Esempio n. 1
	FILE*		stream,
	const ib_tpl_t	tpl)
	int		i;
	int		n_cols = ib_tuple_get_n_cols(tpl);

	for (i = 0; i < n_cols; ++i) {
		ib_ulint_t	data_len;
		ib_col_meta_t	col_meta;

		data_len = ib_col_get_meta(tpl, i, &col_meta);

		/* Skip system columns. */
		if (col_meta.type == IB_SYS) {
		/* Nothing to print. */
		} else if (data_len == IB_SQL_NULL) {
			fprintf(stream, "|");
		} else {
			switch (col_meta.type) {
			case IB_INT: {
				print_int_col(stream, tpl, i, &col_meta);
			case IB_FLOAT: {
				float	v;

				ib_tuple_read_float(tpl, i, &v);
				fprintf(stream, "%f", v);
			case IB_DOUBLE: {
				double	v;

				ib_tuple_read_double(tpl, i, &v);
				fprintf(stream, "%lf", v);
			case IB_BLOB:
			case IB_VARCHAR: {
				const char*	ptr;

				ptr = ib_col_get_value(tpl, i);
				fprintf(stream, "%d:", (int) data_len);
				print_char_array(stream, ptr, (int) data_len);
		fprintf(stream, "|");
	fprintf(stream, "\n");
Esempio n. 2
UPDATE T SET score = score + 100 WHERE first = 'a'; */
	ib_crsr_t	crsr)
	ib_err_t	err;
	int		l;
	char*		ptr;
	int		res = ~0;
	ib_tpl_t	key_tpl;
	ib_tpl_t	old_tpl = NULL;
	ib_tpl_t	new_tpl = NULL;

	/* Create a tuple for searching an index. */
	key_tpl = ib_sec_search_tuple_create(crsr);
	assert(key_tpl != NULL);

	ptr = (char*) malloc(8192);

	l = gen_rand_text(ptr, 128);
	/* Set the value to look for. */
	err = ib_col_set_value(key_tpl, 0, ptr, l);
	assert(err == DB_SUCCESS);

	/* Search for the key using the cluster index (PK) */
	err = ib_cursor_moveto(crsr, key_tpl, IB_CUR_GE, &res);
	assert(err == DB_SUCCESS
	       || err == DB_END_OF_INDEX
	       || err == DB_RECORD_NOT_FOUND);

	if (key_tpl != NULL) {

	/* Match found */
	if (res == 0) {
		ib_u32_t	score;
		const char*	first;
		ib_ulint_t	data_len;
		ib_ulint_t	first_len;
		ib_col_meta_t	col_meta;

		/* Create the tuple instance that we will use to update the
		table. old_tpl is used for reading the existing row and
		new_tpl will contain the update row data. */

		old_tpl = ib_clust_read_tuple_create(crsr);
		assert(old_tpl != NULL);

		new_tpl = ib_clust_read_tuple_create(crsr);
		assert(new_tpl != NULL);

		err = ib_cursor_read_row(crsr, old_tpl);
		assert(err == DB_SUCCESS);

		/* Get the first column value. */
		first = ib_col_get_value(old_tpl, 0);
		first_len = ib_col_get_meta(old_tpl, 0, &col_meta);

		/* There are no SQL_NULL values in our test data. */
		assert(first != NULL);

		/* Copy the old contents to the new tuple. */
		err = ib_tuple_copy(new_tpl, old_tpl);

		/* Update the score column in the new tuple. */
		data_len = ib_col_get_meta(old_tpl, 2, &col_meta);
		assert(data_len != IB_SQL_NULL);
		err = ib_tuple_read_u32(old_tpl, 2, &score);
		assert(err == DB_SUCCESS);

		/* Get the new text to insert. */
		l = gen_rand_text(ptr, 128);
		/* Set the new key value in the new tuple. */
		err = ib_col_set_value(new_tpl, 0, ptr, l);
		assert(err == DB_SUCCESS);
		first_len = ib_col_get_len(new_tpl, 0);
		assert(first_len == IB_SQL_NULL || first_len <= 128);

		/* Get the new text to insert. */
		l = gen_rand_text(ptr, 8192);
		/* Set the blob value in the new tuple. */
		err = ib_col_set_value(new_tpl, 1, ptr, l);
		assert(err == DB_SUCCESS);

		/* Set the updated score value in the new tuple. */
		err = ib_tuple_write_u32(new_tpl, 2, score);
		assert(err == DB_SUCCESS);

		err = ib_cursor_update_row(crsr, old_tpl, new_tpl);
		assert(err == DB_SUCCESS
		       || err == DB_DUPLICATE_KEY);

	if (old_tpl != NULL) {
	if (new_tpl != NULL) {


Esempio n. 3
 * Try to get an item from the database
 * @param trx the transaction to use
 * @param key the key to get
 * @param nkey the lenght of the key
 * @return a pointer to the item if I found it in the database
static struct item* do_get_item(ib_trx_t trx, const void* key, size_t nkey) 
  ib_crsr_t cursor= NULL;
  ib_tpl_t tuple= NULL;
  struct item* retval= NULL;

  if (do_locate_item(trx, key, nkey, &cursor)) 
    tuple= ib_clust_read_tuple_create(cursor);
    if (tuple == NULL)
      fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create read tuple\n");
      goto error_exit;
    checked(ib_cursor_read_row(cursor, tuple));
    ib_col_meta_t meta;
    ib_ulint_t datalen= ib_col_get_meta(tuple, data_col_idx, &meta);
    ib_ulint_t flaglen= ib_col_get_meta(tuple, flags_col_idx, &meta);
    ib_ulint_t caslen= ib_col_get_meta(tuple, cas_col_idx, &meta);
    ib_ulint_t explen= ib_col_get_meta(tuple, exp_col_idx, &meta);
    const void *dataptr= ib_col_get_value(tuple, data_col_idx);

