Esempio n. 1
 void refinePose(geometry_msgs::PoseStamped &pose, tf::StampedTransform &transform, std::string &child)
   tf::StampedTransform tfPose;
   poseStampedToStampedTF(pose, tfPose, child);
   tfPose *= transform;
   stampedTFToPoseStamped(tfPose, pose);
Esempio n. 2
// Find closest index to myScene's pose
int closestImageIndex(struct pData* poses)
  int image_count = myScene->max_image;
  int baseIndex = myScene->currentIndex;

  int tempCount;
  int minIndex = baseIndex;
  double minDistance = 100000000000000000.0;
  int range = 5;
  for (tempCount = -1*range; tempCount < range; tempCount++) {
    int index = (baseIndex + tempCount) % image_count;
    if (index < 0) index += image_count;

    CvScalar currCenter = poses[index].center;
    CvScalar diff = cvScalar(0.0, currCenter.val[1] - myScene->[1],
			     currCenter.val[2] - myScene->[2], 0.0);

    CvScalar one = cvScalar(poses[index].center.val[0] - poses[index].eye.val[0],
			    poses[index].center.val[1] - poses[index].eye.val[1],
			    poses[index].center.val[2] - poses[index].eye.val[2], 0.0);
    CvScalar two = cvScalar(myScene->[0] - myScene->pose.eye.val[0],
			    myScene->[1] - myScene->pose.eye.val[1],
			    myScene->[2] - myScene->pose.eye.val[2], 0.0);

    double direction = dot(one, two);
    double tempNorm = norm(diff);

    if (tempNorm < minDistance) {
      minDistance = tempNorm;
      minIndex = index;

  if (minIndex != baseIndex) {
    myScene->previousIndex = myScene->currentIndex;
    myScene->currentIndex = minIndex;
    baseIndex = minIndex;

    if (DEBUG) {
      printf("minIndex = %d\n", minIndex);

  } else {
    myScene->previousIndex = myScene->currentIndex;

  return baseIndex;
Esempio n. 3
// Print Scene Struct
void printScene(struct scene* aScene)
  printf("current index: %d\n", aScene->currentIndex);
  printf("previous index: %d\n", aScene->currentIndex);
  printf("max image: %d\n", aScene->max_image);
Esempio n. 4
 void printPose(geometry_msgs::PoseStamped &pose, int mode)
   printPose(pose.pose, mode);
Esempio n. 5
int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
  std::string opt_ip = "";;
  std::string opt_data_folder = std::string(ROMEOTK_DATA_FOLDER);
  bool opt_Reye = false;

  // Learning folder in /tmp/$USERNAME
  std::string username;
  // Get the user login name

  // Create a log filename to save new files...
  std::string learning_folder;
#if defined(_WIN32)
  learning_folder ="C:/temp/" + username;
  learning_folder ="/tmp/" + username;
  // Test if the output path exist. If no try to create it
  if (vpIoTools::checkDirectory(learning_folder) == false) {
    try {
      // Create the dirname
    catch (vpException &e) {
      std::cout << "Cannot create " << learning_folder << std::endl;
      std::cout << "Error: " << e.getMessage() <<std::endl;
      return 0;

  for (unsigned int i=0; i<argc; i++) {
    if (std::string(argv[i]) == "--ip")
      opt_ip = argv[i+1];
    else if ( std::string(argv[i]) == "--reye")
      opt_Reye = true;
    else if (std::string(argv[i]) == "--help") {
      std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << "[--ip <robot address>]" << std::endl;
      return 0;

  std::vector<std::string> chain_name(2); // LArm or RArm
  chain_name[0] = "LArm";
  chain_name[1] = "RArm";

  /** Open the grabber for the acquisition of the images from the robot*/
  vpNaoqiGrabber g;

