Esempio n. 1
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  char self_name[FN_REFLEN];


#if __WIN__
  if (GetModuleFileName(NULL, self_name, FN_REFLEN) == 0)
    strncpy(self_name, argv[0], FN_REFLEN);

  if (init_dynamic_string(&ds_args, "", 512, 256) ||
      init_dynamic_string(&conn_args, "", 512, 256))
    die("Out of memory");

  if (load_defaults("my", load_default_groups, &argc, &argv))
  defaults_argv= argv; /* Must be freed by 'free_defaults' */

  if (handle_options(&argc, &argv, my_long_options, get_one_option))
  if (debug_info_flag)
    my_end_arg= MY_CHECK_ERROR | MY_GIVE_INFO;
  if (debug_check_flag)
    my_end_arg= MY_CHECK_ERROR;

  if (tty_password)
    opt_password= get_tty_password(NullS);
    /* add password to defaults file */
    dynstr_append_os_quoted(&ds_args, "--password="******" ");
  /* add user to defaults file */
  dynstr_append_os_quoted(&ds_args, "--user="******" ");

  /* Find mysql */
  find_tool(mysql_path, IF_WIN("mysql.exe", "mysql"), self_name);

  /* Find mysqlcheck */
  find_tool(mysqlcheck_path, IF_WIN("mysqlcheck.exe", "mysqlcheck"), self_name);

  if (opt_systables_only && !opt_silent)
    printf("The --upgrade-system-tables option was used, user tables won't be touched.\n");

    Read the mysql_upgrade_info file to check if mysql_upgrade
    already has been run for this installation of MySQL
  if (!opt_force && upgrade_already_done())
    printf("This installation of MySQL is already upgraded to %s, "
           "use --force if you still need to run mysql_upgrade\n",
    goto end;

  if (opt_version_check && check_version_match())
    die("Upgrade failed");

  upgrade_from_mysql= is_mysql();

    Run "mysqlcheck" and "mysql_fix_privilege_tables.sql"
  if (run_mysqlcheck_upgrade(TRUE) ||
      run_mysqlcheck_views() ||
      run_sql_fix_privilege_tables() ||
      run_mysqlcheck_fixnames() ||
    die("Upgrade failed" );

  verbose("Phase %d/%d: Running 'FLUSH PRIVILEGES'", ++phase, phases_total);
  if (run_query("FLUSH PRIVILEGES", NULL, TRUE))
    die("Upgrade failed" );


  /* Create a file indicating upgrade has been performed */

  DBUG_ASSERT(phase == phases_total);

Esempio n. 2
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  char self_name[FN_REFLEN];


#if __WIN__
  if (GetModuleFileName(NULL, self_name, FN_REFLEN) == 0)
    strncpy(self_name, argv[0], FN_REFLEN);

  if (init_dynamic_string(&ds_args, "", 512, 256) ||
      init_dynamic_string(&conn_args, "", 512, 256))
    die("Out of memory");

  if (load_defaults("my", load_default_groups, &argc, &argv))
  defaults_argv= argv; /* Must be freed by 'free_defaults' */

  if (handle_options(&argc, &argv, my_long_options, get_one_option))
  if (debug_info_flag)
    my_end_arg= MY_CHECK_ERROR | MY_GIVE_INFO;
  if (debug_check_flag)
    my_end_arg= MY_CHECK_ERROR;

  if (tty_password)
    opt_password= get_tty_password(NullS);
    /* add password to defaults file */
    dynstr_append_os_quoted(&ds_args, "--password="******" ");
  /* add user to defaults file */
  dynstr_append_os_quoted(&ds_args, "--user="******" ");

  /* Find mysql */
  find_tool(mysql_path, IF_WIN("mysql.exe", "mysql"), self_name);

  if (!opt_systables_only)
    /* Find mysqlcheck */
    find_tool(mysqlcheck_path, IF_WIN("mysqlcheck.exe", "mysqlcheck"), self_name);
    if (!opt_silent)
      printf("The --upgrade-system-tables option was used, databases won't be touched.\n");

    Read the mysql_upgrade_info file to check if mysql_upgrade
    already has been run for this installation of MySQL
  if (!opt_force && upgrade_already_done())
    printf("This installation of MySQL is already upgraded to %s, "
           "use --force if you still need to run mysql_upgrade\n",

  if (opt_version_check && check_version_match())
    die("Upgrade failed");

