bool csSCF::RegisterClass (const char *iClassID, const char *iLibraryName, const char *iFactoryClass, const char *iDesc, const char *Dependencies, const char* context) { CS::Threading::RecursiveMutexScopedLock lock (mutex); size_t idx; csStringID contextID = context ? contexts.Request (context) : csInvalidStringID; if (IsVerbose(SCF_VERBOSE_CLASS_REGISTER)) csPrintfErr("SCF_NOTIFY: registering class %s in context %s (from %s)\n", iClassID, CS::Quote::Single (GetContextName(context)), iLibraryName); if ((idx = ClassRegistry->FindClass(iClassID)) != (size_t)-1) { scfFactory *cf = (scfFactory *)ClassRegistry->Get (idx); if (ContextClash (cf->classContext, contextID)) { csPrintfErr("SCF_WARNING: class %s (from %s) has already been " "registered in the same context %s (in %s)\n", iClassID, iLibraryName, CS::Quote::Single (GetContextName(context)), get_library_name(cf->LibraryName)); } else { /* The user may want to override a standard CS plugin by putting a plugin exhibiting the same class ID into the e.g. app directory. In this case a warning is probably not desired. But for debugging purposes we emit something. */ #ifdef CS_DEBUG // Don't report when the already registered class is static. if (cf->classContext != staticContextID) { // @@@ some way to have this warning in non-debug builds would be nice. csPrintfErr("SCF_NOTIFY: class %s (from %s) has already been " "registered in a different context: %s vs. %s (from %s); this " "message appears only in debug builds\n", iClassID, iLibraryName, CS::Quote::Single (GetContextName(context)), CS::Quote::Single (GetContextName(cf->classContext)), get_library_name(cf->LibraryName)); } #endif } return false; } scfFactory* factory = new scfFactory (iClassID, iLibraryName, iFactoryClass, 0, iDesc, Dependencies, contextID); ClassRegistry->Push (factory); SortClassRegistry = true; return true; }
DDSDataReader * DDS_Subscriber_i::create_datareader_with_profile ( DDSTopic * topic, const char * qos_profile, DDSDataReaderListener * ccm_dds_drl, ::DDS::StatusMask mask) { char * lib_name = get_library_name (qos_profile); char * prof_name = get_profile_name (qos_profile); DDSDataReader * dr = 0; if (lib_name != 0 && prof_name != 0) { dr = this->rti_entity ()->create_datareader_with_profile (topic, lib_name, prof_name, ccm_dds_drl, mask); } ACE_OS::free (lib_name); ACE_OS::free (prof_name); return dr; }
csRef<iDocument> csSCF::GetPluginMetadata (char const *iClassID) { csRef<iDocument> metadata; CS::Threading::RecursiveMutexScopedLock lock (mutex); size_t idx = ClassRegistry->FindClass(iClassID); if (idx != (size_t)-1) { scfFactory *cf = ClassRegistry->Get (idx); if (cf->LibraryName != csInvalidStringID) csGetPluginMetadata (get_library_name(cf->LibraryName), metadata); } return metadata; }
LINEAR_ALGEBRA_CONSTRUCTOR void init() { const char *library_name = get_library_name(); if (library_name == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, LINALG_NAME ": No Fortran BLAS implementation found.\n"); return; } library_handle = dlopen(library_name, RTLD_LAZY); if (library_handle == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, LINALG_NAME ": %s.\n", dlerror()); } else { init_f77blas(); } }
scfSharedLibrary::~scfSharedLibrary () { if (LibraryHandle) { if (initFunc && finisFunc) finisFunc(); if (PrivateSCF->IsVerbose(SCF_VERBOSE_PLUGIN_LOAD)) csPrintfErr("SCF_NOTIFY: unloading plugin %s\n", get_library_name(LibraryName)); #ifndef LAZY_UNLOAD csUnloadLibrary (LibraryHandle); #else PrivateSCF->lazyUnloadLibs.Push (LibraryHandle); #endif } }
