Esempio n. 1
    magma_int_t m,
    magma_int_t n,
    magmaIndex_ptr row,
    magmaIndex_ptr col,
    magmaFloatComplex_ptr val,
    magma_c_matrix *A,
    magma_queue_t queue )
    A->num_rows = m;
    A->num_cols = n;
    magma_index_t nnz;
    magma_index_getvector( 1, row+m, 1, &nnz, 1, queue );
    A->nnz = (magma_int_t) nnz;
    A->storage_type = Magma_CSR;
    A->memory_location = Magma_DEV;
    A->dval = val;
    A->dcol = col;
    A->drow = row;

    return MAGMA_SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 2
extern "C" magma_int_t
    magmaDoubleComplex *alpha, magma_z_sparse_matrix A,
    magmaDoubleComplex *beta, magma_z_sparse_matrix B,
    magma_z_sparse_matrix *AB,
    magma_queue_t queue )
    if (    A.memory_location == Magma_DEV
            && B.memory_location == Magma_DEV
            && ( A.storage_type == Magma_CSR ||
                 A.storage_type == Magma_CSRCOO )
            && ( B.storage_type == Magma_CSR ||
                 B.storage_type == Magma_CSRCOO ) ) {

        magma_z_sparse_matrix C;
        C.num_rows = A.num_rows;
        C.num_cols = A.num_cols;
        C.storage_type = A.storage_type;
        C.memory_location = A.memory_location;
        magma_int_t stat_dev = 0;
        C.val = NULL;
        C.col = NULL;
        C.row = NULL;
        C.rowidx = NULL;
        C.blockinfo = NULL;
        C.diag = NULL;
        C.dval = NULL;
        C.dcol = NULL;
        C.drow = NULL;
        C.drowidx = NULL;
        C.ddiag = NULL;

        // CUSPARSE context //
        cusparseHandle_t handle;
        cusparseStatus_t cusparseStatus;
        cusparseStatus = cusparseCreate(&handle);
        cusparseSetStream( handle, queue );
        if (cusparseStatus != 0)    printf("error in Handle.\n");

        cusparseMatDescr_t descrA;
        cusparseMatDescr_t descrB;
        cusparseMatDescr_t descrC;
        cusparseStatus = cusparseCreateMatDescr(&descrA);
        cusparseStatus = cusparseCreateMatDescr(&descrB);
        cusparseStatus = cusparseCreateMatDescr(&descrC);
        if (cusparseStatus != 0)    printf("error in MatrDescr.\n");

        cusparseStatus =
        if (cusparseStatus != 0)    printf("error in MatrType.\n");

        cusparseStatus =
        if (cusparseStatus != 0)    printf("error in IndexBase.\n");

        // multiply A and B on the device
        magma_int_t baseC;
        // nnzTotalDevHostPtr points to host memory
        magma_index_t *nnzTotalDevHostPtr = (magma_index_t*) &C.nnz;
        cusparseSetPointerMode(handle, CUSPARSE_POINTER_MODE_HOST);
        stat_dev += magma_index_malloc( &C.drow, (A.num_rows + 1) );

        cusparseXcsrgeamNnz(handle,A.num_rows, A.num_cols,
                            descrA, A.nnz, A.drow, A.dcol,
                            descrB, B.nnz, B.drow, B.dcol,
                            descrC, C.row, nnzTotalDevHostPtr);

        if (NULL != nnzTotalDevHostPtr) {
            C.nnz = *nnzTotalDevHostPtr;
        } else {
            // workaround as nnz and base C are magma_int_t
            magma_index_t base_t, nnz_t;
            magma_index_getvector( 1, C.drow+C.num_rows, 1, &nnz_t, 1 );
            magma_index_getvector( 1, C.drow,   1, &base_t,    1 );
            C.nnz = (magma_int_t) nnz_t;
            baseC = (magma_int_t) base_t;
            C.nnz -= baseC;
        stat_dev += magma_index_malloc( &C.dcol, C.nnz );
        stat_dev += magma_zmalloc( &C.dval, C.nnz );
        if( stat_dev != 0 ) {
            magma_z_mfree( &C, queue );
            return MAGMA_ERR_DEVICE_ALLOC;

        cusparseZcsrgeam(handle, A.num_rows, A.num_cols,
                         descrA, A.nnz,
                         A.dval, A.drow, A.dcol,
                         descrB, B.nnz,
                         B.dval, B.drow, B.dcol,
                         C.dval, C.drow, C.dcol);

        cusparseDestroyMatDescr( descrA );
        cusparseDestroyMatDescr( descrB );
        cusparseDestroyMatDescr( descrC );
        cusparseDestroy( handle );
        // end CUSPARSE context //

        magma_z_mtransfer( C, AB, Magma_DEV, Magma_DEV, queue );
        magma_z_mfree( &C, queue );

        return MAGMA_SUCCESS;
    else {

        printf("error: CSRSPAXPY only supported on device and CSR format.\n");

        return MAGMA_SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 3
extern "C" magma_int_t
magma_dcuspmm( magma_d_sparse_matrix A, magma_d_sparse_matrix B, 
                                            magma_d_sparse_matrix *AB ){

    if(    A.memory_location == Magma_DEV 
        && B.memory_location == Magma_DEV
        && ( A.storage_type == Magma_CSR ||
             A.storage_type == Magma_CSRCOO )
        && ( B.storage_type == Magma_CSR ||
             B.storage_type == Magma_CSRCOO ) ){

            magma_d_sparse_matrix C;
            C.num_rows = A.num_rows;
            C.num_cols = A.num_cols;
            C.storage_type = A.storage_type;
            C.memory_location = A.memory_location;

            // CUSPARSE context //
            cusparseHandle_t handle;
            cusparseStatus_t cusparseStatus;
            cusparseStatus = cusparseCreate(&handle);
             if(cusparseStatus != 0)    printf("error in Handle.\n");

            cusparseMatDescr_t descrA;
            cusparseMatDescr_t descrB;
            cusparseMatDescr_t descrC;
            cusparseStatus = cusparseCreateMatDescr(&descrA);
            cusparseStatus = cusparseCreateMatDescr(&descrB);
            cusparseStatus = cusparseCreateMatDescr(&descrC);
             if(cusparseStatus != 0)    printf("error in MatrDescr.\n");

            cusparseStatus =
             if(cusparseStatus != 0)    printf("error in MatrType.\n");

            cusparseStatus =
             if(cusparseStatus != 0)    printf("error in IndexBase.\n");

