Esempio n. 1
File: save.c Progetto: dis-/hengband
 * @brief 現在フロアの書き込み /
 * Write the current dungeon (new method)
 * @return なし
static bool wr_dungeon(void)
	saved_floor_type *cur_sf_ptr;
	int i;

	/* Forget the lite */

	/* Forget the view */

	/* Forget the view */

	/* Update lite/view */
	p_ptr->update |= (PU_VIEW | PU_LITE | PU_MON_LITE);

	/* Update monsters */
	p_ptr->update |= (PU_MONSTERS | PU_DISTANCE | PU_FLOW);

	/*** Meta info ***/

	/* Number of floor_id used from birth */

	/* Current dungeon type */

	/*** No saved floor (On the surface etc.) ***/
	if (!p_ptr->floor_id)
		/* No array elements */

		/* Write the current floor data */

		/* Success */
		return TRUE;

	/*** In the dungeon ***/

	/* Number of array elements */

	/* Write the saved_floors array */
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_SAVED_FLOORS; i++)
		saved_floor_type *sf_ptr = &saved_floors[i];


	/* Extract pointer to current floor */
	cur_sf_ptr = get_sf_ptr(p_ptr->floor_id);

	/* Save current floor to temporal file */
	if (!save_floor(cur_sf_ptr, (SLF_SECOND))) return FALSE;

	/* Move data in temporal files to the savefile */
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_SAVED_FLOORS; i++)
		saved_floor_type *sf_ptr = &saved_floors[i];

		/* Unused element */
		if (!sf_ptr->floor_id) continue;

		/* Load temporal saved floor file */
		if (load_floor(sf_ptr, (SLF_SECOND | SLF_NO_KILL)))
			/* Mark success */

			/* Write saved floor data to the save file */
			/* Mark failure */

	/* Restore current floor */
	if (!load_floor(cur_sf_ptr, (SLF_SECOND))) return FALSE;

	/* Success */
	return TRUE;
Esempio n. 2
 * @brief プレイヤーの手による能動的な階段生成処理 /
 * Create stairs at or move previously created stairs into the player location.
 * @return なし
void stair_creation(void)
	saved_floor_type *sf_ptr;
	saved_floor_type *dest_sf_ptr;

	bool up = TRUE;
	bool down = TRUE;
	s16b dest_floor_id = 0;

	/* Forbid up staircases on Ironman mode */
	if (ironman_downward) up = FALSE;

	/* Forbid down staircases on quest level */
	if (quest_number(dun_level) || (dun_level >= d_info[dungeon_type].maxdepth)) down = FALSE;

	/* No effect out of standard dungeon floor */
	if (!dun_level || (!up && !down) ||
	    (p_ptr->inside_quest && is_fixed_quest_idx(p_ptr->inside_quest)) ||
	    p_ptr->inside_arena || p_ptr->inside_battle)
		/* arena or quest */
#ifdef JP
		msg_print("There is no effect!");

	/* Artifacts resists */
	if (!cave_valid_bold(p_ptr->y, p_ptr->x))
#ifdef JP
		msg_print("The object resists the spell.");


	/* Destroy all objects in the grid */
	delete_object(p_ptr->y, p_ptr->x);

	/* Extract current floor data */
	sf_ptr = get_sf_ptr(p_ptr->floor_id);

	/* Paranoia */
	if (!sf_ptr)
		/* No floor id? -- Create now! */
		p_ptr->floor_id = get_new_floor_id();
		sf_ptr = get_sf_ptr(p_ptr->floor_id);

	/* Choose randomly */
	if (up && down)
		if (randint0(100) < 50) up = FALSE;
		else down = FALSE;

	/* Destination is already fixed */
	if (up)
		if (sf_ptr->upper_floor_id) dest_floor_id = sf_ptr->upper_floor_id;
		if (sf_ptr->lower_floor_id) dest_floor_id = sf_ptr->lower_floor_id;

