Esempio n. 1
static struct slName *getGenomeDbs(struct gbConf *conf)
/* get list of genome databases from variable names */
// build hash of dbs
struct hash *dbSet = hashNew(20);
struct hashCookie cookie = hashFirst(conf->hash);
struct hashEl *hel;
while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL)
    char *prefix = parsePrefix(hel->name);
    if (isGenomeDb(prefix))
        hashStore(dbSet, prefix);

// convert to a list of dbs
struct slName *dbs = NULL;
cookie = hashFirst(dbSet);
while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL)
    slSafeAddHead(&dbs, slNameNew(hel->name));
hashPrintStats(dbSet, "gbConfDbSet", stderr);
slSort(&dbs, slNameCmp);
return dbs;
Esempio n. 2
static void fillInFastaOffsets(struct brokenRefPepTbl *brpTbl,
                               struct sqlConnection *conn,
                               struct extFileTbl* extFileTbl)
/* get offsets of proteins in fasta files */
struct hashCookie cookie = hashFirst(brpTbl->protFaHash);
struct hashEl *hel;

/* fill in */
while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL)
    getFastaOffsets(brpTbl, conn, extFileTbl, hel->name);

/* check if any missing */
cookie = hashFirst(brpTbl->protAccHash);
while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL)
    struct brokenRefPep *brp = hel->val;
    if (strlen(brp->mrnaAcc) && (brp->newFaOff < 0))
        /* in one case, this was a pseudoGene mistakenly left in as an
         * mRNA, so make it a warning */
        fprintf(stderr, "Warning: %s: refPep %s (for %s) not found in %s\n",
                sqlGetDatabase(conn), brp->protAcc, brp->mrnaAcc,
Esempio n. 3
    Dump the file upload details. Don't actually do anything with the uploaded file.
static void uploadTest(Webs *wp, char *path, char *query)
    WebsKey         *s;
    WebsUpload  *up;
    char            *upfile;

    websSetStatus(wp, 200);
    websWriteHeaders(wp, -1, 0);
    websWriteHeader(wp, "Content-Type", "text/plain");
    if (scaselessmatch(wp->method, "POST")) {
        for (s = hashFirst(wp->files); s; s = hashNext(wp->files, s)) {
            up = s->content.value.symbol;
            websWrite(wp, "FILE: %s\r\n", s->name.value.string);
            websWrite(wp, "FILENAME=%s\r\n", up->filename);
            websWrite(wp, "CLIENT=%s\r\n", up->clientFilename);
            websWrite(wp, "TYPE=%s\r\n", up->contentType);
            websWrite(wp, "SIZE=%d\r\n", up->size);
            upfile = sfmt("%s/tmp/%s", websGetDocuments(), up->clientFilename);
            rename(up->filename, upfile);
        websWrite(wp, "\r\nVARS:\r\n");
        for (s = hashFirst(wp->vars); s; s = hashNext(wp->vars, s)) {
            websWrite(wp, "%s=%s\r\n", s->name.value.string, s->content.value.string);
Esempio n. 4
void getSnps(char *tableName)
char query[512];
struct sqlConnection *conn = hAllocConn();
struct sqlResult *sr;
char **row;
struct hashCookie cookie;
struct hashEl *hel = NULL;

sqlSafef(query, sizeof(query), 
    "select chrom, chromStart, chromEnd, name, strand from %s", 
sr = sqlGetResult(conn, query);
while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
    hel = hashLookup(chromHash, row[0]);
    if (hel == NULL)
        verbose(1, "%s not found\n", row[0]);
        fprintf(hel->val, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t0\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4], row[5], row[6]);
cookie = hashFirst(chromHash);
while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)))
Esempio n. 5
static void computeUserAbilities(WebsUser *user)
    char    *ability, *roles, *tok;

