Esempio n. 1
const osd_directory_entry *file_enumerator::next()
    // loop over potentially empty directories
    while (1)
        // if no open directory, get the next path
        while (m_curdir == NULL)
            // if we fail to get anything more, we're done
            if (!
                return NULL;

            // open the path
            m_curdir = osd_opendir(m_pathbuffer);

        // get the next entry from the current directory
        const osd_directory_entry *result = osd_readdir(m_curdir);
        if (result != NULL)
            return result;

        // we're done; close this directory
        m_curdir = NULL;
    try_change_working_directory - tries to change
    the working directory, but only if the directory
    actually exists
bool device_image_interface::try_change_working_directory(const char *subdir)
    osd_directory *directory;
    const osd_directory_entry *entry;
    bool success = FALSE;
    bool done = FALSE;

    directory = osd_opendir(m_working_directory.cstr());
    if (directory != NULL)
        while(!done && (entry = osd_readdir(directory)) != NULL)
            if (!mame_stricmp(subdir, entry->name))
                done = TRUE;
                success = entry->type == ENTTYPE_DIR;


    /* did we successfully identify the directory? */
    if (success)
        zippath_combine(m_working_directory, m_working_directory, subdir);

    return success;
Esempio n. 3
static void romident(const char *filename, romident_status *status)
	osd_directory *directory;

	/* reset the status */
	memset(status, 0, sizeof(*status));

	/* first try to open as a directory */
	directory = osd_opendir(filename);
	if (directory != NULL)
		const osd_directory_entry *entry;

		/* iterate over all files in the directory */
		while ((entry = osd_readdir(directory)) != NULL)
			if (entry->type == ENTTYPE_FILE)
				astring *curfile = astring_assemble_3(astring_alloc(), filename, PATH_SEPARATOR, entry->name);
				identify_file(astring_c(curfile), status);

	/* if that failed, and the filename ends with .zip, identify as a ZIP file */
	else if (core_filename_ends_with(filename, ".zip"))
		/* first attempt to examine it as a valid ZIP file */
		zip_file *zip = NULL;
		zip_error ziperr = zip_file_open(filename, &zip);
		if (ziperr == ZIPERR_NONE && zip != NULL)
			const zip_file_header *entry;

			/* loop over entries in the ZIP, skipping empty files and directories */
			for (entry = zip_file_first_file(zip); entry; entry = zip_file_next_file(zip))
				if (entry->uncompressed_length != 0)
					UINT8 *data = (UINT8 *)malloc(entry->uncompressed_length);
					if (data != NULL)
						/* decompress data into RAM and identify it */
						ziperr = zip_file_decompress(zip, data, entry->uncompressed_length);
						if (ziperr == ZIPERR_NONE)
							identify_data(entry->filename, data, entry->uncompressed_length, status);

			/* close up */

	/* otherwise, identify as a raw file */
		identify_file(filename, status);
Esempio n. 4
void plugin_options::parse_json(std::string path)
	// first try to open as a directory
	osd_directory *directory = osd_opendir(path.c_str());
	if (directory != nullptr)
		// iterate over all files in the directory
		for (const osd_directory_entry *entry = osd_readdir(directory); entry != nullptr; entry = osd_readdir(directory))
			if (entry->type == ENTTYPE_FILE)
				std::string name = entry->name;
				if (name == "plugin.json")
					std::string curfile = std::string(path).append(PATH_SEPARATOR).append(entry->name);
					std::ifstream ifs(curfile);
					rapidjson::IStreamWrapper isw(ifs);
					rapidjson::Document document;

					if (document.HasParseError()) {
						std::string error(GetParseError_En(document.GetParseError()));
						osd_printf_error("Unable to parse plugin definition file %s. Errors returned:\n", curfile.c_str());
						osd_printf_error("%s\n", error.c_str());

					if (document["plugin"].IsObject())
						std::string name = document["plugin"]["name"].GetString();
						std::string description = document["plugin"]["description"].GetString();
						std::string type = document["plugin"]["type"].GetString();
						bool start = false;
						if (document["plugin"].HasMember("start") && (std::string(document["plugin"]["start"].GetString()) == "true"))
							start = true;

						if (type=="plugin")
							add_entry(core_strdup(name.c_str()),core_strdup(description.c_str()), OPTION_BOOLEAN, start ? "1" : "0");

			else if (entry->type == ENTTYPE_DIR)
				std::string name = entry->name;
				if (!(name == "." || name == ".."))
					parse_json(path + PATH_SEPARATOR + name);

