int soul_create(soul_t *creature, char *name, char *desc, char p_class, int lvl) { tools("clear", NULL); //unsigned long pass; char plaintext[64]; if(name == NULL) { printf(" Name: "); fgets(creature->name, sizeof(creature->name), stdin); // set p->name to input data. creature->name[strcspn(creature->name, "\n")] = 0; // remove trailing '\n' if(!file_exists(creature->name)) { if(PASSWD) { printf(" Password: "******" Description: "); fgets(creature->desc, sizeof(creature->desc), stdin); //set p->desc to input data. creature->desc[strcspn(creature->desc, "\n")] = 0; // removetrailing '\n' creature->speed = 3.5; // Generate player speed creature->luck = 25; // Set player's initial luck. creature->type = 'p'; // Set player's type. ( p = player, m = mob ) creature->gold = 500.00; // Set base gold value player owns. class_create(creature, 0, 1); // Call on selectings the player's class. printf("\n Player name: %s\n Description: %s\n Health: %d\n Damage: %d\n Speed: %.1f", creature->name, creature->desc, creature->hp, creature->dmg, creature->speed); printf(" Primary Skill:\n %s, %.1f \n", creature->skill->name, creature->skill->val); item_init(&creature->objs.bandaid, "Bandage", 25); // Give player bandages. save(creature); // Save the player. getchar(); tools("pause", NULL); } else load_profile(creature); } else { strncpy(creature->name, name, sizeof(creature->name)); // Changed from strcpy (safer now) strncpy(creature->desc, desc, sizeof(creature->desc)); // Same as above. creature->speed = 4.5; // Set speed. creature->type = 'm'; // Set type to mob ( m = mob ) creature->gold = (250.00 * ((float)lvl / 2)); // Gold being held. item_init(&creature->objs.bandaid, "Bandage", 0); // No bandages for the NPC! class_create(creature, p_class, lvl); // Assign the class. } return 0; }
hash_table_t * duplicate_process_ht(hash_table_t * h, hash_table_t * usage_map) { int i; item_t * cur; fd_item_t * fd_it; fd_item_t * fd_it_old; hash_table_t * ht = malloc(sizeof(hash_table_t)); hash_table_init(ht, h->entries, h->op); for (i = 0; i < h->entries; i++) { cur = h->entry[i].head; while ( cur != NULL ) { fd_it = new_fd_item(); fd_it_old = list_entry(cur, fd_item_t, item); fd_it->old_fd = fd_it_old->old_fd; item_init(&fd_it->item); memcpy(fd_it->fd_map, fd_it_old->fd_map, sizeof(fd_map_t)); hash_table_insert(ht, &fd_it->old_fd, &fd_it->item); increase_fd_usage(usage_map, fd_it_old->fd_map->my_fd); cur = cur->next; } } return ht; }
int init_config(void) { int id, ret, len = 0; void * cfg = (void *)ITEMS_LOWBASE; printf("cfg: 0x%p\n", cfg); id = boot_device(); switch(id) { case DEV_EEPROM: case DEV_FLASH: cfg = (void *)(IRAM_BASE_PA + BL_SIZE_FIXED - ITEM_SIZE_EMBEDDED); len = ITEM_SIZE_EMBEDDED; break ; case DEV_BND: id = DEV_NAND; default: printf("read items: id=%d\n", id); ret = vs_assign_by_id(id, 1); if (ret) return ret; ret = vs_read(cfg, BL_LOC_CONFIG, ITEM_SIZE_NORMAL, 0); if (ret < 0) return ret; len = ITEM_SIZE_NORMAL; } printf("begin init.\n"); return item_init(cfg, len); }
inline fd_usage_t * new_fd_usage() { fd_usage_t * fd_usage; fd_usage = malloc(sizeof(fd_usage_t)); item_init(&fd_usage->item); fd_usage->usage = 0; return fd_usage; }