    if ((user->abilities = hashCreate(-1)) == 0) {
    roles = sclone(user->roles);
    for (ability = stok(roles, " \t,", &tok); ability; ability = stok(NULL, " \t,", &tok)) {
        computeAbilities(user->abilities, ability, 0);
        WebsKey *key;
        trace(5, "User \"%s\" has abilities: ", user->name);
        for (key = hashFirst(user->abilities); key; key = hashNext(user->abilities, key)) {
            trace(5, "%s ", key->name.value.string);
            ability = key->name.value.string;
        trace(5, "\n");
Esempio n. 6
void refPepList(char *db,
                FILE* outFh)
/* list of sequences needing repair */
struct sqlConnection *conn = sqlConnect(db);
struct brokenRefPepTbl *brpTbl;
struct hashCookie cookie;
struct hashEl *hel;
struct extFileTbl* extFileTbl = NULL;

if (!checkForRefLink(conn))

extFileTbl = extFileTblLoad(conn);
brpTbl = brokenRefPepTblNew(conn, NULL);
brokenRefPepGetSeqScan(conn, extFileTbl, brpTbl);
brokenRefPepGetMrnas(conn, brpTbl);

cookie = hashFirst(brpTbl->protAccHash);
while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL)
    struct brokenRefPep *brp = hel->val;
    fprintf(outFh, "%s\t%s\t%s\n", sqlGetDatabase(conn), brp->protAcc, (brp->mrnaAcc != NULL)? "repair" : "drop");
gbVerbMsg(1, "%s: need to repair %d refseq protein gbExtFile entries",
          sqlGetDatabase(conn), brpTbl->numToRepair);
gbVerbMsg(1, "%s: need to drop %d refseq protein gbExtFile entries",
          sqlGetDatabase(conn), brpTbl->numToDrop);
static void writeTdbSimple(struct jsonWrite *jw, struct trackDb *tdb, struct hash *fieldHash)
/* Write JSON for the non-parent/child fields of tdb */
if (fieldOk("track", fieldHash))
    jsonWriteString(jw, "track", tdb->track);
if (fieldOk("table", fieldHash))
    jsonWriteString(jw, "table", tdb->table);
if (fieldOk("shortLabel", fieldHash))
    jsonWriteString(jw, "shortLabel", tdb->shortLabel);
if (fieldOk("longLabel", fieldHash))
    jsonWriteString(jw, "longLabel", tdb->longLabel);
if (fieldOk("type", fieldHash))
    jsonWriteString(jw, "type", tdb->type);
if (fieldOk("priority", fieldHash))
    jsonWriteDouble(jw, "priority", tdb->priority);
if (fieldOk("grp", fieldHash))
    jsonWriteString(jw, "grp", tdb->grp);
// NOTE: if you add a new field here, then also add it to nameIsTdbField above.
if (tdb->settingsHash)
    struct hashEl *hel;
    struct hashCookie cookie = hashFirst(tdb->settingsHash);
    while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL)
        if (! nameIsTdbField(hel->name) && fieldOk(hel->name, fieldHash))
            //#*** TODO: move jsonStringEscape inside jsonWriteString
            char *encoded = jsonStringEscape((char *)hel->val);
            jsonWriteString(jw, hel->name, encoded);
void cartJsonExecute(struct cartJson *cj)
/* Get commands from cgi, print Content-type, execute commands, print results as JSON. */

// Initialize response JSON object:
jsonWriteObjectStart(cj->jw, NULL);
// Always send back hgsid:
jsonWriteString(cj->jw, cartSessionVarName(), cartSessionId(cj->cart));

char *commandJson = cgiOptionalString(CARTJSON_COMMAND);
if (commandJson)
    struct jsonElement *commandObj = jsonParse(commandJson);
    struct hash *commandHash = jsonObjectVal(commandObj, "commandObj");
    // change* commands need to go first!  Really we need an ordered map type here...
    // for now, just make a list and sort to put change commands at the front.
    struct slPair *commandList = NULL, *cmd;
    struct hashCookie cookie = hashFirst(commandHash);
    struct hashEl *hel;
    while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL)
        slAddHead(&commandList, slPairNew(hel->name, hel->val));
    slSort(&commandList, commandCmp);
    for (cmd = commandList;  cmd != NULL;  cmd = cmd->next)
	doOneCommand(cj, cmd->name, (struct jsonElement *)cmd->val);

