Esempio n. 1
void console_put_char(uint8_t ch)
  if ( m_console == CONSOLE_AVAILABLE )
Esempio n. 2
void console_put_hexnybble(uint8_t n)
  if ( m_console == CONSOLE_AVAILABLE )
    hal_uart_putchar((uint8_t)hex_tab[n & 0x0f]);
Esempio n. 3
void rtc_intr_hdlr (void *data)
	static u8 c = 33;
	static u8 hr = 0, min = 0, sec = 0;

	/* disable RTC interrupts till you process current interrupt
	 * for this, set the interrupt mask bit for the RTC interrupt
	 * - i.e, the 11th bit in MIR2, bits0-63 are in MIR0-1 -- TRM 6.3 &
	WRITEREG32(INTC_MIR2_SET, 0x01 << 11);

	/* process the interrupt - print to uart an ascii chart 
	 * and system up time 
	if (sec >= 60) {
		sec = 0;
		if (min >= 60) {
			min = 0;
			if (hr >= 24) {
				hr = 0;
	hal_uart_putstr("RTC - ");
	hal_uart_putchar(hr/10 + '0');
	hal_uart_putchar(hr%10 + '0');
	hal_uart_putchar(min/10 + '0');
	hal_uart_putchar(min%10 + '0');
	hal_uart_putchar(sec/10 + '0');
	hal_uart_putchar(sec%10 + '0');
	hal_uart_putstr(" - ");
	if (c > 126)
		c = 33;

	/* re-enable RTC interrupts */
	WRITEREG32(INTC_MIR2_CLEAR, 0x01 << 11);
Esempio n. 4
void console_put_chars(uint8_t const * chars, uint8_t num_chars)
  if ( m_console == CONSOLE_AVAILABLE )
    for( ; num_chars > 0; num_chars--)
Esempio n. 5
void console_put_string(uint8_t const * string)
  if ( m_console == CONSOLE_AVAILABLE )
    while(*string != 0)
Esempio n. 6
void console_put_line(uint8_t const * string)
  if ( m_console == CONSOLE_AVAILABLE )
    while(*string != 0)
    console_put_string((uint8_t *)CONSOLE_NEWLINE_OUTPUT);
Esempio n. 7
void console_put_decbyte(uint8_t b) // b is in the range [0 255]
  uint8_t b0;
  uint8_t b1;

  if ( m_console == CONSOLE_AVAILABLE )
    b0 = (b % 10); //Remainder of b when divided by 10 
    b /= 10;       // forces w into the range [0 25]
    b1 = (b % 10); //Remainder of b when divided by 10
    b /= 10;       // forces w into the range [0 2]
    if(b != 0)
      hal_uart_putchar(b + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(b1 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(b0 + '0');
    else if (b1 != 0)
      hal_uart_putchar(b1 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(b0 + '0');    
      hal_uart_putchar(b0 + '0');
Esempio n. 8
uint8_t console_get_char(void)
  uint8_t ch = '\0';

  if ( m_console == CONSOLE_AVAILABLE )
    ch = hal_uart_getchar();
  return ch;
Esempio n. 9
void console_get_chars(uint8_t * chars, uint8_t num_chars)
  if ( m_console == CONSOLE_AVAILABLE )
    for( ; num_chars > 0; num_chars--)
      *chars++ = hal_uart_getchar();
Esempio n. 10
void console_get_string(uint8_t * string, uint8_t num_chars)
  if ( m_console == CONSOLE_AVAILABLE )
    for( ; num_chars > 0; num_chars--)
      *string++ = hal_uart_getchar();
    *string = 0;   /* Add zero terminator */
Esempio n. 11
void console_get_line(uint8_t * string, uint8_t max_len)
  uint8_t c, k, m;

  if ( m_console == CONSOLE_AVAILABLE )
    c = '\0';
    for( k = 0; k < max_len - 1 ; k++ )
      c = hal_uart_getchar();
      if (c == newline_input[0])
      string[k] = c;
    string[k] = 0;
    /* Read (and discard) also rest of newline sequence if we found the start of if */
    /* This is were we may discard characters we should not, se the comments in the header file. */
    /* NOTE: We really should check what we read, and notify the caller if it is not really the newline sequence. */
    if( c == newline_input[0] )
      for( m = 0; m < NEWLINE_INPUT_LEN - 1; m++)   /* We have already read the first character */
          c = hal_uart_getchar();
      /* We have read a newline, and since echo is enabled, we should also echo back a newline. */
      /* But this should be the output newline, which may differ from the input newline we read. */
      console_put_string((uint8_t *)CONSOLE_NEWLINE_OUTPUT);    
} //lint !e438 Last value assigned to 'c' not used
Esempio n. 12
void console_put_dec32bit(uint32_t ww)  // ww is in the range [0 4294967295]
  uint8_t ww0;
  uint8_t ww1;
  uint8_t ww2;
  uint8_t ww3;
  uint8_t ww4;
  uint8_t ww5;
  uint8_t ww6;
  uint8_t ww7;
  uint8_t ww8;

