Esempio n. 1
int main(int c, char *v[])
	// extract optional parameters
	bool folding    = pick_option(&c, &v, "f", NULL);
	char *fname_in  = pick_option(&c, &v, "i", "-");
	char *fname_out = pick_option(&c, &v, "o", "-");

	// process input arguments
	if (c != 3) {
		fprintf(stderr, "usage:\n\t"
				"%s nrho ntheta <gradient >hough\n", *v);
		//               0  1    2
		return 1;
	int nrho = atoi(v[1]);
	int ntheta = atoi(v[2]);

	// read input gradient
	int w, h, pd;
	float *gradient = iio_read_image_float_vec(fname_in, &w, &h, &pd);
	if (pd != 2) return fprintf(stderr, "I expect a gradient!\n");

	// compute transform
	float *transform = malloc(nrho * ntheta * sizeof*transform);
	ghough(transform, nrho, ntheta, gradient, w, h, folding);

	// save output image
	iio_save_image_float_vec(fname_out, transform, nrho, ntheta, 1);

	// cleanup and exti
	return 0;
Esempio n. 2
static int main_puts(int c, char **v)
	int kerning = atoi(pick_option(&c, &v, "k", "0"));
	char *colorname = pick_option(&c, &v, "c", "000");
	if (c != 5 && c != 6 && c != 7) {
		fprintf(stderr, "usage:\n\t"
			"%s font.bdf px py \"string\" [in [out]]\n", *v);
		//        0  1       2  3    4         5   6
		return 1;
	char *bdf = v[1];
	int px = atoi(v[2]);
	int py = atoi(v[3]);
	char *text = v[4];
	char *filename_in = c > 5 ? v[5] : "-";
	char *filename_out = c > 6 ? v[6] : "-";

	struct bitmap_font f;
	font_fill_from_bdf(&f, bdf);

	int w, h, pd;
	float *x = iio_read_image_float_vec(filename_in, &w, &h, &pd);

	float color[10] = {0};
	if (pd == (int)strlen(colorname))
		for (int i = 0; i < pd; i++)
			color[i] = (unsigned char)((255*(colorname[i]-'0'))/8);
	put_string_in_float_image(x, w,h,pd, px,py, color, kerning, &f, text);

	iio_save_image_float_vec(filename_out, x, w, h, pd);

	return 0;
Esempio n. 3
File: homwarp.c Progetto: mnhrdt/s2p
int main(int c, char *v[])
	bool do_invert = pick_option(&c, &v, "i", NULL);
	int order = atoi(pick_option(&c, &v, "o", "-3"));
	if (c < 4 || c > 6)
		return fprintf(stderr, "usage:\n\t"
		"%s [-i] [-o {0|1|2|-3|3|5|7}] hom w h [in [out]]\n"
		//0                            1   2 3  4   5
		"\t-i\tinvert input homography\n"
		"\t-o\tchose interpolation order (default -3 = bicubic)\n"
		, *v);
	double H_direct[9], H_inv[9];
	read_n_doubles_from_string(H_direct, v[1], 9);
	invert_homography(H_inv, H_direct);
	double *H = do_invert ? H_inv : H_direct;
	int ow = atoi(v[2]);
	int oh = atoi(v[3]);
	char *filename_in  = c > 4 ? v[4] : "-";
	char *filename_out = c > 5 ? v[5] : "-";

	int w, h, pd;
	float *x = iio_read_image_float_split(filename_in, &w, &h, &pd);
	float *y = xmalloc(ow * oh * pd * sizeof*y);

	int r = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < pd; i++)
		r += shomwarp(y + i*ow*oh, ow, oh, H, x + i*w*h, w, h, order);

	iio_save_image_float_split(filename_out, y, ow, oh, pd);
	return r;
Esempio n. 4
int main_compute(int c, char *v[])
	// input arguments
	bool do_only_warp = pick_option(&c, &v, "w", NULL);
	if (do_only_warp) return main_warp(c, v);
	bool do_center = pick_option(&c, &v, "c", NULL);
	if (c != 7) {
		fprintf(stderr, "usage:\n\t"
			"%s a.png b.png Pa.txt Pb.txt in.tiff out.tiff\n", *v);
		//        0  1     2     3      4     5       6
		return 1;
	char *filename_a   = v[1];
	char *filename_b   = v[2];
	char *matrix_pa    = v[3];
	char *matrix_pb    = v[4];
	char *filename_in  = v[5];
	char *filename_out = v[6];

