Esempio n. 1
const char*	var2str(const anon_nasl_var* v)
  static char	s1[16];

  if (v == NULL)
    return NULL;

  switch (v->var_type)
    case VAR2_INT:
      snprintf(s1, sizeof(s1), "%d", v->v.v_int);
      return s1;		/* buggy if called twice in a row */

    case VAR2_STRING:
    case VAR2_DATA:
      return v->v.v_str.s_val == NULL ? "" : (const char*)v->v.v_str.s_val;

    case VAR2_UNDEF:
#if NASL_DEBUG > 1
      nasl_perror(NULL, "var2str: variable %s is undefined!\n", get_var_name(v));
      return NULL;

    case VAR2_ARRAY:
      return array2str(&v->v.v_arr);

#if NASL_DEBUG > 0
      nasl_perror(NULL, "var2str: variable %s has unhandled type %d\n",
		  get_var_name(v), v->var_type);
      return "";
Esempio n. 2
static int
var2int(anon_nasl_var* v, int defval)
  if (v == NULL)
    return defval;

  switch (v->var_type)
    case VAR2_INT:
      return v->v.v_int;

    case VAR2_STRING:
    case VAR2_DATA:
      return atoi(v->v.v_str.s_val);

    case VAR2_UNDEF:
#if NASL_DEBUG > 1
      nasl_perror(NULL, "var2int: variable %s is undefined!\n", get_var_name(v));
    case VAR2_ARRAY:
      return defval;
Esempio n. 3
 * \brief Handles the SOAP requests to querry the state variables.
 * This functionality has been deprecated in the UPnP V1.0 architecture.
static UPNP_INLINE void handle_query_variable(
	IN http_message_t *request,
	IN IXML_Document *xml_doc)
	UpnpStateVarRequest *variable = UpnpStateVarRequest_new();
	Upnp_FunPtr soap_event_callback;
	void *cookie;
	char var_name[LINE_SIZE];
	const char *err_str;
	int err_code;

	if (get_var_name(xml_doc, var_name) != 0) {
		send_error_response(info, SOAP_INVALID_VAR,
				    Soap_Invalid_Var, request);
	/* get info for event */
	err_code = get_device_info(request, 1, xml_doc,
		(UpnpString *)UpnpStateVarRequest_get_DevUDN(variable),
		(UpnpString *)UpnpStateVarRequest_get_ServiceID(variable),
		&soap_event_callback, &cookie);
	if (err_code != 0) {
		send_error_response(info, SOAP_INVALID_VAR,
				    Soap_Invalid_Var, request);
	UpnpStateVarRequest_set_ErrCode(variable, UPNP_E_SUCCESS);
	UpnpStateVarRequest_strcpy_StateVarName(variable, var_name);
	UpnpStateVarRequest_set_CtrlPtIPAddr(variable, &info->foreign_sockaddr);
	/* send event */
	soap_event_callback(UPNP_CONTROL_GET_VAR_REQUEST, variable, cookie);
	UpnpPrintf(UPNP_INFO, SOAP, __FILE__, __LINE__,
		"Return from callback for var request\n");
	/* validate, and handle result */
	if (UpnpStateVarRequest_get_CurrentVal(variable) == NULL) {
		err_code = SOAP_ACTION_FAILED;
		err_str = Soap_Action_Failed;
		send_error_response(info, SOAP_INVALID_VAR, Soap_Invalid_Var,
	if (UpnpStateVarRequest_get_ErrCode(variable) != UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
		if (UpnpString_get_Length(UpnpStateVarRequest_get_ErrStr(variable)) > 0) {
			err_code = SOAP_INVALID_VAR;
			err_str = Soap_Invalid_Var;
		} else {
			err_code = UpnpStateVarRequest_get_ErrCode(variable);
			err_str = UpnpStateVarRequest_get_ErrStr_cstr(variable);
		send_error_response(info, err_code, err_str, request);

	/* send response */
	send_var_query_response(info, UpnpStateVarRequest_get_CurrentVal(variable), request);
TString get_full_name(TString name, TString prefix)
  TString sample = get_sample_name(name);
  TString sys = get_sys_name(name);
  TString var = get_var_name(name);
  TString res(prefix.Data());
  //res.Append("__" + sample + "__" + sys + "__" + var); // only for sytematics
  res.Append("__" + sample);
  //cout << "sample name = " << sample << " sys = " << sys << " var = " << var << endl;
  return res;
Esempio n. 5
	void EffectConstant::save_xml(const XmlWriterSharedPtr &writer) const


		writer->write_vec4_element(String(UTF8("value")), get_value());
		writer->write_element(String(UTF8("var_name")), get_var_name());

Esempio n. 6
void sccwriter::write_expr( Expr* code, std::ostream& os, int ind, std::string& expr, int opts )
  if( code->getclass()==SYMS_EXPR && is_var( ((SymSExpr*)code)->s ) )
    get_var_name( ((SymSExpr*)code)->s, expr );
    indent( os, ind );
    os << expr.c_str() << "->inc();" << std::endl;
    std::ostringstream ss;
    ss << "e" << exprCount;
    //declare the expression
    indent( os, ind );
    if( code->getclass()==SYMS_EXPR && !is_var( ((SymSExpr*)code)->s ) )
      os << "static ";
    os << "Expr* " << ss.str().c_str() << ";" << std::endl;
    //write the expression
    std::ostringstream ss2;
    ss2 << ss.str().c_str();
    write_code( code, os, ind, ss2.str().c_str(), opts );

    //if is not a sym expression, then decrement the expression and return null
    if( opts&opt_write_check_sym_expr )
      indent( os, ind );
      os << "if (" << expr.c_str() << "->getclass() != SYM_EXPR) {" << std::endl;
      indent( os, ind+1 );
      os << "exit( 1 );" << std::endl;
      indent( os, ind );
      os << "}" << std::endl;

    expr = std::string( ss.str().c_str() );
    vars.push_back( expr );
  //increment the counter for memory management
  //indent( os, ind );
  //os << expr.c_str() << "->inc();" << std::endl;
Esempio n. 7
	EffectConstant::EffectConstant(const String &name, const Uint32 id,
		const EffectConstantType type,
		Mt19937RandomUuidGenerator &uuid_generator):
		EffectNode(name, id, uuid_generator()),
		m_value(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), m_type(type)
		m_var_name = get_var_name();

		switch (get_type())
			case ect_float:
				add_output_port(m_var_name, String(),
					String(UTF8("?")), uuid_generator(),
			case ect_direction_xy:
				add_output_port(m_var_name, String(UTF8("xy")),
			case ect_color_rgb:
					String(UTF8("rgb")), uuid_generator(),
			case ect_vec2:
				add_output_port(m_var_name, String(UTF8("xy")),
			case ect_vec3:
					String(UTF8("xyz")), uuid_generator(),
			case ect_vec4:
					String(UTF8("xyzw")), uuid_generator(),
Esempio n. 8
 * \brief Handles the SOAP requests to querry the state variables.
 * This functionality has been deprecated in the UPnP V1.0 architecture.
static UPNP_INLINE void handle_query_variable(
    int iface,
	/*! [in] Socket info. */
	SOCKINFO *info,
	/*! [in] HTTP request. */
	http_message_t *request,
	/*! [in] Document containing the variable request SOAP message. */
	IXML_Document *xml_doc)
	Upnp_FunPtr soap_event_callback;
	void *cookie;
	char var_name[LINE_SIZE];
	struct Upnp_State_Var_Request variable;
	const char *err_str;
	int err_code;

