s32 wldev_iovar_setint_bsscfg(
	struct net_device *dev, s8 *iovar, s32 val, s32 bssidx)
	s8 iovar_buf[WLC_IOCTL_SMLEN];

	val = htod32(val);
	memset(iovar_buf, 0, sizeof(iovar_buf));
	return wldev_iovar_setbuf_bsscfg(dev, iovar, &val, sizeof(val), iovar_buf,
		sizeof(iovar_buf), bssidx, NULL);
Esempio n. 2
static int wl_android_get_assoc_res_ies(struct net_device *dev, char *command)
	int error;
	wl_assoc_info_t assoc_info;
	u32 resp_ies_len = 0;
	int bytes_written = 0;

	WL_TRACE(("%s: wl_iw_get_assoc_res_ies\n", dev->name));

	error = wldev_iovar_getbuf(dev, "assoc_info", NULL, 0, buf, WL_ASSOC_INFO_MAX, NULL);
	if (unlikely(error)) {
		WL_ERR(("could not get assoc info (%d)\n", error));
		return -1;

	memcpy(&assoc_info, buf, sizeof(wl_assoc_info_t));
	assoc_info.req_len = htod32(assoc_info.req_len);
	assoc_info.resp_len = htod32(assoc_info.resp_len);
	assoc_info.flags = htod32(assoc_info.flags);

	if (assoc_info.resp_len) {
		resp_ies_len = assoc_info.resp_len - sizeof(struct dot11_assoc_resp);

	/* first 4 bytes are ie len */
	memcpy(command, &resp_ies_len, sizeof(u32));
	bytes_written = sizeof(u32);

	/* get the association resp IE's if there are any */
	if (resp_ies_len) {
		error = wldev_iovar_getbuf(dev, "assoc_resp_ies", NULL, 0,
		if (unlikely(error)) {
			WL_ERR(("could not get assoc resp_ies (%d)\n", error));
			return -1;

		memcpy(command+sizeof(u32), buf, resp_ies_len);
		bytes_written += resp_ies_len;
	return bytes_written;
Esempio n. 3
 * HAPD_MAC_FILTER mac_mode mac_cnt mac_addr1 mac_addr2
static int
wl_android_set_mac_address_filter(struct net_device *dev, const char* str)
	int i;
	int ret = 0;
	int macnum = 0;
	struct maclist *list;
	char eabuf[ETHER_ADDR_STR_LEN];

	/* string should look like below (macmode/macnum/maclist) */
	/*   1 2 00:11:22:33:44:55 00:11:22:33:44:ff  */

	/* get the MAC filter mode */
	macmode = bcm_atoi(strsep((char**)&str, " "));

	if (macmode < MACLIST_MODE_DISABLED || macmode > MACLIST_MODE_ALLOW) {
		DHD_ERROR(("%s : invalid macmode %d\n", __FUNCTION__, macmode));
		return -1;

	macnum = bcm_atoi(strsep((char**)&str, " "));
	if (macnum < 0 || macnum > MAX_NUM_MAC_FILT) {
		DHD_ERROR(("%s : invalid number of MAC address entries %d\n",
			__FUNCTION__, macnum));
		return -1;
	/* allocate memory for the MAC list */
	list = (struct maclist*)kmalloc(sizeof(int) +
		sizeof(struct ether_addr) * macnum, GFP_KERNEL);
	if (!list) {
		DHD_ERROR(("%s : failed to allocate memory\n", __FUNCTION__));
		return -1;
	/* prepare the MAC list */
	list->count = htod32(macnum);
	bzero((char *)eabuf, ETHER_ADDR_STR_LEN);
	for (i = 0; i < list->count; i++) {
		strncpy(eabuf, strsep((char**)&str, " "), ETHER_ADDR_STR_LEN - 1);
		if (!(ret = bcm_ether_atoe(eabuf, &list->ea[i]))) {
			DHD_ERROR(("%s : mac parsing err index=%d, addr=%s\n",
				__FUNCTION__, i, eabuf));
		DHD_INFO(("%s : %d/%d MACADDR=%s", __FUNCTION__, i, list->count, eabuf));
	/* set the list */
	if ((ret = wl_android_set_ap_mac_list(dev, macmode, list)) != 0)
		DHD_ERROR(("%s : Setting MAC list failed error=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, ret));


	return 0;
Esempio n. 4
int wlmPreambleSet(WLM_PREAMBLE preamble)
	preamble = htod32(preamble);

	if (wlu_set(irh, WLC_SET_PLCPHDR, &preamble, sizeof(preamble))) {
		printf("wlmPreambleSet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;
Esempio n. 5
int wl_ie(void *wl, uchar id, uchar len, uchar *data)
	int err;
	uchar *buf;
	uint32 pktflag;
	int iecount;
	ie_setbuf_t *ie_setbuf;
	uchar count;