	// read input images and matrices
	int wa, wb, wi, ha, hb, hi;
	float *a  = iio_read_image_float(filename_a, &wa, &ha);
	float *b  = iio_read_image_float(filename_b, &wb, &hb);
	float *h0 = iio_read_image_float(filename_in, &wi, &hi);
	double PA[8], PB[8];
	read_n_doubles_from_string(PA, matrix_pa, 8);
	read_n_doubles_from_string(PB, matrix_pb, 8);

	// perform centering, if necessary
	if (do_center) {
		center_projection(PA, wa/2, ha/2);
		center_projection(PB, wb/2, hb/2);

	// allocate space for output image
	float *out = xmalloc(wi * hi * sizeof*out);

	// run the algorithm
	float alpha2 = ALPHA()*ALPHA();
	int niter = NITER();
	int nwarps = NWARPS();
	int nscales = NSCALES();
	mnehs_affine_ms(out, h0, wi, hi, a, wa, ha, b, wb, hb, PA, PB, alpha2, niter, nscales);
	//for (int i = 0; i < nwarps; i++)
	//	mnehs_affine(out, h0, wi,hi, a,wa,ha, b,wb,hb, PA, PB, alpha2, niter);
	//	memcpy(h0, out, wi * hi * sizeof*h0);

	// save the output image
	iio_save_image_float(filename_out, out, wi, hi);

	// cleanup and exit
	return 0;
Esempio n. 5
int main(int c, char *v[])
	// read input arguments
	char *Hstring = pick_option(&c, &v, "h", "");
	bool option_t = pick_option(&c, &v, "t", NULL);
	if (c != 5 && c!= 4 && c != 3) {
		return fprintf(stderr, "usage:\n\t%s"
		"width height [-h \"h1 ... h9\"] [clouds.gml [out.png]]\n", *v);
		//   1 2                          3           4
	int out_width = atoi(v[1]);
	int out_height = atoi(v[2]);
	char *filename_clg = c > 3 ? v[3] : "-";
	char *filename_out = c > 4 ? v[4] : "PNG:-";

	// read input cloud file
	struct cloud_mask m[1];
	if (option_t)
		read_cloud_mask_from_txt_file(m, filename_clg);
		read_cloud_mask_from_gml_file(m, filename_clg);

	// acquire space for output image
	int w = out_width;
	int h = out_height;
	int *x = xmalloc(w*h*sizeof*x);
	for (int i = 0; i < w*h; i++)
		x[i] = 0;

	// scale the co-ordinates of the cloud
	if (*Hstring) {
		int nH;
		double *H = alloc_parse_doubles(9, Hstring, &nH);
		if (nH != 9)
			fail("can not read 3x3 matrix from \"%s\"", Hstring);
		cloud_mask_homography(m, H);

	} else
		cloud_mask_rescale(m, w, h);

	// draw mask over output image
	clouds_mask_fill(x, w, h, m);

	// save output image
	iio_save_image_int(filename_out, x, w, h);

	return 0;
Esempio n. 6
int main(int c, char *v[])
	char *filename_m = pick_option(&c, &v, "m", "");
	bool old_boundary = pick_option(&c, &v, "o", NULL);
	bool fan_boundary = pick_option(&c, &v, "f", NULL);
	bool Fan_boundary = pick_option(&c, &v, "F", NULL);
	global_parameter_p = atof(pick_option(&c, &v, "p", "NAN"));
	if ((c != 1 && c != 2 && c != 3) || (c>1 && !strcmp(v[1], "-h"))) {
		fprintf(stderr, "usage:\n\t%s [in [out]]\n", *v);
		//                          0  1   2
		return 1;
	char *filename_i = c > 1 ? v[1] : "-";
	char *filename_o = c > 2 ? v[2] : "-";
	if (old_boundary && !fan_boundary)
		fprintf(stderr, "using old boundary\n");
		global_boundary_function = construct_symmetric_boundary_old;
	if (fan_boundary)
		fprintf(stderr, "using fancy boundary\n");
		global_boundary_function = construct_symmetric_boundary_fancy;
	if (Fan_boundary)
		fprintf(stderr, "using Fancy boundary\n");
		global_boundary_function = construct_symmetric_boundary_Fancy;
	if (isfinite(global_parameter_p))
		fprintf(stderr, "using fancier boundary (p=%g)\n",
		global_boundary_function = construct_symmetric_boundary_fancier;

