Esempio n. 1
static void dbgls_deflabel(char *name, int32_t segment,
                           int64_t offset, int is_global, char *special)
    struct ieeeSection *seg;

    /* Keep compiler from warning about special */

     * If it's a special-retry from pass two, discard it.
    if (is_global == 3)

     * First check for the double-period, signifying something
     * unusual.
    if (name[0] == '.' && name[1] == '.' && name[2] != '@') {

     * Case (i):
    if (ieee_seg_needs_update)
    if (segment < SEG_ABS && segment != NO_SEG && segment % 2)

    if (segment >= SEG_ABS || segment == NO_SEG) {

     * If `any_segs' is still false, we might need to define a
     * default segment, if they're trying to declare a label in
     * `first_seg'.  But the label should exist due to a prior
     * call to ieee_deflabel so we can skip that.

    for (seg = seghead; seg; seg = seg->next)
        if (seg->index == segment) {
            struct ieeePublic *loc;
             * Case (ii). Maybe MODPUB someday?
            if (!is_global) {
                last_defined = loc = nasm_malloc(sizeof(*loc));
                *seg->loctail = loc;
                seg->loctail = &loc->next;
                loc->next = NULL;
                loc->name = nasm_strdup(name);
                loc->offset = offset;
                loc->segment = -1;
                loc->index = seg->ieee_index;
Esempio n. 2
File: outrdf.c Progetto: 1tgr/mobius
static memorybuffer * newmembuf(void){
  memorybuffer * t;

  t = nasm_malloc(sizeof(memorybuffer));

  t->length = 0;
  t->next = NULL;
  return t;
Esempio n. 3
void stabs_linenum(const char *filename, long linenumber, long segto)
    if (!stabs_filename) {
        stabs_filename = (char *)nasm_malloc(strlen(filename) + 1);
        strcpy(stabs_filename, filename);
    } else {
        if (strcmp(stabs_filename, filename)) {
            /* yep, a memory leak...this program is one-shot anyway, so who cares...
               in fact, this leak comes in quite handy to maintain a list of files
               encountered so far in the symbol lines... */

            /* why not nasm_free(stabs_filename); we're done with the old one */

            stabs_filename = (char *)nasm_malloc(strlen(filename) + 1);
            strcpy(stabs_filename, filename);
    stabs_immcall = 1;
    currentline = linenumber;
Esempio n. 4
int init_labels(void)
    hash_init(&ltab, HASH_LARGE);

    ldata = lfree = nasm_malloc(LBLK_SIZE);

    perm_head = perm_tail =
        nasm_malloc(sizeof(struct permts));

    perm_head->next = NULL;
    perm_head->size = PERMTS_SIZE;
    perm_head->usage = 0;

    prevlabel = "";

    initialized = true;

    return 0;
Esempio n. 5
struct SAA *saa_init(size_t elem_len)
    struct SAA *s;
    char *data;

    s = nasm_zalloc(sizeof(struct SAA));

    if (elem_len >= SAA_BLKLEN)
        s->blk_len = elem_len;
        s->blk_len = SAA_BLKLEN - (SAA_BLKLEN % elem_len);

    s->elem_len = elem_len;
    s->length = s->blk_len;
    data = nasm_malloc(s->blk_len);
    s->nblkptrs = s->nblks = 1;
    s->blk_ptrs = nasm_malloc(sizeof(char *));
    s->blk_ptrs[0] = data;
    s->wblk = s->rblk = &s->blk_ptrs[0];

    return s;
Esempio n. 6
 * Internal routine: finds the `union label' corresponding to the
 * given label name. Creates a new one, if it isn't found, and if
 * `create' is TRUE.
static union label *find_label(char *label, int create)
    int hash = 0;
    char *p, *prev;
    int prevlen;
    union label *lptr;

    if (islocal(label))
        prev = prevlabel;
        prev = "";
    prevlen = strlen(prev);
    p = prev;
    while (*p)
        hash += *p++;
    p = label;
    while (*p)
        hash += *p++;
    hash %= LABEL_HASHES;
    lptr = ltab[hash];
    while (lptr->admin.movingon != END_LIST) {
        if (lptr->admin.movingon == END_BLOCK) {
            lptr = lptr->;
            if (!lptr)
        if (!strncmp(lptr->defn.label, prev, prevlen) &&
            !strcmp(lptr->defn.label + prevlen, label))
            return lptr;
    if (create) {
        if (lfree[hash]->admin.movingon == END_BLOCK) {
             * must allocate a new block
            lfree[hash]-> =
                (union label *)nasm_malloc(LBLK_SIZE);
            lfree[hash] = lfree[hash]->;

        lfree[hash]->admin.movingon = BOGUS_VALUE;
        lfree[hash]->defn.label = perm_copy(prev, label);
        lfree[hash]->defn.special = NULL;
        lfree[hash]->defn.is_global = NOT_DEFINED_YET;
        return lfree[hash]++;
    } else
        return NULL;
Esempio n. 7
 * Internal routine: finds the `union label' corresponding to the
 * given label name. Creates a new one, if it isn't found, and if
 * `create' is true.
static union label *find_label(char *label, int create)
    char *prev;
    int prevlen, len;
    union label *lptr, **lpp;
    char label_str[IDLEN_MAX];
    struct hash_insert ip;

    if (islocal(label)) {
        prev = prevlabel;
        prevlen = strlen(prev);
        len = strlen(label);
        if (prevlen + len >= IDLEN_MAX) {
            nasm_error(ERR_NONFATAL, "identifier length exceed %i bytes",
            return NULL;
        memcpy(label_str, prev, prevlen);
        memcpy(label_str+prevlen, label, len+1);
        label = label_str;
    } else {
        prev = "";
        prevlen = 0;

    lpp = (union label **) hash_find(&ltab, label, &ip);
    lptr = lpp ? *lpp : NULL;

    if (lptr || !create)
        return lptr;

    /* Create a new label... */
    if (lfree->admin.movingon == END_BLOCK) {
         * must allocate a new block
        lfree-> = (union label *)nasm_malloc(LBLK_SIZE);
        lfree = lfree->;

    lfree->admin.movingon = BOGUS_VALUE;
    lfree->defn.label = perm_copy(label);
    lfree->defn.special = NULL;
    lfree->defn.is_global = NOT_DEFINED_YET;

    hash_add(&ip, lfree->defn.label, lfree);
    return lfree++;
Esempio n. 8
static void ieee_install_fixup(struct ieeeSection *seg,
                               struct ieeeFixupp *fix)
    struct ieeeFixupp *f;
    f = nasm_malloc(sizeof(struct ieeeFixupp));
    memcpy(f, fix, sizeof(struct ieeeFixupp));
    f->offset = seg->currentpos;
    seg->currentpos += fix->size;
    f->next = NULL;
    if (seg->fptr)
        seg->flptr = seg->flptr->next = f;
        seg->fptr = seg->flptr = f;

Esempio n. 9
static char * safe_alloc perm_alloc(size_t len)
    char *p;

    if (perm_tail->size - perm_tail->usage < len) {
        size_t alloc_len = (len > PERMTS_SIZE) ? len : PERMTS_SIZE;
        perm_tail->next = nasm_malloc(PERMTS_HEADER + alloc_len);
        perm_tail = perm_tail->next;
        perm_tail->next = NULL;
        perm_tail->size = alloc_len;
        perm_tail->usage = 0;
    p = perm_tail->data + perm_tail->usage;
    perm_tail->usage += len;
    return p;
Esempio n. 10
static void descend_tree_add(struct segtabnode **node,
                      int localseg, int destseg, int32_t offset)
    struct segtabnode *n;

    if (*node == NULL) {
        *node = nasm_malloc(sizeof(**node));
        if (!*node) {
            fprintf(stderr, "segment table: out of memory\n");
        (*node)->localseg = localseg;
        (*node)->offset = offset;
        (*node)->left = NULL;
        (*node)->leftcount = 0;
        (*node)->right = NULL;
        (*node)->rightcount = 0;
        (*node)->destseg = destseg;

    if (localseg < (*node)->localseg) {
        descend_tree_add(&(*node)->left, localseg, destseg, offset);

        if ((*node)->leftcount > (*node)->rightcount + 2) {
            n = *node;
            *node = n->left;
            n->left = (*node)->right;
            n->leftcount = (*node)->rightcount;
            (*node)->right = n;
            (*node)->rightcount = n->leftcount + n->rightcount + 1;
    } else {
        descend_tree_add(&(*node)->right, localseg, destseg, offset);

        if ((*node)->rightcount > (*node)->leftcount + 2) {
            n = *node;
            *node = n->right;
            n->right = (*node)->left;
            n->rightcount = (*node)->leftcount;
            (*node)->left = n;
            (*node)->leftcount = n->leftcount + n->rightcount + 1;
Esempio n. 11
static char *stdscan_copy(char *p, int len)
    char *text;

    text = nasm_malloc(len + 1);
    memcpy(text, p, len);
    text[len] = '\0';

    if (stdscan_templen >= stdscan_tempsize) {
        stdscan_tempsize += STDSCAN_TEMP_DELTA;
        stdscan_tempstorage = nasm_realloc(stdscan_tempstorage,
                                           stdscan_tempsize *
                                           sizeof(char *));
    stdscan_tempstorage[stdscan_templen++] = text;

    return text;
Esempio n. 12
File: listing.c Progetto: aosm/nasm
static void list_init(char *fname, efunc error)
    listfp = fopen(fname, "w");
    if (!listfp) {
        error(ERR_NONFATAL, "unable to open listing file `%s'", fname);