            // multiply A and B on the device
            magma_int_t baseC;
            // nnzTotalDevHostPtr points to host memory
            magma_index_t *nnzTotalDevHostPtr = (magma_index_t*) &C.nnz;
            cusparseSetPointerMode(handle, CUSPARSE_POINTER_MODE_HOST);
            magma_index_malloc( &C.row, (A.num_rows + 1) );
            cusparseXcsrgemmNnz(handle, CUSPARSE_OPERATION_NON_TRANSPOSE, 
                                        A.num_rows, A.num_rows, A.num_rows, 
                                        descrA, A.nnz, A.row, A.col,
                                        descrB, B.nnz, B.row, B.col,
                                        descrC, C.row, nnzTotalDevHostPtr );
            if (NULL != nnzTotalDevHostPtr){
                C.nnz = *nnzTotalDevHostPtr;
                // workaround as nnz and base C are magma_int_t 
                magma_index_t base_t, nnz_t; 
                magma_index_getvector( 1, C.row+C.num_rows, 1, &nnz_t, 1 );
                magma_index_getvector( 1, C.row,   1, &base_t,    1 );
                C.nnz = (magma_int_t) nnz_t;
                baseC = (magma_int_t) base_t;
                C.nnz -= baseC;
            magma_index_malloc( &C.col, C.nnz );
            magma_dmalloc( &C.val, C.nnz );
            cusparseDcsrgemm(handle, CUSPARSE_OPERATION_NON_TRANSPOSE, 
                            A.num_rows, A.num_rows, A.num_rows,
                            descrA, A.nnz,
                            A.val, A.row, A.col,
                            descrB, B.nnz,
                            B.val, B.row, B.col,
                            C.val, C.row, C.col);

            cusparseDestroyMatDescr( descrA );
            cusparseDestroyMatDescr( descrB );
            cusparseDestroyMatDescr( descrC );
            cusparseDestroy( handle );
            // end CUSPARSE context //

            magma_d_mtransfer( C, AB, Magma_DEV, Magma_DEV );
            magma_d_mfree( &C );

        return MAGMA_SUCCESS; 

        printf("error: CSRMM only supported on device and CSR format.\n");

        return MAGMA_SUCCESS; 
Esempio n. 4
extern "C" magma_int_t
    magma_z_matrix A, magma_z_matrix B,
    magma_z_matrix *AB,
    magma_queue_t queue )
    magma_int_t info = 0;
    magma_z_matrix C={Magma_CSR};
    C.num_rows = A.num_rows;
    C.num_cols = B.num_cols;
    C.storage_type = A.storage_type;
    C.memory_location = A.memory_location;
    C.fill_mode = MagmaFull;
    C.val = NULL;
    C.col = NULL;
    C.row = NULL;
    C.rowidx = NULL;
    C.blockinfo = NULL;
    C.diag = NULL;
    C.dval = NULL;
    C.dcol = NULL;
    C.drow = NULL;
    C.drowidx = NULL;
    C.ddiag = NULL;
    magma_index_t base_t, nnz_t, baseC;
    cusparseHandle_t handle=NULL;
    cusparseMatDescr_t descrA=NULL;
    cusparseMatDescr_t descrB=NULL;
    cusparseMatDescr_t descrC=NULL;
    if (    A.memory_location == Magma_DEV
        && B.memory_location == Magma_DEV
        && ( A.storage_type == Magma_CSR ||
             A.storage_type == Magma_CSRCOO )
        && ( B.storage_type == Magma_CSR ||
             B.storage_type == Magma_CSRCOO ) )
        // CUSPARSE context /
        CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseCreate( &handle ));
        CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetStream( handle, queue->cuda_stream() ));
        CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseCreateMatDescr( &descrA ));
        CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseCreateMatDescr( &descrB ));
        CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseCreateMatDescr( &descrC ));
        CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetMatType( descrA, CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL ));
        CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetMatType( descrB, CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL ));
        CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetMatType( descrC, CUSPARSE_MATRIX_TYPE_GENERAL ));
        CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetMatIndexBase( descrA, CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO ));
        CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetMatIndexBase( descrB, CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO ));
        CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetMatIndexBase( descrC, CUSPARSE_INDEX_BASE_ZERO ));

        // nnzTotalDevHostPtr points to host memory
        magma_index_t *nnzTotalDevHostPtr = (magma_index_t*) &C.nnz;
        CHECK_CUSPARSE( cusparseSetPointerMode( handle, CUSPARSE_POINTER_MODE_HOST ));
        CHECK( magma_index_malloc( &C.drow, (A.num_rows + 1) ));
                                    A.num_rows, B.num_cols, A.num_cols,
                                    descrA, A.nnz, A.drow, A.dcol,
                                    descrB, B.nnz, B.drow, B.dcol,
                                    descrC, C.drow, nnzTotalDevHostPtr ));
        if (NULL != nnzTotalDevHostPtr) {
            C.nnz = *nnzTotalDevHostPtr;
        } else {
            // workaround as nnz and base C are magma_int_t
            magma_index_getvector( 1, C.drow+C.num_rows, 1, &nnz_t, 1, queue );
            magma_index_getvector( 1, C.drow,   1, &base_t,    1, queue );
            C.nnz = (magma_int_t) nnz_t;
            baseC = (magma_int_t) base_t;
            C.nnz -= baseC;
        CHECK( magma_index_malloc( &C.dcol, C.nnz ));
        CHECK( magma_zmalloc( &C.dval, C.nnz ));
                        A.num_rows, B.num_cols, A.num_cols,
                        descrA, A.nnz,
                        A.dval, A.drow, A.dcol,
                        descrB, B.nnz,
                        B.dval, B.drow, B.dcol,
                        C.dval, C.drow, C.dcol ));
        // end CUSPARSE context //
        magma_queue_sync( queue );
        CHECK( magma_zmtransfer( C, AB, Magma_DEV, Magma_DEV, queue ));
    else {
        info = MAGMA_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; 
    cusparseDestroyMatDescr( descrA );
    cusparseDestroyMatDescr( descrB );
    cusparseDestroyMatDescr( descrC );
    cusparseDestroy( handle );
    magma_zmfree( &C, queue );
    return info;
Esempio n. 5
extern "C" magma_int_t
    magma_d_matrix A,
    magma_d_matrix *B,
    magma_location_t src,
    magma_location_t dst,
    magma_queue_t queue )
    magma_int_t info = 0;
    B->val = NULL;
    B->diag = NULL;
    B->row = NULL;
    B->rowidx = NULL;
    B->col = NULL;
    B->blockinfo = NULL;
    B->dval = NULL;
    B->ddiag = NULL;
    B->drow = NULL;
    B->drowidx = NULL;
    B->dcol = NULL;
    B->diag = NULL;
    B->ddiag = NULL;
    B->list = NULL;
    B->dlist = NULL;

