Esempio n. 1
void ScanGallery::addImage(const QImage *img, const ImageMetaInfo *info)
    if (img==NULL) return;				// nothing to save!
    kDebug() << "size" << img->size() << "depth" << img->depth();

    if (mSaver==NULL) prepareToSave(NULL);		// if not done already
    if (mSaver==NULL) return;				// should never happen

    ImgSaver::ImageSaveStatus isstat = mSaver->saveImage(img);
							// try to save the image
    KUrl lurl = mSaver->lastURL();			// record where it ended up

    if (isstat!=ImgSaver::SaveStatusOk &&		// image saving failed
        isstat!=ImgSaver::SaveStatusCanceled)		// user cancelled, just ignore
        KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("<qt>Could not save the image<br><filename>%2</filename><br><br>%1",
                           i18n("Image Save Error"));

    delete mSaver; mSaver = NULL;			// now finished with this

    if (isstat==ImgSaver::SaveStatusOk)			// image was saved OK,
    {							// select the new image
        m_nextUrlToShow = lurl;
        if (mSavedTo!=NULL) updateParent(mSavedTo);
Esempio n. 2
int main(int argc, char** argv)
  // Setup the kinect
  ethos::cpr::Kinect kinect;
  if (!kinect.Initialize())
    return -1;

  bClicked = false;

  // The image holders
  cv::Mat depthImg, colorImg, skeletalImg, maskOverColorImg, maskImg, maskedDepthImg, labelImg;
  bool foundSkeleton;
  cv::Mat CroppedDepth, CroppedColor;
  cv::Mat CaliDepth;
  cv::Size dSize = cv::Size(320, 240);

  // 3-channel versions of image holders for depth and color
  // (skeleton already 3-channels)
  cv::Mat depthImg3, colorImg3;

  // Save images?
  const bool saveDebugImages = true;
  char imgFilename[1024*1024];
  int imgFrameCounter = 0;
  if (saveDebugImages)

  // Save joint values?
  const bool saveJoints = true;
  char jointFilename[1024];
  int jointFrameCounter = 0;
  if (saveJoints)

  // Grab images until user says to stop
  while (true)
    // Grab next frames from the kinect
    if (!kinect.GetDepthImage(depthImg))
    cv::imshow("Depth", depthImg);

    if (!kinect.GetColorImage(colorImg))
    cv::imshow("Color", colorImg);

    if (!kinect.GetSkeletalImage(skeletalImg, &foundSkeleton))
    //const ethos::cpr::SkeletonJoints& joints = kinect.GetSkeletalJoints();
    cv::imshow("Skeleton", skeletalImg);

	if (!kinect.GetDepthImage(depthImg))
	cv::imshow("Depth", depthImg);
	if (!kinect.GetColorImage(colorImg))
	cv::imshow("Color", colorImg);

	cvSetMouseCallback( "Depth", on_mouse, 0 );

		cv::Point3f depthPt;
		cv::Point3f colorPt;
		CaliDepth = depthImg;

		for (int j = 0; j < depthImg.rows; j ++)
			uchar* data_depth= depthImg.ptr<uchar>(j); 
			for (int i = 0; i < depthImg.cols; i ++)
				depthPt.z = data_depth[i] * 5.0f;	           //z, according to the previous convert factor: depthF /= 1300.0f; depthF *= 255.0f. Revert back;
				depthPt.x = depthPt.z * (i - 324.3) / 526.7;   //x
				depthPt.y = depthPt.z * (i - 247.8) / 525.8;   //y

				//convert to color camera 2D
				colorPt.x =  509.98f * depthPt.x - 18.124f * depthPt.y + 349.569f * depthPt.z - 11661.2f; //x
				colorPt.y = -11.765f * depthPt.x + 512.72f * depthPt.y + 273.624f * depthPt.z + 153.29f;  //y
				colorPt.z = -0.0496f * depthPt.x - 0.0502f * depthPt.y + 0.9975f  * depthPt.z + 7.4660f;  //w

				colorPt.x = (int)(colorPt.x / colorPt.z);  //normalize by w
				colorPt.y = (int)(colorPt.y / colorPt.z);  //normalize by w

				//check boundary
				if (colorPt.x > depthImg.cols || colorPt.x < 0 ||
					colorPt.y > depthImg.cols || colorPt.y < 0)

				int ii = colorPt.y;  //ii is the transformed x in color image
				int jj = colorPt.x;  //jj is the transformed y in color image

				CaliDepth.ptr<uchar>(jj)[ii] = data_depth[i]; //assign the same depth value from the original depth image with a new position (ii,jj)

		cv::imshow("Cali_Depth", CaliDepth );


	LONG m_depthWidth = 640;
	LONG m_depthHeight = 480;
	LONG m_colorWidth = 640;
	LONG m_colorHeight = 480;

	LONG* m_colorCoordinates = kinect.GetColorCoordinates();

	cv::Mat display(480,640,CV_8UC3,cv::Scalar(0));

	// loop over each row and column of the color
	for (LONG y = 0; y < m_colorHeight; ++y)
		LONG* pDest = (LONG*)((BYTE*) + colorImg.cols * y);
		unsigned char* pColor = display.ptr<unsigned char>(y);
		for (LONG x = 0; x < m_colorWidth; ++x, pColor += 3)
			// calculate index into depth array
			int depthIndex = x + y * m_depthWidth;

			// retrieve the depth to color mapping for the current depth pixel
			LONG colorInDepthX = m_colorCoordinates[depthIndex * 2];
			LONG colorInDepthY = m_colorCoordinates[depthIndex * 2 + 1];