    *listline = '\0';
    listlineno = 0;
    listp = TRUE;
    listlevel = 0;
    suppress = 0;
    mistack = nasm_malloc(sizeof(MacroInhibit));
    mistack->next = NULL;
    mistack->level = 0;
    mistack->inhibiting = TRUE;
Esempio n. 13
static char *perm_copy (char *string1, char *string2) {
    char *p, *q;
    int len = strlen(string1)+strlen(string2)+1;

    if (perm_tail->size - perm_tail->usage < len) {
	perm_tail->next = (struct permts *)nasm_malloc(sizeof(struct permts));
	perm_tail = perm_tail->next;
	perm_tail->next = NULL;
	perm_tail->size = PERMTS_SIZE;
	perm_tail->usage = 0;
    p = q = perm_tail->data + perm_tail->usage;
    while ( (*q = *string1++) ) q++;
    while ( (*q++ = *string2++) );
    perm_tail->usage = q - perm_tail->data;

    return p;
Esempio n. 14
static void dbgls_typevalue(int32_t type)
    int elem = TYM_ELEMENTS(type);
    type = TYM_TYPE(type);

    if (!last_defined)

    switch (type) {
    case TY_BYTE:
        last_defined->type = 1; /* uint8_t */
    case TY_WORD:
        last_defined->type = 3; /* unsigned word */
    case TY_DWORD:
        last_defined->type = 5; /* unsigned dword */
    case TY_FLOAT:
        last_defined->type = 9; /* float */
    case TY_QWORD:
        last_defined->type = 10;        /* qword */
    case TY_TBYTE:
        last_defined->type = 11;        /* TBYTE */
        last_defined->type = 0x10;      /* near label */

    if (elem > 1) {
        struct Array *arrtmp = nasm_malloc(sizeof(*arrtmp));
        int vtype = last_defined->type;
        arrtmp->size = elem;
        arrtmp->basetype = vtype;
        arrtmp->next = NULL;
        last_defined->type = arrindex++ + 0x100;
        *arrtail = arrtmp;
        arrtail = &(arrtmp->next);
    last_defined = NULL;
Esempio n. 15
/* Add one allocation block to an SAA */
static void saa_extend(struct SAA *s)
    size_t blkn = s->nblks++;

    if (blkn >= s->nblkptrs) {
        size_t rindex = s->rblk - s->blk_ptrs;
        size_t windex = s->wblk - s->blk_ptrs;

        s->nblkptrs <<= 1;
        s->blk_ptrs =
            nasm_realloc(s->blk_ptrs, s->nblkptrs * sizeof(char *));

        s->rblk = s->blk_ptrs + rindex;
        s->wblk = s->blk_ptrs + windex;

    s->blk_ptrs[blkn] = nasm_malloc(s->blk_len);
    s->length += s->blk_len;
Esempio n. 16
 * Internal routine: finds the `union label' corresponding to the
 * given label name. Creates a new one, if it isn't found, and if
 * `create' is true.
static union label *find_label(const char *label, bool create, bool *created)
    union label *lptr, **lpp;
    char *label_str = NULL;
    struct hash_insert ip;

    nasm_assert(label != NULL);

    if (islocal(label))
        label = label_str = nasm_strcat(prevlabel, label);

    lpp = (union label **) hash_find(&ltab, label, &ip);
    lptr = lpp ? *lpp : NULL;

    if (lptr || !create) {
        if (created)
            *created = false;
        return lptr;

    /* Create a new label... */
    if (lfree->admin.movingon == END_BLOCK) {
         * must allocate a new block
        lfree-> = nasm_malloc(LBLK_SIZE);
        lfree = lfree->;

    if (created)
        *created = true;

    lfree->defn.label     = perm_copy(label);
    lfree->defn.subsection = NO_SEG;
    if (label_str)

    hash_add(&ip, lfree->defn.label, lfree);
    return lfree++;
Esempio n. 17
static void nop_reset(char *file, int pass, ListGen *listgen, StrList **deplist)
    nop_lineinc = 1;
    nop_fp = fopen(file, "r");

    if (!nop_fp)
        nasm_error(ERR_FATAL | ERR_NOFILE,
		   "unable to open input file `%s'", file);
    nop_list = listgen;
    (void)pass;                 /* placate compilers */

    if (deplist) {
	StrList *sl = nasm_malloc(strlen(file)+1+sizeof sl->next);
	sl->next = NULL;
	strcpy(sl->str, file);
	*deplist = sl;
Esempio n. 18
static void aout_add_reloc (struct Section *sect, long segment,
			    int reltype, int bytes) {
    struct Reloc *r;

    r = *sect->tail = nasm_malloc(sizeof(struct Reloc));
    sect->tail = &r->next;
    r->next = NULL;

    r->address = sect->len;
    r->symbol = (segment == NO_SEG ? -SECT_ABS :
		 segment == stext.index ? -SECT_TEXT :
		 segment == sdata.index ? -SECT_DATA :
		 segment == sbss.index ? -SECT_BSS :
		 raa_read(bsym, segment));
    r->reltype = reltype;
    if (r->symbol >= 0)
	r->reltype |= RELTYPE_SYMFLAG;
    r->bytes = bytes;

Esempio n. 19
static char *perm_copy(const char *string)
    char *p;
    int len = strlen(string)+1;

    nasm_assert(len <= PERMTS_SIZE);

    if (perm_tail->size - perm_tail->usage < len) {
        perm_tail->next =
            (struct permts *)nasm_malloc(sizeof(struct permts));
        perm_tail = perm_tail->next;
        perm_tail->next = NULL;
        perm_tail->size = PERMTS_SIZE;
        perm_tail->usage = 0;
    p = perm_tail->data + perm_tail->usage;
    memcpy(p, string, len);
    perm_tail->usage += len;

    return p;
Esempio n. 20
static long coff_add_reloc (struct Section *sect, long segment,
			    int relative) 
    struct Reloc *r;

    r = *sect->tail = nasm_malloc(sizeof(struct Reloc));
    sect->tail = &r->next;
    r->next = NULL;

    r->address = sect->len;
    if (segment == NO_SEG)
	r->symbol = 0, r->symbase = ABS_SYMBOL;
    else {
	int i;
	r->symbase = REAL_SYMBOLS;
	for (i=0; i<nsects; i++)
	    if (segment == sects[i]->index) {
		r->symbol = i*2;
		r->symbase = SECT_SYMBOLS;
	if (r->symbase == REAL_SYMBOLS)
	    r->symbol = raa_read (bsym, segment);
    r->relative = relative;


     * Return the fixup for standard COFF common variables.
    if (r->symbase == REAL_SYMBOLS && !win32)
	return raa_read (symval, segment);
	return 0;
Esempio n. 21
static void elf_add_reloc(struct Section *sect, long segment, int type)
    struct Reloc *r;

    r = *sect->tail = nasm_malloc(sizeof(struct Reloc));
    sect->tail = &r->next;
    r->next = NULL;

    r->address = sect->len;
    if (segment == NO_SEG)
        r->symbol = 2;
    else {
        int i;
        r->symbol = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < nsects; i++)
            if (segment == sects[i]->index)
                r->symbol = i + 3;
        if (!r->symbol)
            r->symbol = GLOBAL_TEMP_BASE + raa_read(bsym, segment);
    r->type = type;

Esempio n. 22
 * segment registry
static int32_t ieee_segment(char *name, int pass, int *bits)
     * We call the label manager here to define a name for the new
     * segment, and when our _own_ label-definition stub gets
     * called in return, it should register the new segment name
     * using the pointer it gets passed. That way we save memory,
     * by sponging off the label manager.
    if (!name) {
        *bits = 16;
        if (!any_segs)
            return 0;
        return seghead->index;
    } else {
        struct ieeeSection *seg;
        int ieee_idx, attrs;
	bool rn_error;
        char *p;

         * Look for segment attributes.
        attrs = 0;
        while (*name == '.')
            name++;             /* hack, but a documented one */
        p = name;
        while (*p && !nasm_isspace(*p))
        if (*p) {
            *p++ = '\0';
            while (*p && nasm_isspace(*p))
                *p++ = '\0';
        while (*p) {
            while (*p && !nasm_isspace(*p))
            if (*p) {
                *p++ = '\0';
                while (*p && nasm_isspace(*p))
                    *p++ = '\0';


        ieee_idx = 1;
        for (seg = seghead; seg; seg = seg->next) {
            if (!strcmp(seg->name, name)) {
                if (attrs > 0 && pass == 1)
                    nasm_error(ERR_WARNING, "segment attributes specified on"
                          " redeclaration of segment: ignoring");
                if (seg->use32)
                    *bits = 32;
                    *bits = 16;
                return seg->index;

        *segtail = seg = nasm_malloc(sizeof(*seg));
        seg->next = NULL;
        segtail = &seg->next;
        seg->index = seg_alloc();
        seg->ieee_index = ieee_idx;
        any_segs = true;
        seg->name = NULL;
        seg->currentpos = 0;
        seg->align = 1;         /* default */
        seg->use32 = *bits == 32;       /* default to user spec */
        seg->combine = CMB_PUBLIC;      /* default */
        seg->pubhead = NULL;
        seg->pubtail = &seg->pubhead;
        seg->data = NULL;
        seg->fptr = NULL;
        seg->lochead = NULL;
        seg->loctail = &seg->lochead;

         * Process the segment attributes.
        p = name;
        while (attrs--) {
            p += strlen(p);
            while (!*p)

             * `p' contains a segment attribute.
            if (!nasm_stricmp(p, "private"))
                seg->combine = CMB_PRIVATE;
            else if (!nasm_stricmp(p, "public"))
                seg->combine = CMB_PUBLIC;
            else if (!nasm_stricmp(p, "common"))
                seg->combine = CMB_COMMON;
            else if (!nasm_stricmp(p, "use16"))
                seg->use32 = false;
            else if (!nasm_stricmp(p, "use32"))
                seg->use32 = true;
            else if (!nasm_strnicmp(p, "align=", 6)) {
                seg->align = readnum(p + 6, &rn_error);
                if (seg->align == 0)
                    seg->align = 1;
                if (rn_error) {
                    seg->align = 1;
                    nasm_error(ERR_NONFATAL, "segment alignment should be"
                          " numeric");
                switch ((int)seg->align) {
                case 1:        /* BYTE */
                case 2:        /* WORD */
                case 4:        /* DWORD */
                case 16:       /* PARA */
                case 256:      /* PAGE */
                case 8:
                case 32:
                case 64:
                case 128:
                    nasm_error(ERR_NONFATAL, "invalid alignment value %d",
                    seg->align = 1;
            } else if (!nasm_strnicmp(p, "absolute=", 9)) {
                seg->align = SEG_ABS + readnum(p + 9, &rn_error);
                if (rn_error)
                    nasm_error(ERR_NONFATAL, "argument to `absolute' segment"
                          " attribute should be numeric");