  // Initialize constant transformations
  vpHomogeneousMatrix eMc;

  if (opt_Reye)
    std::cout << "Using camera Eye Right" << std::endl;
    g.setCamera(3); // CameraRightEye
    eMc = g.get_eMc(vpCameraParameters::perspectiveProjWithDistortion,"CameraRightEye");
    std::cout << "Using camera Eye Right" << std::endl;
    g.setCamera(2); // CameraLeftEye
    eMc = g.get_eMc(vpCameraParameters::perspectiveProjWithDistortion,"CameraLeftEye");
  std::cout << "eMc: " << eMc << std::endl;
  if (! opt_ip.empty())
  std::string camera_name = g.getCameraName();
  std::cout << "Camera name: " << camera_name << std::endl;

  vpCameraParameters cam = g.getCameraParameters(vpCameraParameters::perspectiveProjWithDistortion);
  std::cout << "Camera parameters: " << cam << std::endl;

  /** Initialization Visp Image, display and camera paramenters*/
  vpImage<unsigned char> I(g.getHeight(), g.getWidth());
  vpDisplayX d(I);
  vpDisplay::setTitle(I, "Camera view");

  //Initialize opencv color image
  cv::Mat cvI = cv::Mat(cv::Size(g.getWidth(), g.getHeight()), CV_8UC3);


  /** Initialization target box*/

  std::string opt_name_file_color_box_target = opt_data_folder + "/" +"target/plate_blob/color.txt";

  vpBlobsTargetTracker box_tracker;
  bool status_box_tracker;
  vpHomogeneousMatrix cMbox;

  const double L = 0.04/2;
  std::vector <vpPoint> points(4);
  points[2].setWorldCoordinates(-L,-L, 0) ;
  points[1].setWorldCoordinates(-L,L, 0) ;
  points[0].setWorldCoordinates(L,L, 0) ;
  points[3].setWorldCoordinates(L,-L,0) ;



    std::cout << "Error opening the file "<< opt_name_file_color_box_target << std::endl;

  /** Initialization target hands*/

  std::string opt_name_file_color_target_path = opt_data_folder + "/" +"target/";
  std::string opt_name_file_color_target_l = opt_name_file_color_target_path + chain_name[0] +"/color.txt";
  std::string opt_name_file_color_target_r = opt_name_file_color_target_path + chain_name[1] +"/color.txt";

  std::string opt_name_file_color_target1_l = opt_name_file_color_target_path + chain_name[0] +"/color1.txt";
  std::string opt_name_file_color_target1_r = opt_name_file_color_target_path + chain_name[1] +"/color1.txt";

  std::vector<vpBlobsTargetTracker*> hand_tracker;
  std::vector<bool>  status_hand_tracker(2);
  std::vector<vpHomogeneousMatrix>  cMo_hand(2);

  const double L1 = 0.025/2;
  std::vector <vpPoint> points1(4);
  points1[2].setWorldCoordinates(-L1,-L1, 0) ;
  points1[1].setWorldCoordinates(-L1,L1, 0) ;
  points1[0].setWorldCoordinates(L1,L1, 0) ;
  points1[3].setWorldCoordinates(L1,-L1,0) ;

  vpBlobsTargetTracker hand_tracker_l;

    std::cout << "Error opening the file "<< opt_name_file_color_target_l << std::endl;

  vpBlobsTargetTracker hand_tracker_r;

    std::cout << "Error opening the file "<< opt_name_file_color_target_r << std::endl;



  // Constant transformation Target Frame to Arm end-effector (WristPitch)
  std::vector<vpHomogeneousMatrix> hand_Me_Arm(2);
  std::string filename_transform = std::string(ROMEOTK_DATA_FOLDER) + "/transformation.xml";
  // Create twist matrix from box to Arm end-effector (WristPitch)
  std::vector <vpVelocityTwistMatrix> box_Ve_Arm(2);
  // Create twist matrix from target Frame to Arm end-effector (WristPitch)
  std::vector <vpVelocityTwistMatrix> hand_Ve_Arm(2);

  // Constant transformation Target Frame to box to target Hand
  std::vector<vpHomogeneousMatrix> box_Mhand(2);

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 2; i++)

    std::string name_transform = "qrcode_M_e_" + chain_name[i];
    vpXmlParserHomogeneousMatrix pm; // Create a XML parser

    if (pm.parse(hand_Me_Arm[i], filename_transform, name_transform) != vpXmlParserHomogeneousMatrix::SEQUENCE_OK) {
      std::cout << "Cannot found the homogeneous matrix named " << name_transform << "." << std::endl;
      return 0;
      std::cout << "Homogeneous matrix " << name_transform <<": " << std::endl << hand_Me_Arm[i] << std::endl;




