void UpdateCameraView::operator()( osg::Node* node, osg::NodeVisitor* nv )
	   Chronometer timer;
	   cv::Mat currentImg;
	   videoStream >> currentImg;

	   if (!currentImg.empty())
		   if ((!augEnvironment->posFound)&&(augEnvironment->synchroniser.tac() > 200))   //wait 1s to match
			   cvImg = augEnvironment->match(currentImg);
			   augEnvironment->posFound = true;
		   else if ((augEnvironment->hasProjected)&&(augEnvironment->synchroniser.tac() > 300)&&(!imageCaptured))
			   static int count = 0;
		    	int lastindex = augEnvironment->parameterFileName.find_last_of("/");
		        string dir = augEnvironment->parameterFileName.substr(0, lastindex);
		        string errFilename = dir + "/" + augEnvironment->errorFileNameBase + "err.png";

			   imwrite(errFilename, currentImg);

			   if (augEnvironment->calculateErr)
				   double meanErr, maxErr;
				   augEnvironment->calculateReprojectionErr(augEnvironment->groundTruthFileName, currentImg);
				   cout<<meanErr<<" "<<maxErr<<endl;
			   cvImg = currentImg.clone();
			   imageCaptured = true;
			   cvImg = currentImg.clone();
		   osg::ref_ptr<osg::Group> backgroundCameraNode = dynamic_cast<osg::Group*>(node);
		   for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < backgroundCameraNode->getNumChildren() ; i++)
			   if (backgroundCameraNode->getChild(i)->getName() == string("Background texture"))

			if (augEnvironment->recordVideo)
				if (! vWriter.isOpened())
					vWriter.open("recordedStream.mpg", CV_FOURCC('P','I','M','1'), 20.0f, currentImg.size(), true);
				vWriter << currentImg;

				if (! vWriter2.isOpened())
					vWriter2.open("outStream.mpg", CV_FOURCC('P','I','M','1'), 20.0f, currentImg.size(), true);
				vWriter2 << cvImg;

		   traverse( node, nv );
Esempio n. 2
int Detector::batchDetect(const string &src_image_folder, const string &dst_image_folder)
	if (access(src_image_folder.c_str(), 0) == -1)
		return 0;

	if (access(dst_image_folder.c_str(), 0) == -1)

	const int MAX_DETECTION = 500;

	CFileFind file_finder;
    bool is_working = file_finder.FindFile();
	int count = 0;
	while (is_working)
		is_working = file_finder.FindNextFile();
		string file_name = file_finder.GetFileName();
		string file_path = file_finder.GetFilePath();

		if (file_name == "." || file_name == ".."|| file_name == "Thumbs.db")

		printf("%s\n", file_path.c_str());

		Mat image = imread(file_path, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
		if (image.data == NULL)
		double ratio = 1.0;
		if (param.resize_w > 0 && param.resize_h > 0)
			int w = param.resize_w;
			int h = image.rows * w / image.cols;
			ratio = (double)image.cols / w;
			Size size(w, h);
			resize(image, image, size);

		param.hot_rect.top *= (image.rows / 100);
		param.hot_rect.bottom *= (image.rows / 100);
		param.hot_rect.left *= (image.cols / 100);
		param.hot_rect.right = (image.cols / 100);

		int subwin_count;
		int num = detect(image, MAX_DETECTION, rects, subwin_count);

		Mat dst_image = imread(file_path, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
		file_path = dst_image_folder + "\\" + file_name;
		drawRects(dst_image, num, rects, Scalar(0, 255, 0), 3, ratio);
		num = merger.merge(num, rects);
		drawRects(dst_image, num, rects, Scalar(0, 0, 255), 7, ratio);

		imwrite(file_path, dst_image);
	return 1;
void *sobel_loop(void *number)

/*	if(set_single_core_affinity()!=EXIT_SUCCESS)
		perror("Core Affinity");

	int i=0;
	Mat sobel_src, src_gray, s_src;
	Mat grad;

	struct thread_limits *ptr_obj = (struct thread_limits *) number;
	int start_loop = ptr_obj->start_no;
	int stop_loop  = ptr_obj->stop_no;

	for (i=start_loop; i<=stop_loop; i++)

		/*------------------------- Loading the Image --------------------------*/

		// Select the right frame


		// Load the Image

		sobel_src = imread( frame_name,1 );  

		if( !sobel_src.data )
			perror("Reading from file"); 

		// Apply Gaussian Blur function

		GaussianBlur( sobel_src, s_src, Size(3,3), 0, 0, BORDER_DEFAULT );

		// Convert Color image to gray

		cvtColor( s_src, src_gray, CV_RGB2GRAY );
		//printf("after cvtcolor\n"); 
		// Generate x and y matrix

		Mat sobel_x, sobel_y;
		Mat sobel_abs_x, sobel_abs_y;

		// Gradient X

		Sobel( src_gray, sobel_x, SOBEL_DEPTH, 1, 0, 3, SOBEL_SCALE, SOBEL_DELTA, BORDER_DEFAULT );
		convertScaleAbs( sobel_x, sobel_abs_x );

		// Gradient Y

		Sobel( src_gray, sobel_y, SOBEL_DEPTH, 0, 1, 3, SOBEL_SCALE, SOBEL_DELTA, BORDER_DEFAULT );
		convertScaleAbs( sobel_y, sobel_abs_y );

		// Total Gradient
		addWeighted( sobel_abs_x, 0.5, sobel_abs_y, 0.5, 0, grad );

		/*------------------------- Storing the Image ---------------------------*/

		// Storing the Image


		imwrite(frame_name2, grad);

	// End of 'for' loop

	return (NULL);
Esempio n. 4
int main(int argc, char **argv) 
    char c;
    char *filepath;
    int cut_horizontal = 0;
    int cut_vertical = 0;
    int timed = 0;
    int show = 0;

    while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "f:h:v:ts")) != -1) {
        switch (c) {
        case 'f': filepath = optarg; break;
        case 'h': cut_horizontal = (int)strtol(optarg, NULL, 10); break;
        case 'v': cut_vertical = (int)strtol(optarg, NULL, 10); break;
        case 't': timed = 1; break;
        case 's': show = 1; break;
        default: exit(1); 