static void item_free (struct item_s *it) { ASSERT (it != NULL); _close (&(it->fd)); _close (it->pfd + 0); _close (it->pfd + 1); item_init (it); free (it); }
item_t * new_process_ht(int32_t pid) { process_hash_item_t * p_ht_it = malloc(sizeof(process_hash_item_t)); p_ht_it->ht = malloc(sizeof(hash_table_t)); item_init(&p_ht_it->item); hash_table_init(p_ht_it->ht, HASH_TABLE_SIZE, &ht_ops_fditem); p_ht_it->pid = pid; return &p_ht_it->item; }
static void null_leave(struct state *st, struct state *next, int id) { part_init(); shad_init(); ball_init(); item_init(); geom_init(); gui_init(); hud_init(); }
inline fd_item_t * new_fd_item() { fd_item_t * fd_item; fd_item = malloc(sizeof(fd_item_t)); item_init(&fd_item->item); fd_item->fd_map = malloc(sizeof(fd_map_t)); memset(fd_item->fd_map->parent_fds, -1, MAX_PARENT_IDS * sizeof(int)); fd_item->fd_map->last_par_index = -1; return fd_item; }
static int draw_city(game_t * game) { int i; int x,y; int num_item; int size_pic; llist_t * cur_list; city_t * cur_city; if( item_city != NULL ) { free(item_city); } item_city = NULL; num_item = 0; for(i=0; i<game->opponent_num+1; i++) { cur_list = game->wiz[i].city; while(cur_list!=NULL ) { cur_city = (city_t*)cur_list->data; if(cur_city->side != cur_side) { cur_list = cur_list->next; continue; } item_city = (item_t*)realloc(item_city,sizeof(item_t)*(num_item+1)); x = get_tile_coord_x(cur_city->x, game); y = get_tile_coord_y(cur_city->y, game); /* City picture are larger than tiles picture */ x -= (back[CITY_NOWALL].w - TILE_SIZE_W)/2; y -= (back[CITY_NOWALL].h - TILE_SIZE_H)/2; item_init(&item_city[num_item]); size_pic = cur_city->population/10000; if(size_pic > 5 ) { size_pic = 5; } item_set_frame(&item_city[num_item],x,y+1, &back[CITY_NOWALL]); item_set_frame_normal(&item_city[num_item],size_pic); item_set_click_right(&item_city[num_item],cb_city_screen,cur_city); num_item++; cur_list = cur_list->next; } } return num_item; }
static int draw_encounter(game_t * game) { int x,y; int num_item; llist_t * cur_list; encounter_t * cur_encounter; if( item_encounter != NULL ) { free(item_encounter); } item_encounter = NULL; num_item = 0; cur_list = game->encounter; while(cur_list!=NULL ) { cur_encounter = (encounter_t*)cur_list->data; if(cur_encounter->side != cur_side) { cur_list = cur_list->next; continue; } item_encounter = (item_t*)realloc(item_encounter,sizeof(item_t)*(num_item+1)); x = get_tile_coord_x(cur_encounter->x, game); y = get_tile_coord_y(cur_encounter->y, game); item_init(&item_encounter[num_item]); item_set_frame(&item_encounter[num_item],x,y+1, &back[cur_encounter->type]); num_item++; cur_list = cur_list->next; } return num_item; }
static void main_init_srv (char **urlv) { int rc, opt; struct sockaddr_storage ss; for (char **pu = urlv; *pu; ++pu) { struct item_s *srv = malloc (sizeof (struct item_s)); item_init (srv); if (!sockaddr_init (SA (&ss), *pu)) abort (); srv->events = EPOLLIN; srv->type = SERVER; srv->fd = socket (SAFAM (&ss), SOCK_STREAM | O_CLOEXEC | O_NONBLOCK, 0); ASSERT (srv->fd >= 0); opt = 1; setsockopt (srv->fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &opt, sizeof (opt)); rc = bind (srv->fd, SA (&ss), SALEN (&ss)); ASSERT (rc == 0); rc = listen (srv->fd, front_backlog); ASSERT (rc == 0); struct epoll_event evt; retry_add: = srv; = EPOLLIN; rc = epoll_ctl (fd_epoll, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, srv->fd, &evt); if (rc < 0) { if (errno == EINTR) goto retry_add; ASSERT (rc == 0); } } }