	/* Search old stairs leading to the destination */
	if (dest_floor_id)
		int x, y;

		for (y = 0; y < cur_hgt; y++)
			for (x = 0; x < cur_wid; x++)
				cave_type *c_ptr = &cave[y][x];

				if (!c_ptr->special) continue;
				if (feat_uses_special(c_ptr->feat)) continue;
				if (c_ptr->special != dest_floor_id) continue;

				/* Remove old stairs */
				c_ptr->special = 0;
				cave_set_feat(y, x, floor_type[randint0(100)]);

	/* No old destination -- Get new one now */
		dest_floor_id = get_new_floor_id();

		/* Fix it */
		if (up)
			sf_ptr->upper_floor_id = dest_floor_id;
			sf_ptr->lower_floor_id = dest_floor_id;

	/* Extract destination floor data */
	dest_sf_ptr = get_sf_ptr(dest_floor_id);

	/* Create a staircase */
	if (up)
		cave_set_feat(p_ptr->y, p_ptr->x,
			(dest_sf_ptr->last_visit && (dest_sf_ptr->dun_level <= dun_level - 2)) ?
			feat_state(feat_up_stair, FF_SHAFT) : feat_up_stair);
		cave_set_feat(p_ptr->y, p_ptr->x,
			(dest_sf_ptr->last_visit && (dest_sf_ptr->dun_level >= dun_level + 2)) ?
			feat_state(feat_down_stair, FF_SHAFT) : feat_down_stair);

	/* Connect this stairs to the destination */
	cave[p_ptr->y][p_ptr->x].special = dest_floor_id;
Esempio n. 3
 * @brief 現在のフロアを離れるに伴って行なわれる保存処理
 * / Maintain quest monsters, mark next floor_id at stairs, save current floor, and prepare to enter next floor.
 * @return なし
void leave_floor(void)
	cave_type *c_ptr = NULL;
	feature_type *f_ptr;
	saved_floor_type *sf_ptr;
	int quest_r_idx = 0;

	/* Preserve pets and prepare to take these to next floor */

	/* Remove all mirrors without explosion */

	if (p_ptr->special_defense & NINJA_S_STEALTH) set_superstealth(FALSE);

	/* New floor is not yet prepared */
	new_floor_id = 0;

	/* Temporary get a floor_id (for Arena) */
	if (!p_ptr->floor_id &&
	    (change_floor_mode & CFM_SAVE_FLOORS) &&
	    !(change_floor_mode & CFM_NO_RETURN))
	    /* Get temporal floor_id */
	    p_ptr->floor_id = get_new_floor_id();

	/* Search the quest monster index */
	for (i = 0; i < max_q_idx; i++)
		if ((quest[i].status == QUEST_STATUS_TAKEN) &&
		    ((quest[i].type == QUEST_TYPE_KILL_LEVEL) ||
		    (quest[i].type == QUEST_TYPE_RANDOM)) &&
		    (quest[i].level == dun_level) &&
		    (dungeon_type == quest[i].dungeon) &&
		    !(quest[i].flags & QUEST_FLAG_PRESET))
			quest_r_idx = quest[i].r_idx;

	/* Maintain quest monsters */
	for (i = 1; i < m_max; i++)
		monster_race *r_ptr;
		monster_type *m_ptr = &m_list[i];

		/* Skip dead monsters */
		if (!m_ptr->r_idx) continue;

		/* Only maintain quest monsters */
		if (quest_r_idx != m_ptr->r_idx) continue;

		/* Extract real monster race */
		r_ptr = real_r_ptr(m_ptr);

		/* Ignore unique monsters */
		if ((r_ptr->flags1 & RF1_UNIQUE) ||
		    (r_ptr->flags7 & RF7_NAZGUL)) continue;

		/* Delete non-unique quest monsters */

	/* Check if there is a same item */
	for (i = 0; i < INVEN_PACK; i++)
		object_type *o_ptr = &inventory[i];

		/* Skip dead objects */
		if (!o_ptr->k_idx) continue;

		/* Delete old memorized location of the artifact */
		if (object_is_fixed_artifact(o_ptr))
			a_info[o_ptr->name1].floor_id = 0;

	/* Extract current floor info or NULL */
	sf_ptr = get_sf_ptr(p_ptr->floor_id);

