Esempio n. 1
 * \brief This function removes an endpoint.
 * Removes an endpoint with specified structure / params (core, node and port).
 * \param[in] endpoint Pointer to the endpoint structure.
 * \return MCC_SUCCESS
 * \return MCC_ERR_ENDPOINT (invalid value for port or the endpoint doesn't exist)
int mcc_remove_endpoint(MCC_ENDPOINT endpoint)
    int i=0;

    /* must be valid */
    if(endpoint.port == MCC_RESERVED_PORT_NUMBER)
        return MCC_ERR_ENDPOINT;

    for(i = 0; i < MCC_ATTR_MAX_RECEIVE_ENDPOINTS; i++) {

        if(MCC_ENDPOINTS_EQUAL(bookeeping_data->endpoint_table[i].endpoint, endpoint)) {
            /* clear the queue */
            MCC_RECEIVE_BUFFER * buffer = mcc_dequeue_buffer((MCC_RECEIVE_LIST *)&bookeeping_data->endpoint_table[i].list);
            while(buffer) {
                mcc_queue_buffer(&bookeeping_data->free_list, buffer);
                buffer = mcc_dequeue_buffer((MCC_RECEIVE_LIST *)&bookeeping_data->endpoint_table[i].list);
            /* indicate free */
            bookeeping_data->endpoint_table[i].endpoint.port = MCC_RESERVED_PORT_NUMBER;
            MCC_DCACHE_FLUSH_MLINES((void*)&bookeeping_data->endpoint_table[i].endpoint.port, sizeof(MCC_PORT));
            return MCC_SUCCESS;
    return MCC_ERR_ENDPOINT;
Esempio n. 2
 * \brief This function frees a buffer previously returned by mcc_recv_nocopy().
 * Once the zero-copy mechanism of receiving data is used, this function
 * has to be called to free a buffer and to make it available for the next data
 * transfer.
 * \param[in] buffer Pointer to the buffer to be freed.
 * \return MCC_SUCCESS
 * \return MCC_ERR_SEMAPHORE (semaphore handling error)
 * \see mcc_recv_nocopy
int mcc_free_buffer(void *buffer)
    MCC_SIGNAL affiliated_signal;
    MCC_ENDPOINT tmp_destination = {(MCC_CORE)0, (MCC_NODE)0, (MCC_PORT)0};
    int return_value, i = 0;

    /* Semaphore-protected section start */
    return_value = mcc_get_semaphore();
    if(return_value != MCC_SUCCESS)
        return return_value;

    /* Enqueue the buffer into the free list */
    MCC_DCACHE_INVALIDATE_MLINES((void*)&bookeeping_data->free_list, sizeof(MCC_RECEIVE_LIST*));
    mcc_queue_buffer(&bookeeping_data->free_list, (MCC_RECEIVE_BUFFER *)((unsigned int)buffer - (unsigned int)(&(((MCC_RECEIVE_BUFFER*)0)->data))));

    /* Notify all cores (except of itself) via CPU-to-CPU interrupt that a buffer has been freed */
    affiliated_signal.type = BUFFER_FREED;
    affiliated_signal.destination = tmp_destination;
    for (i=0; i<MCC_NUM_CORES; i++) {
        if(i != MCC_CORE_NUMBER) {
            mcc_queue_signal(i, affiliated_signal);

    /* Semaphore-protected section end */
    return_value = mcc_release_semaphore();
    if(return_value != MCC_SUCCESS)
        return return_value;