    retval= create_item(key, nkey, dataptr, datalen, 0, 0);
    if (retval == NULL) 
      fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate memory\n");
      goto error_exit;

    if (flaglen != 0) 
      ib_u32_t val;
      checked(ib_tuple_read_u32(tuple, flags_col_idx, &val));
      retval->flags= (uint32_t)val;
    if (caslen != 0) 
      ib_u64_t val;
      checked(ib_tuple_read_u64(tuple, cas_col_idx, &val));
      retval->cas= (uint64_t)val;
    if (explen != 0) 
      ib_u32_t val;
      checked(ib_tuple_read_u32(tuple, exp_col_idx, &val));
      retval->exp= (time_t)val;

  /* Release resources */

  if (tuple != NULL)

  if (cursor != NULL)
    ib_err_t cursor_error;
    cursor_error= ib_cursor_close(cursor);
    (void) cursor_error;

  return retval;
Esempio n. 4
UPDATE T SET c1 = RANDOM(string), c3 = MOD(c3 + 1, 10)
	WHERE c3 = MOD(RANDOM(INT), 10); */
    ib_crsr_t	crsr)
    ib_i32_t	c3;
    ib_err_t	err;
    ib_i32_t	key;
    int		res = ~0;
    ib_crsr_t	index_crsr;
    ib_tpl_t	sec_key_tpl;

    /* Open the secondary index. */
    err = ib_cursor_open_index_using_name(crsr, "c3", &index_crsr);
    assert(err == DB_SUCCESS);

    /* Set the record lock mode */
    err = ib_cursor_set_lock_mode(index_crsr, IB_LOCK_X);
    assert(err == DB_SUCCESS);

    /* Since we will be updating the clustered index record, set the
    need to access clustered index flag in the cursor. */

    /* Create a tuple for searching the secondary index. */
    sec_key_tpl = ib_sec_search_tuple_create(index_crsr);
    assert(sec_key_tpl != NULL);

    /* Set the value to look for. */
#ifdef __WIN__
    key = rand() % 10;
    key = random() % 10;
    err = ib_tuple_write_i32(sec_key_tpl, 0, key);
    assert(err == DB_SUCCESS);

    /* Search for the key using the cluster index (PK) */
    err = ib_cursor_moveto(index_crsr, sec_key_tpl, IB_CUR_GE, &res);
    assert(err == DB_SUCCESS
           || err == DB_END_OF_INDEX
           || err == DB_RECORD_NOT_FOUND);


    /* Match found */
    if (res == 0) {
        int		l;
        char*		ptr;
        const char*	first;
        ib_ulint_t	data_len;
        ib_col_meta_t	col_meta;
        ib_ulint_t	first_len;
        ib_tpl_t	old_tpl = NULL;
        ib_tpl_t	new_tpl = NULL;

        /* Create the tuple instance that we will use to update the
        table. old_tpl is used for reading the existing row and
        new_tpl will contain the update row data. */

        old_tpl = ib_clust_read_tuple_create(crsr);
        assert(old_tpl != NULL);

        new_tpl = ib_clust_read_tuple_create(crsr);
        assert(new_tpl != NULL);

        err = ib_cursor_read_row(index_crsr, old_tpl);
        assert(err == DB_SUCCESS);

        /* Get the first column value. */
        first = ib_col_get_value(old_tpl, 0);
        first_len = ib_col_get_meta(old_tpl, 0, &col_meta);

        /* There are no SQL_NULL values in our test data. */
        assert(first != NULL);

        /* Copy the old contents to the new tuple. */
        err = ib_tuple_copy(new_tpl, old_tpl);

        /* Update the c3 column in the new tuple. */
        data_len = ib_col_get_meta(old_tpl, 2, &col_meta);
        assert(data_len != IB_SQL_NULL);
        err = ib_tuple_read_i32(old_tpl, 2, &c3);
        assert(err == DB_SUCCESS);
        assert(c3 == key);
        c3 = (c3 + 1) % 10;

        ptr = (char*) malloc(8192);
        l = gen_rand_text(ptr, 128);

        /* Get the new text to insert. */
        l = gen_rand_text(ptr, 8192);
        /* Set the new key value in the new tuple. */
        err = ib_col_set_value(new_tpl, 0, ptr, l);
        assert(err == DB_SUCCESS);

        /* Get the new text to insert. */
        l = gen_rand_text(ptr, 8192);
        /* Set the c2 value in the new tuple. */
        err = ib_col_set_value(new_tpl, 1, ptr, l);
        assert(err == DB_SUCCESS);

        /* Set the updated c3 value in the new tuple. */
        err = ib_tuple_write_i32(new_tpl, 2, c3);
        assert(err == DB_SUCCESS);

        /* NOTE: We are using the secondary index cursor to update
        the record and not the cluster index cursor. */
        err = ib_cursor_update_row(index_crsr, old_tpl, new_tpl);
        assert(err == DB_SUCCESS || err == DB_DUPLICATE_KEY);

        /* Reset the old and new tuple instances. */
        old_tpl = ib_tuple_clear(old_tpl);
        assert(old_tpl != NULL);

        new_tpl = ib_tuple_clear(new_tpl);
        assert(new_tpl != NULL);



    err = ib_cursor_close(index_crsr);
    assert(err == DB_SUCCESS);
