Esempio n. 1
int main(int argc, char *argv[])

   bool enough_args;
   enough_args = checkargs(argc);

      return false;
//Create a nopoll context
   noPollCtx * ctx = nopoll_ctx_new();

   if(! ctx)
       //handle error here

   noPollConn * listener = nopoll_listener_new (ctx, argv[1], argv[2]);

   //noPollConn * listener = nopoll_listener_new (ctx,"" , "50004");
   if(! nopoll_conn_is_ok (listener))
	//handle error here
	printf("not okay");

   nopoll_ctx_set_on_msg(ctx, listener_on_message, NULL);

// release the context
	printf("got here");
Esempio n. 2
int create_listener(const char * port)
    memset(serverResponseBuffer, 0xab, 33000);
    instanceID = strdup("server");

    noPollCtx * ctx = nopoll_ctx_new ();
    if (!ctx) {
        LogPrintf("Could not create context");
        return 1;
    if (debug_nopoll) {
       nopoll_log_set_handler(ctx, noPollLogger, NULL);

    noPollConn * listener = nopoll_listener_new(ctx, "", port);
    if (!nopoll_conn_is_ok (listener)) {
        LogPrintf("Could not listen on port %s", port);
        return 1;
    LogPrintf("noPoll listener started at: %s:%s",
            nopoll_conn_host(listener), nopoll_conn_port(listener));

    nopoll_ctx_set_on_msg(ctx, listener_on_message, NULL);

    nopoll_loop_wait(ctx, 0);

    return 0;
int main (int argc, char ** argv)
	noPollConn     * listener;
	noPollConn     * listener_6;
	noPollConn     * listener2;
	noPollConn     * listener_62;
#if defined(NOPOLL_HAVE_SSLv23_ENABLED)	
	noPollConn     * listener3;
	noPollConn     * listener4;
	noPollConn     * listener5;
	noPollConn     * listener_65;
	noPollConn     * listener6;
	noPollConn     * listener7;
	int              iterator;
	noPollConnOpts * opts;

	signal (SIGTERM,  __terminate_listener);

#if defined(__NOPOLL_PTHREAD_SUPPORT__)	
	printf ("INFO: install default threading functions to check noPoll locking code..\n");
	nopoll_thread_handlers (__nopoll_regtest_mutex_create,

	/* create the context */
	ctx = nopoll_ctx_new ();

	iterator = 1;
	while (iterator < argc) {
		/* check for debug */
		printf ("Checking agument: %s\n", argv[iterator]);
		if (nopoll_cmp (argv[iterator], "--debug")) {
			printf ("Activating debug..\n");
			nopoll_log_enable (ctx, nopoll_true);
#if !defined(NOPOLL_OS_WIN32)
			nopoll_log_color_enable (ctx, nopoll_true);
		} /* end if */

		/* next position */

	/* call to create a listener */
	listener = nopoll_listener_new (ctx, "", "1234");
	if (! nopoll_conn_is_ok (listener)) {
		printf ("ERROR: Expected to find proper listener connection status, but found..\n");
		return -1;

	printf ("noPoll listener started at: %s:%s (refs: %d)..\n", nopoll_conn_host (listener), nopoll_conn_port (listener), nopoll_conn_ref_count (listener));

	/* call to create a listener */
	listener_6 = nopoll_listener_new6 (ctx, "::1", "2234");
	if (! nopoll_conn_is_ok (listener_6)) {
		printf ("ERROR: Expected to find proper listener connection status, but found (IPv6 -- .1.1)..\n");
		return -1;
	} /* end if */

	printf ("noPoll listener started at (IPv6): %s:%s (refs: %d)..\n", nopoll_conn_host (listener_6), nopoll_conn_port (listener_6), nopoll_conn_ref_count (listener_6));

	/* now start a TLS version */
	printf ("Test: starting listener with TLS (TLSv1) at :1235\n");
	listener2 = nopoll_listener_tls_new (ctx, "", "1235");
	if (! nopoll_conn_is_ok (listener2)) {
		printf ("ERROR: Expected to find proper listener TLS connection status, but found..\n");
		return -1;
	} /* end if */

	/* configure certificates to be used by this listener */
	if (! nopoll_listener_set_certificate (listener2, "test-certificate.crt", "test-private.key", NULL)) {
		printf ("ERROR: unable to configure certificates for TLS websocket..\n");
		return -1;

	/* register certificates at context level */
	if (! nopoll_ctx_set_certificate (ctx, NULL, "test-certificate.crt", "test-private.key", NULL)) {
		printf ("ERROR: unable to setup certificates at context level..\n");
		return -1;

	/* now start a TLS version */
	printf ("Test: starting listener with TLS IPv6 (TLSv1) at :2235\n");
	listener_62 = nopoll_listener_tls_new6 (ctx, "::1", "2235");
	if (! nopoll_conn_is_ok (listener_62)) {
		printf ("ERROR: Expected to find proper listener TLS connection status, but found..\n");
		return -1;
	} /* end if */

	/* configure certificates to be used by this listener */
	if (! nopoll_listener_set_certificate (listener_62, "test-certificate.crt", "test-private.key", NULL)) {
		printf ("ERROR: unable to configure certificates for TLS websocket..\n");
		return -1;