    return return_value;
Esempio n. 3
 * \brief This function sends a message to an endpoint. The data is NOT copied 
 * from the user-app. buffer but the pointer to already filled message buffer is
 * provided.  
 * The application has to take the responsibility for:
 *  1. MCC buffer de-allocation
 *  2. filling the data to be sent into the pre-allocated MCC buffer
 *  3. not exceeding the buffer size when filling the data (MCC_ATTR_BUFFER_SIZE_IN_BYTES) 
 * Once the data cache is used on the target platform it is good to have MCC buffers 
 * in shared RAM aligned to the cache line size in order not to corrupt entities placed 
 * just before and just after the MCC buffer when flushing the MCC buffer content into
 * the shared RAM. It is also the application responsibility to flush the data in
 * that case. If the alignment condition is not fulfilled the application
 * has to take care about the data cache coherency. 
 * The following scenarios can happen:
 * A. Data cache is OFF:
 *    - No cache operation needs to be done, the application just 
 *     1. calls the mcc_get_buffer() function, 
 *     2. fills data into the provided MCC buffer,
 *     3. and finally issues the mcc_send_nocopy() function.
 * B. Data cache is ON, shared RAM MCC buffers ALIGNED to the cache line size:
 *    - The application has to perform following steps: 
 *     1. call the mcc_get_buffer() to get the pointer to a free message buffer 
 *     2. copy data to be sent into the message buffer
 *     3. flush all cache lines occupied by the message buffer new data
 *       (maximum of MCC_ATTR_BUFFER_SIZE_IN_BYTES bytes).
 *     4. call the mcc_send_nocopy() with the correct buffer pointer and the message size passed 
 * C. Data cache is ON, shared RAM MCC buffers NOT ALIGNED:
 *    - The application has to perform following steps: 
 *     1. call the mcc_get_buffer() to get the pointer to a free message buffer 
 *     2. grab the hw semaphore by calling the mcc_get_semaphore() low level MCC function.
 *     3. invalidate all cache lines occupied by data to be filled into the free message buffer.
 *       (maximum of MCC_ATTR_BUFFER_SIZE_IN_BYTES bytes).
 *     4. copy data to be sent into the message buffer.
 *     5. flush all cache lines occupied by the message buffer new data 
 *       (maximum of MCC_ATTR_BUFFER_SIZE_IN_BYTES bytes).
 *     6. release the hw semaphore by calling the mcc_release_semaphore() low level MCC function.
 *     7. call the mcc_send_nocopy() with the correct buffer pointer and the message size passed.
 * After the mcc_send_nocopy() function is issued the message buffer is no more owned 
 * by the sending task and must not be touched anymore unless the mcc_send_nocopy() 
 * function fails and returns an error. In that case the application should try 
 * to re-issue the mcc_send_nocopy() again and if it is still not possible to send 
 * the message and the application wants to give it up from whatever reasons 
 * (for instance the MCC_ERR_ENDPOINT error is returned meaning the endpoint 
 * has not been created yet) the mcc_free_buffer() function could be called, 
 * passing the pointer to the buffer to be freed as a parameter.     
 * \param[in] src_endpoint Pointer to the local endpoint identifying the source endpoint.
 * \param[in] dest_endpoint Pointer to the destination endpoint to send the message to.
 * \param[in] buffer_p Pointer to the MCC buffer of the shared memory where the 
 *            data to be sent is stored.
 * \param[in] msg_size Size of the message to be sent in bytes.
 * \return MCC_SUCCESS
 * \return MCC_ERR_INVAL (the msg_size exceeds the size of a data buffer)
 * \return MCC_ERR_ENDPOINT (the endpoint does not exist)
 * \return MCC_ERR_SEMAPHORE (semaphore handling error)
 * \return MCC_ERR_SQ_FULL (signal queue is full)
 * \see mcc_send
 * \see mcc_get_buffer
int mcc_send_nocopy(MCC_ENDPOINT *src_endpoint, MCC_ENDPOINT *dest_endpoint, void *buffer_p, MCC_MEM_SIZE msg_size)
    int return_value;
    MCC_SIGNAL affiliated_signal;

    /* Check if the size of the message to be sent does not exceed the size of the mcc buffer */
    if(msg_size > sizeof(bookeeping_data->r_buffers[0].data)) {
        return MCC_ERR_INVAL;

    /* Semaphore-protected section start */
    return_value = mcc_get_semaphore();
    if(return_value != MCC_SUCCESS)
        return return_value;

    /* Get list of buffers kept by the particular endpoint */
    list = mcc_get_endpoint_list(*dest_endpoint);

    if(list == null) {
        /* The endpoint does not exists (has not been registered so far) */
        return MCC_ERR_ENDPOINT;

