/** * Converts strings to camelize style * * * * @param string $str * @return string */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Text, camelize){ zval *str = NULL; zval *c0 = NULL, *c1 = NULL, *c2 = NULL, *c3 = NULL; zval *r0 = NULL, *r1 = NULL, *r2 = NULL, *r3 = NULL; PHALCON_MM_GROW(); if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "z", &str) == FAILURE) { PHALCON_MM_RESTORE(); RETURN_NULL(); } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(c0); ZVAL_STRING(c0, " ", 1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(c1); ZVAL_STRING(c1, "", 1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(c2); ZVAL_STRING(c2, "_", 1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(c3); ZVAL_STRING(c3, " ", 1); PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(r0); PHALCON_CALL_FUNC_PARAMS_1(r0, "strtolower", str); PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(r1); phalcon_fast_str_replace(r1, c2, c3, r0 TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(r2); PHALCON_CALL_FUNC_PARAMS_1(r2, "ucwords", r1); PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(r3); phalcon_fast_str_replace(r3, c0, c1, r2 TSRMLS_CC); RETURN_DZVAL(r3); }
/** * Applies a format to a message before sent it to the internal log * * @param string $message * @param int $type * @param int $timestamp * @return string */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Logger_Formatter_Line, format) { zval *message, *type, *timestamp, *format = NULL, *date_format; zval *date, *date_wildcard, *new_format = NULL, *type_string; zval *type_wildcard, *message_wildcard, *eol; PHALCON_MM_GROW(); phalcon_fetch_params(1, 3, 0, &message, &type, ×tamp); PHALCON_OBS_VAR(format); phalcon_read_property_this(&format, this_ptr, SL("_format"), PH_NOISY_CC); /** * Check if the format has the %date% placeholder */ if (phalcon_memnstr_str(format, SL("%date%"))) { PHALCON_OBS_VAR(date_format); phalcon_read_property_this(&date_format, this_ptr, SL("_dateFormat"), PH_NOISY_CC); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(date); phalcon_call_func_p2(date, "date", date_format, timestamp); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(date_wildcard); ZVAL_STRING(date_wildcard, "%date%", 1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(new_format); phalcon_fast_str_replace(new_format, date_wildcard, date, format); } else { PHALCON_CPY_WRT(new_format, format); } /** * Check if the format has the %type% placeholder */ if (phalcon_memnstr_str(format, SL("%type%"))) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(type_string); phalcon_call_method_p1(type_string, this_ptr, "gettypestring", type); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(type_wildcard); ZVAL_STRING(type_wildcard, "%type%", 1); PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(format); phalcon_fast_str_replace(format, type_wildcard, type_string, new_format); } else { PHALCON_CPY_WRT(format, new_format); } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(message_wildcard); ZVAL_STRING(message_wildcard, "%message%", 1); PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(new_format); phalcon_fast_str_replace(new_format, message_wildcard, message, format); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(eol); ZVAL_STRING(eol, PHP_EOL, 1); PHALCON_CONCAT_VV(return_value, new_format, eol); RETURN_MM(); }
/** * Applies the internal format to the message * * @param string $message * @param int $type * @param int $time * @return string */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Logger_Adapter_File, _applyFormat){ zval *message = NULL, *type = NULL, *time = NULL, *format = NULL, *date_format = NULL; zval *date = NULL, *new_format = NULL, *type_string = NULL; zval *c0 = NULL, *c1 = NULL, *c2 = NULL; PHALCON_MM_GROW(); if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "zz|z", &message, &type, &time) == FAILURE) { PHALCON_MM_RESTORE(); RETURN_NULL(); } if (!time) { PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(time); ZVAL_LONG(time, 0); } else { PHALCON_SEPARATE_PARAM(time); } if (!zend_is_true(time)) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(time); PHALCON_CALL_FUNC(time, "time"); } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(format); phalcon_read_property(&format, this_ptr, SL("_format"), PH_NOISY_CC); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(date_format); phalcon_read_property(&date_format, this_ptr, SL("_dateFormat"), PH_NOISY_CC); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(date); PHALCON_CALL_FUNC_PARAMS_2(date, "date", date_format, time); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(c0); ZVAL_STRING(c0, "%date%", 1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(new_format); phalcon_fast_str_replace(new_format, c0, date, format TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(type_string); PHALCON_CALL_METHOD_PARAMS_1(type_string, this_ptr, "gettypestring", type, PH_NO_CHECK); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(c1); ZVAL_STRING(c1, "%type%", 1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(format); phalcon_fast_str_replace(format, c1, type_string, new_format TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(c2); ZVAL_STRING(c2, "%message%", 1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(new_format); phalcon_fast_str_replace(new_format, c2, message, format TSRMLS_CC); RETURN_CTOR(new_format); }
/** * Escapes a string with htmlentities * * @param string $value * @return string */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Debug, _escapeString){ zval *value, *charset, *replaced_value; phalcon_fetch_params(0, 1, 0, &value); if (Z_TYPE_P(value) == IS_STRING) { zval line_break; zval escaped_line_break; charset = phalcon_fetch_static_property_ce(phalcon_debug_ce, SL("_charset") TSRMLS_CC); INIT_ZVAL(line_break); ZVAL_STRING(&line_break, "\n", 0); INIT_ZVAL(escaped_line_break); ZVAL_STRING(&escaped_line_break, "\\n", 0); ALLOC_INIT_ZVAL(replaced_value); phalcon_fast_str_replace(replaced_value, &line_break, &escaped_line_break, value); phalcon_htmlentities(return_value, replaced_value, NULL, charset TSRMLS_CC); phalcon_ptr_dtor(&replaced_value); return; } RETURN_ZVAL(value, 1, 0); }
/** * Escapes a string with htmlentities * * @param string $value * @return string */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Debug, _escapeString){ zval *value, *charset, *ent_compat, *line_break; zval *escaped_line_break, *replaced_value; PHALCON_MM_GROW(); phalcon_fetch_params(1, 1, 0, &value); if (Z_TYPE_P(value) == IS_STRING) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(charset); ZVAL_STRING(charset, "utf-8", 1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(ent_compat); ZVAL_LONG(ent_compat, 2); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(line_break); ZVAL_STRING(line_break, "\n", 1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(escaped_line_break); ZVAL_STRING(escaped_line_break, "\\n", 1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(replaced_value); phalcon_fast_str_replace(replaced_value, line_break, escaped_line_break, value); phalcon_call_func_p3(return_value, "htmlentities", replaced_value, ent_compat, charset); RETURN_MM(); } RETURN_CCTOR(value); }
/** * Converts strings to camelize style * *<code> * echo Phalcon\Text::camelize('coco_bongo'); //CocoBongo *</code> * * @param string $str * @return string */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Text, camelize){ zval *str = NULL, *space = NULL, *lower_str = NULL, *underscore = NULL, *no_underscore_str = NULL; zval *dash = NULL, *no_dash_str = NULL, *empty_str = NULL, *uc_string = NULL; zval *camelized = NULL; PHALCON_MM_GROW(); if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "z", &str) == FAILURE) { PHALCON_MM_RESTORE(); RETURN_NULL(); } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(space); ZVAL_STRING(space, " ", 1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(lower_str); PHALCON_CALL_FUNC_PARAMS_1(lower_str, "strtolower", str); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(underscore); ZVAL_STRING(underscore, "_", 1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(no_underscore_str); phalcon_fast_str_replace(no_underscore_str, underscore, space, lower_str TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(dash); ZVAL_STRING(dash, "-", 1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(no_dash_str); phalcon_fast_str_replace(no_dash_str, dash, space, no_underscore_str TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(empty_str); ZVAL_STRING(empty_str, "", 1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(uc_string); PHALCON_CALL_FUNC_PARAMS_1(uc_string, "ucwords", no_dash_str); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(camelized); phalcon_fast_str_replace(camelized, space, empty_str, uc_string TSRMLS_CC); RETURN_CTOR(camelized); }
/** * Appends a message to the validator * * @param string $message * @param string $field * @param string $type */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Mvc_Model_Validator, appendMessage){ zval *message = NULL, *field = NULL, *type = NULL, *class_name = NULL, *suffix = NULL; zval *empty_string = NULL, *model_message = NULL; zval *t0 = NULL; PHALCON_MM_GROW(); if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "z|zz", &message, &field, &type) == FAILURE) { PHALCON_MM_RESTORE(); RETURN_NULL(); } if (!field) { PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(field); ZVAL_NULL(field); } if (!type) { PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(type); ZVAL_NULL(type); } else { PHALCON_SEPARATE_PARAM(type); } if (!zend_is_true(type)) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(class_name); phalcon_get_class(class_name, this_ptr TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(suffix); ZVAL_STRING(suffix, "Validator", 1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(empty_string); ZVAL_STRING(empty_string, "", 1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(type); phalcon_fast_str_replace(type, suffix, empty_string, class_name TSRMLS_CC); } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(model_message); object_init_ex(model_message, phalcon_mvc_model_message_ce); PHALCON_CALL_METHOD_PARAMS_3_NORETURN(model_message, "__construct", message, field, type, PH_CHECK); PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(t0); phalcon_read_property(&t0, this_ptr, SL("_messages"), PH_NOISY_CC); phalcon_array_append(&t0, model_message, 0 TSRMLS_CC); phalcon_update_property_zval(this_ptr, SL("_messages"), t0 TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_MM_RESTORE(); }
/** * Returns the translation related to the given key * * @param string $index * @param array $placeholders * @return string */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Translate_Adapter_NativeArray, query){ zval *index, *placeholders = NULL, *translate, *translation = NULL; zval *value = NULL, *key = NULL, *key_placeholder = NULL, *replaced = NULL; HashTable *ah0; HashPosition hp0; zval **hd; PHALCON_MM_GROW(); phalcon_fetch_params(1, 1, 1, &index, &placeholders); if (!placeholders) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(placeholders); } PHALCON_OBS_VAR(translate); phalcon_read_property_this(&translate, this_ptr, SL("_translate"), PH_NOISY_CC); if (phalcon_array_isset(translate, index)) { PHALCON_OBS_VAR(translation); phalcon_array_fetch(&translation, translate, index, PH_NOISY); if (Z_TYPE_P(placeholders) == IS_ARRAY) { if (phalcon_fast_count_ev(placeholders TSRMLS_CC)) { phalcon_is_iterable(placeholders, &ah0, &hp0, 0, 0); while (zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(ah0, (void**) &hd, &hp0) == SUCCESS) { PHALCON_GET_HKEY(key, ah0, hp0); PHALCON_GET_HVALUE(value); PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(key_placeholder); PHALCON_CONCAT_SVS(key_placeholder, "%", key, "%"); PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(replaced); phalcon_fast_str_replace(replaced, key_placeholder, value, translation); PHALCON_CPY_WRT(translation, replaced); zend_hash_move_forward_ex(ah0, &hp0); } } } RETURN_CCTOR(translation); } RETURN_CCTOR(index); }
/** * Returns the translation related to the given key * * @param string $index * @param array $placeholders * @param string $domain * @return string */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Translate_Adapter_Gettext, query){ zval *index, *placeholders = NULL, *domain = NULL; zval *translation, *key = NULL, *value = NULL, *key_placeholder = NULL, *replaced = NULL; HashTable *ah0; HashPosition hp0; zval **hd; char *msgstr; PHALCON_MM_GROW(); phalcon_fetch_params(1, 1, 2, &index, &placeholders, &domain); if (!domain) { msgstr = gettext(Z_STRVAL_P(index)); } else { msgstr = dgettext(Z_STRVAL_P(domain), Z_STRVAL_P(index)); } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(translation); ZVAL_STRING(translation, msgstr, 1); if (placeholders && Z_TYPE_P(placeholders) == IS_ARRAY && zend_hash_num_elements(Z_ARRVAL_P(placeholders))) { phalcon_is_iterable(placeholders, &ah0, &hp0, 0, 0); while (zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(ah0, (void**) &hd, &hp0) == SUCCESS) { PHALCON_GET_HKEY(key, ah0, hp0); PHALCON_GET_HVALUE(value); PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(key_placeholder); PHALCON_CONCAT_SVS(key_placeholder, "%", key, "%"); PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(replaced); phalcon_fast_str_replace(replaced, key_placeholder, value, translation); PHALCON_CPY_WRT(translation, replaced); zend_hash_move_forward_ex(ah0, &hp0); } } RETURN_CTOR(translation); }