	/* use VNDR_IE_CUSTOM_FLAG flags for none vendor IE */
	pktflag = htod32(VNDR_IE_CUSTOM_FLAG);

	count = sizeof(ie_setbuf_t) + len - 1;
	buf = malloc(count);
	if (buf == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "memory alloc failure\n");
		return -1;

	ie_setbuf = (ie_setbuf_t *) buf;
	/* Copy the ie SET command ("add") to the buffer */
	strncpy(ie_setbuf->cmd, "add", VNDR_IE_CMD_LEN - 1);
	ie_setbuf->cmd[VNDR_IE_CMD_LEN - 1] = '\0';

	/* Buffer contains only 1 IE */
	iecount = htod32(1);
	memcpy((void *)&ie_setbuf->ie_buffer.iecount, &iecount, sizeof(int));

	memcpy((void *)&ie_setbuf->ie_buffer.ie_list[0].pktflag, &pktflag, sizeof(uint32));

	/* Now, add the IE to the buffer */
	ie_setbuf->ie_buffer.ie_list[0].ie_data.id = id;
	ie_setbuf->ie_buffer.ie_list[0].ie_data.len = len;

	memcpy((uchar *)&ie_setbuf->ie_buffer.ie_list[0].ie_data.data[0], data, len);

	err = wlu_var_setbuf(wl, "ie", buf, count);

	return (err);
Esempio n. 6
int wlmRxAntSet(int antenna)
	/*  Set 'antdiv' - select receive antenna */
	antenna = htod32(antenna);

	if (wlu_set(irh, WLC_SET_ANTDIV, &antenna, sizeof(antenna))) {
		printf("wlmRxAntSet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;
Esempio n. 7
int wlmTxAntSet(int antenna)
	/*  Set 'txant' - select transmit antenna */
	antenna = htod32(antenna);

	if (wlu_set(irh, WLC_SET_TXANT, &antenna, sizeof(antenna))) {
		printf("wlmTxAntSet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;
Esempio n. 8
int wlmGmodeSet(WLM_GMODE gmode)
	/*  Set 'gmode' - select mode in 2.4G band */
	gmode = htod32(gmode);

	if (wlu_set(irh, WLC_SET_GMODE, (void *)&gmode, sizeof(gmode))) {
		printf("wlmGmodeSet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;
dhd_iscan_request(void * dhdp, uint16 action)
	int rc;
	wl_iscan_params_t params;
	dhd_pub_t *dhd = dhd_bus_pub(dhdp);
	char buf[WLC_IOCTL_SMLEN];

	DHD_TRACE(("%s: Entered\n", __FUNCTION__));

	memset(&params, 0, sizeof(wl_iscan_params_t));
	memcpy(&params.params.bssid, &ether_bcast, ETHER_ADDR_LEN);

	params.params.bss_type = DOT11_BSSTYPE_ANY;
	params.params.scan_type = DOT11_SCANTYPE_ACTIVE;

	params.params.nprobes = htod32(-1);
	params.params.active_time = htod32(-1);
	params.params.passive_time = htod32(-1);
	params.params.home_time = htod32(-1);
	params.params.channel_num = htod32(0);

	params.version = htod32(ISCAN_REQ_VERSION);
	params.action = htod16(action);
	params.scan_duration = htod16(0);

	bcm_mkiovar("iscan", (char *)&params, sizeof(wl_iscan_params_t), buf, WLC_IOCTL_SMLEN);
	rc = dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(dhd, WLC_SET_VAR, buf, WLC_IOCTL_SMLEN, TRUE, 0);

	return rc;
Esempio n. 10
static int
dhd_iscan_get_partial_result(void *dhdp, uint *scan_count)
	wl_iscan_results_t *list_buf;
	wl_iscan_results_t list;
	wl_scan_results_t *results;
	iscan_buf_t *iscan_cur;
	int status = -1;
	dhd_pub_t *dhd = dhd_bus_pub(dhdp);
	int rc;

