Esempio n. 1
 * graphene_triangle_contains_point:
 * @t: a #graphene_triangle_t
 * @p: a #graphene_point3d_t
 * Checks whether the given triangle @t contains the point @p.
 * Returns: `true` if the point is inside the triangle
 * Since: 1.2
graphene_triangle_contains_point (const graphene_triangle_t *t,
                                  const graphene_point3d_t  *p)
  graphene_vec3_t point, v1, v2, v3;
  float dot_11, dot_12, dot_13;
  float dot_22, dot_23;
  float inv_denom, u, v;

  graphene_point3d_to_vec3 (p, &point);

  /* we use the barycoordinates from the given point to check
   * if the point is inside the triangle.
   * see:
  graphene_vec3_subtract (&t->c, &t->a, &v1);
  graphene_vec3_subtract (&t->b, &t->a, &v2);
  graphene_vec3_subtract (&point, &t->a, &v3);

  dot_11 = graphene_vec3_dot (&v1, &v1);
  dot_12 = graphene_vec3_dot (&v1, &v2);
  dot_13 = graphene_vec3_dot (&v1, &v3);
  dot_22 = graphene_vec3_dot (&v2, &v2);
  dot_23 = graphene_vec3_dot (&v2, &v3);

  inv_denom = 1.f / (dot_11 * dot_22 - dot_12 * dot_12);
  u = (dot_22 * dot_13 - dot_12 * dot_23) * inv_denom;
  v = (dot_11 * dot_23 - dot_12 * dot_13) * inv_denom;

  return (u >= 0.f) && (v >= 0.f) && (u + v < 1.f);
Esempio n. 2
 * graphene_ray_get_distance_to_point:
 * @r: a #graphene_ray_t
 * @p: a #graphene_point3d_t
 * Computes the distance from the origin of the given ray to the given point.
 * Returns: the distance of the point
 * Since: 1.4
graphene_ray_get_distance_to_point (const graphene_ray_t     *r,
                                    const graphene_point3d_t *p)
  graphene_vec3_t point;
  graphene_vec3_t tmp;
  float distance;

  graphene_point3d_to_vec3 (p, &point);

  graphene_vec3_subtract (&point, &r->origin, &tmp);
  distance = graphene_vec3_dot (&tmp, &r->direction);

  /* the point is behind the ray */
  if (distance < 0)
      graphene_vec3_subtract (&r->origin, &point, &tmp);
      return graphene_vec3_length (&tmp);

  /* get the position on the ray at the given distance */
  graphene_vec3_scale (&r->direction, distance, &tmp);
  graphene_vec3_add (&tmp, &r->origin, &tmp);

  graphene_vec3_subtract (&tmp, &point, &tmp);

  return graphene_vec3_length (&tmp);
Esempio n. 3
 * graphene_triangle_init_from_point3d:
 * @t: the #graphene_triangle_t to initialize
 * @a: (nullable): a #graphene_point3d_t
 * @b: (nullable): a #graphene_point3d_t
 * @c: (nullable): a #graphene_point3d_t
 * Initializes a #graphene_triangle_t using the three given 3D points.
 * Returns: (transfer none): the initialized #graphene_triangle_t
 * Since: 1.2
graphene_triangle_t *
graphene_triangle_init_from_point3d (graphene_triangle_t      *t,
                                     const graphene_point3d_t *a,
                                     const graphene_point3d_t *b,
                                     const graphene_point3d_t *c)
  if (a != NULL)
    graphene_point3d_to_vec3 (a, &t->a);
    graphene_vec3_init_from_vec3 (&t->a, graphene_vec3_zero ());

  if (b != NULL)
    graphene_point3d_to_vec3 (b, &t->b);
    graphene_vec3_init_from_vec3 (&t->b, graphene_vec3_zero ());

  if (c != NULL)
    graphene_point3d_to_vec3 (c, &t->c);
    graphene_vec3_init_from_vec3 (&t->b, graphene_vec3_zero ());

  return t;
Esempio n. 4
 * graphene_ray_init:
 * @r: the #graphene_ray_t to initialize
 * @origin: (nullable): the origin of the ray
 * @direction: (nullable): the direction vector
 * Initializes the given #graphene_ray_t using the given @origin
 * and @direction values.
 * Returns: (transfer none): the initialized ray
 * Since: 1.4
graphene_ray_t *
graphene_ray_init (graphene_ray_t           *r,
                   const graphene_point3d_t *origin,
                   const graphene_vec3_t    *direction)
  if (origin != NULL)
    graphene_point3d_to_vec3 (origin, &r->origin);
    graphene_vec3_init_from_vec3 (&r->origin, graphene_vec3_zero ());

  if (direction != NULL)
    graphene_vec3_normalize (direction, &r->direction);
    graphene_vec3_init_from_vec3 (&r->direction, graphene_vec3_zero ());

  return r;
Esempio n. 5
 * graphene_ray_get_closest_point_to_point:
 * @r: a #graphene_ray_t
 * @p: a #graphene_point3d_t
 * @res: (out caller-allocates): return location for the closest point3d
 * Computes the point on the given #graphene_ray_t that is closest to the
 * given point @p.
 * Since: 1.4
graphene_ray_get_closest_point_to_point (const graphene_ray_t     *r,
                                         const graphene_point3d_t *p,
                                         graphene_point3d_t       *res)
  graphene_vec3_t point, result;
  float distance;

  graphene_point3d_to_vec3 (p, &point);
  graphene_vec3_subtract (&point, &r->origin, &result);

  distance = graphene_vec3_dot (&result, &r->direction);
  if (distance < 0)
    graphene_vec3_init_from_vec3 (&result, &r->origin);
      graphene_vec3_scale (&r->direction, distance, &result);
      graphene_vec3_add (&result, &r->origin, &result);

  graphene_point3d_init_from_vec3 (res, &result);