    // OpenCL boilerplate
    std::string ..._kernel_str;

    std::string ..._name_str = std::string("...");
    std::string ..._kernel_file = std::string("...");

    cl_vars_t cv; 
    cl_kernel ...;

    readFile(..._kernel_file, ..._kernel_str);


    compile_ocl_program(..., cv, ..._kernel_str.c_str(), ..._name_str.c_str());

    // Read image
    Mat_<Vec3b> image = imread(filepath);

    if (!image.data) {
        cout << "Invalid input";
        return -1;

    if (show) {
        imshow("Original Image", image);

    SeamCarver s(image);

    // imshow("Gradient", s.energy);
    // Mat tmp = s.energy/195075.0*255.0;
    // s.energy.convertTo(tmp,CV_8U,-1);
    // imwrite("bench_gradient.jpg", tmp);
    // vector<uint> sm = s.findVerticalSeam();
    // s.showVerticalSeam(sm);

    // Carving happens here
    double start = get_time();
    double elapsed = get_time() - start;
    // --------------------

    // double start = get_time();
    // for (int i = 0; i < cut_horizontal; ++i) {
    //     vector<uint> seam = s.findHorizontalSeam();
    //     // s.showHorizontalSeam(seam);
    //     s.removeHorizontalSeam(seam);
    // }
    // for (int i = 0; i < cut_vertical; ++i) {
    //     vector<uint> seam = s.findVerticalSeam();
    //     // s.showVerticalSeam(seam);
    //     s.removeVerticalSeam(seam);
    // }
    // double elapsed = get_time() - start;

    if (timed) {
        printf("Elapsed time: %.3lf seconds\n", elapsed);

    Mat_<Vec3b> output = s.getImage();
    imwrite("scarved.jpg", output);

    if (show) {
        imshow("Carved Image", output);
        while (waitKey(20) != 27);

    // cout << "Seam Length: " << seam.size() << endl;
    // s.showImage();
    // s.showEnergy();

    // imwrite("bench_carved.jpg", s.getImage());

    // for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
    //     for (int j = 0; j < 5; ++j) {
    //         cout << s.energy.at<uint32_t>(i,j) << " ";
    //     }
    //     cout << endl;
    // }





    return 0;
Esempio n. 5
 void writeFrame(unsigned char *frame) {
   imwrite(fname, cv::Mat(height, width, CV_8U, frame, cv::Mat::AUTO_STEP));
void *affine_loop(void *number)

		perror("Core Affinity");

	int block_size;
	int max_files;
	int i=0;
	int section=0;
	float pos[8]={0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1};

	Point2f srcTri[4];
	Point2f dstTri[4];


	Mat rot_mat( 2, 3, CV_32FC1 );
	Mat warp_mat( 2, 3, CV_32FC1 );

	// Output variables
	Mat src, warp_dst, warp_rotate_dst;

	struct thread_limits *ptr_obj = (struct thread_limits *) number;
	int start_loop = ptr_obj->start_no;
	int stop_loop  = ptr_obj->stop_no;

	/*------------------------- Starting the loop --------------------------*/

	for (i=start_loop; i<=stop_loop; i++)

		/*------------------------- Loading the Image --------------------------*/

			// Select the right frame
			// Load the Image
			src = imread( frame_name2, 1 );

			src = imread( frame_name, 1 );

		/*---------------------- Affine Transform : Warp -----------------------*/

		// Setting up the output image parameters

		warp_dst = Mat::zeros( src.rows, src.cols, src.type() );

		/*---------------------- Change the parameter values ----------------------*/


			case 0:

				// Setting parameters for matrix computation

				srcTri[0] = Point2f( 0,0 );
				srcTri[1] = Point2f( src.cols - 1, 0 );
				srcTri[2] = Point2f( 0, src.rows - 1 );
				srcTri[3] = Point2f( src.cols - 1, src.rows - 1 );

				dstTri[0] = Point2f( src.cols*pos[0], src.rows*pos[1] );
				dstTri[1] = Point2f( src.cols*pos[2], src.rows*pos[3] );
				dstTri[2] = Point2f( src.cols*pos[4], src.rows*pos[5] );
				dstTri[3] = Point2f( src.cols*pos[6], src.rows*pos[7] );

				//printf("Case 0: %u\t %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n",i,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2],pos[3],pos[4],pos[5],pos[6],pos[7]);


			case 1:

				// Setting parameters for matrix computation

				srcTri[0] = Point2f( 0,0 );
				srcTri[1] = Point2f( src.cols - 1, 0 );
				srcTri[2] = Point2f( 0, src.rows - 1 );
				srcTri[3] = Point2f( src.cols - 1, src.rows - 1 );

				dstTri[0] = Point2f( src.cols*pos[0], src.rows*pos[1] );
				dstTri[1] = Point2f( src.cols*pos[2], src.rows*pos[3] );
				dstTri[2] = Point2f( src.cols*pos[4], src.rows*pos[5] );
				dstTri[3] = Point2f( src.cols*pos[6], src.rows*pos[7] );

				//printf("Case 1: %u\t %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n",i,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2],pos[3],pos[4],pos[5],pos[6],pos[7]);

			case 2:
				// Setting parameters for matrix computation

				srcTri[0] = Point2f( 0,0 );
				srcTri[1] = Point2f( src.cols - 1, 0 );
				srcTri[2] = Point2f( 0, src.rows - 1 );
				srcTri[3] = Point2f( src.cols - 1, src.rows - 1 );

				dstTri[0] = Point2f( src.cols*pos[0], src.rows*pos[1] );
				dstTri[1] = Point2f( src.cols*pos[2], src.rows*pos[3] );
				dstTri[2] = Point2f( src.cols*pos[4], src.rows*pos[5] );
				dstTri[3] = Point2f( src.cols*pos[6], src.rows*pos[7] );