	DHD_TRACE(("%s: Enter\n", __FUNCTION__));

	iscan_cur = dhd_iscan_allocate_buf(dhd, &iscan_chain);
	if (!iscan_cur) {
		DHD_ERROR(("%s: Failed to allocate node\n", __FUNCTION__));
		dhd_iscan_free_buf(dhdp, 0);
		dhd_iscan_request(dhdp, WL_SCAN_ACTION_ABORT);
		dhd_ind_scan_confirm(dhdp, FALSE);
		goto fail;


	memset(iscan_cur->iscan_buf, 0, WLC_IW_ISCAN_MAXLEN);
	list_buf = (wl_iscan_results_t*)iscan_cur->iscan_buf;
	results = &list_buf->results;
	results->buflen = WL_ISCAN_RESULTS_FIXED_SIZE;
	results->version = 0;
	results->count = 0;

	memset(&list, 0, sizeof(list));
	list.results.buflen = htod32(WLC_IW_ISCAN_MAXLEN);
	bcm_mkiovar("iscanresults", (char *)&list, WL_ISCAN_RESULTS_FIXED_SIZE,
		iscan_cur->iscan_buf, WLC_IW_ISCAN_MAXLEN);
	rc = dhd_wl_ioctl_cmd(dhd, WLC_GET_VAR, iscan_cur->iscan_buf,
	                      WLC_IW_ISCAN_MAXLEN, FALSE, 0);

	results->buflen = dtoh32(results->buflen);
	results->version = dtoh32(results->version);
	*scan_count = results->count = dtoh32(results->count);
	status = dtoh32(list_buf->status);
	DHD_TRACE(("%s: Got %d resuls\n", __FUNCTION__, results->count));


	if (!(*scan_count)) {
		dhd_iscan_free_buf(dhdp, iscan_cur);
	return status;
Esempio n. 11
int wlmBandSet(WLM_BAND band)
	band = htod32(band);

	if (wlu_set(irh, WLC_SET_BAND, (void *)&band, sizeof(band))) {
		printf("wlmBandSet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
		return FALSE;

	curBand = band;

	return TRUE;
Esempio n. 12
/* produce a sparse image file */
int make_sparse_image(FILE *fp, Bit64u sec)
   Bit64u numpages;
   sparse_header_t header;
   size_t  sizesofar;
   size_t  padtopagesize;

   memset(&header, 0, sizeof(header));
   header.magic = htod32(SPARSE_HEADER_MAGIC);
   header.version = htod32(SPARSE_HEADER_VERSION);

   header.pagesize = htod32((1 << 10) * 32); // Use 32 KB Pages - could be configurable
   numpages = (sec / (dtoh32(header.pagesize) / 512)) + 1;

   header.numpages = htod32((Bit32u)numpages);

   if (numpages != dtoh32(header.numpages))
     fclose (fp);
     fatal ("ERROR: The disk image is too large for a sparse image!");
     // Could increase page size here.
     // But note this only happens at 128 Terabytes!

   if (fwrite(&header, sizeof(header), 1, fp) != 1)
     fclose (fp);
     fatal ("ERROR: The disk image is not complete - could not write header!");

   fileset(fp, 0xff, 4 * dtoh32(header.numpages));

   sizesofar = SPARSE_HEADER_SIZE + (4 * dtoh32(header.numpages));
   padtopagesize = dtoh32(header.pagesize) - (sizesofar & (dtoh32(header.pagesize) - 1));

   fileset(fp, 0, padtopagesize);

   return 0;
Esempio n. 13
/** Format a bsscfg indexed iovar buffer. The bsscfg index will be
 *  taken care of in dhd_ioctl_entry. Internal use only, not exposed to
 *  wl_iw, wl_cfg80211 and wl_cfgp2p
s32 wldev_mkiovar_bsscfg(
	const s8 *iovar_name, s8 *param, s32 paramlen,
	s8 *iovar_buf, s32 buflen, s32 bssidx)
	const s8 *prefix = "bsscfg:";
	s8 *p;
	u32 prefixlen;
	u32 namelen;
	u32 iolen;

