Esempio n. 1
File: cmd.c Progetto: AllardJ/Tomato
* %FUNCTION: cmd_start_session
*  es -- event selector
*  fd -- command file descriptor
*  buf -- rest of command from user
*  Nothing
*  Starts an L2TP session, if possible
static void
cmd_start_session(EventSelector *es,
		  int fd,
		  char *buf)
    char peer[512];
    struct hostent *he;
    struct sockaddr_in haddr;
    l2tp_peer *p;
    l2tp_session *sess;

    buf = (char *) l2tp_chomp_word(buf, peer);
    he = gethostbyname(peer);
    if (!he) {
	cmd_reply(es, fd, "ERR Unknown peer - gethostbyname failed");
    memcpy(&haddr.sin_addr, he->h_addr, sizeof(haddr.sin_addr));
    p = l2tp_peer_find(&haddr, NULL);
    if (!p) {
	cmd_reply(es, fd, "ERR Unknown peer");
    sess = l2tp_session_call_lns(p, "foobar", es, NULL);
    if (!sess) {
	cmd_reply(es, fd, l2tp_get_errmsg());

    /* Form reply */
    sprintf(peer, "OK %d %d",
	    (int) sess->tunnel->my_id,
	    (int) sess->my_id);
    cmd_reply(es, fd, peer);
Esempio n. 2
File: cmd.c Progetto: AllardJ/Tomato
* %FUNCTION: cmd_stop_session
*  es -- event selector
*  fd -- command file descriptor
*  buf -- rest of command from user
*  Nothing
*  Stops an L2TP session, identified by (Tunnel, Session) pair.
static void
cmd_stop_session(EventSelector *es,
		  int fd,
		  char *buf)
    char junk[512];
    l2tp_tunnel *tunnel;
    l2tp_session *sess;
    unsigned int x;

    buf = (char *) l2tp_chomp_word(buf, junk);
    if (sscanf(junk, "%u", &x) != 1) {
	cmd_reply(es, fd, "ERR Syntax error: stop-session tid sid");
    tunnel = l2tp_tunnel_find_by_my_id((uint16_t) x);
    if (!tunnel) {
	cmd_reply(es, fd, "ERR No such tunnel");

    buf = (char *) l2tp_chomp_word(buf, junk);
    if (sscanf(junk, "%u", &x) != 1) {
	cmd_reply(es, fd, "ERR Syntax error: stop-session tid sid");
    sess = l2tp_tunnel_find_session(tunnel, (uint16_t) x);

    if (!sess) {
	cmd_reply(es, fd, "ERR No such session");

    /* Stop the session */
    l2tp_session_send_CDN(sess, RESULT_GENERAL_REQUEST, ERROR_OK,
			  "Call terminated by operator");
    cmd_reply(es, fd, "OK Session stopped");
Esempio n. 3
* %FUNCTION: handle_lns_option
*  es -- event selector
*  desc -- descriptor
*  value -- the hostname
*  0
*  Copies LNS options to prototype
static int
handle_lns_option(EventSelector *es,
		     l2tp_opt_descriptor *desc,
		     char const *value)
    char word[512];
    while (value && *value) {
        value = l2tp_chomp_word(value, word);
        if (!word[0]) break;
        if (prototype.num_lns_options < MAX_OPTS) {
            char *x = strdup(word);
            if (x) prototype.lns_options[prototype.num_lns_options++] = x;
            prototype.lns_options[prototype.num_lns_options] = NULL;
        } else {
    return 0;
Esempio n. 4
File: cmd.c Progetto: AllardJ/Tomato
* %FUNCTION: cmd_handler
*  es -- event selector
*  fd -- file descriptor
*  buf -- buffer which was read
*  len -- length of data
*  flag -- flags
*  data -- not used
*  Nothing
*  Processes a command from the user
static void
cmd_handler(EventSelector *es,
	    int fd,
	    char *buf,
	    int len,
	    int flag,
	    void *data)
    char word[512];

    if (len < 511) {
	buf[len+1] = 0;
    } else {
	buf[len] = 0;

    /* Chop off newline */
    if (len && (buf[len-1] == '\n')) {
	buf[len-1] = 0;

    /* Get first word */
    buf = (char *) l2tp_chomp_word(buf, word);

    if (!strcmp(word, "exit")) {
	cmd_exit(es, fd);
    } else if (!strcmp(word, "start-session")) {
	cmd_start_session(es, fd, buf);
    } else if (!strcmp(word, "stop-session")) {
	cmd_stop_session(es, fd, buf);
    } else if (!strcmp(word, "dump-sessions")) {
	cmd_dump_sessions(es, fd, buf);
    } else {
	cmd_reply(es, fd, "ERR Unknown command");
Esempio n. 5
* %FUNCTION: split_line_into_words
*  line -- the input line
*  name, value -- buffers which are large enough to contain all chars in line
*  Nothing
*  Splits line into two words.  A word is:
*    - Non-whitespace chars:  foobarbazblech_3
*    - Quoted text:           "Here is text \"with embedded quotes\""
static void
split_line_into_words(char const *line, char *name, char *value)
    line = l2tp_chomp_word(line, name);
    line = l2tp_chomp_word(line, value);