	/* Choose random stairs */
	if ((change_floor_mode & CFM_RAND_CONNECT) && p_ptr->floor_id)

	/* Extract new dungeon level */
	if (change_floor_mode & CFM_SAVE_FLOORS)
		/* Extract stair position */
		c_ptr = &cave[p_ptr->y][p_ptr->x];
		f_ptr = &f_info[c_ptr->feat];

		/* Get back to old saved floor? */
		if (c_ptr->special && !have_flag(f_ptr->flags, FF_SPECIAL) && get_sf_ptr(c_ptr->special))
			/* Saved floor is exist.  Use it. */
			new_floor_id = c_ptr->special;

		/* Mark shaft up/down */
		if (have_flag(f_ptr->flags, FF_STAIRS) && have_flag(f_ptr->flags, FF_SHAFT))

	/* Climb up/down some sort of stairs */
	if (change_floor_mode & (CFM_DOWN | CFM_UP))
		int move_num = 0;

		/* Extract level movement number */
		if (change_floor_mode & CFM_DOWN) move_num = 1;
		else if (change_floor_mode & CFM_UP) move_num = -1;

		/* Shafts are deeper than normal stairs */
		if (change_floor_mode & CFM_SHAFT)
			move_num += SGN(move_num);

		/* Get out from or Enter the dungeon */
		if (change_floor_mode & CFM_DOWN)
			if (!dun_level)
				move_num = d_info[dungeon_type].mindepth;
		else if (change_floor_mode & CFM_UP)
			if (dun_level + move_num < d_info[dungeon_type].mindepth)
				move_num = -dun_level;

		dun_level += move_num;

	/* Leaving the dungeon to town */
	if (!dun_level && dungeon_type)
		p_ptr->leaving_dungeon = TRUE;
		if (!vanilla_town && !lite_town)
			p_ptr->wilderness_y = d_info[dungeon_type].dy;
			p_ptr->wilderness_x = d_info[dungeon_type].dx;
		p_ptr->recall_dungeon = dungeon_type;
		dungeon_type = 0;

		/* Reach to the surface -- Clear all saved floors */
		change_floor_mode &= ~CFM_SAVE_FLOORS;

	/* Kill some old saved floors */
	if (!(change_floor_mode & CFM_SAVE_FLOORS))
		/* Kill all saved floors */
		for (i = 0; i < MAX_SAVED_FLOORS; i++)

		/* Reset visit_mark count */
		latest_visit_mark = 1;
	else if (change_floor_mode & CFM_NO_RETURN)
		/* Kill current floor */

	/* No current floor -- Left/Enter dungeon etc... */
	if (!p_ptr->floor_id)
		/* No longer need to save current floor */

	/* Mark next floor_id on the previous floor */
	if (!new_floor_id)
		/* Get new id */
		new_floor_id = get_new_floor_id();

		/* Connect from here */
		if (c_ptr && !feat_uses_special(c_ptr->feat))
			c_ptr->special = new_floor_id;

	/* Fix connection -- level teleportation or trap door */
	if (change_floor_mode & CFM_RAND_CONNECT)
		if (change_floor_mode & CFM_UP)
			sf_ptr->upper_floor_id = new_floor_id;
		else if (change_floor_mode & CFM_DOWN)
			sf_ptr->lower_floor_id = new_floor_id;

	/* If you can return, you need to save previous floor */
	if ((change_floor_mode & CFM_SAVE_FLOORS) &&
	    !(change_floor_mode & CFM_NO_RETURN))
		/* Get out of the my way! */

		/* Record the last visit turn of current floor */
		sf_ptr->last_visit = turn;

		/* Forget the lite */

		/* Forget the view */

		/* Forget the view */

		/* Save current floor */
		if (!save_floor(sf_ptr, 0))
			/* Save failed -- No return */

			/* Kill current floor */
Esempio n. 4
 * @brief フロアの切り替え処理 / Enter new floor.
 * @return なし
 * @details
 * If the floor is an old saved floor, it will be\n
 * restored from the temporal file.  If the floor is new one, new cave\n
 * will be generated.\n
void change_floor(void)
	saved_floor_type *sf_ptr;
	bool loaded = FALSE;