	int w, h, pd;
	float *x = iio_read_image_float_split(filename_i, &w, &h, &pd);
	float *y = malloc(w*h*pd*sizeof*y);

	ppsmooth_split(y, x, w, h, pd);

	iio_save_image_float_split(filename_o, y, w, h, pd);

	if (*filename_m) {
		for (int i = 0; i < w*h*pd; i++)
			y[i] = x[i] - y[i];
		iio_save_image_float_split(filename_m, y, w, h, pd);

	return 0;
Esempio n. 7
int main_vecov(int c, char *v[])
	if (c == 2) if_help_is_requested_print_it_and_exit_the_program(v[1]);
	char *filename_out = pick_option(&c, &v, "o", "-");
	if (c < 3) {
		"usage:\n\t%s {sum|min|max|avg|weisz} [v1 ...] [-o out]\n", *v);
		//          0  1                          2  3
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	int n = c - 2;
	char *operation_name = v[1];
	void (*f)(float*,float*,int,int) = NULL;
	if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "sum"))   f = float_sum;
	if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "mul"))   f = float_mul;
	if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "prod"))  f = float_mul;
	if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "cprod")) f = float_cprod;
	if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "cmul"))  f = float_cprod;
	if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "avg"))   f = float_avg;
	if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "min"))   f = float_min;
	if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "max"))   f = float_max;
	if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "med"))   f = float_med;
	if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "medi"))   f = float_med;
	if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "modc"))   f = float_modc;
	if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "weisz"))   f = float_weisz;
	//if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "medv"))   f = float_medv;
	//if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "rnd"))   f = float_pick;
	//if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "first")) f = float_first;
	if (!f) fail("unrecognized operation \"%s\"", operation_name);
	float *x[n];
	int w[n], h[n], pd[n];
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
		x[i] = iio_read_image_float_vec(v[i+2], w + i, h + i, pd + i);
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		if (w[i] != *w || h[i] != *h || pd[i] != *pd)
			fail("%dth image sizes mismatch\n", i);
	int out_pd = *pd;
	float (*y) = xmalloc(*w * *h * out_pd * sizeof*y);
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for
	for (int i = 0; i < *w * *h; i++) {
		float tmp[n][*pd];
		int ngood = 0;
		for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
			if (isgood(x[j]+i**pd, *pd)) {
				for (int k = 0; k < *pd; k++)
					tmp[ngood][k] = x[j][i**pd+k];
				ngood += 1;
		f(y + i**pd, tmp[0], *pd, ngood);
	iio_write_image_float_vec(filename_out, y, *w, *h, *pd);
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
Esempio n. 8
int main(int c, char *v[])
	int gpar = atoi(pick_option(&c, &v, "g", "1"));
	if (c < 4) {
		"usage:\n\t%s {sum|min|max|avg|mul|med] [v1 ...] > out\n", *v);
		//          0  1                          2  3
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	int n = c - 2;
	char *operation_name = v[1];
	float (*f)(float *,int) = NULL;
	if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "sum"))   f = float_sum;
	if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "mul"))   f = float_mul;
	if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "prod"))  f = float_mul;
	if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "avg"))   f = float_avg;
	if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "min"))   f = float_min;
	if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "max"))   f = float_max;
	if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "med"))   f = float_med;
	if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "mod"))   f = float_mod;
	if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "cnt"))   f = float_cnt;
	if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "medi"))   f = float_med;
	if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "medv"))   f = float_medv;
	if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "rnd"))   f = float_pick;
	if (0 == strcmp(operation_name, "first")) f = float_first;
	if (*operation_name == 'q') {
		float p = atof(1 + operation_name);
		f = float_percentile;
		f(&p, -1);
	if (!f) fail("unrecognized operation \"%s\"", operation_name);
	bool (*isgood)(float) = NULL;
	if (0 == gpar) isgood = isgood_finite;
	if (1 == gpar) isgood = isgood_numeric;
	if (2 == gpar) isgood = isgood_always;
	if (!isgood) fail("unrecognized goodness %d", gpar);
	float *x[n];
	int w[n], h[n];
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
		x[i] = iio_read_image_float(v[i+2], w + i, h + i);
	for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		if (w[i] != *w || h[i] != *h)
			fail("%dth image size mismatch\n", i);
	float (*y) = xmalloc(*w * *h * sizeof*y);
	for (int i = 0; i < *w * *h; i++)
		float tmp[n];
		int ngood = 0;
		for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
			if (isgood(x[j][i]))
				tmp[ngood++] = x[j][i];
		y[i] = f(tmp, ngood);
	iio_save_image_float("-", y, *w, *h);
Esempio n. 9
int main_warp(int c, char *v[])
	// input arguments
	bool do_center = pick_option(&c, &v, "c", NULL);
	if (c != 7) {
		fprintf(stderr, "usage:\n\t"
			"%s a.png b.png Pa.txt Pb.txt in.tiff amb.png\n", *v);
		//        0  1     2     3      4     5       6
		return 1;
	char *filename_a   = v[1];
	char *filename_b   = v[2];
	char *matrix_pa    = v[3];
	char *matrix_pb    = v[4];
	char *filename_in  = v[5];
	char *filename_out = v[6];

