int main(int argc, char** args) { int c; int rtn; int help_flag = 0; bl* opts; char* me; augment_xylist_t theargs; augment_xylist_t* axy = &theargs; me = find_executable(args[0], NULL); opts = bl_new(4, sizeof(an_option_t)); augment_xylist_add_options(opts); augment_xylist_init(axy); while (1) { c = opts_getopt(opts, argc, args); if (c == -1) break; switch (c) { case 0: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option '-%c'\n", optopt); exit(-1); case '?': break; case 'h': help_flag = 1; break; default: if (augment_xylist_parse_option(c, optarg, axy)) { exit(-1); } break; } } rtn = 0; if (optind != argc) { int i; printf("Unknown arguments:\n "); for (i=optind; i<argc; i++) { printf("%s ", args[i]); } printf("\n"); help_flag = 1; rtn = -1; } if (!axy->axyfn) { printf("Output filename (-o / --out) is required.\n"); help_flag = 1; rtn = -1; } if (!(axy->imagefn || axy->xylsfn)) { printf("Require either an image (-i / --image) or an XYlist (-x / --xylist) input file.\n"); help_flag = 1; rtn = -1; } if (help_flag) { print_help(args[0], opts); exit(rtn); } bl_free(opts); rtn = augment_xylist(axy, me); augment_xylist_free_contents(axy); return rtn; }
int main(int argc, char** args) { char* default_configfn = "astrometry.cfg"; char* default_config_path = "../etc"; int c; char* configfn = NULL; int i; engine_t* engine; char* mydir = NULL; char* basedir = NULL; char* me; anbool help = FALSE; sl* strings = sl_new(4); char* cancelfn = NULL; char* solvedfn = NULL; int loglvl = LOG_MSG; anbool tostderr = FALSE; char* infn = NULL; FILE* fin = NULL; anbool fromstdin = FALSE; bl* opts = opts_from_array(myopts, sizeof(myopts)/sizeof(an_option_t), NULL); sl* inds = sl_new(4); char* datalog = NULL; engine = engine_new(); while (1) { c = opts_getopt(opts, argc, args); if (c == -1) break; switch (c) { case 'D': datalog = optarg; break; case 'p': engine->inparallel = TRUE; break; case 'i': sl_append(inds, optarg); break; case 'd': basedir = optarg; break; case 'f': infn = optarg; fromstdin = streq(infn, "-"); break; case 'E': tostderr = TRUE; break; case 'h': help = TRUE; break; case 'v': loglvl++; break; case 's': solvedfn = optarg; case 'C': cancelfn = optarg; break; case 'c': configfn = strdup(optarg); break; case '?': break; default: printf("Unknown flag %c\n", c); exit( -1); } } if (optind == argc && !infn) { // Need extra args: filename printf("You must specify at least one input file!\n\n"); help = TRUE; } if (help) { print_help(args[0], opts); exit(0); } bl_free(opts); gslutils_use_error_system(); log_init(loglvl); if (tostderr) log_to(stderr); if (datalog) { datalogfid = fopen(datalog, "wb"); if (!datalogfid) { SYSERROR("Failed to open data log file \"%s\" for writing", datalog); return -1; } atexit(close_datalogfid); data_log_init(100); data_log_enable_all(); data_log_to(datalogfid); data_log_start(); } if (infn) { logverb("Reading input filenames from %s\n", (fromstdin ? "stdin" : infn)); if (!fromstdin) { fin = fopen(infn, "rb"); if (!fin) { ERROR("Failed to open file %s for reading input filenames", infn); exit(-1); } } else fin = stdin; } // directory containing the 'engine' executable: me = find_executable(args[0], NULL); if (!me) me = strdup(args[0]); mydir = sl_append(strings, dirname(me)); free(me); // Read config file if (!configfn) { int i; sl* trycf = sl_new(4); sl_appendf(trycf, "%s/%s/%s", mydir, default_config_path, default_configfn); // if I'm in /usr/bin, look for config file in /etc if (streq(mydir, "/usr/bin")) { sl_appendf(trycf, "/etc/%s", default_configfn); } sl_appendf(trycf, "%s/%s", mydir, default_configfn); sl_appendf(trycf, "./%s", default_configfn); sl_appendf(trycf, "./%s/%s", default_config_path, default_configfn); for (i=0; i<sl_size(trycf); i++) { char* cf = sl_get(trycf, i); if (file_exists(cf)) { configfn = strdup(cf); logverb("Using config file \"%s\"\n", cf); break; } else { logverb("Config file \"%s\" doesn't exist.