Esempio n. 1
void TPSLaplaceResid<EvalT, Traits>::
evaluateFields(typename Traits::EvalData workset) {

  // Note that all the integration operations are ScalarT! We need the partials of the Jacobian to show up in the
  // system Jacobian as the solution is a function of coordinates (it IS the coordinates!).

  // This adds significant time to the compile

  Intrepid2::CellTools<ScalarT>::setJacobian(jacobian, refPoints, solnVec, *cellType);

  // Since Intrepid2 will perform calculations on the entire workset size and not
  // just the used portion, we must fill the excess with reasonable values.
  // Leaving this out leads to a floating point exception in
  //   Intrepid2::RealSpaceTools<Scalar>::det(ArrayDet & detArray,
  //                                         const ArrayIn & inMats).
  for (std::size_t cell = workset.numCells; cell < worksetSize; ++cell)
    for (std::size_t qp = 0; qp < numQPs; ++qp)
      for (std::size_t i = 0; i < numDims; ++i)
        jacobian(cell, qp, i, i) = 1.0;

  Intrepid2::CellTools<ScalarT>::setJacobianDet(jacobian_det, jacobian);

   // Straight Laplace's equation evaluation for the nodal coord solution

    for(std::size_t cell = 0; cell < workset.numCells; ++cell) {
      for(std::size_t node_a = 0; node_a < numNodes; ++node_a) {

        for(std::size_t eq = 0; eq < numDims; eq++)  {

          solnResidual(cell, node_a, eq) = 0.0;


        for(std::size_t qp = 0; qp < numQPs; ++qp) {
          for(std::size_t node_b = 0; node_b < numNodes; ++node_b) {

            ScalarT kk = 0.0;

            for(std::size_t i = 0; i < numDims; i++) {

              kk += grad_at_cub_points(node_a, qp, i) * grad_at_cub_points(node_b, qp, i);


            for(std::size_t eq = 0; eq < numDims; eq++) {

              solnResidual(cell, node_a, eq) +=
                kk * solnVec(cell, node_b, eq) * jacobian_det(cell, qp) * refWeights(qp);

Esempio n. 2
void LaplaceResid<EvalT, Traits>::
evaluateFields(typename Traits::EvalData workset) {

  // setJacobian only needs to be RealType since the data type is only
  //  used internally for Basis Fns on reference elements, which are
  //  not functions of coordinates. This save 18min of compile time!!!

  Intrepid::CellTools<MeshScalarT>::setJacobian(jacobian, refPoints, coordVec, *cellType);
  // Since Intrepid will perform calculations on the entire workset size and not
  // just the used portion, we must fill the excess with reasonable values.
  // Leaving this out leads to a floating point exception in
  //   Intrepid::RealSpaceTools<Scalar>::det(ArrayDet & detArray,
  //                                         const ArrayIn & inMats).
  for (std::size_t cell = workset.numCells; cell < worksetSize; ++cell)
    for (std::size_t qp = 0; qp < numQPs; ++qp)
      for (std::size_t i = 0; i < numDims; ++i)
        jacobian(cell, qp, i, i) = 1.0;
  Intrepid::CellTools<MeshScalarT>::setJacobianDet(jacobian_det, jacobian);

   // Straight Laplace's equation evaluation for the nodal coord solution

    for(std::size_t cell = 0; cell < workset.numCells; ++cell) {
      for(std::size_t node_a = 0; node_a < numNodes; ++node_a) {

        for(std::size_t eq = 0; eq < numDims; eq++)  {
          solnResidual(cell, node_a, eq) = 0.0;

        for(std::size_t qp = 0; qp < numQPs; ++qp) {
          for(std::size_t node_b = 0; node_b < numNodes; ++node_b) {

            ScalarT kk = 0.0;

            for(std::size_t i = 0; i < numDims; i++) {

              kk += grad_at_cub_points(node_a, qp, i) * grad_at_cub_points(node_b, qp, i);


            for(std::size_t eq = 0; eq < numDims; eq++) {

              solnResidual(cell, node_a, eq) +=
                kk * solnVec(cell, node_b, eq) * jacobian_det(cell, qp) * refWeights(qp);

Esempio n. 3
  void SurfaceBasis<EvalT, Traits>::computeJacobian(
      const PHX::MDField<MeshScalarT, Cell, QuadPoint, Dim, Dim> basis,
      const PHX::MDField<MeshScalarT, Cell, QuadPoint, Dim, Dim> dualBasis,
      PHX::MDField<MeshScalarT, Cell, QuadPoint> area)
    const std::size_t worksetSize = basis.dimension(0);

    for (std::size_t cell(0); cell < worksetSize; ++cell) {
      for (std::size_t pt(0); pt < numQPs; ++pt) {
        Intrepid::Tensor<MeshScalarT> dPhiInv(3, &dualBasis(cell, pt, 0, 0));
        Intrepid::Tensor<MeshScalarT> dPhi(3, &basis(cell, pt, 0, 0));
        Intrepid::Vector<MeshScalarT> G_2(3, &basis(cell, pt, 2, 0));

        MeshScalarT j0 = Intrepid::det(dPhi);
        MeshScalarT jacobian = j0 *
          std::sqrt( Intrepid::dot(Intrepid::dot(G_2, Intrepid::transpose(dPhiInv) * dPhiInv), G_2));
        area(cell, pt) = jacobian * refWeights(pt);

    int ComputeBasis_HGRAD_Vector(const ordinal_type nworkset,
                                  const ordinal_type C,
                                  const ordinal_type order,
                                  const bool verbose) {
      typedef Vector<VectorTagType> VectorType;

      typedef typename VectorTagType::value_type ValueType;
      constexpr int VectorLength = VectorTagType::length;

