Esempio n. 1
static void purple_login( account_t *acc )
	struct im_connection *ic = imcb_new( acc );
	PurpleAccount *pa;
	if( ( local_bee != NULL && local_bee != acc->bee ) ||
	    ( global.conf->runmode == RUNMODE_DAEMON && !getenv( "BITLBEE_DEBUG" ) ) )
		imcb_error( ic,  "Daemon mode detected. Do *not* try to use libpurple in daemon mode! "
		                 "Please use inetd or ForkDaemon mode instead." );
		imc_logout( ic, FALSE );
	local_bee = acc->bee;
	/* For now this is needed in the _connected() handlers if using
	   GLib event handling, to make sure we're not handling events
	   on dead connections. */
	purple_connections = g_slist_prepend( purple_connections, ic );
	ic->proto_data = pa = purple_account_new( acc->user, (char*) acc->prpl->data );
	purple_account_set_password( pa, acc->pass );
	purple_sync_settings( acc, pa );
	purple_account_set_enabled( pa, "BitlBee", TRUE );
Esempio n. 2
static void purple_login(account_t *acc)
	struct im_connection *ic = imcb_new(acc);
	struct purple_data *pd;

	if ((local_bee != NULL && local_bee != acc->bee) ||
	    (global.conf->runmode == RUNMODE_DAEMON && !getenv("BITLBEE_DEBUG"))) {
		imcb_error(ic,  "Daemon mode detected. Do *not* try to use libpurple in daemon mode! "
		           "Please use inetd or ForkDaemon mode instead.");
		imc_logout(ic, FALSE);
	local_bee = acc->bee;

	/* For now this is needed in the _connected() handlers if using
	   GLib event handling, to make sure we're not handling events
	   on dead connections. */
	purple_connections = g_slist_prepend(purple_connections, ic);

	ic->proto_data = pd = g_new0(struct purple_data, 1);
	pd->account = purple_account_new(acc->user, (char *) acc->prpl->data);
	pd->input_requests = g_hash_table_new_full(g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal,
	                                           NULL, g_free);
	pd->next_request_id = 0;
	purple_account_set_password(pd->account, acc->pass);
	purple_sync_settings(acc, pd->account);

	purple_account_set_enabled(pd->account, "BitlBee", TRUE);

	if (set_getbool(&acc->set, "mail_notifications") && set_getstr(&acc->set, "mail_notifications_handle")) {
		imcb_add_buddy(ic, set_getstr(&acc->set, "mail_notifications_handle"), NULL);