	/* get var name */
	if (get_var_name(xml_doc, var_name) != 0) {
		send_error_response(info, SOAP_INVALID_VAR,
				    Soap_Invalid_Var, request);
	/* get info for event */
	err_code = get_device_info(iface, request, 1, xml_doc,
				   &soap_event_callback, &cookie);
	if (err_code != 0) {
		send_error_response(info, SOAP_INVALID_VAR,
				    Soap_Invalid_Var, request);
	linecopy(variable.ErrStr, "");
	variable.ErrCode = UPNP_E_SUCCESS;
	namecopy(variable.StateVarName, var_name);
	variable.CurrentVal = NULL;
	variable.CtrlPtIPAddr = info->foreign_sockaddr;
	/* send event */
	soap_event_callback(UPNP_CONTROL_GET_VAR_REQUEST, &variable, cookie);
	UpnpPrintf(UPNP_INFO, SOAP, __FILE__, __LINE__,
		   "Return from callback for var request\n");
	/* validate, and handle result */
	if (variable.CurrentVal == NULL) {
		send_error_response(info, SOAP_INVALID_VAR, Soap_Invalid_Var,
	if (variable.ErrCode != UPNP_E_SUCCESS) {
		if (strlen(variable.ErrStr) > 0) {
			err_code = SOAP_INVALID_VAR;
			err_str = Soap_Invalid_Var;
		} else {
			err_code = variable.ErrCode;
			err_str = variable.ErrStr;
		send_error_response(info, err_code, err_str, request);
	/* send response */
	send_var_query_response(info, variable.CurrentVal, request);
Esempio n. 9
void sccwriter::write_code( Expr* code, std::ostream& os, int ind, const char* retModStr, int opts )
  std::string retModString;
  std::string incString;
  if ( retModStr )
    retModString = std::string( retModStr );
    retModString.append( " = " );
    incString = std::string( retModStr );
    incString.append( "->inc();" );
  switch( code->getclass() )
  case INT_EXPR:
      indent( os, ind );
      os << retModString.c_str();
      os << "new IntExpr( " << mpz_get_si( ((IntExpr*)code)->n ) << " );" << std::endl;
      indent( os, ind );
      os << incString.c_str() << std::endl;
  case RAT_EXPR:
      mpz_t num, den;
      mpq_get_num( num, ((RatExpr*)code)->n );
      mpq_get_den( den, ((RatExpr*)code)->n );
      indent( os, ind );
      os << retModString.c_str();
      os << "new RatExpr( " << mpz_get_si( num ) << ", " << mpz_get_si( den ) << " );" << std::endl;
      indent( os, ind );
      os << incString.c_str() << std::endl;
  case SYMS_EXPR:
      //if it is a variable, simply write it to buffer
      if( is_var( ((SymSExpr*)code)->s ) )
        indent( os, ind );
        os << retModString.c_str();
        write_variable( ((SymSExpr*)code)->s.c_str(), os );
        os << ";" << std::endl;  
      else  //else must look at symbol lookup table
        std::string var;
        get_var_name( ((SymSExpr*)code)->s, var );
        indent( os, ind );
        os << retModString.c_str() << "e_" << var.c_str() << ";" << std::endl;
        add_global_sym( var ); 
      indent( os, ind );
      os << incString.c_str() << std::endl;
    switch( code->getop() )
    case APP:
        //collect the arguments
        std::vector< Expr* > argVector;
        code->collect_args( argVector );
        //write the arguments
        std::vector< std::string > args;
        for( int a=0; a<(int)argVector.size(); a++ )
          std::string expr;
          write_expr( argVector[a], os, ind, expr );
          args.push_back( expr );
        //write_args( (CExpr*)code, os, ind, 1, args );
        Expr* hd = code->get_head();
        //map to a program in the case that it is a program
        if( hd->getop()==PROG && get_prog_index_by_expr( hd )!=-1 )
          indent( os, ind );
          os << retModString << "f_" << progNames[ get_prog_index_by_expr( hd ) ].c_str() << "( ";
          for( int a=0; a<(int)args.size(); a++ )
            os << args[a].c_str();
            if( a!=(int)( args.size()-1 ) ){
              os << ", ";
          os << " );" << std::endl;
          for( int a=0; a<(int)args.size(); a++ )
            write_dec( args[a], os, ind );
          std::string expr;
          write_expr( hd, os, ind, expr );
          indent( os, ind );
          os << retModString << "new CExpr( APP, ";
          os << expr.c_str() << ", ";
          for( int a=0; a<(int)args.size(); a++ )
            os << args[a].c_str();
            if( a!=(int)( args.size()-1 ) ){
              os << ", ";
          os << " );" << std::endl;
          std::string expr;
          write_expr( hd, os, ind, expr );
          indent( os, ind );
          os << retModString;
          for( int a=0; a<(int)args.size(); a++ )
            os << "new CExpr( APP, ";
          os << expr.c_str() << ", ";
          for( int a=0; a<(int)args.size(); a++ )
            os << args[a].c_str();
            os << " )";
            if( a!=(int)( args.size()-1 ) ){
              os << ", ";
          os << ";" << std::endl;
          //indent( os, ind );
          //os << expr.c_str() << "->dec();" << std::endl;
    case MATCH:
        //calculate the value for the expression
        std::string expr;
        write_expr( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[0], os, ind, expr );
        //get the head
        std::ostringstream sshd;
        sshd << "e" << exprCount;
        indent( os, ind );
        os << "Expr* " << sshd.str().c_str() << " = " << expr.c_str() << "->followDefs()->get_head();" << std::endl;
        //write the arguments
        std::vector< std::string > args;
        write_args( (CExpr*)code, os, ind, 1, args );
        bool encounterDefault = false;
        //now make an if statement corresponding to the match 
        int a = 0;
        while( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[a+1] )
          indent( os, ind );
          if( a!=0 ){
            os << "}else";
          if( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[a+1]->getop()!=CASE ){
            encounterDefault = true;
            os << "{" << std::endl;
            //write the body of the case
            write_code( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[a+1], os, ind+1, retModStr ); 
            indent( os, ind );
            os << "}" << std::endl;
            if( a!=0 )
              os << " ";
            os << "if( " << sshd.str().c_str() << "==" << args[a].c_str() << " ){" << std::endl;
            //collect args from the variable in the code
            std::ostringstream ssargs;
            ssargs << "args" << argsCount;
#ifndef USE_FLAT_APP
            indent( os, ind+1 );
            os << "std::vector< Expr* > " << ssargs.str().c_str() << ";" << std::endl;
            indent( os, ind+1 );
            os << expr.c_str() << "->followDefs()->collect_args( " << ssargs.str().c_str() << " );" << std::endl;
            //set the variables defined in the pattern equal to the arguments
            std::vector< Expr* > caseArgs;
            ((CExpr*)((CExpr*)code)->kids[a+1])->kids[0]->collect_args( caseArgs );
            for( int b=0; b<(int)caseArgs.size(); b++ )
              indent( os, ind+1 );
              os << "Expr* ";
              write_variable( ((SymSExpr*)caseArgs[b])->s.c_str(), os );
              os << " = ((CExpr*)" << expr.c_str() << "->followDefs())->kids[" << b+1 << "];" << std::endl;