    // first case: copy matrix from host to device
    if ( src == Magma_CPU && dst == Magma_DEV ) {
        if ( A.storage_type == Magma_CSR || A.storage_type == Magma_CUCSR
                                        || A.storage_type == Magma_CSC
                                        || A.storage_type == Magma_CSRD
                                        || A.storage_type == Magma_CSRL
                                        || A.storage_type == Magma_CSRU ) {
            // fill in information for B
            B->storage_type = A.storage_type;
            B->memory_location = Magma_DEV;
            B->sym = A.sym;
            B->diagorder_type = A.diagorder_type;
            B->fill_mode = A.fill_mode;
            B->num_rows = A.num_rows;
            B->num_cols = A.num_cols;
            B->nnz = A.nnz; B->true_nnz = A.true_nnz;
            B->max_nnz_row = A.max_nnz_row;
            B->diameter = A.diameter;
            // memory allocation
            CHECK( magma_dmalloc( &B->dval, A.nnz ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc( &B->drow, A.num_rows + 1 ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc( &B->dcol, A.nnz ));
            // data transfer
            magma_dsetvector( A.nnz, A.val, 1, B->dval, 1, queue );
            magma_index_setvector( A.num_rows + 1, A.row, 1, B->drow, 1, queue );
            magma_index_setvector( A.nnz, A.col, 1, B->dcol, 1, queue );
        else if ( A.storage_type == Magma_COO ) {
            // fill in information for B
            B->storage_type = A.storage_type;
            B->memory_location = Magma_DEV;
            B->sym = A.sym;
            B->diagorder_type = A.diagorder_type;
            B->fill_mode = A.fill_mode;
            B->num_rows = A.num_rows;
            B->num_cols = A.num_cols;
            B->nnz = A.nnz; B->true_nnz = A.true_nnz;
            B->max_nnz_row = A.max_nnz_row;
            B->diameter = A.diameter;
            // memory allocation
            CHECK( magma_dmalloc( &B->dval, A.nnz ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc( &B->dcol, A.nnz ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc( &B->drowidx, A.nnz ));
            // data transfer
            magma_dsetvector( A.nnz, A.val, 1, B->dval, 1, queue );
            magma_index_setvector( A.nnz, A.col, 1, B->dcol, 1, queue );
            magma_index_setvector( A.nnz, A.rowidx, 1, B->drowidx, 1, queue );
        else if ( A.storage_type == Magma_CSRCOO ) {
            // fill in information for B
            B->storage_type = A.storage_type;
            B->memory_location = Magma_DEV;
            B->sym = A.sym;
            B->diagorder_type = A.diagorder_type;
            B->fill_mode = A.fill_mode;
            B->num_rows = A.num_rows;
            B->num_cols = A.num_cols;
            B->nnz = A.nnz; B->true_nnz = A.true_nnz;
            B->max_nnz_row = A.max_nnz_row;
            B->diameter = A.diameter;
            // memory allocation
            CHECK( magma_dmalloc( &B->dval, A.nnz ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc( &B->drow, A.num_rows + 1 ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc( &B->dcol, A.nnz ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc( &B->drowidx, A.nnz ));
            // data transfer
            magma_dsetvector( A.nnz, A.val, 1, B->dval, 1, queue );
            magma_index_setvector( A.num_rows + 1, A.row, 1, B->drow, 1, queue );
            magma_index_setvector( A.nnz, A.col, 1, B->dcol, 1, queue );
            magma_index_setvector( A.nnz, A.rowidx, 1, B->drowidx, 1, queue );
        else if ( A.storage_type == Magma_ELLPACKT || A.storage_type == Magma_ELL ) {
            // fill in information for B
            B->storage_type = A.storage_type;
            B->memory_location = Magma_DEV;
            B->sym = A.sym;
            B->diagorder_type = A.diagorder_type;
            B->fill_mode = A.fill_mode;
            B->num_rows = A.num_rows;
            B->num_cols = A.num_cols;
            B->nnz = A.nnz; B->true_nnz = A.true_nnz;
            B->max_nnz_row = A.max_nnz_row;
            B->diameter = A.diameter;
            // memory allocation
            CHECK( magma_dmalloc( &B->dval, A.num_rows * A.max_nnz_row ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc( &B->dcol, A.num_rows * A.max_nnz_row ));
            // data transfer
            magma_dsetvector( A.num_rows * A.max_nnz_row, A.val, 1, B->dval, 1, queue );
            magma_index_setvector( A.num_rows * A.max_nnz_row, A.col, 1, B->dcol, 1, queue );
        else if ( A.storage_type == Magma_ELLD ) {
            // fill in information for B
            B->storage_type = A.storage_type;
            B->memory_location = Magma_DEV;
            B->sym = A.sym;
            B->diagorder_type = A.diagorder_type;
            B->fill_mode = A.fill_mode;
            B->num_rows = A.num_rows;
            B->num_cols = A.num_cols;
            B->nnz = A.nnz; B->true_nnz = A.true_nnz;
            B->max_nnz_row = A.max_nnz_row;
            B->diameter = A.diameter;
            // memory allocation
            CHECK( magma_dmalloc( &B->dval, A.num_rows * A.max_nnz_row ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc( &B->dcol, A.num_rows * A.max_nnz_row ));
            // data transfer
            magma_dsetvector( A.num_rows * A.max_nnz_row, A.val, 1, B->dval, 1, queue );
            magma_index_setvector( A.num_rows * A.max_nnz_row, A.col, 1, B->dcol, 1, queue );
        else if ( A.storage_type == Magma_ELLRT ) {
            // fill in information for B
            B->storage_type = A.storage_type;
            B->memory_location = Magma_DEV;
            B->sym = A.sym;
            B->diagorder_type = A.diagorder_type;
            B->fill_mode = A.fill_mode;
            B->num_rows = A.num_rows;
            B->num_cols = A.num_cols;
            B->nnz = A.nnz; B->true_nnz = A.true_nnz;
            B->max_nnz_row = A.max_nnz_row;
            B->diameter = A.diameter;
            B->blocksize = A.blocksize;
            B->alignment = A.alignment;
            magma_int_t rowlength = magma_roundup( A.max_nnz_row, A.alignment );
            // memory allocation
            CHECK( magma_dmalloc( &B->dval, A.num_rows * rowlength ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc( &B->dcol, A.num_rows * rowlength ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc( &B->drow, A.num_rows ));
            // data transfer
            magma_dsetvector( A.num_rows * rowlength, A.val, 1, B->dval, 1, queue );
            magma_index_setvector( A.num_rows * rowlength, A.col, 1, B->dcol, 1, queue );
            magma_index_setvector( A.num_rows, A.row, 1, B->drow, 1, queue );
        else if ( A.storage_type == Magma_SELLP ) {
            // fill in information for B
            B->storage_type = A.storage_type;
            B->memory_location = Magma_DEV;
            B->sym = A.sym;
            B->diagorder_type = A.diagorder_type;
            B->fill_mode = A.fill_mode;
            B->num_rows = A.num_rows;
            B->num_cols = A.num_cols;
            B->nnz = A.nnz; B->true_nnz = A.true_nnz;
            B->max_nnz_row = A.max_nnz_row;
            B->diameter = A.diameter;
            B->blocksize = A.blocksize;
            B->numblocks = A.numblocks;
            B->alignment = A.alignment;
            // memory allocation
            CHECK( magma_dmalloc( &B->dval, A.nnz ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc( &B->dcol, A.nnz ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc( &B->drow, A.numblocks + 1 ));
            // data transfer
            magma_dsetvector( A.nnz, A.val, 1, B->dval, 1, queue );
            magma_index_setvector( A.nnz, A.col, 1, B->dcol, 1, queue );
            magma_index_setvector( A.numblocks + 1, A.row, 1, B->drow, 1, queue );
        else if ( A.storage_type == Magma_BCSR ) {
            // fill in information for B
            B->storage_type = A.storage_type;
            B->memory_location = Magma_DEV;
            B->sym = A.sym;
            B->diagorder_type = A.diagorder_type;
            B->fill_mode = A.fill_mode;
            B->num_rows = A.num_rows;
            B->num_cols = A.num_cols;
            B->nnz = A.nnz; B->true_nnz = A.true_nnz;
            B->max_nnz_row = A.max_nnz_row;
            B->diameter = A.diameter;
            B->blocksize = A.blocksize;
            B->numblocks = A.numblocks;
            B->alignment = A.alignment;
            magma_int_t size_b = A.blocksize;
            //magma_int_t c_blocks = ceil( (float)A.num_cols / (float)size_b );
                    // max number of blocks per row
            //magma_int_t r_blocks = ceil( (float)A.num_rows / (float)size_b );
            magma_int_t r_blocks = magma_ceildiv( A.num_rows, size_b );
                    // max number of blocks per column
            // memory allocation
            CHECK( magma_dmalloc( &B->dval, size_b * size_b * A.numblocks ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc( &B->drow, r_blocks + 1 ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc( &B->dcol, A.numblocks ));
            // data transfer
            magma_dsetvector( size_b * size_b * A.numblocks, A.val, 1, B->dval, 1, queue );
            magma_index_setvector( r_blocks + 1, A.row, 1, B->drow, 1, queue );
            magma_index_setvector( A.numblocks, A.col, 1, B->dcol, 1, queue );
        else if ( A.storage_type == Magma_DENSE ) {
            // fill in information for B
            B->storage_type = A.storage_type;
            B->memory_location = Magma_DEV;
            B->sym = A.sym;
            B->diagorder_type = A.diagorder_type;
            B->fill_mode = A.fill_mode;
            B->num_rows = A.num_rows;
            B->num_cols = A.num_cols;
            B->nnz = A.nnz; B->true_nnz = A.true_nnz;
            B->max_nnz_row = A.max_nnz_row;
            B->diameter = A.diameter;
            B->major = A.major;
            B->ld = A.ld;
            // memory allocation
            CHECK( magma_dmalloc( &B->dval, A.num_rows * A.num_cols ));
            // data transfer
            magma_dsetvector( A.num_rows * A.num_cols, A.val, 1, B->dval, 1, queue );

