Esempio n. 1
 * @brief
 * 		fixup_arrayindicies - set state of subjobs based on array_indicies_remaining
 * @par	Functionality:
 * 		This is used when a job is being qmoved into this server.
 * 		It is necessary that the indices_submitted be first to cause the
 * 		creation of the tracking tbl.  If the job is created here, it is not
 * 		being qmoved.
 * @param[in]	pattr - pointer to special attributes of an Array Job
 * @param[in]	pobj -  pointer to job structure
 * @param[in]	mode -  actmode
 * @return	PBS error
 * @retval  0	- success
fixup_arrayindicies(attribute *pattr, void *pobj, int mode)
	int   i;
	int   x, y, z, ct;
	char *ep;
	job  *pjob = pobj;
	char *str;

	if ((mode != ATR_ACTION_NEW) || (pjob->ji_qs.ji_svrflags & JOB_SVFLG_HERE))
		return (PBSE_NONE);

	/* set all all sub jobs expired,  then reset queued the ones in "remaining" */
	for (i=0; i < pjob->ji_ajtrk->tkm_ct; i++)
		set_subjob_tblstate(pjob, i, JOB_STATE_EXPIRED);

	str = pattr->at_val.at_str;
	while (1) {
		if (parse_subjob_index(str, &ep, &x, &y, &z, &ct) != 0)
		while (x <= y) {
			i = numindex_to_offset(pjob, x);
			if (i != -1)
				set_subjob_tblstate(pjob, i, JOB_STATE_QUEUED);
			x += z;
		str = ep;

	return (PBSE_NONE);
Esempio n. 2
 * @brief
 * 		Support function for req_stat_job().
 * 		Builds status reply for a single job id, which may be: a normal job,
 * 		an Array job, a single subjob or a range of subjobs.
 * 		Finds the job structure for the job id and calls either do_stat_of_a_job()
 * 		or status_subjob() to build that actual status reply.
 * @param[in,out]	preq	-	pointer to the stat job batch request, reply updated
 * @param[in]	name	-	job id to be statused
 * @param[in]	dohistjobs	-	flag to include job if it is a history job
 * @param[in]	dosubjobs	-	flag to expand a Array job to include all subjobs
 * @return	int
 * @retval	PBSE_NONE (0)	: no error
 * @retval	non-zero	: PBS error code to return to client
static int
stat_a_jobidname(struct batch_request *preq, char *name, int dohistjobs, int dosubjobs)
	int   i, indx, x, y, z;
	char *pc;
	char *range;
	int   rc;
	job  *pjob;
	struct batch_reply *preply = &preq->rq_reply;
	svrattrl	   *pal;

	if ((i = is_job_array(name)) == IS_ARRAY_Single) {
		pjob = find_arrayparent(name);
		if (pjob == NULL) {
			return (PBSE_UNKJOBID);
		} else if ((!dohistjobs) && (rc = svr_chk_histjob(pjob))) {
			return (rc);
		indx = subjob_index_to_offset(pjob, get_index_from_jid(name));
		if (indx != -1) {
			pal = (svrattrl *)GET_NEXT(preq->rq_ind.rq_status.rq_attr);
			rc = status_subjob(pjob, preq, pal, indx, &preply->brp_un.brp_status, &bad);
		} else {
		return (rc);	/* no job still needs to be stat-ed */

	} else if ((i == IS_ARRAY_NO) || (i == IS_ARRAY_ArrayJob)) {
		pjob = find_job(name);
		if (pjob == NULL) {
			return (PBSE_UNKJOBID);
		} else if ((!dohistjobs) && (rc = svr_chk_histjob(pjob))) {
			return (rc);
		return (do_stat_of_a_job(preq, pjob, dohistjobs, dosubjobs));
	} else {
		/* range of sub jobs */
		range = get_index_from_jid(name);
		if (range == NULL) {
			return (PBSE_IVALREQ);
		pjob = find_arrayparent(name);
		if (pjob == NULL) {
			return (PBSE_UNKJOBID);
		} else if ((!dohistjobs) && (rc = svr_chk_histjob(pjob))) {
			return (rc);
		pal = (svrattrl *)GET_NEXT(preq->rq_ind.rq_status.rq_attr);
		while (1) {
			if ((i=parse_subjob_index(range,&pc,&x,&y,&z,&i)) == -1) {
		    		return (PBSE_IVALREQ);
			} else if (i == 1)
			while (x <= y) {
				indx = numindex_to_offset(pjob, x);
				if (indx < 0) {
					x += z;
				rc = status_subjob(pjob, preq, pal, indx, &preply->brp_un.brp_status, &bad);
				if (rc && (rc != PBSE_PERM)) {
					return (rc);
				x += z;
			range = pc;
		/* stat-ed the range, no more to stat for this id */
		return (PBSE_NONE);
Esempio n. 3
req_rerunjob(struct batch_request *preq)
	int		  anygood = 0;
	int		  i;
	int		  j;
	char		 *jid;
	int		  jt;		/* job type */
	int		  offset;
	char		 *pc;
	job		 *pjob;
	job		 *parent;
	char		 *range;
	char		 *vrange;
	int		  x, y, z;

