Esempio n. 1
QString QgsMapLayer::styleURI( )
  QString myURI = publicSource();

  // if file is using the VSIFILE mechanism, remove the prefix
  if ( myURI.startsWith( "/vsigzip/", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
    myURI.remove( 0, 9 );
  else if ( myURI.startsWith( "/vsizip/", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) &&
            myURI.endsWith( ".zip", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
    // ideally we should look for .qml file inside zip file
    myURI.remove( 0, 8 );
  else if ( myURI.startsWith( "/vsitar/", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) &&
            ( myURI.endsWith( ".tar", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) ||
              myURI.endsWith( ".tar.gz", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) ||
              myURI.endsWith( ".tgz", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) ) )
    // ideally we should look for .qml file inside tar file
    myURI.remove( 0, 8 );

  QFileInfo myFileInfo( myURI );
  QString key;

  if ( myFileInfo.exists() )
    // if file is using the /vsizip/ or /vsigzip/ mechanism, cleanup the name
    if ( myURI.endsWith( ".gz", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
      myURI.chop( 3 );
    else if ( myURI.endsWith( ".zip", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
      myURI.chop( 4 );
    else if ( myURI.endsWith( ".tar", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
      myURI.chop( 4 );
    else if ( myURI.endsWith( ".tar.gz", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
      myURI.chop( 7 );
    else if ( myURI.endsWith( ".tgz", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
      myURI.chop( 4 );
    else if ( myURI.endsWith( ".gz", Qt::CaseInsensitive ) )
      myURI.chop( 3 );
    myFileInfo.setFile( myURI );
    // get the file name for our .qml style file
    key = myFileInfo.path() + QDir::separator() + myFileInfo.completeBaseName() + ".qml";
    key = publicSource();

  return key;
Esempio n. 2
QString QgsMapLayer::loadDefaultStyle( bool & theResultFlag )
  QString myURI = publicSource();
  QFileInfo myFileInfo( myURI );
  QString key;
  if ( myFileInfo.exists() )
    // get the file name for our .qml style file
    key = myFileInfo.path() + QDir::separator() + myFileInfo.completeBaseName() + ".qml";
    key = myURI;
  return loadNamedStyle( key, theResultFlag );
Esempio n. 3
QString QgsMapLayer::loadNamedStyle( const QString &theURI, bool &theResultFlag )
  QgsDebugMsg( QString( "uri = %1 myURI = %2" ).arg( theURI ).arg( publicSource() ) );

  theResultFlag = false;

  QDomDocument myDocument( "qgis" );

  // location of problem associated with errorMsg
  int line, column;
  QString myErrorMessage;

  QFile myFile( theURI );
  if ( QFile::ReadOnly ) )
    // read file
    theResultFlag = myDocument.setContent( &myFile, &myErrorMessage, &line, &column );
    if ( !theResultFlag )
      myErrorMessage = tr( "%1 at line %2 column %3" ).arg( myErrorMessage ).arg( line ).arg( column );
    QFileInfo project( QgsProject::instance()->fileName() );
    QgsDebugMsg( QString( "project fileName: %1" ).arg( project.absoluteFilePath() ) );

    QString qml;
    if ( loadNamedStyleFromDb( QDir( QgsApplication::qgisSettingsDirPath() ).absoluteFilePath( "qgis.qmldb" ), theURI, qml ) ||
         ( project.exists() && loadNamedStyleFromDb( project.absoluteDir().absoluteFilePath( project.baseName() + ".qmldb" ), theURI, qml ) ) ||
         loadNamedStyleFromDb( QDir( QgsApplication::pkgDataPath() ).absoluteFilePath( "resources/qgis.qmldb" ), theURI, qml ) )
      theResultFlag = myDocument.setContent( qml, &myErrorMessage, &line, &column );
      if ( !theResultFlag )
        myErrorMessage = tr( "%1 at line %2 column %3" ).arg( myErrorMessage ).arg( line ).arg( column );
      myErrorMessage = tr( "style not found in database" );

  if ( !theResultFlag )
    return myErrorMessage;

  // get style file version string, if any
  QgsProjectVersion fileVersion( myDocument.firstChildElement( "qgis" ).attribute( "version" ) );
  QgsProjectVersion thisVersion( QGis::QGIS_VERSION );

  if ( thisVersion > fileVersion )
    QgsLogger::warning( "Loading a style file that was saved with an older "
                        "version of qgis (saved in " + fileVersion.text() +
                        ", loaded in " + QGis::QGIS_VERSION +
                        "). Problems may occur." );

    QgsProjectFileTransform styleFile( myDocument, fileVersion );
    // styleFile.dump();
    styleFile.updateRevision( thisVersion );
    // styleFile.dump();

  // now get the layer node out and pass it over to the layer
  // to deserialise...
  QDomElement myRoot = myDocument.firstChildElement( "qgis" );
  if ( myRoot.isNull() )
    myErrorMessage = tr( "Error: qgis element could not be found in %1" ).arg( theURI );
    theResultFlag = false;
    return myErrorMessage;

  // use scale dependent visibility flag
  toggleScaleBasedVisibility( myRoot.attribute( "hasScaleBasedVisibilityFlag" ).toInt() == 1 );
  setMinimumScale( myRoot.attribute( "minimumScale" ).toFloat() );
  setMaximumScale( myRoot.attribute( "maximumScale" ).toFloat() );

#if 0
  //read transparency level
  QDomNode transparencyNode = myRoot.namedItem( "transparencyLevelInt" );
  if ( ! transparencyNode.isNull() )
    // set transparency level only if it's in project
    // (otherwise it sets the layer transparent)
    QDomElement myElement = transparencyNode.toElement();
    setTransparency( myElement.text().toInt() );

  QString errorMsg;
  theResultFlag = readSymbology( myRoot, errorMsg );
  if ( !theResultFlag )
    myErrorMessage = tr( "Loading style file %1 failed because:\n%2" ).arg( theURI ).arg( errorMsg );
    return myErrorMessage;

  return "";
Esempio n. 4
QString QgsMapLayer::saveDefaultStyle( bool & theResultFlag )
  return saveNamedStyle( publicSource(), theResultFlag );