Esempio n. 1
SHARED_API int hostfxr_main(const int argc, const pal::char_t* argv[])

    pal::string_t own_dir;
    auto mode = detect_operating_mode(argc, argv, &own_dir);

    switch (mode)
    case muxer:
            trace::info(_X("Host operating in Muxer mode"));
            fx_muxer_t muxer;
            return muxer.execute(argc, argv);

    case split_fx:
            trace::info(_X("Host operating in split mode; own dir=[%s]"), own_dir.c_str());
            corehost_init_t init(_X(""), _X(""), own_dir, host_mode_t::split_fx, nullptr);
            return execute_app(own_dir, &init, argc, argv);

    case standalone:
            trace::info(_X("Host operating from standalone app dir %s"), own_dir.c_str());

            pal::string_t svc_dir;
            corehost_init_t init(_X(""), _X(""), _X(""), host_mode_t::standalone, nullptr);
            return execute_app(
                hostpolicy_exists_in_svc(&svc_dir) ? svc_dir : own_dir, &init, argc, argv);

        trace::error(_X("Unknown mode detected or could not resolve the mode."));
        return StatusCode::CoreHostResolveModeFailure;
Esempio n. 2
 * Given own location, FX location, app binary and specified --depsfile and probe paths
 *     return location that is expected to contain hostpolicy
bool fx_muxer_t::resolve_hostpolicy_dir(host_mode_t mode,
    const pal::string_t& own_dir,
    const pal::string_t& fx_dir,
    const pal::string_t& app_candidate,
    const pal::string_t& specified_deps_file,
    const pal::string_t& specified_fx_version,
    const std::vector<pal::string_t>& probe_realpaths,
    const runtime_config_t& config,
    pal::string_t* impl_dir)
    // Obtain deps file for the given configuration.
    pal::string_t resolved_deps = get_deps_file(fx_dir, app_candidate, specified_deps_file, config);

    // Resolve hostpolicy version out of the deps file.
    pal::string_t version = resolve_hostpolicy_version_from_deps(resolved_deps);
    if (trace::is_enabled() && version.empty() && pal::file_exists(resolved_deps))
        trace::warning(_X("Dependency manifest %s does not contain an entry for %s"), resolved_deps.c_str(), _STRINGIFY(HOST_POLICY_PKG_NAME));

    // Check if the given version of the hostpolicy exists in servicing.
    if (hostpolicy_exists_in_svc(version, impl_dir))
        return true;

    // Get the expected directory that would contain hostpolicy.
    pal::string_t expected;
    if (config.get_portable())
        if (!pal::directory_exists(fx_dir))
            pal::string_t fx_version = specified_fx_version.empty() ? config.get_fx_version() : specified_fx_version;
            handle_missing_framework_error(config.get_fx_name(), fx_version, fx_dir);
            return false;
        expected = fx_dir;
        // Standalone apps can be activated by muxer or by standalone host or "corehost"
        // 1. When activated with dotnet.exe or corehost.exe, check for hostpolicy in the deps dir or
        //    app dir.
        // 2. When activated with app.exe, the standalone host, check own directory.
        assert(mode == host_mode_t::muxer || mode == host_mode_t::standalone || mode == host_mode_t::split_fx);
        expected = (mode == host_mode_t::standalone)
            ? own_dir
            : get_directory(specified_deps_file.empty() ? app_candidate : specified_deps_file);

    // Check if hostpolicy exists in "expected" directory.
    trace::verbose(_X("The expected %s directory is [%s]"), LIBHOSTPOLICY_NAME, expected.c_str());
    if (library_exists_in_dir(expected, LIBHOSTPOLICY_NAME, nullptr))
        return true;

    trace::verbose(_X("The %s was not found in [%s]"), LIBHOSTPOLICY_NAME, expected.c_str());

    // Start probing for hostpolicy in the specified probe paths.
    pal::string_t candidate;
    if (resolve_hostpolicy_dir_from_probe_paths(version, probe_realpaths, &candidate))
        return true;

    // If it still couldn't be found, somebody upstack messed up. Flag an error for the "expected" location.
    trace::error(_X("A fatal error was encountered. The library '%s' required to execute the application was not found in '%s'."), LIBHOSTPOLICY_NAME, expected.c_str());
    return false;