	jid = preq->rq_ind.rq_signal.rq_jid;
	parent = chk_job_request(jid, preq, &jt);
	if (parent == (job *)0)
		return;		/* note, req_reject already called */

	if ((preq->rq_perm & (ATR_DFLAG_MGWR | ATR_DFLAG_OPWR)) == 0) {
		req_reject(PBSE_PERM, 0, preq);

	if (jt == IS_ARRAY_NO) {

		/* just a regular job, pass it on down the line and be done */

		req_rerunjob2(preq, parent);

	} else if (jt == IS_ARRAY_Single) {

		/* single subjob, if running can signal */

		offset = subjob_index_to_offset(parent, get_index_from_jid(jid));
		if (offset == -1) {
			req_reject(PBSE_UNKJOBID, 0, preq);
		i = get_subjob_state(parent, offset);
		if (i == -1) {
			req_reject(PBSE_IVALREQ, 0, preq);
		} else if (i == JOB_STATE_RUNNING) {
			pjob = find_job(jid);		/* get ptr to the subjob */
			if (pjob) {
				req_rerunjob2(preq, pjob);
			} else {
				req_reject(PBSE_BADSTATE, 0, preq);
		} else {
			req_reject(PBSE_BADSTATE, 0, preq);

	} else if (jt == IS_ARRAY_ArrayJob) {

		/* The Array Job itself ... */

		if (parent->ji_qs.ji_state != JOB_STATE_BEGUN) {
			req_reject(PBSE_BADSTATE, 0, preq);

		/* for each subjob that is running, call req_rerunjob2 */

		++preq->rq_refct;	/* protect the request/reply struct */

		/* Setting deleted subjobs count to 0,
		 * since all the deleted subjobs will be moved to Q state
		parent->ji_ajtrk->tkm_dsubjsct = 0;

		for (i=0; i<parent->ji_ajtrk->tkm_ct; i++) {
			if (get_subjob_state(parent, i) == JOB_STATE_RUNNING) {
				pjob = find_job(mk_subjob_id(parent, i));
				if (pjob) {
					dup_br_for_subjob(preq, pjob, req_rerunjob2);
			} else {
				set_subjob_tblstate(parent, i, JOB_STATE_QUEUED);
		/* if not waiting on any running subjobs, can reply; else */
		/* it is taken care of when last running subjob responds  */
		if (--preq->rq_refct == 0)

	/* what's left to handle is a range of subjobs, foreach subjob 	*/
	/* if running, all req_rerunjob2			        */

	range = get_index_from_jid(jid);
	if (range == NULL) {
		req_reject(PBSE_IVALREQ, 0, preq);

	/* first check that all in the subrange are in fact running */

	vrange = range;
	while (1) {
		if ((i = parse_subjob_index(vrange, &pc, &x, &y, &z, &j)) == -1) {
			req_reject(PBSE_IVALREQ, 0, preq);
		} else if (i == 1)
		while (x <= y) {
			i = numindex_to_offset(parent, x);
			if (i >= 0) {
				if (get_subjob_state(parent, i) == JOB_STATE_RUNNING)
			x += z;
		vrange = pc;
	if (anygood == 0) {
		req_reject(PBSE_BADSTATE, 0, preq);

	/* now do the deed */

	++preq->rq_refct;	/* protect the request/reply struct */

	while (1) {
		if ((i = parse_subjob_index(range, &pc, &x, &y, &z, &j)) == -1) {
			req_reject(PBSE_IVALREQ, 0, preq);
		} else if (i == 1)
		while (x <= y) {
			i = numindex_to_offset(parent, x);
			if (i < 0) {
				x += z;

			if (get_subjob_state(parent, i) == JOB_STATE_RUNNING) {
				pjob = find_job(mk_subjob_id(parent, i));
				if (pjob) {
					dup_br_for_subjob(preq, pjob, req_rerunjob2);
			x += z;
		range = pc;

	/* if not waiting on any running subjobs, can reply; else */
	/* it is taken care of when last running subjob responds  */
	if (--preq->rq_refct == 0)