int main()
 int a[100][100],b[100][100],m, n, i = 0, j;
 printf("Enter the rows and columns of array\n");
 scanf("%d %d", &m, &n);
 printf("Enter the array A \n");
 readarr(a, m, n);
 printarr(a, m, n);
 printf("transposed array is\n");
 transarr(a, m, n); 
int main()
 int a[N], i = 0, n = 10, max = a[0];
 printf("Enter the array \n");
 for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
   if (a [i] > max)
    { max = a[i];
 printf("The max number is %d \n", max);
int main()
 int a[100], n = 10, i = 0, j, tmp;
 readarr(a, n);
 printarr(a, n);
 for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
  for (j = 0; j < (n - i - 1); j++)
   { if (a[j] > a[j + 1])
     { tmp = a[j];
       a[j] = a[j + 1];
       a[j + 1] = tmp;
 printarr(a, n); 
Esempio n. 4
头格式       编码gbk
Int 头大小
Int 内容大小
byte 静态页版本格式 0 or 1, 1:deadtime
byte 是否有效
long 过期时间毫秒
long 生成时间毫秒
long 页号
byte 站类型  0 私有 1共享 >1 会员
int  关键词长度
byte[] 关键词
int ig号长度
byte[] ig
Int  鉴权方式  0 不鉴权,1特殊页面鉴权,2php 特殊页面鉴权3,会员鉴权
int  额外参数的长度
byte[] 额外参数{PageAuth:{sid:,appid,authid:},GroupAuth:{sid,appid,authid}}
byte[] 文件内容
page_t *
file_read_path(char *path)
  tbuf mt = {0, NULL};
  if (tbuf_read(&mt, path)) {
    char *strpos;
    uint32_t strlen;
    stream_t s = {0, mt.len, (uint8_t*)};
    size_t min = 2 * sizeof(uint32_t);
    if (mt.len < min) {
      return NULL;
    uint32_t hlen = readu32(&s);
    uint32_t blen = readu32(&s);
    if (mt.len != min+hlen+blen) {
      return NULL;

    /* |<-- page_t -->|<-- body data -->|<-- head strings -->| */
    /* about 32 bytes in head is not for strings */
    size_t plen = sizeof(page_t)+blen+hlen-32;
    page_t *page = (page_t*)smalloc(plen);
    page->page_len = plen;
    page->body_len = blen;
    page->body = (char*)page+sizeof(page_t);
    memcpy(page->body,*sizeof(uint32_t)+hlen, page->body_len);
    strpos = (char*)page->body + blen;

    page_head_t *head = &page->head;
    head->version = readu8(&s);
    switch(head->version) {
    case 0:
      head->valid = readu8(&s);
      head->time_expire = readu64(&s);
      head->time_create = readu64(&s);
      head->time_dead   = head->time_expire+(uint64_t)24*3600*1000;
      head->page_no = readu64(&s);
      head->type = readu8(&s);

      strlen = readu32(&s);
      readarr(&s, strpos, strlen);
      *(strpos+strlen) = 0;
      head->keyword = strpos;
      strpos += strlen+1;

      strlen = readu32(&s);
      readarr(&s, strpos, strlen);
      *(strpos+strlen) = 0;
      head->ig = strpos;
      strpos += strlen+1;

      head->auth_type = readu32(&s);

      strlen = readu32(&s);
      readarr(&s, strpos, strlen);
      *(strpos+strlen) = 0;
      head->param = strpos;
      strpos += strlen+1;
    case 1:
      head->valid = readu8(&s);
      head->time_expire = readu64(&s);
      head->time_create = readu64(&s);
      head->time_dead   = readu64(&s);
      head->page_no = readu64(&s);
      head->type = readu8(&s);

      strlen = readu32(&s);
      readarr(&s, strpos, strlen);
      *(strpos+strlen) = 0;
      head->keyword = strpos;
      strpos += strlen+1;

      strlen = readu32(&s);
      readarr(&s, strpos, strlen);
      *(strpos+strlen) = 0;
      head->ig = strpos;
      strpos += strlen+1;

      head->auth_type = readu32(&s);

      strlen = readu32(&s);
      readarr(&s, strpos, strlen);
      *(strpos+strlen) = 0;
      head->param = strpos;
      strpos += strlen+1;

    SYNC_ADD(&total_pages, 1);
    return page;
  return NULL;