void checkMrnaPartition(struct gbSelect* select)
/* Check an mRNA partition.  For genbank, check all ESTs against
 * this mRNA partation. */
struct hashCookie cookie;
struct hashEl* hel;

struct gbSelect* prevSelect = gbProcessedGetPrevRel(select);
if (prevSelect != NULL)

gbVerbEnter(2, "checking %s", gbSelectDesc(select));
cookie = hashFirst(select->release->entryTbl);
while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL)
    checkOrgCat(hel->val, prevSelect);
gbVerbLeave(2, "checking %s", gbSelectDesc(select));
if (select->release->srcDb == GB_GENBANK)

if (prevSelect != NULL)
Esempio n. 10
void bitmapToMaskArray(struct hash *bitmapHash, struct hash *tbHash)
/* Translate each bitmap in bitmapHash into an array of mask coordinates
 * in the corresponding twoBit in tbHash.  Assume tbHash's mask array is
 * empty at the start -- we allocate it here.  Free bitmap when done. */
    struct hashCookie cookie = hashFirst(tbHash);
    struct hashEl *hel = NULL;

    while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL)
        char *seqName = hel->name;
        struct twoBit *tb = (struct twoBit *)(hel->val);
        struct hashEl *bHel = hashLookup(bitmapHash, seqName);
        Bits *bits;
        unsigned start=0, end=0;

        assert(tb != NULL);
        assert(tb->maskBlockCount == 0);
        if (bHel == NULL)
            errAbort("Missing bitmap for seq \"%s\"", seqName);
        bits = (Bits *)bHel->val;
        if (bits != NULL)
            struct lm *lm = lmInit(0);
            struct unsignedRange *rangeList = NULL, *range = NULL;
            int i;
            for (;;)
                start = bitFindSet(bits, end, tb->size);
                if (start >= tb->size)
                end = bitFindClear(bits, start, tb->size);
                if (end > start)
                    lmAllocVar(lm, range);
                    range->start = start;
                    range->size = (end - start);
                    slAddHead(&rangeList, range);
            tb->maskBlockCount = slCount(rangeList);
            if (tb->maskBlockCount > 0)
                AllocArray(tb->maskStarts, tb->maskBlockCount);
                AllocArray(tb->maskSizes, tb->maskBlockCount);
                for (i = 0, range = rangeList;  range != NULL;
                        i++, range = range->next)
                    tb->maskStarts[i] = range->start;
                    tb->maskSizes[i] = range->size;
            bHel->val = NULL;
Esempio n. 11
static int writeAuthFile(char *path)
    FILE        *fp;
    WebsKey     *kp, *ap;
    WebsRole    *role;
    WebsUser    *user;
    WebsHash    roles, users;
    char        *tempFile;

    assert(path && *path);

    tempFile = websTempFile(NULL, "gp");
    if ((fp = fopen(tempFile, "w" FILE_TEXT)) == 0) {
        error("Can't open %s", tempFile);
        return -1;
    fprintf(fp, "#\n#   %s - Authorization data\n#\n\n", basename(path));

    roles = websGetRoles();
    if (roles >= 0) {
        for (kp = hashFirst(roles); kp; kp = hashNext(roles, kp)) {
            role = kp->content.value.symbol;
            fprintf(fp, "role name=%s abilities=", kp->name.value.string);
            for (ap = hashFirst(role->abilities); ap; ap = hashNext(role->abilities, ap)) {
                fprintf(fp, "%s,", ap->name.value.string);
            fputc('\n', fp);
        fputc('\n', fp);
    users = websGetUsers();
    if (users >= 0) {
        for (kp = hashFirst(users); kp; kp = hashNext(users, kp)) {
            user = kp->content.value.symbol;
            fprintf(fp, "user name=%s password=%s roles=%s", user->name, user->password, user->roles);
            fputc('\n', fp);
    if (rename(tempFile, path) < 0) {
        error("Can't create new %s", path);
        return -1;
    return 0;
Esempio n. 12
static void dumpIgnoreTbl(struct hash* ignoreTbl)
/* print ignoreTbl for debugging purposes */
struct hashCookie cookie = hashFirst(ignoreTbl);
struct hashEl *hel;
while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL)
    verbose(3, "ignore: %s: %s\n", hel->name, (char*)hel->val);
Esempio n. 13
static char *findType(struct hash *cvHash,char **requested,int requestCount,
                      char **queryBy, char **org,boolean silent)
/* returns the type that was requested or else the type associated with the term requested */
struct hashCookie hc = hashFirst(cvHash);
struct hashEl *hEl;
struct hash *ra;
char *type = typeOpt;