/** * Appends a message to the validator * * @param string $message * @param string $field * @param string $type */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Mvc_Model_Validator, appendMessage){ zval *message, *field = NULL, *type = NULL, *class_name, *suffix; zval *empty_string, *model_message; PHALCON_MM_GROW(); phalcon_fetch_params(1, 1, 2, &message, &field, &type); if (!field) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(field); } if (!type) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(type); } else { PHALCON_SEPARATE_PARAM(type); } if (!zend_is_true(type)) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(class_name); phalcon_get_class(class_name, this_ptr, 0 TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(suffix); ZVAL_STRING(suffix, "Validator", 1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(empty_string); ZVAL_STRING(empty_string, "", 1); PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(type); phalcon_fast_str_replace(type, suffix, empty_string, class_name TSRMLS_CC); } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(model_message); object_init_ex(model_message, phalcon_mvc_model_message_ce); phalcon_call_method_p3_noret(model_message, "__construct", message, field, type); phalcon_update_property_array_append(this_ptr, SL("_messages"), model_message TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_MM_RESTORE(); }
/** * Makes the work of autoload registered classes * * @param string $className * @return boolean */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Loader, autoLoad){ zval *class_name = NULL, *file_name = NULL, *directory = NULL, *preffix = NULL; zval *path = NULL; zval *t0 = NULL, *t1 = NULL, *t2 = NULL, *t3 = NULL, *t4 = NULL; zval *r0 = NULL, *r1 = NULL, *r2 = NULL, *r3 = NULL, *r4 = NULL, *r5 = NULL, *r6 = NULL; zval *r7 = NULL, *r8 = NULL, *r9 = NULL, *r10 = NULL; zval *c0 = NULL, *c1 = NULL, *c2 = NULL; HashTable *ah0, *ah1; HashPosition hp0, hp1; zval **hd; char *hash_index; uint hash_index_len; ulong hash_num; int hash_type; int eval_int; PHALCON_MM_GROW(); if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "z", &class_name) == FAILURE) { PHALCON_MM_RESTORE(); RETURN_NULL(); } PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(t0); phalcon_read_property(&t0, this_ptr, SL("_classes"), PHALCON_NOISY TSRMLS_CC); eval_int = phalcon_array_isset(t0, class_name); if (eval_int) { PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(t1); phalcon_read_property(&t1, this_ptr, SL("_classes"), PHALCON_NOISY TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(r0); phalcon_array_fetch(&r0, t1, class_name, PHALCON_NOISY TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_CPY_WRT(file_name, r0); if (phalcon_require(file_name TSRMLS_CC) == FAILURE) { return; } PHALCON_MM_RESTORE(); RETURN_TRUE; } PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(t2); phalcon_read_property(&t2, this_ptr, SL("_namespaces"), PHALCON_NOISY TSRMLS_CC); if (phalcon_valid_foreach(t2 TSRMLS_CC)) { ah0 = Z_ARRVAL_P(t2); zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex(ah0, &hp0); fes_0c08_0: if(zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(ah0, (void**) &hd, &hp0) != SUCCESS){ goto fee_0c08_0; } else { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(preffix); PHALCON_GET_FOREACH_KEY(preffix, ah0, hp0); } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(directory); ZVAL_ZVAL(directory, *hd, 1, 0); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(r1); PHALCON_CALL_FUNC_PARAMS_1(r1, "strlen", class_name); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(r2); is_smaller_function(r2, preffix, r1 TSRMLS_CC); if (zend_is_true(r2)) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(c0); ZVAL_LONG(c0, 0); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(r3); PHALCON_CALL_FUNC_PARAMS_1(r3, "strlen", preffix); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(r4); PHALCON_CALL_FUNC_PARAMS_3(r4, "substr", class_name, c0, r3); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(r5); is_equal_function(r5, r4, preffix TSRMLS_CC); if (zend_is_true(r5)) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(r6); PHALCON_CONCAT_VS(r6, preffix, "\\"); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(c1); ZVAL_STRING(c1, "", 1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(r7); phalcon_fast_str_replace(r7, r6, c1, class_name TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_CPY_WRT(file_name, r7); if (zend_is_true(file_name)) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(c2); ZVAL_STRING(c2, "\\", 1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(t3); zend_get_constant("DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR", strlen("DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR"), t3 TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(r8); PHALCON_CONCAT_VVS(r8, directory, file_name, ".php"); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(r9); phalcon_fast_str_replace(r9, c2, t3, r8 TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_CPY_WRT(path, r9); if (phalcon_file_exists(path TSRMLS_CC) == SUCCESS) { if (phalcon_require(path TSRMLS_CC) == FAILURE) { return; } PHALCON_MM_RESTORE(); RETURN_TRUE; } } } } zend_hash_move_forward_ex(ah0, &hp0); goto fes_0c08_0; fee_0c08_0: if(0){} } else { return; } PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(t4); phalcon_read_property(&t4, this_ptr, SL("_directories"), PHALCON_NOISY TSRMLS_CC); if (phalcon_valid_foreach(t4 TSRMLS_CC)) { ah1 = Z_ARRVAL_P(t4); zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex(ah1, &hp1); fes_0c08_1: if(zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(ah1, (void**) &hd, &hp1) != SUCCESS){ goto fee_0c08_1; } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(directory); ZVAL_ZVAL(directory, *hd, 1, 0); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(r10); PHALCON_CONCAT_VVS(r10, directory, class_name, ".php"); PHALCON_CPY_WRT(path, r10); if (phalcon_file_exists(path TSRMLS_CC) == SUCCESS) { if (phalcon_require(path TSRMLS_CC) == FAILURE) { return; } PHALCON_MM_RESTORE(); RETURN_TRUE; } zend_hash_move_forward_ex(ah1, &hp1); goto fes_0c08_1; fee_0c08_1: if(0){} } else { return; } PHALCON_MM_RESTORE(); }
/** * Bind params to SQL select * * @param string $sqlSelect * @param array $params */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Db_Adapter_Mysql, bindParams){ zval *sql_select = NULL, *params = NULL, *select = NULL, *id_connection = NULL; zval *bind_value = NULL, *index = NULL, *value = NULL; zval *r0 = NULL, *r1 = NULL, *r2 = NULL, *r3 = NULL, *r4 = NULL, *r5 = NULL, *r6 = NULL; zval *r7 = NULL; zval *t0 = NULL; zval *c0 = NULL, *c1 = NULL; HashTable *ah0; HashPosition hp0; zval **hd; char *hash_index; uint hash_index_len; ulong hash_num; int hash_type; PHALCON_MM_GROW(); if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "zz", &sql_select, ¶ms) == FAILURE) { PHALCON_MM_RESTORE(); RETURN_NULL(); } PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(r0); phalcon_fast_count(r0, params TSRMLS_CC); if (zend_is_true(r0)) { PHALCON_CPY_WRT(select, sql_select); PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(t0); phalcon_read_property(&t0, this_ptr, SL("_idConnection"), PHALCON_NOISY TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_CPY_WRT(id_connection, t0); if (phalcon_valid_foreach(params TSRMLS_CC)) { ah0 = Z_ARRVAL_P(params); zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex(ah0, &hp0); fes_321f_0: if(zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(ah0, (void**) &hd, &hp0) != SUCCESS){ goto fee_321f_0; } else { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(index); PHALCON_GET_FOREACH_KEY(index, ah0, hp0); } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(bind_value); ZVAL_ZVAL(bind_value, *hd, 1, 0); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(r1); PHALCON_CALL_FUNC_PARAMS_1(r1, "is_numeric", bind_value); if (zend_is_true(r1)) { PHALCON_CPY_WRT(value, bind_value); } else { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(r2); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(value); PHALCON_CALL_FUNC_PARAMS_2(value, "mysqli_real_escape_string", id_connection, bind_value); PHALCON_CONCAT_SVS(r2, "!¡", value, "!¡"); PHALCON_CPY_WRT(value, r2); } if (Z_TYPE_P(index) == IS_LONG) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(r3); PHALCON_CONCAT_SV(r3, "?", index); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(r4); phalcon_fast_str_replace(r4, r3, value, select TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_CPY_WRT(select, r4); } else { if (Z_TYPE_P(index) == IS_STRING) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(r5); PHALCON_CONCAT_SVS(r5, ":", index, ":"); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(r6); phalcon_fast_str_replace(r6, r5, value, select TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_CPY_WRT(select, r6); } else { PHALCON_THROW_EXCEPTION_STR(phalcon_db_exception_ce, "Invalid bind parameter"); return; } } zend_hash_move_forward_ex(ah0, &hp0); goto fes_321f_0; fee_321f_0: if(0){} } else { return; } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(c0); ZVAL_STRING(c0, "!¡", 1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(c1); ZVAL_STRING(c1, "'", 1); PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(r7); phalcon_fast_str_replace(r7, c0, c1, select TSRMLS_CC); RETURN_DZVAL(r7); } RETURN_CHECK_CTOR(sql_select); }
/** * Makes the work of autoload registered classes * * @param string $className * @return boolean */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Loader, autoLoad){ zval *class_name = NULL, *events_manager = NULL, *classes = NULL; zval *file_path = NULL, *extensions = NULL, *namespaces = NULL, *ds = NULL; zval *directory = NULL, *preffix = NULL, *file_name = NULL, *extension = NULL; zval *path = NULL; zval *c0 = NULL, *c1 = NULL, *c2 = NULL, *c3 = NULL, *c4 = NULL, *c5 = NULL, *c6 = NULL; zval *c7 = NULL, *c8 = NULL; zval *r0 = NULL, *r1 = NULL, *r2 = NULL, *r3 = NULL, *r4 = NULL, *r5 = NULL, *r6 = NULL; zval *r7 = NULL, *r8 = NULL; zval *t0 = NULL; HashTable *ah0, *ah1, *ah2, *ah3; HashPosition hp0, hp1, hp2, hp3; zval **hd; char *hash_index; uint hash_index_len; ulong hash_num; int hash_type; int eval_int; PHALCON_MM_GROW(); if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "z", &class_name) == FAILURE) { PHALCON_MM_RESTORE(); RETURN_NULL(); } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(events_manager); phalcon_read_property(&events_manager, this_ptr, SL("_eventsManager"), PH_NOISY_CC); if (zend_is_true(events_manager)) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(c0); ZVAL_STRING(c0, "loader:beforeCheckClass", 1); PHALCON_CALL_METHOD_PARAMS_2_NORETURN(events_manager, "fire", c0, this_ptr, PH_NO_CHECK); } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(classes); phalcon_read_property(&classes, this_ptr, SL("_classes"), PH_NOISY_CC); eval_int = phalcon_array_isset(classes, class_name); if (eval_int) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(file_path); phalcon_array_fetch(&file_path, classes, class_name, PH_NOISY_CC); if (zend_is_true(events_manager)) { phalcon_update_property_zval(this_ptr, SL("_foundPath"), file_path TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(c1); ZVAL_STRING(c1, "loader:pathFound", 1); PHALCON_CALL_METHOD_PARAMS_2_NORETURN(events_manager, "fire", c1, this_ptr, PH_NO_CHECK); } if (phalcon_require(file_path TSRMLS_CC) == FAILURE) { return; } PHALCON_MM_RESTORE(); RETURN_TRUE; } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(extensions); phalcon_read_property(&extensions, this_ptr, SL("_extensions"), PH_NOISY_CC); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(namespaces); phalcon_read_property(&namespaces, this_ptr, SL("_namespaces"), PH_NOISY_CC); PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(r0); phalcon_fast_count(r0, namespaces TSRMLS_CC); if (zend_is_true(r0)) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(ds); zend_get_constant(SL("DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR"), ds TSRMLS_CC); if (!phalcon_valid_foreach(namespaces TSRMLS_CC)) { return; } ah0 = Z_ARRVAL_P(namespaces); zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex(ah0, &hp0); fes_0c08_0: if(zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(ah0, (void**) &hd, &hp0) != SUCCESS){ goto fee_0c08_0; } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(preffix); PHALCON_GET_FOREACH_KEY(preffix, ah0, hp0); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(directory); ZVAL_ZVAL(directory, *hd, 1, 0); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(r1); PHALCON_CALL_FUNC_PARAMS_1(r1, "strlen", class_name); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(r2); PHALCON_CALL_FUNC_PARAMS_1(r2, "strlen", preffix); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(r3); is_smaller_function(r3, r2, r1 TSRMLS_CC); if (zend_is_true(r3)) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(c2); ZVAL_LONG(c2, 0); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(r4); PHALCON_CALL_FUNC_PARAMS_1(r4, "strlen", preffix); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(r5); PHALCON_CALL_FUNC_PARAMS_3(r5, "substr", class_name, c2, r4); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(r6); is_equal_function(r6, r5, preffix TSRMLS_CC); if (zend_is_true(r6)) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(r7); PHALCON_CONCAT_VS(r7, preffix, "\\"); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(c3); ZVAL_STRING(c3, "", 