        ieee_seg_needs_update = seg;
        if (seg->align >= SEG_ABS)
            define_label(name, NO_SEG, seg->align - SEG_ABS,
			 NULL, false, false);
            define_label(name, seg->index + 1, 0L, NULL, false, false);
        ieee_seg_needs_update = NULL;

        if (seg->use32)
            *bits = 32;
            *bits = 16;
        return seg->index;
Esempio n. 23
insn *parse_line (int pass, char *buffer, insn *result,
		  efunc errfunc, evalfunc evaluate, evalinfofunc einfo) {
    int operand;
    int critical;
    struct eval_hints hints;

    result->forw_ref = FALSE;
    error = errfunc;
    einfo ("", 0L, 0L);

    stdscan_bufptr = buffer;
    i = stdscan(NULL, &tokval);

    result->eops = NULL;	       /* must do this, whatever happens */
    result->operands = 0;	       /* must initialise this */

    if (i==0) {			       /* blank line - ignore */
	result->label = NULL;	       /* so, no label on it */
	result->opcode = -1;	       /* and no instruction either */
	return result;
    if (i != TOKEN_ID && i != TOKEN_INSN && i != TOKEN_PREFIX &&
	(i!=TOKEN_REG || (REG_SREG & ~reg_flags[tokval.t_integer]))) {
	error (ERR_NONFATAL, "label or instruction expected"
	       " at start of line");
	result->label = NULL;
	result->opcode = -1;
	return result;

    if (i == TOKEN_ID) {	       /* there's a label here */
	result->label = tokval.t_charptr;
	einfo (result->label, 0L, 0L);
	i = stdscan(NULL, &tokval);
	if (i == ':') {		       /* skip over the optional colon */
	    i = stdscan(NULL, &tokval);
	} else if (i == 0 && pass == 1) {
		   "label alone on a line without a colon might be in error");
    } else			       /* no label; so, moving swiftly on */
	result->label = NULL;

    if (i==0) {
	result->opcode = -1;	       /* this line contains just a label */
	return result;

    result->nprefix = 0;
    result->times = 1L;

    while (i == TOKEN_PREFIX ||
	   (i==TOKEN_REG && !(REG_SREG & ~reg_flags[tokval.t_integer]))) {
	 * Handle special case: the TIMES prefix.
	if (i == TOKEN_PREFIX && tokval.t_integer == P_TIMES) {
	    expr *value;

	    i = stdscan(NULL, &tokval);
	    value = evaluate (stdscan, NULL, &tokval, NULL, pass, error, NULL);
	    i = tokval.t_type;
	    if (!value) {	       /* but, error in evaluator */
		result->opcode = -1;   /* unrecoverable parse error: */
		return result;	       /* ignore this instruction */
	    if (!is_simple (value)) {
		error (ERR_NONFATAL,
		       "non-constant argument supplied to TIMES");
		result->times = 1L;
	    } else {
		result->times = value->value;
		if (value->value < 0)
		    error(ERR_NONFATAL, "TIMES value %d is negative",
	} else {
	    if (result->nprefix == MAXPREFIX)
		error (ERR_NONFATAL,
		       "instruction has more than %d prefixes", MAXPREFIX);
		result->prefixes[result->nprefix++] = tokval.t_integer;
	    i = stdscan(NULL, &tokval);

    if (i != TOKEN_INSN) {
	if (result->nprefix > 0 && i == 0) {
	     * Instruction prefixes are present, but no actual
	     * instruction. This is allowed: at this point we
	     * invent a notional instruction of RESB 0.
	    result->opcode = I_RESB;
	    result->operands = 1;
	    result->oprs[0].type = IMMEDIATE;
	    result->oprs[0].offset = 0L;
	    result->oprs[0].segment = result->oprs[0].wrt = NO_SEG;
	    return result;
	} else {
	    error (ERR_NONFATAL, "parser: instruction expected");
	    result->opcode = -1;
	    return result;

    result->opcode = tokval.t_integer;
    result->condition = tokval.t_inttwo;

     * RESB, RESW and RESD cannot be satisfied with incorrectly
     * evaluated operands, since the correct values _must_ be known
     * on the first pass. Hence, even in pass one, we set the
     * `critical' flag on calling evaluate(), so that it will bomb
     * out on undefined symbols. Nasty, but there's nothing we can
     * do about it.
     * For the moment, EQU has the same difficulty, so we'll
     * include that.
    if (result->opcode == I_RESB ||
	result->opcode == I_RESW ||
	result->opcode == I_RESD ||
	result->opcode == I_RESQ ||
	result->opcode == I_REST ||
	result->opcode == I_EQU)
	critical = pass;
	critical = (pass==2 ? 2 : 0);

    if (result->opcode == I_DB ||
	result->opcode == I_DW ||
	result->opcode == I_DD ||
	result->opcode == I_DQ ||
	result->opcode == I_DT ||
	result->opcode == I_INCBIN) {
	extop *eop, **tail = &result->eops, **fixptr;
	int oper_num = 0;

	 * Begin to read the DB/DW/DD/DQ/DT operands.
	while (1) {
	    i = stdscan(NULL, &tokval);
	    if (i == 0)
	    fixptr = tail;
	    eop = *tail = nasm_malloc(sizeof(extop));
	    tail = &eop->next;
	    eop->next = NULL;
	    eop->type = EOT_NOTHING;

	    if (i == TOKEN_NUM && tokval.t_charptr && is_comma_next()) {
		eop->type = EOT_DB_STRING;
		eop->stringval = tokval.t_charptr;
		eop->stringlen = tokval.t_inttwo;
		i = stdscan(NULL, &tokval);       /* eat the comma */

	    if (i == TOKEN_FLOAT || i == '-') {
		long sign = +1L;

		if (i == '-') {
		    char *save = stdscan_bufptr;
		    i = stdscan(NULL, &tokval);
		    sign = -1L;
		    if (i != TOKEN_FLOAT) {
			stdscan_bufptr = save;
			i = tokval.t_type = '-';

		if (i == TOKEN_FLOAT) {
		    eop->type = EOT_DB_STRING;
		    if (result->opcode == I_DD)
			eop->stringlen = 4;
		    else if (result->opcode == I_DQ)
			eop->stringlen = 8;
		    else if (result->opcode == I_DT)
		    eop->stringlen = 10;
		    else {
			error(ERR_NONFATAL, "floating-point constant"
			      " encountered in `D%c' instruction",
			      result->opcode == I_DW ? 'W' : 'B');
			eop->type = EOT_NOTHING;
		    eop = nasm_realloc(eop, sizeof(extop)+eop->stringlen);
		    tail = &eop->next;
		    *fixptr = eop;
		    eop->stringval = (char *)eop + sizeof(extop);
		    if (!float_const (tokval.t_charptr, sign,
				      (unsigned char *)eop->stringval,
				      eop->stringlen, error))
			eop->type = EOT_NOTHING;
		    i = stdscan(NULL, &tokval);       /* eat the comma */

	    /* anything else */ {
		expr *value;
		value = evaluate (stdscan, NULL, &tokval, NULL,
				  critical, error, NULL);
		i = tokval.t_type;
		if (!value) {	       /* error in evaluator */
		    result->opcode = -1;/* unrecoverable parse error: */
		    return result;     /* ignore this instruction */
		if (is_unknown(value)) {
		    eop->type = EOT_DB_NUMBER;
		    eop->offset = 0;   /* doesn't matter what we put */
		    eop->segment = eop->wrt = NO_SEG;   /* likewise */
		} else if (is_reloc(value)) {
		    eop->type = EOT_DB_NUMBER;
		    eop->offset = reloc_value(value);
		    eop->segment = reloc_seg(value);
		    eop->wrt = reloc_wrt(value);
		} else {
		    error (ERR_NONFATAL,
			   "operand %d: expression is not simple"
			   " or relocatable", oper_num);

	     * We're about to call stdscan(), which will eat the
	     * comma that we're currently sitting on between
	     * arguments. However, we'd better check first that it
	     * _is_ a comma.
	    if (i == 0)		       /* also could be EOL */
	    if (i != ',') {
		error (ERR_NONFATAL, "comma expected after operand %d",
		result->opcode = -1;/* unrecoverable parse error: */
		return result;     /* ignore this instruction */

	if (result->opcode == I_INCBIN) {
	     * Correct syntax for INCBIN is that there should be
	     * one string operand, followed by one or two numeric
	     * operands.
	    if (!result->eops || result->eops->type != EOT_DB_STRING)
		error (ERR_NONFATAL, "`incbin' expects a file name");
	    else if (result->eops->next &&
		     result->eops->next->type != EOT_DB_NUMBER)
		error (ERR_NONFATAL, "`incbin': second parameter is",
		       " non-numeric");
	    else if (result->eops->next && result->eops->next->next &&
		     result->eops->next->next->type != EOT_DB_NUMBER)
		error (ERR_NONFATAL, "`incbin': third parameter is",
		       " non-numeric");
	    else if (result->eops->next && result->eops->next->next &&
		error (ERR_NONFATAL, "`incbin': more than three parameters");
		return result;
	     * If we reach here, one of the above errors happened.
	     * Throw the instruction away.
	    result->opcode = -1;
	    return result;

	return result;

