Esempio n. 1
File: chx.c Progetto: mischasan/hx
static void
do_load(HXFILE * hp, FILE * inp)
    HXRET   hxret = 0;
    int     reclen, recsize = hxmaxrec(hp);
    int     bufsize = 2 * recsize;
    char    rec[recsize], buf[bufsize];
    int     lineno = 0, more, added = 0;

    if (verbose == 1)
        setvbuf(stderr, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
    while ((more = ! !fgets(buf, bufsize, inp))) {
        char   *cp = buf + strlen(buf);

        if (cp > buf && cp[-1] == '\n')
            *--cp = 0;
        if (cp == buf)

        reclen = hx_load(hp, rec, recsize, buf);
        if (reclen <= 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "# load: invalid %s: %s\n",
                    reclen == HXERR_BAD_REQUEST ? "request" : "input", buf);

        hxret = hxput(hp, rec, reclen);
        if (verbose > 1)
            fprintf(stderr, "# load(%s): %s\n", buf, hxerror(hxret));
        else if (verbose && lineno % 1000 == 0)
            putc('.', stderr);

        if (hxret < 0)
        if (hxret == HXNOTE)
    if (verbose == 1 && lineno > 999)
        putc('\n', stderr);

    if (more)
        fprintf(stderr, "load: error at input line %d (%s)\n",
                lineno, hxerror(hxret));

    if (verbose)
        fprintf(stderr, "load: in: %d added: %d\n", lineno, added);
Esempio n. 2
main(int argc, char **argv)
    int     count = argc > 1 ? atoi(argv[1]) : 10000;


    ok(sizeof(off_t) == 8, "sizeof(off_t) == %" FSIZE "d", sizeof(off_t));

    // TODO: add tests that actually test hx() on large databases
    int     npages = 1 << 20;
    int     pgsize = 8192;
    int     rc = hxcreate("large_t.hx", 0666, pgsize, NULL, 0);

    ok(rc == HXOKAY, "hxcreate(large_t.hx): %d %s", rc, hxerror(rc));

    HXFILE *hp = hxopen("large_t.hx", HX_UPDATE);

    ok(hp != NULL, "hxopen(large_t.hx): %d %s", errno, errname[errno]);
    int     fd = hxfileno(hp);
    off_t   size = (off_t) pgsize * npages; // 8GB

    ok(!ftruncate(fd, size), "grow to %" FOFF "d: %d %s", size, errno,
    // Manually initialize map pages.
    // A map page must indicate that it itself (i.e. bit 0 in the map) is
    // allocated, else it will eventually be allocated and overwritten as
    // an overflow page.
    // 32:8(bits/byte)*4(pgrate) pgsize:bytes/page  6:(page header overhead)
    int     pg, last = _hxmap(hp, npages, &pg); // "pg" is just junk here.
    char    map = 1;

    for (pg = 0; (pg = NEXT_MAP(hp, pg)) <= last;) {
        lseek(fd, (off_t) pg * pgsize + sizeof(HXPAGE), 0);
        write(fd, &map, 1);

    struct stat sb;

    ok(!fstat(hxfileno(hp), &sb), "fstat: %d %s", errno, errname[errno]);
    ok(sb.st_size == size, "size is 0x%" FOFF "x", sb.st_size);

    // 10000 records is enough to ensure that at least SOME records end up
    // above the 4GB mark.
    int     i, tally = 0;
    char    rec[11] = { };
    for (i = rc = 0; i < count; ++i) {
        sprintf(rec, "%08d", i);
        rc = hxput(hp, rec, 10);
        if (rc != 0)
        rc = hxget(hp, rec, 10);
        if (rc != 10) {
            fprintf(stderr, "hxget(%s) failed: %d\n", rec, rc);
    ok(i == count, "inserted and retrieved %d/%d records: %s", i, count,

    while (0 < (rc = hxnext(hp, rec, 11)))
    ok(tally == count, "hxnext retrieved %d/%d records: %s", tally, count,

    rc = hxfix(hp, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    ok(rc == (HXRET) HX_UPDATE, "hxcheck: large_t.hx is ready for %s access",