    /* Store the message size and the source endpoint in the MCC_RECEIVE_BUFFER structure */
    buf = (MCC_RECEIVE_BUFFER *)((unsigned int)buffer_p - (unsigned int)(&(((MCC_RECEIVE_BUFFER*)0)->data)));
    MCC_DCACHE_INVALIDATE_MLINES((void*)&buf->source, sizeof(MCC_ENDPOINT) + sizeof(MCC_MEM_SIZE));
    ((MCC_RECEIVE_BUFFER*)buf)->data_len = msg_size;
    mcc_memcpy((void*)src_endpoint, (void*)&buf->source, sizeof(MCC_ENDPOINT));
    MCC_DCACHE_FLUSH_MLINES((void*)(void*)&buf->source, sizeof(MCC_ENDPOINT) + sizeof(MCC_MEM_SIZE));

    /* Write the signal type into the signal queue of the particular core */
    affiliated_signal.type = BUFFER_QUEUED;
    affiliated_signal.destination = *dest_endpoint;
    return_value = mcc_queue_signal(dest_endpoint->core, affiliated_signal);
    if(return_value != MCC_SUCCESS) {
        /* Signal queue is full - error */
        return return_value;

    /* Enqueue the buffer into the endpoint buffer list */
    mcc_queue_buffer(list, (MCC_RECEIVE_BUFFER*)buf);

    /* Semaphore-protected section end */

    if(return_value != MCC_SUCCESS)
        return return_value;

    /* Signal the other core by generating the CPU-to-CPU interrupt */
    return_value = mcc_generate_cpu_to_cpu_interrupt();

    return return_value;
Esempio n. 4
 * \brief This function receives a message from the specified endpoint if one is available.
 *        The data will be copied from the receive buffer into the user supplied buffer.
 * This is the "receive with copy" version of the MCC receive function. This version is simple
 * to use but it requires copying data from shared memory into the user space buffer.
 * The user has no obligation or burden to manage the shared memory buffers.
 * \param[in] endpoint Pointer to the receiving endpoint to receive from.
 * \param[in] buffer Pointer to the user-app. buffer where data will be copied into.
 * \param[in] buffer_size The maximum number of bytes to copy.
 * \param[out] recv_size Pointer to an MCC_MEM_SIZE that will contain the number of bytes actually copied into the buffer.
 * \param[in] timeout_us Timeout, in microseconds, to wait for a free buffer. A value of 0 means don't wait (non-blocking call). A value of 0xffffffff means wait forever (blocking call).
 * \return MCC_SUCCESS
 * \return MCC_ERR_ENDPOINT (the endpoint does not exist)
 * \return MCC_ERR_SEMAPHORE (semaphore handling error)
 * \return MCC_ERR_TIMEOUT (timeout exceeded before a new message came)
 * \see mcc_send
 * \see mcc_recv_nocopy
int mcc_recv_copy(MCC_ENDPOINT *endpoint, void *buffer, MCC_MEM_SIZE buffer_size, MCC_MEM_SIZE *recv_size, unsigned int timeout_us)
    MCC_SIGNAL affiliated_signal;
    MCC_ENDPOINT tmp_destination = {(MCC_CORE)0, (MCC_NODE)0, (MCC_PORT)0};
    int return_value, i = 0;
    unsigned int time_us_tmp;
    unsigned int lwevent_index = endpoint->port / MCC_MQX_LWEVENT_GROUP_SIZE;
    unsigned int lwevent_group_index = endpoint->port % MCC_MQX_LWEVENT_GROUP_SIZE;
    MQX_TICK_STRUCT tick_time;

    /* Semaphore-protected section start */
    return_value = mcc_get_semaphore();
    if(return_value != MCC_SUCCESS)
        return return_value;

    /* Get list of buffers kept by the particular endpoint */
    list = mcc_get_endpoint_list(*endpoint);

    /* Semaphore-protected section end */
    return_value = mcc_release_semaphore();
    if(return_value != MCC_SUCCESS)
        return return_value;

    /* The endpoint is not valid */
    if(list == null) {
        return MCC_ERR_ENDPOINT;

    if(list->head == (MCC_RECEIVE_BUFFER*)0) {
        /* Non-blocking call */
        if(timeout_us == 0) {
            return MCC_ERR_TIMEOUT;
        /* Blocking call */
        else {
            if(timeout_us == 0xFFFFFFFF) {
                _lwevent_wait_ticks(&lwevent_buffer_queued[lwevent_index], 1<<lwevent_group_index, TRUE, 0);
            /* timeout_us > 0 */
            else {
                _time_add_usec_to_ticks(&tick_time, timeout_us);
                _lwevent_wait_until(&lwevent_buffer_queued[lwevent_index], 1<<lwevent_group_index, TRUE, &tick_time);
            MCC_DCACHE_INVALIDATE_MLINES((void*)list, sizeof(MCC_RECEIVE_LIST*));

