Esempio n. 1
static pwr_tStatus PostMove (
  ldh_tSesContext Session,
  pwr_tObjid	  Object,
  pwr_tObjid	  Father,
  pwr_tClassId	  Class
) {
  pwr_tStatus sts;
  int size;
  pwr_tAName Name;
  pwr_sAttrRef Attribute;
    If father of ASup has an "ActualValue" attribute, then make this ASup
    refer to this attribute.

  sts = ldh_ObjidToName(Session, Father, ldh_eName_Hierarchy, Name,
    sizeof(Name), &size);
  if (EVEN(sts)) return PWRB__SUCCESS;

  strcat(Name, ".ActualValue");

  sts = ldh_NameToAttrRef(Session, Name, &Attribute);
  if (EVEN(sts)) return PWRB__SUCCESS;

  sts = ldh_SetObjectPar(Session, Object, "RtBody", "DataName", (char *)&Attribute,
  if (EVEN(sts)) return PWRB__SUCCESS;

  return PWRB__SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 2
static pwr_tStatus PostCreate (
    ldh_tSesContext   Session,
    pwr_tOid	    Object,
    pwr_tOid	    Father,
    pwr_tCid	    Class
) {
    pwr_tStatus sts;
    pwr_tObjName name;
    pwr_tMask   value = 1;
    int size;

    sts = ldh_ObjidToName( Session, Object, ldh_eName_Object,
                           name, sizeof(name), &size);
    if ( EVEN(sts)) return sts;

    if ( strcmp( name, "OpDefault") == 0) {
        // Set OpHide in OpWindLayout

        sts = ldh_SetObjectPar( Session, Object, "RtBody",
                                "OpWindLayout", (char *) &value, sizeof(value));
        if ( EVEN(sts)) return sts;

    return PWRS__SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 3
void WAttTextGtk::set_attr_value()
  int size = input_max_length + 1;
  pwr_tStatus sts;
  gchar *text, *textutf8;
  unsigned char* s;

  if (editmode) {
    GtkTextIter start_iter, end_iter;
    gtk_text_buffer_get_start_iter(textbuffer, &start_iter);
    gtk_text_buffer_get_end_iter(textbuffer, &end_iter);

        = gtk_text_buffer_get_text(textbuffer, &start_iter, &end_iter, FALSE);
    text = g_convert(textutf8, -1, "ISO8859-1", "UTF-8", NULL, NULL, NULL);

    if (text) {
      // Replace ctrl characters with space
      for (s = (unsigned char*)text; *s; s++) {
        if (*s < ' ' && *s != 10 && *s != 13)
          *s = ' ';

      sts = ldh_SetObjectPar(ldhses, aref.Objid, "DevBody", aname, text, size);
    } else
      wow->DisplayError("Input error", "Invalid character");
Esempio n. 4
static pwr_tStatus PostCreate (
  ldh_tSesContext   Session,
  pwr_tOid	    Object,
  pwr_tOid	    Father,
  pwr_tCid	    Class
) {
  pwr_tOid oid;
  pwr_tOid toid;
  pwr_tStatus sts;
  int cnt = 0;

  sts = ldh_GetClassList( Session, pwr_cClass_PlcThread, &oid);
  while ( ODD(sts)) {
    toid = oid;
    sts = ldh_GetNextObject( Session, oid, &oid);

  if ( cnt > 0) {
    sts = ldh_SetObjectPar( Session, Object, "RtBody", "ThreadObject", (char *)&toid,
    if ( EVEN(sts)) return sts;
  return PWRB__SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 5
static pwr_tStatus PostCreate (
    ldh_tSesContext   Session,
    pwr_tObjid	    Object,
    pwr_tObjid	    Father,
    pwr_tClassId	    Class
) {
    pwr_tStatus sts;
    pwr_tObjName name, uname;
    int size;

