//void ArestShopPlugin::SinglePageFound()
//#ifdef USE_WEBKIT
//	QWebFrame * ptrFrame = getWebPage()->mainFrame();
//	parseProductPage(m_stCompData);
//	m_stCompData.strCompURL = ptrFrame->url().toString();
//	emit priceSearchedFinished(m_stCompData);
//	productFoundFinish();
void ArestShopPlugin::parseSearchProductPage(SearchResult & stResult,bool & bNextPage)
	//run XML search page parse

	QWebFrame * ptrFrame = getWebPage()->mainFrame();
	QWebElementCollection tableProdRows = ptrFrame->findAllElements("table[class=pricelist]");
	for(int iIndex=0;iIndex<tableProdRows.count();++iIndex)
		QWebElement prodNameHeader = tableProdRows.at(iIndex).findFirst("td[class=nazwa]");
		if (prodNameHeader.isNull())
		QWebElement productLink = prodNameHeader.findFirst("a");
		QUrl stProductURL = productLink.attribute("href");
		QString strName = productLink.toPlainText();
	QWebElement tablePageNavi = ptrFrame->findFirstElement("li[class=next]");
	if (tablePageNavi.isNull())
bool ArestShopPlugin::isSingleProductPage()
	QWebFrame * ptrFrame = getWebPage()->mainFrame();
	QWebElementCollection productPage = ptrFrame->findAllElements("h1[class=nazwatowaru]");
	if (productPage.count())
		return true;
	return false;
bool ArestShopPlugin::isNotFoundPage()
	QWebFrame * ptrFrame = getWebPage()->mainFrame();
	QWebElementCollection notFoundPage = ptrFrame->findAllElements("div[class=searchfailed]");
	if (notFoundPage.count())
		return true;
	return false;
Esempio n. 4
static void methodCallCallback(GDBusConnection* connection, const char* sender, const char* objectPath, const char* interfaceName, const char* methodName, GVariant* parameters, GDBusMethodInvocation* invocation, gpointer userData)
    if (g_strcmp0(interfaceName, "org.webkit.gtk.WebExtensionTest"))

    if (!g_strcmp0(methodName, "GetTitle")) {
        uint64_t pageID;
        g_variant_get(parameters, "(t)", &pageID);
        WebKitWebPage* page = getWebPage(WEBKIT_WEB_EXTENSION(userData), pageID, invocation);
        if (!page)

        WebKitDOMDocument* document = webkit_web_page_get_dom_document(page);
        GUniquePtr<char> title(webkit_dom_document_get_title(document));
        g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value(invocation, g_variant_new("(s)", title.get()));
    } else if (!g_strcmp0(methodName, "RunJavaScriptInIsolatedWorld")) {
        uint64_t pageID;
        const char* script;
        g_variant_get(parameters, "(t&s)", &pageID, &script);
        WebKitWebPage* page = getWebPage(WEBKIT_WEB_EXTENSION(userData), pageID, invocation);
        if (!page)

        GRefPtr<WebKitScriptWorld> world = adoptGRef(webkit_script_world_new());
        g_assert(webkit_script_world_get_default() != world.get());
        WebKitFrame* frame = webkit_web_page_get_main_frame(page);
        JSGlobalContextRef jsContext = webkit_frame_get_javascript_context_for_script_world(frame, world.get());
        JSRetainPtr<JSStringRef> jsScript(Adopt, JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString(script));
        JSEvaluateScript(jsContext, jsScript.get(), 0, 0, 0, 0);
        g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value(invocation, 0);
    } else if (!g_strcmp0(methodName, "AbortProcess")) {
    } else if (!g_strcmp0(methodName, "GetInitializationUserData")) {
        g_assert(g_variant_is_of_type(initializationUserData.get(), G_VARIANT_TYPE_STRING));
        g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value(invocation, g_variant_new("(s)",
            g_variant_get_string(initializationUserData.get(), nullptr)));
    } else if (!g_strcmp0(methodName, "GetProcessIdentifier")) {
            g_variant_new("(u)", static_cast<guint32>(getCurrentProcessID())));
void ArestShopPlugin::NotFoundPage()
	QWebFrame * ptrFrame = getWebPage()->mainFrame();
	m_stCompData.dPrice = 0;
	m_stCompData.strCompURL = ptrFrame->url().toString();
	emit priceSearchedFinished(m_stCompData);
void ArestShopPlugin::parseProductPage()
	QWebFrame * ptrFrame = getWebPage()->mainFrame();
	QWebElement elCompFullName = ptrFrame->findFirstElement("h1[class=nazwatowaru]");
	QWebElement elPrice = ptrFrame->findFirstElement("span[class=price]"); //div class="altFontFace price"
	QString strPrice = elPrice.toPlainText();
	for(int i = 0;i<strPrice.size();i++)
		if (strPrice.at(i).isLetterOrNumber())
		strPrice = strPrice.left(i);
	m_stCompData.dPrice = strPrice.toDouble();
	m_stCompData.eSearchResult = SR_COMPFOUND;
	m_stCompData.strCompURL = getWebPage()->mainFrame()->url().toString();
	m_stCompData.dPrice = Arest::dPrice;
	m_stCompData.eSearchResult = SR_COMPFOUND;
Esempio n. 7
char *WebClient::executeWebMethod( char *inMethod,
                                   char *inURL, int *outContentLength,
                                   char **outFinalURL,
                                   char **outMimeType,
                                   long inTimeoutInMilliseconds ) {

    char *returnString = NULL;

    if (outFinalURL) *outFinalURL = NULL;
    char *startString = "http://";

    char *urlCopy = strdup( inURL );

    char *urlStart = stringLocateIgnoreCase(  urlCopy, startString );

    char *serverStart;
    if( urlStart == NULL ) {
        // no http:// at start of URL
        serverStart = urlCopy;
    else {
        serverStart = &( urlStart[ strlen( startString ) ] );
    // find the first occurrence of "/", which is the end of the
    // server name

    char *serverNameCopy = strdup( serverStart );
    char *serverEnd = strstr( serverNameCopy, "/" );

    char *getPath = strstr( serverStart, "/" );

    if( serverEnd == NULL ) {
        serverEnd = &( serverStart[ strlen( serverStart ) ] );
        getPath = "/";
    // terminate the url here to extract the server name
    serverEnd[0] = '\0';

    int portNumber = 80;