	if (bssidx == 0) {
		return wldev_mkiovar((s8*)iovar_name, (s8 *)param, paramlen,
			(s8 *) iovar_buf, buflen);

	prefixlen = (u32) strlen(prefix); /* lengh of bsscfg prefix */
	namelen = (u32) strlen(iovar_name) + 1; /* lengh of iovar  name + null */
	iolen = prefixlen + namelen + sizeof(u32) + paramlen;

	if (buflen < 0 || iolen > (u32)buflen)
		WLDEV_ERROR(("%s: buffer is too short\n", __FUNCTION__));

	if (iovar_buf && buflen != 0)
		memset(iovar_buf, 0, buflen);
		return BCME_BADARG;

	p = (s8 *)iovar_buf;
	/* copy prefix, no null */
	memcpy(p, prefix, prefixlen);
	p += prefixlen;

	/* copy iovar name including null */
	memcpy(p, iovar_name, namelen);
	p += namelen;

	/* bss config index as first param */
	bssidx = htod32(bssidx);
	memcpy(p, &bssidx, sizeof(u32));
	p += sizeof(u32);

	/* parameter buffer follows */
	if (paramlen)
		memcpy(p, param, paramlen);

	return iolen;

Esempio n. 14
File: vmware3.cpp Progetto: iver6/BA
int vmware3_image_t::write_ints(int fd, Bit32u *buffer, size_t count)
    size_t i;
    Bit32u *p;

    for (p = buffer, i=0; i<count; p++, i++)

    int res=::write(fd, (void*)buffer, count * 4);

    for (p = buffer, i=0; i<count; p++, i++)

    return res;
int wldev_get_mode(
	struct net_device *dev, uint8 *cap)
	int error = 0;
	int chanspec = 0;
	uint16 band = 0;
	uint16 bandwidth = 0;
	wl_bss_info_t *bss = NULL;
	char* buf = kmalloc(WL_EXTRA_BUF_MAX, GFP_KERNEL);
	if (!buf)
		return -1;
	*(u32*) buf = htod32(WL_EXTRA_BUF_MAX);
	error = wldev_ioctl(dev, WLC_GET_BSS_INFO, (void*)buf, WL_EXTRA_BUF_MAX, false);
	if (error) {
		WLDEV_ERROR(("%s:failed:%d\n", __FUNCTION__, error));
		return -1;
	bss = (struct  wl_bss_info *)(buf + 4);
	chanspec = wl_chspec_driver_to_host(bss->chanspec);

	band = chanspec & WL_CHANSPEC_BAND_MASK;
	bandwidth = chanspec & WL_CHANSPEC_BW_MASK;

	if (band == WL_CHANSPEC_BAND_2G) {
		if (bss->n_cap)
			strcpy(cap, "n");
			strcpy(cap, "bg");
	} else if (band == WL_CHANSPEC_BAND_5G) {
		if (bandwidth == WL_CHANSPEC_BW_80)
			strcpy(cap, "ac");
		else if ((bandwidth == WL_CHANSPEC_BW_40) || (bandwidth == WL_CHANSPEC_BW_20)) {
			if ((bss->nbss_cap & 0xf00) && (bss->n_cap))
				strcpy(cap, "n|ac");
			else if (bss->n_cap)
				strcpy(cap, "n");
			else if (bss->vht_cap)
				strcpy(cap, "ac");
				strcpy(cap, "a");
		} else {
			WLDEV_ERROR(("%s:Mode get failed\n", __FUNCTION__));
			return -1;

	return error;
Esempio n. 16
s32 wldev_mkiovar_bsscfg(
	const s8 *iovar_name, s8 *param, s32 paramlen,
	s8 *iovar_buf, s32 buflen, s32 bssidx)
	const s8 *prefix = "bsscfg:";
	s8 *p;
	u32 prefixlen;
	u32 namelen;
	u32 iolen;

	if (bssidx == 0) {
		return wldev_mkiovar((s8*)iovar_name, (s8 *)param, paramlen,
			(s8 *) iovar_buf, buflen);