		// close the directory and be done
Esempio n. 5
void zippath_closedir(zippath_directory *directory)
	if (directory->directory != NULL)

	if (directory->zipfile != NULL)

	while (directory->returned_dirlist != NULL)
		zippath_returned_directory *dirlist = directory->returned_dirlist;
		directory->returned_dirlist = directory->returned_dirlist->next;
		delete dirlist;

	delete directory;
Esempio n. 6
static int rmdir_recursive(const char *dir_path)
	osd_directory *dir;
	const osd_directory_entry *ent;
	osd_directory_entry *ent2;
	char *newpath;

	dir = osd_opendir(dir_path);
	if (dir)
		while((ent = osd_readdir(dir)) != NULL)
			if (strcmp(ent->name, ".") && strcmp(ent->name, ".."))
				newpath = (char*)malloc(strlen(dir_path) + 1 + strlen(ent->name) + 1);
				if (!newpath)
					return -1;

				strcpy(newpath, dir_path);
				strcat(newpath, PATH_SEPARATOR);
				strcat(newpath, ent->name);

				ent2 = osd_stat(newpath);
				if (ent2)
					if (ent2->type == ENTTYPE_DIR)
	return 0;
Esempio n. 7
static int recurse_dir(int srcrootlen, int dstrootlen, astring &srcdir, astring &dstdir, astring &tempheader, astring &tempfooter)
	static const osd_dir_entry_type typelist[] = { ENTTYPE_DIR, ENTTYPE_FILE };

	// extract a normalized subpath
	astring srcdir_subpath;
	normalized_subpath(srcdir_subpath, srcdir, srcrootlen + 1);

	// create an index file
	astring indexname;
	indexname.printf("%s%c%s", dstdir.cstr(), PATH_SEPARATOR[0], "index.html");
	core_file *indexfile = create_file_and_output_header(indexname, tempheader, srcdir_subpath);

	// output the directory navigation
	core_fprintf(indexfile, "<h3>Viewing Directory: ");
	output_path_as_links(indexfile, srcdir_subpath, true, false);
	core_fprintf(indexfile, "</h3>");

	// iterate first over directories, then over files
	int result = 0;
	for (int entindex = 0; entindex < ARRAY_LENGTH(typelist) && result == 0; entindex++)
		osd_dir_entry_type entry_type = typelist[entindex];

		// open the directory and iterate through it
		osd_directory *dir = osd_opendir(srcdir);
		if (dir == NULL)
			result = 1;

		// build up the list of files
		const osd_directory_entry *entry;
		int found = 0;
		list_entry *list = NULL;
		while ((entry = osd_readdir(dir)) != NULL)
			if (entry->type == entry_type && entry->name[0] != '.')
				list_entry *lentry = new list_entry;
				lentry->next = list;
				list = lentry;

		// close the directory

		// skip if nothing found
		if (found == 0)

		// allocate memory for sorting
		list_entry **listarray = new list_entry *[found];
		found = 0;
		for (list_entry *curlist = list; curlist != NULL; curlist = curlist->next)
			listarray[found++] = curlist;

		// sort the list
		qsort(listarray, found, sizeof(listarray[0]), compare_list_entries);

		// rebuild the list
		list = NULL;
		while (--found >= 0)
			listarray[found]->next = list;
			list = listarray[found];
		delete[] listarray;

		// iterate through each file
		for (list_entry *curlist = list; curlist != NULL && result == 0; curlist = curlist->next)
			// add a header
			if (curlist == list)
				core_fprintf(indexfile, "\t<h2>%s</h2>\n\t<ul>\n", (entry_type == ENTTYPE_DIR) ? "Directories" : "Files");

			// build the source filename
			astring srcfile;
			srcfile.printf("%s%c%s", srcdir.cstr(), PATH_SEPARATOR[0], curlist->name.cstr());