              os << " = " << ssargs.str().c_str() << "[" << b << "];" << std::endl;
              vars.push_back( ((SymSExpr*)caseArgs[b])->s );
            //write the body of the case
            write_code( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[a+1], os, ind+1, retModStr, opt_write_case_body ); 
        if( !encounterDefault )
          indent( os, ind );
          os << "}else{" << std::endl;
          indent( os, ind + 1 );
          os << "std::cout << \"Could not find match for expression in function f_";
          os << progNames[currProgram].c_str() << " \";" << std::endl;
          indent( os, ind + 1 );
          os << sshd.str().c_str() << "->print( std::cout );" << std::endl;
          indent( os, ind + 1 );
          os << "std::cout << std::endl;" << std::endl;
          indent( os, ind + 1 );
          os << "exit( 1 );" << std::endl;
          indent( os, ind );
          os << "}" << std::endl;
        write_dec( expr, os, ind );
        for( int a=0; a<(int)args.size(); a++ )
          write_dec( args[a], os, ind );
    case CASE:
      if( opts&opt_write_case_body )
        write_code( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[1], os, ind, retModStr );
        write_code( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[0]->get_head(), os, ind, retModStr );
    case DO:
        //write each of the children in sequence
        int counter = 0;
        while( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[counter] )
          if( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[counter+1]==NULL )
            write_code( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[counter], os, ind, retModStr );
            std::string expr;
            write_expr( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[counter], os, ind, expr );
            //clean up memory
            write_dec( expr, os, ind );
    case LET:
        indent( os, ind );
        os << "Expr* ";
        write_variable( ((SymSExpr*)((CExpr*)code)->kids[0])->s, os );
        os << ";" << std::endl;
        std::ostringstream ss;
        write_variable( ((SymSExpr*)((CExpr*)code)->kids[0])->s, ss );
        write_code( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[1], os, ind, ss.str().c_str() );
        //add it to the variables
        vars.push_back( ((SymSExpr*)((CExpr*)code)->kids[0])->s );
        write_code( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[2], os, ind, retModStr );
        //clean up memory
        indent( os, ind );
        write_variable( ((SymSExpr*)((CExpr*)code)->kids[0])->s, os );
        os << "->dec();" << std::endl;
    case FAIL:
        indent( os, ind );
        os << retModString.c_str() << "NULL;" << std::endl;
#ifndef MARKVAR_32
    case MARKVAR:
        //calculate the value for the expression
        std::string expr;
        write_expr( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[0], os, ind, expr, opt_write_check_sym_expr );
        //set the mark on the expression
        indent( os, ind );
        os << "if (" << expr.c_str() << "->followDefs()->getmark())" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << expr.c_str() << "->followDefs()->clearmark();" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind );
        os << "else" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << expr.c_str() << "->followDefs()->setmark();" << std::endl;
        //write the return if necessary
        if( retModStr!=NULL ){
          indent( os, ind );
          os << retModString.c_str() << expr.c_str() << ";" << std::endl;
          indent( os, ind );
          os << incString.c_str() << std::endl;
        write_dec( expr, os, ind );
    case IFMARKED:
        //calculate the value for the expression
        std::string expr;
        write_expr( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[0], os, ind, expr, opt_write_check_sym_expr );
        //if mark is set, write code for kids[1]
        indent( os, ind );
        os << "if (" << expr.c_str() << "->followDefs()->getmark()){" << std::endl;
        write_code( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[1], os, ind+1, retModStr );
        //else write code for kids[2]
        indent( os, ind );
        os << "}else{" << std::endl;
        write_code( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[2], os, ind+1, retModStr );
        indent( os, ind );
        os << "}" << std::endl;
        //clean up memory
        write_dec( expr, os, ind );
    case MARKVAR:
        //calculate the value for the expression
        std::string expr;
        write_expr( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[1], os, ind, expr, opt_write_check_sym_expr );
        //set the mark on the expression
        indent( os, ind );
        os << "if ( ((SymExpr*)" << expr.c_str() << "->followDefs())->getmark(";
        os << ((IntExpr*)((CExpr*)code)->kids[0])->get_num() << "))" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << "((SymExpr*)" << expr.c_str() << "->followDefs())->clearmark(";
        os << ((IntExpr*)((CExpr*)code)->kids[0])->get_num() << ");" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind );
        os << "else" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << "((SymExpr*)" << expr.c_str() << "->followDefs())->setmark(";
        os << ((IntExpr*)((CExpr*)code)->kids[0])->get_num() << ");" << std::endl;
        //write the return if necessary
        if( retModStr!=NULL ){
          indent( os, ind );
          os << retModString.c_str() << expr.c_str() << ";" << std::endl;
          indent( os, ind );
          os << incString.c_str() << std::endl;
        write_dec( expr, os, ind );
    case COMPARE:
        std::string expr1, expr2;
        write_expr( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[0], os, ind, expr1, opt_write_check_sym_expr );
        write_expr( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[1], os, ind, expr2, opt_write_check_sym_expr );
        indent( os, ind );
        os << "if( ((SymExpr*)" << expr1.c_str() << ")->followDefs() < ((SymExpr*)" << expr2.c_str() << ")->followDefs() ){" << std::endl;
        write_code( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[2], os, ind+1, retModStr );
        indent( os, ind );
        os << "}else{" << std::endl;
        write_code( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[3], os, ind+1, retModStr );
        indent( os, ind );
        os << "}" << std::endl;
        //clean up memory
        write_dec( expr1, os, ind );
        write_dec( expr2, os, ind );
    case IFMARKED:
        //calculate the value for the expression
        std::string expr;
        write_expr( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[1], os, ind, expr, opt_write_check_sym_expr );
        //if mark is set, write code for kids[1]
        indent( os, ind );
        os << "if ( ((SymExpr*)" << expr.c_str() << "->followDefs())->getmark(";
        os << ((IntExpr*)((CExpr*)code)->kids[0])->get_num() << ")){" << std::endl;
