Esempio n. 1
void VideoDecoder::setSystemPalette() {
    const byte *vidPalette = getPalette();
    byte *sysPalette = new byte[256 * 4];

    for (uint16 i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
        sysPalette[i * 4]     = vidPalette[i * 3];
        sysPalette[i * 4 + 1] = vidPalette[i * 3 + 1];
        sysPalette[i * 4 + 2] = vidPalette[i * 3 + 2];
        sysPalette[i * 4 + 3] = 0;

    g_system->getPaletteManager()->setPalette(sysPalette, 0, 256);
    delete[] sysPalette;
Esempio n. 2
 * Initializes the alternate surface for swapping out as needed.
 * performs a colour swap for TFTD style buttons, and a palette inversion for coloured buttons
 * we use two seperate surfaces because it's far easier to keep track of
 * whether or not this surface is inverted.
void BattlescapeButton::initSurfaces()
	delete _altSurface;
	_altSurface = new Surface(_surface->w, _surface->h, _x, _y);

	// Lock the surface

	// tftd mode: use a colour lookup table instead of simple palette inversion for our "pressed" state
	if (_tftdMode)
		// this is our colour lookup table
		const int colorFrom[] = {1, 2, 3, 4,  7,  8, 31, 47, 153, 156, 159};
		const int colorTo[]   = {2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 10,  2,  2,  96,   9,  97};

		for (int x = 0, y = 0; x < getWidth() && y < getHeight();)
			Uint8 pixel = getPixel(x, y);
			for (int i = 0; i != sizeof(colorFrom)/sizeof(colorFrom[0]); ++i)
				if (pixel == colorFrom[i])
					pixel = colorTo[i];
			_altSurface->setPixelIterative(&x, &y, pixel);
		for (int x = 0, y = 0; x < getWidth() && y < getHeight();)
			Uint8 pixel = getPixel(x, y);
			if (pixel > 0)
				_altSurface->setPixelIterative(&x, &y, pixel + 2 * ((int)_color + 3 - (int)pixel));
				_altSurface->setPixelIterative(&x, &y, 0);

	// Unlock the surface
Esempio n. 3
void StaticTile::renderBitmap()
    int bw = Tile::getBitmap()->getW();
    int bh = Tile::getBitmap()->getH();
    Color currentColor;
    Tile::getBitmap()->copyTo(pbitmap, 0, 0);
    for (int x = 0; x < bw; x++)
        for (int y = 0; y < bh; y++)
            currentColor.fromPixel(pbitmap->getPixel(x, y), pbitmap->getSurface()->format);
            pbitmap->setPixel(x, y,getPalette()->getReplacementColor(currentColor).toPixel(pbitmap->getSurface()->format));
Esempio n. 4
	virtual video::SColor getItemstackColor(const ItemStack &stack,
		Client *client) const
		// Look for direct color definition
		const std::string &colorstring = stack.metadata.getString("color", 0);
		video::SColor directcolor;
		if (!colorstring.empty() && parseColorString(colorstring, directcolor, true))
			return directcolor;
		// See if there is a palette
		Palette *palette = getPalette(, client);
		const std::string &index = stack.metadata.getString("palette_index", 0);
		if (palette && !index.empty())
			return (*palette)[mystoi(index, 0, 255)];
		// Fallback color
		return get(;
Esempio n. 5
void DreamWebEngine::fadeDOS() {
	return; // FIXME later

	//processEvents will be called from vsync
	uint8 *dst = _startPal;
	getPalette(dst, 0, 64);
	for (int fade = 0; fade < 64; ++fade) {
		for (int c = 0; c < 768; ++c) { //original sources decrement 768 values -> 256 colors
			if (dst[c]) {
		setPalette(dst, 0, 64);
Esempio n. 6
void KNThemeManager::loadTheme(const QString &themeFilePath)
    QFile themeFile(themeFilePath);
    //Check the theme file exist or not. Open the file as ReadOnly mode.
    if(!themeFile.exists() || !
    //Read the data and close the file.
    QJsonObject themeData=QJsonDocument::fromJson(themeFile.readAll()).object();
    //Generate the temporary palette map and name hash list.
    //We don't write it to palette list to avoid the bad file.
    QHash<QString, QPalette> paletteList;
    //Parse the theme data.
    QStringList paletteNames=themeData.keys();
    for(QStringList::iterator i=paletteNames.begin();
        //Check whether we have loaded this name before.
        //Parse the data.
        parsePalette(*i, &themeData, paletteList);
    //Check the new map is available or not.
        //Save the palette map.
        //Update all the widget's palette in the widget list.
        for(QLinkedList<QWidget *>::iterator i=m_widgetList.begin();
        //Emit the theme change signal.
        emit themeChange();
Esempio n. 7
void MoviePlayerSMK::copyFrameToBuffer(byte *dst, uint x, uint y, uint pitch) {
	uint h = getHeight();
	uint w = getWidth();

