KCModuleProxyRootCommunicatorImpl::KCModuleProxyRootCommunicatorImpl(const QCString &name, KCModuleProxy *const client) : DCOPObject(name), QObject(0, name), p(const_cast< KCModuleProxy * >(client)) { /* * Connect kcmshell's KCModuleProxy's change signal * to us, such that we act as a proxy for * KCModuleProxy's API. */ /* Note, we don't use KCModuleProxy::d->dcopClient */ kapp->dcopClient()->connectDCOPSignal(0, p->dcopName(), "changed(bool)", objId(), "changed(bool)", false); kapp->dcopClient()->connectDCOPSignal(0, p->dcopName(), "quickHelpChanged()", objId(), "quickHelpChanged()", false); }
knazar::knazar() : DCOPObject( "DCOPNazarIface" ), KSystemTray( 0, "knazar" ) { // Insert TrayIcon trayIcon = KSystemTray::loadIcon( "knazar" ); setPixmap( trayIcon ); // Initialize and Register KNazar DCOP Interface so any KDE program can make Nazar easily if ( !kapp->dcopClient()->isRegistered() ) { kapp->dcopClient()->registerAs( "knazar" ); kapp->dcopClient()->setDefaultObject( objId() ); } // Build PopupMenu KPopupMenu* menu = contextMenu(); ( new KAction( i18n( "Protect" ), "ledgreen", 0, this, SLOT( protect_from_harmfull_looks() ), this ) )->plug( menu ); ( new KAction( i18n( "Release" ), "ledred", 0, this, SLOT( release_the_protection() ), this ) )->plug( menu ); menu->insertSeparator(); ( new KAction( i18n( "About" ), "about", 0, this, SLOT( about() ), this ) )->plug( menu ); // Initialize variables protection_working = true; number_of_attacks = defated_attacks = 0; QToolTip::add( this, i18n( "knazar - No Harmfull look allowed!" )); }
TiEmuDCOP::TiEmuDCOP() : DCOPObject( "TiEmuDCOP" ) { // Register with DCOP if (!kapp->dcopClient()->isRegistered()) kapp->dcopClient()->attach(); kapp->dcopClient()->setDefaultObject(objId()); }
bool KWMailMergeDataBase::askUserForConfirmationAndConfig(KWMailMergeDataSource *tmpPlugin,bool config,QWidget *par,int version) { if (tmpPlugin) { bool replaceit=false; if (!config) replaceit=true; else replaceit=tmpPlugin->showConfigDialog(par,action); if (replaceit) { if (plugin) { if (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(par, i18n("Do you really want to replace the current datasource?"), QString::null,QString::null,QString::null,true)== KMessageBox::Cancel) { delete tmpPlugin; tmpPlugin=0; return false; } delete plugin; } m_version=version; plugin=tmpPlugin; } else { delete tmpPlugin; tmpPlugin=0; return false; } } tmpPlugin->setObjId(QCString(objId()+".MailMergePlugin")); return true; }
DcopCollectionScannerHandler::DcopCollectionScannerHandler() : DCOPObject( "scanner" ) , QObject( kapp ) { // Register with DCOP if ( !kapp->dcopClient()->isRegistered() ) { kapp->dcopClient()->registerAs( "panacollectionscanner", false ); kapp->dcopClient()->setDefaultObject( objId() ); } }
DcopPlayerHandler::DcopPlayerHandler() : DCOPObject( "player" ) , QObject( kapp ) { // Register with DCOP if ( !kapp->dcopClient()->isRegistered() ) { kapp->dcopClient()->registerAs( "amarok", false ); kapp->dcopClient()->setDefaultObject( objId() ); } }
QCString KickerClientMenu::insertMenu(QPixmap icon, QString text, int id) { QString subname("%1-submenu%2"); QCString subid = subname.arg(objId()).arg(id).local8Bit(); KickerClientMenu *sub = new KickerClientMenu(this, subid); int globalid = QPopupMenu::insertItem(icon, text, sub, id); setItemParameter(globalid, id); return subid; }
void printNextObjChain(void *obj) { Obj *p = OBJ(obj); if (p == 0) return; do { assert(p != 0); printf("(%d,%d) %s title [%s]\n", p->x, p->y, objId(p), objTitle(p)); p = p->next; } while (p != OBJ(obj)); } /* printNextObjChain */
dcoper::dcoper(QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : QWidget(parent,name), DCOPObject( "dcoper" ) { QCString appIdef; padre=(mainWin *)parent->parent(); if ( !kapp->dcopClient()->isRegistered() ) { kapp->dcopClient()->registerAs( "dcoper" ); kapp->dcopClient()->setDefaultObject( objId() ); } appIdef=kapp->dcopClient()->appId(); downloadFinished=true; status=0; errstatus=0; printf("%s\n",appIdef.data()); }