\n", cf); } } if (!configfn) { char* cflist = sl_join(trycf, "\n "); logerr("Couldn't find config file: tried:\n %s\n", cflist); free(cflist); } sl_free2(trycf); } if (!streq(configfn, "none")) { if (engine_parse_config_file(engine, configfn)) { logerr("Failed to parse (or encountered an error while interpreting) config file \"%s\"\n", configfn); exit( -1); } } if (sl_size(inds)) { // Expand globs. for (i=0; i<sl_size(inds); i++) { char* s = sl_get(inds, i); glob_t myglob; int flags = GLOB_TILDE | GLOB_BRACE; if (glob(s, flags, NULL, &myglob)) { SYSERROR("Failed to expand wildcards in index-file path \"%s\"", s); exit(-1); } for (c=0; c<myglob.gl_pathc; c++) { if (engine_add_index(engine, myglob.gl_pathv[c])) { ERROR("Failed to add index \"%s\"", myglob.gl_pathv[c]); exit(-1); } } globfree(&myglob); } } if (!pl_size(engine->indexes)) { logerr("\n\n" "---------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "You must list at least one index in the config file (%s)\n\n" "See about how to get some index files.\n" "---------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "\n", configfn); exit(-1); } if (engine->minwidth <= 0.0 || engine->maxwidth <= 0.0) { logerr("\"minwidth\" and \"maxwidth\" in the config file %s must be positive!\n", configfn); exit(-1); } free(configfn); if (!il_size(engine->default_depths)) { parse_depth_string(engine->default_depths, "10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 " "110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200"); } engine->cancelfn = cancelfn; engine->solvedfn = solvedfn; i = optind; while (1) { char* jobfn; job_t* job; struct timeval tv1, tv2; if (infn) { // Read name of next input file to be read. logverb("\nWaiting for next input filename...\n"); jobfn = read_string_terminated(fin, "\n\r\0", 3, FALSE); if (strlen(jobfn) == 0) break; } else { if (i == argc) break; jobfn = args[i]; i++; } gettimeofday(&tv1, NULL); logmsg("Reading file \"%s\"...\n", jobfn); job = engine_read_job_file(engine, jobfn); if (!job) { ERROR("Failed to read job file \"%s\"", jobfn); exit(-1); } if (basedir) { logverb("Setting job's output base directory to %s\n", basedir); job_set_output_base_dir(job, basedir); } if (engine_run_job(engine, job)) logerr("Failed to run_job()\n"); job_free(job); gettimeofday(&tv2, NULL); logverb("Spent %g seconds on this field.\n", millis_between(&tv1, &tv2)/1000.0); } engine_free(engine); sl_free2(strings); sl_free2(inds); if (fin && !fromstdin) fclose(fin); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char** args) { int c; anbool help = FALSE; char* outdir = NULL; char* cmd; int i, j, f; int inputnum; int rtn; sl* engineargs; int nbeargs; anbool fromstdin = FALSE; anbool overwrite = FALSE; anbool cont = FALSE; anbool skip_solved = FALSE; anbool makeplots = TRUE; double plotscale = 1.0; char* inbgfn = NULL; char* bgfn = NULL; char* me; anbool verbose = FALSE; int loglvl = LOG_MSG; char* outbase = NULL; anbool usecurl = TRUE; bl* opts; augment_xylist_t theallaxy; augment_xylist_t* allaxy = &theallaxy; int nmyopts; char* removeopts = "ixo\x01"; char* newfits; char* kmz = NULL; char* scamp = NULL; char* scampconfig = NULL; char* index_xyls; anbool just_augment = FALSE; anbool engine_batch = FALSE; bl* batchaxy = NULL; bl* batchsf = NULL; sl* outfiles; sl* tempfiles; // these are deleted after the outer loop over input files sl* tempfiles2; sl* tempdirs; anbool timestamp = FALSE; anbool tempaxy = FALSE; errors_print_on_exit(stderr); fits_use_error_system(); me = find_executable(args[0], NULL); engineargs = sl_new(16); append_executable(engineargs, "astrometry-engine", me); // output filenames. outfiles = sl_new(16); tempfiles = sl_new(4); tempfiles2 = sl_new(4); tempdirs = sl_new(4); rtn = 0; nmyopts = sizeof(options)/sizeof(an_option_t); opts = opts_from_array(options, nmyopts, NULL); augment_xylist_add_options(opts); // remove duplicate short options. for (i=0; i<nmyopts; i++) { an_option_t* opt1 = bl_access(opts, i); for (j=nmyopts; j<bl_size(opts); j++) { an_option_t* opt2 = bl_access(opts, j); if (opt2->shortopt == opt1->shortopt) bl_remove_index(opts, j); } } // remove unwanted augment-xylist options. for (i=0; i<strlen(removeopts); i++) { for (j=nmyopts; j<bl_size(opts); j++) { an_option_t* opt2 = bl_access(opts, j); if (opt2->shortopt == removeopts[i]) bl_remove_index(opts, j); } } // which options are left? /*{ char options[256]; memset(options, 0, 256); printf("options:\n"); for (i=0; i<bl_size(opts); i++) { an_option_t* opt = bl_access(opts, i); printf(" %c (%i) %s\n", opt->shortopt, (int)opt->shortopt, opt->name); options[(int)((opt->shortopt + 256) % 256)] = 1; } printf("Remaining short opts:\n"); for (i=0; i<256; i++) { if (!options[i]) printf(" %c (%i, 0x%x)\n", (char)i, i, i); } }*/ augment_xylist_init(allaxy); // default output filename patterns. allaxy->axyfn = "%s.axy"; allaxy->matchfn = "%s.match"; allaxy->rdlsfn = "%s.rdls"; allaxy->solvedfn = "%s.solved"; allaxy->wcsfn = "%s.wcs"; allaxy->corrfn = "%s.corr"; newfits = ""; index_xyls = "%s-indx.xyls"; while (1) { int res; c = opts_getopt(opts, argc, args); //printf("option %c (%i)\n", c, (int)c); if (c == -1) break; switch (c) { case '\x91': allaxy->axyfn = optarg; break; case '\x90': tempaxy = TRUE; break; case '\x88': timestamp = TRUE; break; case '\x84': plotscale = atof(optarg); break; case '\x85': inbgfn = optarg; break; case '\x87': allaxy->assume_fits_image = TRUE; break; case '(': engine_batch = TRUE; break; case '@': just_augment = TRUE; break; case 'U': index_xyls = optarg; break; case 'n': scampconfig = optarg; break; case 'i': scamp = optarg; break; case 'Z': kmz = optarg; break; case 'N': newfits = optarg; break; case 'h': help = TRUE; break; case 'v': sl_append(engineargs, "--verbose"); verbose = TRUE; allaxy->verbosity++; loglvl++; break; case 'D': outdir = optarg; break; case 'o': outbase = optarg; break; case 'b': case '\x89': sl_append(engineargs, "--config"); append_escape(engineargs, optarg); break; case 'f': fromstdin = TRUE; break; case 'O': overwrite = TRUE; break; case 'p': makeplots = FALSE; break; case 'G': usecurl = FALSE; break; case 'K': cont = TRUE; break; case 'J': skip_solved = TRUE; break; default: res = augment_xylist_parse_option(c, optarg, allaxy); if (res) { rtn = -1; goto dohelp; } } } if ((optind == argc) && !fromstdin) { printf("ERROR: You didn't specify any files to process.\n"); help = TRUE; } if (help) { dohelp: print_help(args[0], opts); exit(rtn); } bl_free(opts); // --dont-augment: advertised as just write xy file, // so quit after doing that. if (allaxy->dont_augment) { just_augment = TRUE; } log_init(loglvl); if (timestamp) log_set_timestamp(TRUE); if (kmz && starts_with(kmz, "-")) logmsg("Do you really want to save KMZ to the file named \"%s\" ??