    // second case: copy matrix from host to host
    else if ( src == Magma_CPU && dst == Magma_CPU ) {
        if ( A.storage_type == Magma_CSR || A.storage_type == Magma_CUCSR
                                        || A.storage_type == Magma_CSC
                                        || A.storage_type == Magma_CSRD
                                        || A.storage_type == Magma_CSRL
                                        || A.storage_type == Magma_CSRU ) {
            // fill in information for B
            B->storage_type = A.storage_type;
            B->memory_location = Magma_CPU;
            B->sym = A.sym;
            B->diagorder_type = A.diagorder_type;
            B->fill_mode = A.fill_mode;
            B->num_rows = A.num_rows;
            B->num_cols = A.num_cols;
            B->nnz = A.nnz; B->true_nnz = A.true_nnz;
            B->max_nnz_row = A.max_nnz_row;
            B->diameter = A.diameter;
            // memory allocation
            CHECK( magma_dmalloc_cpu( &B->val, A.nnz ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc_cpu( &B->row, A.num_rows + 1 ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc_cpu( &B->col, A.nnz ));
            // data transfer
            for( magma_int_t i=0; i<A.nnz; i++ ) {
                B->val[i] = A.val[i];
                B->col[i] = A.col[i];
            for( magma_int_t i=0; i<A.num_rows+1; i++ ) {
                B->row[i] = A.row[i];
        else if ( A.storage_type == Magma_COO ) {
            // fill in information for B
            B->storage_type = A.storage_type;
            B->memory_location = Magma_CPU;
            B->sym = A.sym;
            B->diagorder_type = A.diagorder_type;
            B->fill_mode = A.fill_mode;
            B->num_rows = A.num_rows;
            B->num_cols = A.num_cols;
            B->nnz = A.nnz; B->true_nnz = A.true_nnz;
            B->max_nnz_row = A.max_nnz_row;
            B->diameter = A.diameter;
            // memory allocation
            CHECK( magma_dmalloc_cpu( &B->val, A.nnz ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc_cpu( &B->col, A.nnz ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc_cpu( &B->rowidx, A.nnz ));
            // data transfer
            for( magma_int_t i=0; i<A.nnz; i++ ) {
                B->val[i] = A.val[i];
                B->col[i] = A.col[i];
                B->rowidx[i] = A.rowidx[i];
        else if ( A.storage_type == Magma_CSRCOO ) {
            // fill in information for B
            B->storage_type = A.storage_type;
            B->memory_location = Magma_CPU;
            B->sym = A.sym;
            B->diagorder_type = A.diagorder_type;
            B->fill_mode = A.fill_mode;
            B->num_rows = A.num_rows;
            B->num_cols = A.num_cols;
            B->nnz = A.nnz; B->true_nnz = A.true_nnz;
            B->max_nnz_row = A.max_nnz_row;
            B->diameter = A.diameter;
            // memory allocation
            CHECK( magma_dmalloc_cpu( &B->val, A.nnz ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc_cpu( &B->row, A.num_rows + 1 ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc_cpu( &B->col, A.nnz ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc_cpu( &B->rowidx, A.nnz ));
            // data transfer
            for( magma_int_t i=0; i<A.nnz; i++ ) {
                B->val[i] = A.val[i];
                B->col[i] = A.col[i];
                B->rowidx[i] = A.rowidx[i];
            for( magma_int_t i=0; i<A.num_rows+1; i++ ) {
                B->row[i] = A.row[i];
        else if ( A.storage_type == Magma_ELLPACKT || A.storage_type == Magma_ELL ) {
            // fill in information for B
            B->storage_type = A.storage_type;
            B->memory_location = Magma_CPU;
            B->sym = A.sym;
            B->diagorder_type = A.diagorder_type;
            B->fill_mode = A.fill_mode;
            B->num_rows = A.num_rows;
            B->num_cols = A.num_cols;
            B->nnz = A.nnz; B->true_nnz = A.true_nnz;
            B->max_nnz_row = A.max_nnz_row;
            B->diameter = A.diameter;
            // memory allocation
            CHECK( magma_dmalloc_cpu( &B->val, A.num_rows * A.max_nnz_row ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc_cpu( &B->col, A.num_rows * A.max_nnz_row ));
            // data transfer
            for( magma_int_t i=0; i<A.num_rows*A.max_nnz_row; i++ ) {
                B->val[i] = A.val[i];
                B->col[i] = A.col[i];
        else if ( A.storage_type == Magma_ELLD ) {
            // fill in information for B
            B->storage_type = A.storage_type;
            B->memory_location = Magma_CPU;
            B->sym = A.sym;
            B->diagorder_type = A.diagorder_type;
            B->fill_mode = A.fill_mode;
            B->num_rows = A.num_rows;
            B->num_cols = A.num_cols;
            B->nnz = A.nnz; B->true_nnz = A.true_nnz;
            B->max_nnz_row = A.max_nnz_row;
            B->diameter = A.diameter;
            // memory allocation
            CHECK( magma_dmalloc_cpu( &B->val, A.num_rows * A.max_nnz_row ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc_cpu( &B->col, A.num_rows * A.max_nnz_row ));
            // data transfer
            for( magma_int_t i=0; i<A.num_rows*A.max_nnz_row; i++ ) {