				//printf("Case 2: %u\t %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n",i,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2],pos[3],pos[4],pos[5],pos[6],pos[7]);


			case 3:

				// Setting parameters for matrix computation

				srcTri[0] = Point2f( 0,0 );
				srcTri[1] = Point2f( src.cols - 1, 0 );
				srcTri[2] = Point2f( 0, src.rows - 1 );
				srcTri[3] = Point2f( src.cols - 1, src.rows - 1 );

				dstTri[0] = Point2f( src.cols*pos[0], src.rows*pos[1] );
				dstTri[1] = Point2f( src.cols*pos[2], src.rows*pos[3] );
				dstTri[2] = Point2f( src.cols*pos[4], src.rows*pos[5] );
				dstTri[3] = Point2f( src.cols*pos[6], src.rows*pos[7] );


				//printf("Case 3: %u\t %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n",i,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2],pos[3],pos[4],pos[5],pos[6],pos[7]);


				//printf("Value: %d\n",section);
				//perror("Default switch() case");

		// Calculate the Affine Transform matrix

		warp_mat = getAffineTransform( srcTri, dstTri );

		// Applying the Affine Transform to the src image

		warpAffine( src, warp_dst, warp_mat, warp_dst.size() );

		/*-------------------- Affine Transform : Rotate -----------------------*/

		// Compute the Rotation Matrix Parameters

		Point center = Point( warp_dst.cols/2, warp_dst.rows/2 );
		double angle = ROTATION_ANGLE;
		double scale = ISOTROPIC_SCALE_FACTOR;

		// Generate the Rotation Matrix

		rot_mat = getRotationMatrix2D( center, angle, scale );

		// Rotate the Image

		warpAffine( warp_dst, warp_rotate_dst, rot_mat, warp_dst.size() );

		/*------------------------- Storing the Image ---------------------------*/


		// Storing the Image

		imwrite(frame_name3, warp_dst);

	// End of 'for' loop

	return NULL;
     * Callback on the "/xyz_image",
     * "/depth", "/amplitude", "/raw_amplitdue", and "/confidence" topics
    void ImageCb(const sensor_msgs::Image::ConstPtr& im,
                 const std::string& im_type)
        std::string target_file = this->outdir_;
        int this_idx = 0;
        cv_bridge::CvImagePtr cv_ptr;

        if (im_type == "depth")
            this_idx = this->depth_idx_;

            target_file += "/depth/depth_";
            cv_ptr = cv_bridge::toCvCopy(im, sensor_msgs::image_encodings::MONO16);
        else if (im_type == "amplitude")
            this_idx = this->amplitude_idx_;

            target_file += "/amplitude/amplitude_";
            cv_ptr = cv_bridge::toCvCopy(im, sensor_msgs::image_encodings::MONO16);
        else if (im_type == "raw_amplitude")
            this_idx = this->raw_amplitude_idx_;

            target_file += "/raw_amplitude/raw_amplitude_";
            cv_ptr = cv_bridge::toCvCopy(im, sensor_msgs::image_encodings::MONO16);
        else if (im_type == "confidence")
            this_idx = this->confidence_idx_;

            target_file += "/confidence/confidence_";
            cv_ptr = cv_bridge::toCvCopy(im, sensor_msgs::image_encodings::MONO8);
        else if (im_type == "xyz_image")
            this_idx = this->xyz_idx_;

            target_file += "/xyz_image/xyz_";
            cv_ptr =
                cv_bridge::toCvCopy(im, sensor_msgs::image_encodings::TYPE_16SC3);

        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << std::setw(10) << std::setfill('0') << this_idx;
        target_file += ss.str();

        if (this->dump_yaml_ || im_type == "xyz_image")
            cv::FileStorage storage(target_file + ".yml",
            storage << "img" << cv_ptr->image;

        if (im_type != "xyz_image")
            imwrite(target_file + ".png", cv_ptr->image);
//found the human body in the frame and return the foundRect as vector
//The parameter Mat frame will be drawen on several rectangles
void MotionDetection::PeopleDetectByHOG( Mat frame , Mat mask, double ScaleFactor, HOGDescriptor hog)
    Mat frameCopy = frame.clone();
    resize(frameCopy, frameCopy, Size(), ScaleFactor, ScaleFactor, INTER_AREA);
    cout << frameCopy.size() << endl;
    // imshow("test1",frameCopy);
    vector<Rect> found, found_filtered;
    //do detection
    //if the size of src image is too small, the program will be error as assertion fault
    hog.detectMultiScale(frameCopy, found, 0, Size(8,8), Size(32,32), 1.05, 2);
    // hog.detectMultiScale(frameCopy, found);
    //remove nested rectangle
    size_t i, j;
    for( i = 0; i < found.size(); i++ )
        Rect r = found[i];
        for( j = 0; j < found.size(); j++ )
            if( j != i && (r & found[j]) == r)
        if( j == found.size() )

