Esempio n. 1
static int32_t adduser(Ceo__AddUser *in, Ceo__AddUserResponse *out, char *client) {
    int32_t chk_stat, status;
    char *prog;

    chk_stat = check_adduser(in, out, client);
    if (chk_stat)
        return chk_stat;

    if (in->type == CEO__ADD_USER__TYPE__MEMBER) {
        status = addmember(in, out);
        prog = "addmember";
    } else if (in->type == CEO__ADD_USER__TYPE__CLUB_REP) {
        status = addmember(in, out);
        prog = "addclubrep";
    } else if (in->type == CEO__ADD_USER__TYPE__CLUB) {
        status = addclub(in, out);
        prog = "addclub";
    } else {
        fatal("unknown user type %d", in->type);

    if (status)
        response_message(out, 0, "there were failures, please contact systems committee");

    adduser_spam(in, out, client, prog, status);

    return status;
Esempio n. 2
char *get_response (int *len) {
    if (response.code < 100 || response.code >= 600) {
        return NULL;
    const char *message = response_message (response.code);
    int length = strlen (HTTP_VERSION) + 1 + 3 + 1 + strlen (message) + 2 + 2;
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < response.header_count; i++) {
        struct http_header *header = &response.headers[i];
        length += strlen (header->key) + 2 + strlen (header->val) + 2;
    char *result = malloc (length);
    char *pos = result;
    int wrote = snprintf (pos, length, "%s %d %s\r\n", HTTP_VERSION, response.code, message);
    pos += wrote;
    length -= wrote;
    for (i = 0; i < response.header_count; i++) {
        struct http_header *header = &response.headers[i];
        wrote = snprintf (pos, length, "%s: %s\r\n", header->key, header->val);
        pos += wrote;
        length -= wrote;
    *pos++ = '\r';
    *pos++ = '\n';
    length -= 2;
    if (len) {
        *len = (pos - result);
    return result;
Esempio n. 3
void run_worker_udp_messenger(const rstd::vector<rstd::string> &client_peer_strings,
                              const rstd::vector<rstd::string> &worker_peer_strings,
                              const rstd::string &endpoint_info) {
  udp_messenger_type messenger(client_peer_strings, worker_peer_strings,
                                endpoint_info, false);

  udp_messenger_type::message request_message;
  while (true) {
    if (messenger.receive(request_message)) {

      // DON'T assume that message payload is null-terminated in production code.
      rstd::string request_payload = (const char *)request_message.payload_ptr();
      if (request_payload == "exit") {

      udp_messenger_type::message response_message(
        request_message, udp_messenger_type::message::ack_marker());

      rstd::string response_payload = "x" + request_payload;
      response_message.append(response_payload.c_str(), response_payload.length() + 1);
Esempio n. 4
static int check_adduser(Ceo__AddUser *in, Ceo__AddUserResponse *out, char *client) {
    int office = check_group(client, "office");
    int syscom = check_group(client, "syscom");

    notice("adding uid=%s cn=%s by %s", in->username, in->realname, client);

    if (!office && !syscom)
        return response_message(out, EPERM, "%s not authorized to create users", client);

    if (!in->username)
        return response_message(out, EINVAL, "missing required argument: username");
    if (!in->realname)
        return response_message(out, EINVAL, "missing required argument: realname");

    switch (in->type) {
        if (!in->password)
            return response_message(out, EINVAL, "missing required argument: password");

        if (in->password)
            return response_message(out, EINVAL, "club accounts cannot have passwords");
        if (in->program)
            return response_message(out, EINVAL, "club accounts cannot have programs");

        return response_message(out, EINVAL, "invalid user type: %d", in->type);

    if (getpwnam(in->username) != NULL)
        return response_message(out, EEXIST, "user %s already exists", in->username);

    if (getgrnam(in->username) != NULL)
        return response_message(out, EEXIST, "group %s already exists", in->username);

    if (ceo_user_exists(in->username))
        return response_message(out, EEXIST, "user %s already exists in LDAP", in->username);

    if (ceo_group_exists(in->username))
        return response_message(out, EEXIST, "group %s already exists in LDAP", in->username);