\n", kmz); if (starts_with(newfits, "-")) { logmsg("Do you really want to save the new FITS file to the file named \"%s\" ??\n", newfits); } if (engine_batch) { batchaxy = bl_new(16, sizeof(augment_xylist_t)); batchsf = bl_new(16, sizeof(solve_field_args_t)); } // Allow (some of the) default filenames to be disabled by setting them to "none". allaxy->matchfn = none_is_null(allaxy->matchfn); allaxy->rdlsfn = none_is_null(allaxy->rdlsfn); allaxy->solvedfn = none_is_null(allaxy->solvedfn); allaxy->solvedinfn = none_is_null(allaxy->solvedinfn); allaxy->wcsfn = none_is_null(allaxy->wcsfn); allaxy->corrfn = none_is_null(allaxy->corrfn); newfits = none_is_null(newfits); index_xyls = none_is_null(index_xyls); if (outdir) { if (mkdir_p(outdir)) { ERROR("Failed to create output directory %s", outdir); exit(-1); } } // number of engine args not specific to a particular file nbeargs = sl_size(engineargs); f = optind; inputnum = 0; while (1) { char* infile = NULL; anbool isxyls; char* reason; int len; char* base; char* basedir; char* basefile = NULL; char *objsfn=NULL; char *ppmfn=NULL; char* downloadfn = NULL; char* suffix = NULL; sl* cmdline; anbool ctrlc; anbool isurl; augment_xylist_t theaxy; augment_xylist_t* axy = &theaxy; int j; solve_field_args_t thesf; solve_field_args_t* sf = &thesf; anbool want_pnm = FALSE; // reset augment-xylist args. memcpy(axy, allaxy, sizeof(augment_xylist_t)); memset(sf, 0, sizeof(solve_field_args_t)); if (fromstdin) { char fnbuf[1024]; if (!fgets(fnbuf, sizeof(fnbuf), stdin)) { if (ferror(stdin)) SYSERROR("Failed to read a filename from stdin"); break; } len = strlen(fnbuf); if (fnbuf[len-1] == '\n') fnbuf[len-1] = '\0'; infile = fnbuf; logmsg("Reading input file \"%s\"...\n", infile); } else { if (f == argc) break; infile = args[f]; f++; logmsg("Reading input file %i of %i: \"%s\"...\n", f - optind, argc - optind, infile); } inputnum++; cmdline = sl_new(16); if (!engine_batch) { // Remove arguments that might have been added in previous trips through this loop sl_remove_from(engineargs, nbeargs); } // Choose the base path/filename for output files. if (outbase) asprintf_safe(&basefile, outbase, inputnum, infile); else basefile = basename_safe(infile); //logverb("Base filename: %s\n", basefile); isurl = (!file_exists(infile) && (starts_with(infile, "http://") || starts_with(infile, "ftp://"))); if (outdir) basedir = strdup(outdir); else { if (isurl) basedir = strdup("."); else basedir = dirname_safe(infile); } //logverb("Base directory: %s\n", basedir); asprintf_safe(&base, "%s/%s", basedir, basefile); //logverb("Base name for output files: %s\n", base); // trim .gz, .bz2 // hmm, we drop the suffix in this case... len = strlen(base); if (ends_with(base, ".gz")) base[len-3] = '\0'; else if (ends_with(base, ".bz2")) base[len-4] = '\0'; len = strlen(base); // trim .xx / .xxx / .xxxx if (len >= 5) { for (j=3; j<=5; j++) { if (base[len - j] == '/') break; if (base[len - j] == '.') { base[len - j] = '\0'; suffix = base + len - j + 1; break; } } } logverb("Base: \"%s\", basefile \"%s\", basedir \"%s\", suffix \"%s\"\n", base, basefile, basedir, suffix); if (tempaxy) { axy->axyfn = create_temp_file("axy", axy->tempdir); sl_append_nocopy(tempfiles2, axy->axyfn); } else axy->axyfn = sl_appendf(outfiles, axy->axyfn, base); if (axy->matchfn) axy->matchfn = sl_appendf(outfiles, axy->matchfn, base); if (axy->rdlsfn) axy->rdlsfn = sl_appendf(outfiles, axy->rdlsfn, base); if (axy->solvedfn) axy->solvedfn = sl_appendf(outfiles, axy->solvedfn, base); if (axy->wcsfn) axy->wcsfn = sl_appendf(outfiles, axy->wcsfn, base); if (axy->corrfn) axy->corrfn = sl_appendf(outfiles, axy->corrfn, base); if (axy->cancelfn) axy->cancelfn = sl_appendf(outfiles, axy->cancelfn, base); if (axy->keepxylsfn) axy->keepxylsfn = sl_appendf(outfiles, axy->keepxylsfn, base); if (axy->pnmfn) axy->pnmfn = sl_appendf(outfiles, axy->pnmfn, base); if (newfits) sf->newfitsfn = sl_appendf(outfiles, newfits, base); if (kmz) sf->kmzfn = sl_appendf(outfiles, kmz, base); if (index_xyls) sf->indxylsfn = sl_appendf(outfiles, index_xyls, base); if (scamp) sf->scampfn = sl_appendf(outfiles, scamp, base); if (scampconfig) sf->scampconfigfn = sl_appendf(outfiles, scampconfig, base); if (makeplots) { objsfn = sl_appendf(outfiles, "%s-objs.png", base); sf->redgreenfn = sl_appendf(outfiles, "%s-indx.png", base); sf->ngcfn = sl_appendf(outfiles, "%s-ngc.png", base); } if (isurl) { if (suffix) downloadfn = sl_appendf(outfiles, "%s.%s", base, suffix); else downloadfn = sl_appendf(outfiles, "%s", base); } if (axy->solvedinfn) asprintf_safe(&axy->solvedinfn, axy->solvedinfn, base); // Do %s replacement on --verify-wcs entries... if (sl_size(axy->verifywcs)) { sl* newlist = sl_new(4); for (j=0; j<sl_size(axy->verifywcs); j++) sl_appendf(newlist, sl_get(axy->verifywcs, j), base); axy->verifywcs = newlist; } // ... and plot-bg if (inbgfn) asprintf_safe(&bgfn, inbgfn, base); if (axy->solvedinfn && axy->solvedfn && streq(axy->solvedfn, axy->solvedinfn)) { // solved input and output files are the same: don't delete the input! sl_remove_string(outfiles, axy->solvedfn); free(axy->solvedfn); axy->solvedfn = axy->solvedinfn; } free(basedir); free(basefile); if (skip_solved) { char* tocheck[] = { axy->solvedinfn, axy->solvedfn }; for (j=0; j<sizeof(tocheck)/sizeof(char*); j++) { if (!tocheck[j]) continue; logverb("Checking for solved file %s\n", tocheck[j]); if (file_exists(tocheck[j])) { logmsg("Solved file exists: %s; skipping this input file.\n", tocheck[j]); goto nextfile; } else { logverb("File \"%s\" does not exist.\n", tocheck[j]); } } } // Check for overlap between input and output filenames for (i = 0; i < sl_size(outfiles); i++) { char* fn = sl_get(outfiles, i); if (streq(fn, infile)) { logmsg("Output filename \"%s\" is the same as your input file.\n" "Refusing to continue.\n" "You can either choose a different output filename, or\n" "rename your input file to have a different extension.\n", fn); goto nextfile; } } // Check for (and possibly delete) existing output filenames. for (i = 0; i < sl_size(outfiles); i++) { char* fn = sl_get(outfiles, i); if (!file_exists(fn)) continue; if (cont) { } else if (overwrite) { if (unlink(fn)) { SYSERROR("Failed to delete an already-existing output file \"%s\"", fn); exit(-1); } } else { logmsg("Output file already exists: \"%s\".\n" "Use the --overwrite flag to overwrite existing files,\n" " or the --continue flag to not overwrite existing files but still try solving.\n", fn); logmsg("Continuing to next input file.