  /** Create a new istance NaoqiRobot*/
  vpNaoqiRobot robot;
  if (! opt_ip.empty())

  std::vector<std::string> jointNames = robot.getBodyNames("Head");
  //jointNames.pop_back(); // We don't consider  the last joint of the head = HeadRoll
  std::vector<std::string> jointNamesLEye = robot.getBodyNames("LEye");
  std::vector<std::string> jointNamesREye = robot.getBodyNames("REye");

  jointNames.insert(jointNames.end(), jointNamesLEye.begin(), jointNamesLEye.end());
  std::vector<std::string> jointHeadNames_tot = jointNames;


  std::vector<bool> grasp_servo_converged(2);
  grasp_servo_converged[0]= false;
  grasp_servo_converged[1]= false;

  std::vector<vpMatrix> eJe(2);

  // Initialize arms servoing
  vpServoArm servo_larm_l;
  vpServoArm servo_larm_r;

  std::vector<vpServoArm*> servo_larm;

  std::vector < std::vector<std::string > > jointNames_arm(2);

  jointNames_arm[0] = robot.getBodyNames(chain_name[0]);
  jointNames_arm[1] = robot.getBodyNames(chain_name[1]);
  // Delete last joint Hand, that we don't consider in the servo

  std::vector<std::string> jointArmsNames_tot = jointNames_arm[0];

  jointArmsNames_tot.insert(jointArmsNames_tot.end(), jointNames_arm[1].begin(), jointNames_arm[1].end());

  const unsigned int numArmJoints =  jointNames_arm[0].size();
  std::vector<vpHomogeneousMatrix> box_dMbox(2);

  // Vector containing the joint velocity vectors of the arms
  std::vector<vpColVector> q_dot_arm;
  // Vector containing the joint velocity vectors of the arms for the secondary task
  std::vector<vpColVector> q_dot_arm_sec;
  // Vector joint position of the arms
  std::vector<vpColVector> q;
  // Vector joint real velocities of the arms
  std::vector<vpColVector> q_dot_real;

  vpColVector   q_temp(numArmJoints);




  // Initialize the joint avoidance scheme from the joint limits
  std::vector<vpColVector> jointMin;
  std::vector<vpColVector> jointMax;



  for (unsigned int i = 0; i< 2; i++)
    jointMin[i] = robot.getJointMin(chain_name[i]);
    jointMax[i] = robot.getJointMax(chain_name[i]);


    //        std::cout <<  jointMin[i].size() << std::endl;
    //        std::cout <<  jointMax[i].size() << std::endl;
    //         std::cout << "max " <<  jointMax[i] << std::endl;

  std::vector<bool> first_time_arm_servo(2);
  first_time_arm_servo[0] = true;
  first_time_arm_servo[1] = true;

  std::vector< double> servo_arm_time_init(2);
  servo_arm_time_init[0] = 0.0;
  servo_arm_time_init[1] = 0.0;

  std::vector<int> cpt_iter_servo_grasp(2);
  cpt_iter_servo_grasp[0] = 0;
  cpt_iter_servo_grasp[1] = 0;

  unsigned int index_hand = 1;

  //    vpHomogeneousMatrix M_offset;
  //    M_offset[1][3] = 0.00;
  //    M_offset[0][3] = 0.00;
  //    M_offset[2][3] = 0.00;

  vpHomogeneousMatrix M_offset;
  M_offset.buildFrom(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) ;

  double d_t = 0.01;
  double d_r = 0.0;

  bool first_time_box_pose = true;


  vpMouseButton::vpMouseButtonType button;

  vpHomogeneousMatrix elMb; // Homogeneous matrix from right wrist roll to box
  vpHomogeneousMatrix cMbox_d; // Desired box final pose

  State_t state;
  state = CalibrateRigthArm;

