int main() { int input; printf("Welcome!\n"); printf("1. Single Player\n"); printf("2. Multiplayer\n"); printf("3. Load Game\n"); printf("4. Exit\n"); printf("Selection:"); scanf("%d", &input); switch (input) { case 1: singleplayer(); break; case 2: multiplayer(); break; case 3: loadgame(); break; case 4: printf("Thanks for playing!\n"); break; default: printf("Bad input, quitting!\n"); break; } return 0; }
bool game_config_manager::init_game_config(FORCE_RELOAD_CONFIG force_reload) { // Add preproc defines according to the command line arguments. game_config::scoped_preproc_define multiplayer("MULTIPLAYER", cmdline_opts_.multiplayer); game_config::scoped_preproc_define test("TEST", cmdline_opts_.test); game_config::scoped_preproc_define editor("EDITOR", jump_to_editor_); game_config::scoped_preproc_define title_screen("TITLE_SCREEN", !cmdline_opts_.multiplayer && !cmdline_opts_.test && !jump_to_editor_); load_game_config(force_reload); game_config::load_config(game_config_.child("game_config")); hotkey::deactivate_all_scopes(); hotkey::set_scope_active(hotkey::SCOPE_GENERAL); hotkey::set_scope_active(hotkey::SCOPE_GAME); hotkey::load_hotkeys(game_config(), true); ::init_textdomains(game_config()); about::set_about(game_config()); ai::configuration::init(game_config()); return true; }
void GameMenu::setConnections() { connect(this->buttons[0], SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(singleplayer())); connect(this->buttons[1], SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(multiplayer())); connect(this->buttons[2], SIGNAL(clicked()), glView, SLOT(quit())); connect(this->buttons[3], SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(getPaddle())); connect(this->buttons[4], SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(unpause())); connect(this->buttons[5], SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(reset())); connect(this->buttons[6], SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(reset())); }
void update() { bool updating = lastmillis-updatemillis > 100; // fixed rate logic at 10fps loopv(players) if(players[i]->ai) { if(updating && updatemillis < lastmillis) { avoid(); forcegun = multiplayer(false) ? -1 : aiforcegun; updatemillis = lastmillis; } if(!intermission) think(players[i], updating); else players[i]->stopmoving(); } }
void loadstate(char *fn) { stop(); if(multiplayer()) return; f = gzopen(fn, "rb9"); if(!f) { conoutf("could not open %s", fn); return; }; string buf; gzread(f, buf, 8); if(strncmp(buf, "CUBESAVE", 8)) goto out; if(gzgetc(f)!=islittleendian) goto out; // not supporting save->load accross incompatible architectures simpifies things a LOT if(gzgeti()!=SAVEGAMEVERSION || gzgeti()!=sizeof(dynent)) goto out; string mapname; gzread(f, mapname, _MAXDEFSTR); nextmode = gzgeti(); changemap(mapname); // continue below once map has been loaded and client & server have updated return; out: conoutf("aborting: savegame/demo from a different version of cube or cpu architecture"); stop(); };
void loadstate(char *fn) { stop(); if (multiplayer()) return; f = gzopen(fn, "rb9"); if (!f) { conoutf("could not open %s", fn); return; }; char buf[_MAXDEFSTR]; gzread(f, buf, 8); // not supporting save->load accross incompatible architectures simpifies things a LOT if (strncmp(buf, "CUBESAVE", 8) || gzgetc(f) != islittleendian || gzgeti() != SAVEGAMEVERSION || gzgeti() != sizeof(Sprite)) { conoutf("aborting: savegame/demo from a different version of cube or cpu architecture"); stop(); } else { memset(buf, 0, _MAXDEFSTR); gzread(f, buf, _MAXDEFSTR); nextmode = gzgeti(); changemap(std::string(buf)); // continue below once map has been loaded and client & server have updated } }
int main() { // Create the main window sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(800, 900), "SFML window"); //creation d'une fenetre de 800/900 window.setFramerateLimit(60); //limite le programme a 60 fps mapping backgroung; sf::Font font; if (!font.loadFromFile("foughtknight.ttf")) //police d'écriture return EXIT_FAILURE; sf::Text texttitle("SpaceShoot", font, 50); sf::Text text[5]; text[0]=sf::Text("solo", font, 50 ); text[1]=sf::Text("duel", font, 50 ); text[2]=sf::Text("multijoueur", font, 50 ); text[3]=sf::Text("options", font, 50 ); text[4]=sf::Text("quitter", font, 50 ); //tableau de caractere int a(0); //a ---> la variable permettant de naviguer dans le menu texttitle.setPosition(window.getSize().x/2-(texttitle.getGlobalBounds().width)/2, 100); text[0].setPosition(window.getSize().x/2-(text[0].getGlobalBounds().width)/2, 250); text[1].setPosition(window.getSize().x/2-(text[1].getGlobalBounds().width)/2, 300); text[2].setPosition(window.getSize().x/2-(text[2].getGlobalBounds().width)/2, 350); text[3].setPosition(window.getSize().x/2-(text[3].getGlobalBounds().width)/2, 400); text[4].setPosition(window.getSize().x/2-(text[4].getGlobalBounds().width)/2, 450); //position des textes