                B->val[i] = A.val[i];
                B->col[i] = A.col[i];
        else if ( A.storage_type == Magma_ELLRT ) {
            // fill in information for B
            B->storage_type = A.storage_type;
            B->memory_location = Magma_CPU;
            B->sym = A.sym;
            B->diagorder_type = A.diagorder_type;
            B->fill_mode = A.fill_mode;
            B->num_rows = A.num_rows;
            B->num_cols = A.num_cols;
            B->nnz = A.nnz; B->true_nnz = A.true_nnz;
            B->max_nnz_row = A.max_nnz_row;
            B->diameter = A.diameter;
            B->blocksize = A.blocksize;
            B->alignment = A.alignment;
            //int threads_per_row = A.alignment;
            //int rowlength = magma_roundup( A.max_nnz_row, threads_per_row );
            magma_int_t rowlength = magma_roundup( A.max_nnz_row, A.alignment );
            // memory allocation
            CHECK( magma_dmalloc_cpu( &B->val, rowlength * A.num_rows ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc_cpu( &B->row, A.num_rows ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc_cpu( &B->col, rowlength * A.num_rows ));
            // data transfer
            for( magma_int_t i=0; i<A.num_rows*rowlength; i++ ) {
                B->val[i] = A.val[i];
                B->col[i] = A.col[i];
            for( magma_int_t i=0; i<A.num_rows; i++ ) {
                B->row[i] = A.row[i];
        else if (  A.storage_type == Magma_SELLP ) {
            // fill in information for B
            B->storage_type = A.storage_type;
            B->memory_location = Magma_CPU;
            B->sym = A.sym;
            B->diagorder_type = A.diagorder_type;
            B->fill_mode = A.fill_mode;
            B->num_rows = A.num_rows;
            B->num_cols = A.num_cols;
            B->nnz = A.nnz; B->true_nnz = A.true_nnz;
            B->max_nnz_row = A.max_nnz_row;
            B->diameter = A.diameter;
            B->blocksize = A.blocksize;
            B->alignment = A.alignment;
            B->numblocks = A.numblocks;
            // memory allocation
            CHECK( magma_dmalloc_cpu( &B->val, A.nnz ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc_cpu( &B->col, A.nnz ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc_cpu( &B->row, A.numblocks + 1 ));
            // data transfer
            for( magma_int_t i=0; i<A.nnz; i++ ) {
                B->val[i] = A.val[i];
                B->col[i] = A.col[i];
            for( magma_int_t i=0; i<A.numblocks+1; i++ ) {
                B->row[i] = A.row[i];
        else if ( A.storage_type == Magma_BCSR ) {
            // fill in information for B
            B->storage_type = A.storage_type;
            B->memory_location = Magma_CPU;
            B->sym = A.sym;
            B->diagorder_type = A.diagorder_type;
            B->fill_mode = A.fill_mode;
            B->num_rows = A.num_rows;
            B->num_cols = A.num_cols;
            B->nnz = A.nnz; B->true_nnz = A.true_nnz;
            B->max_nnz_row = A.max_nnz_row;
            B->diameter = A.diameter;
            B->blocksize = A.blocksize;
            B->numblocks = A.numblocks;
            B->alignment = A.alignment;
            magma_int_t size_b = A.blocksize;
            //magma_int_t c_blocks = ceil( (float)A.num_cols / (float)size_b );
                    // max number of blocks per row
            //magma_int_t r_blocks = ceil( (float)A.num_rows / (float)size_b );
            magma_int_t r_blocks = magma_ceildiv( A.num_rows, size_b );
                    // max number of blocks per column
            // memory allocation
            CHECK( magma_dmalloc_cpu( &B->val, size_b * size_b * A.numblocks ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc_cpu( &B->row, r_blocks + 1 ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc_cpu( &B->col, A.numblocks ));
            // data transfer
            //magma_dsetvector( size_b * size_b * A.numblocks, A.val, 1, B->dval, 1, queue );
            for( magma_int_t i=0; i<size_b*size_b*A.numblocks; i++ ) {
                B->dval[i] = A.val[i];
            //magma_index_setvector( r_blocks + 1, A.row, 1, B->drow, 1, queue );
            for( magma_int_t i=0; i<r_blocks+1; i++ ) {
                B->drow[i] = A.row[i];
            //magma_index_setvector( A.numblocks, A.col, 1, B->dcol, 1, queue );
            for( magma_int_t i=0; i<A.numblocks; i++ ) {
                B->dcol[i] = A.col[i];
        else if ( A.storage_type == Magma_DENSE ) {
            // fill in information for B
            B->storage_type = A.storage_type;
            B->memory_location = Magma_CPU;
            B->sym = A.sym;
            B->diagorder_type = A.diagorder_type;
            B->fill_mode = A.fill_mode;
            B->num_rows = A.num_rows;
            B->num_cols = A.num_cols;
            B->nnz = A.nnz; B->true_nnz = A.true_nnz;
            B->max_nnz_row = A.max_nnz_row;
            B->diameter = A.diameter;
            B->major = A.major;
            B->ld = A.ld;
            // memory allocation
            CHECK( magma_dmalloc_cpu( &B->val, A.num_rows * A.num_cols ));
            // data transfer
            for( magma_int_t i=0; i<A.num_rows*A.num_cols; i++ ) {
                B->val[i] = A.val[i];