    return 0;
Esempio n. 5
static int32_t addclub(Ceo__AddUser *in, Ceo__AddUserResponse *out) {
    char homedir[1024];
    char acl[64];
    int krb_stat, user_stat, group_stat, sudo_stat, home_stat, quota_stat;
    int id;

    if (snprintf(homedir, sizeof(homedir), "%s/%s", club_home, in->username) >= sizeof(homedir))
        fatal("homedir overflow");

    if ((id = ceo_new_uid(club_min_id, club_max_id)) <= 0)
        fatal("no available uids in range [%ld, %ld]", club_min_id, club_max_id);

    if (snprintf(acl, sizeof(acl), CLUB_ACL, id) >= sizeof(acl))
        fatal("acl overflow");

    if ((krb_stat = ceo_del_princ(in->username)))
        return response_message(out, EKERB, "unable to clear principal %s", in->username);

    if ((user_stat = ceo_add_user(in->username, ldap_users_base, "club", in->realname, homedir,
                                  NULL, club_shell, id, NULL)))
        return response_message(out, ELDAP, "unable to create ldap account %s", in->username);
    response_message(out, 0, "successfully created ldap account");

    /* errors that occur after this point are not fatal  */

    if ((group_stat = ceo_add_group(in->username, ldap_groups_base, id)))
        response_message(out, ELDAP, "unable to create ldap group %s", in->username);
        response_message(out, 0, "successfully created ldap group");

    if ((sudo_stat = ceo_add_group_sudo(in->username, ldap_sudo_base)))
        response_message(out, ELDAP, "unable to create ldap sudoers %s", in->username);
        response_message(out, 0, "successfully created ldap sudoers");

    if ((home_stat = ceo_create_home(homedir, club_home_skel, id, id, acl, acl, NULL)))
        response_message(out, EHOME, "unable to create home directory for %s", in->username);
        response_message(out, 0, "successfully created home directory");

    if ((quota_stat = ceo_set_quota("csc", id)))
        response_message(out, EQUOTA, "unable to set quota for %s", in->username);
        response_message(out, 0, "successfully set quota");

    return user_stat || group_stat || sudo_stat || home_stat || quota_stat;
Esempio n. 6
static int32_t addmember(Ceo__AddUser *in, Ceo__AddUserResponse *out) {
    char homedir[1024];
    char principal[1024];
    int user_stat, group_stat, krb_stat, home_stat, quota_stat;
    int id;

    if (snprintf(principal, sizeof(principal), "%s@%s",
                 in->username, krb5_realm) >= sizeof(principal))
        fatal("principal overflow");

    if (snprintf(homedir, sizeof(homedir), "%s/%s",
                 member_home, in->username) >= sizeof(homedir))
        fatal("homedir overflow");

    if ((id = ceo_new_uid(member_min_id, member_max_id)) <= 0)
        fatal("no available uids in range [%ld, %ld]", member_min_id, member_max_id);

    if ((krb_stat = ceo_del_princ(in->username)))
        return response_message(out, EEXIST, "unable to overwrite orphaned kerberos principal %s", in->username);

    if ((user_stat = ceo_add_user(in->username, ldap_users_base, "member", in->realname, homedir,
                                  member_shell, id, "program", in->program, NULL)))
        return response_message(out, ELDAP, "unable to create ldap account %s", in->username);
    response_message(out, 0, "successfully created ldap account");

    /* errors that occur after this point are not fatal  */

    if ((krb_stat = ceo_add_princ(in->username, in->password)))
        return response_message(out, EKERB, "unable to create kerberos principal %s", in->username);
    response_message(out, 0, "successfully created principal");

    if ((group_stat = ceo_add_group(in->username, ldap_groups_base, id)))
        response_message(out, ELDAP, "unable to create ldap group %s", in->username);
        response_message(out, 0, "successfully created ldap group");

    if ((home_stat = ceo_create_home(homedir, member_home_skel, id, id, NULL, NULL, in->email)))
        response_message(out, EHOME, "unable to create home directory for %s", in->username);
        response_message(out, 0, "successfully created home directory");