1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(file_name); phalcon_fast_str_replace(file_name, r7, c3, class_name TSRMLS_CC); if (zend_is_true(file_name)) { if (!phalcon_valid_foreach(extensions TSRMLS_CC)) { return; } ah1 = Z_ARRVAL_P(extensions); zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex(ah1, &hp1); fes_0c08_1: if(zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(ah1, (void**) &hd, &hp1) != SUCCESS){ goto fee_0c08_1; } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(extension); ZVAL_ZVAL(extension, *hd, 1, 0); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(c4); ZVAL_STRING(c4, "\\", 1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(r8); PHALCON_CONCAT_VVSV(r8, directory, file_name, ".", extension); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(path); phalcon_fast_str_replace(path, c4, ds, r8 TSRMLS_CC); if (zend_is_true(events_manager)) { phalcon_update_property_zval(this_ptr, SL("_checkedPath"), path TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(c5); ZVAL_STRING(c5, "loader:beforeCheckPath", 1); PHALCON_CALL_METHOD_PARAMS_2_NORETURN(events_manager, "fire", c5, this_ptr, PH_NO_CHECK); } if (phalcon_file_exists(path TSRMLS_CC) == SUCCESS) { if (zend_is_true(events_manager)) { phalcon_update_property_zval(this_ptr, SL("_foundPath"), file_path TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(c6); ZVAL_STRING(c6, "loader:pathFound", 1); PHALCON_CALL_METHOD_PARAMS_2_NORETURN(events_manager, "fire", c6, this_ptr, PH_NO_CHECK); } if (phalcon_require(path TSRMLS_CC) == FAILURE) { return; } PHALCON_MM_RESTORE(); RETURN_TRUE; } zend_hash_move_forward_ex(ah1, &hp1); goto fes_0c08_1; fee_0c08_1: if(0){} } } } zend_hash_move_forward_ex(ah0, &hp0); goto fes_0c08_0; fee_0c08_0: if(0){} } PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(t0); phalcon_read_property(&t0, this_ptr, SL("_directories"), PH_NOISY_CC); if (!phalcon_valid_foreach(t0 TSRMLS_CC)) { return; } ah2 = Z_ARRVAL_P(t0); zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex(ah2, &hp2); fes_0c08_2: if(zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(ah2, (void**) &hd, &hp2) != SUCCESS){ goto fee_0c08_2; } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(directory); ZVAL_ZVAL(directory, *hd, 1, 0); if (!phalcon_valid_foreach(extensions TSRMLS_CC)) { return; } ah3 = Z_ARRVAL_P(extensions); zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex(ah3, &hp3); fes_0c08_3: if(zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(ah3, (void**) &hd, &hp3) != SUCCESS){ goto fee_0c08_3; } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(extension); ZVAL_ZVAL(extension, *hd, 1, 0); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(path); PHALCON_CONCAT_VVSV(path, directory, class_name, ".", extension); if (zend_is_true(events_manager)) { phalcon_update_property_zval(this_ptr, SL("_checkedPath"), path TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(c7); ZVAL_STRING(c7, "loader:beforeCheckPath", 1); PHALCON_CALL_METHOD_PARAMS_2_NORETURN(events_manager, "fire", c7, this_ptr, PH_NO_CHECK); } if (phalcon_file_exists(path TSRMLS_CC) == SUCCESS) { if (phalcon_require(path TSRMLS_CC) == FAILURE) { return; } PHALCON_MM_RESTORE(); RETURN_TRUE; } zend_hash_move_forward_ex(ah3, &hp3); goto fes_0c08_3; fee_0c08_3: if(0){} zend_hash_move_forward_ex(ah2, &hp2); goto fes_0c08_2; fee_0c08_2: if(0){} if (zend_is_true(events_manager)) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(c8); ZVAL_STRING(c8, "loader:afterCheckClass", 1); PHALCON_CALL_METHOD_PARAMS_2_NORETURN(events_manager, "fire", c8, this_ptr, PH_NO_CHECK); } RETURN_CCTOR(this_ptr); }
/** * Returns the translation related to the given key * * @param string $index * @param array $placeholders * @return string */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Translate_Adapter_NativeArray, query){ zval *index = NULL, *placeholders = NULL, *translate = NULL, *translation = NULL; zval *value = NULL, *key = NULL; zval *r0 = NULL, *r1 = NULL, *r2 = NULL; HashTable *ah0; HashPosition hp0; zval **hd; char *hash_index; uint hash_index_len; ulong hash_num; int hash_type; int eval_int; PHALCON_MM_GROW(); if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "zz", &index, &placeholders) == FAILURE) { PHALCON_MM_RESTORE(); RETURN_NULL(); } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(translate); phalcon_read_property(&translate, this_ptr, SL("_translate"), PH_NOISY_CC); eval_int = phalcon_array_isset(translate, index); if (eval_int) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(translation); phalcon_array_fetch(&translation, translate, index, PH_NOISY_CC); if (zend_is_true(placeholders)) { PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(r0); phalcon_fast_count(r0, placeholders TSRMLS_CC); if (zend_is_true(r0)) { if (!phalcon_valid_foreach(placeholders TSRMLS_CC)) { return; } ah0 = Z_ARRVAL_P(placeholders); zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex(ah0, &hp0); fes_101a_0: if(zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(ah0, (void**) &hd, &hp0) != SUCCESS){ goto fee_101a_0; } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(key); PHALCON_GET_FOREACH_KEY(key, ah0, hp0); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(value); ZVAL_ZVAL(value, *hd, 1, 0); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(r1); PHALCON_CONCAT_SVS(r1, "%", key, "%"); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(r2); phalcon_fast_str_replace(r2, r1, value, translation TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_CPY_WRT(translation, r2); zend_hash_move_forward_ex(ah0, &hp0); goto fes_101a_0; fee_101a_0: if(0){} } } RETURN_CCTOR(translation); } RETURN_CCTOR(index); }
/** * Returns the translation related to the given key * * @param string $index * @param array $placeholders * @return string */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Translate_Adapter_NativeArray, query){ zval *index, *placeholders = NULL, *translate, *translation = NULL; zval *value = NULL, *key = NULL, *key_placeholder = NULL, *replaced = NULL; HashTable *ah0; HashPosition hp0; zval **hd; char *hash_index; uint hash_index_len; ulong hash_num; int hash_type; int eval_int; PHALCON_MM_GROW(); if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "z|z", &index, &placeholders) == FAILURE) { PHALCON_MM_RESTORE(); RETURN_NULL(); } if (!placeholders) { PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(placeholders); } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(translate); phalcon_read_property(&translate, this_ptr, SL("_translate"), PH_NOISY_CC); eval_int = phalcon_array_isset(translate, index); if (eval_int) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(translation); phalcon_array_fetch(&translation, translate, index, PH_NOISY_CC); if (Z_TYPE_P(placeholders) == IS_ARRAY) { if (phalcon_fast_count_ev(placeholders TSRMLS_CC)) { if (!phalcon_valid_foreach(placeholders TSRMLS_CC)) { return; } ah0 = Z_ARRVAL_P(placeholders); zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex(ah0, &hp0); ph_cycle_start_0: if (zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(ah0, (void**) &hd, &hp0) != SUCCESS) { goto ph_cycle_end_0; } PHALCON_GET_FOREACH_KEY(key, ah0, hp0); PHALCON_GET_FOREACH_VALUE(value); PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(key_placeholder); PHALCON_CONCAT_SVS(key_placeholder, "%", key, "%"); PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(replaced); phalcon_fast_str_replace(replaced, key_placeholder, value, translation TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_CPY_WRT(translation, replaced); zend_hash_move_forward_ex(ah0, &hp0); goto ph_cycle_start_0; ph_cycle_end_0: if(0){} } } RETURN_CCTOR(translation); } RETURN_CCTOR(index); }
/** * Check whether internal resource has rows to fetch * * @return boolean */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Mvc_Model_Resultset_Complex, valid){ zval *type = NULL, *result, *row = NULL, *rows, *hydrate_mode, *underscore; zval *empty_str, *active_row = NULL, *columns_types; zval *dirty_state, *column = NULL, *alias = NULL, *source = NULL, *attributes = NULL; zval *column_map = NULL, *row_model = NULL, *attribute = NULL, *column_alias = NULL; zval *column_value = NULL, *keep_snapshots = NULL, *instance = NULL; zval *value = NULL, *sql_alias = NULL, *n_alias = NULL; HashTable *ah0, *ah1; HashPosition hp0, hp1; zval **hd; PHALCON_MM_GROW(); PHALCON_OBS_VAR(type); phalcon_read_property_this(&type, this_ptr, SL("_type"), PH_NOISY_CC); if (zend_is_true(type)) { /** * The result is bigger than 32 rows so it's retrieved one by one */ PHALCON_OBS_VAR(result); phalcon_read_property_this(&result, this_ptr, SL("_result"), PH_NOISY_CC); if (PHALCON_IS_NOT_FALSE(result)) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(row); PHALCON_CALL_METHOD_PARAMS_1(row, result, "fetch", result); } else { PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(row); ZVAL_BOOL(row, 0); } } else { /** * The full rows are dumped in this_ptr->rows */ PHALCON_OBS_VAR(rows); phalcon_read_property_this(&rows, this_ptr, SL("_rows"), PH_NOISY_CC); if (Z_TYPE_P(rows) == IS_ARRAY) { PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(row); phalcon_array_get_current(row, rows TSRMLS_CC); if (Z_TYPE_P(row) == IS_OBJECT) { phalcon_array_next(rows); } } else { PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(row); ZVAL_BOOL(row, 0); } } /** * Valid records are arrays */ if (Z_TYPE_P(row) == IS_ARRAY || Z_TYPE_P(row) == IS_OBJECT) { /** * The result type=1 so we need to build every row */ if (zend_is_true(type)) { /** * Get current hydration mode */ PHALCON_OBS_VAR(hydrate_mode); phalcon_read_property_this(&hydrate_mode, this_ptr, SL("_hydrateMode"), PH_NOISY_CC); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(underscore); ZVAL_STRING(underscore, "_", 1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(empty_str); ZVAL_STRING(empty_str, "", 1); /** * Each row in a complex result is a Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Row instance */ switch (phalcon_get_intval(hydrate_mode)) { case 0: PHALCON_INIT_VAR(active_row); object_init_ex(active_row, phalcon_mvc_model_row_ce); break; case 1: PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(active_row); array_init(active_row); break; case 2: PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(active_row); object_init(active_row); break; } /** * Create every record according to the column types */ PHALCON_OBS_VAR(columns_types); phalcon_read_property_this(&columns_types, this_ptr, SL("_columnTypes"), PH_NOISY_CC); /** * Set records as dirty state PERSISTENT by default */ PHALCON_INIT_VAR(dirty_state); ZVAL_LONG(dirty_state, 0); if (!phalcon_is_iterable(columns_types, &ah0, &hp0, 0, 0 TSRMLS_CC)) { return; } while (zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(ah0, (void**) &hd, &hp0) == SUCCESS) { PHALCON_GET_FOREACH_KEY(alias, ah0, hp0); PHALCON_GET_FOREACH_VALUE(column); PHALCON_OBS_NVAR(type); phalcon_array_fetch_string(&type, column, SL("type"), PH_NOISY_CC); if (PHALCON_IS_STRING(type, "object")) { /** * Object columns are assigned column by column */ PHALCON_OBS_NVAR(source); phalcon_array_fetch_string(&source, column, SL("column"), PH_NOISY_CC); PHALCON_OBS_NVAR(attributes); phalcon_array_fetch_string(&attributes, column, SL("attributes"), PH_NOISY_CC); PHALCON_OBS_NVAR(column_map); phalcon_array_fetch_string(&column_map, column, SL("columnMap"), PH_NOISY_CC); /** * Assign the values from the _source_attribute notation to its real column name */ PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(row_model); array_init(row_model); if (!phalcon_is_iterable(attributes, &ah1, &hp1, 0, 0 TSRMLS_CC)) { return; } while (zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(ah1, (void**) &hd, &hp1) == SUCCESS) { PHALCON_GET_FOREACH_VALUE(attribute); /** * Columns are supposed to be in the form _table_field */ PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(column_alias); PHALCON_CONCAT_VVVV(column_alias, underscore, source, underscore, attribute); PHALCON_OBS_NVAR(column_value); phalcon_array_fetch(&column_value, row, column_alias, PH_NOISY_CC); phalcon_array_update_zval(&row_model, attribute, &column_value, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE TSRMLS_CC); zend_hash_move_forward_ex(ah1, &hp1); } /** * Generate the column value according to the hydration type */ switch (phalcon_get_intval(hydrate_mode)) { case 0: /** * Check if the resultset must keep snapshots */ if (phalcon_array_isset_string(column, SS("keepSnapshots"))) { PHALCON_OBS_NVAR(keep_snapshots); phalcon_array_fetch_string(&keep_snapshots, column, SL("keepSnapshots"), PH_NOISY_CC); } else { PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(keep_snapshots); ZVAL_BOOL(keep_snapshots, 0); } /** * Get the base instance */ PHALCON_OBS_NVAR(instance); phalcon_array_fetch_string(&instance, column, SL("instance"), PH_NOISY_CC); /** * Assign the values to the attributes using a column map */ PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(value); PHALCON_CALL_STATIC_PARAMS_5(value, "phalcon\\mvc\\model", "cloneresultmap", instance, row_model, column_map, dirty_state, keep_snapshots); break; default: /** * Other kinds of hydrations */ PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(value); PHALCON_CALL_STATIC_PARAMS_3(value, "phalcon\\mvc\\model", "cloneresultmaphydrate", row_model, column_map, hydrate_mode); break; } /** * The complete object is assigned to an attribute with the name of the alias or * the model name */ PHALCON_OBS_NVAR(attribute); phalcon_array_fetch_string(&attribute, column, SL("balias"), PH_NOISY_CC); } else { /** * Scalar columns are simply assigned to the result object */ if (phalcon_array_isset_string(column, SS("sqlAlias"))) { PHALCON_OBS_NVAR(sql_alias); phalcon_array_fetch_string(&sql_alias, column, SL("sqlAlias"), PH_NOISY_CC); PHALCON_OBS_NVAR(value); phalcon_array_fetch(&value, row, sql_alias, PH_NOISY_CC); } else { PHALCON_OBS_NVAR(value); phalcon_array_fetch(&value, row, alias, PH_NOISY_CC); } /** * If a 'balias' is defined is not an unnamed scalar */ if (phalcon_array_isset_string(column, SS("balias"))) { PHALCON_CPY_WRT(attribute, alias); } else { PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(n_alias); phalcon_fast_str_replace(n_alias, underscore, empty_str, alias TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_CPY_WRT(attribute, n_alias); } } /** * Assign the instance according to the hydration type */ switch (phalcon_get_intval(hydrate_mode)) { case 1: phalcon_array_update_zval(&active_row, attribute, &value, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE TSRMLS_CC); break; default: phalcon_update_property_zval_zval(active_row, attribute, value TSRMLS_CC); break; } zend_hash_move_forward_ex(ah0, &hp0); } /** * Store the generated row in this_ptr->activeRow to be retrieved by 'current' */ phalcon_update_property_this(this_ptr, SL("_activeRow"), active_row TSRMLS_CC); } else { /** * The row is already built so we just assign it to the activeRow */ phalcon_update_property_this(this_ptr, SL("_activeRow"), row TSRMLS_CC); } RETURN_MM_TRUE; } /** * There are no results to retrieve so we update this_ptr->activeRow as false */ phalcon_update_property_bool(this_ptr, SL("_activeRow"), 0 TSRMLS_CC); RETURN_MM_FALSE; }