  //AL::ALValue names_head     = AL::ALValue::array("NeckYaw","NeckPitch","HeadPitch","HeadRoll","LEyeYaw", "LEyePitch","REyeYaw", "REyePitch" );
// Big Plate
 // AL::ALValue angles_head      = AL::ALValue::array(vpMath::rad(-23.2), vpMath::rad(16.6), vpMath::rad(10.3), vpMath::rad(0.0), 0.0 , 0.0, 0.0, 0.0  );
  // small plate
    AL::ALValue angles_head      = AL::ALValue::array(vpMath::rad(-15.2), vpMath::rad(17.6), vpMath::rad(10.3), vpMath::rad(0.0), 0.0 , vpMath::rad(9.8), 0.0, 0.0  );
  float fractionMaxSpeed  = 0.1f;
  robot.getProxy()->setAngles(jointHeadNames_tot, angles_head, fractionMaxSpeed);

  while(1) {
    double loop_time_start = vpTime::measureTimeMs();

    vpImageConvert::convert(cvI, I);
    bool click_done = vpDisplay::getClick(I, button, false);

    //        if (state < VSBox)
    //        {

    char key[10];
    bool ret = vpDisplay::getKeyboardEvent(I, key, false);
    std::string s = key;

    if (ret)
      if (s == "r")
        M_offset.buildFrom(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) ;

        d_t = 0.0;
        d_r = 0.2;
        std::cout << "Rotation mode. " << std::endl;

      if (s == "t")
        M_offset.buildFrom(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) ;

        d_t = 0.01;
        d_r = 0.0;
        std::cout << "Translation mode. " << std::endl;

      if (s == "h")
      else if ( s == "+")
        unsigned int value = hand_tracker[index_hand]->getGrayLevelMaxBlob() +10;
        std::cout << "Set to "<< value << "the value of  " << std::endl;

      else if (s == "-")
        unsigned int value = hand_tracker[1]->getGrayLevelMaxBlob()-10;
        std::cout << "Set to "<< value << " GrayLevelMaxBlob. " << std::endl;

      //          |x
      //      z\  |
      //        \ |
      //         \|_____ y

      else if (s == "4") //-y
        M_offset.buildFrom(0.0, -d_t, 0.0, 0.0, -d_r, 0.0) ;

      else if (s == "6")  //+y
        M_offset.buildFrom(0.0, d_t, 0.0, 0.0, d_r, 0.0) ;

      else if (s == "8")  //+x
        M_offset.buildFrom(d_t, 0.0, 0.0, d_r, 0.0, 0.0) ;

      else if (s == "2") //-x
        M_offset.buildFrom(-d_t, 0.0, 0.0, -d_r, 0.0, 0.0) ;

      else if (s == "7")//-z
        M_offset.buildFrom(0.0, 0.0, -d_t, 0.0, 0.0, -d_r) ;
      else if (s == "9") //+z
        M_offset.buildFrom(0.0, 0.0, d_t, 0.0, 0.0, d_r) ;

      cMbox_d = cMbox_d * M_offset;


    if (state < WaitPreGrasp)
      status_hand_tracker[index_hand] = hand_tracker[index_hand]->track(cvI,I);

      if (status_hand_tracker[index_hand] ) { // display the tracking results
        cMo_hand[index_hand] = hand_tracker[index_hand]->get_cMo();
        printPose("cMo right arm: ", cMo_hand[index_hand]);
        // The qrcode frame is only displayed when PBVS is active or learning

        vpDisplay::displayFrame(I, cMo_hand[index_hand], cam, 0.04, vpColor::none, 3);


    //        }

    status_box_tracker = box_tracker.track(cvI,I);
    if (status_box_tracker ) { // display the tracking results
      cMbox = box_tracker.get_cMo();
      printPose("cMo box: ", cMbox);
      // The qrcode frame is only displayed when PBVS is active or learning

      vpDisplay::displayFrame(I, cMbox, cam, 0.04, vpColor::none, 1);

      //            if (first_time_box_pose)
      //            {
      //                // Compute desired box position cMbox_d
      //                cMbox_d = cMbox * M_offset;
      //                first_time_box_pose = false;
      //            }