if (requested != NULL) // if no type, find it from requested terms.  Will validate terms match type
    {              // NOTE: Enter here even if there is a type, to confirm the type
    while ((hEl = hashNext(&hc)) != NULL)  // FIXME: This should be using mdbCv APIs to get hashes.
        {                                  // One per "request[]"
        ra = (struct hash *)hEl->val;
        if (sameWord(hashMustFindVal(ra, CV_TYPE),CV_TOT)) // TOT = typeOfTerm
        char *val = hashFindVal(ra, *queryBy);
        if (val != NULL)
            int ix = stringArrayIx(val,requested,requestCount);
            if (ix != -1) // found
                char *thisType = hashMustFindVal(ra, CV_TYPE);
                char *thisOrg = hashFindVal(ra, ORGANISM);
                if (type == NULL)
                    if (thisOrg != NULL)
                        *org = strLower(cloneString(thisOrg));
                    type = thisType;
                else if (differentWord(type,thisType))
                    if (sameWord(CV_TERM_CONTROL,type))
                        type = thisType;
                    else if (differentWord(CV_TERM_CONTROL,thisType))
                        errAbort("Error: Requested %s of type '%s'.  But '%s' has type '%s'\n",
if (type == NULL && sameWord(*queryBy,CV_TERM))    // Special case of term becoming target
    char *queryByTarget = CV_TARGET;
    type = findType(cvHash,requested,requestCount,&queryByTarget,org,TRUE); // silent here
    if (type != NULL)
        *queryBy = queryByTarget;
if (type == NULL && !silent)    // Still not type? abort
    errAbort("Error: Required %s=%s ['%s', '%s', '%s', '%s' or '%s'] argument not found\n",
                    *queryBy,(requested != NULL) ? *requested : "?",
                    CV_TYPE, CV_TERM, CV_TAG, CV_TARGET, CV_LABEL);