    return exit_status();
Esempio n. 3
File: perf_x.c Progetto: rsanaie/hx
main(int argc, char **argv)
    char const *hx = getenv("hx");
    if (!hx) hx = ".";
    int         mapmode = HX_MMAP;
    char        inpdflt[strlen(hx) + sizeof "/"];
    char const *inpfile = inpdflt;
    int         memsize = 0;
    strcat(strcpy(inpdflt, hx), "/");

    if (argc == 1) usage("[-d] inpfile [membits | 0]\n"
                         "   -d: use disk io, not mmap\n"
                         "   membits: size of RAM for hxbuild (default:20)\n"
                         "       membits=0 means use the existing perf_x.hx");
    if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-d"))
        mapmode = 0, ++argv, --argc;

    switch (argc) {
    case 3: memsize = atoi(argv[2]);
    case 2: inpfile = argv[1];
    case 1: break;

    // Ensure that dirname(argv[0]) is in LD_LIBRARY_PATH:
    char *dir = strrchr(argv[0], '/'), empty[] = "";
    char const *llp = getenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH");
    dir = dir ? (*dir = 0, argv[0]) : empty;
    if (!llp) llp = "";
    char llpath[strlen(dir) + strlen(llp) + 2];
    setenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", strcat(strcat(strcpy(llpath, dir), ":"), llp), /*OVERRIDE*/1);

    HXFILE  *hp;
    HXSTAT  info;
    HXRET   rc;

    FILE        *fp = strcmp(inpfile, "-") ? fopen(inpfile, "r") : stdin;
    if (!fp) die(": cannot read %s:", inpfile);
    setvbuf(fp, NULL, _IOFBF, 65536);

    if (memsize) {
        memsize = 1 << memsize;
        hxcreate("perf_x.hx", 0644, 4096, 0, 0);
        hp = hxopen("perf_x.hx", HX_UPDATE);
        rc = hxbuild(hp, fp, memsize, 0.0);
        if (rc < 0) die("hxbuild(%d): %s", memsize, hxerror(rc));

    if (hxdebug) system("echo;echo built; chx info perf_x.hx; chx stat perf_x.hx; chx -vdd check perf_x.hx");
    hp = hxopen("perf_x.hx", HX_UPDATE | mapmode);
    if (!hp) die("cannot open perf_x.hx%s:", mapmode ? " with MMAP" : ""); 

    char    buf[4096], rec[4096];
    int     len;
    double t0 = tick();

    while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) {
        buf[strlen(buf) - 1] = 0;
        hx_load(hp, rec, sizeof rec, buf);
        hxget(hp, rec, sizeof(rec));
    t0 = tick() - t0;

    double  t1 = tick();
    while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) {
        buf[strlen(buf) - 1] = 0;
        buf[0] ^= 0x55;
        hx_load(hp, rec, sizeof rec, buf);
        hxget(hp, rec, sizeof(rec));
    t1 = tick() - t1;

    double  t2 = tick();
    while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) {
        buf[strlen(buf) - 1] = 0;
        strcat(buf, "hello, world");
        len = hx_load(hp, rec, sizeof rec, buf);
        hxput(hp, rec, len);
    t2 = tick() - t2;
    if (hxdebug) system("echo;echo put+12; chx info perf_x.hx; chx stat perf_x.hx; chx -vdd check perf_x.hx");

    double  t3 = tick();
    while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) {
        buf[strlen(buf) - 1] = 0;
        len = hx_load(hp, rec, sizeof rec, buf);
        hxput(hp, rec, len);
    t3 = tick() - t3;
    if (hxdebug) system("echo;echo put-0; chx info perf_x.hx; chx stat perf_x.hx; chx -vdd check perf_x.hx");

    double  t4 = tick();
    while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) {
        strcpy(buf + strlen(buf) - 1, "---------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8---------9---------0\n");
        len = hx_load(hp, rec, sizeof rec, buf);
        hxput(hp, rec, len);
    t4 = tick() - t4;
    if (hxdebug) system("echo;echo put+100; chx info perf_x.hx; chx stat perf_x.hx; chx -vdd check perf_x.hx");

    double  t5 = tick();
    while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) {
        buf[strlen(buf) - 1] = 0;
        hx_load(hp, rec, sizeof rec, buf);
        hxget(hp, rec, sizeof(rec));
    t5 = tick() - t5;