    Mat drawing = Mat::zeros(frameCopy.size(),CV_8UC1);
    for( i = 0; i < found_filtered.size(); i++ )
        Rect r = found_filtered[i];
        // the HOG detector returns slightly larger rectangles than the real objects.
        // so we slightly shrink the rectangles to get a nicer output.
        // r.x += cvRound(r.width*0.1);
        // r.width = cvRound(r.width*0.8);
        // r.y += cvRound(r.height*0.07);
        // r.height = cvRound(r.height*0.8);
        r = Rect_AdjustSizeAroundCenter(r,0.55,0.8);
        //rectangle(frame, r.tl(), r.br(), cv::Scalar(0,255,0), 1);
        //rectangle(img, r.tl(), r.br(), cv::Scalar(0,255,0), 1);
        // int tlx = r.tl().x, tly = r.tl().y;
        // for(int j = tlx; j < (tlx + r.width) ; j++)
        // {
        //   for(int ii = tly; ii < (tly + r.height); ii++)
        //   {
        //       frameCopy_mask.at<uchar>(Point(j,ii)) = 255;
        //   }
        // }
         rectangle( drawing, r.tl(), r.br(), Scalar(255,255,255), -1, 8, 0);  
    // imshow("test2",drawing);
    //recover to the original size
    resize(drawing, drawing, Size(), 1/ScaleFactor, 1/ScaleFactor, INTER_NEAREST);
    if(option_str == "-h")
      static int counter = 0;
      String output_str = outPut_Mask_Path + NumberToString(++counter) + ".png";
      imwrite(output_str, drawing);
    //add the new mask on the final mask
    //!!problem:  the convert between float and int will affect the size of video resolution
    //After doing the convert from float to int, the new video resolution must be smaller than
    //the orginal one, which is beacuse we always do the downScale; therefore, we use the smaller
    //size as the counter in order not to encounter the array problem 
    for(int i = 0; i < drawing.cols; i ++)
      for(int j = 0; j < drawing.rows; j++)
        Point p = Point(i,j);
        if(drawing.at<uchar>(p) == 255)
           mask.at<uchar>(p) += mask_add_step;
   // imshow("test3",mask);
Esempio n. 9
vector<vector<float> > Encoder::extractMultiDSIFT(Mat normMat, Mat landmarks, int level){
	vector<vector<float> > ret;
	//hard code max LBP size
	int tunedCellSize = 10;
	int tunedCols, tunedRows;
	int dimension = patchSize / cellSize;
	vector<float> dsiftCode;
	for (int l = 0; l < level; l++){
		int tmpcellSize = cellSize - l;
		int tmppatchSize = tmpcellSize*dimension;
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < landmarks.cols; i++){
			if (landmarks.at<float>(0, i) > tmppatchSize/2 && landmarks.at<float>(1, i) > tmppatchSize/2 && landmarks.at<float>(0, i) + tmppatchSize/2 < normMat.cols && landmarks.at<float>(1, i) + tmppatchSize/2 < normMat.rows){
				Mat roi(normMat, Rect(landmarks.at<float>(0, i) - tmppatchSize/2 , landmarks.at<float>(1, i) - tmppatchSize/2, tmppatchSize, tmppatchSize));
				vector<float> data;
				for (int j = 0; j < roi.cols; j++){
					for (int k = 0; k < roi.rows; k++){
						data.push_back((float)roi.at<unsigned char>(k, j)/255);
				int numFrames ;
				int descrSize ;
				VlDsiftKeypoint const *frames ;
				float const *descrs ;
				VlDsiftFilter *dsift ;
				VlDsiftDescriptorGeometry geom ;
				geom.numBinX = 2 ;
				geom.numBinY = 2 ;
				geom.numBinT = 4 ;
				geom.binSizeX = 4 ;
				geom.binSizeY = 4 ;
				dsift = vl_dsift_new (roi.rows, roi.cols) ;
				vl_dsift_set_geometry(dsift, &geom) ;
				vl_dsift_set_steps(dsift, 2, 2) ;
				vl_dsift_set_flat_window(dsift, 1) ;
				numFrames = vl_dsift_get_keypoint_num (dsift) ;
				descrSize = vl_dsift_get_descriptor_size (dsift) ;
				geom = *vl_dsift_get_geometry (dsift) ;
				vl_dsift_process (dsift, &data[0]) ;
				frames = vl_dsift_get_keypoints (dsift) ;
				descrs = vl_dsift_get_descriptors (dsift) ;	
				//cout<<"frames: "<<numFrames<<" descrs: "<<descrSize<<" cols: "<<roi.cols<<" rows: "<<roi.rows<<endl;
				float tranDescr[128];
				for (int f = 0; f < numFrames; f++){
					vl_dsift_transpose_descriptor (tranDescr, descrs + descrSize * f, geom.numBinT, geom.numBinX, geom.numBinY) ;
					for (int d = 0 ; d < descrSize ; d++) {
						tranDescr[d] = VL_MIN(512.0F * tranDescr[d], 255.0F) ;
						//cout<<tmpDescr[i]<<" ";
				//if (i != 0 && i != 2){
				 vl_dsift_delete (dsift) ;
				cout<<"Patch out of bound: "<<landmarks.at<float>(0, i)<<" "<<landmarks.at<float>(1, i)<<endl;
				cout<<"landmark: "<<i<<" Cols: "<<tunedCols<<" Rows: "<<tunedRows<<endl;
				imwrite("tmp/outOfBound.jpg", normMat);
	return ret;	
Esempio n. 10
std::pair<vector<Point>, std::pair<Point,double>> Detect::operator() (Mat& frame, Mat& raw, int count)
    vector<Point> tips;

    // first find the curves in the image
    vector<vector<Point>> polyCurves = getPolyCurves(frame);

    //std::cout << polyCurves.size() << std::endl;

    // Find max inscribed circle for the 0th polycurve and draw it.
    std::pair<Point, double> maxCircle = findMaxInscribedCircle(polyCurves, raw);

    circle(raw, maxCircle.first, maxCircle.second, cv::Scalar(220,75,20), 1, CV_AA);

    // Good PolyCurve is with 3.5 * max inscribed radius
    vector<vector<Point>> goodPolyCurves;
    getRegionOfInterest(goodPolyCurves, polyCurves, maxCircle);

    // draw good poly curve
    drawContours(raw,goodPolyCurves, -1 , cv::Scalar(0,255,0), 2);

    // Find min enclosing circle on goodPolyCurve and draw it
    std::pair<Point2f, double> minCircle = findMinEnclosingCircle(goodPolyCurves);
    circle(raw, minCircle.first, minCircle.second, cv::Scalar(220,75,20), 1, CV_AA);

    // now find the convex hull for each polyCurve
    if (goodPolyCurves.size() < 1) {
        return std::pair<vector<Point>, std::pair<Point, double>>(tips, maxCircle);