/** * Replaces placeholders from pattern returning a valid PCRE regular expression * * @param string $pattern * @return string */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Mvc_Router_Route, compilePattern){ zval *pattern, *compiled_pattern = NULL, *id_pattern; zval wildcard, *pattern_copy = NULL, *params_pattern; zval *int_pattern; PHALCON_MM_GROW(); phalcon_fetch_params(1, 1, 0, &pattern); PHALCON_CPY_WRT(compiled_pattern, pattern); /** * If a pattern contains ':', maybe there are placeholders to replace */ if (phalcon_memnstr_str(pattern, SL(":"))) { /** * This is a pattern for valid identifiers */ PHALCON_INIT_VAR(id_pattern); ZVAL_STRING(id_pattern, "/([a-zA-Z0-9\\_\\-]+)", 1); /** * Replace the module part */ if (phalcon_memnstr_str(pattern, SL("/:module"))) { INIT_ZVAL(wildcard); ZVAL_STRING(&wildcard, "/:module", 0); PHALCON_CPY_WRT(pattern_copy, compiled_pattern); PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(compiled_pattern); phalcon_fast_str_replace(compiled_pattern, &wildcard, id_pattern, pattern_copy); } /** * Replace the controller placeholder */ if (phalcon_memnstr_str(pattern, SL("/:controller"))) { INIT_ZVAL(wildcard); ZVAL_STRING(&wildcard, "/:controller", 0); PHALCON_CPY_WRT(pattern_copy, compiled_pattern); PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(compiled_pattern); phalcon_fast_str_replace(compiled_pattern, &wildcard, id_pattern, pattern_copy); } /** * Replace the namespace placeholder */ if (phalcon_memnstr_str(pattern, SL("/:namespace"))) { INIT_ZVAL(wildcard) ZVAL_STRING(&wildcard, "/:namespace", 0); PHALCON_CPY_WRT(pattern_copy, compiled_pattern); PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(compiled_pattern); phalcon_fast_str_replace(compiled_pattern, &wildcard, id_pattern, pattern_copy); } /** * Replace the action placeholder */ if (phalcon_memnstr_str(pattern, SL("/:action"))) { INIT_ZVAL(wildcard); ZVAL_STRING(&wildcard, "/:action", 0); PHALCON_CPY_WRT(pattern_copy, compiled_pattern); PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(compiled_pattern); phalcon_fast_str_replace(compiled_pattern, &wildcard, id_pattern, pattern_copy); } /** * Replace the params placeholder */ if (phalcon_memnstr_str(pattern, SL("/:params"))) { INIT_ZVAL(wildcard); ZVAL_STRING(&wildcard, "/:params", 0); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(params_pattern); ZVAL_STRING(params_pattern, "(/.*)*", 1); PHALCON_CPY_WRT(pattern_copy, compiled_pattern); PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(compiled_pattern); phalcon_fast_str_replace(compiled_pattern, &wildcard, params_pattern, pattern_copy); } /** * Replace the int placeholder */ if (phalcon_memnstr_str(pattern, SL("/:int"))) { INIT_ZVAL(wildcard); ZVAL_STRING(&wildcard, "/:int", 0); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(int_pattern); ZVAL_STRING(int_pattern, "/([0-9]+)", 1); PHALCON_CPY_WRT(pattern_copy, compiled_pattern); PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(compiled_pattern); phalcon_fast_str_replace(compiled_pattern, &wildcard, int_pattern, pattern_copy); } } /** * Check if the pattern has parantheses in order to add the regex delimiters */ if (phalcon_memnstr_str(compiled_pattern, SL("("))) { PHALCON_CONCAT_SVS(return_value, "#^", compiled_pattern, "$#"); RETURN_MM(); } /** * Square brackets are also checked */ if (phalcon_memnstr_str(compiled_pattern, SL("["))) { PHALCON_CONCAT_SVS(return_value, "#^", compiled_pattern, "$#"); RETURN_MM(); } RETURN_CCTOR(compiled_pattern); }
/** * Replaces placeholders from pattern returning a valid PCRE regular expression * * @param string $pattern * @return string */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Mvc_Router, compilePattern){ zval *pattern = NULL, *id_pattern = NULL, *compiled_pattern = NULL; zval *r0 = NULL, *r1 = NULL, *r2 = NULL, *r3 = NULL, *r4 = NULL; zval *c0 = NULL, *c1 = NULL, *c2 = NULL, *c3 = NULL, *c4 = NULL, *c5 = NULL, *c6 = NULL; PHALCON_MM_GROW(); if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "z", &pattern) == FAILURE) { PHALCON_MM_RESTORE(); RETURN_NULL(); } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(id_pattern); ZVAL_STRING(id_pattern, "/([a-zA-Z0-9\\_]+)", 1); PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(r0); phalcon_fast_strpos_str(r0, pattern, SL(":") TSRMLS_CC); if (zend_is_true(r0)) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(c0); ZVAL_STRING(c0, "/:module", 1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(compiled_pattern); phalcon_fast_str_replace(compiled_pattern, c0, id_pattern, pattern TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(c1); ZVAL_STRING(c1, "/:controller", 1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(compiled_pattern); phalcon_fast_str_replace(compiled_pattern, c1, id_pattern, pattern TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(c2); ZVAL_STRING(c2, "/:action", 1); PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(r1); phalcon_fast_str_replace(r1, c2, id_pattern, compiled_pattern TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_CPY_WRT(compiled_pattern, r1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(c3); ZVAL_STRING(c3, "/:params", 1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(c4); ZVAL_STRING(c4, "(/.*)*", 1); PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(r2); phalcon_fast_str_replace(r2, c3, c4, compiled_pattern TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_CPY_WRT(compiled_pattern, r2); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(c5); ZVAL_STRING(c5, "/:int", 1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(c6); ZVAL_STRING(c6, "/([0-9]+)", 1); PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(r3); phalcon_fast_str_replace(r3, c5, c6, compiled_pattern TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_CPY_WRT(compiled_pattern, r3); } else { PHALCON_CPY_WRT(compiled_pattern, pattern); } PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(r4); PHALCON_CONCAT_SVS(r4, "#^", compiled_pattern, "$#"); RETURN_CTOR(r4); }
/** * Manually bind params to a SQL statement. This method requires an active connection to a database system * *<code> * $sql = $connection->bindParams('SELECT * FROM robots WHERE name = ?0', array('Bender')); * echo $sql; // SELECT * FROM robots WHERE name = 'Bender' *</code> * * @param string $sqlStatement * @param array $params * @return string */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Db_Adapter_Pdo, bindParams){ zval *sql_statement, *params, *sql = NULL, *pdo, *bind_value = NULL; zval *index = NULL, *value = NULL, *place_key = NULL, *replaced_sql = NULL; HashTable *ah0; HashPosition hp0; zval **hd; PHALCON_MM_GROW(); if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "zz", &sql_statement, ¶ms) == FAILURE) { RETURN_MM_NULL(); } if (Z_TYPE_P(params) == IS_ARRAY) { if (phalcon_fast_count_ev(params TSRMLS_CC)) { PHALCON_CPY_WRT(sql, sql_statement); PHALCON_OBS_VAR(pdo); phalcon_read_property(&pdo, this_ptr, SL("_pdo"), PH_NOISY_CC); if (!phalcon_is_iterable(params, &ah0, &hp0, 0, 0 TSRMLS_CC)) { return; } while (zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(ah0, (void**) &hd, &hp0) == SUCCESS) { PHALCON_GET_FOREACH_KEY(index, ah0, hp0); PHALCON_GET_FOREACH_VALUE(bind_value); if (phalcon_is_numeric(bind_value)) { PHALCON_CPY_WRT(value, bind_value); } else { if (Z_TYPE_P(bind_value) == IS_OBJECT) { PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(value); PHALCON_CALL_FUNC_PARAMS_1(value, "strval", bind_value); } else { PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(value); PHALCON_CALL_METHOD_PARAMS_1(value, pdo, "quote", bind_value); } } /** * Handle long parameters as numeric placeholders: ?0, ?1 */ if (Z_TYPE_P(index) == IS_LONG) { PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(place_key); PHALCON_CONCAT_SV(place_key, "?", index); PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(replaced_sql); phalcon_fast_str_replace(replaced_sql, place_key, value, sql TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_CPY_WRT(sql, replaced_sql); zend_hash_move_forward_ex(ah0, &hp0); continue; } /** * Handle long parameters as string placeholders: :name:, :other: */ if (Z_TYPE_P(index) == IS_STRING) { PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(place_key); PHALCON_CONCAT_SVS(place_key, ":", index, ":"); PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(replaced_sql); phalcon_fast_str_replace(replaced_sql, place_key, value, sql TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_CPY_WRT(sql, replaced_sql); zend_hash_move_forward_ex(ah0, &hp0); continue; } /** * Unrecognized parameter type */ PHALCON_THROW_EXCEPTION_STR(phalcon_db_exception_ce, "Invalid bind parameter"); return; zend_hash_move_forward_ex(ah0, &hp0); } RETURN_CCTOR(sql); } } RETURN_CCTOR(sql_statement); }
/** * Generates a URL * * @param string|array $uri * @return string */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Mvc_Url, get){ zval *uri = NULL, *base_uri = NULL, *dependency_injector = NULL, *service = NULL; zval *router = NULL, *route_name = NULL, *route = NULL, *exception_message = NULL; zval *exception = NULL, *pattern = NULL, *replaced_pattern = NULL; zval *controller_name = NULL, *wildcard = NULL, *action_name = NULL; zval *have_bracket = NULL, *matches = NULL, *match_position = NULL; zval *set_order = NULL, *names_pattern = NULL, *have_variables = NULL; zval *match = NULL, *match_zero = NULL, *match_one = NULL, *value = NULL, *new_pcre_pattern = NULL; zval *final_uri = NULL; zval *r0 = NULL, *r1 = NULL, *r2 = NULL; zval *t0 = NULL; zval *p0[] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; HashTable *ah0; HashPosition hp0; zval **hd; int eval_int; PHALCON_MM_GROW(); if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "|z", &uri) == FAILURE) { PHALCON_MM_RESTORE(); RETURN_NULL(); } if (!uri) { PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(uri); ZVAL_NULL(uri); } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(base_uri); PHALCON_CALL_METHOD(base_uri, this_ptr, "getbaseuri", PH_NO_CHECK); if (Z_TYPE_P(uri) == IS_ARRAY) { eval_int = phalcon_array_isset_string(uri, SL("for")+1); if (!eval_int) { PHALCON_THROW_EXCEPTION_STR(phalcon_mvc_url_exception_ce, "It's necessary to define the route name with the parameter \"for\""); return; } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(dependency_injector); phalcon_read_property(&dependency_injector, this_ptr, SL("_dependencyInjector"), PH_NOISY_CC); if (!zend_is_true(dependency_injector)) { PHALCON_THROW_EXCEPTION_STR(phalcon_mvc_url_exception_ce, "A dependency injector container is required to obtain the \"url\" service"); return; } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(service); ZVAL_STRING(service, "router", 1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(router); PHALCON_CALL_METHOD_PARAMS_1(router, dependency_injector, "getshared", service, PH_NO_CHECK); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(route_name); phalcon_array_fetch_string(&route_name, uri, SL("for"), PH_NOISY_CC); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(route); PHALCON_CALL_METHOD_PARAMS_1(route, router, "getroutebyname", route_name, PH_NO_CHECK); if (Z_TYPE_P(route) != IS_OBJECT) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(exception_message); PHALCON_CONCAT_SVS(exception_message, "Cannot obtain a route using the name \"", route_name, "\""); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(exception); object_init_ex(exception, phalcon_mvc_url_exception_ce); PHALCON_CALL_METHOD_PARAMS_1_NORETURN(exception, "__construct", exception_message, PH_CHECK); phalcon_throw_exception(exception TSRMLS_CC); return; } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(pattern); PHALCON_CALL_METHOD(pattern, route, "getpattern", PH_NO_CHECK); PHALCON_CPY_WRT(replaced_pattern, pattern); eval_int = phalcon_array_isset_string(uri, SL("controller")+1); if (eval_int) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(controller_name); phalcon_array_fetch_string(&controller_name, uri, SL("controller"), PH_NOISY_CC); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(wildcard); ZVAL_STRING(wildcard, ":controller", 1); PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(r0); phalcon_fast_str_replace(r0, wildcard, controller_name, replaced_pattern TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_CPY_WRT(replaced_pattern, r0); } eval_int = phalcon_array_isset_string(uri, SL("action")+1); if (eval_int) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(action_name); phalcon_array_fetch_string(&action_name, uri, SL("action"), PH_NOISY_CC); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(wildcard); ZVAL_STRING(wildcard, ":action", 1); PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(r1); phalcon_fast_str_replace(r1, wildcard, action_name, replaced_pattern TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_CPY_WRT(replaced_pattern, r1); } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(have_bracket); phalcon_fast_strpos_str(have_bracket, replaced_pattern, SL("{") TSRMLS_CC); if (Z_TYPE_P(have_bracket) != IS_BOOL || (Z_TYPE_P(have_bracket) == IS_BOOL && Z_BVAL_P(have_bracket))) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(matches); ZVAL_NULL(matches); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(match_position); ZVAL_LONG(match_position, 1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(t0); ZVAL_LONG(t0, 2); PHALCON_CPY_WRT(set_order, t0); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(names_pattern); ZVAL_STRING(names_pattern, "#{([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\\_\\-]+)(:([^}]+))*}#", 1); p0[0] = names_pattern; p0[1] = replaced_pattern; Z_SET_ISREF_P(matches); p0[2] = matches; p0[3] = set_order; PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(r2); PHALCON_CALL_FUNC_PARAMS(r2, "preg_match_all", 4, p0); Z_UNSET_ISREF_P(p0[2]); PHALCON_CPY_WRT(have_variables, r2); if (zend_is_true(have_variables)) { if (!phalcon_valid_foreach(matches TSRMLS_CC)) { return; } ah0 = Z_ARRVAL_P(matches); zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex(ah0, &hp0); fes_0306_0: if(zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(ah0, (void**) &hd, &hp0) != SUCCESS){ goto fee_0306_0; } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(match); ZVAL_ZVAL(match, *hd, 1, 0); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(match_zero); phalcon_array_fetch_long(&match_zero, match, 0, PH_NOISY_CC); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(match_one); phalcon_array_fetch_long(&match_one, match, 1, PH_NOISY_CC); eval_int = phalcon_array_isset(uri, match_one); if (eval_int) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(value); phalcon_array_fetch(&value, uri, match_one, PH_NOISY_CC); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(new_pcre_pattern); phalcon_fast_str_replace(new_pcre_pattern, match_zero, value, replaced_pattern TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_CPY_WRT(replaced_pattern, new_pcre_pattern); } zend_hash_move_forward_ex(ah0, &hp0); goto fes_0306_0; fee_0306_0: if(0){} } } RETURN_CCTOR(replaced_pattern); } else { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(final_uri); PHALCON_CONCAT_VV(final_uri, base_uri, uri); RETURN_CTOR(final_uri); } PHALCON_MM_RESTORE(); }
/** * Bind params to a SQL statement * * @param string $sql * @param array $params */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Db_Adapter_Pdo, bindParams){ zval *sql_statement = NULL, *params = NULL, *number_params = NULL; zval *sql = NULL, *pdo = NULL, *bind_value = NULL, *index = NULL, *is_numeric = NULL; zval *value = NULL, *place_key = NULL, *replaced_sql = NULL; HashTable *ah0; HashPosition hp0; zval **hd; char *hash_index; uint hash_index_len; ulong hash_num; int hash_type; PHALCON_MM_GROW(); if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "zz", &sql_statement, ¶ms) == FAILURE) { PHALCON_MM_RESTORE(); RETURN_NULL(); } if (Z_TYPE_P(params) == IS_ARRAY) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(number_params); phalcon_fast_count(number_params, params TSRMLS_CC); if (zend_is_true(number_params)) { PHALCON_CPY_WRT(sql, sql_statement); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(pdo); phalcon_read_property(&pdo, this_ptr, SL("_pdo"), PH_NOISY_CC); if (!phalcon_valid_foreach(params TSRMLS_CC)) { return; } ah0 = Z_ARRVAL_P(params); zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex(ah0, &hp0); ph_cycle_start_0: if(zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(ah0, (void**) &hd, &hp0) != SUCCESS){ goto ph_cycle_end_0; } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(index); PHALCON_GET_FOREACH_KEY(index, ah0, hp0); PHALCON_GET_FOREACH_VALUE(bind_value); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(is_numeric); PHALCON_CALL_FUNC_PARAMS_1(is_numeric, "is_numeric", bind_value); if (PHALCON_IS_TRUE(is_numeric)) { PHALCON_CPY_WRT(value, bind_value); } else { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(value); PHALCON_CALL_METHOD_PARAMS_1(value, pdo, "quote", bind_value, PH_NO_CHECK); } if (Z_TYPE_P(index) == IS_LONG) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(place_key); PHALCON_CONCAT_SV(place_key, "?", index); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(replaced_sql); phalcon_fast_str_replace(replaced_sql, place_key, value, sql TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_CPY_WRT(sql, replaced_sql); } else { if (Z_TYPE_P(index) == IS_STRING) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(place_key); PHALCON_CONCAT_SVS(place_key, ":", index, ":"); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(replaced_sql); phalcon_fast_str_replace(replaced_sql, place_key, value, sql TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_CPY_WRT(sql, replaced_sql); } else { PHALCON_THROW_EXCEPTION_STR(phalcon_db_exception_ce, "Invalid bind parameter"); return; } } zend_hash_move_forward_ex(ah0, &hp0); goto ph_cycle_start_0; ph_cycle_end_0: RETURN_CCTOR(sql); } } RETURN_CCTOR(sql_statement); }
/** * Check whether internal resource has rows to fetch * * @return boolean */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Mvc_Model_Resultset_Complex, valid){ zval *type = NULL, *result, *row = NULL, *rows, *underscore, *empty_str; zval *active_row, *columns_types, *column = NULL, *alias = NULL; zval *source = NULL, *instance = NULL, *attributes = NULL, *column_map = NULL; zval *row_model = NULL, *attribute = NULL, *column_alias = NULL, *value = NULL; zval *model_attribute = NULL, *sql_alias = NULL, *n_alias = NULL; HashTable *ah0, *ah1; HashPosition hp0, hp1; zval **hd; char *hash_index; uint hash_index_len; ulong hash_num; int hash_type; int eval_int; PHALCON_MM_GROW(); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(type); phalcon_read_property(&type, this_ptr, SL("_type"), PH_NOISY_CC); if (zend_is_true(type)) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(result); phalcon_read_property(&result, this_ptr, SL("_result"), PH_NOISY_CC); if (PHALCON_IS_NOT_FALSE(result)) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(row); PHALCON_CALL_METHOD_PARAMS_1(row, result, "fetch", result, PH_NO_CHECK); } else { PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(row); ZVAL_BOOL(row, 0); } } else { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(rows); phalcon_read_property(&rows, this_ptr, SL("_rows"), PH_NOISY_CC); Z_SET_ISREF_P(rows); PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(row); PHALCON_CALL_FUNC_PARAMS_1(row, "current", rows); Z_UNSET_ISREF_P(rows); if (zend_is_true(row)) { Z_SET_ISREF_P(rows); PHALCON_CALL_FUNC_PARAMS_1_NORETURN("next", rows); Z_UNSET_ISREF_P(rows); } } if (PHALCON_IS_NOT_FALSE(row)) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(underscore); ZVAL_STRING(underscore, "_", 1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(empty_str); ZVAL_STRING(empty_str, "", 1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(active_row); object_init_ex(active_row, phalcon_mvc_model_row_ce); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(columns_types); phalcon_read_property(&columns_types, this_ptr, SL("_columnTypes"), PH_NOISY_CC); if (!phalcon_valid_foreach(columns_types TSRMLS_CC)) { return; } ah0 = Z_ARRVAL_P(columns_types); zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex(ah0, &hp0); ph_cycle_start_0: if (zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(ah0, (void**) &hd, &hp0) != SUCCESS) { goto ph_cycle_end_0; } PHALCON_GET_FOREACH_KEY(alias, ah0, hp0); PHALCON_GET_FOREACH_VALUE(column); PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(type); phalcon_array_fetch_string(&type, column, SL("type"), PH_NOISY_CC); if (PHALCON_COMPARE_STRING(type, "object")) { /** * Object columns are assigned column by column */ PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(source); phalcon_array_fetch_string(&source, column, SL("column"), PH_NOISY_CC); PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(instance); phalcon_array_fetch_string(&instance, column, SL("instance"), PH_NOISY_CC); PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(attributes); phalcon_array_fetch_string(&attributes, column, SL("attributes"), PH_NOISY_CC); PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(column_map); phalcon_array_fetch_string(&column_map, column, SL("columnMap"), PH_NOISY_CC); /** * Assign the values from the _source_attribute notation to its real column name */ PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(row_model); array_init(row_model); if (!phalcon_valid_foreach(attributes TSRMLS_CC)) { return; } ah1 = Z_ARRVAL_P(attributes); zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex(ah1, &hp1); ph_cycle_start_1: if (zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(ah1, (void**) &hd, &hp1) != SUCCESS) { goto ph_cycle_end_1; } PHALCON_GET_FOREACH_VALUE(attribute); PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(column_alias); PHALCON_CONCAT_VVVV(column_alias, underscore, source, underscore, attribute); PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(value); phalcon_array_fetch(&value, row, column_alias, PH_NOISY_CC); phalcon_array_update_zval(&row_model, attribute, &value, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE TSRMLS_CC); zend_hash_move_forward_ex(ah1, &hp1); goto ph_cycle_start_1; ph_cycle_end_1: /** * Assign the values to the attributes using a column map */ PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(model_attribute); PHALCON_CALL_STATIC_PARAMS_3(model_attribute, "phalcon\\mvc\\model", "dumpresultmap", instance, row_model, column_map); /** * The complete object is assigned to an attribute with the name of the alias or * the model name */ PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(attribute); phalcon_array_fetch_string(&attribute, column, SL("balias"), PH_NOISY_CC); phalcon_update_property_zval_zval(active_row, attribute, model_attribute TSRMLS_CC); } else { /** * Scalar columns are simply assigned to the result object */ eval_int = phalcon_array_isset_string(column, SS("sqlAlias")); if (eval_int) { PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(sql_alias); phalcon_array_fetch_string(&sql_alias, column, SL("sqlAlias"), PH_NOISY_CC); PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(value); phalcon_array_fetch(&value, row, sql_alias, PH_NOISY_CC); } else { PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(value); phalcon_array_fetch(&value, row, alias, PH_NOISY_CC); } /** * If a 'balias' is defined is not an unnamed scalar */ eval_int = phalcon_array_isset_string(column, SS("balias")); if (eval_int) { phalcon_update_property_zval_zval(active_row, alias, value TSRMLS_CC); } else { PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(n_alias); phalcon_fast_str_replace(n_alias, underscore, empty_str, alias TSRMLS_CC); phalcon_update_property_zval_zval(active_row, n_alias, value TSRMLS_CC); } } zend_hash_move_forward_ex(ah0, &hp0); goto ph_cycle_start_0; ph_cycle_end_0: phalcon_update_property_zval(this_ptr, SL("_activeRow"), active_row TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_MM_RESTORE(); RETURN_TRUE; } else { phalcon_update_property_bool(this_ptr, SL("_activeRow"), 0 TSRMLS_CC); } PHALCON_MM_RESTORE(); RETURN_FALSE; }