    // third case: copy matrix from device to host
    else if ( src == Magma_DEV && dst == Magma_CPU ) {
        if ( A.storage_type == Magma_CSR || A.storage_type == Magma_CUCSR
                                        || A.storage_type == Magma_CSC
                                        || A.storage_type == Magma_CSRD
                                        || A.storage_type == Magma_CSRL
                                        || A.storage_type == Magma_CSRU ) {
            // fill in information for B
            B->storage_type = A.storage_type;
            B->memory_location = Magma_CPU;
            B->sym = A.sym;
            B->diagorder_type = A.diagorder_type;
            B->fill_mode = A.fill_mode;
            B->num_rows = A.num_rows;
            B->num_cols = A.num_cols;
            B->nnz = A.nnz; B->true_nnz = A.true_nnz;
            B->max_nnz_row = A.max_nnz_row;
            B->diameter = A.diameter;
            // memory allocation
            CHECK( magma_dmalloc_cpu( &B->val, A.nnz ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc_cpu( &B->row, A.num_rows + 1 ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc_cpu( &B->col, A.nnz ));
            // data transfer
            magma_dgetvector( A.nnz, A.dval, 1, B->val, 1, queue );
            magma_index_getvector( A.num_rows + 1, A.drow, 1, B->row, 1, queue );
            magma_index_getvector( A.nnz, A.dcol, 1, B->col, 1, queue );
        else if ( A.storage_type == Magma_COO ) {
            // fill in information for B
            B->storage_type = A.storage_type;
            B->memory_location = Magma_CPU;
            B->sym = A.sym;
            B->diagorder_type = A.diagorder_type;
            B->fill_mode = A.fill_mode;
            B->num_rows = A.num_rows;
            B->num_cols = A.num_cols;
            B->nnz = A.nnz; B->true_nnz = A.true_nnz;
            B->max_nnz_row = A.max_nnz_row;
            B->diameter = A.diameter;
            // memory allocation
            CHECK( magma_dmalloc_cpu( &B->val, A.nnz ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc_cpu( &B->col, A.nnz ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc_cpu( &B->rowidx, A.nnz ));
            // data transfer
            magma_dgetvector( A.nnz, A.dval, 1, B->val, 1, queue );
            magma_index_getvector( A.nnz, A.dcol, 1, B->col, 1, queue );
            magma_index_getvector( A.nnz, A.drowidx, 1, B->rowidx, 1, queue );
        else if ( A.storage_type == Magma_CSRCOO ) {
            // fill in information for B
            B->storage_type = A.storage_type;
            B->memory_location = Magma_CPU;
            B->sym = A.sym;
            B->diagorder_type = A.diagorder_type;
            B->fill_mode = A.fill_mode;
            B->num_rows = A.num_rows;
            B->num_cols = A.num_cols;
            B->nnz = A.nnz; B->true_nnz = A.true_nnz;
            B->max_nnz_row = A.max_nnz_row;
            B->diameter = A.diameter;
            // memory allocation
            CHECK( magma_dmalloc_cpu( &B->val, A.nnz ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc_cpu( &B->row, A.num_rows + 1 ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc_cpu( &B->col, A.nnz ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc_cpu( &B->rowidx, A.nnz ));
            // data transfer
            magma_dgetvector( A.nnz, A.dval, 1, B->val, 1, queue );
            magma_index_getvector( A.num_rows + 1, A.drow, 1, B->row, 1, queue );
            magma_index_getvector( A.nnz, A.dcol, 1, B->col, 1, queue );
            magma_index_getvector( A.nnz, A.drowidx, 1, B->rowidx, 1, queue );
        else if ( A.storage_type == Magma_ELLPACKT || A.storage_type == Magma_ELL ) {
            // fill in information for B
            B->storage_type = A.storage_type;
            B->memory_location = Magma_CPU;
            B->sym = A.sym;
            B->diagorder_type = A.diagorder_type;
            B->fill_mode = A.fill_mode;
            B->num_rows = A.num_rows;
            B->num_cols = A.num_cols;
            B->nnz = A.nnz; B->true_nnz = A.true_nnz;
            B->max_nnz_row = A.max_nnz_row;
            B->diameter = A.diameter;
            // memory allocation
            CHECK( magma_dmalloc_cpu( &B->val, A.num_rows * A.max_nnz_row ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc_cpu( &B->col, A.num_rows * A.max_nnz_row ));
            // data transfer
            magma_dgetvector( A.num_rows * A.max_nnz_row, A.dval, 1, B->val, 1, queue );
            magma_index_getvector( A.num_rows * A.max_nnz_row, A.dcol, 1, B->col, 1, queue );
        else if (  A.storage_type == Magma_ELLD ) {
            // fill in information for B
            B->storage_type = A.storage_type;
            B->memory_location = Magma_CPU;
            B->sym = A.sym;
            B->diagorder_type = A.diagorder_type;
            B->fill_mode = A.fill_mode;
            B->num_rows = A.num_rows;
            B->num_cols = A.num_cols;
            B->nnz = A.nnz; B->true_nnz = A.true_nnz;
            B->max_nnz_row = A.max_nnz_row;
            B->diameter = A.diameter;
            // memory allocation
            CHECK( magma_dmalloc_cpu( &B->val, A.num_rows * A.max_nnz_row ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc_cpu( &B->col, A.num_rows * A.max_nnz_row ));
            // data transfer
            magma_dgetvector( A.num_rows * A.max_nnz_row, A.dval, 1, B->val, 1, queue );
            magma_index_getvector( A.num_rows * A.max_nnz_row, A.dcol, 1, B->col, 1, queue );
        else if ( A.storage_type == Magma_ELLRT ) {
            // fill in information for B
            B->storage_type = A.storage_type;
            B->memory_location = Magma_CPU;
            B->sym = A.sym;
            B->diagorder_type = A.diagorder_type;
            B->fill_mode = A.fill_mode;
            B->num_rows = A.num_rows;
            B->num_cols = A.num_cols;
            B->nnz = A.nnz; B->true_nnz = A.true_nnz;
            B->max_nnz_row = A.max_nnz_row;
            B->diameter = A.diameter;
            B->blocksize = A.blocksize;
            B->alignment = A.alignment;
            //int threads_per_row = A.alignment;
            //int rowlength = magma_roundup( A.max_nnz_row, threads_per_row );
            magma_int_t rowlength = magma_roundup( A.max_nnz_row, A.alignment );
            // memory allocation
            CHECK( magma_dmalloc_cpu( &B->val, rowlength * A.num_rows ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc_cpu( &B->row, A.num_rows ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc_cpu( &B->col, rowlength * A.num_rows ));
            // data transfer
            magma_dgetvector( A.num_rows * rowlength, A.dval, 1, B->val, 1, queue );
            magma_index_getvector( A.num_rows * rowlength, A.dcol, 1, B->col, 1, queue );
            magma_index_getvector( A.num_rows, A.drow, 1, B->row, 1, queue );
        else if ( A.storage_type == Magma_SELLP ) {
            // fill in information for B
            B->storage_type = A.storage_type;
            B->memory_location = Magma_CPU;
            B->sym = A.sym;
            B->diagorder_type = A.diagorder_type;
            B->fill_mode = A.fill_mode;
            B->num_rows = A.num_rows;
            B->num_cols = A.num_cols;
            B->nnz = A.nnz; B->true_nnz = A.true_nnz;
            B->max_nnz_row = A.max_nnz_row;
            B->diameter = A.diameter;
            B->blocksize = A.blocksize;
            B->numblocks = A.numblocks;
            B->alignment = A.alignment;
            // memory allocation
            CHECK( magma_dmalloc_cpu( &B->val, A.nnz ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc_cpu( &B->col, A.nnz ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc_cpu( &B->row, A.numblocks + 1 ));
            // data transfer
            magma_dgetvector( A.nnz, A.dval, 1, B->val, 1, queue );
            magma_index_getvector( A.nnz, A.dcol, 1, B->col, 1, queue );
            magma_index_getvector( A.numblocks + 1, A.drow, 1, B->row, 1, queue );
        else if ( A.storage_type == Magma_BCSR ) {
            // fill in information for B
            B->storage_type = A.storage_type;
            B->memory_location = Magma_CPU;
            B->sym = A.sym;
            B->diagorder_type = A.diagorder_type;
            B->fill_mode = A.fill_mode;
            B->num_rows = A.num_rows;
            B->num_cols = A.num_cols;
            B->nnz = A.nnz; B->true_nnz = A.true_nnz;
            B->max_nnz_row = A.max_nnz_row;
            B->diameter = A.diameter;
            B->blocksize = A.blocksize;
            B->numblocks = A.numblocks;
            B->alignment = A.alignment;
            magma_int_t size_b = A.blocksize;
            //magma_int_t c_blocks = ceil( (float)A.num_cols / (float)size_b );
                    // max number of blocks per row
            //magma_int_t r_blocks = ceil( (float)A.num_rows / (float)size_b );
            magma_int_t r_blocks = magma_ceildiv( A.num_rows, size_b );
                    // max number of blocks per column
            // memory allocation
            CHECK( magma_dmalloc_cpu( &B->val, size_b * size_b * A.numblocks ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc_cpu( &B->row, r_blocks + 1 ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc_cpu( &B->col, A.numblocks ));
            // data transfer
            magma_dgetvector( size_b * size_b * A.numblocks, A.dval, 1, B->val, 1, queue );
            magma_index_getvector( r_blocks + 1, A.drow, 1, B->row, 1, queue );
            magma_index_getvector( A.numblocks, A.dcol, 1, B->col, 1, queue );
        else if ( A.storage_type == Magma_DENSE ) {
            // fill in information for B
            B->storage_type = A.storage_type;
            B->memory_location = Magma_CPU;
            B->sym = A.sym;
            B->diagorder_type = A.diagorder_type;
            B->fill_mode = A.fill_mode;
            B->num_rows = A.num_rows;
            B->num_cols = A.num_cols;
            B->nnz = A.nnz; B->true_nnz = A.true_nnz;
            B->max_nnz_row = A.max_nnz_row;
            B->diameter = A.diameter;
            B->major = A.major;
            B->ld = A.ld;
            // memory allocation
            CHECK( magma_dmalloc_cpu( &B->val, A.num_rows * A.num_cols ));
            // data transfer
            magma_dgetvector( A.num_rows * A.num_cols, A.dval, 1, B->val, 1, queue );