    /* right. Now we begin to parse the operands. There may be up to three
     * of these, separated by commas, and terminated by a zero token. */

    for (operand = 0; operand < 3; operand++) {
	expr *value;		       /* used most of the time */
	int mref;		       /* is this going to be a memory ref? */
	int bracket;		       /* is it a [] mref, or a & mref? */

	result->oprs[operand].addr_size = 0;/* have to zero this whatever */
	result->oprs[operand].eaflags = 0;   /* and this */
	i = stdscan(NULL, &tokval);
	if (i == 0) break;	       /* end of operands: get out of here */
	result->oprs[operand].type = 0;   /* so far, no override */
	while (i == TOKEN_SPECIAL)	{/* size specifiers */
	    switch ((int)tokval.t_integer) {
	      case S_BYTE:
		result->oprs[operand].type |= BITS8;
	      case S_WORD:
		result->oprs[operand].type |= BITS16;
	      case S_DWORD:
	      case S_LONG:
		result->oprs[operand].type |= BITS32;
	      case S_QWORD:
		result->oprs[operand].type |= BITS64;
	      case S_TWORD:
		result->oprs[operand].type |= BITS80;
	      case S_TO:
		result->oprs[operand].type |= TO;
	      case S_FAR:
		result->oprs[operand].type |= FAR;
	      case S_NEAR:
		result->oprs[operand].type |= NEAR;
	      case S_SHORT:
		result->oprs[operand].type |= SHORT;
	    i = stdscan(NULL, &tokval);

	if (i == '[' || i == '&') {    /* memory reference */
	    mref = TRUE;
	    bracket = (i == '[');
	    i = stdscan(NULL, &tokval);	    
	    if (i == TOKEN_SPECIAL) {  /* check for address size override */
		switch ((int)tokval.t_integer) {
		  case S_NOSPLIT:
		    result->oprs[operand].eaflags |= EAF_TIMESTWO;
		  case S_BYTE:
		    result->oprs[operand].eaflags |= EAF_BYTEOFFS;
		  case S_WORD:
		    result->oprs[operand].addr_size = 16;
		    result->oprs[operand].eaflags |= EAF_WORDOFFS;
		  case S_DWORD:
		  case S_LONG:
		    result->oprs[operand].addr_size = 32;
		    result->oprs[operand].eaflags |= EAF_WORDOFFS;
		    error (ERR_NONFATAL, "invalid size specification in"
			   " effective address");
		i = stdscan(NULL, &tokval);
	} else {		       /* immediate operand, or register */
	    mref = FALSE;
	    bracket = FALSE;	       /* placate optimisers */

	value = evaluate (stdscan, NULL, &tokval,
			  &result->forw_ref, critical, error, &hints);
	i = tokval.t_type;
	if (!value) {		       /* error in evaluator */
	    result->opcode = -1;       /* unrecoverable parse error: */
	    return result;	       /* ignore this instruction */
	if (i == ':' && mref) {	       /* it was seg:offset */
	     * Process the segment override.
	    if (value[1].type!=0 || value->value!=1 ||
		REG_SREG & ~reg_flags[value->type])
		error (ERR_NONFATAL, "invalid segment override");
	    else if (result->nprefix == MAXPREFIX)
		error (ERR_NONFATAL,
		       "instruction has more than %d prefixes",
		result->prefixes[result->nprefix++] = value->type;

	    i = stdscan(NULL, &tokval);	       /* then skip the colon */
	    if (i == TOKEN_SPECIAL) {  /* another check for size override */
		switch ((int)tokval.t_integer) {
		  case S_WORD:
		    result->oprs[operand].addr_size = 16;
		  case S_DWORD:
		  case S_LONG:
		    result->oprs[operand].addr_size = 32;
		    error (ERR_NONFATAL, "invalid size specification in"
			   " effective address");
		i = stdscan(NULL, &tokval);
	    value = evaluate (stdscan, NULL, &tokval,
			      &result->forw_ref, critical, error, &hints);
	    i = tokval.t_type;
	    /* and get the offset */
	    if (!value) {	       /* but, error in evaluator */
		result->opcode = -1;   /* unrecoverable parse error: */
		return result;	       /* ignore this instruction */
	if (mref && bracket) {	       /* find ] at the end */
	    if (i != ']') {
		error (ERR_NONFATAL, "parser: expecting ]");
		do {		       /* error recovery again */
		    i = stdscan(NULL, &tokval);
		} while (i != 0 && i != ',');
	    } else		       /* we got the required ] */
		i = stdscan(NULL, &tokval);
	} else {		       /* immediate operand */
	    if (i != 0 && i != ',' && i != ':') {
		error (ERR_NONFATAL, "comma or end of line expected");
		do {		       /* error recovery */
		    i = stdscan(NULL, &tokval);
		} while (i != 0 && i != ',');
	    } else if (i == ':') {
		result->oprs[operand].type |= COLON;

	/* now convert the exprs returned from evaluate() into operand
	 * descriptions... */

	if (mref) {		       /* it's a memory reference */
	    expr *e = value;
	    int b, i, s;	       /* basereg, indexreg, scale */
	    long o;		       /* offset */

	    b = i = -1, o = s = 0;
	    result->oprs[operand].hintbase = hints.base;
	    result->oprs[operand].hinttype = hints.type;

	    if (e->type <= EXPR_REG_END) {   /* this bit's a register */
		if (e->value == 1) /* in fact it can be basereg */
		    b = e->type;
		else	       /* no, it has to be indexreg */
		    i = e->type, s = e->value;
	    if (e->type && e->type <= EXPR_REG_END) {/* it's a 2nd register */
		if (e->value != 1) {   /* it has to be indexreg */
		    if (i != -1) {     /* but it can't be */
			error(ERR_NONFATAL, "invalid effective address");
			result->opcode = -1;
			return result;
		    } else
			i = e->type, s = e->value;
		} else {	       /* it can be basereg */
		    if (b != -1)       /* or can it? */
			i = e->type, s = 1;
			b = e->type;
	    if (e->type != 0) {	       /* is there an offset? */
		if (e->type <= EXPR_REG_END) {/* in fact, is there an error? */
		    error (ERR_NONFATAL, "invalid effective address");
		    result->opcode = -1;
		    return result;
		} else {
		    if (e->type == EXPR_UNKNOWN) {
			o = 0;	       /* doesn't matter what */
			result->oprs[operand].wrt = NO_SEG;   /* nor this */
			result->oprs[operand].segment = NO_SEG;  /* or this */
			while (e->type) e++;   /* go to the end of the line */
		    } else {
			if (e->type == EXPR_SIMPLE) {
			    o = e->value;
			if (e->type == EXPR_WRT) {
			    result->oprs[operand].wrt = e->value;
			} else
			    result->oprs[operand].wrt = NO_SEG;
			 * Look for a segment base type.
			if (e->type && e->type < EXPR_SEGBASE) {
			    error (ERR_NONFATAL, "invalid effective address");
			    result->opcode = -1;
			    return result;
			while (e->type && e->value == 0)
			if (e->type && e->value != 1) {
			    error (ERR_NONFATAL, "invalid effective address");
			    result->opcode = -1;
			    return result;
			if (e->type) {
			    result->oprs[operand].segment =
				e->type - EXPR_SEGBASE;
			} else
			    result->oprs[operand].segment = NO_SEG;
			while (e->type && e->value == 0)
			if (e->type) {
			    error (ERR_NONFATAL, "invalid effective address");
			    result->opcode = -1;
			    return result;
	    } else {
		o = 0;
		result->oprs[operand].wrt = NO_SEG;
		result->oprs[operand].segment = NO_SEG;

	    if (e->type != 0) {    /* there'd better be nothing left! */
		error (ERR_NONFATAL, "invalid effective address");
		result->opcode = -1;
		return result;

	    result->oprs[operand].type |= MEMORY;
	    if (b==-1 && (i==-1 || s==0))
		result->oprs[operand].type |= MEM_OFFS;
	    result->oprs[operand].basereg = b;
	    result->oprs[operand].indexreg = i;
	    result->oprs[operand].scale = s;
	    result->oprs[operand].offset = o;
	} else {		       /* it's not a memory reference */
	    if (is_just_unknown(value)) {     /* it's immediate but unknown */
		result->oprs[operand].type |= IMMEDIATE;
		result->oprs[operand].offset = 0;   /* don't care */
		result->oprs[operand].segment = NO_SEG; /* don't care again */
		result->oprs[operand].wrt = NO_SEG;/* still don't care */
	    } else if (is_reloc(value)) {     /* it's immediate */
		result->oprs[operand].type |= IMMEDIATE;
		result->oprs[operand].offset = reloc_value(value);
		result->oprs[operand].segment = reloc_seg(value);
		result->oprs[operand].wrt = reloc_wrt(value);
		if (is_simple(value) && reloc_value(value)==1)
		    result->oprs[operand].type |= UNITY;
	    } else {	       /* it's a register */
		if (value->type>=EXPR_SIMPLE || value->value!=1) {
		    error (ERR_NONFATAL, "invalid operand type");
		    result->opcode = -1;
		    return result;
		/* clear overrides, except TO which applies to FPU regs */
		result->oprs[operand].type &= TO;
		result->oprs[operand].type |= REGISTER;
		result->oprs[operand].type |= reg_flags[value->type];
		result->oprs[operand].basereg = value->type;

    result->operands = operand;       /* set operand count */

    while (operand<3)		       /* clear remaining operands */
	result->oprs[operand++].type = 0;

     * Transform RESW, RESD, RESQ, REST into RESB.
    switch (result->opcode) {
      case I_RESW: result->opcode=I_RESB; result->oprs[0].offset*=2; break;
      case I_RESD: result->opcode=I_RESB; result->oprs[0].offset*=4; break;
      case I_RESQ: result->opcode=I_RESB; result->oprs[0].offset*=8; break;
      case I_REST: result->opcode=I_RESB; result->oprs[0].offset*=10; break;

    return result;
Esempio n. 24
 * callback for labels
static void ieee_deflabel(char *name, int32_t segment,
                          int64_t offset, int is_global, char *special)
     * We have three cases:
     * (i) `segment' is a segment-base. If so, set the name field
     * for the segment structure it refers to, and then
     * return.
     * (ii) `segment' is one of our segments, or a SEG_ABS segment.
     * Save the label position for later output of a PUBDEF record.
     * (iii) `segment' is not one of our segments. Save the label
     * position for later output of an EXTDEF.
    struct ieeeExternal *ext;
    struct ExtBack *eb;
    struct ieeeSection *seg;
    int i;

    if (special) {
        nasm_error(ERR_NONFATAL, "unrecognised symbol type `%s'", special);
     * First check for the double-period, signifying something
     * unusual.
    if (name[0] == '.' && name[1] == '.') {
        if (!strcmp(name, "..start")) {
            ieee_entry_seg = segment;
            ieee_entry_ofs = offset;

     * Case (i):
    if (ieee_seg_needs_update) {
        ieee_seg_needs_update->name = name;
    if (segment < SEG_ABS && segment != NO_SEG && segment % 2)

     * case (ii)
    if (segment >= SEG_ABS) {
         * SEG_ABS subcase of (ii).
        if (is_global) {
            struct ieeePublic *pub;

            pub = *fpubtail = nasm_malloc(sizeof(*pub));
            fpubtail = &pub->next;
            pub->next = NULL;
            pub->name = name;
            pub->offset = offset;
            pub->segment = segment & ~SEG_ABS;

    for (seg = seghead; seg && is_global; seg = seg->next)
        if (seg->index == segment) {
            struct ieeePublic *pub;

            last_defined = pub = *seg->pubtail = nasm_malloc(sizeof(*pub));
            seg->pubtail = &pub->next;
            pub->next = NULL;
            pub->name = name;
            pub->offset = offset;
            pub->index = seg->ieee_index;
            pub->segment = -1;