	const Graphics::Surface *surface = decodeNextFrame();

	if (!surface)

	const byte *src = (const byte *)surface->getPixels();
	dst += y * pitch + x;

	do {
		memcpy(dst, src, w);
		dst += pitch;
		src += w;
	} while (--h);

	if (hasDirtyPalette())
		g_system->getPaletteManager()->setPalette(getPalette(), 0, 256);
void ArchivItem_BitmapBase::getVisibleArea(int& vx, int& vy, unsigned& vw, unsigned& vh) const
    if((width_ == 0) || (height_ == 0))
        vx = vy = vw = vh = 0;

    const ArchivItem_Palette* palette = getPalette();
    if(getBBP() == 1 && !palette->hasTransparency())
        vx = vy = 0;
        vw = width_;
        vh = height_;

    if(getBBP() == 1)
        doGetVisibleArea(vx, vy, vw, vh, [this, palette](auto x, auto y) { return palette->isTransparent(this->getPalettedPixel(x, y)); });
        doGetVisibleArea(vx, vy, vw, vh, [this](auto x, auto y) { return this->getPixelPtr(x, y)[3] == 0u; });
Esempio n. 9
 * Changes the screen's resolution. The display surface
 * and palette have to be reset for this to happen properly.
 * @param width Width in pixels.
 * @param height Height in pixels.
void Screen::setResolution(int width, int height)

	if (!_surface || (_surface && 
		(_surface->getSurface()->format->BitsPerPixel != _bpp || 
		_surface->getSurface()->w != BASE_WIDTH ||
		_surface->getSurface()->h != BASE_HEIGHT))) // don't reallocate _surface if not necessary, it's a waste of CPU cycles
		if (_surface) delete _surface;
		_surface = new Surface((int)BASE_WIDTH, (int)BASE_HEIGHT, 0, 0, Screen::isHQXEnabled() ? 32 : 8); // only HQX needs 32bpp for this surface; the OpenGL class has its own 32bpp buffer
		if (_surface->getSurface()->format->BitsPerPixel == 8) _surface->setPalette(deferredPalette);
	SDL_SetColorKey(_surface->getSurface(), 0, 0); // turn off color key! 

	Log(LOG_INFO) << "Attempting to set display to " << width << "x" << height << "x" << _bpp << "...";
	_screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(width, height, _bpp, _flags);
	if (_screen == 0)
		throw Exception(SDL_GetError());
	_scaleX = getWidth() / (double)BASE_WIDTH;
	_scaleY = getHeight() / (double)BASE_HEIGHT;

	if (isOpenGLEnabled()) 
		glOutput.init(BASE_WIDTH, BASE_HEIGHT);
		glOutput.linear = Options::getBool("useOpenGLSmoothing"); // setting from shader file will override this, though
		OpenGL::checkErrors = Options::getBool("checkOpenGLErrors");

	Log(LOG_INFO) << "Display set to " << getWidth() << "x" << getHeight() << "x" << (int)_screen->format->BitsPerPixel << ".";
	if (_screen->format->BitsPerPixel == 8)
Esempio n. 10
void MoviePlayer::copyFrameToBuffer(byte *dst, int dstType, uint x, uint y, uint pitch) {
	uint h = getHeight();
	uint w = getWidth();

	const Graphics::Surface *surface = decodeNextFrame();
	byte *src = (byte *)surface->pixels;

	if (hasDirtyPalette())
		_vm->setPaletteFromPtr(getPalette(), 256);