    /* Clear event bit specified for the particular endpoint in the lwevent_buffer_queued lwevent group */
    _lwevent_clear(&lwevent_buffer_queued[lwevent_index], 1<<lwevent_group_index);

    if(list->head == (MCC_RECEIVE_BUFFER*)0) {
        /* Buffer not dequeued before the timeout */
        return MCC_ERR_TIMEOUT;

    /* Copy the message from the MCC receive buffer into the user-app. buffer */
    MCC_DCACHE_INVALIDATE_MLINES((void*)&list->head->data_len, sizeof(MCC_MEM_SIZE));
    if (list->head->data_len > buffer_size) {
        list->head->data_len = buffer_size;
    *recv_size = (MCC_MEM_SIZE)(list->head->data_len);
    MCC_DCACHE_INVALIDATE_MLINES((void*)&list->head->data, list->head->data_len);
    mcc_memcpy((void*)list->head->data, buffer, list->head->data_len);

    /* Semaphore-protected section start */
    return_value = mcc_get_semaphore();
    if(return_value != MCC_SUCCESS)
        return return_value;

    /* Dequeue the buffer from the endpoint list */
    buf = mcc_dequeue_buffer(list);

    /* Enqueue the buffer into the free list */
    MCC_DCACHE_INVALIDATE_MLINES((void*)&bookeeping_data->free_list, sizeof(MCC_RECEIVE_LIST*));
    mcc_queue_buffer(&bookeeping_data->free_list, buf);

    /* Notify all cores (except of itself) via CPU-to-CPU interrupt that a buffer has been freed */
    affiliated_signal.type = BUFFER_FREED;
    affiliated_signal.destination = tmp_destination;
    for (i=0; i<MCC_NUM_CORES; i++) {
        if(i != MCC_CORE_NUMBER) {
            mcc_queue_signal(i, affiliated_signal);

    /* Semaphore-protected section end */
    return_value = mcc_release_semaphore();
    if(return_value != MCC_SUCCESS)
        return return_value;

    return return_value;
Esempio n. 5
 * \brief This function sends a message to an endpoint.
 * The message is copied into the MCC buffer and the destination core is signaled.
 * \param[in] endpoint Pointer to the receiving endpoint to send to.
 * \param[in] msg Pointer to the message to be sent.
 * \param[in] msg_size Size of the message to be sent in bytes.
 * \param[in] timeout_us Timeout, in microseconds, to wait for a free buffer. A value of 0 means don't wait (non-blocking call). A value of 0xffffffff means wait forever (blocking call).
 * \return MCC_SUCCESS
 * \return MCC_ERR_ENDPOINT (the endpoint does not exist)
 * \return MCC_ERR_SEMAPHORE (semaphore handling error)
 * \return MCC_ERR_INVAL (the msg_size exceeds the size of a data buffer)
 * \return MCC_ERR_TIMEOUT (timeout exceeded before a buffer became available)
 * \return MCC_ERR_NOMEM (no free buffer available and timeout_us set to 0)
 * \return MCC_ERR_SQ_FULL (signal queue is full)
 * \see mcc_recv_copy
 * \see mcc_recv_nocopy
int mcc_send(MCC_ENDPOINT *endpoint, void *msg, MCC_MEM_SIZE msg_size, unsigned int timeout_us)
    int return_value, end_time_set_flag = 0;
    MCC_SIGNAL affiliated_signal;
    unsigned int time_us_tmp;
    MQX_TICK_STRUCT tick_time;

    /* Check if the size of the message to be sent does not exceed the size of the mcc buffer */
    if(msg_size > sizeof(bookeeping_data->r_buffers[0].data)) {
        return MCC_ERR_INVAL;

    /* Semaphore-protected section start */
    return_value = mcc_get_semaphore();
    if(return_value != MCC_SUCCESS)
        return return_value;