::DDS::ReturnCode_t DDS_DomainParticipantFactory_i::set_default_participant_qos_with_profile ( const char * qos_profile) { char * lib_name = get_library_name(qos_profile); char * prof_name = get_profile_name(qos_profile); ::DDS::ReturnCode_t retcode = ::DDS::RETCODE_ERROR; if (lib_name != 0 && prof_name != 0) { retcode = DDSDomainParticipantFactory::get_instance ()-> set_default_participant_qos_with_profile (lib_name, prof_name); } ACE_OS::free (lib_name); ACE_OS::free (prof_name); return retcode; }
scfSharedLibrary::scfSharedLibrary (csStringID libraryName, const char *core) { LibraryRegistry->Push (this); RefCount = 0; LibraryName = libraryName; const char* lib = get_library_name(LibraryName); if (PrivateSCF->IsVerbose(SCF_VERBOSE_PLUGIN_LOAD)) csPrintfErr("SCF_NOTIFY: loading plugin %s to satisfy request for %s\n", lib, core); LibraryHandle = csLoadLibrary (lib); if (LibraryHandle != 0) { csString sym; sym << core << "_scfInitialize"; initFunc = (scfInitFunc)csGetLibrarySymbol(LibraryHandle, sym); if (!initFunc) { csPrintfErr("SCF_ERROR: %s doesn't export %s\n", CS::Quote::Single (lib), CS::Quote::Single (sym.GetData())); csPrintLibraryError (sym); } sym.Clear (); sym << core << "_scfFinalize"; finisFunc = (scfFinisFunc)csGetLibrarySymbol(LibraryHandle, sym); if (!finisFunc) { csPrintfErr("SCF_ERROR: %s doesn't export %s\n", CS::Quote::Single (lib), CS::Quote::Single (sym.GetData())); csPrintLibraryError (sym); } if (initFunc && finisFunc) initFunc (PrivateSCF); } else csPrintLibraryError (lib); }
::DDS::Topic_ptr DDS_DomainParticipant_i::create_topic_with_profile ( const char *impl_name, const char *type_name, const char *qos_profile, ::DDS::TopicListener_ptr a_listener, ::DDS::StatusMask mask) { DDS4CCM_TRACE ("DDS_DomainParticipant_i::create_topic_with_profile"); if (impl_name == 0) { DDS4CCM_ERROR (DDS4CCM_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, (LM_ERROR, DDS4CCM_INFO "DDS_DomainParticipant_i::create_topic_with_profile <%C> - " "Error: provided nil topic name\n", qos_profile)); return ::DDS::Topic::_nil (); } if (type_name == 0) { DDS4CCM_ERROR (DDS4CCM_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, (LM_ERROR, DDS4CCM_INFO "DDS_DomainParticipant_i::create_topic_with_profile <%C> - " "Error: provided nil type name\n", qos_profile)); return ::DDS::Topic::_nil (); } DDS4CCM_DEBUG (DDS4CCM_LOG_LEVEL_ACTION_STARTING, (LM_DEBUG, DDS4CCM_INFO "DDS_DomainParticipant_i::create_topic_with_profile <%C> - " "Attempting to create topic with name %C and type %C\n", qos_profile, impl_name, type_name)); DDS_TopicListener_i *ccm_dds_tl = 0; if (! ::CORBA::is_nil (a_listener)) { // Topic will be set later (using set_dds_topic) ACE_NEW_THROW_EX (ccm_dds_tl, DDS_TopicListener_i (::DDS::Topic::_nil (), a_listener), ::CORBA::NO_MEMORY ()); } DDSTopic * dds_tp = 0; char * lib_name = get_library_name(qos_profile); char * prof_name = get_profile_name(qos_profile); if (lib_name != 0 && prof_name != 0) { dds_tp = this->rti_entity ()->create_topic_with_profile ( impl_name, type_name, lib_name, prof_name, ccm_dds_tl, mask); } ACE_OS::free (lib_name); ACE_OS::free (prof_name); if (!dds_tp) { DDS4CCM_ERROR (DDS4CCM_LOG_LEVEL_DDS_NIL_RETURN, (LM_ERROR, DDS4CCM_INFO "DDS_DomainParticipant_i::create_topic_with_profile <%C> - " "Error: RTI DDS returned a nil topic\n", qos_profile)); delete ccm_dds_tl; return ::DDS::Topic::_nil (); } ::DDS::Topic_var retval; ACE_NEW_THROW_EX (retval, DDS_Topic_i (dds_tp, this), ::CORBA::NO_MEMORY ()); DDS4CCM_DEBUG (DDS4CCM_LOG_LEVEL_ACTION, (LM_INFO, DDS4CCM_INFO "DDS_DomainParticipant_i::create_topic_with_profile <%C> - " "Successfully created topic with name %C and type %C\n", qos_profile, impl_name, type_name)); if (ccm_dds_tl) { ccm_dds_tl->set_dds_topic ( ()); } return retval._retn (); }
::DDS::Publisher_ptr DDS_DomainParticipant_i::create_publisher_with_profile ( const char * qos_profile, ::DDS::PublisherListener_ptr a_listener, ::DDS::StatusMask mask) { DDS4CCM_TRACE ("DDS_DomainParticipant_i::create_publisher_with_profile"); DDS4CCM_DEBUG (DDS4CCM_LOG_LEVEL_ACTION_STARTING, (LM_TRACE, DDS4CCM_INFO "DDS_DomainParticipant_i::create_publisher_with_profile <%C> - " "Start creating Publisher\n", qos_profile)); DDS_PublisherListener_i *ccm_dds_pl = 0; if (! ::CORBA::is_nil (a_listener)) { ACE_NEW_THROW_EX (ccm_dds_pl, DDS_PublisherListener_i (a_listener, this), ::CORBA::NO_MEMORY ()); } char * lib_name = get_library_name(qos_profile); char * prof_name = get_profile_name(qos_profile); DDSPublisher * ccm_dds_pub = 0; if (lib_name != 0 && prof_name != 0) { ccm_dds_pub = this->rti_entity ()->create_publisher_with_profile ( lib_name, prof_name, ccm_dds_pl, mask); } ACE_OS::free (lib_name); ACE_OS::free (prof_name); if (!ccm_dds_pub) { DDS4CCM_ERROR (DDS4CCM_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, (LM_ERROR, DDS4CCM_INFO "DDS_DomainParticipant_i::create_publisher_with_profile <%C> - " "Error: Unable to create Publisher\n", qos_profile)); delete ccm_dds_pl; return ::DDS::Publisher::_nil (); } ::DDS::Publisher_var retval; ACE_NEW_THROW_EX (retval, DDS_Publisher_i (ccm_dds_pub, this), ::CORBA::NO_MEMORY ()); DDS4CCM_DEBUG (DDS4CCM_LOG_LEVEL_ACTION, (LM_INFO, DDS4CCM_INFO "DDS_DomainParticipant_i::create_publisher_with_profile <%C> - " "Successfully created a DDSPublisher\n", qos_profile)); DDS_ReturnCode_t retcode = ccm_dds_pub->enable (); if (retcode != DDS_RETCODE_OK) { DDS4CCM_ERROR (DDS4CCM_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, (LM_ERROR, DDS4CCM_INFO "DDS_DomainParticipant_i" "::create_publisher_with_profile <%C> - " "Error: Unable to create Publisher: <%C>\n", qos_profile, ::CIAO::DDS4CCM::translate_retcode (retcode))); delete ccm_dds_pl; throw ::CORBA::INTERNAL (); } return retval._retn (); }
::DDS::DataWriter_ptr DDS_Publisher_i::create_datawriter_with_profile (::DDS::Topic_ptr a_topic, const char* qos_profile, ::DDS::DataWriterListener_ptr a_listener, ::DDS::StatusMask mask) { DDS4CCM_TRACE ("DDS_Publisher_i::create_datawriter_with_profile"); DDS_Topic_i * topic = dynamic_cast < DDS_Topic_i * > (a_topic); if (!topic) { DDS4CCM_ERROR (DDS4CCM_LOG_LEVEL_CAST_ERROR, (LM_ERROR, DDS4CCM_INFO "DDS_Publisher_i::create_datawriter_with_profile <%C>- " "Error: Unable to cast provided topic to its servant.