return normalizeType(type);
Esempio n. 14
static void brokenRefPepGetMrnas(struct sqlConnection *conn,
                                 struct brokenRefPepTbl *brpTbl)
/* load mrna information for broken refPeps */
struct hashCookie cookie = hashFirst(brpTbl->protAccHash);
struct hashEl *hel;
while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL)
    brokenRefPepGetPath(conn, brpTbl, (struct brokenRefPep*)hel->val);
Esempio n. 15
void* hashNextVal(struct hashCookie *cookie)
/* Return the next value in the hash table, or NULL if no more. Do not modify
 * hash table while this is being used. */
struct hashEl *hel = hashNext(cookie);
if (hel == NULL)
    return NULL;
    return hel->val;
Esempio n. 16
char *hashNextName(struct hashCookie *cookie)
/* Return the next name in the hash table, or NULL if no more. Do not modify
 * hash table while this is being used. */
struct hashEl *hel = hashNext(cookie);
if (hel == NULL)
    return NULL;
    return hel->name;
Esempio n. 17
static void findNewEntries(struct gbSelect* select, struct gbStatusTbl* statusTbl)
/* Traverse the gbIndex file to find entries that were not in the gbStatus
 * table when loaded.  These are new entries. */
struct hashCookie cookie;
struct hashEl* hel;
cookie = hashFirst(select->release->entryTbl);
while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL)
    checkNewEntry(select, statusTbl, (struct gbEntry*)hel->val);
Esempio n. 18
static void gotCcdsCheckInfo(struct hash *infoCcds)
/* check source databases added to ccdsInof table */
int errCnt = 0;
struct hashCookie cookie = hashFirst(infoCcds);
struct hashEl* hel;
while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL)
    errCnt += gotCcdsCheckSrcDb(hel);
if (errCnt > 0)
    errAbort("Error: not all CCDSs have both NCBI and Hinxton genes in ccdsInfo table");
Esempio n. 19
/* free slRef objects in the compRangeMap */
static void destructCompRangeMap(struct malnSet *malnSet) {
    struct hashCookie cookie = hashFirst(malnSet->compRangeMap->hash);
    struct hashEl *hel;
    while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL) {
        struct rbTree *rangeTree = hel->val;
        for (struct range *rng = rangeTreeList(rangeTree); rng != NULL; rng = rng->next) {
Esempio n. 20
static void alignStatsOutputUnaligned(FILE *fh, struct hash* querySizesTbl)
/* output stats on unaligned */
struct hashCookie cookie = hashFirst(querySizesTbl);
struct hashEl *hel;
while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL)
    struct querySizeCnt *qs = hel->val;
    if (qs->alnCnt == 0)
        fprintf(fh, alnStatsFmt, hel->name, qs->qSize, "", 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
Esempio n. 21
static struct chromSize *getAllChroms(char *db)
/* get list of all chroms */
struct chromSize *chroms = NULL;
struct hash *chrTbl = hChromSizeHash(db);
struct hashCookie ck = hashFirst(chrTbl);
struct hashEl *hel;
while ((hel = hashNext(&ck)) != NULL)
    slSafeAddHead(&chroms, chromSizeNew(hel->name, ptToInt(hel->val)));
return chroms;
static void getRnaSeqs(struct sqlConnection *conn, struct hash *refSeqVerInfoTbl, char *outFile)
/* get request RNA sequences from database */
FILE *fh = mustOpen(outFile, "w");
struct hashCookie cookie = hashFirst(refSeqVerInfoTbl);
struct hashEl *hel;
while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL)
    processRnaSeq(fh, conn, hel->val);
Esempio n. 23
PUBLIC void websComputeAllUserAbilities()
    WebsUser    *user;
    WebsKey     *sym;

    if (users) {
        for (sym = hashFirst(users); sym; sym = hashNext(users, sym)) {
            user = (WebsUser*) sym->content.value.symbol;
Esempio n. 24
boolean mafMayFindAllComponents(struct mafAli *maf, struct hash *cHash) 
/* Find component of given source that starts matches any string in the cHash.
   Return NULL if not found. */
struct hashCookie cookie = hashFirst(cHash);
struct hashEl *el;

while ((el = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL)
    if (mafMayFindComponent(maf, el->name) == NULL)
	return FALSE;
return TRUE;
static struct mgcStatus *sortTable(struct mgcStatusTbl *mst)
/* Get a list of the entries, sorted by imageId */
struct hashCookie cookie = hashFirst(mst->imageIdHash);
struct hashEl *hel;
struct mgcStatus *statusList = NULL;
while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL)
    slAddHead(&statusList, ((struct mgcStatus*)hel->val));

slSort(&statusList, imageIdCmp);
return statusList;
Esempio n. 26
int hubCheckTrack(struct trackHub *hub, struct trackHubGenome *genome, struct trackDb *tdb, 
                        struct trackHubCheckOptions *options, struct dyString *errors)
/* Check track settings and optionally, files */
int retVal = 0;

if (options->checkSettings && options->settings)
    //verbose(3, "Found %d settings to check to spec\n", slCount(settings));
    verbose(3, "Checking track: %s\n", tdb->shortLabel);
    verbose(3, "Found %d settings to check to spec\n", hashNumEntries(tdb->settingsHash));
    struct hashEl *hel;
    struct hashCookie cookie = hashFirst(tdb->settingsHash);
    while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL)
        retVal |= hubCheckTrackSetting(hub, tdb, hel->name, options, errors);
    /* TODO: ? also need to check settings not in this list (other tdb fields) */