/** * Internal sanizite wrapper to filter_var * * @param mixed $value * @param string $filter * @return mixed */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Filter, _sanitize){ zval *value, *filter, *filters, *filter_object; zval *arguments, *filtered = NULL, *type = NULL, *quote, *empty_str; zval *escaped, *allow_fraction, *options, *exception_message; int eval_int; PHALCON_MM_GROW(); if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "zz", &value, &filter) == FAILURE) { PHALCON_MM_RESTORE(); RETURN_NULL(); } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(filters); phalcon_read_property(&filters, this_ptr, SL("_filters"), PH_NOISY_CC); eval_int = phalcon_array_isset(filters, filter); if (eval_int) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(filter_object); phalcon_array_fetch(&filter_object, filters, filter, PH_NOISY_CC); /** * If the filter is a closure we call it in the PHP userland */ if (phalcon_is_instance_of(filter_object, SL("Closure") TSRMLS_CC)) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(arguments); array_init(arguments); phalcon_array_append(&arguments, value, PH_SEPARATE TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(filtered); PHALCON_CALL_USER_FUNC_ARRAY(filtered, filter_object, arguments); } else { PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(filtered); PHALCON_CALL_METHOD_PARAMS_1(filtered, filter_object, "filter", value, PH_NO_CHECK); } RETURN_CCTOR(filtered); } PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(filtered); if (PHALCON_COMPARE_STRING(filter, "email")) { /** * The 'email' filter uses the filter extension */ PHALCON_INIT_VAR(type); ZVAL_LONG(type, 517); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(quote); ZVAL_STRING(quote, "'", 1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(empty_str); ZVAL_STRING(empty_str, "", 1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(escaped); phalcon_fast_str_replace(escaped, quote, empty_str, value TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(filtered); PHALCON_CALL_FUNC_PARAMS_2(filtered, "filter_var", escaped, type); goto ph_end_0; } if (PHALCON_COMPARE_STRING(filter, "int")) { /** * 'int' filter sanitizes a numeric input */ PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(type); ZVAL_LONG(type, 519); PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(filtered); PHALCON_CALL_FUNC_PARAMS_2(filtered, "filter_var", value, type); goto ph_end_0; } if (PHALCON_COMPARE_STRING(filter, "string")) { PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(type); ZVAL_LONG(type, 513); PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(filtered); PHALCON_CALL_FUNC_PARAMS_2(filtered, "filter_var", value, type); goto ph_end_0; } if (PHALCON_COMPARE_STRING(filter, "float")) { /** * The 'float' filter uses the filter extension */ PHALCON_INIT_VAR(allow_fraction); ZVAL_LONG(allow_fraction, 4096); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(options); array_init(options); phalcon_array_update_string(&options, SL("flags"), &allow_fraction, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(type); ZVAL_LONG(type, 520); PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(filtered); PHALCON_CALL_FUNC_PARAMS_3(filtered, "filter_var", value, type, options); goto ph_end_0; } if (PHALCON_COMPARE_STRING(filter, "alphanum")) { PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(filtered); phalcon_filter_alphanum(filtered, value); goto ph_end_0; } if (PHALCON_COMPARE_STRING(filter, "trim")) { PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(filtered); PHALCON_CALL_FUNC_PARAMS_1(filtered, "trim", value); goto ph_end_0; } if (PHALCON_COMPARE_STRING(filter, "striptags")) { PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(filtered); PHALCON_CALL_FUNC_PARAMS_1(filtered, "strip_tags", value); goto ph_end_0; } if (PHALCON_COMPARE_STRING(filter, "lower")) { if (phalcon_function_exists_ex(SS("mb_strtolower") TSRMLS_CC) == SUCCESS) { /** * 'lower' checks for the mbstring extension to make a correct lowercase * transformation */ PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(filtered); PHALCON_CALL_FUNC_PARAMS_1(filtered, "mb_strtolower", value); } else { PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(filtered); PHALCON_CALL_FUNC_PARAMS_1(filtered, "strtolower", value); } goto ph_end_0; } if (PHALCON_COMPARE_STRING(filter, "upper")) { if (phalcon_function_exists_ex(SS("mb_strtoupper") TSRMLS_CC) == SUCCESS) { /** * 'upper' checks for the mbstring extension to make a correct lowercase * transformation */ PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(filtered); PHALCON_CALL_FUNC_PARAMS_1(filtered, "mb_strtoupper", value); } else { PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(filtered); PHALCON_CALL_FUNC_PARAMS_1(filtered, "strtoupper", value); } goto ph_end_0; } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(exception_message); PHALCON_CONCAT_SVS(exception_message, "Sanitize filter ", filter, " is not supported"); PHALCON_THROW_EXCEPTION_ZVAL(phalcon_filter_exception_ce, exception_message); return; ph_end_0: RETURN_CCTOR(filtered); }
/** * Bind params to SQL select * * @param string $sqlSelect * @param array $params */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Db_Adapter_Pdo, bindParams){ zval *sql_select = NULL, *params = NULL, *select = NULL, *pdo = NULL, *bind_value = NULL; zval *index = NULL, *value = NULL; zval *r0 = NULL, *r1 = NULL, *r2 = NULL, *r3 = NULL, *r4 = NULL, *r5 = NULL; HashTable *ah0; HashPosition hp0; zval **hd; char *hash_index; uint hash_index_len; ulong hash_num; int hash_type; PHALCON_MM_GROW(); if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "zz", &sql_select, ¶ms) == FAILURE) { PHALCON_MM_RESTORE(); RETURN_NULL(); } PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(r0); phalcon_fast_count(r0, params TSRMLS_CC); if (zend_is_true(r0)) { PHALCON_CPY_WRT(select, sql_select); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(pdo); phalcon_read_property(&pdo, this_ptr, SL("_pdo"), PH_NOISY_CC); if (!phalcon_valid_foreach(params TSRMLS_CC)) { return; } ah0 = Z_ARRVAL_P(params); zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex(ah0, &hp0); fes_7f5d_2: if(zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(ah0, (void**) &hd, &hp0) != SUCCESS){ goto fee_7f5d_2; } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(index); PHALCON_GET_FOREACH_KEY(index, ah0, hp0); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(bind_value); ZVAL_ZVAL(bind_value, *hd, 1, 0); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(r1); PHALCON_CALL_FUNC_PARAMS_1(r1, "is_numeric", bind_value); if (zend_is_true(r1)) { PHALCON_CPY_WRT(value, bind_value); } else { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(value); PHALCON_CALL_METHOD_PARAMS_1(value, pdo, "quote", bind_value, PH_NO_CHECK); } if (Z_TYPE_P(index) == IS_LONG) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(r2); PHALCON_CONCAT_SV(r2, "?", index); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(r3); phalcon_fast_str_replace(r3, r2, value, select TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_CPY_WRT(select, r3); } else { if (Z_TYPE_P(index) == IS_STRING) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(r4); PHALCON_CONCAT_SVS(r4, ":", index, ":"); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(r5); phalcon_fast_str_replace(r5, r4, value, select TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_CPY_WRT(select, r5); } else { PHALCON_THROW_EXCEPTION_STR(phalcon_db_exception_ce, "Invalid bind parameter"); return; } } zend_hash_move_forward_ex(ah0, &hp0); goto fes_7f5d_2; fee_7f5d_2: if(0){} RETURN_CCTOR(select); } RETURN_CCTOR(sql_select); }
/** * Check whether internal resource has rows to fetch * * @return boolean */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Mvc_Model_Resultset_Complex, valid){ zval *type = NULL, *row = NULL, *underscore; zval *empty_str, *active_row = NULL; zval *dirty_state, *column = NULL, *alias = NULL, *source = NULL, *attributes = NULL; zval *column_map = NULL, *row_model = NULL, *attribute = NULL, *column_alias = NULL; zval *column_value = NULL; zval *value = NULL, *sql_alias = NULL, *n_alias = NULL; HashTable *ah0, *ah1; HashPosition hp0, hp1; zval **hd; int i_type, is_partial; PHALCON_MM_GROW(); type = phalcon_fetch_nproperty_this(this_ptr, SL("_type"), PH_NOISY TSRMLS_CC); i_type = (Z_TYPE_P(type) == IS_LONG) ? Z_LVAL_P(type) : phalcon_get_intval(type); is_partial = (i_type == PHALCON_MVC_MODEL_RESULTSET_TYPE_PARTIAL); type = NULL; PHALCON_INIT_VAR(row); if (is_partial) { /** * The result is bigger than 32 rows so it's retrieved one by one */ zval *result = phalcon_fetch_nproperty_this(this_ptr, SL("_result"), PH_NOISY TSRMLS_CC); if (PHALCON_IS_NOT_FALSE(result)) { PHALCON_CALL_METHOD(&row, result, "fetch", result); } else { ZVAL_FALSE(row); } } else { /** * The full rows are dumped in this_ptr->rows */ zval *rows = phalcon_fetch_nproperty_this(this_ptr, SL("_rows"), PH_NOISY TSRMLS_CC); if (Z_TYPE_P(rows) == IS_ARRAY) { phalcon_array_get_current(row, rows); if (Z_TYPE_P(row) == IS_OBJECT) { zend_hash_move_forward(Z_ARRVAL_P(rows)); } } else { ZVAL_FALSE(row); } } /** * Valid records are arrays */ if (Z_TYPE_P(row) == IS_ARRAY || Z_TYPE_P(row) == IS_OBJECT) { /** * The result type=1 so we need to build every row */ if (is_partial) { /** * Get current hydration mode */ zval *hydrate_mode = phalcon_fetch_nproperty_this(this_ptr, SL("_hydrateMode"), PH_NOISY TSRMLS_CC); zval *columns_types = phalcon_fetch_nproperty_this(this_ptr, SL("_columnTypes"), PH_NOISY TSRMLS_CC); int i_hydrate_mode = phalcon_get_intval(hydrate_mode); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(underscore); ZVAL_STRING(underscore, "_", 1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(empty_str); ZVAL_EMPTY_STRING(empty_str); /** * Each row in a complex result is a Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Row instance */ PHALCON_INIT_VAR(active_row); switch (i_hydrate_mode) { case 0: object_init_ex(active_row, phalcon_mvc_model_row_ce); break; case 1: array_init(active_row); break; case 2: default: object_init(active_row); break; } /** * Create every record according to the column types */ /** * Set records as dirty state PERSISTENT by default */ PHALCON_INIT_VAR(dirty_state); ZVAL_LONG(dirty_state, 0); phalcon_is_iterable(columns_types, &ah0, &hp0, 0, 0); while (zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(ah0, (void**) &hd, &hp0) == SUCCESS) { PHALCON_GET_HKEY(alias, ah0, hp0); PHALCON_GET_HVALUE(column); PHALCON_OBS_NVAR(type); phalcon_array_fetch_string(&type, column, SL("type"), PH_NOISY); if (PHALCON_IS_STRING(type, "object")) { /** * Object columns are assigned column by column */ PHALCON_OBS_NVAR(source); phalcon_array_fetch_string(&source, column, SL("column"), PH_NOISY); PHALCON_OBS_NVAR(attributes); phalcon_array_fetch_string(&attributes, column, SL("attributes"), PH_NOISY); PHALCON_OBS_NVAR(column_map); phalcon_array_fetch_string(&column_map, column, SL("columnMap"), PH_NOISY); /** * Assign the values from the _source_attribute notation to its real column name */ PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(row_model); array_init(row_model); phalcon_is_iterable(attributes, &ah1, &hp1, 0, 0); while (zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(ah1, (void**) &hd, &hp1) == SUCCESS) { PHALCON_GET_HVALUE(attribute); /** * Columns are supposed to be in the form _table_field */ PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(column_alias); PHALCON_CONCAT_VVVV(column_alias, underscore, source, underscore, attribute); PHALCON_OBS_NVAR(column_value); phalcon_array_fetch(&column_value, row, column_alias, PH_NOISY); phalcon_array_update_zval(&row_model, attribute, column_value, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); zend_hash_move_forward_ex(ah1, &hp1); } /** * Generate the column value according to the hydration type */ switch (phalcon_get_intval(hydrate_mode)) { case 0: { zval *keep_snapshots, *instance; /** * Check if the resultset must keep snapshots */ if (!phalcon_array_isset_string_fetch(&keep_snapshots, column, SS("keepSnapshots"))) { keep_snapshots = PHALCON_GLOBAL(z_false); } /** * Get the base instance */ if (!phalcon_array_isset_string_fetch(&instance, column, SS("instance"))) { php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_NOTICE, "Undefined index: instance"); instance = PHALCON_GLOBAL(z_null); } /** * Assign the values to the attributes using a column map */ PHALCON_CALL_CE_STATIC(&value, phalcon_mvc_model_ce, "cloneresultmap", instance, row_model, column_map, dirty_state, keep_snapshots); break; } default: /** * Other kinds of hydrations */ PHALCON_CALL_CE_STATIC(&value, phalcon_mvc_model_ce, "cloneresultmaphydrate", row_model, column_map, hydrate_mode); break; } /** * The complete object is assigned to an attribute with the name of the alias or * the model name */ PHALCON_OBS_NVAR(attribute); if (phalcon_array_isset_string(column, SS("balias"))) { phalcon_array_fetch_string(&attribute, column, SL("balias"), PH_NOISY); } } else { /** * Scalar columns are simply assigned to the result object */ if (phalcon_array_isset_string(column, SS("sqlAlias"))) { PHALCON_OBS_NVAR(sql_alias); phalcon_array_fetch_string(&sql_alias, column, SL("sqlAlias"), PH_NOISY); PHALCON_OBS_NVAR(value); phalcon_array_fetch(&value, row, sql_alias, PH_NOISY); } else { PHALCON_OBS_NVAR(value); if (phalcon_array_isset(row, alias)) { phalcon_array_fetch(&value, row, alias, PH_NOISY); } } /** * If a 'balias' is defined is not an unnamed scalar */ if (phalcon_array_isset_string(column, SS("balias"))) { PHALCON_CPY_WRT(attribute, alias); } else { PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(n_alias); phalcon_fast_str_replace(n_alias, underscore, empty_str, alias); PHALCON_CPY_WRT(attribute, n_alias); } assert(attribute != NULL); } /** * Assign the instance according to the hydration type */ if (unlikely(!attribute)) { zend_throw_exception_ex(phalcon_mvc_model_exception_ce, 0 TSRMLS_CC, "Unexpected inconsistency: attribute is NULL"); RETURN_MM(); } switch (phalcon_get_intval(hydrate_mode)) { case 1: phalcon_array_update_zval(&active_row, attribute, value, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE); break; default: phalcon_update_property_zval_zval(active_row, attribute, value TSRMLS_CC); break; } zend_hash_move_forward_ex(ah0, &hp0); } /** * Store the generated row in this_ptr->activeRow to be retrieved by 'current' */ phalcon_update_property_this(this_ptr, SL("_activeRow"), active_row TSRMLS_CC); } else { /** * The row is already built so we just assign it to the activeRow */ phalcon_update_property_this(this_ptr, SL("_activeRow"), row TSRMLS_CC); } RETURN_MM_TRUE; } /** * There are no results to retrieve so we update this_ptr->activeRow as false */ phalcon_update_property_bool(this_ptr, SL("_activeRow"), 0 TSRMLS_CC); RETURN_MM_FALSE; }