    /* Dequeue the buffer from the free list */
    MCC_DCACHE_INVALIDATE_MLINES((void*)&bookeeping_data->free_list, sizeof(MCC_RECEIVE_LIST*));
    buf = mcc_dequeue_buffer(&bookeeping_data->free_list);

    while(buf == null) {

        /* Non-blocking call */
        if(timeout_us == 0) {
            return MCC_ERR_NOMEM;
        /* Blocking calls: CPU-to-CPU ISR sets the event and thus resumes tasks waiting for a free MCC buffer.
         * As the interrupt request is send to all cores when a buffer is freed it could happen that several
         * tasks from different cores/nodes are waiting for a free buffer and all of them are notified that the buffer
         * has been freed. This function has to check (after the wake up) that a buffer is really available and has not been already
         * grabbed by another "competitor task" that has been faster. If so, it has to wait again for the next notification. */
        /* wait forever */
        else if(timeout_us == 0xFFFFFFFF) {
            _lwevent_wait_ticks(&lwevent_buffer_freed, 1, TRUE, 0);
            _lwevent_clear(&lwevent_buffer_freed, 1);
        /* timeout_us > 0 */
        else {
            if(!end_time_set_flag) {
                _time_add_usec_to_ticks(&tick_time, timeout_us);
                end_time_set_flag = 1;
            return_value = _lwevent_wait_until(&lwevent_buffer_freed, 1, TRUE, &tick_time);
            if(return_value == LWEVENT_WAIT_TIMEOUT) {
                /* Buffer not dequeued before the timeout */
                return MCC_ERR_TIMEOUT;
            _lwevent_clear(&lwevent_buffer_freed, 1);
        MCC_DCACHE_INVALIDATE_MLINES((void*)&bookeeping_data->free_list, sizeof(MCC_RECEIVE_LIST*));
        buf = mcc_dequeue_buffer(&bookeeping_data->free_list);

    /* Semaphore-protected section end */
    if(return_value != MCC_SUCCESS)
        return return_value;

    /* Copy the message into the MCC receive buffer */
    mcc_memcpy(msg, (void*)buf->data, (unsigned int)msg_size);
    MCC_DCACHE_FLUSH_MLINES((void*)buf->data, msg_size);
    buf->data_len = msg_size;
    MCC_DCACHE_FLUSH_MLINES((void*)&buf->data_len, sizeof(MCC_MEM_SIZE));

    /* Semaphore-protected section start */
    return_value = mcc_get_semaphore();
    if(return_value != MCC_SUCCESS)
        return return_value;

    /* Get list of buffers kept by the particular endpoint */
    list = mcc_get_endpoint_list(*endpoint);

    if(list == null) {
        /* The endpoint does not exists (has not been registered so far),
         free the buffer and return immediately - error */
        /* Enqueue the buffer back into the free list */
        MCC_DCACHE_INVALIDATE_MLINES((void*)&bookeeping_data->free_list, sizeof(MCC_RECEIVE_LIST*));
        mcc_queue_buffer(&bookeeping_data->free_list, buf);
        return MCC_ERR_ENDPOINT;

    /* Write the signal type into the signal queue of the particular core */
    affiliated_signal.type = BUFFER_QUEUED;
    affiliated_signal.destination = *endpoint;
    return_value = mcc_queue_signal(endpoint->core, affiliated_signal);
    if(return_value != MCC_SUCCESS) {
        /* Signal queue is full, free the buffer and return immediately - error */
        MCC_DCACHE_INVALIDATE_MLINES((void*)&bookeeping_data->free_list, sizeof(MCC_RECEIVE_LIST*));
        mcc_queue_buffer(&bookeeping_data->free_list, buf);

        return return_value;

    /* Enqueue the buffer into the endpoint buffer list */
    mcc_queue_buffer(list, buf);

    /* Semaphore-protected section end */

    if(return_value != MCC_SUCCESS)
        return return_value;