    if ((quota_stat = ceo_set_quota("ctdalek", id)))
        response_message(out, EQUOTA, "unable to set quota for %s", in->username);
        response_message(out, 0, "successfully set quota");

    return krb_stat || user_stat || group_stat || home_stat || quota_stat;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  char userpwd[USERPWD_LENGTH];
  char *cache_data, *new_cache_data, *cache_ptr, *cache_file_path, *screen_name;
  size_t cache_size, old_cache_size;
  long cache_space;
  config *cfg;
  CURL *curl;
  CURLcode res;
  long response_code;
  memory friends_xml = {NULL, 0};
  xmlDocPtr doc;
  xmlXPathObjectPtr xpath_result;
  xmlNodeSetPtr nodeset;
  FILE* cache_file;
  unsigned int i, length;
  /* load configuration */
  cfg = parse_config();
    COMPLAIN_AND_EXIT("Error: Could not load or parse configuration. Make sure that the " \
                      "configuration file exists, is readable and contains the necessary " \
                      "information (see the README for more information).\n");
  SNPRINTF(userpwd, USERPWD_LENGTH, "%s:%s", cfg->username, cfg->password);

  /* retrieve friends XML */
  curl = curl_easy_init();
  if (curl) {  
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, write_to_memory);
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, USERAGENT_HEADER);
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, TWITTER_FRIENDS_URL);
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_BASIC);
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_USERPWD, userpwd);
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &friends_xml);
    res = curl_easy_perform(curl);
    curl_easy_getinfo(curl, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &response_code);
    if (!friends_xml.memory) 
      COMPLAIN_AND_EXIT("Error: Received no data from Twitter.\n");
    if (res != CURLE_OK) {
      COMPLAIN_AND_EXIT("(Twitter) Error: %s\n", curl_easy_strerror(res));
    if (!(response_code == OK || response_code == NOT_MODIFIED)) {
      COMPLAIN_AND_EXIT("(Twitter) Error: %s (#%lu)\n", response_message(response_code), response_code);
    /* parse friends XML */
    doc = xmlParseMemory(friends_xml.memory, friends_xml.size); 
    if (!doc)
      COMPLAIN_AND_EXIT("Error: Unable to parse Twitter's XML response.\n");
    xpath_result = eval_xpath(doc, (xmlChar*) "//screen_name");
    if (!xpath_result) {  
      return 0; // no data to process - should perhaps empty cache
    nodeset = xpath_result->nodesetval;
    cache_size = nodeset->nodeNr*15; // assuming each screen name being avg. 15 chars long
    cache_space = cache_size;
    cache_data = malloc(cache_size); 
    cache_ptr = cache_data;
    /* prepare data for writing */
    for (i = 0; i < nodeset->nodeNr; i++) {
      screen_name = (char*)xmlNodeListGetString(doc, nodeset->nodeTab[i]->xmlChildrenNode, 1);
      length = strlen(screen_name) + 2;
      cache_space -= length;
      if (cache_space <= 0) {
        old_cache_size = cache_size;
        cache_size = MAX(cache_size*2, cache_size + length);
        cache_space = cache_space + (cache_size - old_cache_size);
        new_cache_data = realloc(cache_data, cache_size);
        if (!new_cache_data) {
          COMPLAIN_AND_EXIT("Error: Could not allocate memory.\n");
        cache_ptr = new_cache_data + (cache_ptr - cache_data);
        cache_data = new_cache_data;
      if (i == 0) {
        strncpy(cache_ptr, screen_name, length - 1);
        cache_ptr += length-2;
      } else {
        SNPRINTF(cache_ptr, length, " %s", screen_name);
        cache_ptr += length-1;
    *cache_ptr = '\0';
    /* write data to cache file */
    cache_file_path = get_absolute_path(CACHE_FILENAME);
    cache_file = fopen(cache_file_path, "w+");
    if (!cache_file)
      COMPLAIN_AND_EXIT("Error: Could not open cache file (%s)\n", strerror(errno));
    fputs(cache_data, cache_file);
  return 0;