    // Get convex hulls
    vector<vector<int>> hullIndices = getConvexHulls(goodPolyCurves);

    vector<vector<Point>> hullPoints;
    for(int i = 0; i < goodPolyCurves.size(); i++) {
        if (goodPolyCurves[i].size() > 0) {
            vector<Point> hullPoint;
            convexHull(goodPolyCurves[i], hullPoint);

    // Draw the convex hulls
    drawContours(raw, hullPoints, -1, cv::Scalar(255, 0, 0), 2);

    for (int i = 0; i < 1; ++i)
        vector<Vec4i> defects;
        // find convexity defects for each poly curve and draw them
        convexityDefects(goodPolyCurves[i], hullIndices[i], defects);

        defects = filterDefects(defects);
        vector<Point> defectEnds;

        for (int j = 0; j < defects.size(); ++j) {
            Vec4i& defect = defects[j];

            int startIdx = defect[0];
            int endIdx = defect[1];
            int farIdx = defect[2];

            Point start = goodPolyCurves[i][startIdx];
            Point end = goodPolyCurves[i][endIdx];
            Point far = goodPolyCurves[i][farIdx];
            if(euclideanDist(far, start) > maxCircle.second) {

        tips = findFingerTips(defectEnds, maxCircle, raw);

    flip(raw, raw, 1);
    imshow("hand", raw);

    // movie code (we should return the frame to HandMade and put movie code there with the others.)
    if(makeMoviesD) {
	    char buffer[30];
	    sprintf(buffer, "detected/detected_%03d.jpg", count++);
	    imwrite(buffer, raw);

    return std::pair<vector<Point>, std::pair<Point, double>>(tips, maxCircle);
Esempio n. 11
vector<vector<float> > Encoder::extractTunedDSIFT(Mat normMat, Mat landmarks){
	//eye, eyebrow, eye-band,  nose-ver, mouth, left face, right face, jaw, forehead, nose-hor
	//40x20x2, 40x20x2, 100x40, 40x60, 60x40, 40x60,40x60, 50x20, 100x40, 60x40
	vector<vector<float> > ret;
	//hard code max LBP size
	int tunedCellSize = 10;
	int tunedCols, tunedRows;

	vector<float> dsiftCode;
	for (int l = 0; l <= 2; l++){
		for (int i = 0; i < landmarks.cols; i++){
			switch (i){
			case 0:
			case 1:
			case 2:
			case 3:
				tunedCols = 30 + 10*l;
				tunedRows = 10 + 10*l;
			case 4:
				tunedCols = 70 + 20*l;
				tunedRows = 30 + 10*l;	
			case 5:
				tunedCols = 30 + 10*l;
				tunedRows = 40 + 20*l;
			case 6:
				tunedCols = 40 + 20*l;
				tunedRows = 30 + 10*l;
			case 7:
			case 8:
				tunedCols = 30 + 10*l;
				tunedRows = 40 + 20*l;
			case 9:
				tunedCols = 40 + 10*l;
				tunedRows = 20;		
			case 10:
				tunedCols = 60 + 20*l;
				tunedRows = 30;		
			case 11:
				tunedCols = 40 + 10*l;
				tunedRows = 20 + 10*l;		
				cout<<"Wrong landmark size: "<<i<<endl;
			if (landmarks.at<float>(0, i) > tunedCols/2 && landmarks.at<float>(1, i) > tunedRows/2 && landmarks.at<float>(0, i) + tunedCols/2 < normMat.cols && landmarks.at<float>(1, i) + tunedRows/2 < normMat.rows){
				Mat roi(normMat, Rect(landmarks.at<float>(0, i) - tunedCols/2 , landmarks.at<float>(1, i) - tunedRows/2, tunedCols, tunedRows));
				vector<float> data;
				for (int j = 0; j < roi.cols; j++){
					for (int k = 0; k < roi.rows; k++){
						data.push_back((float)roi.at<unsigned char>(k, j)/255);