	// read input images and matrices
	int wa, wb, wi, ha, hb, hi, pd, pdb;
	float *a  = iio_read_image_float_vec(filename_a, &wa, &ha, &pd);
	float *b  = iio_read_image_float_vec(filename_b, &wb, &hb, &pdb);
	float *h0 = iio_read_image_float(filename_in, &wi, &hi);
	double PA[8], PB[8];
	read_n_doubles_from_string(PA, matrix_pa, 8);
	read_n_doubles_from_string(PB, matrix_pb, 8);
	if (pd != pdb)
		fail("input pair has different color depth");

	// perform centering, if necessary
	if (do_center) {
		fprintf(stderr, "centering projection matrices\n");
		center_projection(PA, wa/2, ha/2);
		center_projection(PB, wb/2, hb/2);

	// allocate space for output image
	float *out = xmalloc(wi * hi * pd * sizeof*out);

	// run the algorithm
	mnehs_affine_warp(out, h0, wi,hi,pd, a,wa,ha, b,wb,hb, PA, PB);

	// save the output image
	iio_save_image_float_vec(filename_out, out, wi, hi, pd);

	// cleanup and exit
	return 0;
Esempio n. 10
int main_fpantiff(int c, char *v[])
	TIFFSetWarningHandler(NULL);//suppress warnings

	// process input arguments
	char *filename_preview = pick_option(&c, &v, "p", "");
	if (c != 2) {
		fprintf(stderr, "usage:\n\t%s pyrpattern\n", *v);
		//                          0 1
		return 1;
	char *pyrpattern = v[1];

	// read image
	struct pan_state e[1];
	int megabytes = 100;
	tiff_octaves_init(e->t, pyrpattern, megabytes);
	e->w = 700;
	e->h = 500;
	e->infrared = 4 == e->t->i->spp;
	e->slog = false;
	e->preview = NULL;
	e->do_preview = false;
	e->a = 1;
	e->b = 0;
	if (*filename_preview) add_preview(e, filename_preview);

	// open window
	struct FTR f;
	if (e->preview)
		f = ftr_new_window(e->pw, e->ph);
		f = ftr_new_window(BAD_MIN(e->w,700), BAD_MIN(e->h,500));
	f.userdata = e;
	ftr_set_handler(&f, "key"   , pan_key_handler);
	ftr_set_handler(&f, "button", pan_button_handler);
	ftr_set_handler(&f, "motion", pan_motion_handler);
	ftr_set_handler(&f, "expose", pan_exposer);
	int r = ftr_loop_run(&f);

	// cleanup and exit (optional)
	return r;
Esempio n. 11
int main_cpu(int c, char *v[])
	// extract named options
	char *window_title = pick_option(&c, &v, "t", "cpu");