	prefixlen = (u32) strlen(prefix); 
	namelen = (u32) strlen(iovar_name) + 1; 
	iolen = prefixlen + namelen + sizeof(u32) + paramlen;

	if (buflen < 0 || iolen > (u32)buflen)
		WLDEV_ERROR(("%s: buffer is too short\n", __FUNCTION__));

	p = (s8 *)iovar_buf;

	memcpy(p, prefix, prefixlen);
	p += prefixlen;

	memcpy(p, iovar_name, namelen);
	p += namelen;

	bssidx = htod32(bssidx);
	memcpy(p, &bssidx, sizeof(u32));
	p += sizeof(u32);

	if (paramlen)
		memcpy(p, param, paramlen);

	return iolen;

 *  softap channel autoselect
int wldev_get_auto_channel(struct net_device *dev, int *chan)
	int chosen = 0;
	wl_uint32_list_t request;
	int retry = 0;
	int updown = 0;
	int ret = 0;
	wlc_ssid_t null_ssid;

	memset(&null_ssid, 0, sizeof(wlc_ssid_t));
	ret |= wldev_ioctl(dev, WLC_UP, &updown, sizeof(updown), true);

	ret |= wldev_ioctl(dev, WLC_SET_SSID, &null_ssid, sizeof(null_ssid), true);

	request.count = htod32(0);
	ret = wldev_ioctl(dev, WLC_START_CHANNEL_SEL, &request, sizeof(request), true);
	if (ret < 0) {
		WLDEV_ERROR(("can't start auto channel scan:%d\n", ret));
		goto fail;

	while  (retry++ < 15) {


		ret = wldev_ioctl(dev, WLC_GET_CHANNEL_SEL, &chosen, sizeof(chosen), false);

		if ((ret == 0) && (dtoh32(chosen) != 0)) {
			*chan = (uint16)chosen & 0x00FF;  /* covert chanspec --> chan number  */
			printf("%s: Got channel = %d, attempt:%d\n",
				__FUNCTION__, *chan, retry);

	if ((ret = wldev_ioctl(dev, WLC_DOWN, &updown, sizeof(updown), true)) < 0) {
		WLDEV_ERROR(("%s fail to WLC_DOWN ioctl err =%d\n", __FUNCTION__, ret));
		goto fail;

fail :
	if (ret < 0) {
		WLDEV_ERROR(("%s: return value %d\n", __FUNCTION__, ret));
	return ret;
Esempio n. 18
static uint16_t
ptp_ptpip_init_event_ack (PTPParams* params)
	PTPIPHeader	hdr;
	unsigned char	*data = NULL;
	uint16_t	ret;

	ret = ptp_ptpip_evt_read (params, &hdr, &data);
	if (ret != PTP_RC_OK)
		return ret;
	free (data);
	if (hdr.type != dtoh32(PTPIP_INIT_EVENT_ACK)) {
		gp_log (GP_LOG_ERROR, "ptpip", "bad type returned %d\n", htod32(hdr.type));
		return PTP_RC_GeneralError;
	return PTP_RC_OK;
Esempio n. 19
 *  data parsing from ComboScan tlv list
wl_iw_parse_data_tlv(char** list_str, void *dst, int dst_size, const char token,
                     int input_size, int *bytes_left)
	char* str = *list_str;
	uint16 short_temp;
	uint32 int_temp;

	if ((list_str == NULL) || (*list_str == NULL) ||(bytes_left == NULL) || (*bytes_left < 0)) {
		DHD_ERROR(("%s error paramters\n", __FUNCTION__));
		return -1;

	/* Clean all dest bytes */
	memset(dst, 0, dst_size);
	while (*bytes_left > 0) {

		if (str[0] != token) {
			DHD_TRACE(("%s NOT Type=%d get=%d left_parse=%d \n",
				__FUNCTION__, token, str[0], *bytes_left));
			return -1;

		*bytes_left -= 1;
		str += 1;

		if (input_size == 1) {
			memcpy(dst, str, input_size);
		else if (input_size == 2) {
			memcpy(dst, (char *)htod16(memcpy(&short_temp, str, input_size)),
		else if (input_size == 4) {
			memcpy(dst, (char *)htod32(memcpy(&int_temp, str, input_size)),

