Esempio n. 1
std::vector<int> ClintStmtOccurrence::findBoundlikeForm(Bound bound, int dimIdx, int constValue) {
  std::vector<int> zeroParameters(m_oslStatement->domain->nb_parameters, 0);
  std::vector<int> parameterValues = scop()->parameterValues();

  int oslDimIdx = 1 + dimIdx * 2 + 1;
  osl_relation_p scheduledDomain = ISLEnumerator::scheduledDomain(m_oslStatement->domain, m_oslScattering);
  int lowerRow = oslRelationDimUpperBound(scheduledDomain, oslDimIdx);
  int upperRow = oslRelationDimLowerBound(scheduledDomain, oslDimIdx);

  // Check if the request boundary exists and is unique.
  // If failed, try the opposite boundary.  If the opposite does not
  // exist or is not unique, use constant form.
  if (lowerRow < 0 && upperRow < 0) {
    return makeBoundlikeForm(bound, dimIdx, constValue, 0, zeroParameters, parameterValues);
  } else if (lowerRow < 0 && bound == Bound::LOWER) {
    bound = Bound::UPPER;
  } else if (upperRow < 0 && bound == Bound::UPPER) {
    bound = Bound::LOWER;

  // Check if the current boundary (either request or opposite) is
  // variable.  If it is, try the opposite unless the opposite does
  // not exist.  If both are variable or one is variable and another
  // does not exit, use constant form.
  bool upperVariable = upperRow >= 0 ? isVariableBoundary(upperRow, scheduledDomain, oslDimIdx) : true;
  bool lowerVariable = lowerRow >= 0 ? isVariableBoundary(lowerRow, scheduledDomain, oslDimIdx) : true;
  if (upperVariable && lowerVariable) {
    return makeBoundlikeForm(bound, dimIdx, constValue, 0, zeroParameters, parameterValues);
  if (upperVariable && lowerRow >= 0) {
    bound = Bound::LOWER;
  } else if (lowerVariable && upperRow >= 0) {
    bound = Bound::UPPER;
  int row = bound == Bound::UPPER ? upperRow : lowerRow;

  int firstParameterIdx = 1 + scheduledDomain->nb_input_dims + scheduledDomain->nb_output_dims + scheduledDomain->nb_local_dims;
  std::vector<int> parameters;
  for (int i = 0; i < scheduledDomain->nb_parameters; i++) {
    int p = osl_int_get_si(scheduledDomain->precision, scheduledDomain->m[row][firstParameterIdx + i]);

  // Make parametric form is the boundary itself is parametric.
  // Make constant form otherwise.
  if (isParametricBoundary(row, scheduledDomain)) {
    int boundaryConstantPart = osl_int_get_si(scheduledDomain->precision,
                                              scheduledDomain->m[row][scheduledDomain->nb_columns - 1]);
    return makeBoundlikeForm(bound, dimIdx, constValue,
                             parameters, parameterValues);
  } else {
    return makeBoundlikeForm(bound, dimIdx, constValue,
                             0, zeroParameters, parameterValues);
Esempio n. 2
File: util.c Progetto: tajkhan/clay
 * clay_util_body_regenerate_access function:
 * Read the access array and re-generate the code in the body
 * \param[in] ebody     An extbody structure
 * \param[in] access    The relation to regenerate the code
 * \param[in] index     nth access (needed to access to the array start and 
 *                      length of the extbody structure)
void clay_util_body_regenerate_access(osl_extbody_p ebody,
                                      osl_relation_p access,
                                      int index,
                                      osl_arrays_p arrays,
                                      osl_scatnames_p scatnames,
                                      osl_strings_p params) {

  if (!arrays || !scatnames || !params || access->nb_output_dims == 0 ||
      index >= ebody->nb_access)

  const int precision = access->precision;
  int i, j, k, row, val, print_plus;

  // check if there are no inequ
  for (i = 0 ; i < access->nb_rows ; i++) {
    if (!osl_int_zero(precision, access->m[i][0]))
      CLAY_error("I don't know how to regenerate access with inequalities");

  // check identity matrix in output dims
  int n;
  for (j = 0 ; j < access->nb_output_dims ; j++) {
    n = 0;
    for (i = 0 ; i < access->nb_rows ; i++)
      if (!osl_int_zero(precision, access->m[i][j+1])) {
        if (n >= 1)
          CLAY_error("I don't know how to regenerate access with "
                     "dependences in output dims");

  char *body = ebody->body->expression->string[0];
  int body_len = strlen(body);
  int start = ebody->start[index];
  int len = ebody->length[index];
  int is_zero; // if the line contains only zeros

  if (start >= body_len || start + len >= body_len || (start == -1 && len == -1))

  char *new_body;
  char end_body[OSL_MAX_STRING];
  int hwm = OSL_MAX_STRING;