	// process input arguments
	if (c != 2 && c != 1) {
		fprintf(stderr, "usage:\n\t%s [image]\n", *v);
		//                          0  1
		return 1;
	char *filename_in = c > 1 ? v[1] : "-";

	// read image
	struct pan_state e[1];
	e->i = fancy_image_open(filename_in, "r");
	e->w = e->i->w;
	e->h = e->i->h;

	// setup fonts (TODO, integrate these calls into fontu's caching stuff)
	e->font[0] = reformat_font(*xfont_4x6, UNPACKED);
	e->font[1] = reformat_font(*xfont_6x12, UNPACKED);
	e->font[2] = reformat_font(*xfont_7x13, UNPACKED);
	e->font[3] = reformat_font(*xfont_9x15, UNPACKED);
	e->font[4] = reformat_font(*xfont_10x20, UNPACKED);
	//e->font[0] = reformat_font(*xfont_5x7, UNPACKED);

	// open window
	struct FTR f = ftr_new_window(BAD_MIN(e->w,1000), BAD_MIN(e->h,800));
	ftr_change_title(&f, window_title);
	f.userdata = e;
	ftr_set_handler(&f, "expose", pan_exposer);
	ftr_set_handler(&f, "motion", pan_motion_handler);
	ftr_set_handler(&f, "button", pan_button_handler);
	ftr_set_handler(&f, "key"   , pan_key_handler);
	int r = ftr_loop_run(&f);

	// cleanup and exit (optional)
	for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) free(e->font[i].data);
	return r - 1;
Esempio n. 12
int main(int c, char *v[])
	// process input arguments
	_Bool m = pick_option(&c, &v, "m", NULL);
	if (c < 2 || c > 4) {
		fprintf(stderr, "usage:\n\t%s alpha [dem_in [dem_out]]\n", *v);
		//                          0 1      2       3
		return 1;
	float alpha = atof(v[1]);
	char *filename_in  = c > 2 ? v[2] : "-";
	char *filename_out = c > 3 ? v[3] : "-";

	// read input image
	int w, h, pd;
	float *x = iio_read_image_float_split(filename_in, &w, &h, &pd);
	if (pd != 1) {
		for (int i = 0; i < w*h; i++)
			for (int l = 1; l < pd; l++)
				x[i] += x[i+w*h*l];
		for (int i = 0; i < w*h; i++)
			x[i] /= pd;

	// cast the vertical shadows
	cast_vertical_shadows(x, w, h, alpha);

	// if mask is requested, create a binary mask
	if (m) for (int i = 0; i < w*h; i++)
		x[i] = 255*isnan(x[i]);

	// save the output image
	iio_save_image_float_split(filename_out, x, w, h, 1);

	// cleanup (unnecessary) and exit
	return 0;
Esempio n. 13
int main_pan(int c, char *v[])
	// process input arguments
	char *imask_option = pick_option(&c, &v, "m", "");
	if (c > 4) {
		fprintf(stderr, "usage:\n\t"
				"%s [in.fft [out.fft [out.mask]]]\n", *v);
		//                0  1       2        3
		return c;
	char *filename_in   = c > 1 ? v[1] : "-";
	char *filename_out  = c > 2 ? v[2] : "-";
	char *filename_mask = c > 3 ? v[3] : NULL;
	char *filename_imask = *imask_option ? imask_option : NULL;

	// read image
	struct pan_state e[1];
	int pd;
	e->fft = (void*)iio_read_image_float_vec(filename_in, &e->w, &e->h,&pd);
	if (pd != 2 && pd != 6)
		return fprintf(stderr, "input must be a fft (got pd=%d)\n", pd);
	e->pd = pd / 2;
	if (filename_imask) {
		int mw, mh;
		e->mask = iio_read_image_uint8(filename_imask,&mw,&mh);
		if (mw != e->w || mh != e->h)
			return fprintf(stderr, "input mask bad size\n");
		fprintf(stderr, "using input mask from file \"%s\"\n",
	} else {
		e->mask = malloc(e->w * e->h);
		memset(e->mask, 1, e->w * e->h);