static int draw_tile(game_t * game) { int tile_x,tile_y; int index; item_t * item_cur; int num_tile_w = ORIGINAL_GAME_WIDTH/TILE_SIZE_W ; int num_tile_h = ORIGINAL_GAME_HEIGHT/TILE_SIZE_H +2 ; int x,y; int count_w; int count_h; int tile_index; if( item_tile == NULL ) { item_tile = (item_t*)malloc(sizeof(item_t)*game->map->width*game->map->height); } index=0; for( count_w = -num_tile_w/2; count_w < num_tile_w/2; count_w ++) { for( count_h=(-num_tile_h/2); count_h<num_tile_h/2; count_h++) { tile_y=cur_tile_y+count_h; if(tile_y < 0 || tile_y >= game->map->height) { continue; } tile_x=(cur_tile_x+game->map->width+count_w)%game->map->width; item_cur = &item_tile[index]; item_init(item_cur); x=orig_x+(count_w*TILE_SIZE_W); y=orig_y+(count_h*TILE_SIZE_H); tile_index=game->map->side[cur_side].tile[tile_x][tile_y]; item_set_anim(item_cur,x,y,&tile[tile_index]); item_set_click_right(item_cur,cb_move_map,(void*)(((intptr_t)tile_x<<16)+(intptr_t)tile_y)); index++; } } return index; }
extern EOdeque * eo_deque_New(eOsizeitem_t item_size, eOsizecntnr_t capacity, eOres_fp_voidp_uint32_t item_init, uint32_t init_par, eOres_fp_voidp_voidp_t item_copy, eOres_fp_voidp_t item_clear) { EOdeque *retptr = NULL; uint8_t *start = NULL; uint8_t *item = NULL; // uint32_t pos = 0; eOsizecntnr_t i = 0; eOmempool_alignment_t align = eo_mempool_align_08bit; // i get the memory for the object. no need to check versus NULL because the memory pool already does it retptr = (EOdeque*) eo_mempool_GetMemory(eo_mempool_GetHandle(), eo_mempool_align_32bit, sizeof(EOdeque), 1); // now the object has valid memory. i need to initialise it with user-defined data, retptr->size = 0; retptr->first = 0; retptr->next = 0; eo_errman_Assert(eo_errman_GetHandle(), (0 != item_size), "eo_deque_New(): 0 item_size", s_eobj_ownname, &eo_errman_DescrWrongParamLocal); eo_errman_Assert(eo_errman_GetHandle(), (0 != capacity), "eo_deque_New(): 0 capacity", s_eobj_ownname, &eo_errman_DescrWrongParamLocal); retptr->item_size = item_size; retptr->sizeofstoreditem = item_size; retptr->capacity = capacity; retptr->item_init_fn = item_init; retptr->item_init_par = init_par; retptr->item_copy_fn = item_copy; retptr->item_clear_fn = item_clear; // now we get memory for copying objects inside if(1 == item_size) { align = eo_mempool_align_08bit; } else if(2 == item_size) { align = eo_mempool_align_16bit; } else if (item_size <= 4) { align = eo_mempool_align_32bit; retptr->sizeofstoreditem = 4; } else { // use 8-bytes alignment for everything else align = eo_mempool_align_64bit; retptr->sizeofstoreditem = (item_size+7)/8; retptr->sizeofstoreditem *= 8; } //#warning --> se alloco memoria per n oggetti (eg. di dimensione 6) in modo che ci sia allineamento ad 8, come indicizzo gli oggetti? a 6 oppure a 8? // da codice si evince a 6 ... quindi perche' spreco memoria nell'allocazione? // se uso dynamic, il heap viene gestito con allineamento a 8. ma quetso vuol dire che per 4 oggetti: 6*4 = 24 che