     * Case (iii).
    if (is_global) {
        ext = *exttail = nasm_malloc(sizeof(*ext));
        ext->next = NULL;
        exttail = &ext->next;
        ext->name = name;
        if (is_global == 2)
            ext->commonsize = offset;
            ext->commonsize = 0;
        i = segment / 2;
        eb = ebhead;
        if (!eb) {
            eb = *ebtail = nasm_malloc(sizeof(*eb));
            eb->next = NULL;
            ebtail = &eb->next;
        while (i > EXT_BLKSIZ) {
            if (eb && eb->next)
                eb = eb->next;
            else {
                eb = *ebtail = nasm_malloc(sizeof(*eb));
                eb->next = NULL;
                ebtail = &eb->next;
            i -= EXT_BLKSIZ;
        eb->index[i] = externals++;

Esempio n. 25
insn *parse_line(char *buffer, insn *result)
    int pass = 1; /* This used to be an argument. it's hardcoded now because we always want it as 1 */ 
    bool insn_is_label = false;
    struct eval_hints hints;
    int operand;
    int critical;
    bool first;
    bool recover;
    int j;

    first               = true;
    result->forw_ref    = false;

    i = stdscan(NULL, &tokval);

    result->label       = NULL; /* Assume no label */
    result->eops        = NULL; /* must do this, whatever happens */
    result->operands    = 0;    /* must initialize this */

    /* Ignore blank lines */
    if (i == TOKEN_EOS) {
        result->opcode = I_none;
        return result;

    if (i != TOKEN_ID       &&
        i != TOKEN_INSN     &&
        i != TOKEN_PREFIX   &&
        (i != TOKEN_REG || !IS_SREG(tokval.t_integer))) {
                   "label or instruction expected at start of line");
        result->opcode = I_none;
        return result;

    if (i == TOKEN_ID || (insn_is_label && i == TOKEN_INSN)) {
        /* there's a label here */
        first = false;
        result->label = tokval.t_charptr;
        i = stdscan(NULL, &tokval);
        if (i == ':') {         /* skip over the optional colon */
            i = stdscan(NULL, &tokval);
        } else if (i == 0) {
            nasm_error(ERR_WARNING | ERR_WARN_OL | ERR_PASS1,
                  "label alone on a line without a colon might be in error");

    /* Just a label here */
    if (i == TOKEN_EOS) {
        result->opcode = I_none;
        return result;

    for (j = 0; j < MAXPREFIX; j++)
        result->prefixes[j] = P_none;
    result->times = 1L;

    while (i == TOKEN_PREFIX ||
           (i == TOKEN_REG && IS_SREG(tokval.t_integer))) {
        first = false;

         * Handle special case: the TIMES prefix.
        if (i == TOKEN_PREFIX && tokval.t_integer == P_TIMES) {
            expr *value;

            i = stdscan(NULL, &tokval);
            value = evaluate(stdscan, NULL, &tokval, NULL, pass0, nasm_error, NULL);
            i = tokval.t_type;
            if (!value) {       /* but, error in evaluator */
                result->opcode = I_none;    /* unrecoverable parse error: */
                return result;  /* ignore this instruction */
            if (!is_simple(value)) {
                      "non-constant argument supplied to TIMES");
                result->times = 1L;
            } else {
                result->times = value->value;
                if (value->value < 0 && pass0 == 2) {
                    nasm_error(ERR_NONFATAL, "TIMES value %"PRId64" is negative",
                    result->times = 0;
        } else {
            int slot = prefix_slot(tokval.t_integer);
            if (result->prefixes[slot]) {
               if (result->prefixes[slot] == tokval.t_integer)
                    nasm_error(ERR_WARNING | ERR_PASS1,
                               "instruction has redundant prefixes");
                               "instruction has conflicting prefixes");
            result->prefixes[slot] = tokval.t_integer;
            i = stdscan(NULL, &tokval);

    if (i != TOKEN_INSN) {
        int j;
        enum prefixes pfx;

        for (j = 0; j < MAXPREFIX; j++) {
            if ((pfx = result->prefixes[j]) != P_none)

        if (i == 0 && pfx != P_none) {
             * Instruction prefixes are present, but no actual
             * instruction. This is allowed: at this point we
             * invent a notional instruction of RESB 0.
            result->opcode          = I_RESB;
            result->operands        = 1;
            result->oprs[0].type    = IMMEDIATE;
            result->oprs[0].offset  = 0L;
            result->oprs[0].segment = result->oprs[0].wrt = NO_SEG;
            return result;
        } else {
            nasm_error(ERR_NONFATAL, "parser: instruction expected");
            result->opcode = I_none;
            return result;

    result->opcode = tokval.t_integer;
    result->condition = tokval.t_inttwo;

     * INCBIN cannot be satisfied with incorrectly
     * evaluated operands, since the correct values _must_ be known
     * on the first pass. Hence, even in pass one, we set the
     * `critical' flag on calling evaluate(), so that it will bomb
     * out on undefined symbols.
    if (result->opcode == I_INCBIN) {
        critical = (pass0 < 2 ? 1 : 2);

    } else
        critical = (pass == 2 ? 2 : 0);

    if (result->opcode == I_DB || result->opcode == I_DW ||
        result->opcode == I_DD || result->opcode == I_DQ ||
        result->opcode == I_DT || result->opcode == I_DO ||
        result->opcode == I_DY || result->opcode == I_INCBIN) {
        extop *eop, **tail = &result->eops, **fixptr;
        int oper_num = 0;
        int32_t sign;

        result->eops_float = false;

         * Begin to read the DB/DW/DD/DQ/DT/DO/INCBIN operands.
        while (1) {
            i = stdscan(NULL, &tokval);
            if (i == TOKEN_EOS)
            else if (first && i == ':') {
                insn_is_label = true;
                goto restart_parse;
            first = false;
            fixptr = tail;
            eop = *tail = nasm_malloc(sizeof(extop));
            tail = &eop->next;
            eop->next = NULL;
            eop->type = EOT_NOTHING;
            sign = +1;

             * is_comma_next() here is to distinguish this from
             * a string used as part of an expression...
            if (i == TOKEN_STR && is_comma_next()) {
                eop->type       = EOT_DB_STRING;
                eop->stringval  = tokval.t_charptr;
                eop->stringlen  = tokval.t_inttwo;
                i = stdscan(NULL, &tokval);     /* eat the comma */
            } else if (i == TOKEN_STRFUNC) {
                bool parens = false;
                const char *funcname = tokval.t_charptr;
                enum strfunc func = tokval.t_integer;
                i = stdscan(NULL, &tokval);
                if (i == '(') {
                    parens = true;
                    i = stdscan(NULL, &tokval);
                if (i != TOKEN_STR) {
                               "%s must be followed by a string constant",
                        eop->type = EOT_NOTHING;
                } else {
                    eop->type = EOT_DB_STRING_FREE;
                    eop->stringlen =
                        string_transform(tokval.t_charptr, tokval.t_inttwo,
                                         &eop->stringval, func);
                    if (eop->stringlen == (size_t)-1) {
                        nasm_error(ERR_NONFATAL, "invalid string for transform");
                        eop->type = EOT_NOTHING;
                if (parens && i && i != ')') {
                    i = stdscan(NULL, &tokval);
                    if (i != ')') {
                        nasm_error(ERR_NONFATAL, "unterminated %s function",
                if (i && i != ',')
                    i = stdscan(NULL, &tokval);
            } else if (i == '-' || i == '+') {
                char *save = stdscan_get();
                int token = i;
                sign = (i == '-') ? -1 : 1;
                i = stdscan(NULL, &tokval);
                if (i != TOKEN_FLOAT) {
                    i = tokval.t_type = token;
                    goto is_expression;
                } else {
                    goto is_float;
            } else if (i == TOKEN_FLOAT) {
                eop->type = EOT_DB_STRING;
                result->eops_float = true;

                eop->stringlen = idata_bytes(result->opcode);
                if (eop->stringlen > 16) {
                    nasm_error(ERR_NONFATAL, "floating-point constant"
                               " encountered in DY instruction");
                    eop->stringlen = 0;
                } else if (eop->stringlen < 1) {
                    nasm_error(ERR_NONFATAL, "floating-point constant"
                               " encountered in unknown instruction");
                     * fix suggested by Pedro Gimeno... original line was:
                     * eop->type = EOT_NOTHING;
                    eop->stringlen = 0;

                eop = nasm_realloc(eop, sizeof(extop) + eop->stringlen);
                tail = &eop->next;
                *fixptr = eop;
                eop->stringval = (char *)eop + sizeof(extop);
                if (!eop->stringlen ||
                    !float_const(tokval.t_charptr, sign,
                                 (uint8_t *)eop->stringval,
                                 eop->stringlen, nasm_error))
                    eop->type = EOT_NOTHING;
                i = stdscan(NULL, &tokval); /* eat the comma */
            } else {
                /* anything else, assume it is an expression */
                expr *value;

                value = evaluate(stdscan, NULL, &tokval, NULL,
                                 critical, nasm_error, NULL);
                i = tokval.t_type;
                if (!value) {   /* error in evaluator */
                    result->opcode = I_none;        /* unrecoverable parse error: */
                    return result;      /* ignore this instruction */
                if (is_unknown(value)) {
                    eop->type = EOT_DB_NUMBER;
                    eop->offset = 0;    /* doesn't matter what we put */
                    eop->segment = eop->wrt = NO_SEG;   /* likewise */
                } else if (is_reloc(value)) {
                    eop->type = EOT_DB_NUMBER;
                    eop->offset = reloc_value(value);
                    eop->segment = reloc_seg(value);
                    eop->wrt = reloc_wrt(value);
                } else {
                          "operand %d: expression is not simple"
                          " or relocatable", oper_num);