/** * Applies a format to a message before sent it to the internal log * * @param string $message * @param int $type * @param int $timestamp * @param array $context * @return string */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Logger_Formatter_Line, format){ zval *message, *type, *timestamp, *context, *format = NULL, *date_format; zval *date, *date_wildcard, *new_format = NULL, *type_string = NULL; zval *type_wildcard, *message_wildcard; PHALCON_MM_GROW(); phalcon_fetch_params(1, 4, 0, &message, &type, ×tamp, &context); PHALCON_OBS_VAR(format); phalcon_read_property_this(&format, this_ptr, SL("_format"), PH_NOISY TSRMLS_CC); /** * Check if the format has the %date% placeholder */ if (phalcon_memnstr_str(format, SL("%date%"))) { date_format = phalcon_fetch_nproperty_this(this_ptr, SL("_dateFormat"), PH_NOISY TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(date); phalcon_date(date, date_format, timestamp TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(date_wildcard); ZVAL_STRING(date_wildcard, "%date%", 1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(new_format); phalcon_fast_str_replace(new_format, date_wildcard, date, format); } else { PHALCON_CPY_WRT(new_format, format); } /** * Check if the format has the %type% placeholder */ if (phalcon_memnstr_str(format, SL("%type%"))) { PHALCON_CALL_METHOD(&type_string, this_ptr, "gettypestring", type); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(type_wildcard); ZVAL_STRING(type_wildcard, "%type%", 1); PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(format); phalcon_fast_str_replace(format, type_wildcard, type_string, new_format); } else { PHALCON_CPY_WRT(format, new_format); } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(message_wildcard); ZVAL_STRING(message_wildcard, "%message%", 1); PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(new_format); phalcon_fast_str_replace(new_format, message_wildcard, message, format); if (Z_TYPE_P(context) == IS_ARRAY && zend_hash_num_elements(Z_ARRVAL_P(context)) > 0) { PHALCON_CALL_METHOD(&format, this_ptr, "interpolate", new_format, context); } else { PHALCON_CPY_WRT(format, new_format); } PHALCON_CONCAT_VS(return_value, format, PHP_EOL); RETURN_MM(); }
/** * Shows a backtrace item * * @param int $n * @param array $trace */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Debug, showTraceItem){ zval *n, *trace, *space, *two_spaces, *underscore; zval *minus, *html, *class_name, *pattern, *is_phalcon_class; zval *namespace_separator, *prepare_uri_class; zval *class_reflection, *is_internal = NULL, *lower_class_name; zval *prepare_internal_class, *type, *function_name = NULL; zval *function_reflection, *prepared_function_name; zval *trace_args, *arguments, *argument = NULL, *dumped_argument = NULL; zval *span_argument = NULL, *joined_arguments, *one; zval *file, *line, *show_files, *lines, *number_lines; zval *show_file_fragment, *seven, *before_line; zval *first_line = NULL, *five, *after_line, *last_line = NULL; zval *comment_pattern, *utf8, *ent_compat, *tab; zval *comment, *i = NULL, *line_position = NULL, *current_line = NULL; zval *trimmed = NULL, *is_comment = NULL, *spaced_current_line = NULL; zval *escaped_line = NULL; HashTable *ah0; HashPosition hp0; zval **hd; zend_class_entry *ce0, *ce1; PHALCON_MM_GROW(); phalcon_fetch_params(1, 2, 0, &n, &trace); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(space); ZVAL_STRING(space, " ", 1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(two_spaces); ZVAL_STRING(two_spaces, " ", 1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(underscore); ZVAL_STRING(underscore, "_", 1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(minus); ZVAL_STRING(minus, "-", 1); /** * Every trace in the backtrace have a unique number */ PHALCON_INIT_VAR(html); PHALCON_CONCAT_SVS(html, "<tr><td align=\"right\" valign=\"top\" class=\"error-number\">#", n, "</td><td>"); if (phalcon_array_isset_string(trace, SS("class"))) { PHALCON_OBS_VAR(class_name); phalcon_array_fetch_string(&class_name, trace, SL("class"), PH_NOISY); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(pattern); ZVAL_STRING(pattern, "/^Phalcon/", 1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(is_phalcon_class); phalcon_preg_match(is_phalcon_class, pattern, class_name, NULL TSRMLS_CC); /** * We assume that classes starting by Phalcon are framework's classes */ if (zend_is_true(is_phalcon_class)) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(namespace_separator); ZVAL_STRING(namespace_separator, "\\", 1); /** * Prepare the class name according to the Phalcon's conventions */ PHALCON_INIT_VAR(prepare_uri_class); phalcon_fast_str_replace(prepare_uri_class, namespace_separator, underscore, class_name); /** * Generate a link to the official docs */ PHALCON_SCONCAT_SVSVS(html, "<span class=\"error-class\"><a target=\"_new\" href=\"http://docs.phalconphp.com/en/latest/api/", prepare_uri_class, ".html\">", class_name, "</a></span>"); } else { ce0 = zend_fetch_class(SL("ReflectionClass"), ZEND_FETCH_CLASS_AUTO TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(class_reflection); object_init_ex(class_reflection, ce0); if (phalcon_has_constructor(class_reflection TSRMLS_CC)) { phalcon_call_method_p1_noret(class_reflection, "__construct", class_name); } /** * Check if classes are PHP's classes */ PHALCON_INIT_VAR(is_internal); phalcon_call_method(is_internal, class_reflection, "isinternal"); if (zend_is_true(is_internal)) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(lower_class_name); phalcon_fast_strtolower(lower_class_name, class_name); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(prepare_internal_class); phalcon_fast_str_replace(prepare_internal_class, underscore, minus, lower_class_name); /** * Generate a link to the official docs */ PHALCON_SCONCAT_SVSVS(html, "<span class=\"error-class\"><a target=\"_new\" href=\"http://php.net/manual/en/class.", prepare_internal_class, ".php\">", class_name, "</a></span>"); } else { PHALCON_SCONCAT_SVS(html, "<span class=\"error-class\">", class_name, "</span>"); } } /** * Object access operator: static/instance */ PHALCON_OBS_VAR(type); phalcon_array_fetch_string(&type, trace, SL("type"), PH_NOISY); phalcon_concat_self(&html, type TSRMLS_CC); } /** * Normally the backtrace contains only classes */ if (phalcon_array_isset_string(trace, SS("class"))) { PHALCON_OBS_VAR(function_name); phalcon_array_fetch_string(&function_name, trace, SL("function"), PH_NOISY); PHALCON_SCONCAT_SVS(html, "<span class=\"error-function\">", function_name, "</span>"); } else { PHALCON_OBS_NVAR(function_name); phalcon_array_fetch_string(&function_name, trace, SL("function"), PH_NOISY); /** * Check if the function exists */ if (phalcon_function_exists(function_name TSRMLS_CC) == SUCCESS) { ce1 = zend_fetch_class(SL("ReflectionFunction"), ZEND_FETCH_CLASS_AUTO TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(function_reflection); object_init_ex(function_reflection, ce1); if (phalcon_has_constructor(function_reflection TSRMLS_CC)) { phalcon_call_method_p1_noret(function_reflection, "__construct", function_name); } PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(is_internal); phalcon_call_method(is_internal, function_reflection, "isinternal"); /** * Internal functions links to the PHP documentation */ if (zend_is_true(is_internal)) { /** * Prepare function's name according to the conventions in the docs */ PHALCON_INIT_VAR(prepared_function_name); phalcon_fast_str_replace(prepared_function_name, underscore, minus, function_name); PHALCON_SCONCAT_SVSVS(html, "<span class=\"error-function\"><a target=\"_new\" href=\"http://php.net/manual/en/function.", prepared_function_name, ".php\">", function_name, "</a></span>"); } else { PHALCON_SCONCAT_SVS(html, "<span class=\"error-function\">", function_name, "</span>"); } } else { PHALCON_SCONCAT_SVS(html, "<span class=\"error-function\">", function_name, "</span>"); } } /** * Check for arguments in the function */ if (phalcon_array_isset_string(trace, SS("args"))) { PHALCON_OBS_VAR(trace_args); phalcon_array_fetch_string(&trace_args, trace, SL("args"), PH_NOISY); if (phalcon_fast_count_ev(trace_args TSRMLS_CC)) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(arguments); array_init(arguments); phalcon_is_iterable(trace_args, &ah0, &hp0, 0, 0); while (zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(ah0, (void**) &hd, &hp0) == SUCCESS) { PHALCON_GET_HVALUE(argument); /** * Every argument is generated using _getVarDump */ PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(dumped_argument); phalcon_call_method_p1(dumped_argument, this_ptr, "_getvardump", argument); PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(span_argument); PHALCON_CONCAT_SVS(span_argument, "<span class=\"error-parameter\">", dumped_argument, "</span>"); /** * Append the HTML generated to the argument's list */ phalcon_array_append(&arguments, span_argument, PH_SEPARATE); zend_hash_move_forward_ex(ah0, &hp0); } /** * Join all the arguments */ PHALCON_INIT_VAR(joined_arguments); phalcon_fast_join_str(joined_arguments, SL(", "), arguments TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_SCONCAT_SVS(html, "(", joined_arguments, ")"); } else { phalcon_concat_self_str(&html, SL("()") TSRMLS_CC); } } /** * When 'file' is present, it usually means the function is provided by the user */ if (phalcon_array_isset_string(trace, SS("file"))) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(one); ZVAL_LONG(one, 1); PHALCON_OBS_VAR(file); phalcon_array_fetch_string(&file, trace, SL("file"), PH_NOISY); PHALCON_OBS_VAR(line); phalcon_array_fetch_string(&line, trace, SL("line"), PH_NOISY); /** * Realpath to the file and its line using a special header */ PHALCON_SCONCAT_SVSVS(html, "<br/><div class=\"error-file\">", file, " (", line, ")</div>"); PHALCON_OBS_VAR(show_files); phalcon_read_property_this(&show_files, this_ptr, SL("_showFiles"), PH_NOISY_CC); /** * The developer can change if the files must be opened or not */ if (zend_is_true(show_files)) { /** * Open the file to an array using 'file', this respects the openbase-dir directive */ PHALCON_INIT_VAR(lines); phalcon_call_func_p1(lines, "file", file); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(number_lines); phalcon_fast_count(number_lines, lines TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_OBS_VAR(show_file_fragment); phalcon_read_property_this(&show_file_fragment, this_ptr, SL("_showFileFragment"), PH_NOISY_CC); /** * File fragments just show a piece of the file where the exception is located */ if (zend_is_true(show_file_fragment)) { /** * Take seven lines back to the current exception's line, @TODO add an option for * this */ PHALCON_INIT_VAR(seven); ZVAL_LONG(seven, 7); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(before_line); sub_function(before_line, line, seven TSRMLS_CC); /** * Check for overflows */ if (PHALCON_LT_LONG(before_line, 1)) { PHALCON_CPY_WRT(first_line, one); } else { PHALCON_CPY_WRT(first_line, before_line); } /** * Take five lines after the current exception's line, @TODO add an option for this */ PHALCON_INIT_VAR(five); ZVAL_LONG(five, 5); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(after_line); phalcon_add_function(after_line, line, five TSRMLS_CC); /** * Check for overflows */ if (PHALCON_GT(after_line, number_lines)) { PHALCON_CPY_WRT(last_line, number_lines); } else { PHALCON_CPY_WRT(last_line, after_line); } PHALCON_SCONCAT_SVSVSVS(html, "<pre class='prettyprint highlight:", first_line, ":", line, " linenums:", first_line, "'>"); } else { PHALCON_CPY_WRT(first_line, one); PHALCON_CPY_WRT(last_line, number_lines); PHALCON_SCONCAT_SVSVS(html, "<pre class='prettyprint highlight:", first_line, ":", line, " linenums error-scroll'>"); } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(comment_pattern); ZVAL_STRING(comment_pattern, "#\\*\\/$#", 1); /** * We assume the file is utf-8 encoded, @TODO add an option for this */ PHALCON_INIT_VAR(utf8); ZVAL_STRING(utf8, "UTF-8", 1); /** * Don't escape quotes */ PHALCON_INIT_VAR(ent_compat); ZVAL_LONG(ent_compat, 2); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(tab); ZVAL_STRING(tab, "\t", 1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(comment); ZVAL_STRING(comment, "* /", 1); PHALCON_CPY_WRT(i, first_line); while (1) { if (PHALCON_LE(i, last_line)) { } else { break; } /** * Current line in the file */ PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(line_position); sub_function(line_position, i, one TSRMLS_CC); /** * Current line content in the piece of file */ PHALCON_OBS_NVAR(current_line); phalcon_array_fetch(¤t_line, lines, line_position, PH_NOISY); /** * File fragments are cleaned, removing tabs and comments */ if (zend_is_true(show_file_fragment)) { if (PHALCON_IS_EQUAL(i, first_line)) { PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(trimmed); phalcon_fast_trim(trimmed, current_line, PHALCON_TRIM_RIGHT TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(is_comment); phalcon_preg_match(is_comment, comment_pattern, current_line, NULL TSRMLS_CC); if (zend_is_true(is_comment)) { PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(spaced_current_line); phalcon_fast_str_replace(spaced_current_line, comment, space, current_line); PHALCON_CPY_WRT(current_line, spaced_current_line); } } } /** * Print a non break space if the current line is a line break, this allows to show * the html zebra properly */ if (PHALCON_IS_STRING(current_line, "\n")) { phalcon_concat_self_str(&html, SL(" \n") TSRMLS_CC); } else { if (PHALCON_IS_STRING(current_line, "\r\n")) { phalcon_concat_self_str(&html, SL(" \n") TSRMLS_CC); } else { PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(spaced_current_line); phalcon_fast_str_replace(spaced_current_line, tab, two_spaces, current_line); PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(escaped_line); phalcon_call_func_p3(escaped_line, "htmlentities", spaced_current_line, ent_compat, utf8); phalcon_concat_self(&html, escaped_line TSRMLS_CC); } } PHALCON_SEPARATE(i); phalcon_increment(i); } phalcon_concat_self_str(&html, SL("</pre>") TSRMLS_CC); } } phalcon_concat_self_str(&html, SL("</td></tr>") TSRMLS_CC); RETURN_CTOR(html); }