sono tre uint64_t. // se uso align_64, anche qui ho array da uint64_t ma per 4 oggetti uso 4*(6+7)/8 = 4*1 = quattro uint64_t .... si spreca perche arrotondo sul item size e non sul totale. // here is the memory from the correct memory pool (or the heap) retptr->stored_items = (void*) eo_mempool_GetMemory(eo_mempool_GetHandle(), align, item_size, capacity); start = (uint8_t*) (retptr->stored_items); for(i=0; i<capacity; i++) { // cast to uint32_t to tell the reader that index of array start[] can be bigger than max eOsizecntnr_t item = &start[(uint32_t)i * item_size]; if(NULL != item_init) { // construct each item item_init(item, init_par); } else { // default init s_eo_deque_default_init(item, retptr); } } return(retptr); }
Item *item_new(char const *str, int value) { Item *this = malloc(sizeof(Item)); item_init(this); item_set(this, str, value); return this; }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { int c; conn *l_conn; struct in_addr addr; int lock_memory = 0; int daemonize = 0; int maxcore = 0; char *username = 0; struct passwd *pw; struct sigaction sa; struct rlimit rlim; char *pid_file = NULL; /* init settings */ settings_init(); /* process arguments */ while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "p:m:Mc:khirvdl:u:P:")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'p': settings.port = atoi(optarg); break; case 'm': settings.maxbytes = atoi(optarg)*1024*1024; break; case 'M': settings.evict_to_free = 0; break; case 'c': settings.maxconns = atoi(optarg); break; case 'h': usage(); exit(0); case 'i': usage_license(); exit(0); case 'k': lock_memory = 1; break; case 'v': settings.verbose++; break; case 'l': if (!inet_aton(optarg, &addr)) { fprintf(stderr, "Illegal address: %s\n", optarg); return 1; } else { settings.interface = addr; } break; case 'd': daemonize = 1; break; case 'r': maxcore = 1; break; case 'u': username = optarg; break; case 'P': pid_file = optarg; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Illegal argument \"%c\"\n", c); return 1; } } if (maxcore) { struct rlimit rlim_new; /* * First try raising to infinity; if that fails, try bringing * the soft limit to the hard. */ if (getrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &rlim)==0) { rlim_new.rlim_cur = rlim_new.rlim_max = RLIM_INFINITY; if (setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &rlim_new)!=0) { /* failed. try raising just to the old max */ rlim_new.rlim_cur = rlim_new.rlim_max = rlim.rlim_max; (void) setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &rlim_new); } } /* * getrlimit again to see what we ended up with. Only fail if * the soft limit ends up 0, because then no core files will be * created at all. */ if ((getrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &rlim)!=0) || rlim.rlim_cur==0) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to ensure corefile creation\n"); exit(1); } } /* * If needed, increase rlimits to allow as many connections * as needed. */ if (getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rlim) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to getrlimit number of files\n"); exit(1); } else { int maxfiles = settings.maxconns; if (rlim.rlim_cur < maxfiles) rlim.rlim_cur = maxfiles + 3; if (rlim.rlim_max < rlim.rlim_cur) rlim.rlim_max = rlim.rlim_cur; if (setrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rlim) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to set rlimit for open files. Try running as root or requesting smaller maxconns value.