Esempio n. 1
  bool TracFacilities_c::config_base ( IdentItem_c* apc_ident, IsoAgLib::IdentMode_t at_identMode, uint16_t aui16_suppressMask )
    //store old mode to decide to register or unregister from request for pgn
    IsoAgLib::IdentMode_t t_oldMode = getMode();

    //call config for handling which is base data independent
    //if something went wrong leave function before something is configured
    if ( ! BaseCommon_c::config_base ( apc_ident, at_identMode, aui16_suppressMask) ) return false;

    ///Set time Period for Scheduler_c
    if (at_identMode == IsoAgLib::IdentModeTractor)
    { // SEND facilities at start
      mt_task.setPeriod( 100, false );

    if (t_oldMode == IsoAgLib::IdentModeImplement && at_identMode == IsoAgLib::IdentModeTractor)
    {  // a change from Implement mode to Tractor mode occured
      getRegisterPgn()(TRACTOR_FACILITIES_PGN); // request for certificate

    if (t_oldMode == IsoAgLib::IdentModeTractor && at_identMode == IsoAgLib::IdentModeImplement)
    {  // a change from Tractor mode to Implement mode occured
      // unregister from request for pgn, because in implement mode no request should be answered

    /// init all value in facilitiesBitData_t with default Not Available

    return true;
Esempio n. 2
  bool TracLight_c::config_base ( IdentItem_c* apc_ident, IsoAgLib::IdentMode_t at_identMode, uint16_t aui16_suppressMask )
    //store old mode to decide to register or unregister to request for pgn
    IsoAgLib::IdentMode_t t_oldMode = getMode();
    //call config for handling which is base data independent
    //if something went wrong leave function before something is configured
    if ( ! BaseCommon_c::config_base ( apc_ident, at_identMode, aui16_suppressMask) ) return false;

    if ( checkMode(IsoAgLib::IdentModeTractor))
      // set Time Period in ms for Scheduler_c
      mt_task.setPeriod( 1000, false );

    // un-/register to PGN
    if (t_oldMode == at_identMode)
      ; // no change, still the same mode
    else if (at_identMode == IsoAgLib::IdentModeTractor) {
      // a change from Implement mode to Tractor mode occured
    } else {
      // a change from Tractor mode to Implement mode occured

    // set configure values
    mb_cmdWait4Response = false;
    mb_changeNeedBeSend = false;

    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
      marr_timeStamp[i] = 0;

    m_index = 0;

    return true;
Esempio n. 3
      @param apc_ident pointer to the variable of the responsible member instance. If NULL the module cannot send requests!
      @param at_identMode either IsoAgLib::IdentModeImplement or IsoAgLib::IdentModeTractor
      @return true -> configuration was successfull
  bool TracPTO_c::config_base ( IdentItem_c* apc_ident, IsoAgLib::IdentMode_t at_identMode, uint16_t aui16_suppressMask)
    //store old mode to decide to register or unregister from request for pgn
    //and set Periode for Scheduler_c
    IsoAgLib::IdentMode_t t_oldMode = getMode();

    //call config for handling which is base data independent
    //if something went wrong leave function before something is configured
    if ( ! BaseCommon_c::config_base ( apc_ident, at_identMode, aui16_suppressMask) ) return false;

    ///Set time Period for Scheduler_c
    if (at_identMode == IsoAgLib::IdentModeTractor) mt_task.setPeriod( 100, false );
    else  mt_task.setPeriod( CONFIG_TIMEOUT_TRACTOR_DATA, false );

    // set the member base msg value vars to NO_VAL codes
    mt_ptoFront.ui16_pto8DigitPerRpm = mt_ptoRear.ui16_pto8DigitPerRpm = NO_VAL_16;
    // set the timestamps to 0
    mt_ptoFront.i32_lastPto = mt_ptoRear.i32_lastPto = 0;