        write_code( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[2], os, ind+1, retModStr );
        //else write code for kids[2]
        indent( os, ind );
        os << "}else{" << std::endl;
        write_code( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[3], os, ind+1, retModStr );
        indent( os, ind );
        os << "}" << std::endl;
        //clean up memory
        write_dec( expr, os, ind );
    case ADD:
    case MUL:
    case DIV:
        //calculate the value for the first expression
        std::string expr1;
        write_expr( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[0], os, ind, expr1 );
        //calculate the value for the second expression
        std::string expr2;
        write_expr( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[1], os, ind, expr2 );
        std::ostringstream ss;
        ss << "rnum" << rnumCount;
        indent( os, ind );
        os << "if( " << expr1.c_str() << "->followDefs()->getclass()==INT_EXPR ){" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << "mpz_t " << ss.str().c_str() << ";" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << "mpz_init(" << ss.str().c_str() << ");" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << "mpz_";
        if( code->getop()==ADD )
          os << "add";
          os << "mul";
        os << "( " << ss.str().c_str() << ", ((IntExpr*)" << expr1.c_str() << "->followDefs())->n, ((IntExpr*)" << expr2.c_str() << "->followDefs())->n);" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << retModString.c_str() << "new IntExpr(" << ss.str().c_str() << ");" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind );
        os << "}else if( " << expr1.c_str() << "->followDefs()->getclass()==RAT_EXPR ){" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << "mpq_t " << ss.str().c_str() << ";" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << "mpq_init(" << ss.str().c_str() << ");" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << "mpq_";
        if( code->getop()==ADD )
          os << "add";
        else if( code->getop()==MUL )
          os << "mul";
          os << "div";
        os << "( " << ss.str().c_str() << ", ((RatExpr*)" << expr1.c_str() << "->followDefs())->n, ((RatExpr*)" << expr2.c_str() << "->followDefs())->n);" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << retModString.c_str() << "new RatExpr(" << ss.str().c_str() << ");" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind );
        os << "}" << std::endl;
        //clean up memory
        write_dec( expr1, os, ind );
        write_dec( expr2, os, ind );
    case NEG:
        //calculate the value for the first expression
        std::string expr1;
        write_expr( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[0], os, ind, expr1 );
        std::ostringstream ss;
        ss << "rnum" << rnumCount;
        indent( os, ind );
        os << "if( " << expr1.c_str() << "->followDefs()->getclass()==INT_EXPR ){" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << "mpz_t " << ss.str().c_str() << ";" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << "mpz_init(" << ss.str().c_str() << ");" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << "mpz_neg( " << ss.str().c_str() << ", ((IntExpr*)" << expr1.c_str() << "->followDefs())->n );" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << retModString.c_str() << "new IntExpr(" << ss.str().c_str() << ");" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind );
        os << "}else if( " << expr1.c_str() << "->followDefs()->getclass()==RAT_EXPR ){" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << "mpq_t " << ss.str().c_str() << ";" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << "mpq_init(" << ss.str().c_str() << ");" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << "mpq_neg( " << ss.str().c_str() << ", ((RatExpr*)" << expr1.c_str() << "->followDefs())->n );" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << retModString.c_str() << "new RatExpr(" << ss.str().c_str() << ");" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind );
        os << "}" << std::endl;
        //clean up memory
        write_dec( expr1, os, ind );
    case IFNEG:
    case IFZERO:
        std::string expr1;
        write_expr( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[0], os, ind, expr1 );
        indent( os, ind );
        os << "if( " << expr1.c_str() << "->followDefs()->getclass()==INT_EXPR ){" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << "if( mpz_sgn( ((IntExpr *)" << expr1.c_str() << "->followDefs())->n ) ";
        if( code->getop()==IFNEG )
          os << "<";
          os << "==";
        os << " 0 ){" << std::endl;
        write_code( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[1], os, ind+2, retModStr );
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << "}else{" << std::endl;
        write_code( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[2], os, ind+2, retModStr );
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << "}" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind );
        os << "}else if( " << expr1.c_str() << "->followDefs()->getclass()==RAT_EXPR ){" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << "if( mpq_sgn( ((RatExpr *)" << expr1.c_str() << "->followDefs())->n ) ";
        if( code->getop()==IFNEG )
          os << "<";
          os << "==";
        os << " 0 ){" << std::endl;
        write_code( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[1], os, ind+2, retModStr );
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << "}else{" << std::endl;
        write_code( ((CExpr*)code)->kids[2], os, ind+2, retModStr );
        indent( os, ind+1 );
        os << "}" << std::endl;
        indent( os, ind );
        os << "}" << std::endl;
        //clean up memory
        write_dec( expr1, os, ind );
    case RUN:/*?*/break;
    case PI:/*?*/break;
    case LAM:/*?*/break;
    case TYPE:/*?*/break;
    case KIND:/*?*/break;
    case ASCRIBE:/*?*/break;
    case MPZ:/*?*/break;
    case PROG:/*?*/break;
    case PROGVARS:/*?*/break;
    case PAT:/*?*/break;
Esempio n. 10
void sccwriter::write_variable( const std::string& n, std::ostream& os )
  std::string nn;
  get_var_name( n, nn );
  os << nn.c_str();
Esempio n. 11
*	Function :	handle_query_variable
*	Parameters :
*		IN SOCKINFO *info :	Socket info
*		IN http_message_t* request : HTTP request
*		IN IXML_Document *xml_doc :	Document containing the variable request
*									SOAP message
*	Description :	This action handles the SOAP requests to querry the
*				state variables. This functionality has been deprecated in
*				the UPnP V1.0 architecture
*	Return :	void
*	Note :
static UPNP_INLINE void
handle_query_variable( IN SOCKINFO * info,
                       IN http_message_t * request,
                       IN IXML_Document * xml_doc )
    Upnp_FunPtr soap_event_callback;
    void *cookie;
    char var_name[LINE_SIZE];
    struct Upnp_State_Var_Request variable;
    const char *err_str;
    int err_code;

