struct Symbol * sym_alloc_shallow(int type, int is_constant, char * label, void * data) { struct Symbol * sym; sym = (struct Symbol *) jmalloc(sizeof(struct Symbol)); sym->type = type; sym->is_constant = is_constant; sym->label = label; sym->data = data; return sym; }
pmenu_item::pmenu_item(char *Name, psub_menu *Sub, pmenu_item *Next, int xpos) { xp=xpos; id=0; hotkey=-1; next=Next; on_off=NULL; CONDITION(Name,"Sub menu cannot have a NULL name"); n=strcpy((char *)jmalloc(strlen(Name)+1,"pmenu_item::name"),Name); sub=Sub; }
static cqueue_item *create_cqueue_item() { cqueue_item *cq_item; size_t len = sizeof(cqueue_item); cq_item = jmalloc(len); if(cq_item == NULL) return NULL; cq_item->next = NULL; cq_item->prev = NULL; cq_item->data = NULL; return cq_item; }
pmenu_item::pmenu_item(int ID, char *Name, char *on_off_flag, int Hotkey, pmenu_item *Next) { xp=-1; id=ID; hotkey=Hotkey; on_off=on_off_flag; if (Name) n=strcpy((char *)jmalloc(strlen(Name)+1,"pmenu_item::name"),Name); else n=NULL; next=Next; sub=NULL; }
AdvVariousType::AdvVariousType(const char *str) { int len = strlen(str); jn = Allocate_GC(); jn->type = JSON_TYPE_STRING; jn->s = jmalloc(jn->s, &jn->alloc, len + 1); //doubleQuote(jn->s, str, &len); memcpy(jn->s,str,len); jn->s[len] = 0; jn->len = len; count = 1; //a = 0; }
uchar *get_local_address() // same format as above (be sure to jfree this) { char name[80]; uchar *ip=(uchar *)jmalloc(4,"IP address"); if (gethostname(name,80)!=0) { ip[0]=127; ip[1]=ip[2]=0; ip[3]=1; } else { struct hostent *me=gethostbyname(name); memcpy(ip,me->h_addr,4); } }
cevents *cevents_create() { cevents *evts; int len; len = sizeof(cevents); evts = (cevents *)jmalloc(len); memset((void *)evts, 0, len); evts->events = jmalloc(sizeof(cevent) * MAX_EVENTS); memset(evts->events, 0, sizeof(cevent) * MAX_EVENTS); evts->fired_fds = jmalloc(sizeof(int) * MAX_EVENTS); for(size_t i = 0; i < MAX_EVENTS; i++) { evts->events[i].fired_queue = clist_create(); } evts->fired_fds = clist_create(); LOCK_INIT(&evts->qlock); LOCK_INIT(&evts->lock); cevents_create_priv_impl(evts); evts->poll_sec = 0; evts->poll_ms = 0; evts->timers = ctimer_base_create(); return evts; }
static cdc_cmd_priv_t *cdc_init_request_priv(jcdc_dev_softc_t *sc, cdc_req_type type, uwh_cdc_app_h app_ctx, void *app_priv) { cdc_cmd_priv_t *priv = (cdc_cmd_priv_t *)jmalloc(sizeof(cdc_cmd_priv_t), M_ZERO); if (priv) { priv->sc = sc; priv->req_type = type; priv->app_ctx = app_ctx; priv->app_priv = app_priv; } return priv; }
cio *cio_create() { cio *io = jmalloc(sizeof(cio)); memset(io, 0, sizeof(cio)); io->rbuf = cstr_create(1024); io->wbuf = cstr_create(1024); io->wcount = 0; io->priv = NULL; io->flag = 0; io->argc = 0; io->tabidx = 0; io->bulk_len = 0; io->nbulk = 0; io->reqtype = REQ_TYPE_NORMAL; io->argv = NULL; return io; }