			// if we have a file, output it
			astring dstfile;
			if (entry_type == ENTTYPE_FILE)
				// make sure we care, first
				file_type type = FILE_TYPE_INVALID;
				for (int extnum = 0; extnum < ARRAY_LENGTH(extension_lookup); extnum++)
					if (core_filename_ends_with(curlist->name, extension_lookup[extnum].extension))
						type = extension_lookup[extnum].type;

				// if we got a valid file, process it
				if (type != FILE_TYPE_INVALID)
					dstfile.printf("%s%c%s.html", dstdir.cstr(), PATH_SEPARATOR[0], curlist->name.cstr());
					if (indexfile != NULL)
						core_fprintf(indexfile, "\t<li><a href=\"%s.html\">%s</a></li>\n", curlist->name.cstr(), curlist->name.cstr());
					result = output_file(type, srcrootlen, dstrootlen, srcfile, dstfile, srcdir == dstdir, tempheader, tempfooter);

			// if we have a directory, recurse
				dstfile.printf("%s%c%s", dstdir.cstr(), PATH_SEPARATOR[0], curlist->name.cstr());
				if (indexfile != NULL)
					core_fprintf(indexfile, "\t<li><a href=\"%s/index.html\">%s/</a></li>\n", curlist->name.cstr(), curlist->name.cstr());
				result = recurse_dir(srcrootlen, dstrootlen, srcfile, dstfile, tempheader, tempfooter);

		// close the list if we found some stuff
		if (list != NULL)
			core_fprintf(indexfile, "\t</ul>\n");

		// free all the allocated entries
		while (list != NULL)
			list_entry *next = list->next;
			delete list;
			list = next;

	if (indexfile != NULL)
		output_footer_and_close_file(indexfile, tempfooter, srcdir_subpath);
	return result;
Esempio n. 8
    // close anything open
    if (m_curdir != NULL)
Esempio n. 9
static int recurse_dir(int srcrootlen, astring &srcdir)
	static const osd_dir_entry_type typelist[] = { ENTTYPE_DIR, ENTTYPE_FILE };
	int result = 0;

	// iterate first over directories, then over files
	for (int entindex = 0; entindex < ARRAY_LENGTH(typelist) && result == 0; entindex++)
		osd_dir_entry_type entry_type = typelist[entindex];

		// open the directory and iterate through it
		osd_directory *dir = osd_opendir(srcdir);
		if (dir == NULL)
			result = 1;
			goto error;

		// build up the list of files
		const osd_directory_entry *entry;
		list_entry *list = NULL;
		int found = 0;
		while ((entry = osd_readdir(dir)) != NULL)
			if (entry->type == entry_type && entry->name[0] != '.')
				list_entry *lentry = new list_entry;
				lentry->next = list;
				list = lentry;

		// close the directory

		// skip if nothing found
		if (found == 0)

		// allocate memory for sorting
		list_entry **listarray = new list_entry *[found];
		found = 0;
		for (list_entry *curlist = list; curlist != NULL; curlist = curlist->next)
			listarray[found++] = curlist;

		// sort the list
		qsort(listarray, found, sizeof(listarray[0]), compare_list_entries);

		// rebuild the list
		list = NULL;
		while (--found >= 0)
			listarray[found]->next = list;
			list = listarray[found];
		delete[] listarray;

		// iterate through each file
		for (list_entry *curlist = list; curlist != NULL && result == 0; curlist = curlist->next)
			astring srcfile;

			// build the source filename
			srcfile.printf("%s%c%s", srcdir.cstr(), PATH_SEPARATOR[0], curlist->name.cstr());

			// if we have a file, output it
			if (entry_type == ENTTYPE_FILE)
				// make sure we care, first
				if (core_filename_ends_with(curlist->name, ".c"))
					dependency_map depend_map;

					// find dependencies
					file_entry &file = compute_dependencies(srcrootlen, srcfile);
					recurse_dependencies(file, depend_map);

					// convert the target from source to object (makes assumptions about rules)
					astring target(;
					target.replace(0, "src/", "$(OBJ)/");
					target.replace(0, ".c", ".o");
					printf("\n%s : \\\n", target.cstr());

					// iterate over the hashed dependencies and output them as well
					for (dependency_map::entry_t *entry = depend_map.first(); entry != NULL; entry =
						printf("\t%s \\\n", entry->tag().cstr());