    // get var name
    if( get_var_name( xml_doc, var_name ) != 0 ) {
        send_error_response( info, SOAP_INVALID_VAR,
                             Soap_Invalid_Var, request );
    // get info for event
    if( get_device_info( request, 1, xml_doc, variable.DevUDN,
                         &soap_event_callback, &cookie ) != 0 ) {
        send_error_response( info, SOAP_INVALID_VAR,
                             Soap_Invalid_Var, request );

    linecopy( variable.ErrStr, "" );
    variable.ErrCode = UPNP_E_SUCCESS;
    namecopy( variable.StateVarName, var_name );
    variable.CurrentVal = NULL;
    variable.CtrlPtIPAddr = info->foreign_ip_addr;

    // send event
    soap_event_callback( UPNP_CONTROL_GET_VAR_REQUEST, &variable, cookie );

    UpnpPrintf( UPNP_INFO, SOAP, __FILE__, __LINE__,
                "Return from callback for var request\n" );

    // validate, and handle result
    if( variable.CurrentVal == NULL ) {
        err_code = SOAP_ACTION_FAILED;
        err_str = Soap_Action_Failed;
        send_error_response( info, SOAP_INVALID_VAR,
                             Soap_Invalid_Var, request );
    if( variable.ErrCode != UPNP_E_SUCCESS ) {
        if( strlen( variable.ErrStr ) > 0 ) {
            err_code = SOAP_INVALID_VAR;
            err_str = Soap_Invalid_Var;
        } else {
            err_code = variable.ErrCode;
            err_str = variable.ErrStr;
        send_error_response( info, err_code, err_str, request );
    // send response
    send_var_query_response( info, variable.CurrentVal, request );
    ixmlFreeDOMString( variable.CurrentVal );

Esempio n. 12
nasl_read_var_ref(lex_ctxt* lexic, tree_cell* tc)
  tree_cell	*ret;
  anon_nasl_var	*v;

  if (tc == NULL || tc == FAKE_CELL)
      nasl_perror(lexic, "nasl_read_var_ref: cannot read NULL or FAKE cell\n");
      return NULL;
  if (tc->type != REF_VAR)
      nasl_perror(lexic, "nasl_read_var_ref: argument (type=%d) is not REF_VAR %s\n", tc->type, get_line_nb(tc));
      return NULL;

  v = tc->x.ref_val;
  if (v == NULL)
      nasl_perror(lexic, "nasl_read_var_ref: NULL variable in REF_VAR\n");
      return NULL;

  ret = alloc_tree_cell(tc->line_nb, NULL);

  switch (v->var_type)
    case VAR2_INT:
      ret->type = CONST_INT;
      ret->x.i_val = v->v.v_int;
      if(nasl_trace_enabled())nasl_trace(lexic, "NASL> %s -> %d\n", get_var_name(v), ret->x.i_val);
      return ret;

    case VAR2_STRING:
      ret->type = CONST_STR;
      /* Fix bad string length */
      if (v->v.v_str.s_siz <= 0 && v->v.v_str.s_val[0] != '\0')
	  v->v.v_str.s_siz = strlen(v->v.v_str.s_val);
	  nasl_perror(lexic, "nasl_read_var_ref: Bad string length fixed\n");
      /* Go on next case */
    case VAR2_DATA:
      ret->type = v->var_type == VAR2_STRING ? CONST_STR : CONST_DATA;
      if(v->v.v_str.s_val == NULL)
       ret->x.str_val = NULL;
       ret->size = 0;
       ret->x.str_val = emalloc(v->v.v_str.s_siz);
       memcpy(ret->x.str_val, v->v.v_str.s_val, v->v.v_str.s_siz);
       ret->size = v->v.v_str.s_siz;
      if(nasl_trace_enabled())nasl_trace(lexic, "NASL> %s -> \"%s\"\n", get_var_name(v), ret->x.str_val);
      return ret;

    case VAR2_ARRAY:
      ret->type = REF_ARRAY;
      ret->x.ref_val = &v->v.v_arr;
      return ret;

    case VAR2_UNDEF:
#if NASL_DEBUG > 0
      name = get_var_name(v);
      if (strcmp(name, "NULL") != 0) /* special case */
	nasl_perror(lexic, "nasl_read_var_ref: variable %s is undefined %s\n",
		    name, get_line_nb(tc));
      if(nasl_trace_enabled())nasl_trace(lexic, "NASL> %s -> undef\n", get_var_name(v), v->var_type);

      nasl_perror(lexic, "nasl_read_var_ref: unhandled variable type %d\n",
      if(nasl_trace_enabled())nasl_trace(lexic, "NASL> %s -> ???? (Var type %d)\n", get_var_name(v), v->var_type);
  return NULL;
Esempio n. 13
static anon_nasl_var*
create_anon_var(tree_cell* val)
  anon_nasl_var	*v = emalloc(sizeof(anon_nasl_var));
  tree_cell		*tc;

  if (val == NULL || val == FAKE_CELL)
#if NASL_DEBUG > 1
      nasl_perror(NULL, "create_anon_var: affecting NULL or FAKE cell to variable %s\n", get_var_name(v));
      v->var_type = VAR2_UNDEF;
      return v;

  tc = affect_to_anon_var(v, val);
  /* Here we might test the return value */
  return v;
Esempio n. 14
static named_nasl_var*
create_named_var(const char* name, tree_cell* val)
  named_nasl_var	*v = emalloc(sizeof(named_nasl_var));
  tree_cell		*tc;

  if (name != NULL)
    v->var_name = estrdup(name);

  if (val == NULL || val == FAKE_CELL)
#if NASL_DEBUG > 1
      nasl_perror(NULL, "create_named_var: affecting NULL or FAKE cell to variable %s\n", get_var_name(v));
      v->u.var_type = VAR2_UNDEF;
      return v;

  tc = affect_to_anon_var(&v->u, val);
  /* Here we might test the return value */
  return v;
Esempio n. 15
static tree_cell*
affect_to_anon_var(anon_nasl_var* v1, tree_cell* rval)
  anon_nasl_var	*v2 = NULL, v0;
  nasl_array	*a = NULL;
  int		t1, t2;
  void		*p;

  t1 = v1->var_type;

  if (rval == NULL || rval == FAKE_CELL)
#if NASL_DEBUG > 1
      nasl_perror(NULL, "nasl_affect: affecting NULL or FAKE cell undefines variable %s %s\n", get_var_name(v1), get_line_nb(rval));
      if(nasl_trace_enabled())nasl_trace(NULL, "NASL> %s <- undef\n", get_var_name(v1));
      return NULL;

  switch (rval->type)
    case CONST_INT:
      t2 = VAR2_INT;
    case CONST_STR:
      t2 = VAR2_STRING;
    case CONST_DATA:
      t2 = VAR2_DATA;

    case REF_VAR:
      v2 = rval->x.ref_val;
      if (v2 == v1)
#if NASL_DEBUG > 1
	  nasl_perror(NULL, "Copying variable %s to itself is useless and dangerous!\n", get_var_name(v1));
	  return FAKE_CELL;
      t2 = v2->var_type;
      if (t2 == VAR2_ARRAY)
	a = &v2->v.v_arr;	/* ? */

    case REF_ARRAY:
    case DYN_ARRAY:
      a = rval->x.ref_val;
      t2 = VAR2_ARRAY;
      if (v1->var_type == VAR2_ARRAY && &v1->v.v_arr == a)
#if NASL_DEBUG > 1
	  nasl_perror(NULL, "Copying array %s to itself is useless and dangerous!\n", get_var_name(v1));
	  return FAKE_CELL;

      nasl_perror(NULL, "Cannot affect rvalue 0x%x to variable\n", rval->type);
      return NULL;