    double  t6 = tick();
    while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) {
        buf[strlen(buf) - 1] = 0;
        buf[0] ^= 0x55;
        hx_load(hp, rec, sizeof rec, buf);
        hxget(hp, rec, sizeof(rec));
    t6 = tick() - t6;

    double  t7 = tick();
    while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) {
        buf[strlen(buf) - 1] = 0;
        buf[0] ^= 0x55;
        hx_load(hp, rec, sizeof rec, buf);
        hxput(hp, rec, sizeof(rec));
    t7 = tick() - t7;

    hxstat(hp, &info);
    fprintf(stderr, "nrecs: %g build: %.2fM rec/sec\n(usec:)\n"
            info.nrecs, info.nrecs/1E6/t0, t0*1E6/info.nrecs,
                        t1*1E6/info.nrecs, t2*1E6/info.nrecs,
                        t3*1E6/info.nrecs, t4*1E6/info.nrecs,
                        t5*1E6/info.nrecs, t6*1E6/info.nrecs,

    return  0;
Esempio n. 4
main(int argc, char **argv)
    if (argc == 1)
        return fputs("Usage: hxample key ...\n", stderr);

    // Pagesize 4096 is realistic:
    int     rc = hxcreate("hxample.hx", /*perms */ 0664, /*pgsize */ 64,
                          /*rectype name */ "", /*strlen("") */ 0);

    printf("  hxcreate hxample.hx: %s\n", hxerror(rc));

    if (access("", R_OK | X_OK))
        return fputs("'' must be in this directory\n", stderr);
    char    ld_library_path[] = "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.";


    // HX_UPDATE + HX_MMAP for speed ...
    HXFILE *hp = hxopen("hxample.hx", HX_UPDATE);

    if (!hp)
        return fputs("Unable to open hxample.hx!?\n", stderr);

    char    buf[999], *val;
    int     i, len;

    // Insert (key,index)
    puts("# Insert keys with numeric values");
    for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
        len = strlen(argv[i]);
        strcpy(buf, argv[i]);
        sprintf(val = buf + len + 1, "%08d", i);
        rc = hxput(hp, buf, len + 10);
        printf("  hxput(%s: %s) returned %d %s\n",
               buf, val, rc,
               rc < 0 ? hxerror(rc) : rc > 0 ? "replacement" : "");

    puts("# Retrieve by key in reverse order");
    while (--i) {
        strcpy(buf, argv[i]);
        len = hxget(hp, buf, sizeof buf);
        val = buf + strlen(buf) + 1;    // Assumes the hxget succeeded.
        printf("  hxget(%s) returned %d\t%s(%s: %s)\n", argv[i],
               len, len < 0 ? hxerror(len) : "", buf, val);

    puts("# Retrieve records in a hxnext loop");
    while ((len = hxnext(hp, buf, sizeof buf)) > 0) {
        val = buf + strlen(buf) + 1;
        printf("  hxnext returned %d\t%s(%s,%s)\n",
               len, len < 0 ? hxerror(len) : "", buf, val);

    puts("# Append '-<key>' to each value");
    while (++i < argc) {
        strcpy(buf, argv[i]);
        // hxhold locks the record; superfluous here.
        len = hxhold(hp, buf, sizeof buf);
        printf("  hxhold returned %d\n", len);
        val = buf + strlen(buf) + 1;
        strcat(strcat(val, "-"), buf);
        len = hxput(hp, buf, len + 1 + strlen(buf));
        printf("  hxput(%s:%s) returned %d %s\n",
               buf, val, len, len < 0 ? hxerror(len) : "");
    hxdebug = 3;
    puts("# Retrieve records after append, with hxdebug output");
    while ((len = hxnext(hp, buf, sizeof buf)) > 0) {
        val = buf + strlen(buf) + 1;
        printf("  hxnext returned %d\t%s(%s,%s)\n",
               len, len < 0 ? hxerror(len) : "", buf, val);

    puts("# Now try some commands:\n"
         "  $ chx help\n"
         "  $ chx info hxample.hx\n"
         "  $ chx save hxample.hx\n" "  $ chx -v check hxample.hx\n");

    return 0;