int nice_copy(char *title, char *source, char *dest) { int x1=0,y1=0,x2=79,y2=25; bar(x1,y1+1,x2,y2,176,0x01); put_title(title); box(x1,(y1+y2)/2-1,x2,(y1+y2)/2+3,0x17); bar(x1+1,(y1+y2)/2,x2-1,(y1+y2)/2+2,' ',0x17); char msg[100]; sprintf(msg,"Copying %s -> %s",source,dest); put_string(x1+1,(y1+y2)/2,msg,0x17); bar(x1+1,(y1+y2)/2+2,x2-1,(y1+y2)/2+2,176,0x17); char *buffer=(char *)jmalloc(0xf000,"read buf"); if (!buffer) return 0; FILE *out=fopen(dest,"wb"); if (!out) { jfree(buffer) ; return 0; } FILE *in=fopen(source,"rb"); if (!in) { jfree(buffer); fclose(out); unlink(dest); return 0; } fseek(in,0,SEEK_END); long size=ftell(in); fseek(in,0,SEEK_SET); int osize=size; while (size) { long tr=fread(buffer,1,0xf000,in); bar(x1+1,(y1+y2)/2+2,x1+1+(x2-x1)*(osize-size-tr)/osize,(y1+y2)/2+2,178,0x17); if (fwrite(buffer,1,tr,out)!=tr) { fclose(out); fclose(in); unlink(dest); jfree(buffer); return 0; } size-=tr; } fclose(in); fclose(out); jfree(buffer); cls(); return 1; }
/** * Function name: mass_storage_init * Description: Initializes the mass storage function driver. * Parameters: * @ctx: (IN) Core context * * Return value: 0 on success, otherwise an error code * Scope: Global **/ jresult_t mass_storage_init(void *ctx) { jresult_t rc; fd_storage_t *fd; fd = jmalloc(sizeof(fd_storage_t), M_ZERO); if (!fd) return JENOMEM; fd->core_ctx = ctx; fd->state = STATE_DISABLED; fd->fd_desc = copy_fd_desc(); if (!fd->fd_desc) { jfree(fd); return JENOMEM; } /* Allocate requests */ fd->ep0_request = core_request_alloc(1, NULL); if (!fd->ep0_request) { DBG_E(DSLAVE_MS_USB, ("mass_storage_init: Failed to allocate ep0 " "request\n")); return JENOMEM; } fd->cmd_request = core_request_alloc(SCSI_MAX_REQUEST_SIZE, NULL); if (!fd->cmd_request) { DBG_E(DSLAVE_MS_USB, ("mass_storage_init: Failed to allocate cmd " "request\n")); return JENOMEM; } /* The completion callback of ep0 is always the same */ fd->ep0_request->complete = ep0_callback; fd->ep0_request->context = (void *)fd; rc = scsi_init(fd, &fd->total_luns, &fd->scsi_device); if (rc) return rc; return core_register_fd(fd->core_ctx, &fd_ops, (context_t)fd); }
AdvVariousType::AdvVariousType(bool b) { jn = Allocate_GC(); jn->type = JSON_TYPE_BOOL; jn->s = jmalloc(jn->s, &jn->alloc, 5); if(b) { strcpy(jn->s,"true"); jn->len = 4; } else { strcpy(jn->s,"false"); jn->len = 5; } count = 1; //a = 0; }
jresult_t uwd_audio_app_init(uwd_audio_drv_h fd_ctx, uwd_audio_app_h *app_ctx, uwd_audio_config_t **config) { app_ctx_h app; DBG_I(DSLAVE_AUDIO_APP, ("AUDIO_APP: uwd_audio_app_init\n")); app = (app_ctx_h)jmalloc(sizeof(app_ctx_t), M_ZERO); if(!app) { DBG_E(DSLAVE_AUDIO_APP, ("AUDIO_APP: No memory\n")); return JENOMEM; } app->fd_ctx = fd_ctx; *config = &app_config; *app_ctx = app; return 0; }
void DiskWriteMda::allocate(int N1, int N2, int N3, int N4, int N5, int N6) { if (d->m_allocated) { printf("Warning: cannot allocate once array has been allocated.