void BoxContainerItem::showPassivePopup(QWidget *parent, QPtrList< KornMailSubject > *list, int total, const QString &accountName, bool date) { KPassivePopup *popup = new KPassivePopup(parent, "Passive popup"); QVBox *mainvlayout = popup->standardView(i18n("KOrn - %1/%2 (total: %3)").arg(objId()).arg(accountName) .arg(total), "", QPixmap(), 0); QGrid *mainglayout = new QGrid(date ? 3 : 2 , mainvlayout, "Grid-Layout"); QLabel *title = new QLabel(i18n("From"), mainglayout, "from_label"); QFont font = title->font(); font.setBold(true); title->setFont(font); title = new QLabel(i18n("Subject"), mainglayout, "subject_label"); font = title->font(); font.setBold(true); title->setFont(font); if(date) { title = new QLabel(i18n("Date"), mainglayout, "date_label"); font = title->font(); font.setBold(true); title->setFont(font); } for(KornMailSubject *subject = list->first(); subject; subject = list->next()) { new QLabel(subject->getSender(), mainglayout, "from-value"); new QLabel(subject->getSubject(), mainglayout, "subject-value"); if(date) { QDateTime tijd; tijd.setTime_t(subject->getDate()); new QLabel(tijd.toString(), mainglayout, "date-value"); } } popup->setAutoDelete(true); //Now, now care for deleting these pointers. popup->setView(mainvlayout); popup->show(); //Display it }
/** * Add records to first shard for a single Kind */ MojErr MojDbShardManagerTest::createShardObjects1 (MojDb& db, MojDbShardInfo& shard) { MojObject objKind; MojString kindId; MojErr err = kindId.assign(_T("TestShard1:1")); MojErrCheck(err); err = objKind.putString(_T("_kind"), kindId.data()); MojErrCheck(err); //generate err = generateItem(shard); MojErrCheck(err); err = addKind(TestShardKind1Str, db); MojErrCheck(err); err = verifyKindExistance(kindId, db); MojErrCheck(err); //store shard info err = db.shardEngine()->put(shard); MojErrCheck(err); //add record MojObject record; err = record.putString(_T("_kind"), kindId.data()); MojErrCheck(err); //add value MojObject objId(static_cast<MojInt32>(shard.id)); err = record.put(_T("recId"), objId); MojErrCheck(err); //put MojString strShardId; MojDbShardEngine::convertId(shard.id, strShardId); err = db.put(record, MojDb::FlagNone, MojDbReq(), strShardId); MojErrCheck(err); return MojErrNone; }
Katapult::Katapult() : KSystemTray(0, "katapultSysTray"), DCOPObject("Katapult") { // Register with DCOP kapp->dcopClient()->registerAs("katapult", false); kapp->dcopClient()->setDefaultObject(objId()); setPixmap(KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon("katapult", KIcon::Small)); display = 0; globalAccel = 0; actions = 0; action = 0; executing = FALSE; _query = ""; settings = new KatapultSettings(); loadCatalogPlugins(); initDisplay(); hideTimer = new QTimer(this); connect(hideTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(hideLauncher())); clearTimer = new QTimer(this); connect(clearTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(clearQuery())); connect(settings, SIGNAL(catalogsChanged()), this, SLOT(loadCatalogPlugins())); connect(settings, SIGNAL(displayChanged()), this, SLOT(initDisplay())); connect(settings, SIGNAL(systrayChanged()), this, SLOT(updateSystray())); if(settings->systrayIcon()) { show(); } }