    /* Signal the other core by generating the CPU-to-CPU interrupt */
    return_value = mcc_generate_cpu_to_cpu_interrupt();

    return return_value;
Esempio n. 6
 * \brief This function receives a message from the specified endpoint if one is available.
 *        The data is copied from the receive buffer into the user supplied buffer.
 * This is the "receive with copy" version of the MCC receive function. This version is simple
 * to use but it requires copying data from shared memory into the user space buffer.
 * The user has no obligation or burden to manage the shared memory buffers.
 * \param[out] src_endpoint Pointer to the MCC_ENDPOINT structure to be filled by the endpoint identifying the message sender.
 * \param[in] dest_endpoint Pointer to the local receiving endpoint to receive from.
 * \param[in] buffer Pointer to the user-app. buffer where data will be copied into.
 * \param[in] buffer_size The maximum number of bytes to copy.
 * \param[out] recv_size Pointer to an MCC_MEM_SIZE that will contain the number of bytes actually copied into the buffer.
 * \param[in] timeout_ms Timeout, in milliseconds, to wait for a free buffer. A value of 0 means don't wait (non-blocking call). A value of 0xffffffff means wait forever (blocking call).
 * \return MCC_SUCCESS
 * \return MCC_ERR_ENDPOINT (the endpoint does not exist)
 * \return MCC_ERR_SEMAPHORE (semaphore handling error)
 * \return MCC_ERR_TIMEOUT (timeout exceeded before a new message came)
 * \see mcc_send
 * \see mcc_recv_nocopy
int mcc_recv(MCC_ENDPOINT *src_endpoint, MCC_ENDPOINT *dest_endpoint, void *buffer, MCC_MEM_SIZE buffer_size, MCC_MEM_SIZE *recv_size, unsigned int timeout_ms)
    MCC_RECEIVE_LIST *list = null;
    MCC_SIGNAL affiliated_signal;
    MCC_ENDPOINT tmp_destination = {(MCC_CORE)0, (MCC_NODE)0, (MCC_PORT)0};
    int return_value, i = 0;

    return_value = mcc_recv_common_part(dest_endpoint, timeout_ms, (MCC_RECEIVE_LIST**)&list);
    if(return_value != MCC_SUCCESS)
        return return_value;
    /* Semaphore-protected section start */
    return_value = mcc_get_semaphore();
    if(return_value != MCC_SUCCESS)
        return return_value;


    if(list->head == (MCC_RECEIVE_BUFFER*)0) {
        /* Buffer not dequeued before the timeout */
        return MCC_ERR_TIMEOUT;

    /* Copy the message from the MCC receive buffer into the user-app. buffer */
    MCC_DCACHE_INVALIDATE_MLINES((void*)&list->head->source, sizeof(MCC_ENDPOINT) + sizeof(MCC_MEM_SIZE));
    mcc_memcpy((void*)&list->head->source, (void*)src_endpoint, sizeof(MCC_ENDPOINT));
    if (list->head->data_len > buffer_size) {
        list->head->data_len = buffer_size;
    *recv_size = (MCC_MEM_SIZE)(list->head->data_len);
    MCC_DCACHE_INVALIDATE_MLINES((void*)&list->head->data, list->head->data_len);
    mcc_memcpy((void*)list->head->data, buffer, list->head->data_len);

    /* Dequeue the buffer from the endpoint list */
    list->head = (MCC_RECEIVE_BUFFER*)MCC_MEM_VIRT_TO_PHYS(list->head);
    buf = mcc_dequeue_buffer(list);

    /* Enqueue the buffer into the free list */
    MCC_DCACHE_INVALIDATE_MLINES((void*)&bookeeping_data->free_list, sizeof(MCC_RECEIVE_LIST*));
    mcc_queue_buffer(&bookeeping_data->free_list, buf);

    /* Notify all cores (except of itself) via CPU-to-CPU interrupt that a buffer has been freed */
    affiliated_signal.type = BUFFER_FREED;
    affiliated_signal.destination = tmp_destination;
    for (i=0; i<MCC_NUM_CORES; i++) {
        if(i != MCC_CORE_NUMBER) {
            mcc_queue_signal(i, affiliated_signal);