			// if we have a directory, recurse
				result = recurse_dir(srcrootlen, srcfile);

		// free all the allocated entries
		while (list != NULL)
			list_entry *next = list->next;
			delete list;
			list = next;

	return result;
Esempio n. 10
static int recurse_dir(int srcrootlen, const astring *srcdir)
	static const osd_dir_entry_type typelist[] = { ENTTYPE_DIR, ENTTYPE_FILE };
	int result = 0;
	int entindex;

	/* iterate first over directories, then over files */
	for (entindex = 0; entindex < ARRAY_LENGTH(typelist) && result == 0; entindex++)
		osd_dir_entry_type entry_type = typelist[entindex];
		const osd_directory_entry *entry;
		list_entry **listarray = NULL;
		list_entry *list = NULL;
		list_entry *curlist;
		osd_directory *dir;
		int found = 0;

		/* open the directory and iterate through it */
		dir = osd_opendir(astring_c(srcdir));
		if (dir == NULL)
			result = 1;
			goto error;

		/* build up the list of files */
		while ((entry = osd_readdir(dir)) != NULL)
			if (entry->type == entry_type && entry->name[0] != '.')
				list_entry *lentry = (list_entry *)malloc(sizeof(*lentry));
				lentry->name = astring_dupc(entry->name);
				lentry->next = list;
				list = lentry;

		/* close the directory */

		/* skip if nothing found */
		if (found == 0)

		/* allocate memory for sorting */
		listarray = (list_entry **)malloc(sizeof(list_entry *) * found);
		found = 0;
		for (curlist = list; curlist != NULL; curlist = curlist->next)
			listarray[found++] = curlist;

		/* sort the list */
		qsort(listarray, found, sizeof(listarray[0]), compare_list_entries);

		/* rebuild the list */
		list = NULL;
		while (--found >= 0)
			listarray[found]->next = list;
			list = listarray[found];

		/* iterate through each file */
		for (curlist = list; curlist != NULL && result == 0; curlist = curlist->next)
			astring *srcfile;

			/* build the source filename */
			srcfile = astring_alloc();
			astring_printf(srcfile, "%s%c%s", astring_c(srcdir), PATH_SEPARATOR[0], astring_c(curlist->name));

			/* if we have a file, output it */
			if (entry_type == ENTTYPE_FILE)
				/* make sure we care, first */
				if (core_filename_ends_with(astring_c(curlist->name), ".c"))
					tagmap *depend_map = tagmap_alloc();
					tagmap_entry *map_entry;
					file_entry *file;
					astring *target;
					int taghash;

					/* find dependencies */
					file = compute_dependencies(srcrootlen, srcfile);
					recurse_dependencies(file, depend_map);

					/* convert the target from source to object (makes assumptions about rules) */
					target = astring_dup(file->name);
					astring_replacec(target, 0, "src/", "$(OBJ)/");
					astring_replacec(target, 0, ".c", ".o");
					printf("\n%s : \\\n", astring_c(target));

					/* iterate over the hashed dependencies and output them as well */
					for (taghash = 0; taghash < TAGMAP_HASH_SIZE; taghash++)
						for (map_entry = depend_map->table[taghash]; map_entry != NULL; map_entry = map_entry->next)
							printf("\t%s \\\n", astring_c((astring *)map_entry->object));


			/* if we have a directory, recurse */
				result = recurse_dir(srcrootlen, srcfile);

			/* free memory for the names */

		/* free all the allocated entries */
		while (list != NULL)
			list_entry *next = list->next;
			astring_free((astring *)list->name);
			list = next;

	return result;
Esempio n. 11
static int recurse_dir(int srcrootlen, int dstrootlen, const astring *srcdir, const astring *dstdir)
	static const osd_dir_entry_type typelist[] = { ENTTYPE_DIR, ENTTYPE_FILE };
	const astring *srcdir_subpath;
	core_file *indexfile = NULL;
	astring *indexname;
	int result = 0;
	int entindex;

	/* extract a normalized subpath */
	srcdir_subpath = normalized_subpath(srcdir, srcrootlen + 1);
	if (srcdir_subpath == NULL)
		return 1;