	if (_vm->_game.features & GF_16BIT_COLOR) {
		dst += y * pitch + x * 2;
		do {
			for (uint i = 0; i < w; i++) {
				uint16 color = READ_LE_UINT16(_vm->_hePalettes + _vm->_hePaletteSlot + 768 + src[i] * 2);
				switch (dstType) {
				case kDstScreen:
					WRITE_UINT16(dst + i * 2, color);
				case kDstResource:
					WRITE_LE_UINT16(dst + i * 2, color);
					error("copyFrameToBuffer: Unknown dstType %d", dstType);
			dst += pitch;
			src += w;
		} while (--h);
	} else {
		dst += y * pitch + x;
		do {
			memcpy(dst, src, w);
			dst += pitch;
			src += w;
		} while (--h);
Esempio n. 11
int Screen::equalizePalette(const byte palette[PALETTE_SIZE]) {
	int total = 0;
	byte tempPalette[PALETTE_SIZE];

	// For any palette component that doesn't already match the given destination
	// palette, change by 1 towards the reference palette component
	for (int idx = 0; idx < PALETTE_SIZE; ++idx) {
		if (tempPalette[idx] > palette[idx]) {
			tempPalette[idx] = MAX((int)palette[idx], (int)tempPalette[idx] - 4);
		} else if (tempPalette[idx] < palette[idx]) {
			tempPalette[idx] = MIN((int)palette[idx], (int)tempPalette[idx] + 4);

	if (total > 0)
		// Palette changed, so reload it

	return total;
Esempio n. 12
 * Draws a text string on the surface.
 * @param x X coordinate in pixels.
 * @param y Y coordinate in pixels.
 * @param s Character string to draw.
 * @param color Color of string.
void Surface::drawString(Sint16 x, Sint16 y, const char *s, Uint8 color)
	stringColor(_surface, x, y, s, Palette::getRGBA(getPalette(), color));
Esempio n. 13
 * Draws a filled polygon on the surface.
 * @param x Array of x coordinates.
 * @param y Array of y coordinates.
 * @param n Number of points.
 * @param color Color of the polygon.
void Surface::drawPolygon(Sint16 *x, Sint16 *y, int n, Uint8 color)
	filledPolygonColor(_surface, x, y, n, Palette::getRGBA(getPalette(), color));
Esempio n. 14
 * Draws a filled circle on the surface.
 * @param x X coordinate in pixels.
 * @param y Y coordinate in pixels.
 * @param r Radius in pixels.
 * @param color Color of the circle.
void Surface::drawCircle(Sint16 x, Sint16 y, Sint16 r, Uint8 color)
	filledCircleColor(_surface, x, y, r, Palette::getRGBA(getPalette(), color));
Esempio n. 15
 * Draws a line on the surface.
 * @param x1 Start x coordinate in pixels.
 * @param y1 Start y coordinate in pixels.
 * @param x2 End x coordinate in pixels.
 * @param y2 End y coordinate in pixels.
 * @param color Color of the line.
void Surface::drawLine(Sint16 x1, Sint16 y1, Sint16 x2, Sint16 y2, Uint8 color)
	lineColor(_surface, x1, y1, x2, y2, Palette::getRGBA(getPalette(), color));
void TVDemo::colors()

    TColorGroup &group1 =
        *new TColorGroup("Desktop") +
            *new TColorItem("Color",             1)+

        *new TColorGroup("Menus") +
            *new TColorItem("Normal",            2)+
            *new TColorItem("Disabled",          3)+
            *new TColorItem("Shortcut",          4)+
            *new TColorItem("Selected",          5)+
            *new TColorItem("Selected disabled", 6)+
            *new TColorItem("Shortcut selected", 7

    TColorGroup &group2 =
        *new TColorGroup("Dialogs/Calc") +
            *new TColorItem("Frame/background",  33)+
            *new TColorItem("Frame icons",       34)+
            *new TColorItem("Scroll bar page",   35)+
            *new TColorItem("Scroll bar icons",  36)+
            *new TColorItem("Static text",       37)+

            *new TColorItem("Label normal",      38)+
            *new TColorItem("Label selected",    39)+
            *new TColorItem("Label shortcut",    40