    // Set class name in StructName
    sts = ldh_ObjidToName( Session, Father, cdh_mName_object, name, sizeof(name), &size);
    if ( EVEN(sts)) return sts;

    strcpy( uname, wb_name::unatName( name));

    sts = ldh_SetObjectPar( Session, Object, "SysBody", "StructName", uname,
    if ( EVEN(sts)) return sts;
    return PWRS__SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 6
static pwr_tStatus Connect (
  ldh_sMenuCall *ip
) {
  pwr_tStatus	    	sts;
  pwr_sMenuButton   	mb;
  pwr_sAttrRef	    	PattrRef;
  pwr_sAttrRef 		aref = ip->Selected[0];

  sts = ldh_ReadObjectBody(ip->PointedSession,
    "SysBody", &mb, sizeof(pwr_sMenuButton));
  if (EVEN(sts)) return sts;

  if ( strcmp( mb.MethodArguments[1], "") != 0) {
    char arg_cid_str[20][32];
    int arg_cid_cnt;
    int i;
    int cid_ok = 0;
    pwr_tCid		cid;
    pwr_tCid		arg_cid;

    // arg 1 holds the allowed class or classes to connect to
    arg_cid_cnt = dcli_parse( mb.MethodArguments[1], ",", "", (char *) arg_cid_str, 
		sizeof( arg_cid_str) / sizeof( arg_cid_str[0]),
		sizeof( arg_cid_str[0]), 0);

    sts = ldh_GetAttrRefTid( ip->PointedSession, &ip->Selected[0], &cid);
    if ( EVEN(sts)) return 0;

    for ( i = 0; i < arg_cid_cnt; i++) {
      sts = ldh_ClassNameToId( ip->PointedSession, &arg_cid, arg_cid_str[i]);
      if ( EVEN(sts)) return 0;

      if ( cid == arg_cid) {
	cid_ok = 1;
    if ( !cid_ok)
      return 0;

  if ( strcmp( mb.MethodArguments[2], "") != 0)
    // Body in MethodArguments 2, probably DevBody
    sts = ldh_SetObjectPar( ip->PointedSession, ip->Pointed.Objid, mb.MethodArguments[2],
		mb.MethodArguments[0], (char *) &ip->Selected[0], sizeof(ip->Selected[0]));
  else {
    char *name_p;
    pwr_tAName name;
    int size;
    pwr_tCid cid;

    // If Selected is a Template object in a classvolume, replace with 
    // symbol $IoConnect
    if ( cdh_IsClassVolume( aref.Objid.vid)) {
      sts = ldh_ObjidToName( ip->PointedSession, aref.Objid, ldh_eName_Object, 
			     name, sizeof(name), &size);
      if ( ODD(sts) &&  strcmp( name, "Template") == 0) {
	sts = ldh_GetObjectClass( ip->PointedSession, aref.Objid, &cid);
	if ( EVEN(sts)) return sts;

	aref.Objid.vid = ldh_cIoConnectVolume;
	aref.Objid.oix = cid;

    // Assume RtBody or SysBody
    sts = ldh_AttrRefToName(ip->PointedSession, &ip->Pointed, ldh_eName_VolPath,
			    &name_p, &size);
    if ( ODD(sts)) {
      strcpy( name, name_p);
      strcat( name, ".");
      strcat( name, mb.MethodArguments[0]);

      sts = ldh_NameToAttrRef( ip->PointedSession, name, &PattrRef);
      if (ODD(sts))
	sts = ldh_WriteAttribute(ip->PointedSession, &PattrRef, &aref,

  char msg[500];
  if ( ODD(sts)) {
    pwr_tAName name;
    char *name_p;
    int len;