			// make sure the depth pixel maps to a valid point in color space
			if ( colorInDepthX >= 0 && colorInDepthX < m_colorWidth && colorInDepthY >= 0 && colorInDepthY < m_colorHeight )
				// calculate index into color array
				LONG colorIndex = colorInDepthX + colorInDepthY * m_colorWidth;

				// set source for copy to the color pixel
				LONG* pSrc = (LONG *)(BYTE*) + colorIndex;
				*pDest = *pSrc;
				*pDest = 0;

			// Fill-in color image
				LONG val = *pDest;
				unsigned char* pVal = (unsigned char*)&val;
				pColor[0] = *pVal++;
				pColor[1] = *pVal++;
				pColor[2] = *pVal++;


	cv::imshow("Display", display);

	//set Callback function, only call once per run

	if (bClicked == true)
		//We start to process the image

		cv::Point leftUpCorner = ROI_Vertices[0];
		cv::Point rightDownCorner = ROI_Vertices[1];

		cv::Rect myROI(leftUpCorner.x, leftUpCorner.y, rightDownCorner.x - leftUpCorner.x, rightDownCorner.y - leftUpCorner.y);

		CroppedDepth = depthImg(myROI);
		CroppedColor = colorImg(myROI);

		//cv::bilateralFilter(CroppedDepth, CroppedDepth, CV_BILATERAL, 3, 0);
		for (int i = 0; i < 2; i ++)
			cv::GaussianBlur(CroppedDepth, CroppedDepth, cv::Size(3,3), 0, 0, cv::BORDER_DEFAULT);

		cv::imshow("new_Depth", CroppedDepth );
		cv::imshow("new_Color", CroppedColor);


		std::vector<cv::Point> ROI_Poly;
		cv::approxPolyDP(ROI_Vertices, ROI_Poly, 1.0, true);
		cv::fillConvexPoly(maskImg, &ROI_Poly[0], ROI_Poly.size(), cv::Scalar(255,255,255));                 
		colorImg.copyTo(maskOverColorImg, maskImg);

		inRange(maskOverColorImg, cv::Scalar(15, 15, 15), cv::Scalar(124, 154, 95), maskedDepthImg);
		//inRange(maskOverColorImg, cv::Scalar(50, 65, 40), cv::Scalar(124, 154, 95), maskedDepthImg);
		cv::imshow("Mask", maskOverColorImg);

		int erosion_size = 1;   
		cv::Mat element = cv::getStructuringElement(cv::MORPH_ELLIPSE,
			cv::Size(2 * erosion_size + 1, 2 * erosion_size + 1), 
			cv::Point(erosion_size, erosion_size) );
		for (int j=0; j<maskedDepthImg.rows; j++)  
			uchar* data_depth= maskedDepthImg.ptr<uchar>(j);  
			uchar* data_mask = maskImg.ptr<uchar>(j);
			for (int i=0; i<maskedDepthImg.cols; i++)  
				if (data_depth[i] == data_mask[i])
					data_depth[i] = 0;
					data_depth[i] = 255;
		for (int i = 0 ; i < 4; i ++)
			cv::erode(maskedDepthImg, maskedDepthImg, element);	
		for (int i = 0; i < 5; i ++)
			cv::dilate(maskedDepthImg, maskedDepthImg, element);

		std::vector<std::vector<cv::Point> > contours;
		std::vector<cv::Vec4i> hierarchy;
		findContours( maskedDepthImg, contours, hierarchy, CV_RETR_TREE, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);

		if( !contours.empty() && !hierarchy.empty() )
			for (int idx=0;idx < contours.size();idx++)

		cv::imshow("Depth_Mask", maskedDepthImg);
		depthImg.copyTo(maskImg, maskedDepthImg);
		cv::imshow("Final", maskImg);

		resize(maskImg, maskImg, dSize);

    // (Optionally) save output debugging images
    if (saveDebugImages)
      sprintf(imgFilename, "depth/depthFrame_%04d.png", imgFrameCounter);
      prepareToSave(depthImg, depthImg3);
      cv::imwrite(imgFilename, depthImg3);

      sprintf(imgFilename, "color/colorFrame_%04d.png", imgFrameCounter);
      prepareToSave(colorImg, colorImg3);
      cv::imwrite(imgFilename, colorImg3);

      sprintf(imgFilename, "skeleton/skeletonFrame_%04d.png", imgFrameCounter);
      cv::imwrite(imgFilename, skeletalImg);

	  int key = cv::waitKey(1);
	  if (key == 's')
	  //if (bClicked == true)
// 		  sprintf(imgFilename, "depth/depthFrame_%04d.png", imgFrameCounter);
// 		  prepareToSave(depthImg, depthImg3);
// 		  cv::imwrite(imgFilename, depthImg3);

		  sprintf(imgFilename, "depth_mask/depthFrame_%04d.jpg", imgFrameCounter);
		  prepareToSave(CroppedDepth, depthImg3);
		  cv::imwrite(imgFilename, depthImg3);

		  sprintf(imgFilename, "color/colorFrame_%04d.png", imgFrameCounter);
		  prepareToSave(CroppedColor, colorImg3);
		  cv::imwrite(imgFilename, colorImg3);


    // (Optionally) save joint values
    //if (saveJoints && foundSkeleton)
      sprintf(jointFilename, "joints/jointFrame_%04d.txt", jointFrameCounter);
      std::ofstream ofs(jointFilename);

    //  ++jointFrameCounter;
   // }

    // Check for user keyboard input to quit early
    int key = cv::waitKey(1);
    if (key == 'q')

  // Exit application
  return 0;