\n"); exit(1); } } /* * initialization order: first create the listening socket * (may need root on low ports), then drop root if needed, * then daemonise if needed, then init libevent (in some cases * descriptors created by libevent wouldn't survive forking). */ /* create the listening socket and bind it */ l_socket = server_socket(settings.port); if (l_socket == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to listen\n"); exit(1); } /* lose root privileges if we have them */ if (getuid()== 0 || geteuid()==0) { if (username==0 || *username=='\0') { fprintf(stderr, "can't run as root without the -u switch\n"); return 1; } if ((pw = getpwnam(username)) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "can't find the user %s to switch to\n", username); return 1; } if (setgid(pw->pw_gid)<0 || setuid(pw->pw_uid)<0) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to assume identity of user %s\n", username); return 1; } } /* daemonize if requested */ /* if we want to ensure our ability to dump core, don't chdir to / */ if (daemonize) { int res; res = daemon(maxcore, settings.verbose); if (res == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to daemon() in order to daemonize\n"); return 1; } } /* initialize other stuff */ item_init(); event_init(); stats_init(); assoc_init(); conn_init(); slabs_init(settings.maxbytes); /* lock paged memory if needed */ if (lock_memory) { #ifdef HAVE_MLOCKALL mlockall(MCL_CURRENT | MCL_FUTURE); #else fprintf(stderr, "warning: mlockall() not supported on this platform. proceeding without.\n"); #endif } /* * ignore SIGPIPE signals; we can use errno==EPIPE if we * need that information */ sa.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; sa.sa_flags = 0; if (sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask) == -1 || sigaction(SIGPIPE, &sa, 0) == -1) { perror("failed to ignore SIGPIPE; sigaction"); exit(1); } /* create the initial listening connection */ if (!(l_conn = conn_new(l_socket, conn_listening, EV_READ | EV_PERSIST))) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to create listening connection"); exit(1); } /* initialise deletion array and timer event */ deltotal = 200; delcurr = 0; todelete = malloc(sizeof(item *)*deltotal); delete_handler(0,0,0); /* sets up the event */ /* save the PID in if we're a daemon */ if (daemonize) save_pid(getpid(),pid_file); /* enter the loop */ event_loop(0); /* remove the PID file if we're a daemon */ if (daemonize) remove_pidfile(pid_file); return 0; }