  CLAY_malloc(new_body, char *, OSL_MAX_STRING * sizeof(char));

  // copy the beginning of the body
  if (start+1 >= OSL_MAX_STRING)
    CLAY_error("memcpy: please recompile osl with a higher OSL_MAX_STRING");
  memcpy(new_body, body, start);
  new_body[start] = '\0';

  // save the end in a buffer
  int sz = body_len - start - len;
  if (sz + 1 >= OSL_MAX_STRING)
    CLAY_error("memcpy: please recompile osl with a higher OSL_MAX_STRING");
  memcpy(end_body, body + start + len, sz);
  end_body[sz] = '\0';

  // copy access name string
  val = osl_relation_get_array_id(access);
  val = clay_util_arrays_search(arrays, val); // get the index in th array
  osl_util_safe_strcat(&new_body, arrays->names[val], &hwm);

  // generate each dims
  for (i = 1 ; i < access->nb_output_dims ; i++) {
    row = clay_util_relation_get_line(access, i);
    if (row == -1)

    osl_util_safe_strcat(&new_body, "[", &hwm);

    is_zero = 1;
    print_plus = 0;
    k = 1 + access->nb_output_dims;

    // iterators
    for (j = 0 ; j < access->nb_input_dims ; j++, k++) {
      val = osl_int_get_si(precision, access->m[row][k]);
      if (val != 0) {
        is_zero = 0;

    // params
    for (j = 0 ; j < access->nb_parameters ; j++, k++) {
      val = osl_int_get_si(precision, access->m[row][k]);
      if (val != 0) {
        is_zero = 0;

    // const
    val = osl_int_get_si(precision, access->m[row][k]);
    if (val != 0 || is_zero)

    osl_util_safe_strcat(&new_body, "]", &hwm);

  // length of the generated access
  ebody->length[index] = strlen(new_body) - start;

  // concat the end
  osl_util_safe_strcat(&new_body, end_body, &hwm);

  // update ebody
  ebody->body->expression->string[0] = new_body;