        // look for a port number
    char *colon = strstr( serverNameCopy, ":" );
    if( colon != NULL ) {
        char *portNumberString = &( colon[1] );
        int numRead = sscanf( portNumberString, "%d",
                              & portNumber );
        if( numRead != 1 ) {
            portNumber = 80;

        // terminate the name here so port isn't taken as part
        // of the address
        colon[0] = '\0';

    HostAddress *host = new HostAddress(
        strdup( serverNameCopy ),
        portNumber );

    // will be set to true if we time out while connecting
    char timedOut;
    Socket *sock = SocketClient::connectToServer( host,
                                                  &timedOut );

    char *finalURL = strdup( inURL );
    char *mimeType = NULL;

    int receivedLength = 0;

    if( sock != NULL ) {
        SocketStream *stream = new SocketStream( sock );

        // reuse the same timeout for read operations
        stream->setReadTimeout( inTimeoutInMilliseconds );
        // method and trailing space need to be sent in the same
        // buffer to work around a bug in certain web servers
        char *methodWithSpace = new char[ strlen( inMethod ) + 2 ];
        sprintf( methodWithSpace, "%s ", inMethod );
        // send the request
        stream->writeString( methodWithSpace );
        stream->writeString( getPath );
        stream->writeString( " HTTP/1.0\r\n" );
        stream->writeString( "Host: " );
        stream->writeString( serverNameCopy );
        stream->writeString( "\r\n\r\n" );

        delete [] methodWithSpace;

        // the simplest thing to do is to read upto the
        // socket close first, then extract the content
        char *received = receiveData( stream, &receivedLength );

        char *content = NULL;

        char notFound = false;

        if( stringLocateIgnoreCase ( received, "404 Not Found" ) != NULL ) {
            notFound = true;            
        // watch for redirection headers
        if( stringLocateIgnoreCase( received, "302 Found" ) != NULL ||
            stringLocateIgnoreCase( received,
                                    "301 Moved Permanently" ) != NULL ||
            stringLocateIgnoreCase( received,
                                    "302 Object Moved" ) != NULL ) {

            // call ourself recursively to fetch the redirection
            char *locationTag = "Location: ";
            char *locationTagStart =
                stringLocateIgnoreCase( received, locationTag );

            if( locationTagStart != NULL ) {

                char *locationStart =
                    &( locationTagStart[ strlen( locationTag ) ] );

                // replace next \r with \0
                char *nextChar = locationStart;
                while( nextChar[0] != '\r' && nextChar[0] != '\0' ) {
                    nextChar = &( nextChar[1] );
                nextChar[0] = '\0';

                char *newFinalURL=NULL;
		if (strcmp(inURL,locationStart))
                  content = getWebPage( locationStart, &receivedLength,
                                      &mimeType );
                delete [] locationTagStart;
                delete [] finalURL;
                finalURL = newFinalURL;

                if( content == NULL ) {
                    // not found recursively
                    notFound = true;

        char *contentStartString = "\r\n\r\n";
        char *contentTypeStartString = "Content-type:";

        if( notFound ) {
            returnString = NULL;
        else {
            if( content == NULL ) {

                // scan for content type
                char *contentTypeStartMarker =
                    stringLocateIgnoreCase( received, contentTypeStartString );

                if( contentTypeStartMarker != NULL ) {
                    // skip marker
                    char *contentTypeStart =
                        &( contentTypeStartMarker[
                            strlen( contentTypeStartString ) ] );

                    // extract content type
                    // make sure the buffer is big enough
                    char *contentType =
                        new char[ strlen( contentTypeStartMarker ) ];

                    int numRead = sscanf( contentTypeStart, "%s", contentType );

                    if( numRead == 1 ) {
                        // trim
                        mimeType = strdup( contentType );
                    delete [] contentType;
                    delete [] contentTypeStartMarker;

                // extract the content from what we've received
                char *contentStart = strstr( received, contentStartString );
                if( contentStart != NULL ) {
                    content =
                        &( contentStart[ strlen( contentStartString ) ] );

                    receivedLength =
                        - strlen( contentStartString )
                        - ( (long)(contentStart - received) );

                    returnString = new char[ receivedLength + 1 ];
                    returnString = (char*)memcpy( returnString,
                                                  content, receivedLength );

                    returnString[ receivedLength ] = '\0';
            else {
                // we already obtained our content recursively
                returnString = new char[ receivedLength + 1 ];
                returnString = (char*)memcpy( returnString,
                                              content, receivedLength );
                returnString[ receivedLength ] = '\0';

                delete [] content;
        delete [] received;
        delete stream;
        delete sock;

    delete  host ;

    free ( serverNameCopy ) ;

    free ( urlCopy ) ;

    if( outFinalURL != NULL ) {
        *outFinalURL = finalURL;
    else {
        free ( finalURL ) ;

    if( outMimeType != NULL ) {
        *outMimeType = mimeType;
    else {
        if( mimeType != NULL ) {
            free ( mimeType ) ;

    *outContentLength = receivedLength;
    return returnString;