    // un-/register to PGN
    if (t_oldMode == at_identMode)
      ; // no change, still the same mode
    else if (at_identMode == IsoAgLib::IdentModeTractor) {
      // a change from Implement mode to Tractor mode occured
      RegisterPgn_s s_register = getRegisterPgn();
    } else {
      // a change from Tractor mode to Implement mode occured
      UnregisterPgn_s s_unregister = getUnregisterPgn();

    mt_ptoFront.t_ptoEngaged = mt_ptoRear.t_ptoEngaged
    = mt_ptoFront.t_pto1000 = mt_ptoRear.t_pto1000
    = mt_ptoFront.t_ptoEconomy = mt_ptoRear.t_ptoEconomy = IsoAgLib::IsoNotAvailable; // mark as not available
    mt_ptoFront.ui16_ptoSetPoint8DigitPerRpm = 0;
    mt_ptoRear.ui16_ptoSetPoint8DigitPerRpm = 0;
    mt_ptoFront.t_ptoEngagementReqStatus = mt_ptoRear.t_ptoEngagementReqStatus
    = mt_ptoFront.t_ptoModeReqStatus = mt_ptoRear.t_ptoModeReqStatus
    = mt_ptoFront.t_ptoEconomyModeReqStatus = mt_ptoRear.t_ptoEconomyModeReqStatus = IsoAgLib::IsoNotAvailableReq;
    mt_ptoFront.t_ptoShaftSpeedLimitStatus = mt_ptoRear.t_ptoShaftSpeedLimitStatus = IsoAgLib::IsoNotAvailableLimit;

    return true;
Esempio n. 4
   isoaglib_assert (IsoAgLib::IdentModeImplement == getMode());
Esempio n. 5
  bool TracAux_c::config_base ( const IdentItem_c* apc_ident, IsoAgLib::IdentMode_t at_identMode, uint16_t aui16_suppressMask )
    //store old mode to decide to register or unregister to request for pgn
    IsoAgLib::IdentMode_t t_oldMode = getMode();

    //call config for handling which is base data independent
    //if something went wrong leave function before something is configured
    if ( ! BaseCommon_c::config_base ( apc_ident, at_identMode, aui16_suppressMask ) ) return false;

    if ( at_identMode == IsoAgLib::IdentModeImplement )
      // set Time Period in ms for Scheduler_c
      mt_task.setPeriod( 100, false );
    { //IdentModeTractor
      // set Time Period in ms for Scheduler_c
      mt_task.setPeriod( 1000, false );

    // un-/register to PGN
    if (t_oldMode == at_identMode)
      ; // no change, still the same mode
    else if (at_identMode == IsoAgLib::IdentModeTractor) {
      // a change from Implement mode to Tractor mode occured
      RegisterPgn_s s_register = getRegisterPgn();
      s_register(AUX_VALVE_0_ESTIMATED_FLOW, gcui32_pgnMask16consecutive);
      s_register(AUX_VALVE_0_MEASURED_FLOW, gcui32_pgnMask16consecutive);
      s_register(AUX_VALVE_0_COMMAND, gcui32_pgnMask16consecutive);
    } else {
      // a change from Tractor mode to Implement mode occured
      UnregisterPgn_s s_unregister = getUnregisterPgn();
      s_unregister(AUX_VALVE_0_ESTIMATED_FLOW, gcui32_pgnMask16consecutive);
      s_unregister(AUX_VALVE_0_MEASURED_FLOW, gcui32_pgnMask16consecutive);
      s_unregister(AUX_VALVE_0_COMMAND, gcui32_pgnMask16consecutive);

    // set configure values
    mi32_lastMsgReceivedCmd = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < nrOfValves; i++)
      marr_auxFlag[i].ui8_estimatedActivated = false;
      marr_auxFlag[i].ui8_measuredActivated = false;
      marr_auxFlag[i].ui8_commandActivated = false;

      marr_valve[i].ui8_extendPortEstFlow = 125;
      marr_valve[i].ui8_retractPortEstFlow = 125;
      marr_valve[i].ui8_estFailSaveMode = IsoAgLib::IsoNotAvailableAux;
      marr_valve[i].ui8_estValveState = IsoAgLib::IsoNotAvailableAuxExt;
      marr_valve[i].ui8_extendPortMeasuredFlow = 125;
      marr_valve[i].ui8_retractPortMeasuredFlow = 125;
      marr_valve[i].ui16_extendPortPressure = 0;
      marr_valve[i].ui16_retractPortPressure = 0;
      marr_valve[i].ui8_returnPortPressure = 0;
      marr_valve[i].ui8_cmdPortFlow = 0;
      marr_valve[i].ui8_cmdFailSaveMode = IsoAgLib::IsoNotAvailableAux;
      marr_valve[i].ui8_cmdValveState = IsoAgLib::IsoNotAvailableAuxExt;
      marr_valve[i].ui8_estValveLimitStatus = IsoAgLib::IsoNotAvailableLimit;
      marr_valve[i].ui8_measuredValveLimitStatus = IsoAgLib::IsoNotAvailableLimit;
    return true;