\n"); return; } jfclose(jfopen(d->m_path.toLatin1().data(),"wb")); //remove the file d->m_file=jfopen(d->m_path.toLatin1().data(),"wb+"); if (!d->m_file) { printf("Warning: cannot allocate. Unable to open file: %s\n",d->m_path.toLatin1().data()); return; } int dims[MDAIO_MAX_DIMS]; for (int i=0; i<MDAIO_MAX_DIMS; i++) dims[i]=1; dims[0]=N1; dims[1]=N2; dims[2]=N3; dims[3]=N4; dims[4]=N5; dims[5]=N6; int num_dims=2; for (int i=2; i<MDAIO_MAX_DIMS; i++) { if (dims[i]>1) num_dims=i+1; } d->m_total_size=1; for (int i=0; i<num_dims; i++) { d->m_total_size*=dims[i]; } d->m_mda_header.data_type=d->m_data_type; for (int i=0; i<MDAIO_MAX_DIMS; i++) d->m_mda_header.dims[i]=dims[i]; d->m_mda_header.num_dims=num_dims; mda_write_header(&d->m_mda_header,d->m_file); float *all_zeros=(float *)jmalloc(sizeof(float)*d->m_total_size); for (int j=0; j<d->m_total_size; j++) all_zeros[j]=0; mda_write_float32(all_zeros,&d->m_mda_header,d->m_total_size,d->m_file); jfree(all_zeros); d->m_allocated=true; }
char *js_unescape_string(char *in) { char *inp = in, *outp, *out; outp = out = jmalloc(strlen(in) + 1); while (*inp != '\0') { if (*inp != '\\') { *(outp++) = *(inp++); } else { switch(*(++inp)) { case 'b': *(outp++) = '\b'; inp++; break; case 'f': *(outp++) = '\f'; inp++; break; case 'n': *(outp++) = '\n'; inp++; break; case 'r': *(outp++) = '\r'; inp++; break; case 't': *(outp++) = '\t'; inp++; break; case 'u': inp++; js_encode_u_escaped(&inp, &outp); break; default: *(outp++) = *(inp++); } } } *outp = '\0'; return out; }
int net_init(int argc, char **argv) { int i,x,db_level=0; base=&local_base; local_client_number=0; if (!main_net_cfg) main_net_cfg=new net_configuration; if (!registered) return 0; for (i=1;i<argc;i++) if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-nonet")) return 0; else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-port")) { if (i==argc-1 || !sscanf(argv[i+1],"%d",&x) || x<1 || x>0x7fff) { dprintf("bad value following -port, use 1..32000\n"); return 0; } else main_net_cfg->port=x; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-net") && i<argc-1) { i++; strcpy(main_net_cfg->server_name,argv[i]); main_net_cfg->state=net_configuration::CLIENT; } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-ndb")) { if (i==argc-1 || !sscanf(argv[i+1],"%d",&x) || x<1 || x>3) { dprintf("bad value following -ndb, use 1..3\n"); return 0; } else { db_level=x; } } else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-server")) main_net_cfg->state=net_configuration::SERVER; else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-min_players")) { i++; int x=atoi(argv[i]); if (x>=1 && x<=8) main_net_cfg->min_players=x; else dprintf("bad value for min_players use 1..8\n"); } net_protocol *n=net_protocol::first,*usable=NULL; // find a usable protocol from installed list int total_usable=0; for (;n;n=n->next) // show a list of usables, just to be cute { dprintf("Protocol %s : ",n->installed() ? "Installed" : "Not_installed"); dprintf("%s\n",n->name()); if (n->installed()) { total_usable++; usable=n; } } if (!usable) { dprintf("No network protocols installed\n"); return 0; } prot=usable; prot->set_debug_printing((net_protocol::debug_type)db_level); if (main_net_cfg->state==net_configuration::SERVER) set_login(main_net_cfg->name); comm_sock=game_sock=NULL; if (main_net_cfg->state==net_configuration::CLIENT) { dprintf("Attempting to locate server %s, please wait\n",main_net_cfg->server_name); char *sn=main_net_cfg->server_name; if (main_net_cfg->addr) net_server = main_net_cfg->addr->copy(); else net_server=prot->get_node_address(sn,DEFAULT_COMM_PORT,0); if (!net_server) { dprintf(symbol_str("unable_locate")); exit(0); } dprintf("Server located! Please wait while data loads....