    // fourth case: copy matrix from device to device
    else if ( src == Magma_DEV && dst == Magma_DEV ) {
        if ( A.storage_type == Magma_CSR || A.storage_type == Magma_CUCSR
                                        || A.storage_type == Magma_CSC
                                        || A.storage_type == Magma_CSRD
                                        || A.storage_type == Magma_CSRL
                                        || A.storage_type == Magma_CSRU ) {
            // fill in information for B
            B->storage_type = A.storage_type;
            B->memory_location = Magma_DEV;
            B->sym = A.sym;
            B->diagorder_type = A.diagorder_type;
            B->fill_mode = A.fill_mode;
            B->num_rows = A.num_rows;
            B->num_cols = A.num_cols;
            B->nnz = A.nnz; B->true_nnz = A.true_nnz;
            B->max_nnz_row = A.max_nnz_row;
            B->diameter = A.diameter;
            // memory allocation
            CHECK( magma_dmalloc( &B->dval, A.nnz ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc( &B->drow, A.num_rows + 1 ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc( &B->dcol, A.nnz ));
            // data transfer
            magma_dcopyvector( A.nnz, A.dval, 1, B->dval, 1, queue );
            magma_index_copyvector( A.num_rows + 1, A.drow, 1, B->drow, 1, queue );
            magma_index_copyvector( A.nnz, A.dcol, 1, B->dcol, 1, queue );
        else if ( A.storage_type == Magma_COO ) {
            // fill in information for B
            B->storage_type = A.storage_type;
            B->memory_location = Magma_DEV;
            B->sym = A.sym;
            B->diagorder_type = A.diagorder_type;
            B->fill_mode = A.fill_mode;
            B->num_rows = A.num_rows;
            B->num_cols = A.num_cols;
            B->nnz = A.nnz; B->true_nnz = A.true_nnz;
            B->max_nnz_row = A.max_nnz_row;
            B->diameter = A.diameter;
            // memory allocation
            CHECK( magma_dmalloc( &B->dval, A.nnz ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc( &B->dcol, A.nnz ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc( &B->drowidx, A.nnz ));
            // data transfer
            magma_dcopyvector( A.nnz, A.dval, 1, B->dval, 1, queue );
            magma_index_copyvector( A.nnz, A.dcol, 1, B->dcol, 1, queue );
            magma_index_copyvector( A.nnz, A.drowidx, 1, B->drowidx, 1, queue );
        else if ( A.storage_type == Magma_CSRCOO ) {
            // fill in information for B
            B->storage_type = A.storage_type;
            B->memory_location = Magma_DEV;
            B->sym = A.sym;
            B->diagorder_type = A.diagorder_type;
            B->fill_mode = A.fill_mode;
            B->num_rows = A.num_rows;
            B->num_cols = A.num_cols;
            B->nnz = A.nnz; B->true_nnz = A.true_nnz;
            B->max_nnz_row = A.max_nnz_row;
            B->diameter = A.diameter;
            // memory allocation
            CHECK( magma_dmalloc( &B->dval, A.nnz ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc( &B->drow, A.num_rows + 1 ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc( &B->dcol, A.nnz ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc( &B->drowidx, A.nnz ));
            // data transfer
            magma_dcopyvector( A.nnz, A.dval, 1, B->dval, 1, queue );
            magma_index_copyvector( A.num_rows + 1, A.drow, 1, B->drow, 1, queue );
            magma_index_copyvector( A.nnz, A.dcol, 1, B->dcol, 1, queue );
            magma_index_copyvector( A.nnz, A.drowidx, 1, B->drowidx, 1, queue );
        else if ( A.storage_type == Magma_ELLPACKT || A.storage_type == Magma_ELL ) {
            // fill in information for B
            B->storage_type = A.storage_type;
            B->memory_location = Magma_DEV;
            B->sym = A.sym;
            B->diagorder_type = A.diagorder_type;
            B->fill_mode = A.fill_mode;
            B->num_rows = A.num_rows;
            B->num_cols = A.num_cols;
            B->nnz = A.nnz; B->true_nnz = A.true_nnz;
            B->max_nnz_row = A.max_nnz_row;
            B->diameter = A.diameter;
            // memory allocation
            CHECK( magma_dmalloc( &B->dval, A.num_rows * A.max_nnz_row ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc( &B->dcol, A.num_rows * A.max_nnz_row ));
            // data transfer
            magma_dcopyvector( A.num_rows * A.max_nnz_row, A.dval, 1, B->dval, 1, queue );
            magma_index_copyvector( A.num_rows * A.max_nnz_row, A.dcol, 1, B->dcol, 1, queue );
        else if ( A.storage_type == Magma_ELLD ) {
            // fill in information for B
            B->storage_type = A.storage_type;
            B->memory_location = Magma_DEV;
            B->sym = A.sym;
            B->diagorder_type = A.diagorder_type;
            B->fill_mode = A.fill_mode;
            B->num_rows = A.num_rows;
            B->num_cols = A.num_cols;
            B->nnz = A.nnz; B->true_nnz = A.true_nnz;
            B->max_nnz_row = A.max_nnz_row;
            B->diameter = A.diameter;
            // memory allocation
            CHECK( magma_dmalloc( &B->dval, A.num_rows * A.max_nnz_row ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc( &B->dcol, A.num_rows * A.max_nnz_row ));