    TColorItem &item_coll1 =
        *new TColorItem("Button normal",     41)+
        *new TColorItem("Button default",    42)+
        *new TColorItem("Button selected",   43)+
        *new TColorItem("Button disabled",   44)+
        *new TColorItem("Button shortcut",   45)+
        *new TColorItem("Button shadow",     46)+
        *new TColorItem("Cluster normal",    47)+
        *new TColorItem("Cluster selected",  48)+
        *new TColorItem("Cluster shortcut",  49

    TColorItem &item_coll2 =
        *new TColorItem("Input normal",      50)+
        *new TColorItem("Input selected",    51)+
        *new TColorItem("Input arrow",       52)+

        *new TColorItem("History button",    53)+
        *new TColorItem("History sides",     54)+
        *new TColorItem("History bar page",  55)+
        *new TColorItem("History bar icons", 56)+

        *new TColorItem("List normal",       57)+
        *new TColorItem("List focused",      58)+
        *new TColorItem("List selected",     59)+
        *new TColorItem("List divider",      60)+

        *new TColorItem("Information pane",  61

     group2 = group2 + item_coll1 + item_coll2;

     TColorGroup &group3 =
         *new TColorGroup("Viewer") +
             *new TColorItem("Frame passive",      8)+
             *new TColorItem("Frame active",       9)+
             *new TColorItem("Frame icons",       10)+
             *new TColorItem("Scroll bar page",   11)+
             *new TColorItem("Scroll bar icons",  12)+
             *new TColorItem("Text",              13)+
         *new TColorGroup("Puzzle")+
             *new TColorItem("Frame passive",      8)+
             *new TColorItem("Frame active",       9)+
             *new TColorItem("Frame icons",       10)+
             *new TColorItem("Scroll bar page",   11)+
             *new TColorItem("Scroll bar icons",  12)+
             *new TColorItem("Normal text",       13)+
             *new TColorItem("Highlighted text",  14

     TColorGroup &group4 =
         *new TColorGroup("Calendar") +
             *new TColorItem("Frame passive",     16)+
             *new TColorItem("Frame active",      17)+
             *new TColorItem("Frame icons",       18)+
             *new TColorItem("Scroll bar page",   19)+
             *new TColorItem("Scroll bar icons",  20)+
             *new TColorItem("Normal text",       21)+
             *new TColorItem("Current day",       22)+

         *new TColorGroup("Ascii table") +
             *new TColorItem("Frame passive",     24)+
             *new TColorItem("Frame active",      25)+
             *new TColorItem("Frame icons",       26)+
             *new TColorItem("Scroll bar page",   27)+
             *new TColorItem("Scroll bar icons",  28)+
             *new TColorItem("Text",              29

    TColorGroup &group5 = group1 + group2 + group3 + group4;

    TColorDialog *c = new TColorDialog((TPalette*)0, &group5 );

    if( validView( c ) != 0 )
        c->helpCtx = hcOCColorsDBox;  // set context help constant
        if( deskTop->execView( c ) != cmCancel )
            getPalette() = *(c->pal);
            deskTop->setState( sfVisible, False );
            deskTop->setState( sfVisible, True );
        destroy( c );

Esempio n. 17
 * Resets the screen surfaces based on the current display options,
 * as they don't automatically take effect.
 * @param resetVideo Reset display surface.
void Screen::resetDisplay(bool resetVideo)
	int width = Options::displayWidth;
	int height = Options::displayHeight;
#ifdef __linux__
	Uint32 oldFlags = _flags;

	if (!_surface || (_surface && 
		(_surface->getSurface()->format->BitsPerPixel != _bpp || 
		_surface->getSurface()->w != _baseWidth ||
		_surface->getSurface()->h != _baseHeight))) // don't reallocate _surface if not necessary, it's a waste of CPU cycles
		if (_surface) delete _surface;
		_surface = new Surface(_baseWidth, _baseHeight, 0, 0, Screen::is32bitEnabled() ? 32 : 8); // only HQX needs 32bpp for this surface; the OpenGL class has its own 32bpp buffer
		if (_surface->getSurface()->format->BitsPerPixel == 8) _surface->setPalette(deferredPalette);
	SDL_SetColorKey(_surface->getSurface(), 0, 0); // turn off color key! 