				int numFrames ;
				int descrSize ;
				VlDsiftKeypoint const *frames ;
				float const *descrs ;
				VlDsiftFilter *dsift ;
				VlDsiftDescriptorGeometry geom ;
				geom.numBinX = 2 ;
				geom.numBinY = 2 ;
				geom.numBinT = 4 ;
				geom.binSizeX = 4 ;
				geom.binSizeY = 4 ;
				dsift = vl_dsift_new (roi.rows, roi.cols) ;
				vl_dsift_set_geometry(dsift, &geom) ;
				vl_dsift_set_steps(dsift, 2, 2) ;
				vl_dsift_set_flat_window(dsift, 1) ;
				numFrames = vl_dsift_get_keypoint_num (dsift) ;
				descrSize = vl_dsift_get_descriptor_size (dsift) ;
				geom = *vl_dsift_get_geometry (dsift) ;
				vl_dsift_process (dsift, &data[0]) ;
				frames = vl_dsift_get_keypoints (dsift) ;
				descrs = vl_dsift_get_descriptors (dsift) ;	
				//cout<<"frames: "<<numFrames<<" descrs: "<<descrSize<<" cols: "<<roi.cols<<" rows: "<<roi.rows<<endl;
				float tranDescr[128];
				for (int f = 0; f < numFrames; f++){
					vl_dsift_transpose_descriptor (tranDescr, descrs + descrSize * f, geom.numBinT, geom.numBinX, geom.numBinY) ;
					for (int d = 0 ; d < descrSize ; d++) {
						tranDescr[d] = VL_MIN(512.0F * tranDescr[d], 255.0F) ;
						//cout<<tmpDescr[i]<<" ";
				//if (i != 0 && i != 2){
				 vl_dsift_delete (dsift) ;
				cout<<"Patch out of bound: "<<landmarks.at<float>(0, i)<<" "<<landmarks.at<float>(1, i)<<endl;
				cout<<"landmark: "<<i<<" Cols: "<<tunedCols<<" Rows: "<<tunedRows<<endl;
				imwrite("tmp/outOfBound.jpg", normMat);
	return ret;	
Esempio n. 12
cv::Point findEyeCenter(cv::Mat face, cv::Rect eye, std::string debugWindow) {
    cv::Mat eyeROIUnscaled = face(eye);
    cv::Mat eyeROI;
    scaleToFastSize(eyeROIUnscaled, eyeROI);
    // draw eye region
    //-- Find the gradient
    cv::Mat gradientX = computeMatXGradient(eyeROI);
    cv::Mat gradientY = computeMatXGradient(eyeROI.t()).t();
    //-- Normalize and threshold the gradient
    // compute all the magnitudes
    cv::Mat mags = matrixMagnitude(gradientX, gradientY);
    //compute the threshold
    double gradientThresh = computeDynamicThreshold(mags, kGradientThreshold);
    //double gradientThresh = kGradientThreshold;
    //double gradientThresh = 0;
    for (int y = 0; y < eyeROI.rows; ++y) {
        double *Xr = gradientX.ptr<double>(y), *Yr = gradientY.ptr<double>(y);
        const double *Mr = mags.ptr<double>(y);
        for (int x = 0; x < eyeROI.cols; ++x) {
            double gX = Xr[x], gY = Yr[x];
            double magnitude = Mr[x];
            if (magnitude > gradientThresh) {
                Xr[x] = gX/magnitude;
                Yr[x] = gY/magnitude;
            } else {
                Xr[x] = 0.0;
                Yr[x] = 0.0;
    //-- Create a blurred and inverted image for weighting
    cv::Mat weight;
    GaussianBlur( eyeROI, weight, cv::Size( kWeightBlurSize, kWeightBlurSize ), 0, 0 );
    for (int y = 0; y < weight.rows; ++y) {
        unsigned char *row = weight.ptr<unsigned char>(y);
        for (int x = 0; x < weight.cols; ++x) {
            row[x] = (255 - row[x]);
    //-- Run the algorithm!
    cv::Mat outSum = cv::Mat::zeros(eyeROI.rows,eyeROI.cols,CV_64F);
    // for each possible gradient location
    // Note: these loops are reversed from the way the paper does them
    // it evaluates every possible center for each gradient location instead of
    // every possible gradient location for every center.
    printf("Eye Size: %ix%i\n",outSum.cols,outSum.rows);
    for (int y = 0; y < weight.rows; ++y) {
        const unsigned char *Wr = weight.ptr<unsigned char>(y);
        const double *Xr = gradientX.ptr<double>(y), *Yr = gradientY.ptr<double>(y);
        for (int x = 0; x < weight.cols; ++x) {
            double gX = Xr[x], gY = Yr[x];
            if (gX == 0.0 && gY == 0.0) {
            testPossibleCentersFormula(x, y, Wr[x], gX, gY, outSum);
    // scale all the values down, basically averaging them
    double numGradients = (weight.rows*weight.cols);
    cv::Mat out;
    outSum.convertTo(out, CV_32F,1.0/numGradients);
    //-- Find the maximum point
    cv::Point maxP;
    double maxVal;
    cv::minMaxLoc(out, NULL,&maxVal,NULL,&maxP);
    //-- Flood fill the edges
    if(kEnablePostProcess) {
        cv::Mat floodClone;
        //double floodThresh = computeDynamicThreshold(out, 1.5);
        double floodThresh = maxVal * kPostProcessThreshold;
        cv::threshold(out, floodClone, floodThresh, 0.0f, cv::THRESH_TOZERO);
        if(kPlotVectorField) {
            //plotVecField(gradientX, gradientY, floodClone);
        cv::Mat mask = floodKillEdges(floodClone);
        //imshow(debugWindow + " Mask",mask);
        // redo max
        cv::minMaxLoc(out, NULL,&maxVal,NULL,&maxP,mask);
    return unscalePoint(maxP,eye);
Esempio n. 13
void GrabCutMF::Demo(CStr &wkDir, float w1, float w2, float w3, float alpha, float beta, float gama, float mu)
	CStr imgDir = wkDir + "Imgs/", salDir = wkDir + "Sal4N/", iluDir = wkDir + "Ilu4N/";
	vecS namesNE;
	int imgNum = CmFile::GetNamesNE(imgDir + "*.jpg", namesNE);
	printf("w1 = %g, w2 = %g, w3 = %g, alpha = %g, beta = %g, gama = %g, mu = %g\n", w1, w2, w3, alpha, beta, gama, mu);

	// Number of labels
	//const int M = 2;
	CmTimer tm("Time"), tmIni("TimeIni"), tmRef("TimeRef");
	double maxWeight = 2; // 2: 0.958119, 1: 0.953818, 
#pragma omp parallel for
	for (int i = 0; i < imgNum; i++){
		printf("Processing %d/%d: %s%s.jpg%20s\r\n", i, imgNum, _S(imgDir), _S(namesNE[i]), "");
		CmFile::Copy(imgDir + namesNE[i] + ".jpg", salDir + namesNE[i] + ".jpg");
		//CmFile::Copy(imgDir + namesNE[i] + ".png", salDir + namesNE[i] + "_GT.png");
		Mat _imMat3u = imread(imgDir + namesNE[i] + ".jpg"), imMat3f, imMat3u, gt1u;
		Mat _gt1u = imread(imgDir + namesNE[i] + ".png", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
		if(_gt1u.rows == 0 && _gt1u.cols == 0) {
            cout<<"Error: unable to open "<<(imgDir + namesNE[i] + ".png")<<endl;
		blur(_gt1u, _gt1u, Size(3,3));
		Mat _res1u = Mat::zeros(_imMat3u.size(), CV_8U);
		Rect wkRect = CmCv::GetMaskRange(_gt1u, 30, 200);
		imMat3u.convertTo(imMat3f, CV_32FC3, 1/255.0);
		Rect rect = CmCv::GetMaskRange(gt1u, 5, 128);

		Mat edge1u; // Use an edge map to expand the background mask in flat (no edge) region
		CmCv::CannySimpleRGB(imMat3u, edge1u, 120, 1200, 5);
		dilate(edge1u, edge1u, Mat(), Point(-1, -1), 3);
		Mat borderMask1u(imMat3u.size(), CV_8U), tmpMask;
		memset(borderMask1u.data, 255, borderMask1u.step.p[0] * borderMask1u.rows);
		borderMask1u(rect) = Scalar(0);
		getGrabMask(edge1u, borderMask1u);