int class_create(soul_t *p, char p_class, int lvl) { char opt; // "Option" for switch statement. byte lpctr; // While variable to be changed to break. lpctr = 0; // 1 will break the while loop. opt = p_class; tools("clear", NULL); while(!lpctr) { if(opt != 'a' && opt != 'm' && opt != 'w') { fflush(stdout); printf("[%s, %s]\n", p->name, p->desc); printf(" Choose a class: \n\n"); printf(" [A]rcher\n [M]age\n [W]arrior\n\n Option [a/m/w]: "); opt = getchar(); opt = tolower(opt); } p->objs.arrow.amount = 0; p->objs.reagent.amount = 0; switch(opt) { case 'a': // Archer p->stats.dexterity = 13 * lvl; p->stats.wisdom = 6 * lvl; p->stats.strength = 6 * lvl; p->stats.range = 2; p->stats.cls = 'a'; // Class = Archer p->stats.p = 'd'; // Primary stat (dexterity) p->stats.s = 's'; // Secondary stat (strength) p->stats.t = 'w'; // Tertiary stat (wisdom) //p->attr.pri = &p->attr.dexterity; //p->attr.sec = &p->attr.strength; // Used for stat_gain //p->attr.ter = &p->attr.wisdom; p->skill = &p->bucket.archery; strncpy(p->skill->name, "Archery", 7); p->skill->val = 50.0; item_init(&p->objs.arrow, "Arrow", 250); p->consumable = &p->objs.arrow; lpctr = 1; // To break out of while. break; case 'm': // Mage p->stats.dexterity = 5 * lvl; p->stats.wisdom = 13 * lvl; p->stats.strength = 7 * lvl; p->stats.range = 1; p->stats.cls = 'm'; // Class = Mage p->stats.p = 'w'; // Primary stat (wisdom) p->stats.s = 'd'; // Secondary stat (dexterity) p->stats.t = 's'; // Tertiary stat (strength) //p->attr.pri = &p->attr.wisdom; //p->attr.sec = &p->attr.dexterity; // Used for stat_gain //p->attr.ter = &p->attr.strength; p->skill = &p->bucket.magery; strncpy(p->skill->name, "Magery", 6); p->skill->val = 50.0; item_init(&p->objs.reagent, "Reagent", 250); p->consumable = &p->objs.reagent; lpctr = 1; // To break out of while. break; case 'w': // Warrior p->stats.dexterity = 7 * lvl; p->stats.wisdom = 3 * lvl; p->stats.strength = 15 * lvl; p->stats.range = 0; p->stats.cls = 'w'; // Class = Warrior p->stats.p = 's'; // Primary stat (strength) p->stats.s = 'd'; // Secondary stat (dexterity) p->stats.t = 'w'; // Tertiary stat (wisdom) //p->attr.pri = &p->attr.strength; //p->attr.sec = &p->attr.dexterity; // Used for stat_gain //p->attr.ter = &p->attr.wisdom; p->skill = &p->bucket.fencing; strncpy(p->skill->name, "Fencing", 7); p->skill->val = 50.0; item_init(&p->objs.null, "NULL", 0); p->consumable = &p->objs.null; lpctr = 1; // To break out of while. break; default: printf("An error occured: [%c] is not a valid option.\n", opt); tools("pause", NULL); break; } p->hp = ((p->stats.strength * 3) + 50); p->hp_c = p->hp; p->stats.p_lck = 0; // Set primary skill unlocked (allows stat gain.) p->stats.s_lck = 0; // Set secondary skill unlocked. p->stats.t_lck = 0; // Set tertiary skill unlocked. } tools("clear", NULL); return 0; }
void screen_play(SDL_Renderer * render,game_t * game) { char gold_buf[128]; char mana_buf[128]; SDL_Event event; int tile_num; int unit_num; int city_num; int encounter_num; int i; int j; int x; LBXAnimation_t * anim_ptr; city_t * city; local_render = render; end_screen = -1; selected_group = NULL; city = (city_t*)game->wiz[0].city->data; cur_tile_x = city->x; cur_tile_y = city->y; load_font(); /* Load resource */ if(anim==NULL) { anim = load_graphics(render,"MAIN.LBX"); if(anim == NULL) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } /* Load tiles */ if(tile==NULL) { tile = load_graphics(render,"TERRAIN.LBX"); if(tile == NULL) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } /* Load unit */ if(unit1==NULL) { unit1 = load_graphics(render,"UNITS1.LBX"); if(unit1 == NULL) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if(unit2==NULL) { unit2 = load_graphics(render,"UNITS2.LBX"); if(unit2 == NULL) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } /* Concat unit1 and unit2 */ if(unit==NULL) { j=0; anim_ptr = unit1; for(i=0; i<2; i++) { while(anim_ptr->num_frame!