            // data transfer
            magma_dcopyvector( A.num_rows * A.max_nnz_row, A.dval, 1, B->dval, 1, queue );
            magma_index_copyvector( A.num_rows * A.max_nnz_row, A.dcol, 1, B->dcol, 1, queue );
        else if ( A.storage_type == Magma_ELLRT ) {
            // fill in information for B
            B->storage_type = A.storage_type;
            B->memory_location = Magma_DEV;
            B->sym = A.sym;
            B->diagorder_type = A.diagorder_type;
            B->fill_mode = A.fill_mode;
            B->num_rows = A.num_rows;
            B->num_cols = A.num_cols;
            B->nnz = A.nnz; B->true_nnz = A.true_nnz;
            B->max_nnz_row = A.max_nnz_row;
            B->diameter = A.diameter;
            B->blocksize = A.blocksize;
            B->alignment = A.alignment;
            //int threads_per_row = A.alignment;
            //int rowlength = magma_roundup( A.max_nnz_row, threads_per_row );
            magma_int_t rowlength = magma_roundup( A.max_nnz_row, A.alignment );
            // memory allocation
            CHECK( magma_dmalloc( &B->dval, A.num_rows * rowlength ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc( &B->dcol, A.num_rows * rowlength ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc( &B->drow, A.num_rows ));
            // data transfer
            magma_dcopyvector( A.num_rows * rowlength, A.dval, 1, B->dval, 1, queue );
            magma_index_copyvector( A.num_rows * rowlength, A.dcol, 1, B->dcol, 1, queue );
            magma_index_copyvector( A.num_rows, A.drow, 1, B->drow, 1, queue );
        else if ( A.storage_type == Magma_SELLP ) {
            // fill in information for B
            B->storage_type = A.storage_type;
            B->memory_location = Magma_DEV;
            B->sym = A.sym;
            B->diagorder_type = A.diagorder_type;
            B->fill_mode = A.fill_mode;
            B->num_rows = A.num_rows;
            B->num_cols = A.num_cols;
            B->nnz = A.nnz; B->true_nnz = A.true_nnz;
            B->max_nnz_row = A.max_nnz_row;
            B->diameter = A.diameter;
            B->blocksize = A.blocksize;
            B->numblocks = A.numblocks;
            B->alignment = A.alignment;
            // memory allocation
            CHECK( magma_dmalloc( &B->dval, A.nnz ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc( &B->dcol, A.nnz ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc( &B->drow, A.numblocks + 1 ));
            // data transfer
            magma_dcopyvector( A.nnz, A.dval, 1, B->dval, 1, queue );
            magma_index_copyvector( A.nnz, A.dcol, 1, B->dcol, 1, queue );
            magma_index_copyvector( A.numblocks + 1, A.drow, 1, B->drow, 1, queue );
        else if ( A.storage_type == Magma_BCSR ) {
            // fill in information for B
            B->storage_type = A.storage_type;
            B->memory_location = Magma_DEV;
            B->sym = A.sym;
            B->diagorder_type = A.diagorder_type;
            B->fill_mode = A.fill_mode;
            B->num_rows = A.num_rows;
            B->num_cols = A.num_cols;
            B->nnz = A.nnz; B->true_nnz = A.true_nnz;
            B->max_nnz_row = A.max_nnz_row;
            B->diameter = A.diameter;
            B->blocksize = A.blocksize;
            B->numblocks = A.numblocks;
            B->alignment = A.alignment;
            magma_int_t size_b = A.blocksize;
            //magma_int_t c_blocks = ceil( (float)A.num_cols / (float)size_b );
                    // max number of blocks per row
            //magma_int_t r_blocks = ceil( (float)A.num_rows / (float)size_b );
            magma_int_t r_blocks = magma_ceildiv( A.num_rows, size_b );
                    // max number of blocks per column
            // memory allocation
            CHECK( magma_dmalloc( &B->dval, size_b * size_b * A.numblocks ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc( &B->drow, r_blocks + 1 ));
            CHECK( magma_index_malloc( &B->dcol, A.numblocks ));
            // data transfer
            magma_dcopyvector( size_b * size_b * A.numblocks, A.dval, 1, B->dval, 1, queue );
            magma_index_copyvector( r_blocks + 1, A.drow, 1, B->drow, 1, queue );
            magma_index_copyvector( A.numblocks, A.dcol, 1, B->dcol, 1, queue );
        else if ( A.storage_type == Magma_DENSE ) {
            // fill in information for B
            B->storage_type = A.storage_type;
            B->memory_location = Magma_DEV;
            B->sym = A.sym;
            B->diagorder_type = A.diagorder_type;
            B->fill_mode = A.fill_mode;
            B->num_rows = A.num_rows;
            B->num_cols = A.num_cols;
            B->nnz = A.nnz; B->true_nnz = A.true_nnz;
            B->max_nnz_row = A.max_nnz_row;
            B->diameter = A.diameter;
            B->major = A.major;
            B->ld = A.ld;
            // memory allocation
            CHECK( magma_dmalloc( &B->dval, A.num_rows * A.num_cols ));
            // data transfer
            magma_dcopyvector( A.num_rows * A.num_cols, A.dval, 1, B->dval, 1, queue );
    if( info != 0 ){
        magma_dmfree( B, queue );
    return info;