BuffersFixture() { const std::string path( "C:\\temp\\test" ); BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE( "Creating a test directory: " << path ); bool ret = OsEnsureDirectory( path ); if ( ret ) { BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE( "Directory was created" ); } else { BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE( "Directory already existed" ); } BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE( "Generate object id:s" ); for ( size_t i = 0; i < noOfBuffers; ++i ) { // Generate object id:s between 10 and 29 bytes. // Some object id:s may get the same value! size_t objectIdSize = ( rand() % 20 + 10 ); Cache::ObjectId objId( objectIdSize ); for ( size_t j = 0; j < objectIdSize; ++j ) { // Generate numbers between 0 and 0xFF objId[j] = ( rand() % 0x100 ); } objectIds_.push_back( objId ); } BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE( "Creating som buffers to play around with" ); for ( size_t i = 0; i < noOfBuffers; ++i ) { // Generate buffers between 1 and 10 000 bytes. size_t bufferSize = ( rand() % 10000 + 1 ); BinaryBuffer buf( bufferSize ); for ( size_t j = 0; j < bufferSize; ++j ) { // Generate numbers between 0 and 0xFF buf[j] = ( rand() % 0x100 ); } buffers_.push_back( buf ); } }
TInt DISICLTransceiver::RouteISIMessage( TDes8& aMessage, TBool aDynamicSenderCheckNeeded ) { C_TRACE( ( _T( "DISICLTransceiver::RouteISIMessage 0x%x 0x%x> len %d" ), &aMessage, aDynamicSenderCheckNeeded, aMessage.Length() ) ); const TUint8* msgPtr = aMessage.Ptr(); ISIMESSAGE_TRACE( aMessage ); TInt error( ValidateISIMessage( aMessage ) ); if( KErrNone != error ) { TRACE_ASSERT_ALWAYS; C_TRACE( ( _T( "DISICLTransceiver::RouteISIMessage invalid message 0x%x" ), &aMessage ) ); MemApi::DeallocBlock( aMessage ); } else { TBool sendOk( EFalse ); if ( aDynamicSenderCheckNeeded )// Save dynamic device ids from PN_DEV_OWN { C_TRACE( ( _T( "DISICLTransceiver::RouteISIMessage from ISI Router" ) ) ); TUint8 txDeviceIdentifier = GET_SENDER_DEV( aMessage ); if ( DynamicDevice( txDeviceIdentifier ) ) { C_TRACE( ( _T( "DISICLTransceiver::RouteISIMessage from ISI Router Dynamic Dev" ) ) ); UpdateDynamicDeviceTable( txDeviceIdentifier, PN_DEV_OWN ); #ifndef USE_MEDIAAPI ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( txDeviceIdentifier == PN_DEV_PC, 0xdeaddead );// only supported PN_DEV_PC with EIscNokiaUsbPhonetLink #endif /* USE_MEDIAAPI */ } } TUint8 rxDeviceIdentifier = GET_RECEIVER_DEV( aMessage ); C_TRACE( ( _T( "DISICLTransceiver::RouteISIMessage rxDeviceIdentifier 0x%x" ), rxDeviceIdentifier ) ); if ( DynamicDevice( rxDeviceIdentifier ) ) { DynamicToStaticDevice( rxDeviceIdentifier ); C_TRACE( ( _T( "DISICLTransceiver::RouteISIMessage rxDeviceIdentifier after 0x%x" ), rxDeviceIdentifier ) ); } if( rxDeviceIdentifier == PN_DEV_OWN ) { C_TRACE( ( _T( "DISICLTransceiver::RouteISIMessage PN_DEV_OWN 0x%x" ), &aMessage ) ); TUint16 objId(0xffff); #ifndef USE_MEDIAAPI if ( GET_RECEIVER_DEV( aMessage ) == PN_DEV_PC ) { C_TRACE( ( _T( "DISICLTransceiver::RouteISIMessage to PN_DEV_PC in PN_DEV_OWN" )) ); objId = EIscNokiaUsbPhonetLink; } else { objId = GET_RECEIVER_OBJ( aMessage ); } #endif /* USE_MEDIAAPI */ #ifdef USE_MEDIAAPI objId = GET_RECEIVER_OBJ( aMessage ); #endif /* USE_MEDIAAPI */ sendOk = iShRouter.Receive( aMessage, objId ); C_TRACE( ( _T( "DISICLTransceiver::RouteISIMessage PN_DEV_OWN 0x%x ok %d" ), &aMessage, sendOk ) ); } else { C_TRACE( ( _T( "DISICLTransceiver::RouteISIMessage Not PN_DEV_OWN 0x%x" ), &aMessage ) ); MISIRouterLinkIf* link = NULL; const TInt count( iShDevices.Count() ); for( TInt index( 0 ); index < count; index++ ) { DISIDevice* tmpDevice = iShDevices[ index ]; ASSERT_RESET_ALWAYS( tmpDevice, ( EISICLTransceiverNULLPtr4 | EDISICLTransceiverTraceId << KClassIdentifierShift ) ); tmpDevice->LockDeviceFM(); if( tmpDevice->GetDeviceIdentifier() == rxDeviceIdentifier ) { link = tmpDevice->GetLink(); tmpDevice->FreeDeviceFM(); #ifndef USE_MEDIAAPI sendOk = link->Send( aMessage ); break; #endif /* USE_MEDIAAPI */ #ifdef USE_MEDIAAPI if ( GET_RECEIVER_DEV( aMessage ) == PN_DEV_PC ) { C_TRACE( ( _T( "DISICLTransceiver::RouteISIMessage PN_DEV_PC %d, %d" ), link->GetTrxId(), iDevPcLastSendTrxId ) ); if(iDevPcLastSendTrxId < EAmountOfTrxs) { if ( link->GetTrxId() == iDevPcLastSendTrxId ) { if (link->StateConnected()) { C_TRACE( ( _T( "DISICLTransceiver::RouteISIMessage