	// open window
	struct FTR f = ftr_new_window(BAD_MIN(e->w,512), BAD_MIN(e->h,512));
	f.userdata = e;
	ftr_set_handler(&f, "expose", pan_exposer);
	ftr_set_handler(&f, "motion", pan_motion_handler);
	ftr_set_handler(&f, "button", pan_button_handler);
	ftr_set_handler(&f, "key"   , pan_key_handler);
	int r = ftr_loop_run(&f);

	// apply computed mask
	for (int i = 0; i < e->w * e->h; i++)
		if (!e->mask[i])
			for (int l = 0; l < e->pd; l++)
				e->fft[i*e->pd+l] = 0;

	// save output images
	iio_save_image_float_vec(filename_out, (void*)e->fft, e->w,e->h, pd);
	if (filename_mask)
		iio_save_image_uint8_vec(filename_mask, e->mask, e->w, e->h, 1);

	// cleanup and exit (optional)
	return r;
Esempio n. 14
static int parse_options(int argc, char** argv,
                         int *n_bins,
                         int *n_hist,
                         int *n_ori,
                         int *meth_flag,
                         float *thresh,
                         int *verb_flag,
                         char* label)
    int isfound;
    char val[128];

    isfound = pick_option(&argc, &argv, "ori_nbins", val);
    if (isfound ==  1)    *n_bins = atoi(val);
    if (isfound == -1)    return EXIT_FAILURE;

    isfound = pick_option(&argc, &argv, "descr_nhist", val);
    if (isfound ==  1)    *n_hist = atoi(val);
    if (isfound == -1)    return EXIT_FAILURE;

    isfound = pick_option(&argc, &argv, "descr_nori", val);
    if (isfound ==  1)    *n_ori = atoi(val);
    if (isfound == -1)    return EXIT_FAILURE;

    isfound = pick_option(&argc, &argv, "absolute", val);
    if (isfound ==  1){
        *meth_flag = 0;
        *thresh = atof(val);
    if (isfound == -1)    return EXIT_FAILURE;

    isfound = pick_option(&argc, &argv, "relative", val);
    if (isfound ==  1){
        *meth_flag = 1;
        *thresh = atof(val);
    if (isfound == -1)    return EXIT_FAILURE;

    isfound = pick_option(&argc, &argv, "verb", val);
    if (isfound ==  1){
        *verb_flag = 1;
        strcpy(label, val);
    if (isfound == -1)    return EXIT_FAILURE;

    // check for unknown option call
    for(int i = 0; i < argc; i++){
        if (argv[i][0] == '-'){
            fprintf(stderr, "Fatal error: option \"-%s\" is unknown.\n", argv[i]+1);
            return EXIT_FAILURE;
    // check for input image
    if (argc != 3){
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 15
int main(int c, char *v[])
    if (c < 6 || c > 48) {
        return 1;

    // utm zone and hemisphere: true for 'N' and false for 'S'
    int zone;
    bool hem;
    const char *utm_string = pick_option(&c, &v, "-utm-zone", "no_utm_zone");
    parse_utm_string(&zone, &hem, utm_string);

    // ascii flag
    bool ascii = pick_option(&c, &v, "-ascii", NULL);

    // longitude-latitude bounding box
    double lon_m = atof(pick_option(&c, &v, "-lon-m", "-inf"));
    double lon_M = atof(pick_option(&c, &v, "-lon-M", "inf"));
    double lat_m = atof(pick_option(&c, &v, "-lat-m", "-inf"));
    double lat_M = atof(pick_option(&c, &v, "-lat-M", "inf"));

    // x-y bounding box
    double col_m = atof(pick_option(&c, &v, "-col-m", "-inf"));
    double col_M = atof(pick_option(&c, &v, "-col-M", "inf"));
    double row_m = atof(pick_option(&c, &v, "-row-m", "-inf"));
    double row_M = atof(pick_option(&c, &v, "-row-M", "inf"));

    // mask on the unrectified image grid
    const char *msk_orig_fname = pick_option(&c, &v, "-mask-orig", "");
    int msk_orig_w, msk_orig_h;
    float *msk_orig = iio_read_image_float(msk_orig_fname, &msk_orig_w,

