Esempio n. 1
int main(){
	char prefixBuffer[STR_SIZE*2];
	int prefixIndex = 0;
	double result = 0.0;

	STACK charStack;
	STACK intStack;

	initStack(&charStack, "char");
	initStack(&intStack, "double");

	makePrefix(prefixBuffer, &charStack, &prefixIndex);
	result = calcPrefix(prefixBuffer, &intStack, &prefixIndex);

	printf(" %.2lf \n", result);

	return 0;
Esempio n. 2
OverlayImpl::onHandoff (std::unique_ptr <beast::asio::ssl_bundle>&& ssl_bundle,
    beast::http::message&& request,
        endpoint_type remote_endpoint)
    auto const id = next_id_++;
    beast::WrappedSink sink (deprecatedLogs()["Peer"], makePrefix(id));
    beast::Journal journal (sink);

    Handoff handoff;
    if (processRequest(request, handoff))
        return handoff;
    if (! isPeerUpgrade(request))
        return handoff;

    handoff.moved = true;

    if (journal.trace) journal.trace <<
        "Peer connection upgrade from " << remote_endpoint;

    error_code ec;
    auto const local_endpoint (ssl_bundle->socket.local_endpoint(ec));
    if (ec)
        if (journal.trace) journal.trace <<
            remote_endpoint << " failed: " << ec.message();
        return handoff;

    auto consumer = m_resourceManager.newInboundEndpoint(
    if (consumer.disconnect())
        return handoff;

    auto const slot = m_peerFinder->new_inbound_slot (

    if (slot == nullptr)
        // self-connect, close
        handoff.moved = false;
        return handoff;

    // TODO Validate HTTP request

        auto const types = beast::rfc2616::split_commas(
        if (std::find_if(types.begin(), types.end(),
                [](std::string const& s)
                    return beast::ci_equal(s, "peer");
                }) == types.end())
            handoff.moved = false;
            handoff.response = makeRedirectResponse(slot, request,
            handoff.keep_alive = request.keep_alive();
            return handoff;

    handoff.moved = true;
    bool success = true;

    protocol::TMHello hello;
    std::tie(hello, success) = parseHello (request, journal);
    if(! success)
        return handoff;

    uint256 sharedValue;
    std::tie(sharedValue, success) = makeSharedValue(
        ssl_bundle->stream.native_handle(), journal);
    if(! success)
        return handoff;

    RippleAddress publicKey;
    std::tie(publicKey, success) = verifyHello (hello,
        sharedValue, journal, getApp());
    if(! success)
        return handoff;

    std::string name;
    bool const cluster = getApp().getUNL().nodeInCluster(
        publicKey, name);
    auto const result = m_peerFinder->activate (slot,
        publicKey.toPublicKey(), cluster);
    if (result != PeerFinder::Result::success)
        if (journal.trace) journal.trace <<
            "Peer " << remote_endpoint << " redirected, slots full";
        handoff.moved = false;
        handoff.response = makeRedirectResponse(slot, request,
        handoff.keep_alive = request.keep_alive();
        return handoff;

    auto const peer = std::make_shared<PeerImp>(id,
        remote_endpoint, slot, std::move(request), hello, publicKey,
            consumer, std::move(ssl_bundle), *this);
        // As we are not on the strand, run() must be called
        // while holding the lock, otherwise new I/O can be
        // queued after a call to stop().
        std::lock_guard <decltype(mutex_)> lock (mutex_);
    handoff.moved = true;
    return handoff;
Esempio n. 3
refObject skolemize(refObject layer, refObject type)
{ struct
  { refFrame  link;
    int       count;
    refObject first;
    refObject labeler;
    refObject last;
    refObject layer;
    refObject next;
    refObject type; } f0;

//  IS SKOLEMIZABLE. Test if TYPE, which is ground in LAYER, can be the base of
//  a Skolem type. It can be, if it has a subtype that's different from itself.
//  For example, OBJ has an infinite number of such subtypes but INT0 has none.
//  The WHILE loop helps simulate tail recursions.

  bool isSkolemizable(refObject layer, refObject type)
  { while (true)
    { if (isName(type))
      { getKey(r(layer), r(type), layer, type); }

//  Visit a type. If LABELER says we've been here before, then return false. If
//  we haven't, then record TYPE in LABELER so we won't come here again.

      if (isPair(type))
      { if (gotKey(toss, toss, f0.labeler, type))
        { return false; }
        { refObject pars;
          setKey(f0.labeler, type, nil, nil);
          switch (toHook(car(type)))

//  Visit a trivially Skolemizable type. An ALTS, FORM, or GEN type can have an
//  ALTS type as a subtype. A REF or ROW type can have NULL as a subtype.