	/* register certificates at context level */
	if (! nopoll_ctx_set_certificate (ctx, NULL, "test-certificate.crt", "test-private.key", NULL)) {
		printf ("ERROR: unable to setup certificates at context level..\n");
		return -1;

#if defined(NOPOLL_HAVE_SSLv23_ENABLED)	
	/* start listener with sslv23 */
	printf ("Test: starting listener with TLS (SSLv23) at :1236 (all methods)\n");
	opts     = nopoll_conn_opts_new ();
	nopoll_conn_opts_set_ssl_protocol (opts, NOPOLL_METHOD_SSLV23);
	listener3 = nopoll_listener_tls_new_opts (ctx, opts, "", "1236");
	if (! nopoll_conn_is_ok (listener3)) {
		printf ("ERROR: Expected to find proper listener TLS connection status (:1236, SSLv23), but found..\n");
		return -1;
	} /* end if */

	printf ("Test: starting listener with TLS (SSLv3) at :1237\n");
	opts     = nopoll_conn_opts_new ();
	nopoll_conn_opts_set_ssl_protocol (opts, NOPOLL_METHOD_SSLV3);
	listener4 = nopoll_listener_tls_new_opts (ctx, opts, "", "1237");
	if (! nopoll_conn_is_ok (listener4)) {
		printf ("ERROR: Expected to find proper listener TLS connection status (:1237, SSLv3), but found..\n");
		return -1;
	} /* end if */

	printf ("Test: starting listener with TLS (TLSv1.1) at :1238\n");
	opts     = nopoll_conn_opts_new ();
	nopoll_conn_opts_set_ssl_protocol (opts, NOPOLL_METHOD_TLSV1_1);
	listener5 = nopoll_listener_tls_new_opts (ctx, opts, "", "1238");
	if (! nopoll_conn_is_ok (listener5)) {
		printf ("ERROR: Expected to find proper listener TLS connection status (:1238, TLSv1.1), but found..\n");
		return -1;
	} /* end if */

	printf ("Test: starting listener with TLS (TLSv1.1) (IPv6) at :2238\n");
	opts     = nopoll_conn_opts_new ();
	nopoll_conn_opts_set_ssl_protocol (opts, NOPOLL_METHOD_TLSV1_1);
	listener_65 = nopoll_listener_tls_new_opts6 (ctx, opts, "::1", "2238");
	if (! nopoll_conn_is_ok (listener_65)) {
		printf ("ERROR: Expected to find proper listener TLS connection status (::1:2238, TLSv1.1, IPv6), but found..\n");
		return -1;
	} /* end if */

	printf ("Test: starting listener with TLS (TLSv1.2) at :1240\n");
	opts     = nopoll_conn_opts_new ();
	nopoll_conn_opts_set_ssl_protocol (opts, NOPOLL_METHOD_TLSV1_2);
	listener7 = nopoll_listener_tls_new_opts (ctx, opts, "", "1240");
	if (! nopoll_conn_is_ok (listener7)) {
		printf ("ERROR: Expected to find proper listener TLS connection status (:1240, TLSv1.2), but found..\n");
		return -1;
	} /* end if */

	opts     = nopoll_conn_opts_new ();

	/* configure server certificates (server.pem) signed by the
	 * provided ca (root.pem) also configured in the last
	 * parameter */
	if (! nopoll_conn_opts_set_ssl_certs (opts, 
					      "root.pem")) {
		printf ("ERROR: unable to setup certificates...\n");
		return -1;
	/* configure peer verification */
	nopoll_conn_opts_ssl_peer_verify (opts, nopoll_true);
	listener6 = nopoll_listener_tls_new_opts (ctx, opts, "", "1239");
	if (! nopoll_conn_is_ok (listener6)) {
		printf ("ERROR: Expected to find proper listener TLS connection status (:1236, SSLv23), but found..\n");
		return -1;
	} /* end if */

	/* configure ssl context creator */
	/* nopoll_ctx_set_ssl_context_creator (ctx, ssl_context_creator, NULL); */

	/* set on message received */
	nopoll_ctx_set_on_msg (ctx, listener_on_message, NULL);

	/* set on open */
	nopoll_ctx_set_on_open (ctx, on_connection_opened, NULL);
	/* process events */
	nopoll_loop_wait (ctx, 0);

	/* unref connection */
	nopoll_conn_close (listener);
	nopoll_conn_close (listener_6);  /* ipv6 */
	nopoll_conn_close (listener2);
	nopoll_conn_close (listener_62); /* ipv6 */
#if defined(NOPOLL_HAVE_SSLv23_ENABLED)	
	nopoll_conn_close (listener3);
	nopoll_conn_close (listener4);
	nopoll_conn_close (listener5);
	nopoll_conn_close (listener_65);
	nopoll_conn_close (listener6);
	nopoll_conn_close (listener7);

	/* finish */
	printf ("Listener: finishing references: %d\n", nopoll_ctx_ref_count (ctx));
	if (previous_msg) {
		printf ("..reference counting for previous msg: %d\n", nopoll_msg_ref_count (previous_msg));
		nopoll_msg_unref (previous_msg);
	} /* end if */

	nopoll_ctx_unref (ctx);

	/* call to release all pending memory allocated as a
	 * consequence of using nopoll (especially TLS) */
	nopoll_cleanup_library ();

	return 0;