Esempio n. 1
/* Inserts a new node (leaf or internal node) into the B+ tree.
 * Returns the root of the tree after insertion.
node * insert_into_parent(node * root, node * left, int key, node * right) {
    int left_index;
    node * parent;
    parent = left->parent;
    /* Case: new root. */
    if (parent == NULL)
        return insert_into_new_root(left, key, right);
    /* Case: leaf or node. (Remainder of
     * function body.)
    /* Find the parent's pointer to the left
     * node.
    left_index = get_left_index(parent, left);
    /* Simple case: the new key fits into the node.
    if (parent->num_keys < order - 1)
        return insert_into_node(root, parent, left_index, key, right);
    /* Harder case:  split a node in order
     * to preserve the B+ tree properties.
    return insert_into_node_after_splitting(root, parent, left_index, key, right);
Esempio n. 2
int max_heapify(int* array, int i, int array_size)
   int l = 0;
   int r = 0;
   int largest = 0;
   int temp = 0;
   l = get_left_index(i);
   r = get_right_index(i);
   //printf("array[%d] = %d, array[%d] = %d\n", l, array[l], i, array[i]);
   if (l < array_size && array[l] > array[i]){
      largest = l;
   } else {
      largest = i;
   if (r < array_size && array[r] > array[largest]){
      largest = r;
   if (largest != i){
      temp = array[i];
      array[i] = array[largest];
      array[largest] = temp;
      max_heapify(array, largest, array_size);
   return 1;
Esempio n. 3
    void minHeapify(int index) {
	assert(index < this->size());
	int left_index = get_left_index(index);
	int right_index = get_right_index(index);
	int min_index = index; 
	if (left_index < size() &&
	    heapArray[left_index] < heapArray[min_index]) {
	    min_index = left_index;
	if (right_index < size() &&
	    heapArray[right_index] < heapArray[min_index]) {
	    min_index = right_index;
	if (min_index != index) {
	    std::swap(heapArray[min_index], heapArray[index]);