* entityTreeElementExtraEncodeData) const { // ALL this fits... // object ID [16 bytes] // ByteCountCoded(type code) [~1 byte] // last edited [8 bytes] // ByteCountCoded(last_edited to last_updated delta) [~1-8 bytes] // PropertyFlags<>( everything ) [1-2 bytes] // ~27-35 bytes... OctreeElement::AppendState appendState = OctreeElement::COMPLETED; // assume the best // encode our ID as a byte count coded byte stream QByteArray encodedID = getID().toRfc4122(); // encode our type as a byte count coded byte stream ByteCountCoded<quint32> typeCoder = getType(); QByteArray encodedType = typeCoder; quint64 updateDelta = getLastUpdated() <= getLastEdited() ? 0 : getLastUpdated() - getLastEdited(); ByteCountCoded<quint64> updateDeltaCoder = updateDelta; QByteArray encodedUpdateDelta = updateDeltaCoder; EntityPropertyFlags propertyFlags(PROP_LAST_ITEM); EntityPropertyFlags requestedProperties = getEntityProperties(params); EntityPropertyFlags propertiesDidntFit = requestedProperties; // If we are being called for a subsequent pass at appendEntityData() that failed to completely encode this item, // then our entityTreeElementExtraEncodeData should include data about which properties we need to append. if (entityTreeElementExtraEncodeData && entityTreeElementExtraEncodeData->entities.contains(getEntityItemID())) { requestedProperties = entityTreeElementExtraEncodeData->entities.value(getEntityItemID()); } LevelDetails entityLevel = packetData->startLevel(); quint64 lastEdited = getLastEdited(); const bool wantDebug = false; if (wantDebug) { float editedAgo = getEditedAgo(); QString agoAsString = formatSecondsElapsed(editedAgo); qDebug() << "Writing entity " << getEntityItemID() << " to buffer, lastEdited =" << lastEdited << " ago=" << editedAgo << "seconds - " << agoAsString; } bool successIDFits = false; bool successTypeFits = false; bool successCreatedFits = false; bool successLastEditedFits = false; bool successLastUpdatedFits = false; bool successPropertyFlagsFits = false; int propertyFlagsOffset = 0; int oldPropertyFlagsLength = 0; QByteArray encodedPropertyFlags; int propertyCount = 0; successIDFits = packetData->appendValue(encodedID); if (successIDFits) { successTypeFits = packetData->appendValue(encodedType); } if (successTypeFits) { successCreatedFits = packetData->appendValue(_created); } if (successCreatedFits) { successLastEditedFits = packetData->appendValue(lastEdited); } if (successLastEditedFits) { successLastUpdatedFits = packetData->appendValue(encodedUpdateDelta); } if (successLastUpdatedFits) { propertyFlagsOffset = packetData->getUncompressedByteOffset(); encodedPropertyFlags = propertyFlags; oldPropertyFlagsLength = encodedPropertyFlags.length(); successPropertyFlagsFits = packetData->appendValue(encodedPropertyFlags); } bool headerFits = successIDFits && successTypeFits && successCreatedFits && successLastEditedFits && successLastUpdatedFits && successPropertyFlagsFits; int startOfEntityItemData = packetData->getUncompressedByteOffset(); if (headerFits) { bool successPropertyFits; propertyFlags -= PROP_LAST_ITEM; // clear the last item for now, we may or may not set it as the actual item // These items would go here once supported.... // PROP_PAGED_PROPERTY, // PROP_CUSTOM_PROPERTIES_INCLUDED, APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_POSITION, appendPosition, getPosition()); APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_DIMENSIONS, appendValue, getDimensions()); // NOTE: PROP_RADIUS obsolete if (wantDebug) { qDebug() << " APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY() PROP_DIMENSIONS:" << getDimensions(); } APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_ROTATION, appendValue, getRotation()); APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_MASS, appendValue, getMass()); APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_VELOCITY, appendValue, getVelocity()); APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_GRAVITY, appendValue, getGravity()); APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_DAMPING, appendValue, getDamping()); APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_LIFETIME, appendValue, getLifetime()); APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_SCRIPT, appendValue, getScript()); APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_REGISTRATION_POINT, appendValue, getRegistrationPoint()); APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_ANGULAR_VELOCITY, appendValue, getAngularVelocity()); APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_ANGULAR_DAMPING, appendValue, getAngularDamping()); APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_VISIBLE, appendValue, getVisible()); APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_IGNORE_FOR_COLLISIONS, appendValue, getIgnoreForCollisions()); APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_COLLISIONS_WILL_MOVE, appendValue, getCollisionsWillMove()); appendSubclassData(packetData, params, entityTreeElementExtraEncodeData, requestedProperties, propertyFlags, propertiesDidntFit, propertyCount, appendState); } if (propertyCount > 0) { int endOfEntityItemData = packetData->getUncompressedByteOffset(); encodedPropertyFlags = propertyFlags; int newPropertyFlagsLength = encodedPropertyFlags.length(); packetData->updatePriorBytes(propertyFlagsOffset, (const unsigned char*)encodedPropertyFlags.constData(), encodedPropertyFlags.length()); // if the size of the PropertyFlags shrunk, we need to shift everything down to front of packet. if (newPropertyFlagsLength < oldPropertyFlagsLength) { int oldSize = packetData->getUncompressedSize(); const unsigned char* modelItemData = packetData->getUncompressedData(propertyFlagsOffset + oldPropertyFlagsLength); int modelItemDataLength = endOfEntityItemData - startOfEntityItemData; int newEntityItemDataStart = propertyFlagsOffset + newPropertyFlagsLength; packetData->updatePriorBytes(newEntityItemDataStart, modelItemData, modelItemDataLength); int newSize = oldSize - (oldPropertyFlagsLength - newPropertyFlagsLength); packetData->setUncompressedSize(newSize); } else { assert(newPropertyFlagsLength == oldPropertyFlagsLength); // should not have grown } packetData->endLevel(entityLevel); } else { packetData->discardLevel(entityLevel); appendState = OctreeElement::NONE; // if we got here, then we didn't include the item } // If any part of the model items didn't fit, then the element is considered partial if (appendState != OctreeElement::COMPLETED) { // add this item into our list for the next appendElementData() pass entityTreeElementExtraEncodeData->entities.insert(getEntityItemID(), propertiesDidntFit); } return appendState; }
int EntityItem::readEntityDataFromBuffer(const unsigned char* data, int bytesLeftToRead, ReadBitstreamToTreeParams& args) { bool wantDebug = false; if (args.bitstreamVersion < VERSION_ENTITIES_SUPPORT_SPLIT_MTU) { // NOTE: This shouldn't happen. The only versions of the bit stream that didn't support split mtu buffers should // be handled by the model subclass and shouldn't call this routine. qDebug() << "EntityItem::readEntityDataFromBuffer()... " "ERROR CASE...args.bitstreamVersion < VERSION_ENTITIES_SUPPORT_SPLIT_MTU"; return 0; } // Header bytes // object ID [16 bytes] // ByteCountCoded(type code) [~1 byte] // last edited [8 bytes] // ByteCountCoded(last_edited to last_updated delta) [~1-8 bytes] // PropertyFlags<>( everything ) [1-2 bytes] // ~27-35 bytes... const int MINIMUM_HEADER_BYTES = 27; int bytesRead = 0; if (bytesLeftToRead >= MINIMUM_HEADER_BYTES) { int originalLength = bytesLeftToRead; QByteArray originalDataBuffer((const char*)data, originalLength); int clockSkew = args.sourceNode ? args.sourceNode->getClockSkewUsec() : 0; const unsigned char* dataAt = data; // id QByteArray encodedID = originalDataBuffer.mid(bytesRead, NUM_BYTES_RFC4122_UUID); // maximum possible size _id = QUuid::fromRfc4122(encodedID); _creatorTokenID = UNKNOWN_ENTITY_TOKEN; // if we know the id, then we don't care about the creator token _newlyCreated = false; dataAt += encodedID.size(); bytesRead += encodedID.size(); // type QByteArray encodedType = originalDataBuffer.mid(bytesRead); // maximum possible size ByteCountCoded<quint32> typeCoder = encodedType; encodedType = typeCoder; // determine true length dataAt += encodedType.size(); bytesRead += encodedType.size(); quint32 type = typeCoder; _type = (EntityTypes::EntityType)type; bool overwriteLocalData = true; // assume the new content overwrites our local data // _created quint64 createdFromBuffer = 0; memcpy(&createdFromBuffer, dataAt, sizeof(createdFromBuffer)); dataAt += sizeof(createdFromBuffer); bytesRead += sizeof(createdFromBuffer); createdFromBuffer -= clockSkew; _created = createdFromBuffer; // TODO: do we ever want to discard this??? if (wantDebug) { quint64 lastEdited = getLastEdited(); float editedAgo = getEditedAgo(); QString agoAsString = formatSecondsElapsed(editedAgo); QString ageAsString = formatSecondsElapsed(getAge()); qDebug() << "Loading entity " << getEntityItemID() << " from buffer..."; qDebug() << " _created =" << _created; qDebug() << " age=" << getAge() << "seconds - " << ageAsString; qDebug() << " lastEdited =" << lastEdited; qDebug() << " ago=" << editedAgo << "seconds - " << agoAsString; } quint64 now = usecTimestampNow(); quint64 lastEditedFromBuffer = 0; quint64 lastEditedFromBufferAdjusted = 0; // TODO: we could make this encoded as a delta from _created // _lastEdited memcpy(&lastEditedFromBuffer, dataAt, sizeof(lastEditedFromBuffer)); dataAt += sizeof(lastEditedFromBuffer); bytesRead += sizeof(lastEditedFromBuffer); lastEditedFromBufferAdjusted = lastEditedFromBuffer - clockSkew; bool fromSameServerEdit = (lastEditedFromBuffer == _lastEditedFromRemoteInRemoteTime); if (wantDebug) { qDebug() << "data from server **************** "; qDebug() << " entityItemID=" << getEntityItemID(); qDebug() << " now=" << now; qDebug() << " getLastEdited()=" << getLastEdited(); qDebug() << " lastEditedFromBuffer=" << lastEditedFromBuffer << " (BEFORE clockskew adjust)"; qDebug() << " clockSkew=" << clockSkew; qDebug() << " lastEditedFromBufferAdjusted=" << lastEditedFromBufferAdjusted << " (AFTER clockskew adjust)"; qDebug() << " _lastEditedFromRemote=" << _lastEditedFromRemote << " (our local time the last server edit we accepted)"; qDebug() << " _lastEditedFromRemoteInRemoteTime=" << _lastEditedFromRemoteInRemoteTime << " (remote time the last server edit we accepted)"; qDebug() << " fromSameServerEdit=" << fromSameServerEdit; } bool ignoreServerPacket = false; // assume we're use this server packet // If this packet is from the same server edit as the last packet we accepted from the server // we probably want to use it. if (fromSameServerEdit) { // If this is from the same sever packet, then check against any local changes since we got // the most recent packet from this server time if (_lastEdited > _lastEditedFromRemote) { ignoreServerPacket = true; } } else { // If this isn't from the same sever packet, then honor our skew adjusted times... // If we've changed our local tree more recently than the new data from this packet // then we will not be changing our values, instead we just read and skip the data if (_lastEdited > lastEditedFromBufferAdjusted) { ignoreServerPacket = true; } } if (ignoreServerPacket) { overwriteLocalData = false; if (wantDebug) { qDebug() << "IGNORING old data from server!!! ****************"; } } else { if (wantDebug) { qDebug() << "USING NEW data from server!!! ****************"; } _lastEdited = lastEditedFromBufferAdjusted; _lastEditedFromRemote = now; _lastEditedFromRemoteInRemoteTime = lastEditedFromBuffer; somethingChangedNotification(); // notify