  if ( m_console == CONSOLE_AVAILABLE )
    ww0 = (ww % 10); //Remainder of ww when divided by 10 
    ww /= 10;       // forces ww into the range [0 429496729]
    ww1 = (ww % 10); //Remainder of ww when divided by 10
    ww /= 10;       // forces ww into the range [0 42949672]
    ww2 = (ww % 10); //Remainder of ww when divided by 10
    ww /= 10;       // forces ww into the range [0 4294967]
    ww3 = (ww % 10); //Remainder of ww when divided by 10
    ww /= 10;       // forces ww into the range [0 429496]
    ww4 = (ww % 10); //Remainder of ww when divided by 10
    ww /= 10;       // forces ww into the range [0 42949]
    ww5 = (ww % 10); //Remainder of ww when divided by 10
    ww /= 10;       // forces ww into the range [0 4294]
    ww6 = (ww % 10); //Remainder of ww when divided by 10
    ww /= 10;       // forces ww into the range [0 429]
    ww7 = (ww % 10); //Remainder of ww when divided by 10
    ww /= 10;       // forces ww into the range [0 42]
    ww8 = (ww % 10); //Remainder of ww when divided by 10
    ww /= 10;       // forces ww into the range [0 4]
    if(ww != 0)
      hal_uart_putchar((uint8_t)ww  + '0');   /* We may safely cast ww to the smaller type, as we have */
                                              /* made sure (above) that its value will fit. */
      hal_uart_putchar(ww8 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(ww7 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(ww6 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(ww5 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(ww4 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(ww3 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(ww2 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(ww1 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(ww0 + '0');
    else if (ww8 != 0)
      hal_uart_putchar(ww8 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(ww7 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(ww6 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(ww5 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(ww4 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(ww3 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(ww2 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(ww1 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(ww0 + '0');
    else if (ww7 != 0)
      hal_uart_putchar(ww7 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(ww6 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(ww5 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(ww4 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(ww3 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(ww2 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(ww1 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(ww0 + '0');    
    else if (ww6 != 0)
      hal_uart_putchar(ww6 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(ww5 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(ww4 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(ww3 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(ww2 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(ww1 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(ww0 + '0');    
    else if (ww5 != 0)
      hal_uart_putchar(ww5 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(ww4 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(ww3 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(ww2 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(ww1 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(ww0 + '0');    
    else if (ww4 != 0)
      hal_uart_putchar(ww4 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(ww3 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(ww2 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(ww1 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(ww0 + '0');    
    else if (ww3 != 0)
      hal_uart_putchar(ww3 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(ww2 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(ww1 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(ww0 + '0');    
    else if (ww2 != 0)
      hal_uart_putchar(ww2 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(ww1 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(ww0 + '0');    
    else if (ww1 != 0)
      hal_uart_putchar(ww1 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(ww0 + '0');    
      hal_uart_putchar(ww0 + '0');
Esempio n. 13
void console_put_decword(uint16_t w)  // w is in the range [0 65535]
  uint8_t w0;
  uint8_t w1;
  uint8_t w2;
  uint8_t w3;

  if ( m_console == CONSOLE_AVAILABLE )
    w0 = (w % 10); //Remainder of w when divided by 10 
    w /= 10;       // forces w into the range [0 6553]
    w1 = (w % 10); //Remainder of w when divided by 10
    w /= 10;       // forces w into the range [0 655]
    w2 = (w % 10); //Remainder of w when divided by 10
    w /= 10;       // forces w into the range [0 65]
    w3 = (w % 10); //Remainder of w when divided by 10
    w /= 10;       // forces w into the range [0 6]
    if(w != 0)
      hal_uart_putchar((uint8_t)w  + '0');   /* We may safely cast w to the smaller type, as we have */
                                             /* made sure (above) that its value will fit. */
      hal_uart_putchar(w3 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(w2 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(w1 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(w0 + '0');
    else if (w3 != 0)
      hal_uart_putchar(w3 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(w2 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(w1 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(w0 + '0');
    else if (w2 != 0)
      hal_uart_putchar(w2 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(w1 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(w0 + '0');    
    else if (w1 != 0)
      hal_uart_putchar(w1 + '0');
      hal_uart_putchar(w0 + '0');    
      hal_uart_putchar(w0 + '0');
Esempio n. 14
/** @file
 * @brief UART example
 * @defgroup uart_example UART "Hello World" example
 * @{
 * @ingroup nrf_examples
 * @brief This example writes the string "Hello World" on start-up. After this all
 * characters received on the RXD input are echoed to the TXD output.
 * The example implements the low level stdio functions putchar() and getchar() so that standard
 * IO functions such as printf() and gets() can be used by the application.

//lint -e732
//lint -e713
//lint -e640

#include <stdio.h>
#include "nrf24le1.h"
#include "hal_uart.h"
#include "hal_clk.h"

// Cusomization of low level stdio function. Used by for example printf().
#ifdef __ICC8051__
int putchar(int c)
#else /*presume C51 or other accepting compilator*/
char putchar(char c)
  return c;