      // vpDisplay::displayFrame(I, cMbox_d, cam, 0.04, vpColor::red, 1);


    if (state == CalibrateRigthArm &&  status_box_tracker && status_hand_tracker[index_hand] )
      vpDisplay::displayText(I, vpImagePoint(I.getHeight() - 10, 10), "Left click to calibrate right hand", vpColor::red);

      vpHomogeneousMatrix box_Me_Arm; // Homogeneous matrix from the box to the left wrist

      box_Mhand[index_hand] = cMbox.inverse() *  cMo_hand[index_hand];
      box_Me_Arm = box_Mhand[index_hand] * hand_Me_Arm[index_hand] ; // from box to WristPitch

      // vpDisplay::displayFrame(I, cMo_hand[index_hand] * (cMbox.inverse() *  cMo_hand[index_hand]).inverse() , cam, 0.04, vpColor::green, 1);

      if (click_done && button == vpMouseButton::button1 ) {

        index_hand = 0;
        state = CalibrateLeftArm;

        // BIG plate
        //AL::ALValue names_head     = AL::ALValue::array("NeckYaw","NeckPitch","HeadPitch","HeadRoll","LEyeYaw", "LEyePitch","LEyeYaw", "LEyePitch" );
  //      AL::ALValue angles_head      = AL::ALValue::array(vpMath::rad(8.7), vpMath::rad(16.6), vpMath::rad(10.3), vpMath::rad(0.0), 0.0 , 0.0, 0.0, 0.0  );
        // Small Plate
        AL::ALValue angles_head      = AL::ALValue::array(vpMath::rad(2.4), vpMath::rad(17.6), vpMath::rad(10.3), vpMath::rad(0.0), 0.0 , vpMath::rad(9.8), 0.0, 0.0  );

        float fractionMaxSpeed  = 0.1f;
        robot.getProxy()->setAngles(jointHeadNames_tot, angles_head, fractionMaxSpeed);

        click_done = false;



    if (state == CalibrateLeftArm && status_box_tracker && status_hand_tracker[index_hand] )
      vpDisplay::displayText(I, vpImagePoint(I.getHeight() - 10, 10), "Left click to calibrate left hand", vpColor::red);

      vpHomogeneousMatrix box_Me_Arm; // Homogeneous matrix from the box to the left wrist
      box_Mhand[index_hand] = cMbox.inverse() *  cMo_hand[index_hand];
      box_Me_Arm = box_Mhand[index_hand] * hand_Me_Arm[index_hand] ; // from box to WristPitch

      //            if (first_time_box_pose)
      //            {
      //                // Compute desired box position cMbox_d
      //                cMbox_d = cMbox * M_offset;
      //                first_time_box_pose = false;

      //            }

      // vpDisplay::displayFrame(I, cMbox_d, cam, 0.04, vpColor::red, 1);

      // vpDisplay::displayFrame(I, cMo_hand[index_hand] * (cMbox.inverse() *  cMo_hand[index_hand]).inverse() , cam, 0.04, vpColor::green, 1);

      if (click_done && button == vpMouseButton::button1 ) {

        state = WaitPreGrasp;
        click_done = false;
        //AL::ALValue names_head     = AL::ALValue::array("NeckYaw","NeckPitch","HeadPitch","HeadRoll","LEyeYaw", "LEyePitch","LEyeYaw", "LEyePitch" );
        AL::ALValue angles_head      = AL::ALValue::array(vpMath::rad(-6.8), vpMath::rad(16.6), vpMath::rad(10.3), vpMath::rad(0.0), 0.0 , 0.0, 0.0, 0.0  );
        float fractionMaxSpeed  = 0.05f;
        robot.getProxy()->setAngles(jointHeadNames_tot, angles_head, fractionMaxSpeed);


    if (state == WaitPreGrasp  )
      index_hand = 1;

      if (click_done && button == vpMouseButton::button1 ) {

        state = PreGraps;
        click_done = false;


    if (state == PreGraps && status_box_tracker )

      vpDisplay::displayText(I, vpImagePoint(I.getHeight() - 10, 10), "Left click to start the servo", vpColor::red);