\n"); goto nextfile; } } // if we're making "redgreen" plot, we need: if (sf->redgreenfn) { // -- index xylist if (!sf->indxylsfn) { sf->indxylsfn = create_temp_file("indxyls", axy->tempdir); sl_append_nocopy(tempfiles, sf->indxylsfn); } // -- match file. if (!axy->matchfn) { axy->matchfn = create_temp_file("match", axy->tempdir); sl_append_nocopy(tempfiles, axy->matchfn); } } // if index xyls file is needed, we need: if (sf->indxylsfn) { // -- wcs if (!axy->wcsfn) { axy->wcsfn = create_temp_file("wcs", axy->tempdir); sl_append_nocopy(tempfiles, axy->wcsfn); } // -- rdls if (!axy->rdlsfn) { axy->rdlsfn = create_temp_file("rdls", axy->tempdir); sl_append_nocopy(tempfiles, axy->rdlsfn); } } // Download URL... if (isurl) { sl_append(cmdline, usecurl ? "curl" : "wget"); if (!verbose) sl_append(cmdline, usecurl ? "--silent" : "--quiet"); sl_append(cmdline, usecurl ? "--output" : "-O"); append_escape(cmdline, downloadfn); append_escape(cmdline, infile); cmd = sl_implode(cmdline, " "); logmsg("Downloading...\n"); if (run_command(cmd, &ctrlc)) { ERROR("%s command %s", sl_get(cmdline, 0), (ctrlc ? "was cancelled" : "failed")); exit(-1); } sl_remove_all(cmdline); free(cmd); infile = downloadfn; } if (makeplots) want_pnm = TRUE; if (axy->assume_fits_image) { axy->imagefn = infile; if (axy->pnmfn) want_pnm = TRUE; } else { logverb("Checking if file \"%s\" ext %i is xylist or image: ", infile, axy->extension); fflush(NULL); reason = NULL; isxyls = xylist_is_file_xylist(infile, axy->extension, axy->xcol, axy->ycol, &reason); logverb(isxyls ? "xyls\n" : "image\n"); if (!isxyls) logverb(" (not xyls because: %s)\n", reason); free(reason); fflush(NULL); if (isxyls) axy->xylsfn = infile; else { axy->imagefn = infile; want_pnm = TRUE; } } if (want_pnm && !axy->pnmfn) { ppmfn = create_temp_file("ppm", axy->tempdir); sl_append_nocopy(tempfiles, ppmfn); axy->pnmfn = ppmfn; axy->force_ppm = TRUE; } axy->keep_fitsimg = (newfits || scamp); if (augment_xylist(axy, me)) { ERROR("augment-xylist failed"); exit(-1); } if (just_augment) goto nextfile; if (makeplots) { // Check that the plotting executables were built... char* exec = find_executable("plotxy", me); free(exec); if (!exec) { logmsg("Couldn't find \"plotxy\" executable - maybe you didn't build the plotting programs?\n"); logmsg("Disabling plots.\n"); makeplots = FALSE; } } if (makeplots) { // source extraction overlay if (plot_source_overlay(axy, me, objsfn, plotscale, bgfn)) makeplots = FALSE; } append_escape(engineargs, axy->axyfn); if (file_readable(axy->wcsfn)) axy->wcs_last_mod = file_get_last_modified_time(axy->wcsfn); else axy->wcs_last_mod = 0; if (!engine_batch) { run_engine(engineargs); after_solved(axy, sf, makeplots, me, verbose, axy->tempdir, tempdirs, tempfiles, plotscale, bgfn); } else { bl_append(batchaxy, axy); bl_append(batchsf, sf ); } fflush(NULL); // clean up and move on to the next file. nextfile: free(base); sl_free2(cmdline); if (!engine_batch) { free(axy->fitsimgfn); free(axy->solvedinfn); free(bgfn); // erm. if (axy->verifywcs != allaxy->verifywcs) sl_free2(axy->verifywcs); sl_remove_all(outfiles); if (!axy->no_delete_temp) delete_temp_files(tempfiles, tempdirs); } errors_print_stack(stdout); errors_clear_stack(); logmsg("\n"); } if (engine_batch) { run_engine(engineargs); for (i=0; i<bl_size(batchaxy); i++) { augment_xylist_t* axy = bl_access(batchaxy, i); solve_field_args_t* sf = bl_access(batchsf, i); after_solved(axy, sf, makeplots, me, verbose, axy->tempdir, tempdirs, tempfiles, plotscale, bgfn); errors_print_stack(stdout); errors_clear_stack(); logmsg("\n"); free(axy->fitsimgfn); free(axy->solvedinfn); // erm. if (axy->verifywcs != allaxy->verifywcs) sl_free2(axy->verifywcs); } if (!allaxy->no_delete_temp) delete_temp_files(tempfiles, tempdirs); bl_free(batchaxy); bl_free(batchsf); } if (!allaxy->no_delete_temp) delete_temp_files(tempfiles2, NULL); sl_free2(outfiles); sl_free2(tempfiles); sl_free2(tempfiles2); sl_free2(tempdirs); sl_free2(engineargs); free(me); augment_xylist_free_contents(allaxy); return 0; }