		//* The Mean field based GrabCut
		GrabCutMF cutMF(imMat3f, imMat3u, salDir + namesNE[i], w1, w2, w3, alpha, beta, gama, mu);
		//Mat borderMask1u = CmCv::getGrabMask(imMat3u, rect), tmpMask;
		imwrite(salDir + namesNE[i] + "_BM.png", borderMask1u);
		imwrite(salDir + namesNE[i] + ".jpg", imMat3u);
		//imwrite(salDir + namesNE[i] + "_GT.png", gt1u);
		cutMF.initialize(rect, borderMask1u, (float)maxWeight, true);
		//cutMF.setGrabReg(rect, CmCv::getGrabMask(imMat3u, rect));
		Mat res1u = cutMF.drawResult(), invRes1u;

		imwrite(salDir + namesNE[i] + "_GCMF1.png", _res1u);

		//if (sum(res1u).val[0] < EPS){
		//	printf("%s.jpg don't contains a salient object\n", _S(namesNE[i]));
		//	continue;

		dilate(res1u(rect), tmpMask, Mat(), Point(-1, -1), 10);	
		bitwise_not(tmpMask, borderMask1u(rect));
		getGrabMask(edge1u, borderMask1u);

		//blur(res1u, invRes1u, Size(3, 3));
		//PointSeti hullPnts;
		//convexHullOfMask(invRes1u, hullPnts);
		//fillConvexPoly(invRes1u, hullPnts, 255);
		//bitwise_not(invRes1u, invRes1u);
		//bitwise_or(invRes1u, borderMask1u, borderMask1u);
		imwrite(salDir + namesNE[i] + "_MB2.png", borderMask1u);

		//double w =  maxWeight - (maxWeight-1)*sum(res1u).val[0]/(borderMask1u.rows*borderMask1u.cols*255 - sum(borderMask1u).val[0]);
		cutMF.initialize(rect, borderMask1u, 2);

		//printf("weight = %g\n", w);
		//imshow("Result", res1u);
		//imshow("Possible", borderMask1u);
		//imshow("Image", imMat3f);

		res1u = cutMF.drawResult();

		Rect rectRes = CmCv::GetMaskRange(res1u, 5, 128);
		if (rectRes.width * 1.1 < rect.width || rectRes.height * 1.1 < rect.height){ // Too short result
			printf("%s.jpg contains a small object\n", _S(namesNE[i]));
			memset(borderMask1u.data, 255, borderMask1u.step.p[0] * borderMask1u.rows);
			borderMask1u(rect) = Scalar(0);
			cutMF.initialize(rect, borderMask1u, 2);
			res1u = cutMF.drawResult();
			imwrite(salDir + namesNE[i] + "_MB2.png", borderMask1u);
			CmFile::Copy2Dir(salDir + namesNE[i] + "*.*", iluDir);
			imwrite(iluDir + namesNE[i] + "_GCMF.png", _res1u);

		imwrite(salDir + namesNE[i] + "_GCMF.png", _res1u);
	double avgTime = tm.TimeInSeconds()/imgNum;
	printf("Speed: %gs, %gfps\t\t\n", avgTime, 1/avgTime);
	//CmEvaluation::EvalueMask(imgDir + "*.png", salDir, ".png", "_GC.png");

	char* pDes[] = { "GCMF1", "GCMF"}; //, "CudaG4", "Onecut", "GC", "CudaH", 
	vecS des  = charPointers2StrVec (pDes);
	CStr rootDir = CmFile::GetFatherFolder(wkDir), dbName = CmFile::GetNameNE(wkDir.substr(0, wkDir.size() - 1));
	CmEvaluation::EvalueMask(imgDir + "*.png", salDir, des, wkDir.substr(0, wkDir.size() - 1) + "Res.m", 0.3, false, "", dbName);
Esempio n. 14
//./Sp_demo -i <img_filename> -n <nPixels_on_side> --i_std <i_std>
int main( int argc, char** argv )
    // get the image filename, nPixels_in_square_side and i_std
    // the defaults
    String filename = "image/2.jpg";
    int nPixels_in_square_side = 15;
    int i_std = 20;

    for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
        std::string arg = argv[i];
        if ((arg == "-h") || (arg == "--help")) {
            return 0;
        else if ((arg == "-i") || (arg == "--img_filename")) {
            if (i + 1 < argc) { 
                filename = argv[i];
            } else {
                std::cerr << "--img_filename option requires one argument." << std::endl;
                return 1;
        else if ((arg == "-n") || (arg == "--nPixels_on_side")) {
            if (i + 1 < argc) { 
                nPixels_in_square_side = atoi (argv[i]);
                if (nPixels_in_square_side<3) {
                    std::cerr << "--nPixels_in_square_side option requires nPixels_in_square_side >= 3." << std::endl;
                    return 1;

            } else {
                std::cerr << "--nPixels_on_side option requires one argument." << std::endl;
                return 1;
        else if (arg == "--i_std") {
            if (i + 1 < argc) { 
                i_std = atoi (argv[i]);
                if (i_std<5 || i_std>40) {
                    std::cerr << "--i_std option requires 5<= value <=40." << std::endl;
                    return 1;
            } else {
                std::cerr << "--i_std option requires a number." << std::endl;
                return 1;


    cout << "finish reading the arguments" << endl;

    Mat image = imread(filename, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
    // Check for invalid input
    if(! image.data ){
        cout <<  "Could not open or find the image" << std::endl ;
        return -1;

    cout << "finish reading the image" << endl;
    //Part 1: Specify the parameters:
    superpixel_options spoptions = get_sp_options(nPixels_in_square_side, i_std);