=0) { unit = (LBXAnimation_t*)realloc(unit,(j+1)*sizeof(LBXAnimation_t)); memcpy(&unit[j],anim_ptr,sizeof(LBXAnimation_t)); anim_ptr++; j++; } anim_ptr= unit2; } } /* Load back */ if(back==NULL) { back = load_graphics(render,"MAPBACK.LBX"); if(back == NULL) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } j=0; item_init(&item_ui[j]); item_set_frame(&item_ui[j],0,0,&anim[j]); j++; x=7; item_init(&item_ui[j]); item_set_frame(&item_ui[j],x,4,&anim[j]); item_set_frame_click(&item_ui[j],1); j++; x+=item_ui[j-1].anim->w + 1; item_init(&item_ui[j]); item_set_frame(&item_ui[j],x,4,&anim[j]); item_set_frame_click(&item_ui[j],1); j++; x+=item_ui[j-1].anim->w + 1; item_init(&item_ui[j]); item_set_frame(&item_ui[j],x,4,&anim[j]); item_set_frame_click(&item_ui[j],1); j++; x+=item_ui[j-1].anim->w + 1; item_init(&item_ui[j]); item_set_frame(&item_ui[j],x,4,&anim[j]); item_set_frame_click(&item_ui[j],1); j++; x+=item_ui[j-1].anim->w + 1; item_init(&item_ui[j]); item_set_frame(&item_ui[j],x,4,&anim[j]); item_set_frame_click(&item_ui[j],1); j++; x+=item_ui[j-1].anim->w + 1; item_init(&item_ui[j]); item_set_frame(&item_ui[j],x,4,&anim[j]); item_set_frame_click(&item_ui[j],1); j++; x+=item_ui[j-1].anim->w + 1; item_init(&item_ui[j]); item_set_frame(&item_ui[j],x,4,&anim[j]); item_set_frame_click(&item_ui[j],1); item_set_click_left(&item_ui[j],cb_plane,NULL); j++; /* Main loop */ while( end_screen == -1) { tile_num = draw_tile(game); city_num = draw_city(game); encounter_num = draw_encounter(game); unit_num = draw_unit(game); /* Print gold */ item_init(&item_ui[8]); item_set_font(&item_ui[8],font); sprintf(gold_buf,"%d GP",game->wiz[0].gold); item_set_string(&item_ui[8],gold_buf); item_set_frame(&item_ui[8],264,71,NULL); /* Print mana */ item_init(&item_ui[9]); item_set_font(&item_ui[9],font); sprintf(mana_buf,"%d MP",game->wiz[0].mana); item_set_string(&item_ui[9],mana_buf); item_set_frame(&item_ui[9],300,71,NULL); while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { if(event.type==SDL_KEYDOWN && event.key.keysym.sym==SDLK_ESCAPE) { return; } /* Move selected_unit */ if(event.type==SDL_KEYDOWN ) { move_unit(game,event.key.keysym.sym); } sdl_screen_manager(&event); sdl_mouse_manager(&event,item_ui,ITM_UI_NUM); sdl_mouse_manager(&event,item_city,city_num); sdl_mouse_manager(&event,item_encounter,encounter_num); sdl_mouse_manager(&event,item_tile,tile_num); sdl_mouse_manager(&event,item_unit,unit_num); sdl_keyboard_manager(&event); } SDL_RenderClear(render); sdl_blit_item_list(item_tile,tile_num); sdl_blit_item_list(item_city,city_num); sdl_blit_item_list(item_encounter,encounter_num); sdl_blit_item_list(item_back,unit_num); sdl_blit_item_list(item_unit,unit_num); sdl_blit_item_list(item_ui,ITM_UI_NUM); sdl_blit_to_screen(); sdl_loop_manager(); } return; }