      if (first_time_box_pose)
        // Compute desired box position cMbox_d
        cMbox_d = cMbox * M_offset;
        first_time_box_pose = false;

      vpDisplay::displayFrame(I, cMbox_d , cam, 0.05, vpColor::none, 3);
      vpDisplay::displayFrame(I, cMbox *box_Mhand[1] , cam, 0.05, vpColor::none, 3);
      vpDisplay::displayFrame(I, cMbox *box_Mhand[0] , cam, 0.05, vpColor::none, 3);

      if (click_done && button == vpMouseButton::button1 ) {

        state = VSBox;
        click_done = false;

        hand_tracker[index_hand] = &box_tracker; // Trick to use keys

    if (state == VSBox)

      //Get Actual position of the arm joints
      q[0] = robot.getPosition(jointNames_arm[0]);
      q[1] = robot.getPosition(jointNames_arm[1]);

      //  if(status_box_tracker && status_hand_tracker[index_hand] )
      if(status_box_tracker )

        if (! grasp_servo_converged[0]) {
          //                    for (unsigned int i = 0; i<2; i++)
          //                    {

          unsigned int i = 0;
          //vpAdaptiveGain lambda(0.8, 0.05, 8);
          vpAdaptiveGain lambda(0.4, 0.02, 4);


          eJe[i] = robot.get_eJe(chain_name[i]);


          box_dMbox[i] = cMbox_d.inverse() * cMbox;
          printPose("box_dMbox: ", box_dMbox[i]);
          servo_larm[i]->setCurrentFeature(box_dMbox[i]) ;

          vpDisplay::displayFrame(I, cMbox_d , cam, 0.05, vpColor::none, 3);

          //                    vpDisplay::displayFrame(I, cMbox *box_Mhand[1] , cam, 0.05, vpColor::none, 3);
          //                    vpDisplay::displayFrame(I, cMbox *box_Mhand[0] , cam, 0.05, vpColor::none, 3);

          if (first_time_arm_servo[i]) {
            std::cout << "-- Start visual servoing of the arm" << chain_name[i] << "." << std::endl;
            servo_arm_time_init[i] = vpTime::measureTimeSecond();
            first_time_arm_servo[i] = false;

          q_dot_arm[i] =  - servo_larm[i]->computeControlLaw(servo_arm_time_init[i]);

          q_dot_real[0] = robot.getJointVelocity(jointNames_arm[0]);
          q_dot_real[1] = robot.getJointVelocity(jointNames_arm[1]);

          //                    std::cout << "real_q:  " << std::endl <<  real_q << std::endl;

          //                    std::cout << " box_Ve_Arm[i]:  " << std::endl << box_Ve_Arm[i] << std::endl;
          //                    std::cout << "  eJe[i][i]:  " << std::endl <<  eJe[i] << std::endl;

          //vpColVector real_v = (box_Ve_Arm[i] * eJe[i]) *  q_dot_real[0];
          vpColVector real_v = (box_Ve_Arm[i] * eJe[i]) *  q_dot_arm[0];

          //                    std::cout << "real_v:  " << std::endl <<real_v << std::endl;

          //          vpVelocityTwistMatrix cVo(cMo_hand);
          //          vpMatrix cJe = cVo * oJo;
          // Compute the feed-forward terms
          //          vpColVector sec_ter = 0.5 * ((servo_head.m_task_head.getTaskJacobianPseudoInverse() *  (servo_head.m_task_head.getInteractionMatrix() * cJe)) * q_dot_larm);
          //          std::cout <<"Second Term:" <<sec_ter << std::endl;
          //q_dot_head = q_dot_head + sec_ter;

          // Compute joint limit avoidance
          q_dot_arm_sec[0]  = servo_larm[0]->m_task.secondaryTaskJointLimitAvoidance(q[0], q_dot_real[0], jointMin[0], jointMax[0]);
          //q_dot_arm_sec[1]  = servo_larm[1]->m_task.secondaryTaskJointLimitAvoidance(q[1], q_dot_real[1], jointMin[1], jointMax[1]);

          // vpColVector q_dot_arm_head = q_dot_larm + q2_dot;

