Esempio n. 1
	static inline A0 finalize(const A0& a0, const A0&  ,
				  const A0& c , const A0& k,
				  const A0&   , const A0& )
	  A0 y = fast_ldexp(c, toint(k));
	  //adjust for 10^n n flint
	  return  sel(b_and(is_gtz(a0), is_flint(a0)),  round2even(y), y);
Esempio n. 2
	static inline A0 finalize(const A0& a0, const A0& x,
				  const A0& c, const A0 & k,
				  const A0& ,const A0& )
	  A0 y = oneminus(((-(x*c)/(Two<A0>()-c))-x));
	  y = fast_ldexp(y, toint(k));
	  // adjust for 2^n n flint
	  return  sel(b_and(is_gtz(a0), is_flint(a0)),  round2even(y), y);
Esempio n. 3
    result_type operator()(A0& out, const A1& in) const
      size_t n =  boost::proto::child_c<0>(in);
      value_type fn =  value_type(n);
      table<value_type> ns =  nt2::cons(of_size(1, 3), fn, fn/12, fn/20);
      table<i_type> ee(nt2::of_size(1, 3));
      table<value_type> ff(nt2::of_size(1, 3));
//      nt2::frexp(ns, ff, ee);
      nt2::frexp(ns(1), ff(1), ee(1));
      nt2::frexp(ns(2), ff(2), ee(2));
      nt2::frexp(ns(3), ff(3), ee(3));
      BOOST_AUTO_TPL(kk, nt2::find(nt2::logical_and(eq(ff, nt2::Half<value_type>()), is_gtz(ee))));
      BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(!nt2::isempty(kk), "n must be of form 2^m or  12*2^m or 20*2^m");
      size_t k =  kk(1);
      i_type e = nt2::minusone(ee(k));
      out.resize(nt2::of_size(n, n));
      table<value_type> h;
      if (k == 1) //    n = 1 * 2^e;
        h = nt2::One<value_type>();
      else if ( k == 2) // N = 12 * 2^e;
        h = nt2::vertcat(nt2::ones(1,12,meta::as_<value_type>()),
                                      nt2::toeplitz(cons<value_type>(of_size(1, 11), -1, -1,  1, -1, -1, -1,  1,  1,  1, -1,  1),
                                                    cons<value_type>(of_size(1, 11), -1,  1, -1,  1,  1,  1, -1, -1, -1,  1, -1)
      else if ( k == 3) // N = 20 * 2^e;
          h = vertcat(nt2::ones(1,20,meta::as_<value_type>()),
                              nt2::hankel(cons<value_type>(of_size(1, 19),-1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1),
                                          cons<value_type>(of_size(1, 19),1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1)
      //  Kronecker product construction.
      for (i_type i = 1; i <= e; ++i)
        table<value_type> h1 =  nt2::vertcat(nt2::horzcat(h, h), nt2::horzcat(h, -h));
        h =  h1;  //ALIASING
      out =  h;
      return out;
Esempio n. 4
 static inline void split(const X& x, size_t minsubs, XX& xx, L & pathlen)
   //  Split subintervals in the interval vector X so that, to working
   //  precision, no subinterval is longer than 1/minsubs times the
   //  total path length. Removes subintervals of zero length, except
   //  that the resulting X will always has at least two elements on
   //  return, i.e., if the total path length is zero, X will be
   //  collapsed into a single interval of zero length.  Also returns
   //  the integration path length.
   typedef typename X::value_type                         itype_t;
   typedef typename meta::as_logical<itype_t>             btype_t;
   typedef typename meta::as_integer<itype_t, signed>    iitype_t;
   typedef typename container::table<itype_t>              itab_t;
   typedef typename meta::as_real<itype_t>::type          rtype_t;
   typedef typename container::table<rtype_t>              rtab_t;
   typedef typename container::table<ptrdiff_t>            ptab_t;
   rtab_t absdx = nt2::abs(nt2::diff(x));
   pathlen = nt2::globalasum1(absdx);
   xx = x;
   if (pathlen > 0)
     rtype_t udelta = minsubs/pathlen;
     rtab_t tmp_nnew =  nt2::minusone(nt2::ceil(absdx*udelta));
     //BOOST_AUTO_TPL(tmp_nnew, nt2::minusone(nt2::ceil(absdx*udelta)));
     ptab_t idxnew = nt2::rowvect(nt2::find(is_gtz(tmp_nnew)));
     rtab_t nnew = tmp_nnew(idxnew);
     for (size_t j = nt2::numel(idxnew); j >= 1; --j)
       ptrdiff_t k = idxnew(j);
       rtype_t nnj = nnew(j);
       //Calculate new points.
       itab_t  newpts =  x(k)+(nt2::_(One<rtype_t>(), nnj)/oneplus(nnj))*(x(k+1)-x(k));
       //          newpts = newpts+x(k);
       // Insert the new points.
       itab_t xx1 = nt2::cath(nt2::cath(xx(nt2::_(begin_, k)),newpts),xx(nt2::_(k+1, end_)));
       xx =  xx1;
   // Remove useless subintervals.
   itab_t xx1 = xx(nt2::cath(nt2::One<ptrdiff_t>(), nt2::oneplus(nt2::rowvect(nt2::find(nt2::is_nez(nt2::diff(xx)))))));
   if (nt2::isscalar(xx1))
     xx = nt2::repnum(xx(begin_), 2, 1);
     xx =  xx1;
Esempio n. 5
 BOOST_FORCEINLINE result_type operator()(const A0& a0, const A1&, const A2&) const
   BOOST_ASSERT_MSG(is_gtz(a0), "Matrix must be positive definite");
   return nt2::sqrt(a0);