  // shift the start
  int diff = ebody->length[index] - len;
  for (i = index+1 ; i < ebody->nb_access ; i++)
    if (ebody->start[i] != -1)
      ebody->start[i] += diff;
Esempio n. 3
int main(int argc, char** argv)
  if (argc > 1) { printf("argv are ignored\n"); }
  unsigned int nb_fail = 0;
  #ifdef OSL_GMP_IS_HERE
  int i;
  for (i = SCHAR_MIN; i <= SCHAR_MAX; ++i) {
    osl_int_t a_sp; osl_int_init_set_si(OSL_PRECISION_SP, &a_sp, i);
    osl_int_t a_dp; osl_int_init_set_si(OSL_PRECISION_DP, &a_dp, i);
    osl_int_t a_mp; osl_int_init_set_si(OSL_PRECISION_MP, &a_mp, i);
    int j;
    for (j = SCHAR_MIN; j <= SCHAR_MAX; ++j) {
      int error = 0;
      osl_int_t b_sp; osl_int_init_set_si(OSL_PRECISION_SP, &b_sp, j);
      osl_int_t b_dp; osl_int_init_set_si(OSL_PRECISION_DP, &b_dp, j);
      osl_int_t b_mp; osl_int_init_set_si(OSL_PRECISION_MP, &b_mp, j);
      osl_int_t c_sp; osl_int_init(OSL_PRECISION_SP, &c_sp);
      osl_int_t c_dp; osl_int_init(OSL_PRECISION_DP, &c_dp);
      osl_int_t c_mp; osl_int_init(OSL_PRECISION_MP, &c_mp);
      int const a_sp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_SP, a_sp);
      int const a_dp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_DP, a_dp);
      int const a_mp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_MP, a_mp);
      int const b_sp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_SP, b_sp);
      int const b_dp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_DP, b_dp);
      int const b_mp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_MP, b_mp);
      // osl_int_init_set_si & osl_int_init & osl_int_get_si
      if (!error) {
        int c_sp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_SP, c_sp);
        int c_dp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_DP, c_dp);
        int c_mp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_MP, c_mp);
        if (a_sp_i != a_dp_i || a_sp_i != a_mp_i) {
          error++; printf("Error osl_int_init_set_si or osl_int_get_si\n");
        if (b_sp_i != b_dp_i || b_sp_i != b_mp_i) {
          error++; printf("Error osl_int_init_set_si or osl_int_get_si\n");
        if (c_sp_i != c_dp_i || c_sp_i != c_mp_i || c_sp_i != 0) {
          error++; printf("Error osl_int_init or osl_int_get_si\n");
      // osl_int_assign
      if (!error) {
        osl_int_assign(OSL_PRECISION_SP, &c_sp, b_sp);
        osl_int_assign(OSL_PRECISION_DP, &c_dp, b_dp);
        osl_int_assign(OSL_PRECISION_MP, &c_mp, b_mp);
        if (osl_int_ne(OSL_PRECISION_SP, c_sp, b_sp)) {
          error++; printf("Error osl_int_assign\n");
        if (osl_int_ne(OSL_PRECISION_DP, c_dp, b_dp)) {
          error++; printf("Error osl_int_assign\n");
        if (osl_int_ne(OSL_PRECISION_MP, c_mp, b_mp)) {
          error++; printf("Error osl_int_assign\n");
      // osl_int_swap
      // osl_int_increment
      if (!error) {
        osl_int_increment(OSL_PRECISION_SP, &c_sp, a_sp);
        osl_int_increment(OSL_PRECISION_DP, &c_dp, a_dp);
        osl_int_increment(OSL_PRECISION_MP, &c_mp, a_mp);
        int c_sp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_SP, c_sp);
        int c_dp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_DP, c_dp);
        int c_mp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_MP, c_mp);
        if (c_sp_i != c_dp_i || c_sp_i != c_mp_i || c_sp_i != a_sp_i + 1) {
          error++; printf("Error osl_int_increment\n");
      // osl_int_decrement
      if (!error) {
        osl_int_decrement(OSL_PRECISION_SP, &c_sp, a_sp);
        osl_int_decrement(OSL_PRECISION_DP, &c_dp, a_dp);
        osl_int_decrement(OSL_PRECISION_MP, &c_mp, a_mp);
        int c_sp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_SP, c_sp);
        int c_dp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_DP, c_dp);
        int c_mp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_MP, c_mp);
        if (c_sp_i != c_dp_i || c_sp_i != c_mp_i || c_sp_i != a_sp_i - 1) {
          error++; printf("Error osl_int_decrement\n");
      // osl_int_add
      if (!error) {
        osl_int_add(OSL_PRECISION_SP, &c_sp, a_sp, b_sp);
        osl_int_add(OSL_PRECISION_DP, &c_dp, a_dp, b_dp);
        osl_int_add(OSL_PRECISION_MP, &c_mp, a_mp, b_mp);
        int c_sp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_SP, c_sp);
        int c_dp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_DP, c_dp);
        int c_mp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_MP, c_mp);
        if (c_sp_i != c_dp_i || c_sp_i != c_mp_i || c_sp_i != a_sp_i + b_sp_i) {
          error++; printf("Error osl_int_add\n");
      // osl_int_add_si
      // osl_int_sub
      if (!error) {
