Esempio n. 1
FEI3dWedgeLin :: giveTransformationJacobian(const FloatArray &lcoords, const FEICellGeometry &cellgeo)
    FloatMatrix jacobianMatrix(3, 3);

    this->giveJacobianMatrixAt(jacobianMatrix, lcoords, cellgeo);
    return jacobianMatrix.giveDeterminant() / 2.; ///@todo Should this really be a factor 1/2 here?
Esempio n. 2
FEI3dHexaQuad :: giveTransformationJacobian(const FloatArray &lcoords, const FEICellGeometry &cellgeo)
    FloatMatrix jacobianMatrix(3, 3);

    this->giveJacobianMatrixAt(jacobianMatrix, lcoords, cellgeo);
    return jacobianMatrix.giveDeterminant();
Esempio n. 3
dgJacobian dgDynamicBody::IntegrateForceAndToque(const dgVector& force, const dgVector& torque, const dgVector& timestep)
	dgJacobian velocStep;
	if (m_gyroTorqueOn) {
		dgVector dtHalf(timestep * dgVector::m_half);
		dgMatrix matrix(m_gyroRotation, dgVector::m_wOne);

		dgVector localOmega(matrix.UnrotateVector(m_omega));
		dgVector localTorque(matrix.UnrotateVector(torque - m_gyroTorque));

		// derivative at half time step. (similar to midpoint Euler so that it does not loses too much energy)
		dgVector dw(localOmega * dtHalf);
		dgMatrix jacobianMatrix(
			dgVector(m_mass[0], (m_mass[2] - m_mass[1]) * dw[2], (m_mass[2] - m_mass[1]) * dw[1], dgFloat32(0.0f)),
			dgVector((m_mass[0] - m_mass[2]) * dw[2], m_mass[1], (m_mass[0] - m_mass[2]) * dw[0], dgFloat32(1.0f)),
			dgVector((m_mass[1] - m_mass[0]) * dw[1], (m_mass[1] - m_mass[0]) * dw[0], m_mass[2], dgFloat32(1.0f)),

		// and solving for alpha we get the angular acceleration at t + dt
		// calculate gradient at a full time step
		//dgVector gradientStep(localTorque * timestep);
		dgVector gradientStep(jacobianMatrix.SolveByGaussianElimination(localTorque * timestep));

		dgVector omega(matrix.RotateVector(localOmega + gradientStep));
		dgAssert(omega.m_w == dgFloat32(0.0f));

		// integrate rotation here
		dgFloat32 omegaMag2 = omega.DotProduct(omega).GetScalar() + dgFloat32(1.0e-12f);
		dgFloat32 invOmegaMag = dgRsqrt(omegaMag2);
		dgVector omegaAxis(omega.Scale(invOmegaMag));
		dgFloat32 omegaAngle = invOmegaMag * omegaMag2 * timestep.GetScalar();
		dgQuaternion deltaRotation(omegaAxis, omegaAngle);
		m_gyroRotation = m_gyroRotation * deltaRotation;
		dgAssert((m_gyroRotation.DotProduct(m_gyroRotation) - dgFloat32(1.0f)) < dgFloat32(1.0e-5f));

		matrix = dgMatrix(m_gyroRotation, dgVector::m_wOne);
		localOmega = matrix.UnrotateVector(omega);
		//dgVector angularMomentum(inertia * localOmega);
		//body->m_gyroTorque = matrix.RotateVector(localOmega.CrossProduct(angularMomentum));
		//body->m_gyroAlpha = body->m_invWorldInertiaMatrix.RotateVector(body->m_gyroTorque);
		dgVector localGyroTorque(localOmega.CrossProduct(m_mass * localOmega));
		m_gyroTorque = matrix.RotateVector(localGyroTorque);
		m_gyroAlpha = matrix.RotateVector(localGyroTorque * m_invMass);

		velocStep.m_angular = matrix.RotateVector(gradientStep);
	} else {
		velocStep.m_angular = m_invWorldInertiaMatrix.RotateVector(torque) * timestep;
		//velocStep.m_angular = velocStep.m_angular * dgVector::m_half;

	velocStep.m_linear = force.Scale(m_invMass.m_w) * timestep;
	return velocStep;
Esempio n. 4
LOCA::LAPACK::Group::augmentJacobianForHomotopy(double a, double b)
  NOX::LAPACK::Matrix<double>& jacobianMatrix = jacSolver.getMatrix();
  int size = jacobianMatrix.numRows();