   * Bug #146: when executing 
   *    x = 'abc'; x = x;  or   x = make_list(...); x = x[0];
   * the rvalue will be freed before it is copied to the lvalue
  v0 = *v1;

  if (t1 != VAR2_UNDEF && t2 == VAR2_UNDEF)
#if NASL_DEBUG > 0
      nasl_perror(NULL, "Warning: Undefining defined variable %s %s\n",
		  get_var_name(v1), get_line_nb(rval));
  else if (t1 == VAR2_ARRAY && t2 != VAR2_ARRAY)
#if NASL_DEBUG > 1
		  "Warning: affecting non array (0x%x) to array variable %s\n",
		  t2, get_line_nb(rval));
  else if ((t1 == VAR2_INT || t1 == VAR2_STRING || t1 == VAR2_DATA) &&
	   t2 == VAR2_ARRAY)
#if NASL_DEBUG > 1
      nasl_perror(NULL ,"Warning: affecting array to atomic variable (0x%x) %s\n",  t2, get_line_nb(rval));

  /* Bug #146: this fake clear is necessary if we copy an array*/
  memset(v1, 0, sizeof(*v1));
  /* Bug #146: no risk with the type, we already copied it */
  v1->var_type = t2;

  if (rval->type != REF_VAR && rval->type != REF_ARRAY && rval->type != DYN_ARRAY)
    switch (t2)
      case VAR2_INT:
	v1->v.v_int = rval->x.i_val;
      case VAR2_STRING:
      case VAR2_DATA:
        if( rval->x.str_val == NULL )
	    v1->v.v_str.s_val = NULL;
	    v1->v.v_str.s_siz = 0;
	    p = emalloc(rval->size+1);
	    memcpy(p, rval->x.str_val, rval->size+1);
	    v1->v.v_str.s_siz = rval->size;
	    v1->v.v_str.s_val = p;
  else				/* REF_xxx */
      case VAR2_INT:
	v1->v.v_int = v2->v.v_int;
      case VAR2_STRING:
      case VAR2_DATA:
        if(v2->v.v_str.s_val == NULL)
	    v1->v.v_str.s_val = NULL;
	    v1->v.v_str.s_siz = 0;
	    p = emalloc(v2->v.v_str.s_siz);
	    memcpy(p, v2->v.v_str.s_val, v2->v.v_str.s_siz);
	    v1->v.v_str.s_siz = v2->v.v_str.s_siz;
	    v1->v.v_str.s_val = p;
      case VAR2_ARRAY:
	copy_array(&v1->v.v_arr, a);
	if (v0.var_type == VAR2_ARRAY)
	  bzero(&v0, sizeof(v0));	/* So that we don't clear the variable twice */

  if (nasl_trace_fp != NULL)
      case VAR2_INT:
	nasl_trace(NULL, "NASL> %s <- %d\n", get_var_name(v1), v1->v.v_int);
      case VAR2_STRING:
      case VAR2_DATA:
	nasl_trace(NULL, "NASL> %s <- \"%s\"\n", get_var_name(v1), v1->v.v_str.s_val);
      case VAR2_ARRAY:
	nasl_trace(NULL, "NASL> %s <- (VAR2_ARRAY)\n", get_var_name(v1));
	nasl_trace(NULL, "NASL> %s <- (Type 0x%x)\n", get_var_name(v1), t2);

  return FAKE_CELL;
Esempio n. 16
void libwriter::write_file()
  //std::cout << "write lib" << std::endl;
  std::ostringstream os_enum;
  std::ostringstream os_print;
  std::ostringstream os_constructor_h;
  std::ostringstream os_constructor_c;

  for ( int a=0; a<(int)syms.size(); a++ ) {
    //std::cout << "sym #" << (a+1) << ": ";
    //std::cout << ((SymSExpr*)syms[a])->s.c_str() << std::endl;
    //defs[a]->print( std::cout );
    //std::cout << std::endl;
    if( defs[a]->getclass()==CEXPR ){
      //calculate which arguments are required for input
      std::vector< Expr* > args;
      std::vector< bool > argsNeed;
      std::vector< Expr* > argTypes;
      CExpr* c = ((CExpr*)defs[a]);
      while( c->getop()==PI ){
        //std::cout << c->kids[0] << std::endl;
        if( ((CExpr*)c->kids[1])->getop()!=RUN ){
          args.push_back( c->kids[0] );
          argsNeed.push_back( true );
          argTypes.push_back( c->kids[1] );
        for( int b=0; b<(int)args.size(); b++ ){
          if( argsNeed[b] ){
            if( ((CExpr*)c->kids[1])->getop()==RUN ){
              if( ((CExpr*)c->kids[1])->kids[1]->free_in( args[b] ) ){
                argsNeed[b] = false;
              if( c->kids[1]->free_in( args[b] ) ){
                argsNeed[b] = false;
        c = (CExpr*)(c->kids[2]);

      //record if this declares a judgement
      if( ((CExpr*)defs[a])->getop()==PI && c->getop()==TYPE ){
        //std::cout << "This is a judgement" << std::endl;
        judgements.push_back( syms[a] );
      //record if this declares a proof rule
      }else if( c->getclass()==CEXPR && std::find( judgements.begin(), judgements.end(), c->kids[0] )!=judgements.end() ){
        std::cout << "Handle rule: " << ((SymSExpr*)syms[a])->s.c_str() << std::endl;
        //std::cout << "These are required to input:" << std::endl;
        //for( int b=0; b<(int)args.size(); b++ ){
        //  if( argsNeed[b] ){
        //    std::cout << ((SymSExpr*)args[b])->s.c_str() << std::endl;
        //  }
        os_enum << "    rule_" << ((SymSExpr*)syms[a])->s.c_str() << "," << std::endl;

        os_print << "  case rule_" << ((SymSExpr*)syms[a])->s.c_str() << ": os << \"";
        os_print << ((SymSExpr*)syms[a])->s.c_str() << "\";break;" << std::endl;

        std::ostringstream os_args;
        os_args << "(";
        bool firstTime = true;
        for( int b=0; b<(int)args.size(); b++ ){
          if( argsNeed[b] ){
            if( !firstTime )
              os_args << ",";
            std::string str;
            get_var_name( ((SymSExpr*)args[b])->s, str );
            os_args << " LFSCProof* " << str.c_str();
            firstTime = false;
        if( !firstTime ){
          os_args << " ";
        os_args << ")";

        os_constructor_h << "  static LFSCProof* make_" << ((SymSExpr*)syms[a])->s.c_str();
        os_constructor_h << os_args.str().c_str() << ";" << std::endl;

        os_constructor_c << "LFSCProof* LFSCProof::make_" << ((SymSExpr*)syms[a])->s.c_str();
        os_constructor_c << os_args.str().c_str() << "{" << std::endl;
        os_constructor_c << "  LFSCProof **kids = new LFSCProof *[" << (int)args.size()+1 << "];" << std::endl;
        for( int b=0; b<(int)args.size(); b++ ){
          os_constructor_c << "  kids[" << b << "] = ";
          if( argsNeed[b] ){
            std::string str;
            get_var_name( ((SymSExpr*)args[b])->s, str );
            os_constructor_c << str.c_str();
            os_constructor_c << "hole";
          os_constructor_c << ";" << std::endl;
        os_constructor_c << "  kids[" << (int)args.size() << "] = 0;" << std::endl;
        os_constructor_c << "  return new LFSCProofC( rule_" << ((SymSExpr*)syms[a])->s.c_str() << ", kids );" << std::endl;
        os_constructor_c << "}" << std::endl << std::endl;