    sts = ldh_AttrRefToName( ip->PointedSession, &aref, ldh_eName_Hierarchy, 
			     &name_p, &len);
    if ( EVEN(sts))
      cdh_ObjidToString( name, aref.Objid, 1);
      strcpy( name, name_p);
    sprintf( msg, "%s connected to:   %s", mb.MethodArguments[0], name);
    ip->wtt->message( 'I', msg);
  else {
    msg_GetMsg( sts, msg, sizeof(msg));
    ip->wtt->message( 'E', msg);
  return PWRS__SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 7
static pwr_tStatus ConfigFc (
  ldh_sMenuCall *ip
  int 		sts;
  pwr_tOName   	name;
  pwr_tOName   	pname;
  pwr_tObjName  oname;
  int		size;
  pwr_tCid	cid;
  pwr_tTid	tid;
  unsigned int  flags;
  pwr_tInt32	int_val;
  pwr_tObjid	oid;
  pwr_tObjid	coid;
  int plcconnect = 0;
  int plctemplate = 0;
  char 		str[80];
  pwr_sMenuButton   mb;
  sts = ldh_GetChild(ip->PointedSession, ip->Pointed.Objid, &oid);
  if ( ODD(sts)) {
    ip->wnav->wow->DisplayError( "Error", 
		      "ClassDef is already configured\n  Object has child");
    return 0;

  /* If argument is PlcConnect, configure a connected function object
     i.e. an $Intern named PlcConnnect, a PlcConnect MenuRef, and
     connectmethod 10 */
  sts = ldh_ReadObjectBody(ip->PointedSession,
			   "SysBody", &mb, sizeof(pwr_sMenuButton));

  if ( strcmp(mb.MethodArguments[0], "PlcConnect") == 0) {
    plcconnect = 1;
    plctemplate = 1;
  else if ( strcmp(mb.MethodArguments[0], "CCode") == 0) {
    plcconnect = 0;
    plctemplate = 0;
  else if ( strcmp(mb.MethodArguments[0], "PlcConnectCCode") == 0) {
    plcconnect = 1;
    plctemplate = 0;
  else {
    plcconnect = 0;
    plctemplate = 1;

  sts = ldh_ObjidToName( ip->PointedSession, ip->Pointed.Objid, ldh_eName_Hierarchy, 
			 pname, sizeof(pname), &size);
  if ( EVEN(sts)) return sts;

  sts = ldh_ObjidToName( ip->PointedSession, ip->Pointed.Objid, ldh_eName_Object, 
			 oname, sizeof(oname), &size);
  if ( EVEN(sts)) return sts;

  sts = ldh_CreateObject( ip->PointedSession, &oid, "RtBody", pwr_eClass_ObjBodyDef,
			    ip->Pointed.Objid, ldh_eDest_IntoFirst);

  if ( plcconnect) {
    // Create PlcConnect attribute
    strcpy( name, pname);
    strcat( name, "-");
    strcat( name, "RtBody");
    sts = ldh_NameToObjid( ip->PointedSession, &oid, name);
    if ( EVEN(sts)) return sts;

    sts = ldh_CreateObject( ip->PointedSession, &coid, "PlcConnect", pwr_eClass_Intern,
			    oid, ldh_eDest_IntoLast);
    if ( ODD(sts)) {
      tid = pwr_eType_AttrRef;

      sts = ldh_SetObjectPar(ip->PointedSession, coid, "SysBody", "TypeRef", (char *)&tid,
      if ( EVEN(sts)) return sts;
    if ( !plctemplate) {
      // Create PlcConnectP attribute
      sts = ldh_CreateObject( ip->PointedSession, &coid, "PlcConnectP", pwr_eClass_Intern,
			    oid, ldh_eDest_IntoLast);
      if ( ODD(sts)) {
	tid = pwr_eType_Char;

	sts = ldh_SetObjectPar(ip->PointedSession, coid, "SysBody", "TypeRef", (char *)&tid,
	if ( EVEN(sts)) return sts;


	sts = ldh_SetObjectPar(ip->PointedSession, coid, "SysBody", "Flags", (char *)&flags,
	if ( EVEN(sts)) return sts;

  sts = ldh_CreateObject( ip->PointedSession, &oid, "DevBody", pwr_eClass_ObjBodyDef,
			    ip->Pointed.Objid, ldh_eDest_IntoLast);
  if ( EVEN(sts)) {
    // The object already exist

  strcpy( name, pname);
  strcat( name, "-");
  strcat( name, "DevBody");
  sts = ldh_NameToObjid( ip->PointedSession, &oid, name);
  if ( EVEN(sts)) return sts;