		*bytes_left -= input_size;
		str += input_size;
		*list_str = str;
		return 1;
	return 1;
Esempio n. 20
int wl_p2p_scan(void *wl, uint16 sync_id, int isActive,
	int numProbes, int activeDwellTime, int passiveDwellTime,
	int num_channels, uint16 *channels)
	wl_p2p_scan_t *params = NULL;
	int params_size = 0;
	int malloc_size = 0;
	int nssid = 0;
	int err = 0;
	wl_escan_params_t *eparams;

	malloc_size = sizeof(wl_p2p_scan_t);
	malloc_size += OFFSETOF(wl_escan_params_t, params) +
	malloc_size += WL_SCAN_PARAMS_SSID_MAX * sizeof(wlc_ssid_t);
	params = (wl_p2p_scan_t *)malloc(malloc_size);
	if (params == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Error allocating %d bytes for scan params\n", malloc_size);
		return -1;
	memset(params, 0, malloc_size);

	eparams = (wl_escan_params_t *)(params+1);

	params->type = 'E';

	eparams->version = htod32(ESCAN_REQ_VERSION);
	eparams->action = htod16(WL_SCAN_ACTION_START);
	eparams->sync_id = sync_id;

	memcpy(&eparams->params.bssid, &ether_bcast, ETHER_ADDR_LEN);
	eparams->params.bss_type = DOT11_BSSTYPE_ANY;
	eparams->params.scan_type = isActive ? 0 : WL_SCANFLAGS_PASSIVE;
	eparams->params.nprobes = htod32(numProbes);
	eparams->params.active_time = htod32(activeDwellTime);
	eparams->params.passive_time = htod32(passiveDwellTime);
	eparams->params.home_time = htod32(-1);
	eparams->params.channel_num = 0;

	memcpy(eparams->params.channel_list, channels, num_channels * sizeof(uint16));

	eparams->params.channel_num = htod32((nssid << WL_SCAN_PARAMS_NSSID_SHIFT) |
		(num_channels & WL_SCAN_PARAMS_COUNT_MASK));

	params_size = sizeof(wl_p2p_scan_t) + sizeof(wl_escan_params_t) + WL_SCAN_PARAMS_FIXED_SIZE+
	    (num_channels * sizeof(uint16)) + (nssid * sizeof(wlc_ssid_t));

	err = wlu_iovar_setbuf(wl, "p2p_scan", params, params_size, buf, WLC_IOCTL_MAXLEN);

	return err;
Esempio n. 21
int wlmChannelSet(int channel)

	/* Check band lock first before set  channel */
	if ((channel <= 14) && (curBand != WLM_BAND_2G)) {
		curBand = WLM_BAND_2G;
	} else if ((channel > 14) && (curBand != WLM_BAND_5G)) {
		curBand = WLM_BAND_5G;

	/* Set 'channel' */
	channel = htod32(channel);
	if (wlu_set(irh, WLC_SET_CHANNEL, &channel, sizeof(channel))) {
		printf("wlmChannelSet: %s\n", wlmLastError());
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;
Esempio n. 22
wldev_get_conap_ctrl_channel(struct net_device *dev,uint8 *ctrl_channel)
    struct wl_bss_info *bss = NULL;
    int err;

        *(u32 *) wlcfg_drv_priv->extra_buf = htod32(WL_EXTRA_BUF_MAX);
        if ((err = wldev_ioctl(ap_net_dev, WLC_GET_BSS_INFO, wlcfg_drv_priv->extra_buf,
            WL_EXTRA_BUF_MAX, false))) {
            printf("Failed to get hostapd bss info, use temp channel \n");
            return -1;
        } else {
            bss = (struct wl_bss_info *) (wlcfg_drv_priv->extra_buf + 4);
            *ctrl_channel =  bss->ctl_ch;

            printf(" %s Valid BSS Found. ctrl_channel:%d \n",__func__ ,*ctrl_channel);
            return 0;
Esempio n. 23
static int
wl_android_sta_diassoc(struct net_device *dev, const char* straddr)
	scb_val_t scbval;

	DHD_INFO(("%s: deauth STA %s\n", __FUNCTION__, straddr));

	/* Unspecified reason */
	scbval.val = htod32(1);
	bcm_ether_atoe(straddr, &scbval.ea);