    //write the header
    static std::string filename( "lfsc_proof" );
    std::fstream fsh;
    std::string fnameh( filename );
    fnameh.append(".h"); fnameh.c_str(), std::ios::out );

    fsh << "#ifndef LFSC_PROOF_LIB_H" << std::endl;
    fsh << "#define LFSC_PROOF_LIB_H" << std::endl;
    fsh << std::endl;
    fsh << "#include <string>" << std::endl;
    fsh << std::endl;
    fsh << "class LFSCProof{" << std::endl;
    fsh << "protected:" << std::endl;
    fsh << "  enum{" << std::endl;
    fsh << os_enum.str().c_str();
    fsh << "  };" << std::endl;
    fsh << "  static LFSCProof* hole;" << std::endl;
    fsh << "  LFSCProof(){}" << std::endl;
    fsh << "public:" << std::endl;
    fsh << "  virtual ~LFSCProof(){}" << std::endl;
    fsh << "  static void init();" << std::endl;
    fsh << std::endl;
    fsh << "  //functions to build LFSC proofs" << std::endl;
    fsh << os_constructor_h.str().c_str();
    fsh << std::endl;
    fsh << "  virtual void set_child( int i, LFSCProof* e ) {}" << std::endl;
    fsh << "  virtual void print( std::ostream& os ){}" << std::endl;
    fsh << "};" << std::endl;
    fsh << std::endl;
    fsh << "class LFSCProofC : public LFSCProof{" << std::endl;
    fsh << "  short id;" << std::endl;
    fsh << "  LFSCProof **kids;" << std::endl;
    fsh << "public:" << std::endl;
    fsh << "  LFSCProofC( short d_id, LFSCProof **d_kids ) : id( d_id ), kids( d_kids ){}" << std::endl;
    fsh << "  void set_child( int i, LFSCProof* e ) { kids[i] = e; }" << std::endl;
    fsh << "  void print( std::ostream& os );" << std::endl;
    fsh << "};" << std::endl;
    fsh << std::endl;
    fsh << "class LFSCProofSym : public LFSCProof{" << std::endl;
    fsh << "private:" << std::endl;
    fsh << "  std::string s;" << std::endl;
    fsh << "  LFSCProofSym( std::string ss ) : s( ss ){}" << std::endl;
    fsh << "public:" << std::endl;
    fsh << "  static LFSCProofSym* make( std::string ss ) { return new LFSCProofSym( ss ); }" << std::endl;
    fsh << "  static LFSCProofSym* make( const char* ss ) { return new LFSCProofSym( std::string( ss ) ); }" << std::endl;
    fsh << "  ~LFSCProofSym(){}" << std::endl;
    fsh << "  void print( std::ostream& os ) { os << s.c_str(); }" << std::endl;
    fsh << "};" << std::endl;
    fsh << std::endl;
    fsh << "class LFSCProofLam : public LFSCProof{" << std::endl;
    fsh << "  LFSCProofSym* var;" << std::endl;
    fsh << "  LFSCProof* body;" << std::endl;
    fsh << "  LFSCProof* typ;" << std::endl;
    fsh << "  LFSCProofLam( LFSCProofSym* d_var, LFSCProof* d_body, LFSCProof* d_typ ) : var( d_var ), body( d_body ), typ( d_typ ){}" << std::endl;
    fsh << "public:" << std::endl;
    fsh << "  static LFSCProof* make( LFSCProofSym* d_var, LFSCProof* d_body, LFSCProof* d_typ = NULL ) {" << std::endl;
    fsh << "    return new LFSCProofLam( d_var, d_body, d_typ );" << std::endl;
    fsh << "  }" << std::endl;
    fsh << "  ~LFSCProofLam(){}" << std::endl;
    fsh << std::endl;
    fsh << "  void print( std::ostream& os );" << std::endl;
    fsh << "};" << std::endl;
    fsh << std::endl;
    fsh << "#endif" << std::endl;

    //write the cpp
    std::fstream fsc;
    std::string fnamec( filename );
    fnamec.append(".cpp"); fnamec.c_str(), std::ios::out );

    fsc << "#include \"lfsc_proof.h\"" << std::endl;
    fsc << std::endl;
    fsc << "LFSCProof* LFSCProof::hole = NULL;" << std::endl;
    fsc << std::endl;
    fsc << "void LFSCProof::init(){" << std::endl;
    fsc << "  hole = LFSCProofSym::make( \"_\" );" << std::endl;
    fsc << "}" << std::endl;
    fsc << std::endl;
    fsc << "void LFSCProofC::print( std::ostream& os ){" << std::endl;
    fsc << "  os << \"(\";" << std::endl;
    fsc << "  switch( id ){" << std::endl;
    fsc << os_print.str().c_str();
    fsc << "  }" << std::endl;
    fsc << "  int counter = 0;" << std::endl;
    fsc << "  while( kids[counter] ){" << std::endl;
    fsc << "    os << \" \";" << std::endl;
    fsc << "    kids[counter]->print( os );" << std::endl;
    fsc << "    counter++;" << std::endl;
    fsc << "  }" << std::endl;
    fsc << "  os << \")\";" << std::endl;
    fsc << "}" << std::endl;
    fsc << std::endl;
    fsc << "void LFSCProofLam::print( std::ostream& os ){" << std::endl;
    fsc << "  os << \"(\";" << std::endl;
    fsc << "  if( typ ){" << std::endl;
    fsc << "    os << \"% \";" << std::endl;
    fsc << "  }else{" << std::endl;
    fsc << "    os << \"\\\\ \";" << std::endl;
    fsc << "  }" << std::endl;
    fsc << "  var->print( os );" << std::endl;
    fsc << "  if( typ ){" << std::endl;
    fsc << "    os << \" \";" << std::endl;
    fsc << "    typ->print( os );" << std::endl;
    fsc << "  }" << std::endl;
    fsc << "  os << std::endl;" << std::endl;
    fsc << "  body->print( os );" << std::endl;
    fsc << "  os << \")\";" << std::endl;
    fsc << "}" << std::endl;
    fsc << std::endl;
    fsc << os_constructor_c.str().c_str();
    fsc << std::endl;
Esempio n. 17
std::string Trick::ClassicCheckPointAgent::
    ref_string_from_ptr( void* pointer, ATTRIBUTES* attr, int curr_dim) {

    std::string reference_string;

    if ((attr != NULL) && ((curr_dim >= attr->num_index) || (attr->index[curr_dim].size != 0))) {
        message_publish(MSG_ERROR, "Checkpoint Agent ERROR: ref_string_from_ptr called with a non-pointer type.\n") ;

    if (pointer == NULL) {
        reference_string = "NULL";
    } else {
        ALLOC_INFO *alloc_info;