ATF_TC_BODY(queue_valid, tc) { isc_result_t result; item_queue_t queue; item_t one, two, three, four, five; item_t *p; UNUSED(tc); ISC_QUEUE_INIT(queue, qlink); item_init(&one, 1); item_init(&two, 2); item_init(&three, 3); item_init(&four, 4); item_init(&five, 5); result = isc_test_begin(NULL, ISC_TRUE); ATF_REQUIRE_EQ(result, ISC_R_SUCCESS); ATF_CHECK(ISC_QUEUE_EMPTY(queue)); ISC_QUEUE_POP(queue, qlink, p); ATF_CHECK(p == NULL); ATF_CHECK(! ISC_QLINK_LINKED(&one, qlink)); ISC_QUEUE_PUSH(queue, &one, qlink); ATF_CHECK(ISC_QLINK_LINKED(&one, qlink)); ATF_CHECK(! ISC_QUEUE_EMPTY(queue)); ISC_QUEUE_POP(queue, qlink, p); ATF_REQUIRE(p != NULL); ATF_CHECK_EQ(p->value, 1); ATF_CHECK(ISC_QUEUE_EMPTY(queue)); ATF_CHECK(! ISC_QLINK_LINKED(p, qlink)); ISC_QUEUE_PUSH(queue, p, qlink); ATF_CHECK(! ISC_QUEUE_EMPTY(queue)); ATF_CHECK(ISC_QLINK_LINKED(p, qlink)); ATF_CHECK(! ISC_QLINK_LINKED(&two, qlink)); ISC_QUEUE_PUSH(queue, &two, qlink); ATF_CHECK(ISC_QLINK_LINKED(&two, qlink)); ATF_CHECK(! ISC_QLINK_LINKED(&three, qlink)); ISC_QUEUE_PUSH(queue, &three, qlink); ATF_CHECK(ISC_QLINK_LINKED(&three, qlink)); ATF_CHECK(! ISC_QLINK_LINKED(&four, qlink)); ISC_QUEUE_PUSH(queue, &four, qlink); ATF_CHECK(ISC_QLINK_LINKED(&four, qlink)); ATF_CHECK(! ISC_QLINK_LINKED(&five, qlink)); ISC_QUEUE_PUSH(queue, &five, qlink); ATF_CHECK(ISC_QLINK_LINKED(&five, qlink)); ISC_QUEUE_POP(queue, qlink, p); ATF_REQUIRE(p != NULL); ATF_CHECK_EQ(p->value, 1); ISC_QUEUE_POP(queue, qlink, p); ATF_REQUIRE(p != NULL); ATF_CHECK_EQ(p->value, 2); ISC_QUEUE_POP(queue, qlink, p); ATF_REQUIRE(p != NULL); ATF_CHECK_EQ(p->value, 3); ISC_QUEUE_POP(queue, qlink, p); ATF_REQUIRE(p != NULL); ATF_CHECK_EQ(p->value, 4); ISC_QUEUE_POP(queue, qlink, p); ATF_REQUIRE(p != NULL); ATF_CHECK_EQ(p->value, 5); ATF_CHECK(ISC_QUEUE_EMPTY(queue)); ISC_QUEUE_DESTROY(queue); isc_test_end(); }
static int draw_unit(game_t * game) { int i; int x,y; int num_item; group_t * grp_list; unit_list_t * ulist; unit_t * cur_unit; if( item_unit != NULL ) { free(item_unit); } if( item_back != NULL ) { free(item_back); } if(selected_group == NULL ) { selected_group = (group_t *)game->wiz[0].group; blink_state = 0; } item_unit = NULL; item_back = NULL; num_item = 0; for(i=0; i<game->opponent_num+1; i++) { grp_list = game->wiz[i].group; while(grp_list!=NULL ) { ulist = (unit_list_t *)grp_list->data;; cur_unit = (unit_t*)ulist->data; if(cur_unit->side != cur_side) { grp_list = grp_list->next; continue; } item_unit = (item_t*)realloc(item_unit,sizeof(item_t)*(num_item+1)); item_back = (item_t*)realloc(item_back,sizeof(item_t)*(num_item+1)); x = get_tile_coord_x(cur_unit->x, game); y = get_tile_coord_y(cur_unit->y, game); item_init(&item_unit[num_item]); item_init(&item_back[num_item]); /* Blinking selected unit */ if( selected_group && grp_list == selected_group ) { if( SDL_GetTicks() > (blink_time+UNIT_BLINK_TIME) ) { blink_state=(blink_state+1)%2; blink_time=SDL_GetTicks(); } item_set_frame(&item_back[num_item],x,y, blink_state?&back[game->wiz[i].color + BACK_COLOR]:NULL); item_set_frame(&item_unit[num_item],x,y+1, blink_state?&unit[cur_unit->type]:NULL); } else { item_set_frame(&item_back[num_item],x,y, &back[game->wiz[i].color+BACK_COLOR]); item_set_frame(&item_unit[num_item],x,y+1, &unit[cur_unit->type]); } num_item++; grp_list = grp_list->next; } } return num_item; }