\n"); } fman=new file_manager(argc,argv,prot); // manages remote file access if (game_face) delete game_face; game_face=new game_handler; join_array=(join_struct *)jmalloc(sizeof(join_struct)*MAX_JOINERS,"join array"); base->join_list=NULL; base->mem_lock=0; base->calc_crcs=0; base->get_lsf=0; base->wait_reload=0; base->need_reload=0; base->input_state=INPUT_COLLECTING; base->current_tick=0; base->packet.packet_reset(); return 1; }
void* cpy(const void *k1) { char *p = jmalloc(strlen((char*)k1)); memset(p, 0, sizeof(p)); strcpy(p, k1); return p; }
void unpackgl(char *fn, int pict_only) { unsigned short dir_length,sl,x,amread,bufsize; unsigned long offset,ret_ofs,length; char name[14],st[50],*buf; FILE *fp,*ot; CHECK(fn); fp=fopen(fn,"rb"); if (!fp) return ; if (fread(&dir_length,2,1,fp)!=1) return ; dir_length=int_to_local(dir_length)/17-1; ret_ofs=ftell(fp); while (dir_length--) { fseek(fp,ret_ofs,SEEK_SET); if (fread(&offset,4,1,fp)!=1) return ; offset=long_to_local(offset); if (fread(name,13,1,fp)!=1) return ; name[13]=0; sl=strlen(name); ret_ofs=ftell(fp); // save the current spot in the file so we can come back to it later if (toupper(name[sl-3])=='P' || toupper(name[sl-3])=='C' || !pict_only) { fseek(fp,offset,SEEK_SET); fread(&length,1,4,fp); length=long_to_local(length); if (length>1000000) exit(1); ot=fopen(name,"rb"); if (ot) { printf("File (%s) already exsist, overwrite (y/n)?\n",name); fgets(st,49,stdin); if (!(st[0]=='Y' || st[0]=='y')) length=0; fclose(ot); } if (length) ot=fopen(name,"wb"); if (!ot) return ; bufsize=0xf000; do { buf=(char *)jmalloc(bufsize,"unpack_gl::buffer"); if (!buf) bufsize-=100; } while (!buf); while (length) { if (length>bufsize) amread=bufsize; else amread=length; fread(buf,1,amread,fp); fwrite(buf,1,amread,ot); length-=amread; } jfree(buf); if (ot) fclose(ot); } } fclose(fp); }
void buf_alloc(Buffer **b) { *b = jmalloc(sizeof(Buffer)); (*b)->buf = jmalloc(BUFSIZ * 2.5); (*b)->size = BUFSIZ * 2.5; buf_reset(*b, 0); }
static cevent_fired *clone_cevent_fired(cevents *cevts, cevent_fired *fired) { cevent *cevent = cevts->events + fired->fd; cevent_fired *new_cevent_fired = jmalloc(sizeof(cevent_fired)); *new_cevent_fired = *fired; return new_cevent_fired; }
filename_node(char *filename, spec_directory *dir) { fn=(char *)memcpy(jmalloc(strlen(filename)+1,"spec_dir cache"),filename,strlen(filename)+1); sd=dir; next=left=right=0; }
