    Call this function to make Qt Assistant show a particular \a page.
    The \a page is a filename (e.g. \c myhelpfile.html). See "Adding
    Documentation to Qt Assistant" in the \link assistant.book Qt
    Assistant manual\endlink for further information.

    If Qt Assistant hasn't been \link openAssistant() opened\endlink
    yet, this function will do nothing. You can use isOpen() to
    determine whether Qt Assistant is up and running, or you can
    connect to the asssistantOpened() signal.

    \sa isOpen(), assistantOpened()
void QAssistantClient::showPage( const QString &page )
    if ( !opened ) {
	pageBuffer = page;
	pageBuffer = QString::null;	
    QTextStream os( socket );
    os << page << "\n";
    Brings Qt Assistant to the foreground showing the given \a page.
    The \a page parameter is a path to an HTML file
    (e.g., QLatin1String("/home/pasquale/superproduct/docs/html/intro.html")).

    If Qt Assistant hasn't been opened yet, this function will call
    the openAssistant() slot with the specified page as the start

    \note The first time Qt Assistant is started, its window will open
    in front of the application's windows. Subsequent calls to this function
    will only load the specified pages in Qt Assistant and will not display
    its window in front of the application's windows.

    \sa openAssistant()
void QAssistantClient::showPage( const QString &page )
    if (opened) {
        QTextStream os( socket );
        os << page << QLatin1String("\n");
    } else {
        pageBuffer = page;

        if (proc->state() == QProcess::NotRunning) {
bool QAssistantClient::qt_invoke( int _id, QUObject* _o )
    switch ( _id - staticMetaObject()->slotOffset() ) {
    case 0: openAssistant(); break;
    case 1: closeAssistant(); break;
    case 2: showPage((const QString&)static_QUType_QString.get(_o+1)); break;
    case 3: socketConnected(); break;
    case 4: socketConnectionClosed(); break;
    case 5: readPort(); break;
    case 6: socketError((int)static_QUType_int.get(_o+1)); break;
    case 7: readStdError(); break;
	return QObject::qt_invoke( _id, _o );
    return TRUE;