	if (resetVideo || _screen->format->BitsPerPixel != _bpp)
#ifdef __linux__
		// Workaround for segfault when switching to opengl
		if (!(oldFlags & SDL_OPENGL) && (_flags & SDL_OPENGL))
			Uint8 cursor = 0;
			char *_oldtitle = 0;
			SDL_WM_GetCaption(&_oldtitle, NULL);
			std::string title(_oldtitle);
			SDL_WM_SetCaption(title.c_str(), 0);
			SDL_SetCursor(SDL_CreateCursor(&cursor, &cursor, 1,1,0,0));
		Log(LOG_INFO) << "Attempting to set display to " << width << "x" << height << "x" << _bpp << "...";
		_screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(width, height, _bpp, _flags);
		if (_screen == 0)
			Log(LOG_ERROR) << SDL_GetError();
			Log(LOG_INFO) << "Attempting to set display to default resolution...";
			_screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(640, 400, _bpp, _flags);
			if (_screen == 0)
				throw Exception(SDL_GetError());
		Log(LOG_INFO) << "Display set to " << getWidth() << "x" << getHeight() << "x" << (int)_screen->format->BitsPerPixel << ".";

	Options::displayWidth = getWidth();
	Options::displayHeight = getHeight();
	_scaleX = getWidth() / (double)_baseWidth;
	_scaleY = getHeight() / (double)_baseHeight;
	_clear.x = 0;
	_clear.y = 0;
	_clear.w = getWidth();
	_clear.h = getHeight();

	double pixelRatioY = 1.0;
	if (Options::nonSquarePixelRatio && !Options::allowResize)
		pixelRatioY = 1.2;
	bool cursorInBlackBands;
	if (!Options::keepAspectRatio)
		cursorInBlackBands = false;
	else if (Options::fullscreen)
		cursorInBlackBands = Options::cursorInBlackBandsInFullscreen;
	else if (!Options::borderless)
		cursorInBlackBands = Options::cursorInBlackBandsInWindow;
		cursorInBlackBands = Options::cursorInBlackBandsInBorderlessWindow;

	if (_scaleX > _scaleY && Options::keepAspectRatio)
		int targetWidth = (int)floor(_scaleY * (double)_baseWidth);
		_topBlackBand = _bottomBlackBand = 0;
		_leftBlackBand = (getWidth() - targetWidth) / 2;
		if (_leftBlackBand < 0)
			_leftBlackBand = 0;
		_rightBlackBand = getWidth() - targetWidth - _leftBlackBand;
		_cursorTopBlackBand = 0;

		if (cursorInBlackBands)
			_scaleX = _scaleY;
			_cursorLeftBlackBand = _leftBlackBand;
			_cursorLeftBlackBand = 0;
	else if (_scaleY > _scaleX && Options::keepAspectRatio)
		int targetHeight = (int)floor(_scaleX * (double)_baseHeight * pixelRatioY);
		_topBlackBand = (getHeight() - targetHeight) / 2;
		if (_topBlackBand < 0)
			_topBlackBand = 0;
        _bottomBlackBand = getHeight() - targetHeight - _topBlackBand;
		if (_bottomBlackBand < 0)
			_bottomBlackBand = 0;
		_leftBlackBand = _rightBlackBand = 0;
		_cursorLeftBlackBand = 0;

		if (cursorInBlackBands)
			_scaleY = _scaleX;
			_cursorTopBlackBand = _topBlackBand;
			_cursorTopBlackBand = 0;
		_topBlackBand = _bottomBlackBand = _leftBlackBand = _rightBlackBand = _cursorTopBlackBand = _cursorLeftBlackBand = 0;

	if (isOpenGLEnabled()) 
#ifndef __NO_OPENGL
		glOutput.init(_baseWidth, _baseHeight);
		glOutput.linear = Options::useOpenGLSmoothing; // setting from shader file will override this, though
		OpenGL::checkErrors = Options::checkOpenGLErrors;

	if (_screen->format->BitsPerPixel == 8)
Esempio n. 18
 * Draws a filled ellipse on the surface.
 * @param x X coordinate in pixels.
 * @param y Y coordinate in pixels.
 * @param rx Radius in pixels on X axis.
 * @param ry Radius in pixels on Y axis.
 * @param color Color of the circle.
void Surface::drawEllipse(Sint16 x, Sint16 y, Sint16 rx, Sint16 ry, Uint8 color)
	filledEllipseColor(_surface, x, y, rx, ry, Palette::getRGBA(getPalette(), color));
Esempio n. 19
void VideoDecoder::setSystemPalette() {
	g_system->getPaletteManager()->setPalette(getPalette(), 0, 256);
Esempio n. 20
 * Draws the view of all the facilities in the base, connectors
 * between them and crafts landed in hangars.
void BaseView::draw()