    // rectifying homography
    double href_inv[9], hsec_inv[9];
    int n_hom;
    const char *hom_string_ref = pick_option(&c, &v, "href", "");
    if (*hom_string_ref) {
        double *hom = alloc_parse_doubles(9, hom_string_ref, &n_hom);
        if (n_hom != 9)
            fail("can not read 3x3 matrix from \"%s\"", hom_string_ref);
        invert_homography(href_inv, hom);
    const char *hom_string_sec = pick_option(&c, &v, "hsec", "");
    if (*hom_string_sec) {
        double *hom = alloc_parse_doubles(9, hom_string_sec, &n_hom);
        if (n_hom != 9)
            fail("can not read 3x3 matrix from \"%s\"", hom_string_sec);
        invert_homography(hsec_inv, hom);

    // open disp and mask input images
    int w, h, nch, ww, hh, pd;
    float *dispy;
    float *dispx = iio_read_image_float_split(v[2], &w, &h, &nch);
    if (nch > 1) dispy = dispx + w*h;
    else dispy = calloc(w*h, sizeof(*dispy));

    float *mask = iio_read_image_float(v[3], &ww, &hh);
    if (w != ww || h != hh) fail("disp and mask image size mismatch\n");

    // open color images if provided
    uint8_t *clr = NULL;
    if (c > 6) {
        clr = iio_read_image_uint8_vec(v[6], &ww, &hh, &pd);
        if (w != ww || h != hh) fail("disp and color image size mismatch\n");

    // read input rpc models
    struct rpc rpc_ref[1], rpc_sec[1];
    read_rpc_file_xml(rpc_ref, v[4]);
    read_rpc_file_xml(rpc_sec, v[5]);

    // outputs
    double p[2], q[2], X[3];

    // count number of valid pixels, and determine utm zone
    int npoints = 0;
    for (int row=0; row<h; row++)
    for (int col=0; col<w; col++) {
        int pix = row*w + col;
        if (!mask[pix]) continue;

        // compute coordinates of pix in the full reference image
        double a[2] = {col, row};
        apply_homography(p, href_inv, a);

        // check that it lies in the image domain bounding box
        if (round(p[0]) < col_m || round(p[0]) > col_M ||
            round(p[1]) < row_m || round(p[1]) > row_M)

        // check that it passes the image domain mask
        int x = (int) round(p[0]) - col_m;
        int y = (int) round(p[1]) - row_m;
        if ((x < msk_orig_w) && (y < msk_orig_h))
            if (!msk_orig[y * msk_orig_w + x])

        // compute (lon, lat, alt) of the 3D point
        float dx = dispx[pix];
        float dy = dispy[pix];
        double b[2] = {col + dx, row + dy};
        apply_homography(q, hsec_inv, b);
        intersect_rays(X, p, q, rpc_ref, rpc_sec);

        // check with lon/lat bounding box
        if (X[0] < lon_m || X[0] > lon_M || X[1] < lat_m || X[1] > lat_M)

        // if it passed all these tests then it's a valid point

        // if not defined, utm zone is that of the first point
        if (zone < 0)
            utm_zone(&zone, &hem, X[1], X[0]);

    // print header for ply file
    FILE *ply_file = fopen(v[1], "w");
    write_ply_header(ply_file, ascii, npoints, zone, hem, (bool) clr, false);

    // loop over all the pixels of the input disp map
    // a 3D point is produced for each non-masked disparity
    for (int row=0; row<h; row++)
    for (int col=0; col<w; col++) {
        int pix = row*w + col;
        if (!mask[pix]) continue;

        // compute coordinates of pix in the full reference image
        double a[2] = {col, row};
        apply_homography(p, href_inv, a);

        // check that it lies in the image domain bounding box
        if (round(p[0]) < col_m || round(p[0]) > col_M ||
            round(p[1]) < row_m || round(p[1]) > row_M)

        // check that it passes the image domain mask
        int x = (int) round(p[0]) - col_m;
        int y = (int) round(p[1]) - row_m;
        if ((x < msk_orig_w) && (y < msk_orig_h))
            if (!msk_orig[y * msk_orig_w + x])

        // compute (lon, lat, alt) of the 3D point
        float dx = dispx[pix];
        float dy = dispy[pix];
        double b[2] = {col + dx, row + dy};
        apply_homography(q, hsec_inv, b);
        intersect_rays(X, p, q, rpc_ref, rpc_sec);