        osl_int_sub(OSL_PRECISION_SP, &c_sp, a_sp, b_sp);
        osl_int_sub(OSL_PRECISION_DP, &c_dp, a_dp, b_dp);
        osl_int_sub(OSL_PRECISION_MP, &c_mp, a_mp, b_mp);
        int c_sp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_SP, c_sp);
        int c_dp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_DP, c_dp);
        int c_mp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_MP, c_mp);
        if (c_sp_i != c_dp_i || c_sp_i != c_mp_i || c_sp_i != a_sp_i - b_sp_i) {
          error++; printf("Error osl_int_add\n");
      // osl_int_mul
      if (!error) {
        osl_int_mul(OSL_PRECISION_SP, &c_sp, a_sp, b_sp);
        osl_int_mul(OSL_PRECISION_DP, &c_dp, a_dp, b_dp);
        osl_int_mul(OSL_PRECISION_MP, &c_mp, a_mp, b_mp);
        int c_sp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_SP, c_sp);
        int c_dp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_DP, c_dp);
        int c_mp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_MP, c_mp);
        if (c_sp_i != c_dp_i || c_sp_i != c_mp_i || c_sp_i != a_sp_i * b_sp_i) {
          error++; printf("Error osl_int_mul\n");
      // osl_int_mul_si
      if (!error) {
        osl_int_mul_si(OSL_PRECISION_SP, &c_sp, a_sp, b_sp_i);
        osl_int_mul_si(OSL_PRECISION_DP, &c_dp, a_dp, b_dp_i);
        osl_int_mul_si(OSL_PRECISION_MP, &c_mp, a_mp, b_mp_i);
        int c_sp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_SP, c_sp);
        int c_dp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_DP, c_dp);
        int c_mp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_MP, c_mp);
        if (c_sp_i != c_dp_i || c_sp_i != c_mp_i || c_sp_i != a_sp_i * b_sp_i) {
          error++; printf("Error osl_int_mul_si\n");
      // osl_int_div_exact
      if (!error && b_sp_i != 0 && a_sp_i % b_sp_i == 0) {
        osl_int_div_exact(OSL_PRECISION_SP, &c_sp, a_sp, b_sp);
        osl_int_div_exact(OSL_PRECISION_DP, &c_dp, a_dp, b_dp);
        osl_int_div_exact(OSL_PRECISION_MP, &c_mp, a_mp, b_mp);
        int c_sp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_SP, c_sp);
        int c_dp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_DP, c_dp);
        int c_mp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_MP, c_mp);
        if (c_sp_i != c_dp_i || c_sp_i != c_mp_i || c_sp_i != a_sp_i / b_sp_i) {
          error++; printf("Error osl_int_div_exact\n");
      // osl_int_floor_div_q
      if (!error && b_sp_i != 0) {
        osl_int_floor_div_q(OSL_PRECISION_SP, &c_sp, a_sp, b_sp);
        osl_int_floor_div_q(OSL_PRECISION_DP, &c_dp, a_dp, b_dp);
        osl_int_floor_div_q(OSL_PRECISION_MP, &c_mp, a_mp, b_mp);
        int c_sp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_SP, c_sp);
        int c_dp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_DP, c_dp);
        int c_mp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_MP, c_mp);
        if (c_sp_i != c_dp_i || c_sp_i != c_mp_i) {
          error++; printf("Error osl_int_floor_div_q\n");
      // osl_int_floor_div_r
      if (!error && b_sp_i != 0) {
        osl_int_floor_div_r(OSL_PRECISION_SP, &c_sp, a_sp, b_sp);
        osl_int_floor_div_r(OSL_PRECISION_DP, &c_dp, a_dp, b_dp);
        osl_int_floor_div_r(OSL_PRECISION_MP, &c_mp, a_mp, b_mp);
        int c_sp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_SP, c_sp);
        int c_dp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_DP, c_dp);
        int c_mp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_MP, c_mp);
        if (c_sp_i != c_dp_i || c_sp_i != c_mp_i) {
          error++; printf("Error osl_int_floor_div_r\n");
      // osl_int_floor_div_q_r
      if (!error && b_sp_i != 0) {
        osl_int_t q_sp; osl_int_init(OSL_PRECISION_SP, &q_sp);
        osl_int_t q_dp; osl_int_init(OSL_PRECISION_DP, &q_dp);
        osl_int_t q_mp; osl_int_init(OSL_PRECISION_MP, &q_mp);
        osl_int_t r_sp; osl_int_init(OSL_PRECISION_SP, &r_sp);
        osl_int_t r_dp; osl_int_init(OSL_PRECISION_DP, &r_dp);
        osl_int_t r_mp; osl_int_init(OSL_PRECISION_MP, &r_mp);
        osl_int_floor_div_q_r(OSL_PRECISION_SP, &q_sp, &r_sp, a_sp, b_sp);
        osl_int_floor_div_q_r(OSL_PRECISION_DP, &q_dp, &r_dp, a_dp, b_dp);
        osl_int_floor_div_q_r(OSL_PRECISION_MP, &q_mp, &r_mp, a_mp, b_mp);
        int q_sp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_SP, q_sp);
        int q_dp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_DP, q_dp);
        int q_mp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_MP, q_mp);
        int r_sp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_SP, r_sp);
        int r_dp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_DP, r_dp);