  // Scale the matrix by the value of the homotopy continuation param

  // Add the scaled identity matrix to the jacobian
  for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) 
    jacobianMatrix(i,i) += b;

  return NOX::Abstract::Group::Ok;
Esempio n. 5
FEI3dWedgeLin :: evaldNdx(FloatMatrix &answer, const FloatArray &lcoords, const FEICellGeometry &cellgeo)
    FloatMatrix jacobianMatrix(2, 2), inv, dNduvw, coords;

    this->giveLocalDerivative(dNduvw, lcoords);
    coords.resize(3, 6);
    for ( int i = 1; i <= 6; i++ ) {
        coords.setColumn(* cellgeo.giveVertexCoordinates(i), i);
    jacobianMatrix.beProductOf(coords, dNduvw);

    answer.beProductOf(dNduvw, inv);
    return jacobianMatrix.giveDeterminant();
Esempio n. 6
LOCA::LAPACK::Group::computeComplex(double frequency)
  string callingFunction = "LOCA::LAPACK::computeComplex()";

  NOX::Abstract::Group::ReturnType finalStatus;

  freq = frequency;

  // Compute Jacobian
  finalStatus = computeJacobian();
  globalData->locaErrorCheck->checkReturnType(finalStatus, callingFunction);

  // Compute Mass matrix
  bool res = 
    locaProblemInterface.computeShiftedMatrix(0.0, 1.0, xVector,

  // Compute complex matrix
  NOX::LAPACK::Matrix<double>& jacobianMatrix = jacSolver.getMatrix();
  NOX::LAPACK::Matrix<double>& massMatrix = shiftedSolver.getMatrix();
  NOX::LAPACK::Matrix< std::complex<double> >& complexMatrix = 
  int n = jacobianMatrix.numRows();
  for (int j=0; j<n; j++) {
    for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
      complexMatrix(i,j) = 
	std::complex<double>(jacobianMatrix(i,j), frequency*massMatrix(i,j));

  if (finalStatus == NOX::Abstract::Group::Ok && res)
    isValidComplex = true;

  if (res)
    return finalStatus;
    return NOX::Abstract::Group::Failed;
    "TEUCHOS_COMPLEX must be enabled for complex support!  Reconfigure with -D Teuchos_ENABLE_COMPLEX");
  return NOX::Abstract::Group::BadDependency;
Esempio n. 7
FEI2dQuadLin :: evaldNdx(FloatMatrix &answer, const FloatArray &lcoords, const FEICellGeometry &cellgeo)
    FloatMatrix jacobianMatrix(2, 2), inv, dn;

    this->giveDerivatives(dn, lcoords);
    for ( int i = 1; i <= dn.giveNumberOfRows(); i++ ) {
        double x = cellgeo.giveVertexCoordinates(i)->at(xind);
        double y = cellgeo.giveVertexCoordinates(i)->at(yind);, 1) +=, 1) * x;, 2) +=, 1) * y;, 1) +=, 2) * x;, 2) +=, 2) * y;

    answer.beProductTOf(dn, inv);
    return jacobianMatrix.giveDeterminant();
Esempio n. 8
void dgDynamicBody::IntegrateImplicit(dgFloat32 timestep)
	// using simple backward Euler or implicit integration, this is. 
	// f'(t + dt) = (f(t + dt) - f(t)) / dt  

	// therefore: 
	// f(t + dt) = f(t) + f'(t + dt) * dt

	// approximate f'(t + dt) by expanding the Taylor of f(w + dt)
	// f(w + dt) = f(w) + f'(w) * dt + f''(w) * dt^2 / 2! + ....