if (options->printMeta)
    struct slPair *metaPairs = trackDbMetaPairs(tdb);

    if (metaPairs != NULL)
        printf("%s\n", trackHubSkipHubName(tdb->track));
        struct slPair *pair;
        for(pair = metaPairs; pair; pair = pair->next)
            printf("\t%s : %s\n", pair->name, (char *)pair->val);

if (!options->checkFiles)
    return retVal;

struct errCatch *errCatch = errCatchNew();
if (errCatchStart(errCatch))
    hubCheckBigDataUrl(hub, genome, tdb);
if (errCatch->gotError)
    retVal = 1;
    dyStringPrintf(errors, "%s", errCatch->message->string);

return retVal;
Esempio n. 27
void bestProbeOverlap(struct sqlConnection *conn, char *probeTable, 
	struct genePred *gpList, struct hash *gpToProbeHash)
/* Create hash of most overlapping probe if any for each gene. Require
 * at least 100 base overlap. */
/* Create a hash of binKeepers filled with probes. */
struct hash *keeperHash = keepersForChroms(conn);
struct hashCookie it = hashFirst(keeperHash);
struct hashEl *hel;
int pslCount = 0;
while ((hel = hashNext(&it)) != NULL)
    char *chrom = hel->name;
    struct binKeeper *bk = hel->val;
    int rowOffset;
    struct sqlResult *sr = hChromQuery(conn, probeTable, chrom, NULL, &rowOffset);
    char **row;
    while ((row = sqlNextRow(sr)) != NULL)
	struct psl *psl = pslLoad(row+rowOffset);
	binKeeperAdd(bk, psl->tStart, psl->tEnd, psl);
verbose(2, "Loaded %d psls from %s\n", pslCount, probeTable);

/* Loop through gene list, finding best probe if any for each gene. */
struct genePred *gp;
for (gp = gpList; gp != NULL; gp = gp->next)
    struct rbTree *rangeTree = genePredToRangeTree(gp, FALSE);
    struct psl *bestPsl = NULL;
    int bestOverlap = 99;	/* MinOverlap - 1 */
    struct binKeeper *bk = hashMustFindVal(keeperHash, gp->chrom);
    struct binElement *bin, *binList = binKeeperFind(bk, gp->txStart, gp->txEnd);
    for (bin = binList; bin != NULL; bin = bin->next)
	struct psl *psl = bin->val;
	if (psl->strand[0] == gp->strand[0])
	    int overlap = pslRangeTreeOverlap(psl, rangeTree);
	    if (overlap > bestOverlap)
		bestOverlap = overlap;
		bestPsl = psl;
    if (bestPsl != NULL)
        hashAdd(gpToProbeHash, gp->name, bestPsl->qName);
Esempio n. 28
void spMapperPrintNoMapInfo(struct spMapper *sm, char *outFile)
/* Print missed id table. First column is id, second column is R if it wasn't
 * found in uniref, or K if it couldn't be associated with a known gene */
FILE *fh = mustOpen(outFile, "w");
struct hashCookie cookie = hashFirst(sm->noMapTbl);
struct hashEl *hel;

while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL)
    fprintf(fh, "%s\t%c\n", hel->name, ptToInt(hel->val));

Esempio n. 29
PUBLIC void websCloseAuth() 
    WebsKey     *key, *next;

    if (users >= 0) {
        for (key = hashFirst(users); key; key = next) {
            next = hashNext(users, key);
        users = -1;
    if (roles >= 0) {
        for (key = hashFirst(roles); key; key = next) {
            next = hashNext(roles, key);
        roles = -1;
Esempio n. 30
static void outputQueryStats(struct hash *queryStatsTbl, char *statsFile)
/* output statistics on queries */
struct hashCookie cookie = hashFirst(queryStatsTbl);
FILE *fh = mustOpen(statsFile, "w");
struct hashEl *hel;

fputs(queryStatsHdr, fh);
while ((hel = hashNext(&cookie)) != NULL)
    queryStatsOutput(fh, hel->val);