          { case altsHook:
            case arraysHook:
            case formHook:
            case genHook:
            case jokerHook:
            case referHook:
            case rowHook:
            case skoHook:
            case tuplesHook:
            { return true; }

//  Visit a type that is trivially not Skolemizable.

            case cellHook:
            case char0Hook:
            case char1Hook:
            case int0Hook:
            case int1Hook:
            case int2Hook:
            case listHook:
            case nullHook:
            case real0Hook:
            case real1Hook:
            case strTypeHook:
            case symHook:
            case voidHook:
            { return false; }

//  Visit an ARRAY type. It's Skolemizable if its base type is.

            case arrayHook:
            { type = caddr(type);
              break; }

//  Visit a PROC type. It's Skolemizable if (1) it has a Skolemizable parameter
//  type, (2) it has the missing name NO NAME as a parameter name, (3) it has a
//  Skolemizable yield type.

            case procHook:
            { type = cdr(type);
              pars = car(type);
              while (pars != nil)
              { pars = cdr(pars);
                if (car(pars) == noName)
                { return true; }
                { pars = cdr(pars); }}
              pars = car(type);
              while (pars != nil)
              { if (isSkolemizable(layer, car(pars)))
                { return true; }
                { pars = cddr(pars); }}
              type = cadr(type);
              break; }

//  Visit a TUPLE type. It's Skolemizable if it has a Skolemizable slot type or
//  if it has the missing name NO NAME as a slot name.

            case tupleHook:
            { pars = cdr(type);
              while (pars != nil)
              { pars = cdr(pars);
                if (car(pars) == noName)
                { return true; }
                { pars = cdr(pars); }}
              pars = cdr(type);
              while (pars != nil)
              { if (isSkolemizable(layer, car(pars)))
                { return true; }
                { pars = cddr(pars); }}
              return false; }

//  Visit a prefix type. It's Skolemizable if its base type is.

            case typeHook:
            case varHook:
            { type = cadr(type);
              break; }

//  Visit an illegal type. We should never get here.

            { fail("Got ?%s(...) in isSkolemizable!", hookTo(car(type))); }}}}

//  Visit an illegal object. We should never get here either.

      { fail("Got bad type in isSkolemizable!"); }}}

//  Lost? This is SKOLEMIZE's body. These identities show what's going on.
//    S(type T B)  =>  T S(B)
//    S(U)         =>  ?sko(U)
//    S(V)         =>  V
//  Here S(X) is the Skolem type for type X. T is a series of zero or more TYPE
//  prefixes. B is a type, U is a type with at least one subtype different from
//  itself, and V is a type with no subtypes different from itself.

  push(f0, 6);
  f0.labeler = pushLayer(nil, plainInfo);
  f0.layer = layer;
  f0.type = type;
  while (isName(f0.type))
  { getKey(r(f0.layer), r(f0.type), f0.layer, f0.type); }
  if (isCar(f0.type, typeHook))
  { f0.type = cadr(f0.type);
    if (isSkolemizable(f0.layer, f0.type))
    { if (isCar(f0.type, typeHook))
      { f0.first = f0.last = makePair(hooks[typeHook], nil);
        f0.type = cadr(f0.type);
        while (isCar(f0.type, typeHook))
        { = makePair(hooks[typeHook], nil);
          cdr(f0.last) = makePair(, nil);
          f0.last =;
          f0.type = cadr(f0.type); } = makePrefix(skoHook, f0.type);
        cdr(f0.last) = makePair(, nil); }
      { f0.first = makePrefix(skoHook, f0.type); }}
    { f0.first = makePair(car(f0.type), cdr(f0.type)); }}
  { fail("Type type expected in skolemize!"); }
  return f0.first; }
Esempio n. 4
  cellSimple  = makePair(hooks[cellHook],  nil);
  char0Simple = makePair(hooks[char0Hook], nil);
  char1Simple = makePair(hooks[char1Hook], nil);
  int0Simple  = makePair(hooks[int0Hook],  nil);
  int1Simple  = makePair(hooks[int1Hook],  nil);
  int2Simple  = makePair(hooks[int2Hook],  nil);
  listSimple  = makePair(hooks[listHook],  nil);
  nullSimple  = makePair(hooks[nullHook],  nil);
  real0Simple = makePair(hooks[real0Hook], nil);
  real1Simple = makePair(hooks[real1Hook], nil);
  voidSimple  = makePair(hooks[voidHook],  nil);

//  Bind names to simple types.

  bindName("char0", makePrefix(typeHook, char0Simple), char0Simple);
  bindName("char1", makePrefix(typeHook, char1Simple), char1Simple);
  bindName("int0",  makePrefix(typeHook, int0Simple),  int0Simple);
  bindName("int1",  makePrefix(typeHook, int1Simple),  int1Simple);
  bindName("int2",  makePrefix(typeHook, int2Simple),  int2Simple);
  bindName("list",  makePrefix(typeHook, listSimple),  listSimple);
  bindName("null",  makePrefix(typeHook, nullSimple),  nullSimple);
  bindName("real0", makePrefix(typeHook, real0Simple), real0Simple);
  bindName("real1", makePrefix(typeHook, real1Simple), real1Simple);
  bindName("void",  makePrefix(typeHook, voidSimple),  voidSimple);

//  Bind the name EOS to the integer end-of-stream sentinel.

  bindName("eos", int2Simple, makeInteger(EOF));

//  We use SKIP a lot, so the variable SKIP points to it.