        /** Find the allocation that contains the pointer-address. */
        alloc_info = mem_mgr->get_alloc_info_of( pointer);

        if (alloc_info != NULL) {
            int alloc_elem_size;
            int alloc_elem_index;
            int misalignment;

            alloc_elem_size = alloc_info->size;
            alloc_elem_index = (int) (((long) pointer - (long) alloc_info->start) / alloc_elem_size);
            misalignment = (int) (((long) pointer - (long) alloc_info->start) % alloc_elem_size);

            // If type-checking AND the type specifiers match AND  the type we're looking for
            // is either not structured or if it is, the attr-list that describes the contents
            // of the structure is the same.

            if ( (attr != NULL) && (attr->type == alloc_info->type) &&
                 ( (attr->type != TRICK_STRUCTURED) || (attr->attr == alloc_info->attr))) {

                int ii;
                int n_l_ptrs, n_r_ptrs;

                // Calculate the number of pointers (asterisks) on the left side of the assignment.
                n_l_ptrs = attr->num_index - curr_dim;

                // Calculate the number of pointers (asterisks) on the right side of the assignment.
                n_r_ptrs = 0;
                for (ii=0 ; ii <alloc_info->num_index ; ii++) {
                    if (alloc_info->index[ii] == 0) n_r_ptrs++;

                if (n_l_ptrs != (n_r_ptrs + 1)) {
                    reference_string = "NULL /*ERROR: # asterisks disagree.*/";
                } else {
                    if (misalignment == 0) {
                        std::stringstream workss;
                        if (alloc_info->name != NULL) {
                            workss << "&" << alloc_info->name;
                            if (alloc_info->num_index != 0) {
                                workss << "[" << alloc_elem_index << "]";
                            reference_string = workss.str();
                        } else {
                            std::stringstream ss;
                            ss << "Checkpoint Agent ERROR: The name of the allocation at " << alloc_info->start << " is NULL."
                               << "Therefore, Trick::ClassicCheckPointAgent::ref_string_from_ptr() can't generate a textual reference to it."
                               << std::endl;
                            message_publish(MSG_ERROR, ss.str().c_str() );
                            reference_string = "ERROR - Allocation name is NULL";

                    } else {
                        message_publish(MSG_ERROR, "Checkpoint Agent ERROR: Badly aligned pointer.\n"
                                                   "   It is not aligned with the data object\n"
                                                   "   (of the same type) into which it is pointing.\n") ;
                        reference_string = "ERROR - Badly aligned pointer";
            } else if (alloc_info->type == TRICK_STRUCTURED) {
                // The type specifications don't match, but the right-side is structured,
                // so we apparently the matching type is buried in the right hand side structure.

                if (alloc_info->name != NULL) {
                    std::string rightside;
                    std::stringstream element_name;
                    element_name << "&" << alloc_info->name;
                    if (alloc_info->num_index != 0) {
                        element_name << '[' << alloc_elem_index << ']';
                    rightside = get_var_name( pointer,
                                              (char *) alloc_info->start + (alloc_elem_index * alloc_info->size),
                    reference_string = rightside;
                } else {
                    std::stringstream ss;
                    ss << "Checkpoint Agent ERROR: The name of the allocation at " << alloc_info->start << " is NULL."
                       << "Therefore, Trick::ClassicCheckPointAgent::ref_string_from_ptr() can't generate a textual reference to it."
                       << std::endl;
                    message_publish(MSG_ERROR, ss.str().c_str() );
                    reference_string = "ERROR - Allocation name is NULL";
            } else { // The type specifications don't match, and the right hand side is not structured

                if (attr != NULL) {
                    const char* left_type_spec  = trickTypeCharString(attr->type, "");
                    const char* right_type_spec = trickTypeCharString(alloc_info->type, alloc_info->user_type_name);
                    message_publish(MSG_ERROR, "Checkpoint Agent ERROR: Type mismatch. Type specifications disagree.\n"
                                               "   The left side type specifier is \"%s\" but the right side is \"%s\".\n",
                                    left_type_spec, right_type_spec) ;
                    reference_string = "ERROR - Type specifications disagree";
                } else {

                    if (misalignment == 0) {
                        std::stringstream workss;

                        if (alloc_info->name != NULL) {
                            workss << "&" << alloc_info->name;
                            if (alloc_info->num_index != 0) {
                                workss << "[" << alloc_elem_index << "]";
                            reference_string = workss.str();
                        } else {
                            std::stringstream ss;
                            ss << "Checkpoint Agent ERROR: The name of the allocation at " << alloc_info->start << " is NULL."
                               << "Therefore, Trick::ClassicCheckPointAgent::ref_string_from_ptr() can't generate a textual reference to it."
                               << std::endl;
                            message_publish(MSG_ERROR, ss.str().c_str() );
                            reference_string = "ERROR - Allocation name is NULL";

                    } else {
                        message_publish(MSG_ERROR, "Checkpoint Agent ERROR: Badly aligned pointer.\n"
                                                   "   It is not aligned with the data object\n"
                                                   "   (of the same type) into which it is pointing.\n") ;
                        reference_string = "ERROR - Badly Aligned Pointer";

        } else if ((attr != NULL) && ((curr_dim + 1) == attr->num_index)) {

            if (attr->type == TRICK_CHARACTER) {
                std::stringstream ss;
                write_quoted_str( ss, (const char*)pointer);
                reference_string = ss.str();
            } else if (attr->type == TRICK_WCHAR) {
                message_publish(MSG_ERROR, "Checkpoint Agent ERROR: TRICK_WCHAR not fully supported yet.\n") ;
                reference_string = "ERROR: TRICK_WCHAR not fully supported yet.";
            } else {
                std::string lname = left_side_name();
                message_publish(MSG_ERROR, "Checkpoint Agent ERROR: Pointer <%p> in \"%s\" is not in Trick managed memory\n"
                                           "nor is it a character pointer.\n", pointer, lname.c_str()) ;
                reference_string = "ERROR - Pointer not in Trick managed memory";

        } else {
            std::string lname = left_side_name();
            message_publish(MSG_ERROR, "Checkpoint Agent ERROR: Pointer <%p> in \"%s\" is not in Trick managed memory\n"
                                       "nor is it a character pointer.\n", pointer, lname.c_str()) ;
            reference_string = "ERROR - Pointer not in Trick managed memory";
    return( reference_string);
Esempio n. 18
			inline String get_var_name(const Uint16 index = 0) const
				return get_var_name(get_id(), index);