float x=10, y=50; float A=(-4*y)/(x*x), B=-(-4*y)/x; sf::VertexArray propul(sf::Points, x*y); for(int i = 0 ; i < y ; i++) { for(int j = 0 ; j < x ; j++) { float YMAX=A*(j*j)+B*j; int alpha = 255-(i/YMAX)*255; if(alpha<0) alpha = 0; int R = 255; int G = 100; int B = 70; propul[i*x+j].position = sf::Vector2f(j, y-i); propul[i*x+j].color = sf::Color(R, G, B, alpha); } } // Start the game loop while (window.isOpen()) { // Process events sf::Event event; text[a].setColor(sf::Color::White); while (window.pollEvent(event)) { // Close window : exit if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed) window.close(); else if ((event.type == sf::Event::KeyPressed) && (event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Up))//touche Z ou haut a=a-1; else if ((event.type == sf::Event::KeyPressed) && (event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Down)) a=a+1; } if(a<0 )//condition a =4; else if(a>4.4 ) a =0; text[a].setColor(sf::Color::Red); if(sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Return))//sionfaitentré { switch(a) { case 0: solo(&window); break; case 1: break; case 2: multiplayer(&window); break; case 3: break; case 4: window.close(); break; } } window.clear(); backgroung.Draw(&window); window.draw(texttitle); for(int i=0; i<=4; i++) window.draw(text[i]); window.display(); } }
void renderscoreboard(g3d_gui &g, bool firstpass) { const ENetAddress *address = connectedpeer(); if(showservinfo && address) { string hostname; if(enet_address_get_host_ip(address, hostname, sizeof(hostname)) >= 0) { if(servinfo[0]) g.titlef("%.25s", 0xFFFF80, NULL, servinfo); else g.titlef("%s:%d", 0xFFFF80, NULL, hostname, address->port); } } g.pushlist(0); g.text(server::modename(gamemode), 0xFFFF80); g.separator(); const char *mname = getclientmap(); g.text(mname[0] ? mname : "[new map]", 0xFFFF80); if(m_timed && mname[0] && (maplimit >= 0 || intermission)) { g.separator(); if(intermission) g.text("intermission", 0xFFFF80); else { int secs = max(maplimit-lastmillis, 0)/1000, mins = secs/60; secs %= 60; g.pushlist(); g.strut(mins >= 10 ? 4.5f : 3.5f); g.textf("%d:%02d", 0xFFFF80, NULL, mins, secs); g.poplist(); } } if(paused || ispaused()) { g.separator(); g.text("paused", 0xFFFF80); } g.poplist(); g.separator(); int numgroups = groupplayers(); loopk(numgroups) { if((k%2)==0) g.pushlist(); // horizontal scoregroup &sg = *groups[k]; int bgcolor = && m_teammode ? (isteam(player1->team, ? 0x3030C0 : 0xC03030) : 0, fgcolor = 0xFFFF80; g.pushlist(); // vertical g.pushlist(); // horizontal #define loopscoregroup(o, b) \ loopv(sg.players) \ { \ fpsent *o = sg.players[i]; \ b; \ } g.pushlist(); if( && m_teammode) { g.pushlist(); g.background(bgcolor, numgroups>1 ? 3 : 5); g.strut(1); g.poplist(); } g.text("", 0, " "); loopscoregroup(o, { if(o==player1 && highlightscore && (multiplayer(false) || demoplayback || players.length() > 1)) { g.pushlist(); g.background(0x808080, numgroups>1 ? 3 : 5); } const playermodelinfo &mdl = getplayermodelinfo(o); const char *icon = && m_teammode ? (isteam(player1->team, ? mdl.blueicon : mdl.redicon) : mdl.ffaicon; g.text("", 0, icon); if(o==player1 && highlightscore && (multiplayer(false) || demoplayback || players.length() > 1)) g.poplist(); }); g.poplist(); if( && m_teammode) { g.pushlist(); // vertical if(sg.score>=10000) g.textf("%s: WIN", fgcolor, NULL,; else g.textf("%s: %d", fgcolor, NULL,, sg.score); g.pushlist(); // horizontal } if(!cmode || !cmode->hidefrags()) { g.pushlist(); g.strut(7); g.text("frags", fgcolor); loopscoregroup(o, g.textf("%d", 0xFFFFDD, NULL, o->frags)); g.poplist(); } if(multiplayer(false) || demoplayback) { if(showpj) { g.pushlist(); g.strut(6); g.text("pj", fgcolor); loopscoregroup(o, { if(o->state==CS_LAGGED) g.text("LAG", 0xFFFFDD); else g.textf("%d", 0xFFFFDD, NULL, o->plag); }); g.poplist(); } if(showping) { g.pushlist(); g.text("ping", fgcolor); g.strut(6); loopscoregroup(o, { fpsent *p = o->ownernum >= 0 ? getclient(o->ownernum) : o; if(!p) p = o; if(!showpj && p->state==CS_LAGGED) g.text("LAG", 0xFFFFDD); else g.textf("%d", 0xFFFFDD, NULL, p->ping); }); g.poplist(); }
d->ai->views[1] = viewfieldy(d->skill); d->ai->views[2] = viewdist(d->skill); } } else if(d->ai) destroy(d); } void update() { if(intermission) { loopv(players) if(players[i]->ai) players[i]->stopmoving(); } else // fixed rate logic done out-of-sequence at 1 frame per second for each ai { if(totalmillis-updatemillis > 1000) { avoid(); forcegun = multiplayer(false) ? -1 : aiforcegun; updatemillis = totalmillis; } if(!iteration && totalmillis-itermillis > 1000) { iteration = 1; itermillis = totalmillis; } int count = 0; loopv(players) if(players[i]->ai) think(players[i], ++count == iteration ? true : false); if(++iteration > count) iteration = 0; } } bool checkothers(vector<int> &targets, fpsent *d, int state, int targtype, int target, bool teams) { // checks the states of other ai for a match