             * We're about to call stdscan(), which will eat the
             * comma that we're currently sitting on between
             * arguments. However, we'd better check first that it
             * _is_ a comma.
            if (i == TOKEN_EOS) /* also could be EOL */
            if (i != ',') {
                nasm_error(ERR_NONFATAL, "comma expected after operand %d",
                result->opcode = I_none;/* unrecoverable parse error: */
                return result;          /* ignore this instruction */

        if (result->opcode == I_INCBIN) {
             * Correct syntax for INCBIN is that there should be
             * one string operand, followed by one or two numeric
             * operands.
            if (!result->eops || result->eops->type != EOT_DB_STRING)
                nasm_error(ERR_NONFATAL, "`incbin' expects a file name");
            else if (result->eops->next &&
                     result->eops->next->type != EOT_DB_NUMBER)
                nasm_error(ERR_NONFATAL, "`incbin': second parameter is"
                           " non-numeric");
            else if (result->eops->next && result->eops->next->next &&
                     result->eops->next->next->type != EOT_DB_NUMBER)
                nasm_error(ERR_NONFATAL, "`incbin': third parameter is"
                           " non-numeric");
            else if (result->eops->next && result->eops->next->next &&
                           "`incbin': more than three parameters");
                return result;
             * If we reach here, one of the above errors happened.
             * Throw the instruction away.
            result->opcode = I_none;
            return result;
        } else /* DB ... */ if (oper_num == 0)
            nasm_error(ERR_WARNING | ERR_PASS1,
                  "no operand for data declaration");
            result->operands = oper_num;

        return result;

     * Now we begin to parse the operands. There may be up to four
     * of these, separated by commas, and terminated by a zero token.

    for (operand = 0; operand < MAX_OPERANDS; operand++) {
        expr *value;            /* used most of the time */
        int mref;               /* is this going to be a memory ref? */
        int bracket;            /* is it a [] mref, or a & mref? */
        int setsize = 0;

        result->oprs[operand].disp_size = 0;    /* have to zero this whatever */
        result->oprs[operand].eaflags   = 0;    /* and this */
        result->oprs[operand].opflags   = 0;

        i = stdscan(NULL, &tokval);
        if (i == TOKEN_EOS)
            break;              /* end of operands: get out of here */
        else if (first && i == ':') {
            insn_is_label = true;
            goto restart_parse;
        first = false;
        result->oprs[operand].type = 0; /* so far, no override */
        while (i == TOKEN_SPECIAL) {    /* size specifiers */
            switch ((int)tokval.t_integer) {
            case S_BYTE:
                if (!setsize)   /* we want to use only the first */
                    result->oprs[operand].type |= BITS8;
                setsize = 1;
            case S_WORD:
                if (!setsize)
                    result->oprs[operand].type |= BITS16;
                setsize = 1;
            case S_DWORD:
            case S_LONG:
                if (!setsize)
                    result->oprs[operand].type |= BITS32;
                setsize = 1;
            case S_QWORD:
                if (!setsize)
                    result->oprs[operand].type |= BITS64;
                setsize = 1;
            case S_TWORD:
                if (!setsize)
                    result->oprs[operand].type |= BITS80;
                setsize = 1;
            case S_OWORD:
                if (!setsize)
                    result->oprs[operand].type |= BITS128;
                setsize = 1;
            case S_YWORD:
                if (!setsize)
                    result->oprs[operand].type |= BITS256;
                setsize = 1;
            case S_TO:
                result->oprs[operand].type |= TO;
            case S_STRICT:
                result->oprs[operand].type |= STRICT;
            case S_FAR:
                result->oprs[operand].type |= FAR;
            case S_NEAR:
                result->oprs[operand].type |= NEAR;
            case S_SHORT:
                result->oprs[operand].type |= SHORT;
                nasm_error(ERR_NONFATAL, "invalid operand size specification");
            i = stdscan(NULL, &tokval);

        if (i == '[' || i == '&') {     /* memory reference */
            mref = true;
            bracket = (i == '[');
            i = stdscan(NULL, &tokval); /* then skip the colon */
            while (i == TOKEN_SPECIAL || i == TOKEN_PREFIX) {
                process_size_override(result, operand);
                i = stdscan(NULL, &tokval);
        } else {                /* immediate operand, or register */
            mref = false;
            bracket = false;    /* placate optimisers */

        if ((result->oprs[operand].type & FAR) && !mref &&
            result->opcode != I_JMP && result->opcode != I_CALL) {
            nasm_error(ERR_NONFATAL, "invalid use of FAR operand specifier");

        value = evaluate(stdscan, NULL, &tokval,
                         critical, nasm_error, &hints);
        i = tokval.t_type;
        if (result->oprs[operand].opflags & OPFLAG_FORWARD) {
            result->forw_ref = true;
        if (!value) {           /* nasm_error in evaluator */
            result->opcode = I_none;        /* unrecoverable parse error: */
            return result;      /* ignore this instruction */
        if (i == ':' && mref) { /* it was seg:offset */
             * Process the segment override.
            if (value[1].type   != 0    ||
                value->value    != 1    ||
                nasm_error(ERR_NONFATAL, "invalid segment override");
            else if (result->prefixes[PPS_SEG])
                      "instruction has conflicting segment overrides");
            else {
                result->prefixes[PPS_SEG] = value->type;
                if (IS_FSGS(value->type))
                    result->oprs[operand].eaflags |= EAF_FSGS;

            i = stdscan(NULL, &tokval); /* then skip the colon */
            while (i == TOKEN_SPECIAL || i == TOKEN_PREFIX) {
                process_size_override(result, operand);
                i = stdscan(NULL, &tokval);
            value = evaluate(stdscan, NULL, &tokval,
                             critical, nasm_error, &hints);
            i = tokval.t_type;
            if (result->oprs[operand].opflags & OPFLAG_FORWARD) {
                result->forw_ref = true;
            /* and get the offset */
            if (!value) {       /* but, error in evaluator */
                result->opcode = I_none;    /* unrecoverable parse error: */
                return result;  /* ignore this instruction */

        recover = false;
        if (mref && bracket) {  /* find ] at the end */
            if (i != ']') {
                nasm_error(ERR_NONFATAL, "parser: expecting ]");
                recover = true;
            } else {            /* we got the required ] */
                i = stdscan(NULL, &tokval);
                if (i != 0 && i != ',') {
                    nasm_error(ERR_NONFATAL, "comma or end of line expected");
                    recover = true;
        } else {                /* immediate operand */
            if (i != 0 && i != ',' && i != ':') {
                nasm_error(ERR_NONFATAL, "comma, colon or end of line expected");
                recover = true;
            } else if (i == ':') {
                result->oprs[operand].type |= COLON;
        if (recover) {
            do {                /* error recovery */
                i = stdscan(NULL, &tokval);
            } while (i != 0 && i != ',');

         * now convert the exprs returned from evaluate()
         * into operand descriptions...

        if (mref) {             /* it's a memory reference */
            expr *e = value;
            int b, i, s;        /* basereg, indexreg, scale */
            int64_t o;          /* offset */

            b = i = -1, o = s = 0;
            result->oprs[operand].hintbase = hints.base;
            result->oprs[operand].hinttype = hints.type;

            if (e->type && e->type <= EXPR_REG_END) {   /* this bit's a register */
                if (e->value == 1)      /* in fact it can be basereg */
                    b = e->type;
                else            /* no, it has to be indexreg */
                    i = e->type, s = e->value;
            if (e->type && e->type <= EXPR_REG_END) {   /* it's a 2nd register */
                if (b != -1)    /* If the first was the base, ... */
                    i = e->type, s = e->value;  /* second has to be indexreg */

                else if (e->value != 1) {       /* If both want to be index */
                          "beroset-p-592-invalid effective address");
                    result->opcode = I_none;
                    return result;
                } else
                    b = e->type;
            if (e->type != 0) { /* is there an offset? */
                if (e->type <= EXPR_REG_END) {  /* in fact, is there an error? */
                          "beroset-p-603-invalid effective address");
                    result->opcode = I_none;
                    return result;
                } else {
                    if (e->type == EXPR_UNKNOWN) {
                        result->oprs[operand].opflags |= OPFLAG_UNKNOWN;
                        o = 0;  /* doesn't matter what */
                        result->oprs[operand].wrt = NO_SEG;     /* nor this */
                        result->oprs[operand].segment = NO_SEG; /* or this */
                        while (e->type)
                            e++;        /* go to the end of the line */
                    } else {
                        if (e->type == EXPR_SIMPLE) {
                            o = e->value;
                        if (e->type == EXPR_WRT) {
                            result->oprs[operand].wrt = e->value;
                        } else
                            result->oprs[operand].wrt = NO_SEG;
                         * Look for a segment base type.
                        if (e->type && e->type < EXPR_SEGBASE) {
                                  "beroset-p-630-invalid effective address");
                            result->opcode = I_none;
                            return result;
                        while (e->type && e->value == 0)
                        if (e->type && e->value != 1) {
                                  "beroset-p-637-invalid effective address");
                            result->opcode = I_none;
                            return result;
                        if (e->type) {
                            result->oprs[operand].segment =
                                e->type - EXPR_SEGBASE;
                        } else
                            result->oprs[operand].segment = NO_SEG;
                        while (e->type && e->value == 0)
                        if (e->type) {
                                  "beroset-p-650-invalid effective address");
                            result->opcode = I_none;
                            return result;
            } else {
                o = 0;
                result->oprs[operand].wrt = NO_SEG;
                result->oprs[operand].segment = NO_SEG;

            if (e->type != 0) { /* there'd better be nothing left! */
                      "beroset-p-663-invalid effective address");
                result->opcode = I_none;
                return result;