    /* Semaphore-protected section end */
    return_value = mcc_release_semaphore();


    if(return_value != MCC_SUCCESS)
        return return_value;

    return return_value;
Esempio n. 7
 * \brief This function sends a message to an endpoint.
 * The message is copied into the MCC buffer and the destination core is signaled.
 * \param[in] src_endpoint Pointer to the local endpoint identifying the source endpoint.
 * \param[in] dest_endpoint Pointer to the destination endpoint to send the message to.
 * \param[in] msg Pointer to the message to be sent.
 * \param[in] msg_size Size of the message to be sent in bytes.
 * \param[in] timeout_ms Timeout, in milliseconds, to wait for a free buffer. A value of 0 means don't wait (non-blocking call). A value of 0xffffffff means wait forever (blocking call).
 * \return MCC_SUCCESS
 * \return MCC_ERR_ENDPOINT (the endpoint does not exist)
 * \return MCC_ERR_SEMAPHORE (semaphore handling error)
 * \return MCC_ERR_INVAL (the msg_size exceeds the size of a data buffer)
 * \return MCC_ERR_TIMEOUT (timeout exceeded before a buffer became available)
 * \return MCC_ERR_NOMEM (no free buffer available and timeout_ms set to 0)
 * \return MCC_ERR_SQ_FULL (signal queue is full)
 * \see mcc_recv
 * \see mcc_recv_nocopy
int mcc_send(MCC_ENDPOINT *src_endpoint, MCC_ENDPOINT *dest_endpoint, void *msg, MCC_MEM_SIZE msg_size, unsigned int timeout_ms)
    int return_value;
    MCC_SIGNAL affiliated_signal;
    MCC_MEM_SIZE buffer_size;

    /* Reuse the mcc_get_buffer_internal() function to get the MCC buffer pointer. */
    return_value = mcc_get_buffer_internal((void**)&buf, &buffer_size, timeout_ms);
    if(return_value != MCC_SUCCESS)
        return return_value;

    /* Check if the size of the message to be sent does not exceed the size of the mcc buffer */
    if(msg_size > buffer_size) {
        while(MCC_SUCCESS != mcc_free_buffer_internal(buf)) {};
        return MCC_ERR_INVAL;

    /* Semaphore-protected section start */
    return_value = mcc_get_semaphore();
    if(return_value != MCC_SUCCESS)
        return return_value;

    /* As the mcc_get_buffer_internal() returns the pointer to the data field, it
       is necessary to adjust the pointer to point at the MCC buffer structure beginning. */
    buf = (MCC_RECEIVE_BUFFER *)((unsigned int)buf - (unsigned int)(&(((MCC_RECEIVE_BUFFER*)0)->data)));

    /* Copy the message into the MCC receive buffer */
    mcc_memcpy(msg, (void*)buf->data, (unsigned int)msg_size);
    mcc_memcpy((void*)src_endpoint, (void*)&buf->source, sizeof(MCC_ENDPOINT));
    buf->data_len = msg_size;

    /* Get list of buffers kept by the particular endpoint */
    list = mcc_get_endpoint_list(*dest_endpoint);

    if(list == null) {
        /* The endpoint does not exists (has not been registered so far),
         free the buffer and return immediately - error */
        /* Enqueue the buffer back into the free list */
        MCC_DCACHE_INVALIDATE_MLINES((void*)&bookeeping_data->free_list, sizeof(MCC_RECEIVE_LIST*));
        mcc_queue_buffer(&bookeeping_data->free_list, buf);
        return MCC_ERR_ENDPOINT;

    /* Write the signal type into the signal queue of the particular core */
    affiliated_signal.type = BUFFER_QUEUED;
    affiliated_signal.destination = *dest_endpoint;
    return_value = mcc_queue_signal(dest_endpoint->core, affiliated_signal);
    if(return_value != MCC_SUCCESS) {
        /* Signal queue is full, free the buffer and return immediately - error */
        MCC_DCACHE_INVALIDATE_MLINES((void*)&bookeeping_data->free_list, sizeof(MCC_RECEIVE_LIST*));
        mcc_queue_buffer(&bookeeping_data->free_list, buf);

        return return_value;

    /* Enqueue the buffer into the endpoint buffer list */
    mcc_queue_buffer(list, buf);

    /* Semaphore-protected section end */
    return_value = mcc_release_semaphore();

    if(return_value != MCC_SUCCESS)
        return return_value;

    /* Signal the other core by generating the CPU-to-CPU interrupt */
    return_value = mcc_generate_cpu_to_cpu_interrupt();

    return return_value;