	/* create an index file */
	indexname = astring_alloc();
	astring_printf(indexname, "%s%c%s", astring_c(dstdir), PATH_SEPARATOR[0], "index.html");
	indexfile = create_file_and_output_header(indexname, "MAME Source Code", astring_c(srcdir_subpath));

	/* output the directory navigation */
	core_fprintf(indexfile, "<h3>Viewing Directory: ");
	output_path_as_links(indexfile, srcdir_subpath, TRUE, FALSE);
	core_fprintf(indexfile, "</h3>");
	astring_free((astring *)srcdir_subpath);

	/* iterate first over directories, then over files */
	for (entindex = 0; entindex < ARRAY_LENGTH(typelist) && result == 0; entindex++)
		osd_dir_entry_type entry_type = typelist[entindex];
		const osd_directory_entry *entry;
		list_entry *list = NULL;
		list_entry **listarray;
		list_entry *curlist;
		osd_directory *dir;
		int found = 0;

		/* open the directory and iterate through it */
		dir = osd_opendir(astring_c(srcdir));
		if (dir == NULL)
			result = 1;
			goto error;

		/* build up the list of files */
		while ((entry = osd_readdir(dir)) != NULL)
			if (entry->type == entry_type && entry->name[0] != '.')
				list_entry *lentry = malloc(sizeof(*lentry));
				lentry->name = astring_dupc(entry->name);
				lentry->next = list;
				list = lentry;

		/* close the directory */

		/* skip if nothing found */
		if (found == 0)

		/* allocate memory for sorting */
		listarray = malloc(sizeof(list_entry *) * found);
		found = 0;
		for (curlist = list; curlist != NULL; curlist = curlist->next)
			listarray[found++] = curlist;

		/* sort the list */
		qsort(listarray, found, sizeof(listarray[0]), compare_list_entries);

		/* rebuild the list */
		list = NULL;
		while (--found >= 0)
			listarray[found]->next = list;
			list = listarray[found];

		/* iterate through each file */
		for (curlist = list; curlist != NULL && result == 0; curlist = curlist->next)
			astring *srcfile, *dstfile;

			/* add a header */
			if (curlist == list)
				core_fprintf(indexfile, "\t<h2>%s</h2>\n\t<ul>\n", (entry_type == ENTTYPE_DIR) ? "Directories" : "Files");

			/* build the source filename */
			srcfile = astring_alloc();
			astring_printf(srcfile, "%s%c%s", astring_c(srcdir), PATH_SEPARATOR[0], astring_c(curlist->name));

			/* if we have a file, output it */
			dstfile = astring_alloc();
			if (entry_type == ENTTYPE_FILE)
				file_type type = FILE_TYPE_INVALID;
				int extnum;

				/* make sure we care, first */
				for (extnum = 0; extnum < ARRAY_LENGTH(extension_lookup); extnum++)
					if (core_filename_ends_with(astring_c(curlist->name), extension_lookup[extnum].extension))
						type = extension_lookup[extnum].type;

				/* if we got a valid file, process it */
				if (type != FILE_TYPE_INVALID)
					astring_printf(dstfile, "%s%c%s.html", astring_c(dstdir), PATH_SEPARATOR[0], astring_c(curlist->name));
					if (indexfile != NULL)
						core_fprintf(indexfile, "\t<li><a href=\"%s.html\">%s</a></li>\n", astring_c(curlist->name), astring_c(curlist->name));
					result = output_file(type, srcrootlen, dstrootlen, srcfile, dstfile, astring_cmp(srcdir, dstdir) == 0);

			/* if we have a directory, recurse */
				astring_printf(dstfile, "%s%c%s", astring_c(dstdir), PATH_SEPARATOR[0], astring_c(curlist->name));
				if (indexfile != NULL)
					core_fprintf(indexfile, "\t<li><a href=\"%s/index.html\">%s/</a></li>\n", astring_c(curlist->name), astring_c(curlist->name));
				result = recurse_dir(srcrootlen, dstrootlen, srcfile, dstfile);

			/* free memory for the names */

		/* close the list if we found some stuff */
		if (list != NULL)
			core_fprintf(indexfile, "\t</ul>\n");

		/* free all the allocated entries */
		while (list != NULL)
			list_entry *next = list->next;
			astring_free((astring *)list->name);
			list = next;

	if (indexfile != NULL)
	return result;