          //          robot.setVelocity(joint_names_arm_head,q_dot_arm_head);
          //robot.setVelocity(jointNames_arm[i], q_dot_larm);

          //          if (opt_plotter_arm) {
          //            plotter_arm->plot(0, cpt_iter_servo_grasp, servo_larm.m_task.getError());
          //            plotter_arm->plot(1, cpt_iter_servo_grasp, q_dot_larm);
          //          }

          //          if (opt_plotter_q_sec_arm)
          //          {
          //            plotter_q_sec_arm->plot(0,loop_iter,q2_dot);
          //            plotter_q_sec_arm->plot(1,loop_iter,q_dot_larm + q2_dot);

          //          }

          cpt_iter_servo_grasp[i] ++;

          //                    }

          //                    // Visual servoing slave

          //                    i = 1;

          //                    //vpAdaptiveGain lambda(0.4, 0.02, 4);

          //                    servo_larm[i]->setLambda(0.07);

          //                    servo_larm[i]->set_eJe(robot.get_eJe(chain_name[i]));
          //                    servo_larm[i]->m_task.set_cVe(hand_Ve_Arm[i]);

          //                    box_dMbox[i] = (cMbox *box_Mhand[1]).inverse() *  cMo_hand[1] ;

          //                    printPose("box_dMbox: ", box_dMbox[i]);
          //                    servo_larm[i]->setCurrentFeature(box_dMbox[i]) ;

          //                    vpDisplay::displayFrame(I, cMbox_d , cam, 0.025, vpColor::red, 2);

          //                    if (first_time_arm_servo[i]) {
          //                        std::cout << "-- Start visual servoing of the arm" << chain_name[i] << "." << std::endl;
          //                        servo_arm_time_init[i] = vpTime::measureTimeSecond();
          //                        first_time_arm_servo[i] = false;
          //                    }

          //                    q_dot_arm[i] =  - servo_larm[i]->computeControlLaw(servo_arm_time_init[i]);

          eJe[1] = robot.get_eJe(chain_name[1]);
          //                    q_dot_arm[1] += (box_Ve_Arm[1] * eJe[1]).pseudoInverse() * real_v;

          q_dot_arm[1] = (box_Ve_Arm[1] * eJe[1]).pseudoInverse() * real_v;

          vpColVector q_dot_tot = q_dot_arm[0] + q_dot_arm_sec[0];

          q_dot_tot.stack( q_dot_arm[1] + q_dot_arm_sec[1]);

          robot.setVelocity(jointArmsNames_tot, q_dot_tot);

          vpTranslationVector t_error_grasp = box_dMbox[0].getTranslationVector();
          vpRotationMatrix R_error_grasp;
          vpThetaUVector tu_error_grasp;
          double theta_error_grasp;
          vpColVector u_error_grasp;
          tu_error_grasp.extract(theta_error_grasp, u_error_grasp);
          std::cout << "error: " << t_error_grasp << " " << vpMath::deg(theta_error_grasp) << std::endl;

          //                    if (cpt_iter_servo_grasp[0] > 100) {

          //                        vpDisplay::displayText(I, vpImagePoint(10,10), "Cannot converge. Click to continue", vpColor::red);
          //                    }
          //                    double error_t_treshold = 0.007;

          //                    if ( (sqrt(t_error_grasp.sumSquare()) < error_t_treshold) && (theta_error_grasp < vpMath::rad(3)) || (click_done && button == vpMouseButton::button1 /*&& cpt_iter_servo_grasp > 150*/) )
          //                    {
          //                        robot.stop(jointArmsNames_tot);

          //                        state = End;
          //                        grasp_servo_converged[0] = true;

          //                        if (click_done && button == vpMouseButton::button1)
          //                            click_done = false;
          //                    }


      else {
        // state grasping but one of the tracker fails


    if (state == End)
      std::cout<< "End" << std::endl;

    vpDisplay::flush(I) ;

    if (click_done && button == vpMouseButton::button3) { // Quit the loop
    //std::cout << "Loop time: " << vpTime::measureTimeMs() - loop_time_start << std::endl;