            /* It is memory, but it can match any r/m operand */
            result->oprs[operand].type |= MEMORY_ANY;

            if (b == -1 && (i == -1 || s == 0)) {
                int is_rel = globalbits == 64 &&
                    !(result->oprs[operand].eaflags & EAF_ABS) &&
                    ((globalrel &&
                      !(result->oprs[operand].eaflags & EAF_FSGS)) ||
                     (result->oprs[operand].eaflags & EAF_REL));

                result->oprs[operand].type |= is_rel ? IP_REL : MEM_OFFS;
            result->oprs[operand].basereg = b;
            result->oprs[operand].indexreg = i;
            result->oprs[operand].scale = s;
            result->oprs[operand].offset = o;
        } else {                /* it's not a memory reference */
            if (is_just_unknown(value)) {       /* it's immediate but unknown */
                result->oprs[operand].type      |= IMMEDIATE;
                result->oprs[operand].opflags   |= OPFLAG_UNKNOWN;
                result->oprs[operand].offset    = 0;        /* don't care */
                result->oprs[operand].segment   = NO_SEG;   /* don't care again */
                result->oprs[operand].wrt       = NO_SEG;   /* still don't care */

                if(optimizing >= 0 && !(result->oprs[operand].type & STRICT)) {
                    /* Be optimistic */
                    result->oprs[operand].type |=
                            SBYTE16 | SBYTE32 | SBYTE64 | UDWORD64 | SDWORD64;
            } else if (is_reloc(value)) {       /* it's immediate */
                result->oprs[operand].type      |= IMMEDIATE;
                result->oprs[operand].offset    = reloc_value(value);
                result->oprs[operand].segment   = reloc_seg(value);
                result->oprs[operand].wrt       = reloc_wrt(value);

                if (is_simple(value)) {
                    if (reloc_value(value) == 1)
                        result->oprs[operand].type |= UNITY;
                    if (optimizing >= 0 &&
                        !(result->oprs[operand].type & STRICT)) {
                        int64_t v64 = reloc_value(value);
                        int32_t v32 = (int32_t)v64;
                        int16_t v16 = (int16_t)v32;

                        if (v64 >= -128 && v64 <= 127)
                            result->oprs[operand].type |= SBYTE64;
                        if (v32 >= -128 && v32 <= 127)
                            result->oprs[operand].type |= SBYTE32;
                        if (v16 >= -128 && v16 <= 127)
                            result->oprs[operand].type |= SBYTE16;
                        if ((uint64_t)v64 <= UINT64_C(0xffffffff))
                            result->oprs[operand].type |= UDWORD64;
                        if (v64 >= -INT64_C(0x80000000) &&
                            v64 <=  INT64_C(0x7fffffff))
                            result->oprs[operand].type |= SDWORD64;
            } else {            /* it's a register */
                unsigned int rs;

                if (value->type >= EXPR_SIMPLE || value->value != 1) {
                    nasm_error(ERR_NONFATAL, "invalid operand type");
                    result->opcode = I_none;
                    return result;

                 * check that its only 1 register, not an expression...
                for (i = 1; value[i].type; i++)
                    if (value[i].value) {
                        nasm_error(ERR_NONFATAL, "invalid operand type");
                        result->opcode = I_none;
                        return result;

                /* clear overrides, except TO which applies to FPU regs */
                if (result->oprs[operand].type & ~TO) {
                     * we want to produce a warning iff the specified size
                     * is different from the register size
                    rs = result->oprs[operand].type & SIZE_MASK;
                } else
                    rs = 0;

                result->oprs[operand].type      &= TO;
                result->oprs[operand].type      |= REGISTER;
                result->oprs[operand].type      |= nasm_reg_flags[value->type];
                result->oprs[operand].basereg   = value->type;

                if (rs && (result->oprs[operand].type & SIZE_MASK) != rs)
                    nasm_error(ERR_WARNING | ERR_PASS1,
                          "register size specification ignored");

    result->operands = operand; /* set operand count */

    /* clear remaining operands */
    while (operand < MAX_OPERANDS)
        result->oprs[operand++].type = 0;

     * Transform RESW, RESD, RESQ, REST, RESO, RESY into RESB.
    switch (result->opcode) {
    case I_RESW:
        result->opcode = I_RESB;
        result->oprs[0].offset *= 2;
    case I_RESD:
        result->opcode = I_RESB;
        result->oprs[0].offset *= 4;
    case I_RESQ:
        result->opcode = I_RESB;
        result->oprs[0].offset *= 8;
    case I_REST:
        result->opcode = I_RESB;
        result->oprs[0].offset *= 10;
    case I_RESO:
        result->opcode = I_RESB;
        result->oprs[0].offset *= 16;
    case I_RESY:
        result->opcode = I_RESB;
        result->oprs[0].offset *= 32;

    return result;
Esempio n. 26
void stabs_generate(void)
    int i, numfiles, strsize, numstabs = 0, currfile, mainfileindex;
    unsigned char *sbuf, *ssbuf, *rbuf, *sptr, *rptr;
    char **allfiles;
    int *fileidx;

    struct linelist *ptr;

    ptr = stabslines;

    allfiles = (char **)nasm_malloc(numlinestabs * sizeof(char *));
    for (i = 0; i < numlinestabs; i++)
        allfiles[i] = 0;
    numfiles = 0;
    while (ptr) {
        if (numfiles == 0) {
            allfiles[0] = ptr->filename;
        } else {
            for (i = 0; i < numfiles; i++) {
                if (!strcmp(allfiles[i], ptr->filename))
            if (i >= numfiles) {
                allfiles[i] = ptr->filename;
        ptr = ptr->next;
    strsize = 1;
    fileidx = (int *)nasm_malloc(numfiles * sizeof(int));
    for (i = 0; i < numfiles; i++) {
        fileidx[i] = strsize;
        strsize += strlen(allfiles[i]) + 1;
    mainfileindex = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < numfiles; i++) {
        if (!strcmp(allfiles[i], elf_module)) {
            mainfileindex = i;

    /* worst case size of the stab buffer would be:
       the sourcefiles changes each line, which would mean 1 SOL, 1 SYMLIN per line
    sbuf =
        (unsigned char *)nasm_malloc((numlinestabs * 2 + 3) *
                                     sizeof(struct stabentry));

    ssbuf = (unsigned char *)nasm_malloc(strsize);

    rbuf = (unsigned char *)nasm_malloc(numlinestabs * 8 * (2 + 3));
    rptr = rbuf;

    for (i = 0; i < numfiles; i++) {
        strcpy((char *)ssbuf + fileidx[i], allfiles[i]);
    ssbuf[0] = 0;

    stabstrlen = strsize;       /* set global variable for length of stab strings */

    sptr = sbuf;
    /* this is the first stab, its strx points to the filename of the
       the source-file, the n_desc field should be set to the number
       of remaining stabs
    WRITE_STAB(sptr, fileidx[0], 0, 0, 0, strlen(allfiles[0] + 12));

    ptr = stabslines;
    numstabs = 0;

    if (ptr) {
        /* this is the stab for the main source file */
        WRITE_STAB(sptr, fileidx[mainfileindex], N_SO, 0, 0, 0);

        /* relocation stuff */
        WRITELONG(rptr, (sptr - sbuf) - 4);
        WRITELONG(rptr, ((ptr->info.section + 3) << 8) | R_386_32);

        currfile = mainfileindex;

    while (ptr) {
        if (strcmp(allfiles[currfile], ptr->filename)) {
            /* oops file has changed... */
            for (i = 0; i < numfiles; i++)
                if (!strcmp(allfiles[i], ptr->filename))
            currfile = i;
            WRITE_STAB(sptr, fileidx[currfile], N_SOL, 0, 0,

            /* relocation stuff */
            WRITELONG(rptr, (sptr - sbuf) - 4);
            WRITELONG(rptr, ((ptr->info.section + 3) << 8) | R_386_32);

        WRITE_STAB(sptr, 0, N_SLINE, 0, ptr->line, ptr->info.offset);

        /* relocation stuff */
        WRITELONG(rptr, (sptr - sbuf) - 4);
        WRITELONG(rptr, ((ptr->info.section + 3) << 8) | R_386_32);

        ptr = ptr->next;


    ((struct stabentry *)sbuf)->n_desc = numstabs;


    stablen = (sptr - sbuf);
    stabrellen = (rptr - rbuf);
    stabrelbuf = rbuf;
    stabbuf = sbuf;
    stabstrbuf = ssbuf;
Esempio n. 27
 * This routine deals with and ..sym relocations: the more
 * complicated kinds. In shared-library writing, some relocations
 * with respect to global symbols must refer to the precise symbol
 * rather than referring to an offset from the base of the section
 * _containing_ the symbol. Such relocations call to this routine,
 * which searches the symbol list for the symbol in question.
 * R_386_GOT32 references require the _exact_ symbol address to be
 * used; R_386_32 references can be at an offset from the symbol.
 * The boolean argument `exact' tells us this.
 * Return value is the adjusted value of `addr', having become an
 * offset from the symbol rather than the section. Should always be
 * zero when returning from an exact call.
 * Limitation: if you define two symbols at the same place,
 * confusion will occur.
 * Inefficiency: we search, currently, using a linked list which
 * isn't even necessarily sorted.
static long elf_add_gsym_reloc(struct Section *sect,
                               long segment, long offset,
                               int type, int exact)
    struct Reloc *r;
    struct Section *s;
    struct Symbol *sym, *sm;
    int i;

     * First look up the segment/offset pair and find a global
     * symbol corresponding to it. If it's not one of our segments,
     * then it must be an external symbol, in which case we're fine
     * doing a normal elf_add_reloc after first sanity-checking
     * that the offset from the symbol is zero.
    s = NULL;
    for (i = 0; i < nsects; i++)
        if (segment == sects[i]->index) {
            s = sects[i];
    if (!s) {
        if (exact && offset != 0)
            error(ERR_NONFATAL, "unable to find a suitable global symbol"
                  " for this reference");
            elf_add_reloc(sect, segment, type);
        return offset;

    if (exact) {
         * Find a symbol pointing _exactly_ at this one.
        for (sym = s->gsyms; sym; sym = sym->next)
            if (sym->value == offset)
    } else {
         * Find the nearest symbol below this one.
        sym = NULL;
        for (sm = s->gsyms; sm; sm = sm->next)
            if (sm->value <= offset && (!sym || sm->value > sym->value))
                sym = sm;
    if (!sym && exact) {
        error(ERR_NONFATAL, "unable to find a suitable global symbol"
              " for this reference");
        return 0;

    r = *sect->tail = nasm_malloc(sizeof(struct Reloc));
    sect->tail = &r->next;
    r->next = NULL;

    r->address = sect->len;
    r->symbol = GLOBAL_TEMP_BASE + sym->globnum;
    r->type = type;


    return offset - sym->value;
Esempio n. 28
static void elf_write(void)
    int nsections, align;
    int scount;
    char *p;
    int commlen;
    char comment[64];
    int i;

    struct SAA *symtab;
    long symtablen, symtablocal;