    // Part 2 : prepare for segmentation
    int dimy = image.rows;
    int dimx = image.cols;
    Superpixels sp = Superpixels(dimx, dimy, spoptions);
    //cout << "finish init sp" << endl;
    sp.load_img((unsigned char*)(image.data));

   //cout << "finish loading the image" << endl;

    // Part 3: Do the superpixel segmentation
    clock_t start,finish;
    start = clock();

    cudaError_t err_t = cudaDeviceSynchronize();
    if (err_t){
        std::cerr << "CUDA error after cudaDeviceSynchronize. " << std::endl;
        return 0;
    finish = clock();
    cout<< "Segmentation takes " << ((double)(finish-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC) << " sec" << endl;

    // Part 4: Save the mean/boundary image 
    Mat border_img = sp.get_img_overlaid();
    String fname_res_border = "image/result/img_border.png";
    imwrite(fname_res_border, border_img);
    cout << "saved " << fname_res_border << endl;

    Mat mean_img = sp.get_img_cartoon();
    String fname_res_mean = "image/result/img_mean.png";
    imwrite(fname_res_mean, mean_img);
    cout << "saving " << fname_res_mean << endl;

    return 0;
vector<Plate> DetectRegions::segment(Mat input){
    vector<Plate> output;

    //convert image to gray
    Mat img_gray;
    cvtColor(input, img_gray, CV_BGR2GRAY);
    blur(img_gray, img_gray, Size(5,5));

    //Finde vertical lines. Car plates have high density of vertical lines
    Mat img_sobel;
    Sobel(img_gray, img_sobel, CV_8U, 1, 0, 3, 1, 0, BORDER_DEFAULT);
        imshow("Sobel", img_sobel);

    //threshold image
    Mat img_threshold;
    threshold(img_sobel, img_threshold, 0, 255, CV_THRESH_OTSU+CV_THRESH_BINARY);
        imshow("Threshold", img_threshold);

    //Morphplogic operation close
    Mat element = getStructuringElement(MORPH_RECT, Size(17, 3) );
    morphologyEx(img_threshold, img_threshold, CV_MOP_CLOSE, element);
        imshow("Close", img_threshold);

    //Find contours of possibles plates
    vector< vector< Point> > contours;
            contours, // a vector of contours
            CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, // retrieve the external contours
            CV_CHAIN_APPROX_NONE); // all pixels of each contours

    //Start to iterate to each contour founded
    vector<vector<Point> >::iterator itc= contours.begin();
    vector<RotatedRect> rects;

    //Remove patch that are no inside limits of aspect ratio and area.
    while (itc!=contours.end()) {
        //Create bounding rect of object
        RotatedRect mr= minAreaRect(Mat(*itc));
        if( !verifySizes(mr)){
            itc= contours.erase(itc);

    // Draw blue contours on a white image
    cv::Mat result;
            -1, // draw all contours
            cv::Scalar(255,0,0), // in blue
            1); // with a thickness of 1

    for(int i=0; i< (int)rects.size(); i++){

        //For better rect cropping for each posible box
        //Make floodfill algorithm because the plate has white background
        //And then we can retrieve more clearly the contour box
        circle(result, rects[i].center, 3, Scalar(0,255,0), -1);
        //get the min size between width and height
        float minSize=(rects[i].size.width < rects[i].size.height)?rects[i].size.width:rects[i].size.height;
        //initialize rand and get 5 points around center for floodfill algorithm
        //srand ( time(NULL) );
        //Initialize floodfill parameters and variables
        Mat mask;
        mask.create(input.rows + 2, input.cols + 2, CV_8UC1);
        mask= Scalar::all(0);
        int loDiff = 30;
        int upDiff = 30;
        int connectivity = 4;
        int newMaskVal = 255;
        int NumSeeds = 10;
        Rect ccomp;
        int flags = connectivity + (newMaskVal << 8 ) + CV_FLOODFILL_FIXED_RANGE + CV_FLOODFILL_MASK_ONLY;
        for(int j=0; j<NumSeeds; j++){
            Point seed;
            circle(result, seed, 1, Scalar(0,255,255), -1);
            floodFill(input, mask, seed, Scalar(255,0,0), &ccomp, Scalar(loDiff, loDiff, loDiff), Scalar(upDiff, upDiff, upDiff), flags);
            imshow("MASK", mask);

        //Check new floodfill mask match for a correct patch.
        //Get all points detected for get Minimal rotated Rect
        vector<Point> pointsInterest;
        Mat_<uchar>::iterator itMask= mask.begin<uchar>();
        Mat_<uchar>::iterator end= mask.end<uchar>();
        for( ; itMask!=end; ++itMask)

        RotatedRect minRect = minAreaRect(pointsInterest);

            // rotated rectangle drawing
            Point2f rect_points[4]; minRect.points( rect_points );
            for( int j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
                line( result, rect_points[j], rect_points[(j+1)%4], Scalar(0,0,255), 1, 8 );

            //Get rotation matrix
            float r= (float)minRect.size.width / (float)minRect.size.height;
            float angle=minRect.angle;
            Mat rotmat= getRotationMatrix2D(minRect.center, angle,1);

            //Create and rotate image
            Mat img_rotated;
            warpAffine(input, img_rotated, rotmat, input.size(), CV_INTER_CUBIC);

            //Crop image
            Size rect_size=minRect.size;
            if(r < 1)
                swap(rect_size.width, rect_size.height);
            Mat img_crop;
            getRectSubPix(img_rotated, rect_size, minRect.center, img_crop);

            Mat resultResized;
            resultResized.create(33,144, CV_8UC3);
            resize(img_crop, resultResized, resultResized.size(), 0, 0, INTER_CUBIC);
            //Equalize croped image
            Mat grayResult;
            cvtColor(resultResized, grayResult, CV_BGR2GRAY);
            blur(grayResult, grayResult, Size(3,3));
                stringstream ss(stringstream::in | stringstream::out);
                ss << ".\\output\\possible_plates\\" << filename << "_" << i << ".JPG";
                imwrite(ss.str(), grayResult);
        imshow("Contours", result);

    return output;