	// Draw grid squares
	for (int x = 0; x < 8; ++x)
		for (int y = 0; y < 8; ++y)
			Surface *frame = _texture->getFrame(0);
			frame->setX(x * GRID_SIZE);
			frame->setY(y * GRID_SIZE);

	std::vector<Craft*>::iterator craft = _base->getCrafts()->begin();

	for (std::vector<BaseFacility*>::iterator i = _base->getFacilities()->begin(); i != _base->getFacilities()->end(); ++i)
		// Draw facility shape
		int num = 0;
		for (int y = (*i)->getY(); y < (*i)->getY() + (*i)->getRules()->getSize(); ++y)
			for (int x = (*i)->getX(); x < (*i)->getX() + (*i)->getRules()->getSize(); ++x)
				Surface *frame;

				if ((*i)->getBuildTime() == 0)
					frame = _texture->getFrame((*i)->getRules()->getSpriteShape() + num);
					frame = _texture->getFrame((*i)->getRules()->getSpriteShape() + num + 2 + (*i)->getRules()->getSize());

				frame->setX(x * GRID_SIZE);
				frame->setY(y * GRID_SIZE);


	for (std::vector<BaseFacility*>::iterator i = _base->getFacilities()->begin(); i != _base->getFacilities()->end(); ++i)
		// Draw connectors
		if ((*i)->getBuildTime() == 0)
			// Facilities to the right
			int x = (*i)->getX() + (*i)->getRules()->getSize();
			if (x < BASE_SIZE)
				for (int y = (*i)->getY(); y < (*i)->getY() + (*i)->getRules()->getSize(); ++y)
					if (_facilities[x][y] != 0 && _facilities[x][y]->getBuildTime() == 0)
						Surface *frame = _texture->getFrame(7);
						frame->setX(x * GRID_SIZE - GRID_SIZE / 2);
						frame->setY(y * GRID_SIZE);

			// Facilities to the bottom
			int y = (*i)->getY() + (*i)->getRules()->getSize();
			if (y < BASE_SIZE)
				for (int x = (*i)->getX(); x < (*i)->getX() + (*i)->getRules()->getSize(); ++x)
					if (_facilities[x][y] != 0 && _facilities[x][y]->getBuildTime() == 0)
						Surface *frame = _texture->getFrame(8);
						frame->setX(x * GRID_SIZE);
						frame->setY(y * GRID_SIZE - GRID_SIZE / 2);

	for (std::vector<BaseFacility*>::iterator i = _base->getFacilities()->begin(); i != _base->getFacilities()->end(); ++i)
		// Draw facility graphic
		int num = 0;
		for (int y = (*i)->getY(); y < (*i)->getY() + (*i)->getRules()->getSize(); ++y)
			for (int x = (*i)->getX(); x < (*i)->getX() + (*i)->getRules()->getSize(); ++x)
				if ((*i)->getRules()->getSize() == 1)
					Surface *frame = _texture->getFrame((*i)->getRules()->getSpriteFacility() + num);
					frame->setX(x * GRID_SIZE);
					frame->setY(y * GRID_SIZE);


		// Draw crafts
		if ((*i)->getBuildTime() == 0 && (*i)->getRules()->getCrafts() > 0 && craft != _base->getCrafts()->end())
			Surface *frame = _texture->getFrame((*craft)->getRules()->getSprite() + 33);
			frame->setX((*i)->getX() * GRID_SIZE + ((*i)->getRules()->getSize() - 1) * GRID_SIZE / 2 + 2);
			frame->setY((*i)->getY() * GRID_SIZE + ((*i)->getRules()->getSize() - 1) * GRID_SIZE / 2 - 4);