derived classes that something has changed } // last updated is stored as ByteCountCoded delta from lastEdited QByteArray encodedUpdateDelta = originalDataBuffer.mid(bytesRead); // maximum possible size ByteCountCoded<quint64> updateDeltaCoder = encodedUpdateDelta; quint64 updateDelta = updateDeltaCoder; if (overwriteLocalData) { _lastUpdated = lastEditedFromBufferAdjusted + updateDelta; // don't adjust for clock skew since we already did that for _lastEdited if (wantDebug) { qDebug() << "_lastUpdated=" << _lastUpdated; qDebug() << "_lastEdited=" << _lastEdited; qDebug() << "lastEditedFromBufferAdjusted=" << lastEditedFromBufferAdjusted; } } encodedUpdateDelta = updateDeltaCoder; // determine true length dataAt += encodedUpdateDelta.size(); bytesRead += encodedUpdateDelta.size(); // Property Flags QByteArray encodedPropertyFlags = originalDataBuffer.mid(bytesRead); // maximum possible size EntityPropertyFlags propertyFlags = encodedPropertyFlags; dataAt += propertyFlags.getEncodedLength(); bytesRead += propertyFlags.getEncodedLength(); READ_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_POSITION, glm::vec3, _position); // Old bitstreams had PROP_RADIUS, new bitstreams have PROP_DIMENSIONS if (args.bitstreamVersion < VERSION_ENTITIES_SUPPORT_DIMENSIONS) { if (propertyFlags.getHasProperty(PROP_RADIUS)) { float fromBuffer; memcpy(&fromBuffer, dataAt, sizeof(fromBuffer)); dataAt += sizeof(fromBuffer); bytesRead += sizeof(fromBuffer); if (overwriteLocalData) { setRadius(fromBuffer); } if (wantDebug) { qDebug() << " readEntityDataFromBuffer() OLD FORMAT... found PROP_RADIUS"; } } } else { READ_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_DIMENSIONS, glm::vec3, _dimensions); if (wantDebug) { qDebug() << " readEntityDataFromBuffer() NEW FORMAT... look for PROP_DIMENSIONS"; } } if (wantDebug) { qDebug() << " readEntityDataFromBuffer() _dimensions:" << getDimensionsInMeters() << " in meters"; } READ_ENTITY_PROPERTY_QUAT(PROP_ROTATION, _rotation); READ_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_MASS, float, _mass); READ_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_VELOCITY, glm::vec3, _velocity); READ_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_GRAVITY, glm::vec3, _gravity); READ_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_DAMPING, float, _damping); READ_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_LIFETIME, float, _lifetime); READ_ENTITY_PROPERTY_STRING(PROP_SCRIPT,setScript); READ_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_REGISTRATION_POINT, glm::vec3, _registrationPoint); READ_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_ANGULAR_VELOCITY, glm::vec3, _angularVelocity); READ_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_ANGULAR_DAMPING, float, _angularDamping); READ_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_VISIBLE, bool, _visible); READ_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_IGNORE_FOR_COLLISIONS, bool, _ignoreForCollisions); READ_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_COLLISIONS_WILL_MOVE, bool, _collisionsWillMove); if (wantDebug) { qDebug() << " readEntityDataFromBuffer() _registrationPoint:" << _registrationPoint; qDebug() << " readEntityDataFromBuffer() _visible:" << _visible; qDebug() << " readEntityDataFromBuffer() _ignoreForCollisions:" << _ignoreForCollisions; qDebug() << " readEntityDataFromBuffer() _collisionsWillMove:" << _collisionsWillMove; } bytesRead += readEntitySubclassDataFromBuffer(dataAt, (bytesLeftToRead - bytesRead), args, propertyFlags, overwriteLocalData); recalculateCollisionShape(); } return bytesRead; }
void EntityItem::debugDump() const { qDebug() << "EntityItem id:" << getEntityItemID(); qDebug(" edited ago:%f", getEditedAgo()); qDebug(" position:%f,%f,%f", _position.x, _position.y, _position.z); qDebug() << " dimensions:" << _dimensions; }