static void execute_dpof_job(void) { char *dpof_file = NULL; char *dpof_jobs = NULL; sicd_object_t *obj = NULL; jint_t i; dps_job_config_t jconfig; dps_job_info_t jinfo; char *filename = NULL; DECLARE_FNAME("execute_dpof_job"); DBG_X(DSLAVE_DPS_API, ("%s: entered\n", fname)); dpof_file = (char*)jmalloc(MAX_DPOF_FILE_SIZE, M_ZERO); dpof_jobs = (char*)jmalloc(MAX_DPOF_FILE_SIZE, M_ZERO); if (!dpof_file || !dpof_jobs) { DBG_E(DSLAVE_DPS_API, ("%s: failed to allocate job info\n", fname)); goto Error; } /* Generate JOB sections */ *dpof_jobs = '\0'; for (i=0; sample_image[i].image; i++) { if (!sicd_store_find_object(app_ctx.store_id, sample_image[i].id)) { DBG_E(DSLAVE_DPS_API, ("%s: could not find picture object " "(%X) in store\n", filename, sample_image[i].id)); goto Error; } filename = j_strdup(sample_image[i].name); if (!filename) { DBG_E(DSLAVE_DPS_API, ("%s: error allocating memory (strdup)." "skipping %s\n", fname, sample_image[i].name)); continue; } to_upper(filename); /* TODO: In a real system, the file name given here should be * the image's path relative to the DPOF file */ j_snprintf(dpof_jobs, MAX_DPOF_FILE_SIZE, DPOF_JOB_TEMPLATE, dpof_jobs, i+1, TEST_NUMBER_OF_COPIES, DCF_PREFIX, filename); jfree(filename); } dpof_jobs[MAX_DPOF_FILE_SIZE-1] = '\0'; /* Generate header */ j_snprintf(dpof_file, MAX_DPOF_FILE_SIZE, DPOF_HDR_TEMPLATE, dpof_jobs); dpof_file[MAX_DPOF_FILE_SIZE-1] = '\0'; DBG_X(DSLAVE_DPS_API, ("%s: DPOF file: \n%s\n\n", fname, dpof_file)); /* * DPOF file generation ends here. Proper API sample code * for DPOF printing begins here. */ /* Add DPOF virtual file to store */ obj = jmalloc(sizeof(sicd_object_t), M_ZERO); if (!obj) { DBG_E(DSLAVE_DPS_API, ("%s: failed to allocate sicd_object_t " "for sample image %u\n", fname, i+1)); goto Error; } app_ctx.dpof_file_id = obj->id = sicd_get_new_obj_handle(); obj->info.storage_id = app_ctx.store_id; obj->info.format = PTP_OBJ_FORMAT_DPOF; obj->info.compressed_size = j_strlen(dpof_file)+1; obj->info.filename = ptp_string_atow("/MISC/AUTPRINT.MRK"); obj->data = (juint8_t*)dpof_file; if (sicd_store_add_object(app_ctx.store_id, obj)) { DBG_E(DSLAVE_DPS_API, ("generate_dpof: failed on " "sicd_store_add_object (%u)\n")); goto Error; } /* Create JobInfo for DPOF file */ j_memset(&jconfig, 0, sizeof(jconfig)); jconfig.file_type = DPS_FILE_TYPE_DPOF; j_memset(&jinfo, 0, sizeof(jinfo)); jinfo.file_id = obj->id; j_strlcpy(jinfo.file_name, "/MISC/AUTPRINT.MRK", DPS_FILENAME_SIZE + 1); /* If we are testing DPOF restart, add relevant parameters */ if (TEST_DPOF_RESTART && app_ctx.can_restart) { j_memcpy(&jinfo.dpof_restart, &app_ctx.dpof_restart_info, sizeof(dpof_params_t)); } /* Send Job */ dps_start_job(app_ctx.dpsh, &jconfig, &jinfo, 1); goto Exit; Error: if (obj) sicd_free_object(NULL, obj); else if (dpof_file) jfree(dpof_file); Exit: if (dpof_jobs) jfree(dpof_jobs); }
static cevent_fired *clone_cevent_fired(cevent_fired *fired) { cevent_fired *new_cevent_fired = jmalloc(sizeof(cevent_fired)); *new_cevent_fired = *fired; return new_cevent_fired; }
void rcmp(int argc, struct Symbol ** params, struct Symbol * result) { struct Rational * r = (struct Rational *)(result->data = jmalloc(sizeof(struct Rational))); r->denom = 1; r->num = sym_rational_is_eq(params[0], params[1]); }