		// Draw time remaining
		if ((*i)->getBuildTime() > 0)
			Text *text = new Text(GRID_SIZE * (*i)->getRules()->getSize(), 16, 0, 0);
			text->setFonts(_big, _small);
			text->setX((*i)->getX() * GRID_SIZE);
			text->setY((*i)->getY() * GRID_SIZE + (GRID_SIZE * (*i)->getRules()->getSize() - 16) / 2);
			std::wstringstream ss;
			ss << (*i)->getBuildTime();
			delete text;
Esempio n. 21
void TsubtitlePGSParser::parseObject(Tbitdata &bitData, int nSize)
    SHORT object_id = bitData.readShort();
    BYTE m_sequence_desc;

    if (m_pCurrentObject == NULL) {

    //if (m_pCurrentObject->m_nState == 0)
    for (TcompositionObjects::iterator c = m_compositionObjects.begin(); c != m_compositionObjects.end(); c++) {
        if ((*c) == m_pCurrentObject || (*c)->m_nWindows == 0) {
        for (int i = 0; i < (*c)->m_nWindows; i++) {
            if (object_id == (*c)->m_Windows[i].m_objectId
                    && (*c)->m_Windows[i].m_rtStop == INVALID_TIME && (*c)->m_Windows[i].data[0].size() > 0) {
                (*c)->m_Windows[i].m_rtStop = m_pCurrentObject->m_rtTime;
                char_t rtString[32], rtString2[32];
                rt2Str((*c)->m_Windows[i].m_rtStart, rtString);
                rt2Str((*c)->m_Windows[i].m_rtStop, rtString2);
                DPRINTF(_l("[%d] ODS From comp %d stop Object[%d]:id %d WindowId:%d (%d x %d at %d,%d) %s %s -> %s"),
                        m_pCurrentObject->m_compositionNumber, (*c)->m_compositionNumber, i, (*c)->m_Windows[i].m_objectId,
                        (*c)->m_Windows[i].m_windowId, (*c)->m_Windows[i].m_width, (*c)->m_Windows[i].m_height, (*c)->m_Windows[i].m_horizontal_position,
                        (*c)->m_Windows[i].m_vertical_position, ((*c)->m_Windows[i].data[0].size() > 0) ? _l("has data") : _l("no data"),
                        rtString, rtString2);

    m_pCurrentObject->m_version_number    = bitData.readByte();

    TwindowDefinition *pWindow = NULL;

    int i = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < m_pCurrentObject->m_nWindows; i++) {
        if (m_pCurrentObject->m_Windows[i].m_objectId == object_id) {
            pWindow = &m_pCurrentObject->m_Windows[i];
    if (pWindow == NULL) {

    // sequence_descriptor 2 bit  first_in_sequence_flag, last_in_sequence_flag
    m_sequence_desc = bitData.readByte();
    if ((m_sequence_desc != 0xc0) && (m_sequence_desc != 0x80)) {
        if ((m_sequence_desc & 0x40) != 0) {
            pWindow->dataIndex = 1;

    DPRINTF(_l("[%d] ODS Object[%d]:id %d windowId:%d has picture data (%d x %d at %d,%d)"),
            m_pCurrentObject->m_compositionNumber, i, object_id,
            pWindow->m_windowId, pWindow->m_width, pWindow->m_height, pWindow->m_horizontal_position, pWindow->m_vertical_position);
    m_nOSDCount = 0;
    DWORD    object_data_length  = (DWORD)bitData.getBits(24);
    m_pCurrentObject->m_data_length = object_data_length;

    if (m_sequence_desc == 0xc0 && (nSize - object_data_length) != 7) {
        DPRINTF(_l("TsubtitlePGSParser::parseObject unexpected picture size"));
        if (object_data_length > (DWORD)(nSize - 7)) {
            object_data_length = (DWORD)(nSize - 7);

    //m_pCurrentObject->m_Windows[windowId].m_objectId = object_id;

    /*m_pCurrentObject->m_width = */bitData.readShort();
    /*m_pCurrentObject->m_height = */
    pWindow->data[pWindow->dataIndex].reserve(object_data_length - 4);
    pWindow->data[pWindow->dataIndex].append(bitData.wordpointer, nSize - 11);
    DPRINTF(_l("TsubtitlePGSParser::parseObject Object size (%d)"), nSize - 11);
    bitData.skipBytes(nSize - 11);

    if ((m_sequence_desc & 0x40) != 0) {
        pWindow->dataIndex = 1;