  sts = ldh_CreateObject( ip->PointedSession, &oid, "PlcNode", pwr_eClass_Buffer,
			    oid, ldh_eDest_IntoLast);
  if ( ODD(sts)) {
    cid = pwr_eClass_PlcNode;

    sts = ldh_SetObjectPar(ip->PointedSession, oid, "SysBody", "Class", (char *)&cid,
    if ( EVEN(sts)) return sts;

  sts = ldh_CreateObject( ip->PointedSession, &oid, "GraphPlcNode",
			  ip->Pointed.Objid, ldh_eDest_IntoLast);
  if ( ODD(sts)) {
    if ( plctemplate) {
      pwr_tCid scid[2];
      scid[0] = pwr_cClass_windowplc;
      scid[1] = 0;
      int_val = 1;

      sts = ldh_SetObjectPar(ip->PointedSession, oid, "SysBody", "subwindows", 
			   (char *)&int_val, sizeof(int_val));
      if ( EVEN(sts)) return sts;

      sts = ldh_SetObjectPar(ip->PointedSession, oid, "SysBody", "subwindow_class[0]", 
			     (char *)scid, sizeof(scid));
      if ( EVEN(sts)) return sts;

    int_val = 1;
    sts = ldh_SetObjectPar(ip->PointedSession, oid, "SysBody", "segname_annotation",
			   (char *)&int_val, sizeof(int_val));
    if ( EVEN(sts)) return sts;

    if ( plctemplate)
      int_val = 58;
    else if ( plcconnect)
      int_val = 35;
      int_val = 4;

    sts = ldh_SetObjectPar(ip->PointedSession, oid, "SysBody", "compmethod",
			   (char *)&int_val, sizeof(int_val));
    if ( EVEN(sts)) return sts;

    if ( plcconnect) {
      int_val = 10;
      sts = ldh_SetObjectPar(ip->PointedSession, oid, "SysBody", "connectmethod",
			     (char *)&int_val, sizeof(int_val));
      if ( EVEN(sts)) return sts;

    int_val = 2;
    sts = ldh_SetObjectPar(ip->PointedSession, oid, "SysBody", "executeordermethod",
			   (char *)&int_val, sizeof(int_val));
    if ( EVEN(sts)) return sts;

    oname[15] = 0;
    sts = ldh_SetObjectPar(ip->PointedSession, oid, "SysBody", "objname",
			   oname, sizeof(pwr_tString16));
    if ( EVEN(sts)) return sts;

    sts = ldh_SetObjectPar(ip->PointedSession, oid, "SysBody", "graphname",
			   oname, sizeof(pwr_tString16));
    if ( EVEN(sts)) return sts;

  if ( plcconnect) {
    sts = ldh_CreateObject( ip->PointedSession, &oid, "RtXtt",
			    ip->Pointed.Objid, ldh_eDest_IntoLast);
    strcpy( name, pname);
    strcat( name, "-");
    strcat( name, "RtXtt");
    sts = ldh_NameToObjid( ip->PointedSession, &oid, name);
    if ( EVEN(sts)) return sts;

    sts = ldh_CreateObject( ip->PointedSession, &oid, "PlcConnect", pwr_eClass_MenuRef,
			    oid, ldh_eDest_IntoLast);
    if ( ODD(sts)) {
      strcpy( str, "PlcConnect");
      sts = ldh_SetObjectPar(ip->PointedSession, oid, "SysBody", "ButtonName", 
			     str, sizeof(pwr_tString40));
      if ( EVEN(sts)) return sts;
      sts = ldh_SetObjectPar(ip->PointedSession, oid, "SysBody", "RefAttribute", 
			     str, sizeof(pwr_tString40));
      if ( EVEN(sts)) return sts;

  if ( plctemplate) {
    sts = ldh_CreateObject( ip->PointedSession, &oid, "Code",
			    ip->Pointed.Objid, ldh_eDest_IntoLast);
  return PWRS__SUCCESS;