PN_DEV_PC %d, Msg mediaid 0x%x" ), link->GetTrxId(), msgPtr[ ISI_HEADER_OFFSET_MEDIA ] ) ); sendOk = link->Send( aMessage ); break; } } } else { break; } } else { sendOk = link->Send( aMessage ); break; } #endif /* USE_MEDIAAPI */ } else { tmpDevice->FreeDeviceFM(); } } C_TRACE( ( _T( "DISICLTransceiver::RouteISIMessage Not PN_DEV_OWN ok %d" ), &aMessage, sendOk ) ); } if( !sendOk ) { TRACE_ASSERT_ALWAYS; error = SendCommIsaEntityNotReachableResp( aMessage ); } } C_TRACE( ( _T( "DISICLTransceiver::RouteISIMessage 0x%x<" ), &aMessage ) ); return error; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Updates the overlay with info from [line] // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LineInfoOverlay::update(MapLine* line) { if (!line) return; // info.clear(); string info_text; auto map_format = MapEditor::editContext().mapDesc().format; // General line info if (Global::debug) info_text += (fmt::format("Line #{} ({})\n", line->index(), line->objId())); else info_text += (fmt::format("Line #{}\n", line->index())); info_text += (fmt::format("Length: {}\n", MathStuff::round(line->length()))); // Line special int as_id = line->special(); if (line->props().propertyExists("macro")) { int macro = line->intProperty("macro"); info_text += (fmt::format("Macro: #{}\n", macro)); } else info_text += (fmt::format("Special: {} ({})\n", as_id, Game::configuration().actionSpecialName(as_id))); // Line trigger if (map_format == MapFormat::Hexen || map_format == MapFormat::UDMF) info_text += (fmt::format("Trigger: {}\n", Game::configuration().spacTriggerString(line, map_format))); // Line args (or sector tag) if (map_format == MapFormat::Hexen || map_format == MapFormat::UDMF) { string argxstr[2]; argxstr[0] = line->stringProperty("arg0str"); argxstr[1] = line->stringProperty("arg1str"); string argstr = Game::configuration().actionSpecial(as_id).argSpec().stringDesc(line->args().data(), argxstr); if (!argstr.empty()) info_text += (fmt::format("{}", argstr)); else info_text += ("No Args"); } else info_text += (fmt::format("Sector Tag: {}", line->arg(0))); // Line flags if (map_format != MapFormat::UDMF) info_text += (fmt::format("\nFlags: {}", Game::configuration().lineFlagsString(line))); // Setup text box text_box_.setText(info_text); // Check needed textures int needed_tex = line->needsTexture(); // Front side auto s = line->s1(); if (s) { side_front_.exists = true; if (Global::debug) side_front_.info = fmt::format( "Front Side #{} ({}) (Sector {})", s->index(), s->objId(), s->sector()->index()); else side_front_.info = fmt::format("Front Side #{} (Sector {})", s->index(), s->sector()->index()); side_front_.offsets = fmt::format("Offsets: ({}, {})", s->texOffsetX(), s->texOffsetY()); side_front_.tex_upper = s->texUpper(); side_front_.tex_middle = s->texMiddle(); side_front_.tex_lower = s->texLower(); side_front_.needs_lower = ((needed_tex & MapLine::Part::FrontLower) > 0); side_front_.needs_middle = ((needed_tex & MapLine::Part::FrontMiddle) > 0); side_front_.needs_upper = ((needed_tex & MapLine::Part::FrontUpper) > 0); } else side_front_.exists = false; // Back side s = line->s2(); if (s) { side_back_.exists = true; if (Global::debug) side_back_.info = fmt::format( "Back Side #{} ({}) (Sector {})", s->index(), s->objId(), s->sector()->index()); else side_back_.info = fmt::format("Back Side #{} (Sector {})", s->index(), s->sector()->index()); side_back_.offsets = fmt::format("Offsets: ({}, {})", s->texOffsetX(), s->texOffsetY()); side_back_.tex_upper = s->texUpper(); side_back_.tex_middle = s->texMiddle(); side_back_.tex_lower = s->texLower(); side_back_.needs_lower = ((needed_tex & MapLine::Part::BackLower) > 0); side_back_.needs_middle = ((needed_tex & MapLine::Part::BackMiddle) > 0); side_back_.needs_upper = ((needed_tex & MapLine::Part::BackUpper) > 0); } else side_back_.exists = false; }