     * Work out how many sections we will have. We have SHN_UNDEF,
     * then the flexible user sections, then the four fixed
     * sections `.comment', `.shstrtab', `.symtab' and `.strtab',
     * then optionally relocation sections for the user sections.
    if (of_elf.current_dfmt == &df_stabs)
        nsections = 8;
        nsections = 5;          /* SHN_UNDEF and the fixed ones */

    add_sectname("", ".comment");
    add_sectname("", ".shstrtab");
    add_sectname("", ".symtab");
    add_sectname("", ".strtab");
    for (i = 0; i < nsects; i++) {
        nsections++;            /* for the section itself */
        if (sects[i]->head) {
            nsections++;        /* for its relocations */
            add_sectname(".rel", sects[i]->name);

    if (of_elf.current_dfmt == &df_stabs) {
        /* in case the debug information is wanted, just add these three sections... */
        add_sectname("", ".stab");
        add_sectname("", ".stabstr");
        add_sectname(".rel", ".stab");

     * Do the comment.
    *comment = '\0';
    commlen =
        2 + sprintf(comment + 1, "The Netwide Assembler %s", NASM_VER);

     * Output the ELF header.
    fwrite("\177ELF\1\1\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", 16, 1, elffp);
    fwriteshort(1, elffp);      /* ET_REL relocatable file */
    fwriteshort(3, elffp);      /* EM_386 processor ID */
    fwritelong(1L, elffp);      /* EV_CURRENT file format version */
    fwritelong(0L, elffp);      /* no entry point */
    fwritelong(0L, elffp);      /* no program header table */
    fwritelong(0x40L, elffp);   /* section headers straight after
                                 * ELF header plus alignment */
    fwritelong(0L, elffp);      /* 386 defines no special flags */
    fwriteshort(0x34, elffp);   /* size of ELF header */
    fwriteshort(0, elffp);      /* no program header table, again */
    fwriteshort(0, elffp);      /* still no program header table */
    fwriteshort(0x28, elffp);   /* size of section header */
    fwriteshort(nsections, elffp);      /* number of sections */
    fwriteshort(nsects + 2, elffp);     /* string table section index for
                                         * section header table */
    fwritelong(0L, elffp);      /* align to 0x40 bytes */
    fwritelong(0L, elffp);
    fwritelong(0L, elffp);

     * Build the symbol table and relocation tables.
    symtab = elf_build_symtab(&symtablen, &symtablocal);
    for (i = 0; i < nsects; i++)
        if (sects[i]->head)
            sects[i]->rel = elf_build_reltab(&sects[i]->rellen,

     * Now output the section header table.

    elf_foffs = 0x40 + 0x28 * nsections;
    align = ((elf_foffs + SEG_ALIGN_1) & ~SEG_ALIGN_1) - elf_foffs;
    elf_foffs += align;
    elf_nsect = 0;
    elf_sects = nasm_malloc(sizeof(*elf_sects) * (2 * nsects + 10));

    elf_section_header(0, 0, 0, NULL, FALSE, 0L, 0, 0, 0, 0);   /* SHN_UNDEF */
    scount = 1;                 /* needed for the stabs debugging to track the symtable section */
    p = shstrtab + 1;
    for (i = 0; i < nsects; i++) {
        elf_section_header(p - shstrtab, sects[i]->type, sects[i]->flags,
                           (sects[i]->type == SHT_PROGBITS ?
                            sects[i]->data : NULL), TRUE,
                           sects[i]->len, 0, 0, sects[i]->align, 0);
        p += strlen(p) + 1;
        scount++;               /* dito */
    elf_section_header(p - shstrtab, 1, 0, comment, FALSE, (long)commlen, 0, 0, 1, 0);  /* .comment */
    scount++;                   /* dito */
    p += strlen(p) + 1;
    elf_section_header(p - shstrtab, 3, 0, shstrtab, FALSE, (long)shstrtablen, 0, 0, 1, 0);     /* .shstrtab */
    scount++;                   /* dito */
    p += strlen(p) + 1;
    elf_section_header(p - shstrtab, 2, 0, symtab, TRUE, symtablen, nsects + 4, symtablocal, 4, 16);    /* .symtab */
    symtabsection = scount;     /* now we got the symtab section index in the ELF file */
    p += strlen(p) + 1;
    elf_section_header(p - shstrtab, 3, 0, strs, TRUE, strslen, 0, 0, 1, 0);    /* .strtab */
    for (i = 0; i < nsects; i++)
        if (sects[i]->head) {
            p += strlen(p) + 1;
            elf_section_header(p - shstrtab, 9, 0, sects[i]->rel, TRUE,
                               sects[i]->rellen, nsects + 3, i + 1, 4, 8);
    if (of_elf.current_dfmt == &df_stabs) {
        /* for debugging information, create the last three sections
           which are the .stab , .stabstr and .rel.stab sections respectively */

        /* this function call creates the stab sections in memory */

        if ((stabbuf) && (stabstrbuf) && (stabrelbuf)) {
            p += strlen(p) + 1;
            elf_section_header(p - shstrtab, 1, 0, stabbuf, 0, stablen,
                               nsections - 2, 0, 4, 12);

            p += strlen(p) + 1;
            elf_section_header(p - shstrtab, 3, 0, stabstrbuf, 0,
                               stabstrlen, 0, 0, 4, 0);

            p += strlen(p) + 1;
            /* link -> symtable  info -> section to refer to */
            elf_section_header(p - shstrtab, 9, 0, stabrelbuf, 0,
                               stabrellen, symtabsection, nsections - 3, 4,
    fwrite(align_str, align, 1, elffp);

     * Now output the sections.

Esempio n. 29
int rdl_searchlib(struct librarynode *lib, const char *label, rdffile * f)
    char buf[512];
    int i, t;
    void *hdr;
    rdfheaderrec *r;
    int32_t l;

    rdl_error = 0;

    if (!lib->fp) {
        lib->fp = fopen(lib->name, "rb");

        if (!lib->fp) {
            rdl_error = 1;
            return 0;
    } else

    while (!feof(lib->fp)) {
         * read the module name from the file, and prepend
         * the library name and '.' to it.
        strcpy(buf, lib->name);

        i = strlen(lib->name);
        buf[i++] = '.';
        t = i;
        while (fread(buf + i, 1, 1, lib->fp) == 1 && i < 512 && buf[i])

        buf[i] = 0;

        if (feof(lib->fp))
        if (!strcmp(buf + t, ".dir")) { /* skip over directory */
            nasm_read(&l, 4, lib->fp);
            fseek(lib->fp, l, SEEK_CUR);
         * open the RDOFF module
        if (rdfopenhere(f, lib->fp, &lib->referenced, buf)) {
            rdl_error = 16 * rdf_errno;
            return 0;
         * read in the header, and scan for exported symbols
        hdr = nasm_malloc(f->header_len);
        rdfloadseg(f, RDOFF_HEADER, hdr);

        while ((r = rdfgetheaderrec(f))) {
            if (r->type != 3)   /* not an export */

            if (!strcmp(r->e.label, label)) {   /* match! */
                nasm_free(hdr);      /* reset to 'just open' */
                f->header_loc = NULL;   /* state... */
                f->header_fp = 0;
                return 1;

        /* find start of next module... */
        i = f->eof_offset;
        fseek(lib->fp, i, SEEK_SET);

     * close the file if nobody else is using it
    if (!lib->referenced) {
        lib->fp = NULL;
    return 0;
Esempio n. 30
File: quote.c Progetto: HarryR/sanos
char *nasm_quote(char *str, size_t len)
    char c, c1, *p, *q, *nstr, *ep;
    unsigned char uc;
    bool sq_ok, dq_ok;
    size_t qlen;

    sq_ok = dq_ok = true;
    ep = str+len;
    qlen = 0;			/* Length if we need `...` quotes */
    for (p = str; p < ep; p++) {
	c = *p;
	switch (c) {
	case '\'':
	    sq_ok = false;
	case '\"':
	    dq_ok = false;
	case '`':
	case '\\':
	    qlen += 2;
	    if (c < ' ' || c > '~') {
		sq_ok = dq_ok = false;
		switch (c) {
		case '\a':
		case '\b':
		case '\t':
		case '\n':
		case '\v':
		case '\f':
		case '\r':
		case 27:
		    qlen += 2;
		    c1 = (p+1 < ep) ? p[1] : 0;
		    if (c1 >= '0' && c1 <= '7')
			uc = 0377; /* Must use the full form */
			uc = c;
		    if (uc > 077)
		    if (uc > 07)
		    qlen += 2;
	    } else {

    if (sq_ok || dq_ok) {
	/* Use '...' or "..." */
	nstr = nasm_malloc(len+3);
	nstr[0] = nstr[len+1] = sq_ok ? '\'' : '\"';
	nstr[len+2] = '\0';
	if (len > 0)
	    memcpy(nstr+1, str, len);
    } else {
	/* Need to use `...` quoted syntax */
	nstr = nasm_malloc(qlen+3);
	q = nstr;
	*q++ = '`';
	for (p = str; p < ep; p++) {
	    c = *p;
	    switch (c) {
	    case '`':
	    case '\\':
		*q++ = '\\';
		*q++ = c;
	    case 7:
		*q++ = '\\';
		*q++ = 'a';
	    case 8:
		*q++ = '\\';
		*q++ = 'b';
	    case 9:
		*q++ = '\\';
		*q++ = 't';
	    case 10:
		*q++ = '\\';
		*q++ = 'n';
	    case 11:
		*q++ = '\\';
		*q++ = 'v';
	    case 12:
		*q++ = '\\';
		*q++ = 'f';
	    case 13:
		*q++ = '\\';
		*q++ = 'r';
	    case 27:
		*q++ = '\\';
		*q++ = 'e';
		if (c < ' ' || c > '~') {
		    c1 = (p+1 < ep) ? p[1] : 0;
		    if (c1 >= '0' && c1 <= '7')
			uc = 0377; /* Must use the full form */
			uc = c;
		    *q++ = '\\';
		    if (uc > 077)
			*q++ = ((unsigned char)c >> 6) + '0';
		    if (uc > 07)
			*q++ = (((unsigned char)c >> 3) & 7) + '0';
		    *q++ = ((unsigned char)c & 7) + '0';
		} else {
		    *q++ = c;