\n", qos_profile)); return ::DDS::DataWriter::_nil (); } DDS_DataWriterListener_i *ccm_dds_dwl = 0; if (! ::CORBA::is_nil (a_listener)) { ACE_NEW_THROW_EX (ccm_dds_dwl, DDS_DataWriterListener_i (a_listener, 0), ::CORBA::NO_MEMORY ()); } char * lib_name = get_library_name(qos_profile); char * prof_name = get_profile_name(qos_profile); DDSDataWriter *ccm_dds_dw = 0; if (lib_name != 0 && prof_name != 0) { ccm_dds_dw = this->rti_entity ()->create_datawriter_with_profile ( topic->get_rti_entity (), lib_name, prof_name, ccm_dds_dwl, mask); } ACE_OS::free (lib_name); ACE_OS::free (prof_name); if (!ccm_dds_dw) { DDS4CCM_ERROR (DDS4CCM_LOG_LEVEL_DDS_NIL_RETURN, (LM_ERROR, DDS4CCM_INFO "DDS_Publisher_i::create_datawriter_with_profile <%C> - " "Error: RTI Topic returned a nil datawriter.\n", qos_profile)); delete ccm_dds_dwl; return ::DDS::DataWriter::_nil (); } else { DDS4CCM_DEBUG (DDS4CCM_LOG_LEVEL_ACTION, (LM_DEBUG, DDS4CCM_INFO "DDS_Publisher_i::create_datawriter_with_profile - " "Successfully created datawriter with profile <%C>.\n", qos_profile)); } ::DDS::DataWriter_var retval = DDS_TypeSupport_i::create_datawriter (ccm_dds_dw, this-> (), this); if (ccm_dds_dwl) { ccm_dds_dwl->set_dds_entity ( ()); } return retval._retn (); }
::DDS::DomainParticipant_ptr DDS_DomainParticipantFactory_i::create_participant_with_profile ( ::DDS::DomainId_t domain_id, const char * qos_profile, ::DDS::DomainParticipantListener_ptr a_listener, ::DDS::StatusMask mask) { DDS4CCM_TRACE ("DDS_DomainParticipantFactory_i::" "create_participant_with_profile"); DDS4CCM_DEBUG (DDS4CCM_LOG_LEVEL_ACTION_STARTING, (LM_TRACE, DDS4CCM_INFO "DDS_DomainParticipantFactory_i::create_participant_with_profile - " "Start creating domain participant: " "profile <%C> - domain <%d>\n", qos_profile, domain_id)); DDS_DomainParticipantListener_i *ccm_dds_dpl = 0; if (! ::CORBA::is_nil (a_listener)) { ACE_NEW_THROW_EX (ccm_dds_dpl, DDS_DomainParticipantListener_i (a_listener), ::CORBA::NO_MEMORY ()); } DDS4CCM_DEBUG (DDS4CCM_LOG_LEVEL_ACTION, (LM_DEBUG, DDS4CCM_INFO "DDS_DomainParticipantFactory_i::create_participant_with_profile - " "Creating participant: profile <%C> - domain <%d>\n", qos_profile, domain_id)); char * lib_name = get_library_name(qos_profile); char * prof_name = get_profile_name(qos_profile); DDSDomainParticipant * dds_dp = 0; if (lib_name != 0 && prof_name != 0) { dds_dp = DDSDomainParticipantFactory::get_instance ()-> create_participant_with_profile (domain_id, lib_name, prof_name, ccm_dds_dpl, mask); } ACE_OS::free (lib_name); ACE_OS::free (prof_name); if (!dds_dp) { DDS4CCM_ERROR (DDS4CCM_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, (LM_ERROR, DDS4CCM_INFO "DDS_DomainParticipantFactory_i::create_participant_with_profile <%C> - " "Error: Unable to create DomainParticipant for domain <%d>\n", qos_profile, domain_id)); delete ccm_dds_dpl; return ::DDS::DomainParticipant::_nil (); } ::DDS::DomainParticipant_var retval; ACE_NEW_THROW_EX (retval, DDS_DomainParticipant_i (dds_dp), ::CORBA::NO_MEMORY ()); DDS_ReturnCode_t retcode = dds_dp->enable (); if (retcode != DDS_RETCODE_OK) { DDS4CCM_ERROR (DDS4CCM_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, (LM_ERROR, DDS4CCM_INFO "DDS_DomainParticipantFactory_i::create_participant_with_profile <%C> - " "Error: Unable to enable DomainParticipant for domain <%d>: <%C>\n", qos_profile, domain_id, ::CIAO::DDS4CCM::translate_retcode (retcode))); delete ccm_dds_dpl; throw ::CORBA::INTERNAL (); } if (ccm_dds_dpl) { ccm_dds_dpl->set_dds_dp ( ()); } DDS_DomainParticipant_i * typed_dp = dynamic_cast < DDS_DomainParticipant_i *> ( ()); if (typed_dp) { typed_dp->set_rti_entity (dds_dp); } return retval._retn (); }