	/* The dungeon is not ready */
	character_dungeon = FALSE;

	/* No longer in the trap detecteded region */
	p_ptr->dtrap = FALSE;

	/* Mega-Hack -- no panel yet */
	panel_row_min = 0;
	panel_row_max = 0;
	panel_col_min = 0;
	panel_col_max = 0;

	/* Mega-Hack -- not ambushed on the wildness? */
	ambush_flag = FALSE;

	/* No saved floors (On the surface etc.) */
	if (!(change_floor_mode & CFM_SAVE_FLOORS) &&
	    !(change_floor_mode & CFM_FIRST_FLOOR))
		/* Create cave */

		/* Paranoia -- No new saved floor */
		new_floor_id = 0;

	/* In the dungeon */
		/* No floor_id yet */
		if (!new_floor_id)
			/* Get new id */
			new_floor_id = get_new_floor_id();

		/* Pointer for infomations of new floor */
		sf_ptr = get_sf_ptr(new_floor_id);

		/* Try to restore old floor */
		if (sf_ptr->last_visit)
			/* Old saved floor is exist */
			if (load_floor(sf_ptr, 0))
				loaded = TRUE;

				/* Forbid return stairs */
				if (change_floor_mode & CFM_NO_RETURN)
					cave_type *c_ptr = &cave[p_ptr->y][p_ptr->x];

					if (!feat_uses_special(c_ptr->feat))
						if (change_floor_mode & (CFM_DOWN | CFM_UP))
							/* Reset to floor */
							c_ptr->feat = floor_type[randint0(100)];

						c_ptr->special = 0;

		 * Set lower/upper_floor_id of new floor when the new
		 * floor is right-above/right-under the current floor.
		 * Stair creation/Teleport level/Trap door will take
		 * you the same floor when you used it later again.
		if (p_ptr->floor_id)
			saved_floor_type *cur_sf_ptr = get_sf_ptr(p_ptr->floor_id);

			if (change_floor_mode & CFM_UP)
				/* New floor is right-above */
				if (cur_sf_ptr->upper_floor_id == new_floor_id)
					sf_ptr->lower_floor_id = p_ptr->floor_id;
			else if (change_floor_mode & CFM_DOWN)
				/* New floor is right-under */
				if (cur_sf_ptr->lower_floor_id == new_floor_id)
					sf_ptr->upper_floor_id = p_ptr->floor_id;

		/* Break connection to killed floor */
			if (change_floor_mode & CFM_UP)
				sf_ptr->lower_floor_id = 0;
			else if (change_floor_mode & CFM_DOWN)
				sf_ptr->upper_floor_id = 0;

		/* Maintain monsters and artifacts */
		if (loaded)
			IDX i;
			s32b tmp_last_visit = sf_ptr->last_visit;
			s32b absence_ticks;
			int alloc_chance = d_info[dungeon_type].max_m_alloc_chance;
			int alloc_times;

			while (tmp_last_visit > turn) tmp_last_visit -= TURNS_PER_TICK * TOWN_DAWN;
			absence_ticks = (turn - tmp_last_visit) / TURNS_PER_TICK;

			/* Maintain monsters */
			for (i = 1; i < m_max; i++)
				monster_race *r_ptr;
				monster_type *m_ptr = &m_list[i];

				/* Skip dead monsters */
				if (!m_ptr->r_idx) continue;

				if (!is_pet(m_ptr))
					/* Restore HP */
					m_ptr->hp = m_ptr->maxhp = m_ptr->max_maxhp;

					/* Remove timed status (except MTIMED_CSLEEP) */
					(void)set_monster_fast(i, 0);
					(void)set_monster_slow(i, 0);
					(void)set_monster_stunned(i, 0);
					(void)set_monster_confused(i, 0);
					(void)set_monster_monfear(i, 0);
					(void)set_monster_invulner(i, 0, FALSE);

				/* Extract real monster race */
				r_ptr = real_r_ptr(m_ptr);

				/* Ignore non-unique */
				if (!(r_ptr->flags1 & RF1_UNIQUE) &&
				    !(r_ptr->flags7 & RF7_NAZGUL)) continue;