    Run "mysqlcheck" and "mysql_fix_privilege_tables.sql"
  if ((!opt_systables_only &&
       (run_mysqlcheck_fixnames() || run_mysqlcheck_upgrade())) ||
      The upgrade failed to complete in some way or another,
      significant error message should have been printed to the screen
    die("Upgrade failed" );

  /* Create a file indicating upgrade has been performed */

main (int argc, char *argv[])
int opt_err;

  MY_INIT (argv[0]);
  load_defaults ("my", client_groups, &argc, &argv);

  if ((opt_err = handle_options (&argc, &argv, my_opts, get_one_option)))
    exit (opt_err);

  /* solicit password if necessary */
  if (ask_password)
    opt_password = get_tty_password (NULL);

  /* get database name if present on command line */
  if (argc > 0)
    opt_db_name = argv[0];
    --argc; ++argv;

  /* initialize client library */
  if (mysql_library_init (0, NULL, NULL))
    print_error (NULL, "mysql_library_init() failed");
    exit (1);

  /* initialize connection handler */
  conn = mysql_init (NULL);
  if (conn == NULL)
    print_error (NULL, "mysql_init() failed (probably out of memory)");
    exit (1);

  if (opt_protocol)
    mysql_options (conn, MYSQL_OPT_PROTOCOL, (char*)&opt_protocol);
#ifdef HAVE_SMEM
  if (opt_shared_memory_base_name)
    mysql_options (conn, MYSQL_SHARED_MEMORY_BASE_NAME,

  /* connect to server */
  if (mysql_real_connect (conn, opt_host_name, opt_user_name, opt_password,
      opt_db_name, opt_port_num, opt_socket_name, opt_flags) == NULL)
    print_error (conn, "mysql_real_connect() failed");
    mysql_close (conn);
    exit (1);

  while (1)
    char  buf[10000];

    fprintf (stderr, "query> ");          /* print prompt */
    if (fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), stdin) == NULL) /* read statement */
    if (strcmp (buf, "quit\n") == 0 || strcmp (buf, "\\q\n") == 0)
    process_statement (conn, buf);          /* execute it */

  /* disconnect from server, terminate client library */
  mysql_close (conn);
  mysql_library_end ();
  exit (0);
Esempio n. 4
main (int argc, char *argv[])
int        opt_err;
MYSQL      *conn;   /* pointer to connection handler */
MYSQL_STMT *stmt;   /* pointer to statement handler */

  MY_INIT (argv[0]);
  load_defaults ("my", client_groups, &argc, &argv);

  if ((opt_err = handle_options (&argc, &argv, my_opts, get_one_option)))
    exit (opt_err);

  /* solicit password if necessary */
  if (ask_password)
    opt_password = get_tty_password (NULL);

  /* get database name if present on command line */
  if (argc > 0)
    opt_db_name = argv[0];
    --argc; ++argv;

  /* initialize client library */
  if (mysql_library_init (0, NULL, NULL))
    print_error (NULL, "mysql_library_init() failed");
    exit (1);

  /* initialize connection handler */
  conn = mysql_init (NULL);
  if (conn == NULL)
    print_error (NULL, "mysql_init() failed (probably out of memory)");
    exit (1);

  /* pass SSL information to client library */
  if (opt_use_ssl)
    mysql_ssl_set (conn, opt_ssl_key, opt_ssl_cert, opt_ssl_ca,
                   opt_ssl_capath, opt_ssl_cipher);
  mysql_options (conn,MYSQL_OPT_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT,

  /* connect to server */
  if (mysql_real_connect (conn, opt_host_name, opt_user_name, opt_password,
      opt_db_name, opt_port_num, opt_socket_name, opt_flags) == NULL)
    print_error (conn, "mysql_real_connect() failed");
    mysql_close (conn);
    exit (1);

  if (mysql_get_server_version (conn) < 50503)
    print_error (NULL, "Prepared CALL requires MySQL 5.5.3 or higher");
    mysql_close (conn);
    exit (1);

