Esempio n. 1
void ks0108DrawRoundRect(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, uint8_t width, uint8_t height, uint8_t radius, uint8_t color) {
  	int16_t tSwitch, x1 = 0, y1 = radius;
  	tSwitch = 3 - 2 * radius;
	while (x1 <= y1) {
	    ks0108SetDot(x+radius - x1, y+radius - y1, color);
	    ks0108SetDot(x+radius - y1, y+radius - x1, color);

	    ks0108SetDot(x+width-radius + x1, y+radius - y1, color);
	    ks0108SetDot(x+width-radius + y1, y+radius - x1, color);
	    ks0108SetDot(x+width-radius + x1, y+height-radius + y1, color);
	    ks0108SetDot(x+width-radius + y1, y+height-radius + x1, color);

	    ks0108SetDot(x+radius - x1, y+height-radius + y1, color);
	    ks0108SetDot(x+radius - y1, y+height-radius + x1, color);

	    if (tSwitch < 0) {
	    	tSwitch += (4 * x1 + 6);
	    } else {
	    	tSwitch += (4 * (x1 - y1) + 10);
	ks0108DrawHoriLine(x+radius, y, width-(2*radius), color);			// top
	ks0108DrawHoriLine(x+radius, y+height, width-(2*radius), color);	// bottom
	ks0108DrawVertLine(x, y+radius, height-(2*radius), color);			// left
	ks0108DrawVertLine(x+width, y+radius, height-(2*radius), color);	// right
Esempio n. 2
void drawBar(batteryBar *pb){
	//Calculate plox
	uint8_t widthToFill = ((KS0108_SCREEN_WIDTH * pb->value) / pb->max);
	ks0108DrawHoriLine(0, pb->y, KS0108_SCREEN_WIDTH ,WHITE);
	ks0108DrawHoriLine(0, pb->y,widthToFill,BLACK);
Esempio n. 3
void ks0108DrawLine(uint8_t x1, uint8_t y1, uint8_t x2, uint8_t y2, uint8_t color) {
	uint8_t length, i, y, yAlt, xTmp, yTmp;
	int16_t m;
	// vertical line
	if(x1 == x2) {
		// x1|y1 must be the upper point
		if(y1 > y2) {
			yTmp = y1;
			y1 = y2;
			y2 = yTmp;
		ks0108DrawVertLine(x1, y1, y2-y1, color);
	// horizontal line
	} else if(y1 == y2) {	
		// x1|y1 must be the left point
		if(x1 > x2) {
			xTmp = x1;
			x1 = x2;
			x2 = xTmp;
		ks0108DrawHoriLine(x1, y1, x2-x1, color);
	// schiefe line :)
	} else {
		// angle >= 45°
		if((y2-y1) >= (x2-x1) || (y1-y2) >= (x2-x1)) {
			// x1 must be smaller than x2
			if(x1 > x2) {
				xTmp = x1;
				yTmp = y1;
				x1 = x2;
				y1 = y2;
				x2 = xTmp;
				y2 = yTmp;
			length = x2-x1;		// not really the length :)
			m = ((y2-y1)*200)/length;
			yAlt = y1;
			for(i=0; i<=length; i++) {
				y = ((m*i)/200)+y1;
				if((m*i)%200 >= 100)
				else if((m*i)%200 <= -100)
				ks0108DrawLine(x1+i, yAlt, x1+i, y, color);
				if(length <= (y2-y1) && y1 < y2)
					yAlt = y+1;
				else if(length <= (y1-y2) && y1 > y2)
					yAlt = y-1;
					yAlt = y;
		// angle < 45°
		} else {
			// y1 must be smaller than y2
			if(y1 > y2) {
				xTmp = x1;
				yTmp = y1;
				x1 = x2;
				y1 = y2;
				x2 = xTmp;
				y2 = yTmp;
			length = y2-y1;
			m = ((x2-x1)*200)/length;
			yAlt = x1;
			for(i=0; i<=length; i++) {
				y = ((m*i)/200)+x1;
				if((m*i)%200 >= 100)
				else if((m*i)%200 <= -100)
				ks0108DrawLine(yAlt, y1+i, y, y1+i, color);
				if(length <= (x2-x1) && x1 < x2)
					yAlt = y+1;
				else if(length <= (x1-x2) && x1 > x2)
					yAlt = y-1;
					yAlt = y;
Esempio n. 4
void ks0108DrawRect(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, uint8_t width, uint8_t height, uint8_t color) {
	ks0108DrawHoriLine(x, y, width, color);				// top
	ks0108DrawHoriLine(x, y+height, width, color);		// bottom
	ks0108DrawVertLine(x, y, height, color);			// left
	ks0108DrawVertLine(x+width, y, height, color);		// right