static int16_t zarch_zui_input_state(zui_t *zui, enum zarch_zui_input_state state) { switch (state) { case MENU_ZARCH_MOUSE_X: return menu_input_mouse_state(MENU_MOUSE_X_AXIS); case MENU_ZARCH_MOUSE_Y: return menu_input_mouse_state(MENU_MOUSE_Y_AXIS); case MENU_POINTER_ZARCH_X: return menu_input_pointer_state(MENU_POINTER_X_AXIS); case MENU_POINTER_ZARCH_Y: return menu_input_pointer_state(MENU_POINTER_Y_AXIS); case MENU_ZARCH_PRESSED: if (menu_input_mouse_state(MENU_MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON) || menu_input_pointer_state(MENU_POINTER_PRESSED)) return 1; if (zui->action == MENU_ACTION_OK) return 1; break; } return 0; }
static void mui_render(void *data) { size_t i = 0; float delta_time, dt; unsigned bottom, width, height, header_height; mui_handle_t *mui = (mui_handle_t*)data; settings_t *settings = config_get_ptr(); if (!mui) return; video_driver_get_size(&width, &height); menu_animation_ctl(MENU_ANIMATION_CTL_DELTA_TIME, &delta_time); dt = delta_time / IDEAL_DT; menu_animation_ctl(MENU_ANIMATION_CTL_UPDATE, &dt); menu_display_ctl(MENU_DISPLAY_CTL_SET_WIDTH, &width); menu_display_ctl(MENU_DISPLAY_CTL_SET_HEIGHT, &height); menu_display_ctl(MENU_DISPLAY_CTL_HEADER_HEIGHT, &header_height); if (settings->menu.pointer.enable) { int16_t pointer_y = menu_input_pointer_state(MENU_POINTER_Y_AXIS); float old_accel_val, new_accel_val; unsigned new_pointer_val = (pointer_y - mui->line_height + mui->scroll_y - 16) / mui->line_height; menu_input_ctl(MENU_INPUT_CTL_POINTER_ACCEL_READ, &old_accel_val); menu_input_ctl(MENU_INPUT_CTL_POINTER_PTR, &new_pointer_val); mui->scroll_y -= old_accel_val / 60.0; new_accel_val = old_accel_val * 0.96; menu_input_ctl(MENU_INPUT_CTL_POINTER_ACCEL_WRITE, &new_accel_val); } if (settings->menu.mouse.enable) { int16_t mouse_y = menu_input_mouse_state(MENU_MOUSE_Y_AXIS); unsigned new_pointer_val = (mouse_y - mui->line_height + mui->scroll_y - 16) / mui->line_height; menu_input_ctl(MENU_INPUT_CTL_MOUSE_PTR, &new_pointer_val); } if (mui->scroll_y < 0) mui->scroll_y = 0; bottom = menu_entries_get_end() * mui->line_height - height + header_height + mui->tabs_height; if (mui->scroll_y > bottom) mui->scroll_y = bottom; if (menu_entries_get_end() * mui->line_height < height - header_height - mui->tabs_height) mui->scroll_y = 0; if (menu_entries_get_end() < height / mui->line_height) { } else i = mui->scroll_y / mui->line_height; menu_entries_ctl(MENU_ENTRIES_CTL_SET_START, &i); }
static int menu_input_pointer_post_iterate(menu_file_list_cbs_t *cbs, menu_entry_t *entry, unsigned action) { unsigned header_height; size_t selection; int ret = 0; menu_input_t *menu_input = menu_input_get_ptr(); settings_t *settings = config_get_ptr(); if (!menu_input) return -1; if (!menu_navigation_ctl(MENU_NAVIGATION_CTL_GET_SELECTION, &selection)) return -1; menu_display_ctl(MENU_DISPLAY_CTL_HEADER_HEIGHT, &header_height); if (!settings->menu.pointer.enable #ifdef HAVE_OVERLAY || (settings->input.overlay_enable && input_overlay_is_alive()) #endif ) return 0; if (menu_input->pointer.pressed[0]) { int16_t pointer_x = menu_input_pointer_state(MENU_POINTER_X_AXIS); int16_t pointer_y = menu_input_pointer_state(MENU_POINTER_Y_AXIS); if (!menu_input->pointer.oldpressed[0]) { menu_input->pointer.accel = 0; menu_input->pointer.accel0 = 0; menu_input->pointer.accel1 = 0; menu_input->pointer.start_x = pointer_x; menu_input->pointer.start_y = pointer_y; menu_input->pointer.old_x = pointer_x; menu_input->pointer.old_y = pointer_y; menu_input->pointer.oldpressed[0] = true; } else if (abs(pointer_x - menu_input->pointer.start_x) > 3 || abs(pointer_y - menu_input->pointer.start_y) > 3) { float s, delta_time; menu_input->pointer.dragging = true; menu_input->pointer.dx = pointer_x - menu_input->pointer.old_x; menu_input->pointer.dy = pointer_y - menu_input->pointer.old_y; menu_input->pointer.old_x = pointer_x; menu_input->pointer.old_y = pointer_y; menu_animation_ctl(MENU_ANIMATION_CTL_DELTA_TIME, &delta_time); s = menu_input->pointer.dy / delta_time * 1000000.0; menu_input->pointer.accel = (menu_input->pointer.accel0 + menu_input->pointer.accel1 + s) / 3; menu_input->pointer.accel0 = menu_input->pointer.accel1; menu_input->pointer.accel1 = menu_input->pointer.accel; } } else { if (menu_input->pointer.oldpressed[0]) { if (!menu_input->pointer.dragging) ret = menu_driver_pointer_tap(menu_input->pointer.start_x, menu_input->pointer.start_y, menu_input->pointer.ptr, cbs, entry, action); menu_input->pointer.oldpressed[0] = false; menu_input->pointer.start_x = 0; menu_input->pointer.start_y = 0; menu_input->pointer.old_x = 0; menu_input->pointer.old_y = 0; menu_input->pointer.dx = 0; menu_input->pointer.dy = 0; menu_input->pointer.dragging = false; } } if (menu_input->pointer.back) { if (!menu_input->pointer.oldback) { menu_input->pointer.oldback = true; menu_entries_pop_stack(&selection, 0); menu_navigation_ctl(MENU_NAVIGATION_CTL_SET_SELECTION, &selection); } } menu_input->pointer.oldback = menu_input->pointer.back; return ret; }
static int menu_input_pointer_post_iterate( menu_file_list_cbs_t *cbs, menu_entry_t *entry, unsigned action) { static bool pointer_oldpressed[2]; static bool pointer_oldback = false; static int16_t start_x = 0; static int16_t start_y = 0; static int16_t pointer_old_x = 0; static int16_t pointer_old_y = 0; int ret = 0; bool check_overlay = false; menu_input_t *menu_input = menu_input_get_ptr(); settings_t *settings = config_get_ptr(); if (!menu_input || !settings) return -1; check_overlay = !settings->menu.pointer.enable; #ifdef HAVE_OVERLAY if (!check_overlay) check_overlay = (settings->input.overlay_enable && input_overlay_is_alive(NULL)); #endif if (check_overlay) return 0; if (menu_input->pointer.pressed[0]) { gfx_ctx_metrics_t metrics; float dpi; static float accel0 = 0.0f; static float accel1 = 0.0f; int16_t pointer_x = menu_input_pointer_state(MENU_POINTER_X_AXIS); int16_t pointer_y = menu_input_pointer_state(MENU_POINTER_Y_AXIS); metrics.type = DISPLAY_METRIC_DPI; metrics.value = &dpi; video_context_driver_get_metrics(&metrics); if (!pointer_oldpressed[0]) { menu_input->pointer.accel = 0; accel0 = 0; accel1 = 0; start_x = pointer_x; start_y = pointer_y; pointer_old_x = pointer_x; pointer_old_y = pointer_y; pointer_oldpressed[0] = true; } else if (abs(pointer_x - start_x) > (dpi / 10) || abs(pointer_y - start_y) > (dpi / 10)) { float s, delta_time; menu_input_ctl(MENU_INPUT_CTL_SET_POINTER_DRAGGED, NULL); menu_input->pointer.dx = pointer_x - pointer_old_x; menu_input->pointer.dy = pointer_y - pointer_old_y; pointer_old_x = pointer_x; pointer_old_y = pointer_y; menu_animation_ctl(MENU_ANIMATION_CTL_DELTA_TIME, &delta_time); s = (menu_input->pointer.dy * 550000000.0 ) / ( dpi * delta_time ); menu_input->pointer.accel = (accel0 + accel1 + s) / 3; accel0 = accel1; accel1 = menu_input->pointer.accel; } } else { if (pointer_oldpressed[0]) { if (!menu_input_ctl(MENU_INPUT_CTL_IS_POINTER_DRAGGED, NULL)) { menu_ctx_pointer_t point; point.x = start_x; point.y = start_y; point.ptr = menu_input->pointer.ptr; = cbs; point.entry = entry; point.action = action; menu_driver_ctl(RARCH_MENU_CTL_POINTER_TAP, &point); ret = point.retcode; } pointer_oldpressed[0] = false; start_x = 0; start_y = 0; pointer_old_x = 0; pointer_old_y = 0; menu_input->pointer.dx = 0; menu_input->pointer.dy = 0; menu_input_ctl(MENU_INPUT_CTL_UNSET_POINTER_DRAGGED, NULL); } } if (menu_input->pointer.back) { if (!pointer_oldback) { size_t selection; pointer_oldback = true; menu_navigation_ctl(MENU_NAVIGATION_CTL_GET_SELECTION, &selection); menu_entry_action(entry, selection, MENU_ACTION_CANCEL); } } pointer_oldback = menu_input->pointer.back; return ret; }
static int menu_input_pointer_post_iterate( menu_file_list_cbs_t *cbs, menu_entry_t *entry, unsigned action) { static bool pointer_oldpressed[2]; static bool pointer_oldback = false; static int16_t start_x = 0; static int16_t start_y = 0; static int16_t pointer_old_x = 0; static int16_t pointer_old_y = 0; int ret = 0; menu_input_t *menu_input = &menu_input_state; settings_t *settings = config_get_ptr(); if (!menu_input || !settings) return -1; #ifdef HAVE_OVERLAY /* If we have overlays enabled, overlay controls take * precedence and we don't want regular menu * pointer controls to be handled */ if (( settings->bools.input_overlay_enable && input_overlay_is_alive(overlay_ptr))) return 0; #endif if (menu_input->pointer.pressed[0]) { gfx_ctx_metrics_t metrics; float dpi; static float accel0 = 0.0f; static float accel1 = 0.0f; int16_t pointer_x = menu_input_pointer_state(MENU_POINTER_X_AXIS); int16_t pointer_y = menu_input_pointer_state(MENU_POINTER_Y_AXIS); metrics.type = DISPLAY_METRIC_DPI; metrics.value = &dpi; menu_input->pointer.counter++; if (menu_input->pointer.counter == 1 && !menu_input_ctl(MENU_INPUT_CTL_IS_POINTER_DRAGGED, NULL)) { menu_ctx_pointer_t point; point.x = pointer_x; point.y = pointer_y; point.ptr = menu_input->pointer.ptr; = cbs; point.entry = entry; point.action = action; menu_driver_ctl(RARCH_MENU_CTL_POINTER_DOWN, &point); } if (!pointer_oldpressed[0]) { menu_input->pointer.accel = 0; accel0 = 0; accel1 = 0; start_x = pointer_x; start_y = pointer_y; pointer_old_x = pointer_x; pointer_old_y = pointer_y; pointer_oldpressed[0] = true; } else if (video_context_driver_get_metrics(&metrics)) { if (abs(pointer_x - start_x) > (dpi / 10) || abs(pointer_y - start_y) > (dpi / 10)) { float s; menu_input_ctl(MENU_INPUT_CTL_SET_POINTER_DRAGGED, NULL); menu_input->pointer.dx = pointer_x - pointer_old_x; menu_input->pointer.dy = pointer_y - pointer_old_y; pointer_old_x = pointer_x; pointer_old_y = pointer_y; s = menu_input->pointer.dy; menu_input->pointer.accel = (accel0 + accel1 + s) / 3; accel0 = accel1; accel1 = menu_input->pointer.accel; } } } else { if (pointer_oldpressed[0]) { if (!menu_input_ctl(MENU_INPUT_CTL_IS_POINTER_DRAGGED, NULL)) { menu_ctx_pointer_t