	DHD_INFO(("%s: deauth STA: %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X\n", __FUNCTION__,
		scbval.ea.octet[0], scbval.ea.octet[1], scbval.ea.octet[2],
		scbval.ea.octet[3], scbval.ea.octet[4], scbval.ea.octet[5]));

	wldev_ioctl(dev, WLC_SCB_DEAUTHENTICATE_FOR_REASON, &scbval,
		sizeof(scb_val_t), true);

	return 1;
Esempio n. 24
int wlmEnableCarrierTone(int enable, WLM_BAND band, int channel)
	int val = channel;
	if (!enable) {
		val = 0;
	else {
		if (wlu_set(irh, WLC_OUT, NULL, 0) < 0) {
		printf("wlmEnableCarrierTone: %s\n", wlmLastError());
		return FALSE;
	val = htod32(val);
	if (wlu_set(irh, WLC_FREQ_ACCURACY, &val, sizeof(int)) < 0) {
		printf("wlmEnableCarrierTone: %s\n", wlmLastError());
		return FALSE;
	return TRUE;
Esempio n. 25
static uint16_t
ptp_ptpip_init_command_ack(PTPParams *params)
    PTPIPHeader hdr;
    unsigned char   *data = NULL;
    uint16_t    ret;

    ret = ptp_ptpip_generic_read(params, params->cmdfd, &hdr, &data);

    if (ret != PTP_RC_OK)
        return ret;

    if (hdr.type != dtoh32(PTPIP_INIT_COMMAND_ACK))
        VitaMTP_Log(VitaMTP_ERROR, "ptpip/init_cmd_ack: bad type returned %d\n", htod32(hdr.type));
        return PTP_RC_GeneralError;

    params->eventpipeid = dtoh32a(&data[ptpip_cmdack_idx]);
    return PTP_RC_OK;
Esempio n. 26
ptp_usb_sendreq (PTPParams* params, PTPContainer* req)
	int res, towrite, do_retry = TRUE;
	PTPUSBBulkContainer usbreq;
	Camera *camera = ((PTPData *)params->data)->camera;

	GP_LOG_D ("Sending PTP_OC 0x%0x (%s) request...", req->Code, ptp_get_opcode_name(params, req->Code));

	/* build appropriate USB container */
	/* send it to responder */
	towrite = PTP_USB_BULK_REQ_LEN-(sizeof(uint32_t)*(5-req->Nparam));
	res = gp_port_write (camera->port, (char*)&usbreq, towrite);
	if (res != towrite) {
		if (res < 0) {
			GP_LOG_E ("PTP_OC 0x%04x sending req failed: %s (%d)", req->Code, gp_port_result_as_string(res), res);
			if (res == GP_ERROR_IO_WRITE && do_retry) {
				GP_LOG_D ("Clearing halt on OUT EP and retrying once.");
				gp_port_usb_clear_halt (camera->port, GP_PORT_USB_ENDPOINT_OUT);
				do_retry = FALSE;
				goto retry;
		} else
			GP_LOG_E ("PTP_OC 0x%04x sending req failed: wrote only %d of %d bytes", req->Code, res, towrite);
		return PTP_ERROR_IO;
	return PTP_RC_OK;
Esempio n. 27
static int escan(void *wl, uint16 action, uint16 sync_id, int isActive,
	int numProbes, int activeDwellTime, int passiveDwellTime,
	int num_channels, uint16 *channels)
	int params_size = (WL_SCAN_PARAMS_FIXED_SIZE + OFFSETOF(wl_escan_params_t, params)) +
	    (WL_NUMCHANNELS * sizeof(uint16));
	wl_escan_params_t *params;
	int nssid = 0;
	int err;

	params_size += WL_SCAN_PARAMS_SSID_MAX * sizeof(wlc_ssid_t);
	params = (wl_escan_params_t*)malloc(params_size);
	if (params == NULL) {
		return -1;
	memset(params, 0, params_size);

	memcpy(&params->params.bssid, &ether_bcast, ETHER_ADDR_LEN);
	params->params.bss_type = DOT11_BSSTYPE_ANY;
	params->params.scan_type = isActive ? 0 : WL_SCANFLAGS_PASSIVE;
	params->params.nprobes = htod32(numProbes);
	params->params.active_time = htod32(activeDwellTime);
	params->params.passive_time = htod32(passiveDwellTime);
	params->params.home_time = htod32(-1);
	params->params.channel_num = 0;
	params_size = sizeof(*params);