        // check with lon/lat bounding box
        if (X[0] < lon_m || X[0] > lon_M || X[1] < lat_m || X[1] > lat_M)

        // convert (lon, lat, alt) to utm
        utm_alt_zone(X, X[1], X[0], zone);

        // colorization: if greyscale, copy the grey level on each channel
        uint8_t rgb[3];
        if (clr) {
            for (int k = 0; k < pd; k++) rgb[k] = clr[k + pd*pix];
            for (int k = pd; k < 3; k++) rgb[k] = rgb[k-1];

        // write to ply
        if (ascii) {
            fprintf(ply_file, "%0.17g %0.17g %0.17g ", X[0], X[1], X[2]);
            if (clr)
                fprintf(ply_file, "%d %d %d", rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]);
            fprintf(ply_file, "\n");
        } else {
            double XX[3] = {X[0], X[1], X[2]};
            fwrite(XX, sizeof(double), 3, ply_file);
            if (clr) {
                unsigned char C[3] = {rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]};
                fwrite(rgb, sizeof(unsigned char), 3, ply_file);

    return 0;
Esempio n. 16
int main(int c, char *v[])
    // process input arguments
    if (c < 2) {
    	return 1;

    // optional arguments
    const char *output_file = pick_option(&c, &v, "o", "stdout");
    bool binary = (bool) pick_option(&c, &v, "b", NULL);
    bool verbose = (bool) pick_option(&c, &v, "-verbose", NULL);
    int max_nb_pts = atoi(pick_option(&c, &v, "-max-nb-pts", "INT_MAX"));
    float thresh_dog = atof(pick_option(&c, &v, "-thresh-dog", "0.0133"));
    int ss_noct = atoi(pick_option(&c, &v, "-scale-space-noct", "8"));
    int ss_nspo = atoi(pick_option(&c, &v, "-scale-space-nspo", "3"));

    // initialise time
    struct timespec ts; portable_gettime(&ts);

    // define the rectangular region of interest (roi)
    int x, y, w, h;
    if (c == 2) {
        x = 0;
        y = 0;
    } else if (c == 6) {
        x = atoi(v[2]);
        y = atoi(v[3]);
        w = atoi(v[4]);
        h = atoi(v[5]);
    } else {
        return 1;

    // read the roi in the input image
    GDALDatasetH  hDataset;
    hDataset = GDALOpen( v[1], GA_ReadOnly );
    if( hDataset == NULL )
        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR : can't open %s\n", v[1]);
    GDALRasterBandH hBand;
    hBand = GDALGetRasterBand( hDataset, 1 );
    float *roi;
    roi = (float *) CPLMalloc(sizeof(float)*w*h);
    GDALRasterIO( hBand, GF_Read, x, y, w, h, 
              roi, w, h, GDT_Float32, 
              0, 0 );
    if (verbose) print_elapsed_time(&ts, "read ROI", 35);

    // prepare sift parameters
    struct sift_parameters* p = sift_assign_default_parameters();
    p->C_DoG = thresh_dog;
    p->n_oct = ss_noct;
    p->n_spo = ss_nspo;

    // compute sift keypoints
    struct sift_scalespace **ss = (struct sift_scalespace**) malloc(4 * sizeof(struct sift_scalespace*));
    struct sift_keypoints **kk = (struct sift_keypoints**) malloc(6 * sizeof(struct sift_keypoints*));
    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
        kk[i] = sift_malloc_keypoints();
    struct sift_keypoints* kpts = sift_anatomy(roi, w, h, p, ss, kk);
    if (verbose) print_elapsed_time(&ts, "run SIFT", 35);

    // add (x, y) offset to keypoints coordinates
    for (int i = 0; i < kpts->size; i++) {
        kpts->list[i]->x += y;  // in Ives' conventions x is the row index
        kpts->list[i]->y += x;
    if (verbose) print_elapsed_time(&ts, "add offset", 35);

    // write to standard output
    FILE *f = fopen(output_file, "w");
    fprintf_keypoints(f, kpts, max_nb_pts, binary, 1);
    if (verbose) print_elapsed_time(&ts, "write output", 35);

    // cleanup
    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
    return 0;