      Teuchos::RCP<std::ostream> verboseStream;
      Teuchos::oblackholestream bhs; // outputs nothing

      if (verbose) 
        verboseStream = Teuchos::rcp(&std::cout, false);
        verboseStream = Teuchos::rcp(&bhs,       false);

      Teuchos::oblackholestream oldFormatState;

      typedef typename
        Kokkos::Impl::is_space<DeviceSpaceType>::host_mirror_space::execution_space HostSpaceType ;

      *verboseStream << "DeviceSpace::  "; DeviceSpaceType::print_configuration(*verboseStream, false);
      *verboseStream << "HostSpace::    ";   HostSpaceType::print_configuration(*verboseStream, false);
      *verboseStream << "VectorLength::  " << (VectorLength) << "\n";

      using BasisTypeHost = Basis_HGRAD_HEX_C1_FEM<HostSpaceType,ValueType,ValueType>;
      using ImplBasisType = Impl::Basis_HGRAD_HEX_C1_FEM;
      using range_type = Kokkos::pair<ordinal_type,ordinal_type>;

      constexpr size_t LLC_CAPACITY = 32*1024*1024;
      Intrepid2::Test::Flush<LLC_CAPACITY,DeviceSpaceType> flush;
      Kokkos::Impl::Timer timer;
      double t_vectorize = 0;
      int errorFlag = 0;

      BasisTypeHost hostBasis;
      const auto cellTopo = hostBasis.getBaseCellTopology();

      auto cubature = DefaultCubatureFactory::create<DeviceSpaceType,ValueType,ValueType>(cellTopo, order);

      const ordinal_type 
        numCells = C,
        numCellsAdjusted = C/VectorLength + (C%VectorLength > 0),
        numVerts = cellTopo.getVertexCount(),
        numDofs = hostBasis.getCardinality(),
        numPoints = cubature->getNumPoints(), 
        spaceDim = cubature->getDimension();

      Kokkos::DynRankView<ValueType,HostSpaceType> dofCoordsHost("dofCoordsHost", numDofs, spaceDim);
      const auto refNodesHost = Kokkos::subview(dofCoordsHost, range_type(0, numVerts), Kokkos::ALL());
      // pertub nodes
      Kokkos::DynRankView<VectorType,HostSpaceType> worksetCellsHost("worksetCellsHost", numCellsAdjusted, numVerts, spaceDim);
      for (ordinal_type cell=0;cell<numCells;++cell) {
        for (ordinal_type i=0;i<numVerts;++i)
          for (ordinal_type j=0;j<spaceDim;++j) {
            ValueType val = (rand()/(RAND_MAX + 1.0))*0.2 -0.1;
            worksetCellsHost(cell/VectorLength, i, j)[cell%VectorLength] = refNodesHost(i, j) + val; 

      auto worksetCells = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(typename DeviceSpaceType::memory_space(), worksetCellsHost);
      Kokkos::deep_copy(worksetCells, worksetCellsHost);

      Kokkos::DynRankView<ValueType,DeviceSpaceType> refPoints("refPoints", numPoints, spaceDim), refWeights("refWeights", numPoints);
      cubature->getCubature(refPoints, refWeights);

        << "===============================================================================\n" 
        << " Performance Test evaluating ComputeBasis \n"
        << " # of workset = " << nworkset << "\n" 
        << " Test Array Structure (C,F,P,D) = " << numCells << ", " << numDofs << ", " << numPoints << ", " << spaceDim << "\n"
        << "===============================================================================\n";

        << "\n"
        << "===============================================================================\n"
        << "TEST 1: evaluateFields vector version\n"
        << "===============================================================================\n";
      try {
          refBasisValues("refBasisValues", numDofs, numPoints),
          refBasisGrads ("refBasisGrads",  numDofs, numPoints, spaceDim);
        ImplBasisType::getValues<DeviceSpaceType>(refBasisValues, refPoints, OPERATOR_VALUE);
        ImplBasisType::getValues<DeviceSpaceType>(refBasisGrads,  refPoints, OPERATOR_GRAD);
        const ordinal_type ibegin = -3;

        // testing vertical approach
            weightedBasisValues("weightedBasisValues", numCellsAdjusted, numDofs, numPoints),
            weightedBasisGrads ("weightedBasisGrads",  numCellsAdjusted, numDofs, numPoints, spaceDim);

          typedef F_hgrad_eval<VectorType,ValueType,DeviceSpaceType> FunctorType;

          using range_policy_type = Kokkos::Experimental::MDRangePolicy
            < DeviceSpaceType, Kokkos::Experimental::Rank<2>, Kokkos::IndexType<ordinal_type> >;
          range_policy_type policy( {                0,         0 },
                                    { numCellsAdjusted, numPoints } );

          FunctorType functor(weightedBasisValues,
          for (ordinal_type iwork=ibegin;iwork<nworkset;++iwork) {

            Kokkos::parallel_for(policy, functor);

            t_vectorize += (iwork >= 0)*timer.seconds();


      } catch (std::exception err) {
        *verboseStream << "UNEXPECTED ERROR !!! ----------------------------------------------------------\n";
        *verboseStream << err.what() << '\n';
        *verboseStream << "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << "\n\n";
        errorFlag = -1000;

        << "TEST HGRAD " 
        << " t_vectorize = " << (t_vectorize/nworkset)
        << std::endl;
      if (errorFlag != 0)
        std::cout << "End Result: TEST FAILED\n";
        std::cout << "End Result: TEST PASSED\n";
      // reset format state of std::cout
      return errorFlag;