/** * Applies a format to a message before sent it to the internal log * * @param string $message * @param int $type * @param int $timestamp */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Logger_Formatter_Line, format) { zval *message, *type, *timestamp, *format = NULL, *date_format; zval *date, *date_wildcard, *new_format = NULL, *type_string; zval *type_wildcard, *message_wildcard, *eol = NULL; PHALCON_MM_GROW(); if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "zzz", &message, &type, ×tamp) == FAILURE) { RETURN_MM_NULL(); } PHALCON_OBS_VAR(format); phalcon_read_property(&format, this_ptr, SL("_format"), PH_NOISY_CC); /** * Check if the format has the %date% placeholder */ if (phalcon_memnstr_str(format, SL("%date%") TSRMLS_CC)) { PHALCON_OBS_VAR(date_format); phalcon_read_property(&date_format, this_ptr, SL("_dateFormat"), PH_NOISY_CC); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(date); PHALCON_CALL_FUNC_PARAMS_2(date, "date", date_format, timestamp); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(date_wildcard); ZVAL_STRING(date_wildcard, "%date%", 1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(new_format); phalcon_fast_str_replace(new_format, date_wildcard, date, format TSRMLS_CC); } else { PHALCON_CPY_WRT(new_format, format); } /** * Check if the format has the %type% placeholder */ if (phalcon_memnstr_str(format, SL("%type%") TSRMLS_CC)) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(type_string); PHALCON_CALL_METHOD_PARAMS_1(type_string, this_ptr, "gettypestring", type); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(type_wildcard); ZVAL_STRING(type_wildcard, "%type%", 1); PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(format); phalcon_fast_str_replace(format, type_wildcard, type_string, new_format TSRMLS_CC); } else { PHALCON_CPY_WRT(format, new_format); } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(message_wildcard); ZVAL_STRING(message_wildcard, "%message%", 1); PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(new_format); phalcon_fast_str_replace(new_format, message_wildcard, message, format TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(eol); PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(eol); ZVAL_STRING(eol, PHP_EOL, 1); PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(format); PHALCON_CONCAT_VV(format, new_format, eol); RETURN_CCTOR(format); }
/** * Add a route to the router * * @param string $pattern * @param string/array $paths */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Mvc_Router, add){ zval *pattern = NULL, *paths = NULL, *parts = NULL, *route_paths = NULL, *pcre_pattern = NULL; zval *matches = NULL, *match = NULL, *n = NULL; zval *c0 = NULL, *c1 = NULL, *c2 = NULL; zval *r0 = NULL, *r1 = NULL, *r2 = NULL, *r3 = NULL, *r4 = NULL, *r5 = NULL, *r6 = NULL; zval *r7 = NULL, *r8 = NULL, *r9 = NULL, *r10 = NULL, *r11 = NULL; zval *t0 = NULL, *t1 = NULL, *t2 = NULL; zval *a0 = NULL; zval *p0[] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; HashTable *ah0; HashPosition hp0; zval **hd; char *hash_index; uint hash_index_len; ulong hash_num; int hash_type; int eval_int; PHALCON_MM_GROW(); if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "zz", &pattern, &paths) == FAILURE) { PHALCON_MM_RESTORE(); RETURN_NULL(); } if (Z_TYPE_P(paths) == IS_STRING) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(c0); ZVAL_STRING(c0, "::", 1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(parts); phalcon_fast_explode(parts, c0, paths TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(route_paths); array_init(route_paths); PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(r0); phalcon_array_fetch_long(&r0, parts, 0, PH_NOISY_CC); PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(r1); PHALCON_CALL_FUNC_PARAMS_1(r1, "strtolower", r0); phalcon_array_update_string(&route_paths, SL("controller"), &r1, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE TSRMLS_CC); eval_int = phalcon_array_isset_long(parts, 1); if (eval_int) { PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(r2); phalcon_array_fetch_long(&r2, parts, 1, PH_NOISY_CC); phalcon_array_update_string(&route_paths, SL("action"), &r2, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE TSRMLS_CC); } } else { PHALCON_CPY_WRT(route_paths, paths); } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(c1); ZVAL_STRING(c1, "#", 1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(c2); ZVAL_STRING(c2, "\\#", 1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(pcre_pattern); phalcon_fast_str_replace(pcre_pattern, c1, c2, pattern TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(r3); phalcon_fast_strpos_str(r3, pcre_pattern, SL("{") TSRMLS_CC); if (zend_is_true(r3)) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(matches); array_init(matches); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(p0[0]); ZVAL_STRING(p0[0], "#{([a-zA-Z0-9\\_\\-]+):([^}]+)}#", 1); p0[1] = pcre_pattern; Z_SET_ISREF_P(matches); p0[2] = matches; PHALCON_INIT_VAR(t0); ZVAL_LONG(t0, 2); p0[3] = t0; PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(r4); PHALCON_CALL_FUNC_PARAMS(r4, "preg_match_all", 4, p0); Z_UNSET_ISREF_P(p0[2]); if (zend_is_true(r4)) { if (!phalcon_valid_foreach(matches TSRMLS_CC)) { return; } ah0 = Z_ARRVAL_P(matches); zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex(ah0, &hp0); fes_c9ff_0: if(zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(ah0, (void**) &hd, &hp0) != SUCCESS){ goto fee_c9ff_0; } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(n); PHALCON_GET_FOREACH_KEY(n, ah0, hp0); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(match); ZVAL_ZVAL(match, *hd, 1, 0); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(r5); phalcon_array_fetch_long(&r5, match, 0, PH_NOISY_CC); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(r6); phalcon_array_fetch_long(&r6, match, 2, PH_NOISY_CC); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(r7); PHALCON_CONCAT_SVS(r7, "(", r6, ")"); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(r8); phalcon_fast_str_replace(r8, r5, r7, pcre_pattern TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_CPY_WRT(pcre_pattern, r8); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(t1); ZVAL_LONG(t1, 1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(r9); phalcon_add_function(r9, n, t1 TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(r10); phalcon_array_fetch_long(&r10, match, 1, PH_NOISY_CC); phalcon_array_update_zval(&route_paths, r10, &r9, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE TSRMLS_CC); zend_hash_move_forward_ex(ah0, &hp0); goto fes_c9ff_0; fee_c9ff_0: if(0){} } } PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(a0); array_init(a0); PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(r11); PHALCON_CALL_METHOD_PARAMS_1(r11, this_ptr, "compilepattern", pcre_pattern, PH_NO_CHECK); phalcon_array_update_string(&a0, SL("pattern"), &r11, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE TSRMLS_CC); phalcon_array_update_string(&a0, SL("paths"), &route_paths, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL_MM(t2); phalcon_read_property(&t2, this_ptr, SL("_routes"), PH_NOISY_CC); phalcon_array_append(&t2, a0, 0 TSRMLS_CC); phalcon_update_property_zval(this_ptr, SL("_routes"), t2 TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_MM_RESTORE(); }
/** * Checks for annotations in the public methods of the controller * * @param string $controller * @param string $action * @param Phalcon\Annotations\Annotation $annotation */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Mvc_Router_Annotations, processActionAnnotation){ zval *controller, *action, *annotation, *is_route = NULL; zval *methods = NULL, *name, *action_sufix, *empty_str; zval *real_action_name, *action_name, *route_prefix; zval *parameter = NULL, *paths = NULL, *position, *value, *uri = NULL, *route; zval *converts, *convert = NULL, *param = NULL, *route_name; HashTable *ah0; HashPosition hp0; zval **hd; PHALCON_MM_GROW(); if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "zzz", &controller, &action, &annotation) == FAILURE) { RETURN_MM_NULL(); } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(is_route); ZVAL_BOOL(is_route, 0); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(methods); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(name); PHALCON_CALL_METHOD(name, annotation, "getname"); /** * Find if the route is for adding routes */ if (PHALCON_IS_STRING(name, "Route")) { ZVAL_BOOL(is_route, 1); } else { if (PHALCON_IS_STRING(name, "Get")) { ZVAL_BOOL(is_route, 1); ZVAL_STRING(methods, "GET", 1); } else { if (PHALCON_IS_STRING(name, "Post")) { ZVAL_BOOL(is_route, 1); PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(methods); ZVAL_STRING(methods, "POST", 1); } else { if (PHALCON_IS_STRING(name, "Put")) { ZVAL_BOOL(is_route, 1); PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(methods); ZVAL_STRING(methods, "PUT", 1); } else { if (PHALCON_IS_STRING(name, "Options")) { ZVAL_BOOL(is_route, 1); PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(methods); ZVAL_STRING(methods, "OPTIONS", 1); } } } } } if (PHALCON_IS_TRUE(is_route)) { PHALCON_OBS_VAR(action_sufix); phalcon_read_property(&action_sufix, this_ptr, SL("_actionSufix"), PH_NOISY_CC); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(empty_str); ZVAL_STRING(empty_str, "", 1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(real_action_name); phalcon_fast_str_replace(real_action_name, action_sufix, empty_str, action TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(action_name); phalcon_fast_strtolower(action_name, real_action_name); PHALCON_OBS_VAR(route_prefix); phalcon_read_property(&route_prefix, this_ptr, SL("_routePrefix"), PH_NOISY_CC); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(parameter); ZVAL_STRING(parameter, "paths", 1); /** * Check for existing paths in the annotation */ PHALCON_INIT_VAR(paths); PHALCON_CALL_METHOD_PARAMS_1(paths, annotation, "getnamedparameter", parameter); if (Z_TYPE_P(paths) != IS_ARRAY) { PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(paths); array_init(paths); } phalcon_array_update_string(&paths, SL("controller"), &controller, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE TSRMLS_CC); phalcon_array_update_string(&paths, SL("action"), &action_name, PH_COPY | PH_SEPARATE TSRMLS_CC); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(position); ZVAL_LONG(position, 0); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(value); PHALCON_CALL_METHOD_PARAMS_1(value, annotation, "getargument", position); /** * Create the route using the prefix */ if (Z_TYPE_P(value) != IS_NULL) { if (!PHALCON_IS_STRING(value, "/")) { PHALCON_INIT_VAR(uri); PHALCON_CONCAT_VV(uri, route_prefix, value); } else { PHALCON_CPY_WRT(uri, route_prefix); } } else { PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(uri); PHALCON_CONCAT_VV(uri, route_prefix, action_name); } /** * Add the route to the router */ PHALCON_INIT_VAR(route); PHALCON_CALL_METHOD_PARAMS_2(route, this_ptr, "add", uri, paths); if (Z_TYPE_P(methods) == IS_NULL) { PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(parameter); ZVAL_STRING(parameter, "methods", 1); PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(methods); PHALCON_CALL_METHOD_PARAMS_1(methods, annotation, "getnamedparameter", parameter); if (Z_TYPE_P(methods) == IS_ARRAY) { PHALCON_CALL_METHOD_PARAMS_1_NORETURN(route, "via", methods); } else { if (Z_TYPE_P(methods) == IS_STRING) { PHALCON_CALL_METHOD_PARAMS_1_NORETURN(route, "via", methods); } } } else { PHALCON_CALL_METHOD_PARAMS_1_NORETURN(route, "via", methods); } PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(parameter); ZVAL_STRING(parameter, "converts", 1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(converts); PHALCON_CALL_METHOD_PARAMS_1(converts, annotation, "getnamedparameter", parameter); if (Z_TYPE_P(converts) == IS_ARRAY) { if (!phalcon_is_iterable(converts, &ah0, &hp0, 0, 0 TSRMLS_CC)) { return; } while (zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(ah0, (void**) &hd, &hp0) == SUCCESS) { PHALCON_GET_FOREACH_KEY(param, ah0, hp0); PHALCON_GET_FOREACH_VALUE(convert); PHALCON_CALL_METHOD_PARAMS_2_NORETURN(route, "convert", param, convert); zend_hash_move_forward_ex(ah0, &hp0); } } PHALCON_INIT_NVAR(parameter); ZVAL_STRING(parameter, "name", 1); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(route_name); PHALCON_CALL_METHOD_PARAMS_1(route_name, annotation, "getnamedparameter", parameter); if (Z_TYPE_P(route_name) == IS_STRING) { PHALCON_CALL_METHOD_PARAMS_1_NORETURN(route, "setname", route_name); } RETURN_MM_TRUE; } PHALCON_MM_RESTORE(); }