        int r_mp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_MP, r_mp);
        if (q_sp_i != q_dp_i || q_sp_i != q_mp_i) {
          error++; printf("Error osl_int_floor_div_q_r\n");
        if (r_sp_i != r_dp_i || r_sp_i != r_mp_i) {
          error++; printf("Error osl_int_floor_div_q_r\n");
      // osl_int_mod
      if (!error && b_sp_i != 0) {
        osl_int_mod(OSL_PRECISION_SP, &c_sp, a_sp, b_sp);
        osl_int_mod(OSL_PRECISION_DP, &c_dp, a_dp, b_dp);
        osl_int_mod(OSL_PRECISION_MP, &c_mp, a_mp, b_mp);
        int c_sp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_SP, c_sp);
        int c_dp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_DP, c_dp);
        int c_mp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_MP, c_mp);
        if (c_sp_i != c_dp_i || c_sp_i != c_mp_i) {
          error++; printf("Error osl_int_mod\n");
      // osl_int_gcd
      if (!error) {
        osl_int_gcd(OSL_PRECISION_SP, &c_sp, a_sp, b_sp);
        osl_int_gcd(OSL_PRECISION_DP, &c_dp, a_dp, b_dp);
        osl_int_gcd(OSL_PRECISION_MP, &c_mp, a_mp, b_mp);
        int c_sp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_SP, c_sp);
        int c_dp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_DP, c_dp);
        int c_mp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_MP, c_mp);
        if (c_sp_i != c_dp_i || c_sp_i != c_mp_i) {
          error++; printf("Error osl_int_gcd\n");
      // osl_int_oppose
      if (!error) {
        osl_int_oppose(OSL_PRECISION_SP, &c_sp, b_sp);
        osl_int_oppose(OSL_PRECISION_DP, &c_dp, b_dp);
        osl_int_oppose(OSL_PRECISION_MP, &c_mp, b_mp);
        int c_sp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_SP, c_sp);
        int c_dp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_DP, c_dp);
        int c_mp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_MP, c_mp);
        if (c_sp_i != c_dp_i || c_sp_i != c_mp_i) {
          error++; printf("Error osl_int_oppose\n");
      // osl_int_abs
      if (!error) {
        osl_int_abs(OSL_PRECISION_SP, &c_sp, b_sp);
        osl_int_abs(OSL_PRECISION_DP, &c_dp, b_dp);
        osl_int_abs(OSL_PRECISION_MP, &c_mp, b_mp);
        int c_sp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_SP, c_sp);
        int c_dp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_DP, c_dp);
        int c_mp_i = osl_int_get_si(OSL_PRECISION_MP, c_mp);
        if (c_sp_i != c_dp_i || c_sp_i != c_mp_i) {
          error++; printf("Error osl_int_abs\n");
      // osl_int_size_in_base_2
      if (!error) {
        size_t r_sp = osl_int_size_in_base_2(OSL_PRECISION_SP, b_sp);
        size_t r_dp = osl_int_size_in_base_2(OSL_PRECISION_DP, b_dp);
        size_t r_mp = osl_int_size_in_base_2(OSL_PRECISION_MP, b_mp);
        osl_int_set_si(OSL_PRECISION_SP, &c_sp, r_sp);
        osl_int_set_si(OSL_PRECISION_DP, &c_dp, r_dp);
        osl_int_set_si(OSL_PRECISION_MP, &c_mp, r_mp);
        if (r_sp != r_dp || r_sp != r_mp) {
          error++; printf("Error osl_int_size_in_base_2\n");
      // osl_int_size_in_base_10
//       if (!error) {
//         size_t r_sp = osl_int_size_in_base_10(OSL_PRECISION_SP, b_sp);
//         size_t r_dp = osl_int_size_in_base_10(OSL_PRECISION_DP, b_dp);
//         size_t r_mp = osl_int_size_in_base_10(OSL_PRECISION_MP, b_mp);
//         osl_int_set_si(OSL_PRECISION_SP, &c_sp, r_sp);
//         osl_int_set_si(OSL_PRECISION_DP, &c_dp, r_dp);
//         osl_int_set_si(OSL_PRECISION_MP, &c_mp, r_mp);
//         if (r_sp != r_dp || r_sp != r_mp)
//           { error++; printf("Error osl_int_size_in_base_10\n"); }
//       }
      // osl_int_eq
      // osl_int_ne
      // osl_int_pos
      // osl_int_neg
      // osl_int_zero
      // osl_int_one
      // osl_int_mone
      // osl_int_divisible
      if (error) {
        printf("Error with:\n");
        printf("a_sp = "); osl_int_print(stdout, OSL_PRECISION_SP, a_sp);
        printf("a_dp = "); osl_int_print(stdout, OSL_PRECISION_DP, a_dp);
        printf("a_mp = "); osl_int_print(stdout, OSL_PRECISION_MP, a_mp);
        printf("b_sp = "); osl_int_print(stdout, OSL_PRECISION_SP, b_sp);
        printf("b_dp = "); osl_int_print(stdout, OSL_PRECISION_DP, b_dp);
        printf("b_mp = "); osl_int_print(stdout, OSL_PRECISION_MP, b_mp);
        printf("c_sp = "); osl_int_print(stdout, OSL_PRECISION_SP, c_sp);
        printf("c_dp = "); osl_int_print(stdout, OSL_PRECISION_DP, c_dp);
        printf("c_mp = "); osl_int_print(stdout, OSL_PRECISION_MP, c_mp);
        nb_fail += error;
  printf("%s ", argv[0]);
  printf("fails = %d\n", nb_fail);
  printf("%s ", argv[0]);
  printf("works only with GMP\n");
  return nb_fail;