	params->version = htod32(ESCAN_REQ_VERSION);
	params->action = htod16(action);
	params->sync_id = htod16(sync_id);

	memcpy(params->params.channel_list, channels, num_channels * sizeof(uint16));

	params->params.channel_num = htod32((nssid << WL_SCAN_PARAMS_NSSID_SHIFT) |
		(num_channels & WL_SCAN_PARAMS_COUNT_MASK));

	params_size = (WL_SCAN_PARAMS_FIXED_SIZE + OFFSETOF(wl_escan_params_t, params)) +
	    (num_channels * sizeof(uint16)) + (nssid * sizeof(wlc_ssid_t));

	err = wlu_iovar_setbuf(wl, "escan", params, params_size, buf, WLC_IOCTL_MAXLEN);

	return err;
Esempio n. 28
Generic interface for downloading required data onto the dongle
static int wwd_download2dongle(wwd_interface_t interface, const char *iovar, uint16_t flag, uint16_t dload_type,
    unsigned char *dload_buf, uint32_t len)
    wl_dload_data_t *dload_ptr = (wl_dload_data_t *)dload_buf;
    unsigned int dload_data_offset;
    wiced_buffer_t buffer;
    uint32_t*      iov_data;

    dload_data_offset = offsetof(wl_dload_data_t, data);
    dload_ptr->flag = (DLOAD_HANDLER_VER << DLOAD_FLAG_VER_SHIFT) | flag;
    dload_ptr->dload_type = dload_type;
    dload_ptr->len = htod32(len - dload_data_offset);

    dload_ptr->crc = 0;

    wiced_assert("dload buffer too large", len < 0xffffffff - 8 );
    len = len + 8 - (len%8);

    iov_data = (uint32_t*) wwd_sdpcm_get_iovar_buffer( &buffer, (uint16_t)len, iovar );
    CHECK_IOCTL_BUFFER( iov_data );
    memcpy( iov_data, dload_ptr, len);
    CHECK_RETURN( wwd_sdpcm_send_iovar( SDPCM_SET, buffer, NULL, interface ) );
    return WWD_SUCCESS;
static int
lua_set_acl(lua_State *L, void *wl, lua_cmd_t *cmd, char *argv)
	int ret;
	int val;

	if (!stricmp(argv, "deny"))
		val = 1;
	else if (!stricmp(argv, "allow"))
		val = 2;
		val = 0;

	val = htod32(val);
	ret = wlu_set(wl, WLC_SET_MACMODE, &val, sizeof(int));

	return ret;
Esempio n. 30
int wl_status(void *wl, int *isAssociated, int biBufferSize, wl_bss_info_t *biBuffer)
	int ret;
	struct ether_addr bssid;
	wl_bss_info_t *bi;

	*isAssociated = FALSE;

	if ((ret = wlu_get(wl, WLC_GET_BSSID, &bssid, ETHER_ADDR_LEN)) == 0) {
		/* The adapter is associated. */
		*(uint32*)buf = htod32(WLC_IOCTL_MAXLEN);
		if ((ret = wlu_get(wl, WLC_GET_BSS_INFO, buf, WLC_IOCTL_MAXLEN)) < 0)
			return ret;

		bi = (wl_bss_info_t*)(buf + 4);
		if (dtoh32(bi->version) == WL_BSS_INFO_VERSION ||
		    dtoh32(bi->version) == LEGACY2_WL_BSS_INFO_VERSION ||
		    dtoh32(bi->version) == LEGACY_WL_BSS_INFO_VERSION) {

		    *isAssociated = TRUE;
		    if (bi->length <= (uint32)biBufferSize) {
				memcpy(biBuffer, bi, bi->length);
		    else {
				fprintf(stderr, "buffer too small %d > %d\n",
					bi->length, biBufferSize);
			fprintf(stderr, "Sorry, your driver has bss_info_version %d "
				"but this program supports only version %d.\n",
				bi->version, WL_BSS_INFO_VERSION);

	return 0;