				/* Appear at a different floor? */
				if (r_ptr->floor_id != new_floor_id)
					/* Disapper from here */

			/* Maintain artifatcs */
			for (i = 1; i < o_max; i++)
				object_type *o_ptr = &o_list[i];

				/* Skip dead objects */
				if (!o_ptr->k_idx) continue;

				/* Ignore non-artifact */
				if (!object_is_fixed_artifact(o_ptr)) continue;

				/* Appear at a different floor? */
				if (a_info[o_ptr->name1].floor_id != new_floor_id)
					/* Disappear from here */
					/* Cancel preserve */
					a_info[o_ptr->name1].cur_num = 1;


			/* Place some random monsters */
			alloc_times = absence_ticks / alloc_chance;

			if (randint0(alloc_chance) < (absence_ticks % alloc_chance))

			for (i = 0; i < alloc_times; i++)
				/* Make a (group of) new monster */
				(void)alloc_monster(0, 0);


		/* New floor_id or failed to restore */
		else /* if (!loaded) */
			if (sf_ptr->last_visit)
				/* Temporal file is broken? */
#ifdef JP
				msg_print("The staircases come to a dead end...");

				/* Create simple dead end */

				/* Break connection */
				if (change_floor_mode & CFM_UP)
					sf_ptr->upper_floor_id = 0;
				else if (change_floor_mode & CFM_DOWN)
					sf_ptr->lower_floor_id = 0;
				/* Newly create cave */

			/* Record last visit turn */
			sf_ptr->last_visit = turn;

			/* Set correct dun_level value */
			sf_ptr->dun_level = dun_level;

			/* Create connected stairs */
			if (!(change_floor_mode & CFM_NO_RETURN))
				/* Extract stair position */
				cave_type *c_ptr = &cave[p_ptr->y][p_ptr->x];

				/*** Create connected stairs ***/

				/* No stairs down from Quest */
				if ((change_floor_mode & CFM_UP) && !quest_number(dun_level))
					c_ptr->feat = (change_floor_mode & CFM_SHAFT) ? feat_state(feat_down_stair, FF_SHAFT) : feat_down_stair;

				/* No stairs up when ironman_downward */
				else if ((change_floor_mode & CFM_DOWN) && !ironman_downward)
					c_ptr->feat = (change_floor_mode & CFM_SHAFT) ? feat_state(feat_up_stair, FF_SHAFT) : feat_up_stair;

				/* Paranoia -- Clear mimic */
				c_ptr->mimic = 0;

				/* Connect to previous floor */
				c_ptr->special = p_ptr->floor_id;

		/* Arrive at random grid */
		if (change_floor_mode & (CFM_RAND_PLACE))

		/* You see stairs blocked */
		else if ((change_floor_mode & CFM_NO_RETURN) &&
			 (change_floor_mode & (CFM_DOWN | CFM_UP)))
			if (!p_ptr->blind)
#ifdef JP
				msg_print("Suddenly the stairs is blocked!");
#ifdef JP
				msg_print("You hear some noises.");

		 * Update visit mark
		 * The "turn" is not always different number because
		 * the level teleport doesn't take any turn.  Use
		 * visit mark instead of last visit turn to find the
		 * oldest saved floor.
		sf_ptr->visit_mark = latest_visit_mark++;

	/* Place preserved pet monsters */

	/* Reset travel target place */

	/* Hack -- maintain unique and artifacts */

	/* Now the player is in new floor */
	p_ptr->floor_id = new_floor_id;

	/* The dungeon is ready */
	character_dungeon = TRUE;

	/* Hack -- Munchkin characters always get whole map */
	if (p_ptr->pseikaku == SEIKAKU_MUNCHKIN)
		wiz_lite((bool)(p_ptr->pclass == CLASS_NINJA));

	/* Remember when this level was "created" */
	old_turn = turn;

	/* No dungeon feeling yet */
	p_ptr->feeling_turn = old_turn;
	p_ptr->feeling = 0;

	/* Clear all flags */
	change_floor_mode = 0L;