point; point.x = start_x; point.y = start_y; point.ptr = menu_input->pointer.ptr; = cbs; point.entry = entry; point.action = action; if (menu_input_dialog_get_display_kb()) { menu_driver_ctl(RARCH_MENU_CTL_OSK_PTR_AT_POS, &point); if (point.retcode > -1) { menu_event_set_osk_ptr(point.retcode); menu_event_osk_append(point.retcode); } } else { if (menu_input->pointer.counter > 32) { size_t selection = menu_navigation_get_selection(); if (cbs && cbs->action_start) return menu_entry_action(entry, (unsigned)selection, MENU_ACTION_START); } else { menu_driver_ctl(RARCH_MENU_CTL_POINTER_UP, &point); menu_driver_ctl(RARCH_MENU_CTL_POINTER_TAP, &point); ret = point.retcode; } } } pointer_oldpressed[0] = false; start_x = 0; start_y = 0; pointer_old_x = 0; pointer_old_y = 0; menu_input->pointer.dx = 0; menu_input->pointer.dy = 0; menu_input->pointer.counter = 0; menu_input_ctl(MENU_INPUT_CTL_UNSET_POINTER_DRAGGED, NULL); } } if (menu_input->pointer.back) { if (!pointer_oldback) { pointer_oldback = true; menu_entry_action(entry, (unsigned)menu_navigation_get_selection(), MENU_ACTION_CANCEL); } } pointer_oldback = menu_input->pointer.back; return ret; }
static void glui_render(void) { float delta_time, dt; int bottom; unsigned width, height, header_height; glui_handle_t *glui = NULL; menu_handle_t *menu = menu_driver_get_ptr(); settings_t *settings = config_get_ptr(); if (!menu || !menu->userdata) return; video_driver_get_size(&width, &height); glui = (glui_handle_t*)menu->userdata; menu_animation_ctl(MENU_ANIMATION_CTL_DELTA_TIME, &delta_time); dt = delta_time / IDEAL_DT; menu_animation_ctl(MENU_ANIMATION_CTL_UPDATE, &dt); menu_display_ctl(MENU_DISPLAY_CTL_SET_WIDTH, &width); menu_display_ctl(MENU_DISPLAY_CTL_SET_HEIGHT, &height); menu_display_ctl(MENU_DISPLAY_CTL_HEADER_HEIGHT, &header_height); if (settings->menu.pointer.enable) { int16_t pointer_y = menu_input_pointer_state(MENU_POINTER_Y_AXIS); float old_accel_val, new_accel_val; unsigned new_pointer_val = (pointer_y - glui->line_height + menu->scroll_y - 16) / glui->line_height; menu_input_ctl(MENU_INPUT_CTL_POINTER_ACCEL_READ, &old_accel_val); menu_input_ctl(MENU_INPUT_CTL_POINTER_PTR, &new_pointer_val); menu->scroll_y -= old_accel_val / 60.0; new_accel_val = old_accel_val * 0.96; menu_input_ctl(MENU_INPUT_CTL_POINTER_ACCEL_WRITE, &new_accel_val); } if (settings->menu.mouse.enable) { unsigned new_mouse_ptr = 0; bool mouse_scrolldown, mouse_scrollup; int16_t mouse_y = menu_input_mouse_state(MENU_MOUSE_Y_AXIS); menu_input_ctl(MENU_INPUT_CTL_MOUSE_SCROLL_DOWN, &mouse_scrolldown); menu_input_ctl(MENU_INPUT_CTL_MOUSE_SCROLL_UP, &mouse_scrollup); if (mouse_scrolldown) menu->scroll_y += 10; if (mouse_scrollup) menu->scroll_y -= 10; new_mouse_ptr = (mouse_y - glui->line_height + menu->scroll_y - 16) / glui->line_height; menu_input_ctl(MENU_INPUT_CTL_MOUSE_PTR, &new_mouse_ptr); } if (menu->scroll_y < 0) menu->scroll_y = 0; bottom = menu_entries_get_end() * glui->line_height - height + header_height * 2; if (menu->scroll_y > bottom) menu->scroll_y = bottom; if (menu_entries_get_end() * glui->line_height < height - header_height*2) menu->scroll_y = 0; if (menu_entries_get_end() < height / glui->line_height) menu_entries_set_start(0); else menu_entries_set_start(menu->scroll_y / glui->line_height); }