  /* initialize statement handler, execute prepared CALL, close handler */
  stmt = mysql_stmt_init (conn);
  if (!stmt)
    print_error (NULL, "Could not initialize statement handler");
    if (exec_prepared_call (stmt) == 0)
      process_call_result (conn, stmt);
    mysql_stmt_close (stmt);

  /* disconnect from server, terminate client library */
  mysql_close (conn);
  mysql_library_end ();
  exit (0);
Esempio n. 5
main (int argc, char *argv[])
int opt_err;

  MY_INIT (argv[0]);
  load_defaults ("my", client_groups, &argc, &argv);

  if ((opt_err = handle_options (&argc, &argv, my_opts, get_one_option)))
    exit (opt_err);

  /* solicit password if necessary */
  if (ask_password)
    opt_password = get_tty_password (NULL);

  /* get database name if present on command line */
  if (argc > 0)
    opt_db_name = argv[0];
    --argc; ++argv;

  /* initialize client library */
  if (mysql_library_init (0, NULL, NULL))
    print_error (NULL, "mysql_library_init() failed");
    exit (1);

/* #@ _SET_UP_SSL_ */
  /* initialize connection handler */
  conn = mysql_init (NULL);
  if (conn == NULL)
    print_error (NULL, "mysql_init() failed (probably out of memory)");
    exit (1);

  /* pass SSL information to client library */
  if (opt_use_ssl)
    mysql_ssl_set (conn, opt_ssl_key, opt_ssl_cert, opt_ssl_ca,
                   opt_ssl_capath, opt_ssl_cipher);
  mysql_options (conn,MYSQL_OPT_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT,

  /* connect to server */
  if (mysql_real_connect (conn, opt_host_name, opt_user_name, opt_password,
      opt_db_name, opt_port_num, opt_socket_name, opt_flags) == NULL)
    print_error (conn, "mysql_real_connect() failed");
    mysql_close (conn);
    exit (1);
/* #@ _SET_UP_SSL_ */

  printf ("Testing connection...\n");
  process_statement (conn, "SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Ssl_cipher'");
  printf ("If Ssl_cipher is non-blank, the connection is secure.\n");

  while (1)
    char  buf[10000];

    fprintf (stderr, "query> ");                  /* print prompt */
    if (fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), stdin) == NULL) /* read statement */
    if (strcmp (buf, "quit\n") == 0 || strcmp (buf, "\\q\n") == 0)
    process_statement (conn, buf);                /* execute it */

  /* disconnect from server, terminate client library */
  mysql_close (conn);
  mysql_library_end ();
  exit (0);
int main (int argc, char *argv[])

    trace(argc, argv);

    int opt_err;

    MY_INIT (argv[0]);
    load_defaults ("my", client_groups, &argc, &argv);

    if ((opt_err = handle_options (&argc, &argv, my_opts, get_one_option)))
        exit (opt_err);

    /* solicit password if necessary */
    if (ask_password)
        opt_password = get_tty_password (NULL);

    /* get database name if present on command line */
    if (argc > 0)
        opt_db_name = argv[0];

    /* initialize client library */
    if (mysql_library_init (0, NULL, NULL))
        print_error (NULL, "mysql_library_init() failed");
        exit (1);

    /* initialize connection handler */
    conn = mysql_init (NULL);
    if (conn == NULL)
        print_error (NULL, "mysql_init() failed (probably out of memory)");
        exit (1);

    /* pass SSL information to client library */
    if (opt_use_ssl)
        mysql_ssl_set (conn, opt_ssl_key, opt_ssl_cert, opt_ssl_ca,
                       opt_ssl_capath, opt_ssl_cipher);
#if (MYSQL_VERSION_ID >= 50023 && MYSQL_VERSION_ID < 50100) \
    || MYSQL_VERSION_ID >= 50111
    mysql_options (conn,MYSQL_OPT_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT,

    /* connect to server */
    if (mysql_real_connect (conn, opt_host_name, opt_user_name, opt_password,
                            opt_db_name, opt_port_num, opt_socket_name, opt_flags) == NULL)
        print_error (conn, "mysql_real_connect() failed");
        mysql_close (conn);
        exit (1);

    process_prepared_statements (conn);

    /* disconnect from server, terminate client library */
    mysql_close (conn);
    mysql_library_end ();
    exit (0);