Esempio n. 1
bool LifeCell::hitTest(int x, int y)
    bool allowsClicksOnComponent, allowsClicksOnChildComponents;                      //temp variables to store clickable state
    getInterceptsMouseClicks(allowsClicksOnComponent, allowsClicksOnChildComponents); //request clickable state and store in temp variables
    //if the component is not supposed to receive mouse clicks then return false
    //otherwise pass the hit test into the base classes hit test method
    if (!allowsClicksOnComponent || !allowsClicksOnChildComponents){
        return false;
        return ImageButton::hitTest(x, y);
Esempio n. 2
bool DrawableShape::hitTest (int x, int y)
    bool allowsClicksOnThisComponent, allowsClicksOnChildComponents;
    getInterceptsMouseClicks (allowsClicksOnThisComponent, allowsClicksOnChildComponents);

    if (! allowsClicksOnThisComponent)
        return false;

    const float globalX = (float) (x - originRelativeToComponent.x);
    const float globalY = (float) (y - originRelativeToComponent.y);

    return path.contains (globalX, globalY)
            || (isStrokeVisible() && strokePath.contains (globalX, globalY));