	// assume dt^2 is negligible, therefore we can truncate the expansion to
	// f(w + dt) ~= f(w) + f'(w) * dt

	// calculating dw as the  f'(w) = d(wx, wy, wz) | dt
	// dw/dt = a = (Tl - (wl x (wl * Il)) * Il^1

	// expanding f(w) 
	// f'(wx) = Ix * ax = Tx - (Iz - Iy) * wy * wz 
	// f'(wy) = Iy * ay = Ty - (Ix - Iz) * wz * wx
	// f'(wz) = Iz * az = Tz - (Iy - Ix) * wx * wy
	// calculation the expansion 
	// Ix * ax = (Tx - (Iz - Iy) * wy * wz) - ((Iz - Iy) * wy * az + (Iz - Iy) * ay * wz) * dt
	// Iy * ay = (Ty - (Ix - Iz) * wz * wx) - ((Ix - Iz) * wz * ax + (Ix - Iz) * az * wx) * dt
	// Iz * az = (Tz - (Iy - Ix) * wx * wy) - ((Iy - Ix) * wx * ay + (Iy - Ix) * ax * wy) * dt   
	// factorizing a we get
	// Ix * ax + (Iz - Iy) * dwy * az + (Iz - Iy) * dwz * ay = Tx - (Iz - Iy) * wy * wz
	// Iy * ay + (Ix - Iz) * dwz * ax + (Ix - Iz) * dwx * az = Ty - (Ix - Iz) * wz * wx
	// Iz * az + (Iy - Ix) * dwx * ay + (Iy - Ix) * dwy * ax = Tz - (Iy - Ix) * wx * wy

	dgVector localOmega(m_matrix.UnrotateVector(m_omega));
	dgVector localTorque(m_matrix.UnrotateVector(m_externalTorque - m_gyroTorque));

	// and solving for alpha we get the angular acceleration at t + dt
	// calculate gradient at a full time step
	dgVector gradientStep(localTorque.Scale(timestep));

	// derivative at half time step. (similar to midpoint Euler so that it does not loses too much energy)
	dgVector dw(localOmega.Scale(dgFloat32(0.5f) * timestep));
	//dgVector dw(localOmega.Scale(dgFloat32(1.0f) * timestep));

	// calculates Jacobian matrix (
	//		dWx / dwx, dWx / dwy, dWx / dwz
	//		dWy / dwx, dWy / dwy, dWy / dwz
	//		dWz / dwx, dWz / dwy, dWz / dwz
	//		dWx / dwx = Ix, dWx / dwy = (Iz - Iy) * wz * dt, dWx / dwz = (Iz - Iy) * wy * dt)
	//		dWy / dwx = (Ix - Iz) * wz * dt, dWy / dwy = Iy, dWy / dwz = (Ix - Iz) * wx * dt
	//		dWz / dwx = (Iy - Ix) * wy * dt, dWz / dwy = (Iy - Ix) * wx * dt, dWz / dwz = Iz
	dgMatrix jacobianMatrix(
		dgVector(m_mass[0], (m_mass[2] - m_mass[1]) * dw[2], (m_mass[2] - m_mass[1]) * dw[1], dgFloat32(0.0f)),
		dgVector((m_mass[0] - m_mass[2]) * dw[2], m_mass[1], (m_mass[0] - m_mass[2]) * dw[0], dgFloat32(0.0f)),
		dgVector((m_mass[1] - m_mass[0]) * dw[1], (m_mass[1] - m_mass[0]) * dw[0], m_mass[2], dgFloat32(0.0f)),

	gradientStep = jacobianMatrix.SolveByGaussianElimination(gradientStep);

	localOmega += gradientStep;

	m_accel = m_externalForce.Scale(m_invMass.m_w);
	m_alpha = m_matrix.RotateVector(localTorque * m_invMass);

	m_veloc += m_accel.Scale(timestep);
	m_omega = m_matrix.RotateVector(localOmega);